The letter below was sent by one of our contributors (name withheld by request) to Ancient Faith Radio. AFR has run, so far, two interviews between Fr. John Parker and Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash heavily promoting the COVID vaccines. It seemed a strange thing to do even once, since the “discussion” really amounted to Dr. Nash availing listeners of his opinions without any counter-balance from Fr. John or another guest. To do the same thing twice or more seems especially odd as there is no shortage of Orthodox physicians and medical researchers in the United States to provide additional commentary.
An Orthodox physician and an Orthodox Nurse in the pharmaceutical industry have both responded to the first podcast. We highly recommend reading both responses after listening to Part 1. In addition to strangely continuing to push one Orthodox MD’s opinions on the vaccines, Ancient Faith also severed its relationship with Abbot Tryphon mere days after he posted on Facebook (9/15) that taking “the jab” would mean walking away from his faith. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick, the Chief Content Officer for Ancient Faith Ministries, notified Abbot Tryphon via email shortly after the FB post that his blog was no longer welcome.
One of the most popular Orthodox clerics in America rejects the mRNA vaccines, and then his blog is shut down within days for being “too political” for AFR. The relationship between the Abbot and Ancient Faith appears to have been strained for some time, were the vaccine comments merely the last straw? Even before we received the information in the letter below, the timing of the move by AFR seemed strangely coincidental. Now we know that Ancient Faith has a potentially serious, and previously undisclosed, vaccine conflict of interest.
Hard questions must be asked in light of that fact.
Fr. John Parker (Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary)
Fr. Andrew Damick (AFR chief content officer)
Mr. John Maddex (AFR CEO)
Orthodox Reflections website
RE: The Spirit of Saint Tikhon’s “Covid and the Vaccines” podcasts
Christ is in our midst!
I see that St. Tikhon’s has scheduled Round Three with Parker and Nash on Oct. 14. Actually, from the flier, it appears Dr. Nash will lecture, without Fr. John’s podcast repartee. I’m sure AFR will dutifully broadcast the result, regardless.
But I’m wondering, who on Earth needs to hear from the same speakers for a third time on this topic? Are these the only Orthodox views to be aired? Have I missed the alternative? Because, I don’t think a real discussion has taken place among the Orthodox about the COVID investigational shots.
Is AFR not airing other views, because Parker and Nash possess unimpeachable credibility? To use Fr. John’s “fun fact” turn of phrase, here is a fun fact Parker and Nash missed: The FDA violated federal law, pulled a classic bait-and-switch, and actually approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty shots, which are not available in America. See Children’s Health Defense’s lawsuit.
Is AFR not airing other views, because one of your trustees, Mr. Mark Yniguez, is a former 19-year employee of Pfizer? His LinkedIn page says so.
In AFR World, is this an undisclosed conflict of interest?
Is AFR not airing other views, because many bishops and clergy favor the shots; and, therefore, a supposed consensus has been reached? I have news for you: No consensus is in sight, and neither is a “return to normal,” no matter how hard you’re wishing for it, or how many injections or drugs the war-profiteering pharmaceutical giants deploy.
The note on the flier announcing St. Tikhon’s upcoming lecture betrays an impatient, hectoring tone. “This matter, unfortunately, is not dying a quick death,” it reads. Let’s just say, I’m rooting for the seminarians and others who are pushing back against Parker’s and Nash’s re-education camp lectures.
Is St. Tikhon’s and AFR’s goal to kill dissent, or to have a robust discussion on the important topics of bodily autonomy and experimental injections?
For the Robust Discussion Option, I suggest you beseech the affable Dr. Peter McCullough of Texas to grace your podcasts, posthaste. Dr. Nash mentioned Dr. McCullough in passing and only in relation to the drug Ivermectin, in his Round Two Parker-Nash podcast.
But McCullough has many fun facts to share. For starters, he says that a former president of the American Medical Association recently told him: “We have the largest biological product catastrophe in human history going on right now. … And no one knows how to stop it.” See time-stamp 01:40:38 on this video.
Perhaps McCullough isn’t referring to the abominable, longstanding pseudo-medical practice of using fetal cells. Why don’t you find out what he means, instead of dismissing those who will not toe your line?
Name Withheld by Request
It is not only Ancient Faith Radio where one can sniff a possible conflict of interest: on the vaccines. Supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
For comparison:
HART on the vaccines. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
pause2think on the vaccines. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
Doctors for Covid Ethics on the vaccines. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
STAT on the Sputnik vaccines. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
(For reference: on masks. Supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
For comparison:
Swiss Policy Research on masks. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
Left Lockdown Sceptics on masks. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation: on masks. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation: on the situation in Russia. Not supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation:
Addendum to my previous comment concerning “”, which claims to be “The Daily Website on how to be an Orthodox Christian Today”.
Here is a piece where PANDA’s Nick Hudson demolishes one of PANDA’s critics:
The facts raised in that text can be equally used to demolish the cheap, base, dirty propaganda on “”, presented under the guise of Orthodoxy.
Nick Hudson states towards the end of his piece:
“The policy response to this epidemic has done great harm to ordinary people while deepening the reach, influence and power of oligarchs, politicians and sheltered academics. Ivo parrots the voices of this ‘elite’. Fearful, wholly taken in by manipulative propaganda, and hopelessly biased.”
The final sentence could also serve well as a replacement for’s current slogan “The Daily Website on How to be an Orthodox Christian Today”:
“ — Fearful, wholly taken in by manipulative propaganda, and hopelessly biased“
Saint Tikhons Monastery also employs a two tiered system of mandatory masks for visitors but none for seminarians, monastics and “people they know”. If you are a visitor, then you’ll be approached about having to wear a mask because Abbott Sergius requires it. They also ask via email prior to visiting if you’re vaccinated, which is a joke because it’s not a real vaccine.
So rules for thee, but not for me. Magically, members of the remarkable St. Tikhons crowd are immune to a disease communicable only in their church but ONLY by visitors. Amazing.
They might as well tell visitors to sit on the back of the bus, drink only from certain water fountains, sit only at certain lunch counters. Maybe yellow stars on jackets too.
“They also ask via email prior to visiting if you’re vaccinated …”
— One should not hold that against them. Those who are in the angelic state might be prone to overlook certain issues:
I don’t hold it against them which is why I answered when though it’s really none of their business. I think, however, it definitely raised a red flag.
As for the angelic state, let’s not be silly. If it was a lay person who did this, would you be so quick to give them a pass?
That was irony. I do not give them a pass. All the more so because they are not lay people.
Regarding “many years”: HEK-293 had her kidneys cut out of her without anesthetics while her heart was still beating. The “293” implies it was the 293rd attempt, meaning there were hundreds of other babies that had their kidneys similarly cut out, but which were not successful at immortalization.
I have tried numerous times to join this group this morning, but every time I get rejected for my , according to the page, never correctly copying the letters to prove I’m not a robot. I may misread something once in a while, but not each of the dozen or more times I tried.
Since I cannot convince your program that I am not a robot, just what can I do to join this group? Will be awaiting a response.
Thank you,
(Rev.) Charles Hanna
Two quick points, Father. First, it is very disingenuous to come to a site with hundred of pages of information about the COVID vaccines and then state, “I do not understand why there is such a problem with most of the Corona-19 vaccines.” If you spent as little as 10 minutes on Orthodox Reflections, you would not need to ask that question. But, the tone of your post indicates that you might not be that curious, really. Here are some reasons:
1) The vaccines are unnecessary. Like any respiratory virus, COVID has been treatable from the beginning. There was never a need for an Emergency Use Authorization for these investigational shots. Good treatments and good physicians recommending them were vilified and people were allowed to die to protect corporate profits. You can find more about that in these articles:
You can see this again with the vilification of aspirin. For years doctors have been recommending low dose aspirin, but now that Israeli researchers have found so much benefit for COVID from Aspirin, now aspirin is being treated like Ivermectin. You can also see clearly that Merck and even Pfizer are coming out with more drugs for treatment. Add to all these facts that study after study confirms natural immunity is real and better than vaccine immunity, and finally consider the low rate of mortality or even severe outcomes in health, relatively young, non-obese people. There is NO DUTY or even medical benefit to getting these vaccines.

2) The vaccines have not been properly studied, so no, these are not the best science has to offer. Here are bullet points from an article in the BMJ, which you must be familiar with, concerning how limited the Pfizer studies really are:
We cover much more here:
The trials are not at all conclusive that the vaccines are at all worthwhile, and they certainly wane quickly. The push for boosters could take a bad situation and make it catastrophic as the boosters could make the impacts of the Spike Protein much worse:
An Orthodox medical researcher looked at the available study data, and found the ARR of the Pfizer shot to be under 1%, not the 95% estimated.
Not only are the studies incomplete, they are flawed, they are being mischaracterized, and the benefits are being oversold for pecuniary and other gains.
We talk about the exploitation of the pandemic by various major interest groups here:
3) All current vaccines make use of aborted fetal cells for at least testing. We provide a chart and more information here:
While some Orthodox bishops are (sadly) promoting these shots, many others are not. Among them are Greek hierarchs such as Metropolitan Neophytos and others we mention towards the end of this article:
Even the Catholic archdiocese of the armed forces now recognizes that these “vaccines” are harmful to the individual conscience of a Christian. As a priest and physician, you should support the right to voluntary, informed consent above all else. Push the mRNA jabs all you want, but at least support free will. I almost forgot to mention Abbot Tryphon, whose refusal to take the mRNA jabs on moral grounds is covered in the very article you commented on.
As for prior vaccines (which are not the same technology at all, as you know) or prior use of fetal cells, an Orthodox physician answered that here. You should take a look
4) The “vaccines” are killing and maiming hundreds of thousands for no medical benefit to anyone really, as they don’t stop the spread and don’t really prevent illness. A corrupted federal regulatory system is covering this up.
Here is an article that lays out the massive numbers reported to VAERS so far and the outsized profits accruing because of vaccines and boosters:
This is pathology information on what the injections really do in the body:
This article is a response to Dr. Nash by an RN in the pharmaceutical industry and talks about endemic underreporting to VAERS:
We find it especially concerning that you would recommend experimental shots for the pregnant women. Good estimates are that we have already had 7,998 or more birth defects and fetal deaths associated with these vaccines. For a priest to be so cavalier with the lives of babies is truly frightening.
We could post thousands and thousands of links of professionally researched information that would confirm all that we are saying. If you are a retired physician, then it is hard to believe that you would not already know about the long, long list of objections that we just laid out.
I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. I actually got some really great advice in the first interview from Fr. John.
You know, when he said he disengaged from all social media at the start of this ‘pandemic’ except for his wife’s FB account. So I followed his advice… and no longer listen to/read anything AFR-related (I’m not on FB otherwise I might have friended his wife, although I don’t know who she is which would have made that rather difficult).
I am also now more aware of purchasing my books from other sources, particularly the monasteries or the publishers directly, since I am no longer reading books that were not written by saints or blessed elders of the church to ensure my family is not being led off the path of Orthodoxy by the modern ‘Orthodox experts’. And now I have more time to read them since I am not following so many blogs/podcasts. It has been a blessing. Truly.
Perhaps we would all be much better off instead of trying to put our own fallen spin on things, we all just read the lives of the saints and their teachings and followed those. There are enough modern day saints who have advised us that we should be able to understand about these ‘modern’ day dilemmas.
I’m sure Fr. Andrew Damick will be critical of my actions as referenced in his blog post about ‘cancel culture’. Which is interesting as in his blog post of the Abbot Tryphon deplatforming he had purposely disabled the ‘comments’ section, thereby ‘cancelling’ anyone who wished to inquire about or comment on that situation.
He can consider my disengagement from AFR my comment on both the vaccine podcast (which also doesn’t have a mechanism for commenting, how convenient!) and the Abbot Tryphon issue.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, any person/platform who does not allow comments or an engagement in discussion (yes, I am also referencing Abp. Elpidophoros’ twitter account) is not defending the truth – they are afraid of the truth and any engagement in dialogue that may lead to the truth.
In case the question in your title was not rhetorical, yes, it seems as if they DO have a conflict of interest, or at the very least a skewed influence in one particular direction.
“True faith is found in the heart, not the mind. Those who have faith in their minds will follow the Antichrist, while those with faith in their heart will unmask the Antichrist.” Saint Gabriel of Georgia Religious Exemptions On The Ledge – Cyberian Orthodox ( After this quote, there is nothing left to be said about what is going on at AFR with these vaccine ‘interviews’.
Kyrie eleison imas.
Dear Aggeliki
Thank you and God bless you for your very insightful comment. It can be very difficult to put into words what is in the heart.
May the Lord have mercy on us
Did Fr John P really say that he disengaged from all social media? Asking because he’s made a number of FB posts in recent months.
Interestingly, this new piece on Ancient Faith Blogs by Frederica Mathewes-Green:
Some concerted effort to keep people away from, let’s say, the Twitter accounts of Nick Hudson, Abir Ballan, Taylor Hudak, Doctors for Covid Ethics, Anna Brees etc. and comparing the information provided there to the “information” provided by Father John Parker and Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash on Ancient Faith Radio?
Also, this advice by Mrs. Mathewes-Green:
“And keep your prayer rule! Spend time with the Lord every day. Tell him what’s on your mind, tell him about anything that worries you.” — Now, all those members of the clergy who mindlessly parroted the government and mass media wording, instead of just taking the little effort to carefully and precisely use more neutral and cautious wording in any communication about the current situation, supposedly all do their daily prayer rule. (Supposedly, they also believe in God to whom they have to give account for every careless word). Maybe they should have, in addition to their prayer rule, spent much more time on social media.
And why does Mrs. Mathewes-Green advise us to tell God “what’s on your mind, tell him about anything that worries you.” — Isn’t that exactly how the heathens pray, and what we are not do, because God knows these things already?
Thanks for the link and the info. The fact that FMG points out that the one thing she does read everyday is Rod D is hilarious. He’s probably the one person you should most avoid reading.
The FDA and pharmaceutical overlords have threatened to revoke the medical license from doctors that go against their recommendations – (read as nefarious agenda).
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg:
“ It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody’s beard.”
The gate keepers (some) of the Orthodox Church never cease to amaze me as to how ignorant can you be and not be run out of town. Having spent 20 years as an insurance agent, I spent a lot of time sorting and explaining a clients liabilities (what you will be sued for). Bottom line: Parker, Ryan, many bishops, and AFR are themselves PRACTICING MEDICINE for all practical intents and purposes. In other words, by favoring one medical opinion over another, they have taken the burden upon themselves to sort medical issues without seeing as single patient. While Ryan is a doctor, practicing medicine online is a no-no if you have any common sense. Anyone who gets the vaccine because they got a favorable review by the theologians, seminary professors, and bishops has a right to sue them. Making any decision based on advice given makes the advisor LIABLE for the outcomes–and this is magnified many times over for any “person of trust”. I cannot believe lawyers are not all over this…yet.
More and more, this smells very fishy. There has to be a whole lot more to this than what we are seeing.
Thank you for posting this. I was very disappointed when I saw that AFR had taken down “The Morning Offering.” That blog was a daily blessing and encouragement that I definitely needed (I know many feel the same!). God bless Abbot Tryphon!
I received the Pfizer vax. I developed DVT, pulmonary embolisms, and a large blood clot “saddled” on the veins going into my lungs shortly after the second shot. For two months I complained to my HMO about feeling bloated and difficulty breathing. They kept concentrating on my gastro-intestinal until after a enhance CT Scan, which they didn’t review for 10 days after I had it, that they had caught the lower section of my lung and saw blood clots. They sent me to ER. I was immediately admitted where they gave me blood thinner on IV. They told me that I should have been dead, especially because I had been going to the gym for the past two months, traveled by plane, and was in high elevation for a weekend trip. Of course we know it was God who saved me, but they contributed part of my survival to weekly workouts that included cardio giving me a a very strong heart. Glory To Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
And now my governor in CA is mandating a vax for children in public and private school. My youngest son turns 5 this month. Thank God we had already planned to move out of this “God forsaken” state. Sadly, too many people are not paying attention to what’s really happening, including some of the clergy. I am blessed that my priest is very aware of the problems. Let us pray for an awakening to the realities surrounding us!