The Lie of Ecumenism

The first duty of every Orthodox Christian is to defend his faith publicly and to be prepared to accept threats, persecution, ridicule, contempt, and so on. He must be particularly sensitive to Ecumenism, which subverts the only correct belief in the one, true God. The learned Hagiorite monk, Theoklitos Dionysiatis, used many examples to expose how devastating Ecumenism is for Orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the pan-heresy of Ecumenism is encouraged and preserved by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, in the hopes that it will become the lifeboat of this critical and highly dangerous era of ours. Clearly this constitutes a delusion, which many clergy and theologians are unable to abandon.

Ecumenism is a cocktail of various peculiar religious beliefs and eccentric philosophies. It is unacceptable syncretism. Everything fits within it – truth and lies, Orthodoxy and heresy. Ecumenism resembles a collapsing roof, beneath which exists everything that humankind can think of. It is a lie most difficult to discern, yet an attractive lie, which tests the conscience, one’s determination, and one’s faith. It is a charming “nothing”, which takes on an existential “hypostasis” within the soul of those who have not experienced the fullness of Orthodoxy, and who have not found “rest for their souls” (Orthodox studies, 1974, pg. 102)

Ecumenism is not [just] a movement that is casually being promoted by certain “foolish individuals of ambition.” It has a clear, global purpose, which if pondered upon, is shocking. Its construct is demonic, for “it claims that there is no truth in anything. With its mosaic composition, it promises to solve all of mankind’s problems. It comprises the means of a new view of life. It is Godless within its own polytheism. It is irreverent in its acceptance of all the irreverent ones under its roof. It sees fragments of truth everywhere – fragments of a broken mirror – which it aspires to unite. It does not accept a personal God and refuses to accept authentic, divinely inspired doctrines. It does not believe in any revealed Truth. [According to Ecumenism] there is no single absolute Truth but rather many imperfect [truths].”

[Recall how on July 15, 2021, Archbishop Elpidophoros, a representative of the Patriarch of Constantinople, stated that all religions are equal, and one should not be put above the other. According to him “all religions are myriads of paths leading to one God”. (UOJ News, Union of Orthodox Journalists, July 19, 2021)]

Furthermore, Ecumenism does not upset anyone; it does not acknowledge the existence of homelands or religions. [In its view] there is only an ambiguous god. Its goal is one universal religion. In other words, ‘let the people have their gods, even if they are idol-worshiping pagans’, provided there are no fanaticisms, so that world peace may prevail, and those most guilty of the misfortunes of the world might have an unrestricted playing field, and undisturbed activity, to take advantage of nations and keep them under oppression and in total dependency.

Therefore, in the face of this great danger – the pan-heresy of Ecumenism – vigilance and a courageous mindset are needed, as well as public outcry and dynamic resistance [to its tenets].

Archpriest, Father Dionysios Tatsis

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