Perennialism in Religion and Science
Are all religions fundamentally the same, leading to the one true God by different paths? Has God really assigned each of the “great world religions” to a specific sector or race of humanity?
Read more →Are all religions fundamentally the same, leading to the one true God by different paths? Has God really assigned each of the “great world religions” to a specific sector or race of humanity?
Read more →In the most stunning public rebuke to date of Elpidophoros, Fr. Saša Petrović of America’s midwestern Serbian Diocese criticizes the head of the Greek Archdiocese for his ongoing undermining of the Orthodox Church. In a comprehensive speech, Fr. Saša cites Elpidophoros’ support of blatant sins and his disregard for Orthodox faith, practice, and doctrine as evidence that he “is not an Orthodox bishop.”
Read more →A student’s inside look at heretical teaching in the Antiochian House of Studies. The future formation of Orthodox clergy is at stake. Nothing could be more important.
Read more →If the supremacy and infallibility of the Roman Popes were of Apostolic origin, then we would expect to have seen these dogmas “believed everywhere, always, and by all”. Were the Popes really supreme in the 1st Millennium?
Read more →For Orthodox Christians, ecumenism — interreligious unity — is prohibited. Because there is only one Christ, there is only one Church. Therefore, praying with, worshipping with, or sharing Holy Communion with other groups, including Roman Catholics, is heretical. But the relentless ecumenists are inside the gates, so now what?
Read more →The Roman Catholic Church cannot save the “West”. Rome is, in fact, at the center of destroying it for ideology and profit. Her actions are in stark contrast to the Orthodox Church.
Read more →Archbishop Elpidophoros is a very ambitious man. His own success, and not the Orthodox Faith, is clearly at the top of his personal agenda.
Read more →Archbishop Sotirios of Canada openly holds Masonic title. As Orthodox Christians, we must ask the hard questions of our leaders, and hold them accountable for their actions.
Read more →Can Christians who disagree over key doctrines still unite around a common chalice? Maybe they can, and maybe that “unity” can even extend to non-Christians. Welcome to the post-dogmatic world of modern religion, where we all follow “many paths” to the same God.
Read more →Americans usually see themselves as a force for good in this world. God’s own instrument of history. The last best hope of humanity. The soaring rhetoric of the American religion is even parroted by Orthodox bishops. The truth is much darker.
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