Are Orthodox Christian Bishops Afraid of COVID, the Government, or Both?
38 Canoncial Orthodox Bishops in America met virtually and drafted a message of “hope.” It was a timid, tepid defense of the “middle ground.”
Read more →How could we unite with Rome, with whom we have so many differences, when we can’t unite our own jurisdictions of one Orthodox Faith?
Read more →Is the Orthodox Faith meant to be a niche religion for ethnic believers and a few converts? Or is meant for every one in every town?
Read more →For the Orthodox Faithful who are sincere in their faith, public criticism of bishops does not come easy. So why is it happening?
Read more →Christianity is not safe. In fact, if done properly, Christianity is absolutely one of the most dangerous things imaginable.
Read more →Americans are increasingly socially isolated and oppressed on all sides. Our cities are on fire. How did we get here and what now?
Read more →Churches in California are closed by order of the Governor. While some important Protestant ministers are fighting, where are the Orthodox?
Read more →The Q&A Tour in Canada to get to the bottom of the multiple communion spoons continues. This update includes email chains with the gov’t.
Read more →A spoon is just a spoon, even if it is gold, until it is dipped in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We fear Him more than any virus.
Read more →Over a thousand years, the communion spoon has been perfect for every Christian of any age. Innovations like wine-bread threaten the faith.
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