The Theft That Theologians Always Overlook
Theologians want to help the poor and the downtrodden, and rightly so. But there is one theft from every worker they seem to always ignore.
Read more →Theologians want to help the poor and the downtrodden, and rightly so. But there is one theft from every worker they seem to always ignore.
Read more →Freemasonry stands condemned as an occult religion. Even so, secret Freemason patriarchs started the ecumenical movement in the Church.
Read more →Orthodox Christianity is revelation. It is frequently beyond our rational understanding. Science is a method, and reason must always prevail.
Read more →Is the Orthodox Faith meant to be a niche religion for ethnic believers and a few converts? Or is meant for every one in every town?
Read more →Riots and racial conflicts are NOT the normal of human interactions. We must return to an objective normal – Christ’s normal.
Read more →Americans are increasingly socially isolated and oppressed on all sides. Our cities are on fire. How did we get here and what now?
Read more →As an American looking for the historic Christian Faith, my first stop was Roman Catholicism. The Roman Church was just not what I imagined.
Read more →A Turkish author explains transforming Hagia Sophia into a mosque is an act of cultural vandalism and barbarism.
Read more →If Europe had been Southern Baptist, why visit? The old buildings are quaint and the castles kind of cool. But the real beauty is in the churches.
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