Fr. Saša’s Warning: Elpidophoros ‘Leads His Entire Archdiocese to Spiritual Destruction’

In the most stunning public rebuke to date of Elpidophoros, Fr. Saša Petrović of America’s midwestern Serbian Diocese criticizes the head of the Greek Archdiocese for his ongoing undermining of the Orthodox Church. In a comprehensive speech, Fr. Saša cites Elpidophoros’ support of blatant sins and his disregard for Orthodox faith, practice, and doctrine as evidence that he “is not an Orthodox bishop.”

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Dress Rehearsal for Dictatorship: How Are You Helping to Set the Stage?

“Guard thyself then, O man; thou hast the signs of Antichrist,” wrote St. Cyril of Jerusalem in the fourth century. “And remember them not only thyself, but impart them also freely to all.” Do you recognize the signs of the coming dictatorship of the Antichrist? What role are American politicians playing? What role are you playing?

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The Way to Schism Part 2: Fake Ecumenical Unions

Can Christians who disagree over key doctrines still unite around a common chalice? Maybe they can, and maybe that “unity” can even extend to non-Christians. Welcome to the post-dogmatic world of modern religion, where we all follow “many paths” to the same God.

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