Have you watched the Pandemia webinar? The webinar was presented by Orthodox Reflections on January 10, but the recording is still available if you didn’t see it. (Click here for resources including Vaccine Detox protocol, COVID treatment protocols, and topic guide by time stamp. Click here to watch the webinar.) The production featured a distinguished panel of Orthodox experts who spoke from their expertise in various fields relating to the current Covid-19 pandemic. First up was Dr. Michael Robles, who goes by his baptismal name, Paisios. Dr. Paisios is a pathologist who practices in Texas.

No animal studies. Potential vaccines are normally tested on animals for two to four years before tests are performed on human volunteers.
No immunological studies.
No genotoxicity (chemicals that damage the cell’s DNA) studies.
No cancer studies.
No embryo studies.
No informed consent.
No exclusion criteria. Eg. pregnant women are normally excluded from trials.
No data safety monitoring board.
No end-point adjudication committee. Eg. no safety report from the FDA or the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
No respect for past vaccine failures. Eg. the polio vaccine.
No autopsy reports.
Now, doesn’t that list give you pause? We cannot avoid concluding that the mRNA vaccines were distributed worldwide with undue haste when we note that most vaccines take a full seven to fifteen years to develop and that most of them fail to qualify along the way. Let us also remember that while they were being rushed to market, the usage of cheap and effective medicines ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was suppressed by none other than Dr. Tony Fauci.

If “America’s doctor” and chief medical advisor to the president had permitted the nation’s physicians to practice medicine freely, as is their due, they could have repurposed these two off-patent medicines early in the onset of each infection with Covid-19 and saved countless lives. But No! Again, Fauci was more interested in using his permanent office at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to micromanage the nation’s response to the pandemic. He was dead set on holding all treatments at bay while he rushed his pseudo-vaccines to the federal government for universal distribution. Cavalierly ignoring the obstacles that would normally have been in place, Fauci used the lavish funding from congressional appropriation bills, making billions of dollars for his cronies in the pharmaceutical industry and research universities. Our children and grandchildren will be paying for this boondoggle for generations to come.

February the second falls in a year numbered 2022. So, 2/2/22 is the date when we again celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, along with the Purification of the Virgin Mary. In the West it’s called Candlemas. This date may come to mind whenever the sacramental Churching of Women is performed in our parishes forty days after the birth of a child. Children don’t contract Covid-19, thank God. Let’s remember that when Big Brother turns up the heat and threatens to vaccinate our children – or our grandchildren – with these faux vaccines.
[…] Reasons covid shots should not be taken, https://orthodoxreflections.com/dr-paisios-list-of-noes/ […]
Addendum 2: In explicating the ‘disease’ termed ‘Covid’ itself a fallacy–which is inseparable from the ‘vaccine’ that injects Graphene hydroxide as cause of kinetic damage–it is important to remember that Graphene Hydroxide is receptive to 5G where the square of the surface is multiplied by the frequency in question, so that a scaffolded a structure 1 atom thick, 10x wide by 50x long given the dimensions by Dr. Noack–serves as a transmitter/capacitor in link with proximate signals connected to a server, satellite, etc. Such devices in link are invisible to standard microscopy: radiating a negatively charged proton and a delocalized electron turning up as opaque masses in Micro-ramen spectroscopy, or translucent sheets, it is, in other words, invisible. If many scientists have explanations other than graphene oxide, then they are simply ignorant of chemistry, or lack the appropriate equipment, in which a physician of my acquaintance affirmed is not commonly available in hospitals. So if Cabal Elite doctors provide a myriad of incidental explanations for myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, and yet lack the necessary tests and spectrometry to correctly identify an invisible super-molecule which floats and disperses equally throughout an aqueous environment, then the ten thousand doctors are wrong. They are not looking for nano-particulate razors since it is not part of their medical paradigm. Or they are getting Covid kickbacks(in America, kickbacks are payola, grift, payoffs, etc.) But accessig this requires a paradigm shift as delineated in Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions, where science, reason, exercised in precision, at the known limits of experimentation, encounters an anomalous pattern which redefines the worldview, or paradigm, involving the knowing subject, as now, nanoparticulate syringe-injectible electronics in 2022. Ten thousand blind doctors will not see what they are not equipped to see; lacking such equipment, falling back on the Big Pharma ‘safe and effective’ mindset, they are ‘blind guides leading the blind.’ Contrarily, military analysis identifying characteristics of a weapons deployment operates on a different level to ascertain threat assessment; identifies characteristics which signal presence of a specific pathogen, a weapon, which leads (a) to identification, then (b)isolation, decontamination, and/or observation, followed by treatment, if any. There is no known treatment for pneumonic plague, which was identified by a Wuhan doctor at the initial site of outbreak, having characteristics similar to ‘Covid-19’– [See: Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook, United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 7th Ed.2011: USAMRIID’s 9th Ed., Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland]. To civilians: one must first recognize a biowar operation is in progress, select out weapons deployed, such as biowar pathogens, with knowledge of their transmission,and this includes syringes, and their nanoparticulate doses of Graphene hydroxide nanoscale razors. This requires requisite military background and training, and even US Commanding Officers have proven deceived in this regard. We have by (1) Division the Covid ‘vaccines’, Pfizer, Astrazenica, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, differing as to kind by dose or variable composition, but sharing Graphene oxide as a compound substance; graphene oxide laced vaccines by (2) Definition, are designed to inject the lipid nano-shells, and scaffold the neurological system by means of syringe-injectible mesh: by (3) Analysis, we determine means of propagating such treatment as a psyop, mass-formation psychosis instilled by Big Tech social media platforms, co-opted Elite controlled medical boards, the WHO, CDC, FDA, AMA,; coordinated by Political Elites of the World Economic Forum, supervised by hospital administrators, doctors, and complicit nurses, to effect depopulation by mass murder or sterilization, as in Nazi Germany– thus we resolve the societal levers of power to their base constituent elements: and by (4) Demonstration–through the sudden death of so many young servicemen and women, athletes, within a short span of time this can only be universally attributed to some catastrophic kinetic internal event, the injection and release of 15 billion nanoparticles of Graphene oxide effectually discharge razors into the bloodstream, and vaccinated victims suffer immediate death on the spot. The author of The Philosophical Chapters, The Fount of Knowledge, sums it up in Chapter 68, pp. `107-108: ‘ One must know that there are four dialectical or logical methods. That is by division which divides the genus into species by means of the intermediate specific differences’ (1a) a compound substance, GHO, is shared amongst diverse mRNA vaccines, (2a) ‘That is by definition which defines the subject by the genus and the specific differences divided out by the method of division’-these differences, in turn, are reponsive to: (a) strong or (b) medium Micro-Raman spectroscopic signals; divided into either (c) ‘opaque masses’ or (d) ‘translucent sheets’; ‘That is by analysis which resolves the more composite thing into its simpler elements’: (3a) Psychological Warfare, Elite Capture of Principal agents, e.g., Doctors, health professionals, devolves to numerous incidents of mass-murder, State sponsored genocide; ‘That is by Demonstration which proves the matter at hand by something intermediary’–Numerous pilots, soldiers, airmen receive the Covid-19 jab; each jab contains 15 billion nanoscale graphene hydroxide razors, their deaths follow immediately proximate to the injection, therefore the vaccine is the virus. Q.E.D. Mr. Meyer, we will doubtless never agree on anything. I have posted this to address your concerns and enlighten the greater Orthodox community falling ultimately on the authority of St. John of Damascus’s’ Fount of Knowledge. If there are any errors, they are my own: if there is any truth, St. John provided the logical structure, but all truth ultimately comes from XC, who is the Truth.
“But accessig this requires a paradigm shift as delineated in Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions, …”
— Oh! Those shifting paradigms.
If I had the choice between Kuhn and Kuehne, I would always pick Kuehne
You are apparently capable of nothing more than eristic carping, and contribute nothing to the discourse. The computer revolution is clearly a paradigm shift, but it is not essential to the argument. We are in a war. The vial is the weapons delivery system. The vaccine is the the graphene hydroxide weapons complement. The body is the battlefield. And the mind is where it is lost. You clearly have nothing but EU wit to contribute–and have accomplished nothing in this fight we are in. You are a troll. Tell your EU Elite Masters to at least pay you to do some real research. Or the UN who has hired 100,000 influencers to sway opinions. In the EU millions have succumbed to the graphene oxide vaccine. Laugh that one off. Our countries fought two world wars against each other, but at least I have identified the weapon. You wouldn’t know a weapon until you were injected with it, if then. You are a troll Meyer. I won’t waste any more time with an intellectual lightweight like you. Let God judge between us.Today.
Mr. Rigdon,
You write:
“You are a troll Meyer. I won’t waste any more time with an intellectual lightweight like you.”
Then: Goodbye, Mr. Rigdon.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wll-a6MOLtY
Mr. Meyer: since this is an Orthodox site, let us begin with a quote; ‘One must know that there are four dialectical or logical methods…That is by analysis which resolves the more composite thing into its simpler elements.’ St. John of Damascus, Philosophical Chapters, Ch. 68, et. seq. Fathers of the Church, pp. 107. You say that ‘there are quite a number of journalists who do not engage in spin doctoring, you just have to find them’. In America, Mr. Meyer, the Mainstream Media or MSM, is, as is common knowledge to anyone who does research here–90% owned by Blackrock/Vanguard. Follow the money. All narratives contrary to the ‘Safe and effective’ meme are suppressed, spun, ignored or violently persecuted or doxxed by these Elite corporations. But in the Alternative Media, 107Daily.com, Vimeo, Infowars, Brighteon–Mike Adams Health Ranger, Dr. Jane Ruby, Stew Peters, Clay Clark–it is widely known that Graphene oxide is present in the vaccines. I am sorry that it has escaped you. Answer to objection 1. Forensics: this is a complex weapons system, comprised of (a) coronaviruses 1-9; in European Courts, Coronavirus has been ruled unproven, since untraceable to a single genetic sequence, i.e., there is no single ‘Coronavirus’. It is a logical fallacy, per Fred Corbin (see below, my comment 20). Per Lawrence Sellin, Col. USAR Reserve (Ret.), a former Instructor at Ft. Detrick Maryland, the USAR Biological Warfare Center, ‘Coronavirus is a biological weapon of the biotechnology type’ and he should know. I am getting to Noack. This is a multi-part weapons system, comprised of (aa): the coronavirus variants, whose variety, adaptive characteristics, indicate operative gain-of-function properties; the adjunct, or activation of the ‘virus’ requiring (bb): vaccine injection of graphene oxide via lipid nanoparticle shells, which, activated by (cc): 5G radiation in proximity–blossom, or convert; being magnetically charged, with one negatively charged proton and a de-localized electron to the aromatic rings to transmute the compound, rendered as bouyant, equally in liquid dispersion, i.e., the bloodstream; invisible to standard forensic exam into (dd): graphene hydroxide: this is why Dr. Noack cites the Spanish Study: there are two bands: utilizing a Micro-Raman Spectroscopy laser at a 532.09 wavelength to pick up C vibrations at 1580-1600 cm1: Strong Raman signal: and 1450, 1500 cm1 Medium Raman signal; these are objective scientific data points, facts, evidence not in dispute. He identifies Dr. Campra Madrid’s’ findings as Graphene hydroxide. This study, has been followed up by the German Work Group, citing ‘Dr. Noak’–doubtless identical–among others in Resistthemainstream by John Symank, Aug. 23, 2022: ‘Unusual Toxic Components Found in Covid Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German scientists’–where they find, these elements “are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as a result of crystallization of decomposition processes, [and] cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process,’ here would point out that The Spanish Study was provided with two sealed Pfizer vials–and two unsealed, where 22 out of 101 specimens were identified giving Dr. Campra Madrid ‘a high degree of confidence that the Pfizer vaccine contained graphene [hydr]oxide.’ ‘In addition to the primary discovery two other important findings were made…Blood samples from the vaccinated had “marked changes,” and more side effects were observed in proportion to ‘the stability of the envelope of liquid nanoparticles.” And this proves that the vaccines vector the adaptive, transmutating lipid nanoparticles. ‘Lipid nanoparticle is a fat-soluble membrane that is the cargo of the messenger RNA or mRNA. Numerous Covid vaccines including the pfizer and Moderna vaccines utilize mRnA technology in their deployment.’ You deploy weapons in war. Dr. Noack was succinct ‘These are razors. This is War.’ I have spent 80hrs training in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Army ; I have spent perhaps hundreds of hours researching this from a weapons angle since this is a prototypical biological warfare weapon, and was informed by a qualified graduate of Ft. Detrick’s program that ‘you know more than most’ concerning this matter. I have submitted and advised CIC45 on these matters from the outset in January, I identified the State Department aircraft from Wuhan as a biowar vessel and threat vector, suggesting it be redirected from Wuhan to a remote airfield other than SFO–and DJT directed it to Travis, where they were met by a decontamination team under Military Standard Operating Procedure. We averted a biowar catastrophe in early 2020–you never knew it, and I didn’t consult anyone on it. And I was issued this as a result: Republican National Committee: Presidential Advisory Board: 37176366 Member number: [signed] Donald J. Trump: with my name in subscript; Stephen G. Rigdon. You may not like me, you may troll me, but after 870 emails to 45Office, and 45 pages of posts to the Epoch Times, 55 of which were devoted to the vaccine bioweapon, I am in the business of saving lives, even for people like you. I have written the above for the education and enlightenment the the educated Orthodox and professional members of the health community. Take it or leave it.
“But in the Alternative Media, 107Daily.com, Vimeo, Infowars, Brighteon–Mike Adams Health Ranger, Dr. Jane Ruby, Stew Peters, Clay Clark–it is widely known that Graphene oxide is present in the vaccines. I am sorry that it has escaped you.”
— I do not know those people. In the alternative media, some are very smart, some are total nuts, some are sometimes one, sometimes the other.
In the alternative media, many have dismissed the talk about Graphene; I remember that one outlet (forgot which one, though) refused to go down that road because they had not seen (at least at that point) any convincing evidence, or plausible explanation, by that Spanish group who claimed to have detected Graphene that they had indeed obtained samples of the vaccine and that that is what they had analyzed.
“… in European Courts, Coronavirus has been ruled unproven, since untraceable to a single genetic sequence, i.e., there is no single ‘Coronavirus’.”
— Which court decision is that? Could you please specify that (which court, date of the ruling)? I have only read about court decisions in Europe that ruled that the PCR-method cannot not be reliably used to determine whether someone is infectious; I have never read or heard about a European Court decision stating that the Coronavirus is unproven “since untraceable to a single genetic sequence, i.e., there is no single ‘Coronavirus’”.
“This study, has been followed up by the German Work Group, citing ‘Dr. Noak’–doubtless identical–among others in Resistthemainstream by John Symank, Aug. 23, 2022: ‘Unusual Toxic Components Found in Covid Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German scientists’–where they find, these elements “are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as a result of crystallization of decomposition processes, …”
1. Does that German study claim to have detected Graphene? Does it prove Graphene?
2. Does the study itself cite Dr. Noak/Dr. Noack? According to the article in resistthemainstream that you refer to, Dr. Noak is cited by a “Dr. Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., a toxicologist not involved in the study”; the article does not say that the study itself cites Dr. Noak.
Mr. Rigdon,
Does the study by the “German Work Group” that you refer to claim to have detected Graphene?
Yes or no?
Does it base its findings on any claim or “finding” made by Dr. Noack?
Yes or no?
Do your due diligence, as Genedecode would say, Meyer. You will find Noak (sp) is referenced, and yes, the characteristic properties are indicative of graphene oxide, in fact, identical, if you even bothered to read the Spanish Study–which I have. Remember, I was trained in biowarfare, in the US Army, in Nuclear Biological Chemical School. not some EU drawing room. So, yes. I logically ‘there’s that word again– ‘infer’ yes, we can infer, Mr. Meyer, if you bothered to read the Orthodox Fathers like St. John of Damascus’s Fount of Knowledge, or even St. Augustine, you might actually learn about logic. You ask many questions, but I am here to provide answers, and solutions. How many lives have you saved, Meyer. None? You’ve clearly camped on to this feed to feed your ego. Look up the court decisions, they are public record; they are referred to by Fred Corbin in his testimony before the Health Minister and Prime Minister of Barbados, and he even has a copy on his own recognizance of the Pfizer documents and contacts in the PLA. You see, in war, as opposed to legal wrangling, one must identify the opponent, the enemy, and the enemy is also any ally who empowers aids, and abets, the operation. For by so doing, he assists the the Globalist Elites in their depopulation agenda. Such as you seem to champion here. So, I don’t buy into your legalism, Meyer. Too many people have died already. Lulled into trust of Big Pharma and murdered with the help of men like you. How do you sleep at night.
“You will find Noak (sp) is referenced, …”
— On which page?
“… if you bothered to read the Orthodox Fathers like St. John of Damascus’s Fount of Knowledge, or even St. Augustine…”
— I read literature. That doesn’t leave time to read the Fathers.
“How many lives have you saved, Meyer. None?”
— Last summer I saved a stray dog’s live.
“You see, in war, as opposed to legal wrangling, one must identify the opponent, the enemy, and the enemy is also any ally who empowers aids, and abets, the operation.”
— Exactly. Exactly!
Mr. Rigdon,
You still have not answered those two Yes-No-Questions (and given your verbosity, that can’t be due to constraints of time):
Does the study by the “German Work Group” that you refer to claim to have detected Graphene?
Yes or no?
Does it base its findings on any claim or “finding” made by Dr. Noack?
Yes or no?
Read the report yourself, Meyer. I don’t have to answer trolls who can’t even man up and do their own research. And invest in a sweater. It’s going to be cold in Germany. Learn how to speak Russian.
P.S. 2
Mr. Rigdon,
You write:
“Do your due diligence, as Genedecode would say, Meyer. You will find Noak (sp) is referenced, and yes, the characteristic properties are indicative of graphene oxide …”
Then how come the report itself states, on page 56:
“Further investigations of gel-filtered vaccine samples with infrared spectroscopy FTIR and micro-Raman spectroscopy confirmed the suspicions above and showed no evidence of contamination with graphene or graphene oxide.”
A doctor of my acquaintance refers inquiries to an app, ‘What’s my batch’–and if you investigated, you would would know that this is a time-delayed injection. In my reports below, yes, I write real reports, you will find that the vaccine has a three month lifespan, before renewal. This is because the body will ultimately flush out foreign elements or the reservoir of Glutathione will rebound and break down the constituent elements of the vaccine. This is for interested readers, we have long ago given up on each other, Mr. Meyer–there is a twelve week scaffolding process whereby the nano-electronic components reach a critical stage to enmesh the neurons, beyond this, the body’s defenses will rebound. For this reason, there is a mandatory three month marker on the vaccines. Not everyone gets the same batch. These are targeted for specific populations, and my own Deep State country’s traitorous U.S. scientists doubtless developed this in one of the 46 Ukraine biolabs they contracted out under the Department of Defense. We are none of us saints, not here, anyway. Reference: ‘PNAS Syringe-injectible mesh electronics integrate seamlessly with minimal chronic immune response in the brain’ T.Zhou, G.Hong, T-M. Fu, Xiao Yang, T.G. Schumman, T.G. Schumman, R.D. Viveros, C.M. Lieber under ‘Significance’. This was originally a beneficent invention perverted to military uses. So I will not fault the scientists, nor defame them. We must all be honorable men. Now, as to the German Work Study Group, they do not explicitly cite Graphene Oxide, the characteristics are shared traits with what will be found in the Spanish Study. It is possible that (a) they encountered a saline dose, but if not, it could have been a diluted dose, or even a neutral one. Part of warfare is deception: if every target received a direct kill-shot,, no one would take it. This is called ‘Unrestricted Warfare’ in contemporary PLA war-fighting doctrine…I see that I will have to treat of this more extensively giving the dimensions of the conflict, but it is being fought indirectly through Doctors, and other professionals using medicine as a cover. Not everyone gets the kill-shot. But 2000 U.S. young, healthy servicemen did. I write this for them.
“You will find Noak (sp) is referenced, …”
Anyone interested can easily find that out as the document in question offers a search function.
As to your unspecified ad-hominem attacks against the Alternative Media, you say, ‘I don’t know any of those people’–some are very smart, nuts, etc. We look at the facts here in America, and personal reservations take a back seat to facts. It is a red-herring to point up without reference that there is controversy in the Alternative Media about Graphene oxide. Of course, in any truly free discourse, this is likely to occur. Dispute is part and parcel of scientific debate. You are free to disagree. But when you put people’s lives at risk with disinformation, as you clearly are, there is a cost. And then there are victims, people who rely on writers, commentators, digital soldiers to see them through the morass of misinformation. That is my job. Contact Fred Corbin if you need court cases and I’m sure he’ll cooperate. Find his video online. In the information war, the saying is ‘Do your own research. Do your due diligence.’ So do it, Meyer. Soldier up. Man up.
“As to your unspecified ad-hominem attacks against the Alternative Media, you say, ‘I don’t know any of those people’–some are very smart, nuts, etc”
— Mr. Rigdon, I almost exclusivley use so-called alternative media for information.
I use so-called mainstream-media, too, but not for the purpose learning about reality, but to learn about the way the mainstream-media report. That predates Covid.
“But when you put people’s lives at risk with disinformation, as you clearly are, there is a cost.”
— Where did I do so? One example, please.
“Soldier up. Man up.”
— Georg Christoph Lichtenberg:
“Die kleinsten Unteroffiziere sind die stolzesten.”
i don’t answer to you anymore, Meyer. You are faced with a flood of information on Graphene Oxide,and to counter the evidence of La Quinta Columna, to discount and insult the memory of a brave man, a truly brave man, like Dr. Noack, who gave his life to get his information out, this is cowardice. I call you out as a troll. Period. Goodbye, Mr. Meyer. See you at Judgment.
“ i don’t answer to you anymore, Meyer.”
— You never did.
Answer to objections re: Andreas Noack(deceased) Nov. 2021): There are 4 separate standards to evaluate his work,on Graphene [Hydr]Oxide: the lowest, (1) Journalistic objectivity–all but absent in the era of spin-doctoring data in an environment inimical to any narrative counter to ‘Safe and effective’ vaccines; (2) Forensic evidence: See: VAERS/DMEDS data points: per Dr. Luc Montagnier, (deceased also) and Reiner Fuelmich, VAERS is accurate to 1% of reporting, such that 40,000 deaths US would actually equate to 4,000,000 by a conservative estimate; (3) Military standard based on the U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D. Bacteriological and Radiological Warfare Manual (9th Ed.), where a high index of suspicion attaches to (a) virus gain-of-function, and (b) high incidence of variants manifesting in the population with simultaneity; (4) Logical analysis: If the vaccines, as has been proven by the Spanish Study, contain a high degree of graphene oxide/graphene hydroxide nanoparticles, and, when injected, on circulation through the bloodstream, effectively lacerate the victims, causing profuse bleeding, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths, then, logically, we may infer that Graphene [Hydr]Oxide is present, and the cause of lethality. And that, Mr. Meyer, is a quadruple analysis from multiple angles. And you do not need to speak English to validate the above terms. Let God judge between us.
Mr. Rigdon,
You write:
“There are 4 separate standards to evaluate his work,on Graphene [Hydr]Oxide: the lowest, (1) Journalistic objectivity–all but absent in the era of spin-doctoring data in an environment inimical to any narrative counter to ‘Safe and effective’ vaccines; “
— Not “all but absent”. There quite a number of journalists who do not engage in spin-doctoring data. One only needs to find them.
You write:
“ (2) Forensic evidence: See: VAERS/DMEDS data points: per Dr. Luc Montagnier, (deceased also) and Reiner Fuelmich, …”
— I have been following the work of the “Corona Investigative Committee” founded by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (two”ll”, not one) and three other lawyers since right from the start in July 2020 — one, initially two sessions per week, four to six hours long.
What about you?
I have also watched interviews with Luc Montagnier on FranceSoir.
What about you?
If you think there are any statements by Dr. Fuellmich or Prof. Montagnier that I have missed during those sessions, could maybe detail them?
Significantly, already quite a while ago (months, maybe more than a year ago) Dr. Fuellmich said something to the effect that the Corona Investigative Committee so far had refrained from picking up the graphene issue pressed by the Spanish group because they thought that it might just be a distraction.
You write:
“3) Military standard based on the U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D. Bacteriological and Radiological Warfare Manual (9th Ed.), where a high index of suspicion attaches to (a) virus gain-of-function, and (b) high incidence of variants manifesting in the population with simultaneity;”
— So what? What would be the connection to Dr. Noack there?
You write:
“ (4) Logical analysis: If the vaccines, as has been proven by the Spanish Study, contain a high degree of graphene oxide/graphene hydroxide nanoparticles, and, when injected, on circulation through the bloodstream, effectively lacerate the victims, causing profuse bleeding, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths, then, logically, we may infer that Graphene [Hydr]Oxide is present, and the cause of lethality.”
— In a free society one may infer anything, but one shouldn’t claim “logical analysis” for any kind of inference. Doctors and scientists explain bleeding, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths without bringing up the graphene issue, so “logical analysis” does not lead to inferring that Graphene [Hydr]Oxide is present.
You write:
“And that, Mr. Meyer, is a quadruple analysis from multiple angles.”
— No, it is not. It is no “analysis” at all. Lots of verbage, though.
There seems to be at least some visible contamination in Moderna that is too bad to ignore.
“Moderna confirms having been notified of cases of particulate matter being seen in drug product vials of its COVID-19 vaccine,” the U.S. vaccine maker said in a statement, adding it put the lot in question and two adjacent lots on hold.”
“There seems to be at least some visible contamination in Moderna that is too bad to ignore.”
— Granted. I would not deny that. That was not the point.
Mr. Rigdon,
You write, and this in context of the issue of graphene:
“Forensic evidence: See: VAERS/DMEDS data points: per Dr. Luc Montagnier, (deceased also) and Reiner Fuelmich…”
That statement is grossly, grossly misleading. Neither Dr. Fuellmich nor Dr. Montagnier are in any way related to Dr. Noack; while the team around Dr. Fuellmich, which also interviewed Dr. Montagnier, is indeed gathering forensic evidence, it is forensic evidence in order to bring those who are responsible for the crimes against humanity which have been committed for over two years now (and there is a whole range of those crimes) to justice. It is not “forensic evidence” to back up Dr. Noack’s claims.
You are clearly misreading my text. I understand the UN hired 100,000 social influencers to propagate the vaccine. Perhaps you are one of them. Very sophisticated, but wrong. Noack’s video had no direct connection, of course: but there is a logical continuity–logic, there’s that word again–between the thromboses and graphene oxide, and the biostructures now being drawn out of corpses per Richard Hirshmen, embalmer, reporting his findings to Dr. Jane Ruby ultimately to microscopy expert Mike Adams, whose analysis in pdf is forthcoming. You won’t like that of course, since it will definitively prove you wrong. I can’t wait. You see, people don’t drop immediately dead from biochemical catalysis, athletes don’t drop dead as have many in the EU and here within 24 hours of getting the shot. This is laceration by nanoscale razors, it’s quite obvious, but I am beginning to think you are a troll, and not a real person.
Mr. Rigdon,
You write:
“You won’t like that of course, since it will definitively prove you wrong.”
— Exactly which statement of mine will be proven wrong? Please specify!
Reviewing recent Interview by Dr. Jane Ruby with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Brighteon.com founder, and certified Microscopy expert and researcher Clay Clark: No good news–Adams conducted an ICPMS Spectromemetry microscopic analysis of blood clots–these provided by a 20 years Board Certified Embalmer, Richard Hirshman. Adams pdf report is forthcoming; this is a summary outline: utilizing Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry comparative analysis of a clot from a vaccine victim with a live blood specimen from an unvaccinated participant. This specific method breaks down the specimen into its constituent atomic elements, providing a readout exclusive of intact molecules, detection of vitamins, hemoglobin. Method employs (a) plasma torch, (b) nebulized sprayer, (c) ionization, (d) quadruple filter system by mass to charge ration to count the elements. Bear in mind, I am a research analyst, not a scientist. Adams affirms that while he does not know what the clots are, he knows what they are not, and that is naturally occurring, organic elements found in a carbon based life form. On a parts-per-million breakdown, he found high levels of Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Chlorine (Cl), Phosphorus (K). Incidence of metals and electronically conductive matter was 1000x over that found in the bloodstream. This is significant. Iron, on his finding, was only 4.4% of that normative for human blood. The ‘clots’ contain elements specific to circuitry, machinery, or electrical conductor composite components. This accords with the Graphene Hydroxide detected, from an oblique angle by the Spanish Study of Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, corrected by Dr. Andreas Noack, where the graphitic or graphene hydroxide base composite elements are suitable for braking material, and consonant with electronics. There is a 588%, according to Adams, increase in tin. He finds that NaCl or sodium, as an alkaline metal has conductive properties, while Aluminum detected is used in wiring as a copper replacement. His finding is that these ‘are self assembling biostructures harvest elements from the blood, machines which are biologically compatible for a time. He posits theoretically that sudden death is resultant from displaced blood clots, but the immediacy of occurrance, this author finds, favors rather the position held by the late Dr. Andreas Noack, for whom mRNA modification and catalysis of elements does not occur immediately, but the characteristics of Graphene Hydroxide razors is the cause of sudden death. This cannot be borne out by the reductive methodology employed by ICPMS Spectrometry on Adams authority since such spectrometry cannot detect intact molecules, and GHO is constituted of ‘super-molecules’. This does not preclude a subsequent application of Adams’ thesis over time, however. Rather, with the growth of these biostructures, one complication can follow from another in survivors, and different batches determine the winners of Russian Roulette. Either way, death, over time, is the result. Staged out, should one survive (A) the first shot, the second should not be taken; if (A) occurs, then NAC or GSH is the counter: if received on exposure due to ‘shedding’ or gymnosperm transmission (B) solution (A) can be accompanied by Sodium Bicarbonate to instill an alkaline environment, consonant with Dr. Henry Warburg, 1933 Nobel Prize Winner, who avers that an alkaline environment is hostile to cancers, and these are consequent to the Covid-19 vaccines; moreover, per Dr. Volney S. Cheney, 1917, Sodium Bicarb is effective agains coronaviruses, and this, plus hydroxychloroquine, efficacious against malaria, may mitigate cognate parasites, such as occur in the vaccines. I wish I had better news. Godspeed
Re: Dr. Andreas Noack.
I have never seen or read anything from the leading oppositional doctors and scientists in Germany or Austria or Switzerland which referenced Dr. Noack’s work.
But one doesn’t even really need to speak German to become suspicious when listening to him speaking.
I know there were rumours that Dr. Noack was murdered after Dr. Noack suddenly died. I have never read any slightest evidence for that allegation.
Why kill someone whom one can just laugh about?
This is an addendum to the previous report; Dr. Jane Ruby, in an interview with a British doctor, affirms what is now becoming more commonly known in the Alternate Media community, i.e., that the unvaccinated, on exposure to those who have been vaccinated with the CV-19 ‘Vaccine’, are themselves now contracting symptoms formerly found only in the vaccinated, structural clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. This, according to Sam-I-am, moniker for a doctor in the blog ‘To the Lifeboats’ in July, is the function of what he refers to as a ‘gymnosperm’ vector of transmission especially evident in those who have been recently vaccinated and are shedding. As such, it is recommended that Dr. Paisios Robles’ above protocols, inclusive of NAC or N-acetylcysteine, the precursor to glutathione, in the same family of drugs, and the substance produced ordinarily under physical exertion by the body, be enhanced to combat and counteract the effects of this form of transmission. According to the Pfizer documents, this is the means of transmitting the vaccine to the unvaccinated. I have also just learned that CDC is no longer discriminating between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. This is telling. It is evident that this ruling or policy decision is consonant with the manifest phenomena outlined above. Recall that it takes 12 weeks or 3mos for the graphene to scaffold the neurological system in the brain post vaccine. If one were to contract the graphene-hydroxide induced side effects, this will take a longer period of time, since the requisite 15 billion nanoparticles needed to reach conversion threshold will not be in the body’s reservoir or accumulated critical mass at inception or injection point. However, this grace period, quite literally, is likely to end with exposure to the recently vaccinated as a function of proximity to exhaled particles exuded in parts per million, the measure of toxins calculated to activate the toxicant being factored on top of the vector plus environmental exposures, chem-trails, food poisoning, etc., so that the exact period in which the symptoms of the vaccinated are reproduced in the vaccinated is unknown at present, there being no current studies to measure and ascertain this effect with certainty. Notwithstanding, the terminal success of such a complementary transmission is likely to be counteracted by healthy immune systems reinforced by enhanced protocols, and level of exposure, with level of saturation by toxins via ambient exhalations will vary in consistency, according to proximity, and degree of exposure. So even the unvaccinated will have to up their game. It is a question of survival, beyond which, we must take to prayers. Godspeed
This is a follow-up,Millitary grade Intel post: Abstract: [Cv-19 Vaccine] Weapons System Analysis: submitted to CIC:45: 07-31-22: 23:34HRS: ‘Remote Mind Control Linked to DARPA’s Brain Mapping’;Source: FOIA Release: 2018–‘Silviu Silview’;- post Cv-19 vaccination, this system is now identified in stages: (1) http://www.orwell.city: Detection of Graphene In Covid-19 Vaccines: Doctor of Chemical Sciences Pablo Campra Madrid, University of Almeria, Spain, conducting a Micro-Raman Spectroscopic Analysis utilizing lasers identified from slide samples of the Pfizer vaccine, translucent sheets, and opaque masses, he affirmed ‘with a high degree of confidence’ that the vaccines contained Graphene Oxide: (2) Dr. Andreas Noack, Carbon Expert, Austria, EU, a pre-eminent Chemist, re-affirmed the substance as Graphene Hydroxide (GHO), a very strong, very stable compound used in braking materials. Giving dimensions of the super-molecule construct at 1 atom’s thickness, 10nm width, 50nm length–he described these as ‘razor blades’–stating: ‘This is war.’ (3) Interviewed on Epoch TV by Joshua Phillips: Dr. Lawrence Sellin, Col., USAR Reserve (Ret.), serving at the Biological Warfare Facility at Ft. Detrick–identified CV-19 as ‘a prototypical biological weapon of the biotechnology type which China has been trying to develop since 2004’ and points to a ‘furin polybasic cleavage site’– ‘it’s one of the structures that facilitates infectivity and also lethality’ also ‘a very small structure in the virus, not found in any bat coronavirus, so it had to be inserted;–‘the genetic sequence that codes for that called CGGCGG 2112’ and ‘that particular sequence the reverse of it is found in the Moderna patent’–and concludes: ‘that the idea of inserting this particular genetic sequence into the Covid-19 virus came from the Moderna Patent’: (4) Fred Corbin, a professional race car engineer with a background in Nuclear Biological and Chemical Weapons study with Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Marine Biology as co-related areas of study, testified before the Health Minister and Prime Minister of Barbados, summarized here:’SARS-CoV-2 is a sub-clade of the Beta coronavirus family. It is not a naturally evolved virus. General Infectivity and Pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 appears to be specifically related to cumulative charge’ ( Dr. Andreas Noack–(Vimeo video), determines GHO compound to possess ‘a de-localized electron’ and a ‘split-off proton’ conferring characteristics of (a) equal buoyant dispersion in an aqeous environment, it floats– (b) translucence, or invisibility): Corbin continues: ‘related to inserts placed on the surface of the spike receptor binding domain. This is a lab-engineered phenomenon.’ Citing sources in ‘The CCP Intelligence Service’–‘mutations were critical to bat-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus’…’this is where Astrazenica and some of the other manufacturers get their vector from’ and ‘it outlines collusion with the CCP and those who were building it’–he cites a second source, received from a Pfizer contact: ‘Reverse Engineering the Source Code of the Biontech-Pfizer Vaccine’–a corollary to (3) CGGCGG 2112 by extrapolating method of inversion–he states ‘This…outlines the chemical and biological processes…carefully manipulated in order to produce an MRNA, that also contains a very dangerous toxin to the human body graphene oxide and every single one of these in the 30kg shot contains 15 billion nanoparticles or carrier particles within the sequence’ and ‘the spike protein binds itself to our blood cells’…’Graphene oxide then starts to build a structure–this is why we have people with blood clots…with heart failure…with sudden heart failure, because the Graphene oxide is building structure. The patent databases we’ve accessed proves that Covid-19 and Covid-19 vaccines are in fact a bioweapon.’ (5) In the PNAS paper ‘Syringe-injectible mesh electronics integrate seamlessly with minimal chronic immune response in the brain’–submitted by C. Lieber, the capabilities, potential, scope, design, intent– may be discerned of nanotech vaccine deployment consequences: under ‘Significance’ –and here we find another smoking gun–‘Seamless integration of electrical probes within neural tissue could substantially enhance and open up new opportunities in neuroscience research through electronic therapeutics…Systematic studies of brain tissue behavior following implantation of a design for probes that can be precisely targeted to specific brain regions by syringe-injection…have…an ultraflexible open mesh structure similar to the brain structure itself…Moreover neurons were found to penetrate through the probes’ open mesh structure, thus demonstrating an unprecedented level of integration and compatibility with the brain structure.’–https://www.pnas.org–doi10.1073–pnas 1705509114. Conclusion: From the foregoing, it may be established that CV-19 and the CV 19 vaccines are part of a bioweapons complex system, injected via-syringe, self-assembling, self-replicating using the body’s constituent elements to scaffold a nanoparticulate Graphene Hydroxide structure to scale, receptive of 5G radiations as a plane surface where the frequency is multiplied by the square of the surface turning the body into a living, cyborg, neural-mesh scaffolded mobile transmitter. Per La Quinta Columna (1) according to Ricardo Delgado Martin from the Spanish Study, Glutathione is the select solvent for this substance to effect full recovery, also NAC. This constitutes the medically related portion of a longer Abstract[unpublished]. Godspeed
As previously noted, correct ‘nan-microns’ and ‘nano-microns’to read ‘microns’ as measured by chemistry standards of measurement. This message refines the previous bioweapon/NBC/CBR analysis, and is submitted as a corrective and field-antidote under conditions of war. Stephen Gerard Rigdon, NBC Graduate, 1979, 25th Infantry Division Nuclear Biological Chemical School.
This is an emergency update to my previous posts: Vis-a-vis the preceding argument, i.e., that the so-called MRNA ‘vaccines’are in fact beyond bio-weapons, but biological-hybrid chemical toxin radiological biosensors. To sum up: Dr. Andreas Noack, an Austrian Chemical Doctor, dead as of 11-26-2021, after he released a video on the mRNA vaccines, in which he calls the ‘Gene-Therapy’ a ‘smokescreen’ and affirms,in light of the Spanish Team at La Quinta Columna, Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, that the primary component is Graphene Oxide, which he corrects to: ‘Graphene Hydroxide. He was a successful prize-winning scientist/researcher/businessman who founded his own company manufacturing carbon-based metal components for distribution, and said, prior to his mysterious death several hours after his video, that the compound after microramin spectroscopic examination, contained graphene hydroxide nanoscalar particles which assemble into structures 50 nan-microns in length, one nanomicron in thickness, and are, effectually, ‘razor-blades’ which propelled by the bloodstream, cut up the organ tissues kinetically causing ultimately, death. On his findings there is no known antidote, however, Dr. Paisios has independently affirmed NAC, the precursor to Glutathione, which Dr. Campra Madrid designates to be used at the 500mg dosage. These two cognate substances are contrarily affirmed to break down the compound over time. This is the specific antidote, and doubtless if Dr. Noack had more time, he might have substantiated the Spanish Teams conclusions. May his memory be eternal.
It looks like you are gaining on the learning curve as to the nature of the evil we face. I would suggest one slight modification to your thinking.
As Orthodox we understand the there are “Mysteries” of the Church”. These mysteries are manifold layers of enigmas; all truth is in an enigma. At the same time St Paul described this concentrated evil as the “mystery of iniquity” which also has manifold layers of seeming enigmas. In other words, when you take an either/or approach, you are always missing something. The devil would never was his time with “smoke screens” but rather covering all bases, so if one evil does not get you another will.
While the graphine is an oxide, there is nothing to say that there is not also a dioxide. The anti-Christ spirit takes the pattern of truth and flips it upside down and implements conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy.
The ingredients in the vaccine (as well as those being sprayed from the sky, (graphine is being sprayed over cities) along with 5g are designed to alter the human genome as well as introduce direct agents of death, and even machines of target killing, seeing into your house etc, etc. I am convinced the attempt to alter man’s genetic codes are real and even to some measure successful. (search black eyed babies).
I also know from history, gene editing is nothing new because Scripture is clear, there were giants. As the gene editing programs continue get ready to see bizarre stuff. Yeah, its all real, and only a small part is not.
However, “greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” And in all of this we will overcome through Christ.
Just a note: I have not (will not=hell will freeze over before i take it)taken the vaccine and in my experimental detoxing I am getting flat black flakes out of my body (probably–but not for sure–graphine oxide). All this stuff is reversible!! All we have to do is figure it out.
Correction to name; all posts under “Ridon” are from Stephen G. RIGDON–otherwise, this is a general information post to all readers, not a personally addressed response. It is public Open Source Intel, gleaned from USAMRIID’S Medical Management Of Biological Casualties Handbook 9th Edition, with special reference on ‘Gain-Of-Function’from the now-scrubbed 7th Edition of 2011, Fort Detrick, Frederick Maryland: Other references: Genedecode, US Navy veteran–found on Blessed To Serve–and elsewhere.
To complete my thesis, (2)(a) the ‘vaccines’ were developed to correspond to coronaviruses released upon the target population, in a variety of ‘variants’using spike ‘S’ proteins to zero in on a host cell’s DNA and bioengineer or replicate more spike proteins to infect healthy cells. These are identified for attack in the well-known cytokine storm: (2)(b) according to La Quinta Columna,the jabs contain Graphene Oxide (GO) which is an element used in ELECTRONICS. The injections contain an invisible dose of nano-particles, not only lipid nano particles, of this translucent material seen only under spectroscopic analysis, and in a host body chemistry environment not revealed in a pure laboratory experiment. This material is made up of self-assembling nanobot,think of the Borg ‘nanites’ of Star Trek–which fold and refold (see Genedecode) until they are of sufficient complexity and mass to become self-aware, being assembled into transponders which can receive and be programmed by 5G signals from radio-towers, servers, satellites. They are magnetic, phosphorescent under black-light, they are tracking devices. They come in a variety of forms, with specific tasks. Their purpose is to identify the host, map his/her physiology, identify target organs, and pinpoint them for destruction. The ‘vaccine’ is nonesuch. It is a PLA/Globalist weapon of war. We are in the middle of it, and yes, it is spiritual war. This tech is demonic. Don’t take it. If you do, use NAC as Dr. Paisios suggests, the precursor to Glutathione in the 500mg dose, as a needed element to break down the weapon in your bloodstream. Snap out of your normalcy bias. This is not a medical issue. It is a weapon of war, and everyone who takes it is a potential casualty of war. There are two months, three at best, before it peaks, and ‘many, many will pass away’ per the holy Fathers of Athos. Then follow Dr. Paisio’s protocols and the rest.
Mr. Ridon, I cannot tell to whom you are speaking. 🙂 You didn’t “tag” anyone. 🙂
I affirm, albeit not uncritically, all of Christian Elliot’s main points. My objection here, and this comes from my military background and prior training in NBC, is first, recognizing the problem and premises upon which the contemporary discourse is framed,pro and con. You refer to ‘vaccines’ as developed for a medical paradigm. I refer to both the hybridized-coronaviruses, in all their variants, Delta, Omicron, and the complementary ‘vaccines’ developed to counter them as bioweapons. You assume automatically a medical paradigm governing a peace-time ‘health crisis’. I am talking about the deployment and assignation of weapons of war. Elliot does the same. Understand, all of his presuppositions are true–as far as they go. But these ‘vaccines’are not ‘gene therapy’they were designed through Fauci’s development, intervention, promotion, in concert with the Department of Defense working with the People’s Liberation Army to develop a biological superweapon, in two parts: (1) a hybridized coronavirus spliced with HIV and spun off in ‘variants’ to be released upon the US population as part of a biological warfare campaign against us, per the doctrine of Chi-Hao-Tien, a PLA General, consonant with Unrestricted Warfare which utilizes a full-spectrum array of responses to an enemy. We are at war.
I’m confused.
I read that animals were indeed used at some point, over the years as they were attempting to create coronavirus vaccines…
I see that NAC or N-acetylcysteine heads the list on Dr. Paisio’s ‘Noes’ and that is a critical element, being the precursor to Glutathione, in breaking down the graphene oxide (GO) compound, consisting of ferritin, or iron, aluminum and other base metals, since each 30kg injection contains 15 billion particles of GO which are self-assembling components to a larger AI system of transmitter/receiver/transponders meant to map the host body of the vaccinated individual, originally purposed to map cancers, but, in the military application of the People’s Liberation Army, consonant with the mission of the Chinese Military Academy which focuses per the U.K. Daily Mail, on brain control, paralysis subverting the will, all in line with the DNA mapping going on at Kunming, PRC. Synthesize these findings with news out of Scotland reference: ‘Reflection and Transmission Coefficients of Nano-metamaterial Antennaes at Microwave Frequencies’ –W.G. Whittow; J.C. Vardaxglou; C. Toprakcioglu; N. Spiliopoulos, authors. This is, as Alex Jones succinctly puts it, a bio-synthetic hybrid–but, more accurately, from a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare perspective, a Bioweapon with toxic chemical (GO) elements, the compound itself being a toxin; with radiological and light reflecting capabilities activated by 5G radio-towers or devices in link. This is not yet the Mark of the beast, but, it is, as the Holy Fathers on Mt. Athos opine, ‘a precursor or forerunner.’ If you have received the jab, NAC or Glutathione in the 500mg dosage will begin to degrade the nanoscale components. These are tracking devices, essential to the spread of the ‘Social Credit System of the PRC, meant to track you down, linked with your medical data by server, enabled by specific signal intelligence to activate nano-scale probes to kinetically injure the recipient. That is why people are dying ‘Sudden deaths,’dropping on the field, wherever–because nanobot projectiles are keyed, coded, directed, to kinetically target specific organs, crossing the blood-brain barrier. I know this is highly technical, but if you don’t understand it, talk to someone with NBC/CBR training serving in the Army who attends your church. Do your due diligence. Don’t be another casualty. Read this and save your life.
The problem is that Fauci and his mob are not following accepted standards for vaccine research and development.
Most of the list that the vaccine hasn’t been tested for( cancer, pregnancy etc) are also true of all the other vaccines. The problem is much larger than people seem to be grasping, much bigger and older than Fauci. It is accumulated( over decades) ignorance, carelessness, and propaganda.
Rebekah, you are one of the few people who really have some grasp on reality. God bless you for the ability to transcend the whole sale delusion. Interestingly, when I became aware of my own toxic load of heavy metals (and later, nano) and began detoxing, the vax site on my left arm when I was a child–around 60 years ago–ached intensely for about six weeks. Now on occasion it still does. Interestingly, for a period of time, I noticed my left armpit would not sweat like the right in the sauna. After, months of detox, the left is catching up to the right (weird, right?).
As more information has leaked out by insiders, it seems possible that only 5% of all vaccines distributed contain the mRna component that alters genes. At the same time, other shots off the shelf have been examined and found nothing but graphene oxide in solution. But, the graphene oxide will self-assemble in the body when activated with certain frequencies of radio transmission e.g. cell phones, 5g etc. creating a slow death manifesting as cancer, stroke, heart attack. In other words, this is a bioweapon with remote control.
One day recently, puzzled by the abundance of ink black (street salt is not black) tracked into my garage by snow laden with road-ice-melt or whatever, I found it to contained substances that responded to a magnet. So, the graphene put into the vaccines is in a lot of other things. Some fruits, vegies, and snow ignite in the microwave oven because of the metallic content:https://www.bitchute.com/video/A7ZMb1kjg4EZ/ (please excuse the language).
Then take a look at if you have the stomach for the truth:
Perhaps, the strangest voice in the market place of ideas is Tony Pantallaresco. All of his research was survival driven; he had “Morgellons Disease” and reworked the problem from the bottom up and with the help of another, found solutions and the core cause. Giving his concepts a try, I built my own version of the nano-bucket, and the magnetic fan. It absolutely brought my own detox to a whole new level, where I expelled much more metals and small amounts of black stuff, some of which responded to magnetic fields. That said, his operative presuppositions regarding the pure level of deliberate treachery now being perpetrated upon America and the world, must largely be true. Obviously, 99.9 percent of people have no clue what’s going down and have no paradigm to even scratch the surface and are sitting ducks for the acceleration of death on this planet.
There is no safe vaccine. The “safe and effective” mantra is longstanding propaganda promoted by Rockefeller medicine. Acc. to the activist groups, no vaccine has been safety-tested against an inert (saline) placebo. When the pharma companies administer a “placebo” in their trials, it is usually the meningitis shot. This has been going on for decades.
I would expect nothing less from Rockefeller medicine, which the world has been suffering under for about 100 years.
Well, not all of us. 🙂
I didn’t know about Rockefeller, but I did know about God. 🙂