We’ve known for some time that the mortality rates for COVID are extremely low, and getting lower as doctors improve their treatment protocols. The virus has above a 99.95% survival rate for those under 70. See the bullet points in this article summarizing reasons why the virus is not nearly dangerous enough to justify the current hysteria, or even for most people to risk the side effects of a vaccine. Additionally, we’ve now been told by the New York Times that immunity for recovered patients can persist for a long time:
Eight months after infection, most people who have recovered still have enough immune cells to fend off the virus and prevent illness, the new data show. A slow rate of decline in the short term suggests, happily, that these cells may persist in the body for a very, very long time to come.
At this point, over 11 million Americans have recovered from mostly asymptomatic COVID-19. The true number is probably many times higher than that. There is now every reason to believe that those people are now immune to further infection. So herd immunity could be close, and maybe even reached in some areas. If such an immune response is possible, then vaccination which produces immunity is also possible, and we are being promised effective vaccines any day now. This is all great news!
Death rates are down from where they were. Hospitalizations are down, including less use of ICU beds. No hospital system is being “overwhelmed.” In fact, the only metric which is repeatedly causing alarm is the rise in “cases.” Headlines are screaming about a rise in “cases” across all media. But despite the massive hype, many people are beginning to question if “cases” are really something to panic over.
Top pathologist, expert in virology, and biotech CEO Dr. Roger Hodkinson said the following to government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference that was recorded and subsequently uploaded to YouTube:
I might know a little bit about all this. There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public…. social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing. Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people – I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense – seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face… positive test results do not, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection… I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level, it should all stop tomorrow.
As the doctor noted, positive tests do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but probably not. Note the current “case” of Donald Trump , Jr. who tested “positive” but is totally asymptomatic. And a positive result does not mean you are contagious. In general, it is extremely hard to have any confidence in any of the testing measures, as evidenced by the fact that Elon Musk could test positive two times and negative two times in the same day before declaring that something “bogus” was going on.
Positive tests without actual symptoms are not real “cases” the way we understood that term prior to our current COVID hysteria. So the “uptick” in cases, as most normal people and medical professionals have come to realize, is not an actual crisis. Nor are our “countermeasures” such as masks, lockdowns, curfews, etc. even effective in stopping what transmission is occurring. Rand Paul, medical doctor and Senator, made that clear when discussing his governor’s latest lock down measures:
“Let’s hope, in this case, the court will intervene,” Paul said. “I’ve been calling my governor for months ‘DWP,’ drunk with power, because he’s taken this power without any consent from the legislature.”
“…the edicts that are coming from the governor, and from the governor of Michigan, they’re completely arbitrary,” he said. “They’re not based in any kind of science. There is really very little objective science to prove that any of this works.”
As to the cloth mask mandates, Paul, a physician, said that studies show that they do not work and exist merely as an act of “theater.”
“They’re theater,” he said. “If you look at the cloth masks, 97% of virus-sized particles go through a cloth mask, so we’re kidding ourselves, and what it’s doing is it’s detracting from the one thing that could save and could really help us, and that’s the vaccine.”
“There’s about 10 different countries or venues, maybe 20, that instituted mandatory masks, and every one of them to a T, the infection rate or the COVID rate went up after the mask mandate,” Paul continued. “Now, this is just showing that … all these mitigation strategies — washing our hands, staying six feet apart — they really don’t work, frankly.
“Lock downs” do not work and the economic and social devastation they cause are way worse than a virus with such a low mortality rate. Even officials from the WHO have recently admitted that. So now we are 8 months into 15 days to flatten the curve, and it is clear that the United States and the world have wrecked our economies, expanded poverty, made people depressed and suicidal, abandoned our elderly in care homes to deaths of despair and neglect, threatened mass starvation, and destroyed our spiritual lives by reducing God to a “non-essential” hobby. All for no tangible benefits to combat a virus that almost 100% of the infected under the age of 70 will recover from, usually having had little to no symptoms. After recovery, they will have long-lasting immunity to reinfection.
This is why 35,236 medical professionals have signed the Great Barrington Declaration which states:
Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.
Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.
As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.
The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.
Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal.
Do you see a theme here? The virus is not worth destroying our lives over. Get back to normal and focus on the vulnerable! Tens of thousands of experts have gone on record telling us to stop what we are doing and live our lives. The “experts” have spoken, and spoken, and spoken.
But outside of Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis has become a bastion of common sense, politicians in almost the entire United States, and much of the world, are only listening to pro-lock down “experts.” Many American states are headed into a second severe lock down, even though many of those same places never fully re-opened to begin with. Canceling Thanksgiving, closing schools, closing restaurants to in-door dining, curfews, closing bars, closing gyms, closing churches, stay-at-home orders, limiting capacities severely at public events or outright banning them, mandating mask wearing even in your own home, limiting or canceling athletics, canceling Christmas even – most governors in this country are in a contest to become the biggest, most unconstitutional Scrooge in history.
The intolerant drive to suppress any and all fun in life seems like an unwanted revival of that historical scourge of America, Puritanism, which author H.L. Mencken described as, “The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” Transgender affirming, Gay-rights supporting, anti-God, anti-gun, pro-weed, and pro-abortion Puritans. Tell me you saw that coming. Thank you 2020 for yet another gift.
How on Earth could this be happening? How do we find ourselves being lorded over by power-drunk petty politicians and being lectured by a narcissistic dwarf called Dr. Fauci “to do what you’re told” as our society is fundamentally wrecked?
As one of my economics professors was fond of saying, “If the stated reasons make no sense, then they are probably a smokescreen.”
The Great Reset
Is The Great Reset the real reason so many powers-that-be are trying to destroy our civilization in order to build back better? And is their embrace of the globalist agenda the reason why Christian Bishops, Roman Catholic and Orthodox alike, are so quiescent as their churches are kept closed and their parishioners impoverished?
Time Magazine did a whole cover on The Great Reset, and the World Economic Forum has been talking about it for months. World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab even published a book on the subject. But it was not until a video went viral of Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, talking about the opportunity afforded by the pandemic for a “reset” that most of the world took notice. Trudeau made his statements during a September 29 video conference where he, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, and Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced the convening of a “high-level” meeting to discuss how world leaders “could build a better, more equitable system that works for everyone” in the wake of the pandemic:
“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change,” declared Trudeau.
“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals].”
Trudeau has since tried to say that The Great Reset is a conspiracy theory. Can it be called a conspiracy when it is a publicly acknowledged movement supported by very influential people who are all also echoing the same talking points? Trudeau’s remarks are eerily similar to those of Democrat former vice president Joe Biden and U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson. Joe Biden’s Official Presidential Transition Website is – buildbackbetter.com. On that site, we are promised that: “President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are confronting a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice, and climate change. The team being assembled will meet these challenges on Day One.”
Former Presidential Candidate, Senator, and Secretary of State John Kerry endorsed The Great Reset as an opportunity to squelch the rise of populism around the word:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry attended a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum during which he asserted that a great reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism.
“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”
So The Great Reset is clearly a thing. But is The Great Reset a bad thing? Roman Catholic Archbishop Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio, issued a warning about it:
A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.
The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the
imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.
It might be tempting to dismiss the Archbishop’s warnings as so much conspiracy mongering, if it weren’t for the niggling fact that almost everyday brings more announcements of technology that will play a role in the things he is warning about:
Recently, the United Nations had some big announcements that went largely unnoticed, including the rollout of a biometric digital wallet and an announcement that one of its specialized agencies The International Civil Aviation Organization is one step closer to an internationally recognized digital travel credential.
As reported by Biometric Update, this particular UN biometric digital wallet is intended for UN employees and it can be used for data related to human resources, medical status, travel, payroll and pensions.
The Great Reset for Dummies
Let’s look a bit closer at the details using information from The Great Reset for Dummies:
The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, the obsessiveness of a deranged accountant with a gambling addiction—and an upgraded, digital version of “Manifest Destiny.”
The mathematical reason for the Great Reset is that thanks to technology, the planet has gotten small, and the infinite expansion economic model is bust—but obviously, the super wealthy want to continue staying super wealthy, and so they need a miracle, another bubble, plus a surgically precise system for managing what they perceive as “their limited resources.”
The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital anxiety and precision—all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability.
The reform in question is meant to disrupt all areas of life, on a planetary scale: government, international relations, finance, energy, food, medicine, jobs, urban planning, real estate, law enforcement, and human interactions—and it starts with changing the way we think of ourselves and our relationship with the world.
Much has been made lately of how politicians are so hypocritical in not obeying their own COVID rules. Governor Newsome and his maskless dinner party at a fancy French restaurant, even after chastising Californians to limit Thanksgiving festivities. Speaker Nancy Pelosi got a haircut at a salon in California, even though salons were closed there at the time. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a supporter of nationwide mask mandates, was photographed maskless in an airport and in the hallway of the Capitol. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser traveled to Delaware for a Biden victory party, but didn’t follow her own quarantine protocols upon return. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced new lockdowns, even though the previous week she had been whooping it up maskless on the street with a huge crowd to celebrate the Biden “victory.”
While the level of hypocrisy surely calls into question the seriousness of the “pandemic” and the effectiveness of the rules being flouted, a deeper question must be pondered. Is this just typical political hypocrisy, or is it the dawn of a new social order – one that will ensure the wealthy, and their lackeys, are free to do as they please while we, the serfs, struggle under severe restrictions? Once power is centralized in the hands of the technocratic elite, then to whom must the new master class answer?
As Vigano warned, this is not a grassroots effort. It is led by the top-tier of wealth and power in the world:
So, who are the people leading this, and how coordinated is this effort? From the looks of it, it seems to be the usual suspects: top capitalists of the world, historically wealthy dynasties from different parts of Earth, members of secular and religious royalty, billionaires, etc.—in other words, it’s the people who have enough money to feel like this world is theirs, the 0.0001%—and maybe also the people immediately under them who are seeking upward mobility. Some familiar faces, some faces we’ve never seen.
On the ephemeral side, the vision of the “resetters” is related to the futuristic ideas that were popular in the early 20th century, to the dream of a global corporate monopoly that propped up the bolshevik revolution of 1917, and to the overall crave of controlling the world with technology, something that was attempted and failed in the Soviet Union in the 60s—using the language very similar to today’s. On the concrete side, the Great Reset (which by the way is very well coordinated, to the extent that both Biden and Johnson are using the same coded words put forward by the WEF) grows out of the post-WWII efforts to maintain a “correct” power balance in the world, with “correct” financial interests reaping the benefits.
These elites don’t necessarily agree on everything, and in some ways compete with each other. But on the basics, there seems to be widespread agreement. No one at that the top seems to dispute Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, when he says, “A Better Economy Is Possible. But We Need to Reimagine Capitalism to Do It.”
Among the upper crust, the desirability of a total overhaul of society is not even controversial. In fact Sesame Street has teamed up with the World Economic Forum to make a podcast called The Great Reset: Resetting Education with Sesame Street in which Grover can be heard helpfully telling children, “Resetting the entire world. That is a very big job.” The partnership is also producing a series of videos to teach children about the vital importance of learning to live with the ‘New Normal’: wearing masks, maintaining six feet social distancing, gratefully accepting their vaccine shots, and getting used to not playing with friends in person but just meeting them virtually on a screen.
While the COVID angle may be new as of 2020, the “Global Reset” movement has actually been in business for quite awhile, but under the banner of combatting “Climate Change:”
Let’s not forget that prior to 2020, there has already been a very expensively organized fear narrative, supported by more or less the same players who are now pushing for the Great Reset. I am of course talking about the weaponized “climate change” narrative. And while there are plenty of environmental problems that need to be addressed asap, the corporate “climate change” movement has been strangely focused on messaging that roughly coincides with the messaging of the Great Reset campaign, serving their financial goals—and the funding trajectories also overlap. So it looks like the financial interests behind the Great Reset tried out to use the “climate movement” first but it didn’t generate the desired fear levels quickly enough… it’s not a hippie grassroots movement—even if a lot of individual people sincerely pour their souls into that.
Now, it is very possible that the environmental movement was good and honest when it just started—but a lot of it has been since hijacked, in a very stealthy way where the people on the ground don’t even realize whom they are serving.
It should not be surprising that discussion of COVID control measures quickly morph into discussions of “Climate Change.” The two concepts are inextricably linked as rationales for transforming the world we know, into the world the elites want to bring into existence. Whether out of a genuine concern for ecology, fear of the virus, desire to help the poor, or even just out of a loathing for the bad orange man, many people are acting as foot soldiers for a global movement that will ultimately enslave them.
For all of this to succeed, America has to be gotten out of the way:
Traditional America, now, is very much in the way of this. Its habit of generous consumption and free expression, its self-centered foreign policies, its sense of entitlement, and its big suburban houses are a no-go. A traditional, independent, strong America is an obstacle. I feel like there is an active effort to “even America out,” to co-opt its government, to destroy farms and small businesses—especially the ones that are not consistent with this all-digital future—and to bring down the entitled middle class, especially in “outdated” career paths. It feels like we are currently in the middle of a “color revolution,” a soft coup. Usually, American elites do it to other nations—but now it’s happening on the domestic soil. It feels like the Great Reset agenda, through its messengers and through its money, is shaping both the schizophrenic “COVID response” and the suddenly mainstream and well-funded, super corporate “social justice / climate” movement, which are all at this point intertwined in terms of messaging.
What if all the economic destruction around the lock downs were not an accidental by-product of trying to wrangle a virus, but were the actual point?
Greek Orthodoxy and The Great Reset
COVID, Climate Change, income redistribution, anti-populism, the need to “build back better,” the need to “reimagine” the economy, the need to erase borders and national sovereignty (particularly American), the need to manage things globally – the same “coded words” permeate our political, social, and even religious discourse now. As we have noted in multiple articles, Orthodox bishops associated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate (though most of the others have not done much better) have been particularly reluctant to push back against COVID closings of churches and other restrictions. The Greek Orthodox organizations have also, among all the Orthodox, made the most prodigious use of the “coded words” of The Great Reset.
Examples of the use of Great Reset-style language can be found in For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church which was a collaboration of scholars and theologians published earlier in 2020 and fully endorsed by the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew. We have published some excerpts below with emphasis added on the points most closely aligned with Great Reset concepts:
Neither, certainly, should Orthodox Christians fear the reality of cultural and social pluralism. Indeed, they should rejoice in the dynamic confluence of human cultures in the modern world, which is one of the special glories of our age, and take it as a blessing that all human cultures, in all their variety and beauty, are coming more and more to occupy the same civic and political spaces. The Church must in fact support those government policies and laws that best promote such pluralism.
The modern nation-state is not a sacred institution, even if it can at times serve the causes of justice, equity, and peace. Nor are borders anything more than accidents of history and conventions of law.
The developed world everywhere knows the presence of refugees and asylum-seekers, many legally admitted but also many others without documentation. They confront the consciences of wealthier nations daily with their sheer vulnerability, indigence, and suffering. This is a global crisis, but also a personal appeal to our faith, to our deepest moral natures, to our most inabrogable responsibilities.
An international free flow of labor, and with it the capacity of labor to organize on a global scale and thereby demand basic standards of employment in all labor markets, would make such exploitation very nearly impossible. Hence the unholy collusion between many transnational corporate interests and many states to make the free flow of labor across borders impossible, often by the most draconian means.
The effects of sin and of our alienation from God are not only personal and social, but also ecological and even cosmic. For instance, our often heedless consumption of natural resources and our wanton use of fossil fuels have induced increasingly catastrophic processes of climate change and global warming. Therefore, our pursuit of alternative sources of energy and our efforts to reduce our impact on the planet as much as possible are now necessary expressions of our vocation to transfigure the world.
This means that the issue of climate change is also an issue of social welfare and social justice. The Church calls, therefore, upon the governments of the world to seek ways of advancing the environmental sciences, through education and state subventions for research, and to be willing to fund technologies that might serve to reverse the dire effects of carbon emissions, pollution, and all forms of environmental degradation.
And the Church encourages the faithful to be grateful for—and to accept—the findings of the sciences, even those that might occasionally oblige them to revise their understandings of the history and frame of cosmic reality. The desire for scientific knowledge flows from the same wellspring as faith’s longing to enter ever more deeply into the mystery of God.
Great economic inequality is, inevitably, social injustice; it is, moreover, according to the teachings of Christ, a thing abominable in the eyes of God. Whole schools of economics arose in the twentieth century at the service of such inequality, arguing that it is a necessary concomitant of any functioning economy. And the Church must in every generation, remembering the example of the Church of the Apostolic age, ask of every society whether there are not effective means—and perhaps new economic models—by which it would be possible to achieve a more just distribution of wealth, and thereby a more radical commitment to the common good, of society and of the planet we all must share.
The Green Patriarch and the Greek Church (with some dissent) are totally on board with global solutions to arrest climate change, explore new economic models, and redistribute wealth. Localism is bad, as national governments can foment nationalism and/or populism. National sovereignty (particularly American) must yield to international institutions. Borders are mere lines on a map, and it is immoral to try and control the flow of migrants or refugees across them. Globalism is good. National cultures must make way for diversity, because the Church must support “pluralism” and open borders. One must wonder whether open borders, pluralism, and denunciations of nationalism are meant to apply to Greece as well as the United States. Actually, there probably isn’t much question of that at all. We are certain that the Greek academics and theologians who enthusiastically champion “Hellenism” and welcomed Biden as “good for Greece” are probably not being very even-handed in their desire for “pluralism.”
Please note in the Tweet above that the President of Greece, a country with massive economic problems and a potential war on the horizon with Turkey, was most excited about the U.S. rejoining the Paris Agreement on Climate Change under a new Biden Administration. There seems to be a trend here….
The Ethos document was written in 2019 and published early this year, so no mention of COVID exists. However, there is a ringing endorsement of vaccines, and not one mention of opposition to mandatory vaccination. The Ethos document gushes over scientific and technological progress. There are some cautionary words about the potential misuses of technology, but nothing about the potential for loss of privacy, surveillance, or censorship. Curiously, the authors did see fit to denounce the use of the Internet to spread “misinformation.”
Are we saying that the Ecumenical Patriarch is part of a global movement to reset the world? Archbishop Vigano said as much about Pope Francis, who is a very close friend and ally of Patriarch Bartholomew. Here is what we can say about the Ecumenical Patriarch, the Greek Archdiocese, and the Greek Orthodox Church:
- Many writings, sermons, and communications frequently use the same “coded words” of social justice, income redistribution, Climate Change, anti-populism, open borders, etc. that are associated with The Great Reset.
- Realizing many of the social and political goals espoused by Greek Orthodox organizations would make The Great Reset easier to carry out.
- It is difficult to find writings, sermons, and communications that support concepts such as private property, right to self-defense, personal autonomy, right to privacy, vaccine freedom, local sovereignty, etc. that would make The Great Reset more difficult. This is despite the fact that other local Orthodox Churches and jurisdictions do frequently support and defend those very concepts.
- The Ecumenical Patriarchate has close ties to many globalist organizations.
- The Greek Archdiocese has gone above and beyond in enforcing COVID protocols. For example, masks are frequently required in GOA churches even when not required by local ordnances. Archbishop Elpidophoros and Archbishop Sotirios pushed multiple spoons for communion. The GOA has said almost nothing about even the most severe lock downs in California and elsewhere, going so far as to criticize those who did stand up for liberty.
- Archbishop Elpidophoros marched with BLM, and practically endorsed Joe Biden for president during a prayer at the DNC.
- The Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Church are suspected of being under the influence of Freemasonry.
Even so, there is no way to know if the Patriarch and those affiliated with him are merely being influenced by those pushing The Great Reset, or if they are actively involved in the movement to bring it about. In truth, it probably doesn’t matter. These Greek organizations appear fully globalist in mentality, and are totally blind (willfully or otherwise) to the extremely sinister endgame of the global elites who seek to re-engineer our entire world in order to control it. For our own “good” of course. And consciously or otherwise, the Ecumenical Patriarch and his subordinates are helping to bring this Satanic vision about.
We are not saying that the Ethos is entirely wrong. There are many good points in the document, and in fact, we don’t even disagree with everything in the parts we excerpted. Nor do we think that everything is fine with the world the way it is. The world economy in its current state is unsustainable. We do need to do a much better job of making Christ manifest in our treatment of the poor and needy. Our natural environment does need better care. But at the same time, lofty and even Christian ideals are being put to the service of Satanic ends. The Orthodox Church can espouse reform in a way that doesn’t destroy our economies or leads to the strengthening of the transnational elite that seeks to enslave us all in the name of a better world.
The time is now to speak up, before it is entirely too late. End the lock downs, reject The Great Reset and pursue Christian ends through Christian means. Unfortunately, for those of us who are Orthodox, we will be in this fight without much of the Greek Church.
The editorial staff of Orthodox Reflections – members of the GOA, OCA, and Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
I forgot to mention that they are not only using high tech technology to fulfill these plans of theirs they are also using Mayan, ( it’s called tecknomaya) mixed in with this crazy new teckniwlogy. A pios priest has said this. This is why we all need to be communing regularly and truthfully from true orthodox pious priests. This is an other reason why they want to destroy orthodoxy by doing this if success the faithful will fall to delusion ECT. May God help us and the Most Holy Theotokos!!!
Thank you for posting the truth. There’s a lot to say but it is exactly as the artical says it. This reseting the world is nothing more than an evil plan wherein demonized people will run the whole world to control it and everyone in it. They are prepareing the way for antitrust. These are the first steps for them to fulfil their long planned plans.Its true we orthodox true Christians will be fighting this fight alone as far as people are concerned but we have God in our side so we are not alone. Yes we need new true priest because the current priest are nothing but traders to orthodoxy for a long time now.They want to ruin the church and not preserve it. They are with the antichrists sid. True orthodoxy is in their way of establishing this monster. We must confess Christ now! All of us not just talk about. Christ said that cowards will Not inherit the kingdom of God.Im very surprised that no one had stood up for our churches closing up and the mask ECT in the first year of this devilish scam.People have been deprived of the holy liturgy when these coward priest wouldn’t let them in because they prefer to listen to the devil’s rather than God’s laws. When I would mention this to them, they would not care or show any kind concern. Lack of faith for sure. Thankfully I went else where but others were not so fortunate. These are heavy sins on the part of the clergy and some faithful have been scandelized too from their behaviours But Christ said that the church will be victorious! And the gates of help shall not prevail. People need not to listen to this corrupted antitrust laws.e we will attend church normally we won’t close our businesses ECT. It’s the only way to somewhat stop this. Of coarse with prayers first ,because before you know it you will have no more rights left. May God help us all!!! Lord Jesus Christ have Mery on us!!!
Thank you for posting the truth. There’s a lot to say but it is exactly as the artical says it. This reseting the world is nothing more than an evil plan wherein demonized people will run the whole world to control it and everyone in it. They are prepareing the way for antitrust. These are the first steps for them to fulfil their long planned plans.Its true we orthodox true Christians will be fighting this fight alone as far as people are concerned but we have God in our side so we are not alone. Yes we need new true priest because the current priest are nothing but traders to orthodoxy for a long time now.They want to ruin the church and not preserve it. They are with the antichrists sid. True orthodoxy is in their way of establishing this monster. We must confess Christ now! All of us not just talk about. Christ said that cowards will Not inherit the kingdom of God.Im very surprised that no one had stood up for our churches closing up and the mask ECT in the first year of this devilish scam.People have been deprived of the holy liturgy when these coward priest wouldn’t let them in because they prefer to listen to the devil’s rather than God’s laws. When I would mention this to them, they would not care or show any kind concern. Lack of faith for sure. Thankfully I went else where but others were not so fortunate. These are heavy sins on the part of the clergy and some faithful have been scandelized too from their behaviours But Christ said that the church will be victorious! And the gates of help shall not prevail. People need not to listen to this corrupted antitrust laws.e we will attend church normally we won’t close our businesses ECT. It’s the only way to somewhat stop this. Of coarse with prayers first ,because before you know it you will have no more rights left. May God help us all!!! Lord Jesus Christ have Mery on us!!!
OF COURSE the Phanar is in league with the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. I’m surprised you are asking such a silly question!
I chose not to join Scoba-doxy back in the day, when one of the great ‘events’ of the GOA (they told me), was the Iakovos (of unhappy memory) ‘marched with MLK,’ back in teh day. St. Paul’s dictum rang loud and clear the day I read that; “What fellowship doth Christ have with Belial?’
Then there was the ‘track record’ of the Dukakis Family- Michael, and his cousin, Olympia. And what of that son of a GOA ‘priest,’ Stephanapoulos, who worked for the greatest evil team known in American politics!? Yeah, NO.
It has long been known (since at least LBJ) that the CIA co-opted the Phanar, decades ago. With the Jews/Bolsheviks having decimated the Russian Church (the “Third Rome”) via the massacre of over 100 million people, (((they))) set their sites on castrating the Greeks, who were already exhausted by WWII and the Modernism that held them captive.
The New Calendarist heresy has made the Greek Orthodox basically ‘Byzantine Anglicans,’ and little more- Protestants with Prosphoras,’ in other words. Did the Anathemas of the Patriarchs from Florence-Ferrara teach you nothing?
Even I, as an ‘outsider’ can see that. A 30-second search on the Web, gave me this: “Thanks to his ties with high-level officials and Greek-American billionaires, he is basically the only person who controls the money flows from the US to the Phanar (the Greek Orthodox part of Istanbul-w.e.), and that gives him wide possibilities of exerting pressure upon the Ecumenical Patriarchate. “- https://journal-neo.org/2016/08/31/top-usa-national-security-officials-admit-turkey-coup/
[…] climate change is central to the The Great Reset, the latest project by very intelligent people to remake the world into a centrally-planned Utopia. […]
Superb article from an Orthodox perspective; may you and your site continue to have freedom of speech but be cautious because as usual, Christians will be the in the cross-hairs of this evil.
The below article shows the satanic face of the elites; all the European leaders, like German Angela Merkel, applauded. Site creator posted he is from Lebanon.
You just can’t unsee that ceremony.
Some thoughts:
Overall this is a well-written summary of the situation we find ourselves in. I thank you for this and the other articles you’ve posted here. However , the Puritans at their worst were never as bad as our modern Leftwing Progressives.
“Transgender affirming, Gay-rights supporting, anti-God, anti-gun, pro-weed, and pro-abortion Puritans. Tell me you saw that coming”.
Of course, the answer is that no one could ever have seen that coming because the actual, historical Puritans would never have supported any of those things. That paragraph is a glaring non sequitur in your otherwise solid article.
H.L. Mencken hated the Puritans and cruelly caricatured them and other religious believers because he was a belligerent atheist. (as far as I know the Orthodox escaped Mencken’s scorn because like most Americans of his time he didn’t know about them.) He hated the Jews , too. I take his statements about the Puritans as being on the same level as Mencken’s toxic sputtering such as: “The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display” , or this lovely thought from the Sage of Baltimore: “The case against the Jews is long and damning; it would justify ten thousand times as many pogroms as now go on in the world.”
Many people take fiction like “The Scarlet Letter” or the hateful caricatures of atheists like Mencken to be accurate portrayals of the Puritans , but they are not. The caricature doesn’t match the reality. Read a book like Dr. Leland Ryken’s “WORLDLY SAINTS: THE PURITANS AS THEY REALLY WERE” to get a more accurate view of these people. Understand, I’m not defending their theological errors. From the Orthodox perspective the Puritans had many things wrong about their theology (i.e. “Calvinism”, with a large measure of utopianism) and in the end their flawed theology burned itself out and indirectly led to the rise of the rationalistic modernism now entrenched at the educational institutions founded by the Puritans to train their ministers, such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. However, as much as the Puritans got wrong (like Protestantism in general) they also held fast to much that was good, true, and beautiful in the Christian faith, as best they could, being cut off from the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Orthodox Church. Another book that addresses this in a balanced way is “ROCK AND SAND: An Orthodox Appraisal of the Protestant Reformers and Their Teachings” by Fr. Josiah Trenham, who devotes one chapter to “The Virtues of Protestantism” in appreciation for what Protestants get right , in the midst of a book that is otherwise a catalog of the errors of Protestantism as measured against the canon of the Orthodox Faith. The linked article by Michael Lind doesn’t even address the Puritans as such , but rather it points out the putrid legacy of the liberal Unitarians and freethought radicals of New England , who rejected the piety and theology of their Puritan forebears for a new “Social Gospel”. Social Gospel mainline liberal Protestantism has little in common with the Puritans (the liberal Prots hate them as much as outright atheists like Mencken) , except that they stole the endowments , denominations, and educational institutions of the Puritans.
I’ve noticed that even as most of our Orthodox hierarchy in North America compromises with (or in some cases actively promotes) The Great Reset/The New Normal that there are some who claim the Puritans as their greatest influence , such as the reformed Baptist preacher John MacArthur, who are taking a strong stand against it.
Thank you for your thoughts! We included the Puritan section for a few reasons. First was to emphasize, though we may have done that poorly, that what we are facing first and foremost is a religious mindset. These are true believers, and when we approach them, we often do so with facts and charts. They don’t care about that. They are emotionally-driven and they are cult-like in that regard. Growing up in an area which still had prohibitionist policies (dry counties), we have a lot of experience in the negatives of using state power to “suppress” sin. The secular progressive who are the descendants of the Puritans (in terms of their Millenialism but stripped of Christianity) are still suppressing sin. Except now in the absence of God, they have redefined sin. Fornication and sodomy are virtues, failing to wear a mask / social distance or running your business is sin. Second, we wanted (for Twitter / Parler / Facebook bait) a little bit of humor. We are not endorsing Mencken, we just thought the quote was a very, very good description of the current secular progressive mindset. This is exactly the way they behave as we see them. They will suck the joy out of life, then try and prolong it so that you suffer that maximum. Now for the Puritans, that may be a gross mischaracterization and a stereotype, but we absolutely believe the quote perfectly encapsulates the modern Progressive / Marxist left. If we have inadvertently slandered the actual historical Puritans (none of us are experts in that era of American history, so thank you for the assist), then it was unintended. We have been following McArthur in his anti-lock down activities, and he has greatly impressed all of us. We don’t know his Theology, so we can’t comment if he is a Millenialist. It is our understanding of the evolution of Progressivism that it is (essentially) Millenialism (perfectability of man through human action) stripped of the Divine. Those of us who studied this at all were under the impression that the Unitarians were formed out of Congregationalism:
So in regards to the Lind article, our beef isn’t so much with Puritans but with their historical descendants who are still very much with us, and look nothing like McArthur.
Congregationalism is the handmaid of Puritanism:
“The Congregational tradition was brought to America in the 1620s and 1630s by the Puritans—a Calvinistic group within the Church of England that desired to purify it of any remaining teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church.[1] As part of their reforms, Puritans desired to replace the Church of England’s episcopal polity (rule by bishops) with another form of church government. Some English Puritans favored presbyterian polity (rule by assemblies of presbyters), as was utilized by the Church of Scotland, but those who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized their churches according to congregational polity (rule by members of the local church).[2]
The first Congregational church organized in America was First Parish Church in Plymouth, which was established in 1620 by Separatist Puritans known as Pilgrims. The first Congregational church organized in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was First Church in Salem, established in 1629. By 1640, 18 churches had been organized in Massachusetts.[3] In addition, Puritans established the Connecticut Colony in 1636 and New Haven Colony in 1637.[4] Eventually, there were 33 Congregational churches in New England.[5]”
I totally agree, the Progressives are simply living under a New-Puritanism that denies the Holy Spirit in favor of the spirit of the age. Just like their purist forebears they seek to purge the culture of anything traditional (that they cannot control, or co-opt) in favor of a sterile, austere religion enforced by social shaming and the secular power. This new religion ultimately deifies humanity without God and is simply another satanic attempt to ensnare souls to damnation.
As an unrelated side note, great article.
Thank God for Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia! He refused any closing of Churches, and the Georgian Orthodox Church renounces any idea of a “great reset”, our priests are also telling us to avoid the vaccine at all costs.