Does the Orthodox Church Love American Culture Enough to Transform It?
No “Orthodox” culture ever dropped down from Heaven. All “Orthodox” cultures are so only after native cultures were transformed by the Gospel.
Read more →No “Orthodox” culture ever dropped down from Heaven. All “Orthodox” cultures are so only after native cultures were transformed by the Gospel.
Read more →The Orthodox Church survived persecution by Rome, Islam, and Communism. But can the Orthodox Church survive Karen?
Read more →How could we unite with Rome, with whom we have so many differences, when we can’t unite our own jurisdictions of one Orthodox Faith?
Read more →Patients have the right to informed consent to all medical therapies, including vaccines. It is morally imperative to affirm this right.
Read more →What if you wearing a mask to church not only doesn’t save any one, but actually makes the health situation worse for everyone?
Read more →Why did a Greek Archbishop allow secular authorities to dictate how a Mystery of the Church is performed? And why are so many other Bishops surrendering also?
Read more →Courtesy of the Corona hysteria, several of us GOA and OCA families are in exile at a Western Rite parish that blessedly is almost normal.
Read more →The OCA has put out a statement that is mostly explanatory as to how the parishes were locked down and later reopened with restrictions. The statement walks through the formulation and timing of the decisions. Lots of good information about the past, but somewhat short on future plans. We have provided some of our thoughts on this very legal statement.
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