Canadian Archdiocese Undermines the Power of the Holy Eucharist
A spoon is just a spoon, even if it is gold, until it is dipped in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We fear Him more than any virus.
Read more →A spoon is just a spoon, even if it is gold, until it is dipped in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We fear Him more than any virus.
Read more →In his latest letter, Archbishop Sotirios misuses canons to justify multiple communion spoons. He must be called to account for this abuse.
Read more →From multiple spoons, Canada has progressed to the Archbishop suggesting baking prosforo with wine inside. Make your voice heard now and stand with the Ecumenical Patriarch for traditional communion!
Read more →An academic priest challenged traditional Orthodox communion using illogical and cherry-picked examples. Here a writer defends the Faith.
Read more →The teaching of Orthodoxy is that use of matter for Divine purposes transforms it forever beyond the ordinary. St. Symeon is one saint that confirms this.
Read more →The Bible tells us how good it is for believers to dwell in unity. But what to do when those of the church deny her teachings?
Read more →An Orthodox lawyer proves there is no legal mandate for multiple communion spoons. So why are the spoons still being mandated by Archbishop Sotirios?
Read more →The July 19th speech of His Eminence Archbishop Soitiros at Vespers contained misinformation that needs to be refuted. This review starts that process.
Read more →His Eminence Sotirios mischaracterizes those opposed to changes in communion, while giving so little direction the very body and blood of Christ is at risk.
Read more →Why did a Greek Archbishop allow secular authorities to dictate how a Mystery of the Church is performed? And why are so many other Bishops surrendering also?
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