Orthodox Christians in the Unites States are living in a confusing time. While all the media talk is about politics and the new president, author Ben Dixon reminds us of something critically important that is usually overlooked, “People often say that politics is downstream of culture, but ignore that culture is downstream of the spiritual state of the nation.” You can’t save a culture, or a nation, unless you commit to saving souls – yours first of course. You can’t transform a nation, or a culture, unless you commit to transforming lives – yours first of course.
What matters is the Gospel – living it and sharing it. Though, really, that is the same thing.
Recently Share the Faith, a Pan Orthodox ministry supporting Orthodox missions and mission priests in the U.S., sponsored a panel discussion on Diversity in Orthodox Missions in the United States. Featuring Fr. Jesse Rimshas of St. Jacob of Alaska in Marquette, MI, Archpriest George Aquaro of St. Katherine Mission in Pullman, WA, and Fr. Turbo Qualls of St. Mary of Egypt Church in Kansas City, MO. The panel of priests from three different jurisdictions took head-on some of the toughest topics affecting Orthodox mission growth today. These include America’s massive divides in class, religious background of converts / inquirers, ideologies, ethnicities, races, languages, politics, and culture.
Some of the surprising points made by the panelists:
- Class differences can be among the most difficult to overcome within a parish setting. Americans spend little time talking about social class these days, but it has a big impact.
- Patience is required to help new converts truly embrace Orthodoxy, as they often bring in prior religious and ideological baggage. This is not a cause for alarm. Orthodox Christians can’t expect new converts or inquirers to be transformed over night.
- Online Orthodox influencers are often harsh and dismissive of their debate opponents. This shows neither love nor patience with others. While the information they are dispensing is accurate, their approach to people is often not Orthodox.
- Orthodoxy is not knowledge to be acquired, but an entire mode of life to be experienced. Online only Orthodoxy is no Orthodoxy. You have to live out your faith in a parish, where people will be challenging to deal with. You must “get your toes stepped on” to truly be an Orthodox Christian. (We need more parishes!)
- You have to be prepared to take in the people God brings, but that can be a serious challenge. People are messy.
The panel discussion is below. We highly recommend it. Also, please visit Sharethefaith.net and prayerfully consider a donation to support Orthodox Christian Missions in the United States!