Resistance to Evil by Force
Orthodox Political Theology, Part II: Christian Service in War; Legitimacy, Symphonia, and the Role of Sobornost.
Read more →Orthodox Political Theology, Part II: Christian Service in War; Legitimacy, Symphonia, and the Role of Sobornost.
Read more →MAGA cheers President Trump’s moves for peace in Ukraine, but few are criticizing the push for renewed war in the Middle East and fresh censorship at home. Christians are in more danger than they realize.
Read more →Millennialism, in all its forms, is the curse of the modern world. Whether we believe we can perfect society, or fulfill prophecy to force Jesus to come back, the fruits of this heresy are always rotten. Yet for Americans captivated by thoughts of our own unlimited potential, there is nothing else nearly so attractive as a philosophy.
Read more →A critical response to Fr. James Krueger’s article on Orthodox Reflections concerning the validity of Western Rite Orthodoxy.
Read more →The religious roots of the West are Orthodox Catholicism, as shown by the many pre-Schism saints the Orthodox commemorate. Are we truly honoring these saints if we reject the rites which inspired them to such holiness?
Read more →St. Augustine taught that the only just reason for war was to achieve peace. Unfortunately for Americans, their ruling elite takes its cues more from George Orwell than from Orthodox Catholic saints. In America, war itself is the point.
Read more →For Evangelicals, it can be very hard to find Christ at the church Christmas program – whatever that happens to be in any given year.
Read more →Christianity is the most persecuted religion on Earth. Particularly in Ukraine and Syria, the incoming Trump Administration could help protect Christians using American power and influence. But will Trump make this a priority?
Read more →“Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war.”
—“The Tragedy of Julius Caesar”
Donald J Trump is likely to go down in history as having squandered the biggest mandate for change ever awarded to a president. One has to wonder, was he literally set up to fail by the very swamp the American people voted to drain?
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