After Hurricane Helene, What Have We Learned?
Disaster Response Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Orthodox Christians are not optional. They are necessities, because you can’t wait for the government to help you.
Read more →Disaster Response Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Orthodox Christians are not optional. They are necessities, because you can’t wait for the government to help you.
Read more →If the supremacy and infallibility of the Roman Popes were of Apostolic origin, then we would expect to have seen these dogmas “believed everywhere, always, and by all”. Were the Popes really supreme in the 1st Millennium?
Read more →The Roman Catholic Church cannot save the “West”. Rome is, in fact, at the center of destroying it for ideology and profit. Her actions are in stark contrast to the Orthodox Church.
Read more →American society and associated ideologies are noticeably failing Gen Z. Fortunately, discovering authentic Christian Tradition can bring them what they are missing.
Read more →Can Christians who disagree over key doctrines still unite around a common chalice? Maybe they can, and maybe that “unity” can even extend to non-Christians. Welcome to the post-dogmatic world of modern religion, where we all follow “many paths” to the same God.
Read more →Stories of historical Christian persecution teach many valuable lessons. Among the most important – no matter what you suffer, abandoning God is always your choice alone. If you do not forget God, He will not forget you.
Read more →Since July 4, 1776, there have only been 16 years when the U.S. was at peace. War is our normal state of affairs. As Orthodox Christians, we must teach America how to embrace peace and rid ourselves of rule by the war profiteers.
Read more →Orthodox Christianity’s record during COVID was mixed, but heroic resistance did abound. There are many reasons to have confidence that Orthodoxy will stand even stronger during “Disease X”. We look back at the good and the bad from COVID, examine what we have learned since, and look ahead to the future.
Read more →Are there any valid reasons for the Orthodox Church to support Western Rite Orthodoxy? It is past time for Orthodox Christians to have a serious dialogue on this question.
Read more →What did the Greek Revolution of 1821 achieve? Was it betrayed by the Western powers and Greek traitors? Why?
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