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It has been almost two years since the appearance of COVID-19 changed life as we know it. This far in, we seem to have more questions than answers. To help us on our journey through the new world of Pandemia, join a panel of experts from the medical, Orthodox religious, and legal disciplines to guide us in getting answers in a 90-minute webinar with live Q&A. Attendance is limited, so register today! Recordings of the webinar will be available, so check back for links when available.
Date: Sunday, January 9th
Time: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Eastern
Webinar Panel
Among the topics covered in this 90 minute presentation featuring live Q&A:
- Are the COVID vaccines necessary, safe, and effective?
- All the COVID vaccines in the US have links to aborted fetal cells, are they moral for Orthodox Christians to take?
- What is the current legal status of mandates, and how can we navigate them going forward?
- Will boosters work, and does repeated injection raise the chances of side effects?
- If you have taken a vaccine, can you get a religious exemption for the upcoming boosters?
- What are ethical, effective treatments for COVID-19?
- Can you detoxify your body if you have taken a COVID-19 vaccine?
- Do Christians have a moral obligation to take the vaccines, wear masks, and take other steps to protect others?
- Pastorally, how can Orthodox Christians confront the fear of death, hysteria, depression, anxiety, drug addiction, and other surging social problems?
- Are the vaccines and vaccine passports mentioned in prophecy? If so, how can we make sense of it all?
- Have mitigations such as lockdowns, masking, social distancing been effective at “stopping the spread” and/or reducing deaths? What have been the impacts of these attempts to battle a virus?
- How should the Orthodox Church respond to demands from civil authority such as checking vaccine status, mask mandates, and attendance limits?
- How are limits on the free exercise of religion legal, and what can we do about them in court?
- Are we seeing a shift back towards sanity among medical professionals, among the clergy, and in the legal / political arena?
Don’t delay. Live attendance is limited, so register today!
Looks like a good lineup. May this be blessed!
Listening to the recording works best for my schedule, so I will look for the link to that in a few days.
The real carnage is now picking up steam. As one who spent 20 years selling insurance, I can tell you insurance actuarials do not lie. (not health–they lie a lot).
Warning: a man-up talk ahead. Ladies, please disregard the following; sometimes men have to discuss things in a manly way. (forgive our irreverence).
Why is the Orthodox priesthood a “man-thing”? This can be understood in terms of covenant: this is because—like Christ; the TESTATOR (mediator/executor/initiator) of the New TESTAMENT/covenant— the man-priest stands before God—at the altar; at the ark of covenant— bejeweled with TESTICLES, the bodily manifestations of God’s TESTAMENTS (Old and New), the TESTIMONY of God’s two-fold voice of His Everlasting Covenant with Man. Additionally, TESTOSTERONE (hormone of the covenant) drives the priest-craft with gusto—as David danced before the ark wearing the priestly garments —, potency, and a deep voice of authority reseeding the creation with Spermatikos Logos. The facial identity of that testament/covenant priesthood rests in the beard, not found on women, children, or even angels.
Why did God not put women into the ecclesiastical priesthood? (pastorally, they could do a better job) Because they don’t have them; the bodily emblems of the Covenant/Testament. Why did not God put an angel before the Ark of Covenant as priest? Because they don’t have them either. Neither do they have beards. Behold, the Great High Priest is a Man with a pair and a beard, not an angel.
So what does it mean to be a man-priest having a pair?
I digress: Unity among men is far more glorious than unity among angels, because SUBMISSION among angels is by nature (why the fallen cannot be redeemed) and SUBMISSION among men is fully voluntary—by free will. In this regard, Man images God far better than angels because SUBMISSION to the Father in the Son and the Holy Spirit ( the Singular Nature aside; just looking at the Persons) is fully voluntary. Without Man to image God, this aspect of covenant relations in the Godhead would be obscured.
Having a pair means each priest—each man— stands in the EVERLASTING COVENANT personally with God as a “called out one” in his own RITE/right and when he obeys his bishop, he is voluntarily coming into agreement (power of agreement; see Matt 18:19) adding the weight of his free will making it a joint action: synergy (angels don’t have this kind of synergy). This is what REAL unity is all about.
Conversely, that he has a pair—as a covenant man— also means if his bishop (or metropolitan) is channeling something other than the Church, the Holy Fathers, and the headship of Christ, that man is obligated to just say no (Realistically, “hell no”—literally “no to hell” slamming the gates of hell shut so the Church can prevail).
Picture this with me:
We are a high school football team (man-sport) trying to huddle to call a play but realize some members are missing. So we are waiting for some to figure out they have a pair, joint the fray, and to stop just sitting in the stands with the women and children.
While we wait, God also waits (as if Being a spectator in the stands) just watching all this going on. WHEN the remaining members find theirs, and say “hell no” slamming the gates in the face of hell, God will back them up (whatsoever ye bind on earth is bound in/by heaven).
They are not toys or ornaments hanging from a tree: they are the bodily manifestations of the Everlasting Covenant; the cosmic framework of God’s relationship with all of creation. And if you have a pair, your mission on earth is to establish God’s covenant on the earth either by being fruitful and multiplying God’s people and/or by establishing, marking off, and re-creating sacred space.
If the hierarch is consistent with the Church, obedience is an obligation. St Paul said, follow me AS I follow Christ. If the hierarch has left the reservation regarding anything the Fathers would object to, its your obligation to channel the fathers, not the error. Blind obedience means you checked yours at the door, and you are a hireling by not protecting the sheep when the wolf approaches.
Interestingly, the first canon of the first Ecumenical Council was the forbidding of the castration of clergy.
This grand little exercise is about one thing in its manifold manner: rightly discerning the Body of Christ. Those who do not rightly discern the body in any of its manifold dimensions will experience sickness, and even premature death (See St Paul’s 1 Cor. 11). I am not making this stuff up; St Paul etched it in the stone of Holy Writ canonized by the Fathers.
As Orthodox, we know very well discerning the Body means perceiving what’s in the Chalice. But, St Paul includes in the context another aspect of the Body equally important; discerning the Body in its members. (1 Corinthians 11). Therefore, disregarding the members is at the very least equal to disregarding the chalice because they are mystically one and the same thing: Christ. To disdain, reject, or turn away any member in good standing is to disregard for the Chalice as well. “Deep calleth to Deep” (St. David); and the Chalice (the Holy Virgin symbolized) calls unto herself ALL the faithful, not just some, not just the masked, not just the vaxxed. Will you deny her, her rightful place in the lives of the Faithful? Will you deny Christ, His access to the Faithful?
And yet, there is a third way of discerning the Body properly:
“Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit” (1 Cor. 6: 15-7).
Any priest, hierarch, or member who takes the “shot” is not discerning the Body in his own flesh and blood and risks the consequences St Paul spoke of. And any hierarch who uses his position as a person of trust to promote the vaccine, will at some point—if not already—feel the weight of a millstone about his neck. If a man joins himself to a harlot, he can separate his body from hers, repent, and amend his life, but any Orthodox Christian—especially the hierarchs (they should know better)— who takes the shot is making the members of Christ one with the frankenshot for life. He can never separate his body from what he has joined it to, never.
Any hierarch not offering exemptions disregards all three, the Chalice, the members, and the physical body as Christ. Without hesitation, he should be defrocked and excommunicated for such blatant disregard for Christ in the Chalice, in the members, and in each body. How will he not eventually experience the full weight of God’s wrath?
THE SHOT IS THE EUCHARIST OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. For the communicant, the first shot is baptism (covenant initiation) and the boosters are covenant renewals just like the Eucharist. Like the Eucharist, the shot is based on a sacrifice, that of the unborn who make it possible. As the Holy Eucharist carries (is) the presence of God, so also the shot carries a demonic presence as well (how can it be otherwise?). As the Eucharist is bringing immortality to the communicant, so also the shot brings its own fantasy of health, wellbeing, immortality, and godhood without God. How can it be otherwise? Taking the shot is coventally, physically, and spiritually joining the body—and therefore the whole person— to those who engineered it for anti-Christ purposes.
Perhaps they can touch on the court-ordered release documents by Pfizer, which shows, that the jabs kill people. Its a side-effect of the jab that this kills people, from Pfizer themselves, and their own data. This isn’t conspiracy, its from Pfizer – they say, in 90 days from the release, 1,223 people died out of 40,000 from their shots.
And now we have Orthodox who stand up for the government to enforce these? Is a neutral stance a participation in these deaths? This was just learned in December, if you have been ignoring all the poor crying people being censored from their medical injuries!
1223 Deaths of 42,000 people… 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release
Pfizer document, page 7.
Alt source:
Analyses of the few data Pfizer has so far been forced to release can be found here:
And here:
Anyways, the vaccines seem to be enormously effective:
It is hard not to miss the old days of intentional parody.