Dress Rehearsal for Dictatorship: How Are You Helping to Set the Stage?

What if some highly motivated and influential Zionists are correct in their predictions about Donald Trump?

What if they say that Trump will regain the White House this year and will serve both Israel and their impending Jewish messiah?

What if they call Trump their “non-Jewish messiah” and compare him to Cyrus the Great, who helped to reestablish the Jews in Israel after their exile in Babylon, some 2,400 years ago?

What if their signs of Trump’s anointing are his right ear being grazed in a symbolic gesture of Exodus 21:6 and his name in Hebrew gematria being 424, the same as “Messiah Son of David”?

What if Trump will help to rebuild the temple and to establish a Jewish kingdom over all of mankind in Jerusalem?

What if Trump is destined to represent Western society by personally greeting their Jewish messiah in Jerusalem?

What if Trump bows to their Jewish messiah and offers America’s assistance in eradicating all of their enemies and in establishing the kingdom of the messiah?

What if Trump ushers the U.S. into a new United Nations led by the Jewish messiah and based in Jerusalem?

What if the Zionist spokesman who makes these claims is an esteemed and influential rabbi named Isser Zalman Weisberg?

Rabbi Weisberg and other rabbis have said the arrival of their Moshiach (Jewish messiah) is imminent. Weisberg recently called Donald Trump the “non-Jewish messiah” and predicted that Trump will return to the White House in 2024 to serve both Israel and the Jewish messiah.

Rabbi Weisberg’s full video treatise appears at the above link; see a shortened version here.

What do you think of that? Isn’t their Jewish messiah the Antichrist foretold in Scripture? What if Trump bows to the Antichrist on your behalf? Why is a lone Protestant pastor named Chuck Baldwin the only religious leader currently issuing a public warning?

Chuck Baldwin – Protestant Pastor

How many religious leaders are Zionists? How many politicians are Zionists? Which parts of these Zionist plans are imminent? Which parts are wish fulfillment? Which parts are a cynical ploy to woo conservative and religious voters who long for a strong man to fix things?

All three U.S. Presidential candidates, and practically every other American politician, are Zionists.

The U.S. hegemon is spearheading a global empire whose size, scope, and turpitude would shock 20 Roman emperors. How will voting fix that?

Doesn’t politics feel as contrived as professional wrestling? Will the string-pullers behind the scenes install Trump for a second term because he masterfully holds the world’s rapt attention? Or because he will move their agenda? Or both? Will he propose a digital ID for every person? Will he start multiple wars? Will the masses cheer him on as if he is a character in a reality TV show?

What if the long-prophesied end times are closer than anyone imagined? What if, alongside the prosaic events of daily life, we are witnessing a gigantic dress rehearsal for the Antichrist’s eventual global dictatorship, whenever that might be?

Do any of these possibilities give you pause? Do you feel like voting, or do you feel embarrassed and hoodwinked?

Why is everyone searching for political solutions to spiritual problems? Why is everyone pointing fingers? Do you blame everything on the Jews or another group? Do you really think God cares about “owning the libs”? What is the best use of your time?

Why isn’t Psalm 145:3 everyone’s life verse? It admonishes: “Do not trust in rulers and in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation.”

“Acquire the Spirit of Peace, and a thousand souls around you will be saved.” What did Seraphim of Sarov, the beloved 18th-century Russian saint, mean by that?

Is evil strong today because Christians are weak in repentance, love, and faith? Do you ever wonder what “rights” you have given to the devil, as St. Paisios the Athonite taught in the 20th century?

St. Paisios the Athonite

Do you ponder the signs of the end times?

In the fifth century, Blessed Augustine, a Western Father, described an outline of major end-times events:

“Elias the Tishbite shall come; the Jews shall believe; Antichrist shall persecute; Christ shall judge; the dead shall rise; the good and the wicked shall be separated; the world shall be burned and renewed. All these things, we believe, shall come to pass; but how, or in what order, human understanding cannot perfectly teach us, but only the experience of the events themselves.”

“The Zionists are preparing someone to be the Messiah,” said St. Paisios the Athonite decades ago to his spiritual children. The book Spiritual Awakening recounts these conversations in the 1980s and early 1990s.

“For them the Messiah is a king who will reign here on earth,” St. Paisios said. “A sign marking the fulfillment of the prophecies will be the destruction of the mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. They will tear it down to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, which, as they say, was built on that site. Ultimately the Zionists will install the Antichrist there as the Messiah.”

St. Zosima of Solovetsky Monastery warned in the 15th century that “when you hear that Christ has come to earth or appeared on earth: then know that this is the [A]ntichrist.”

In the 20th century, Fr. Seraphim Rose said that “the Antichrist must be understood as a spiritual phenomenon” and that people will bow to him because of their own “lack of Christ.”

Fr. Seraphim Rose

Concurrently with the rise of the Antichrist, “Enoch and Elias will preach in Jerusalem, the Holy City, for three and a half years,” writes Dennis Engleman. “As a result of their powerful witness, many Jews will turn to their true Messiah at last. This will be one of the most profoundly moving occurrences of the end times. The long vigil of Judaism will end when that ‘remnant’ which the Lord has preserved through the ages finally turns its heart fully to Jesus Christ.”

“Watch therefore, and pray always,” said Christ, “that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).

Maranatha, Lord Jesus Christ!

Cassandra St. John, an Orthodox Christian

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