Why Matthean Priority Matters
If Matthew is not the first gospel written, then the whole Christian religion is a lie. Academia is mostly groupthink that too often abandons Tradition.
Read more →If Matthew is not the first gospel written, then the whole Christian religion is a lie. Academia is mostly groupthink that too often abandons Tradition.
Read more →If the supremacy and infallibility of the Roman Popes were of Apostolic origin, then we would expect to have seen these dogmas “believed everywhere, always, and by all”. Were the Popes really supreme in the 1st Millennium?
Read more →For Orthodox Christians, ecumenism — interreligious unity — is prohibited. Because there is only one Christ, there is only one Church. Therefore, praying with, worshipping with, or sharing Holy Communion with other groups, including Roman Catholics, is heretical. But the relentless ecumenists are inside the gates, so now what?
Read more →The Roman Catholic Church cannot save the “West”. Rome is, in fact, at the center of destroying it for ideology and profit. Her actions are in stark contrast to the Orthodox Church.
Read more →Why should a corrupt political system get to define your “civic duty”? Does voting for immoral people dull your conscience? How will you the individual distance yourself from an increasingly evil world?
Read more →American society and associated ideologies are noticeably failing Gen Z. Fortunately, discovering authentic Christian Tradition can bring them what they are missing.
Read more →The vehemence with which Evangelicals reject the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin can be surprising, until you realize that their version of Christianity hinges on the Shroud being fake.
Read more →“Guard thyself then, O man; thou hast the signs of Antichrist,” wrote St. Cyril of Jerusalem in the fourth century. “And remember them not only thyself, but impart them also freely to all.” Do you recognize the signs of the coming dictatorship of the Antichrist? What role are American politicians playing? What role are you playing?
Read more →Americans usually see themselves as a force for good in this world. God’s own instrument of history. The last best hope of humanity. The soaring rhetoric of the American religion is even parroted by Orthodox bishops. The truth is much darker.
Read more →Since July 4, 1776, there have only been 16 years when the U.S. was at peace. War is our normal state of affairs. As Orthodox Christians, we must teach America how to embrace peace and rid ourselves of rule by the war profiteers.
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