The Shouting Signs of the Times
Having been aware of the effort for a one world government for well over forty years, it’s disconcerting—down right disturbing— to actually see the things predicted for decades starting to take shape. During the 1970’s one of the most respected Protestant missionaries at the time, Willard Cantalon, pioneered the use of film making for promoting world missions. He filmed missions in action and brought the footage to the donors. As a film producer with wide experience, it was probably inevitable for him to investigate what has now been dubbed “the New World Order.” His work introduced me to the men behind the curtain.
His book, “The Day the Dollar Dies,” still sits on my bookshelf, the spine disintegrated, most pages loose (Copyright 1973: the year I graduated from high school). In the denomination I was in, Cantalon often made the preaching circuit. The few times I heard him speak in person, I was very impressed with the quality of his character, the sincerity of his delivery, and his stories of world missions. He was truly a missionary at heart. But he always spoke on the subject of the world banking system and its final goal of world control on every level. Most of the intricacies of the world banking system blew past me, simple-minded as I am. But his overall warning was very clear. Using Economics, the primordial evil was seeking to overthrow everything of God on Earth. A day was coming when no one could buy or sell without the mark.
With Cantalon’s portends always in the back of my head, the growth of global organizations (EU, NAFTA, WTO, global charities / NGOs, United Nations etc) seemed to demonstrate the ongoing development of this one-world paradigm. Every step of the way, I could see these hidden powers increasing their control of individual nations using money as a means to enslave. The Greek debt crisis is just one example of how a nation in economic distress can be transformed politically. This is happening everywhere now in a post-lockdown world plunged into poverty and dependent on subsidies.
Cantalon was not alone in seeing the signs. During that generation, many preachers, authors, and even film makers took note and for a time, eschatology became a fad. Movies were made: A Thief in the Night, A Distant Thunder, and others. These were very popular. The “Jesus Movement” was salted with warnings about the coming Anti-Christ. While this movement had many excesses, and probably even more than a few grifters, it molded my thinking about world events in relation to Scripture. In Bible College, I took a class titled, “Daniel and Revelation” exploring the “colossus” of world powers that in the end is destroyed by the “Stone cut without hands” that smashes the feet.[1]
Not only was eschatology in film, it was also in Christian pop music. To this day, I cannot get the words of the song “I wish we’d all been ready” out of my head.[2] While it does depict “rapture” as a theology—something never heard of in Orthodoxy—its core message was a warning to be ready to escape the wrath to come.[3] Going back and hearing it now, in light of current events, my blood runs cold. Interestingly, this fad was not just in Christian pop, but in contemporary folk music. Even before the message hit the Christian pop scene, Barry McGuire— who later became a pop Christian artist— created the hit “Eve of Destruction” that totally rocked the music scene. So powerful was the identification of that generation, McGuire’s hit song dominated even the Beatles and all pop “greats” of that era. The song was everywhere, seemingly overnight. Everybody knew it was truth.
Perhaps all of that was a warning from God to my generation. A warning of things that would not happen in our youth, but which we would live to see as elders. It was common belief then that the “rapture” would save us all. While this has now proven misinformation, the remaining warnings of impending cataclysmic upheaval are more relevant now than ever before. The globalists I had heard about for decades, now have the tools to force the whole world into a global lockdown; a global concentration camp, a global Auschwitz. Now, we are on the “Eve of Destruction.” It’s already happening in Australian, Canada and other parts of the world.
Can we step back from the cliff? Or will we plunge headlong into anti-Christ? That may be for the collective “us” to decide.
Historical Perspective
For the Germans, Hitler was an “anti-Christ.” For the Russians, Stalin was their “anti-Christ.” For the Chinese, Mao was the total embodiment of “anti-Christ”. For their respective populations, each of these men was everything – every horror, every evil – ever predicted of “The” Anti-Christ. Those peoples, under such despotic leadership, experienced their own “Great Tribulations” with war, death, famine, and the leveling of cities on a scale America has never experienced. For the Germans, for the Russians, for the Chinese, they have already tasted the fruit of anti-Christ in its fullest measure.
But let us consider: each of those cases of an anti-Christ tyrant trying for world dominion (like Lucifer—“I will ascend”) ended in failure. “An” anti-Christ never succeeded in becoming “THE” Anti-Christ. Much credit goes to the United States of America for stopping the expansion of such evil men and their bloody philosophies (Fascism and Communism). But, will our current America continue to be a check on global tyranny, or will we now have our turn as the home of an anti-Christ, perhaps even facilitating the rise of “THE” Anti-Christ?
While we cannot say for certain that “THE” Anti-Christ is here, we can safely say all the elements are here to facilitate his rise. Big Tech, Big Pharma, and our own government combine to make total control of our lives a real possibility for the first time in history. If you deny this, you are living in an alternate reality.
The question is not whether these forces are trying to control us, but rather will we let them they actually pull it off?
Knowns and Unknowns
Sorting the “signs of the times,” we have knowns and unknowns. What do we know?
The pandemic with its vaccine has created a tool for world domination, whether you believe in its efficacy or not; the “pandemic” is global, and the “vaccine” is global, and with its implementation comes control. It is especially dangerous that the vaccine is spoken of in religious terms by government officials.
- Your government cannot be trusted: as more and more vaccines are forced, it demonstrates a pronounced malevolence on the part of government. Now that the vaccine has a track record, it is far worse than any previous vaccine in collateral damage.
- Some Orthodox bishops cannot be trusted: whether due to incompetence, or being in the tank with the globalists, we cannot say as each bishop is different. Clearly, however, there are far too many harmful edicts inconsistent with what it means to be Orthodox for only ecclesiastical ignorance to be at work.
- Modern medicine cannot be trusted: The long standing faith that your doctor can be trusted is now fantasy. There has been a change. Doctors are saying things, prescribing things, which in the past they never would have. The reason: they are being strong-armed into following protocols never before imagined. The leverage: the fear of “losing their license”, without which they will no longer be doctors.
- Many American corporations show an unmistakable aversion for anything “American” in lieu of the Chinese and a one-world paradigm.
- Those exercising “emergency” authority (not due process) are unwilling to give up their new powers, the more they have the more they take.
- Evil is afoot, we are losing our freedoms, especially Christian freedoms.
- If evil is afoot, it is by God’s permission (not man’s) and God will make a plan for His people to escape for those who seek and find it.[4] If evil is afoot, then so is God as where sin abounds, much more does God’s Grace. It will not be automatic, but for those who seek and find the “Secret Place of the Most High.” Do not take refuge in your job, your finances or even wavering bishops. Unlike God, all that will let you down.
What are the things we don’t know?
Whether or not, this is the final anti-Christ.
- Whether or not, the vaccine is the “Mark of the Beast.” It might be, it might not be. Of equal concern – are the vaccine passports paving the way for the Mark of the Beast? Few changes of such size and scope happen all at once.
- While we know evil things are coming, how it will affect each area of the country is unknown; it will differ from place to place. This means, we cannot assume what is happening with us is happening with all, even in Orthodox jurisdictions.
Brace for Impact
While we can debate the nature of current trends, clearly evil is advancing and returning to the “old normal” will not happen any time soon. Time to rethink where we are in light of things already in motion, and to put aside the comforting thought, “It can’t happen here.” Most of “it” already has. Consider: we already have experienced church lockdowns, members barred from attending services, and bishops associating with full-fledged apostates as if they were kin.
In the long view, we need to make some plans. Here are some suggestions:
- The preservation of children: orphanages will make a comeback. Some vaccinated parents (perhaps many) will succumb to early deaths. There will be many orphans. If we as Orthodox want to prepare for the future of the Faith, we must—absolutely must—make provisions for taking care of the children of deceased Orthodox parents. Several young priests have recently succumbed to something (vaccine side effects?) leaving their children fatherless. We must also resist the vaccination of children. The vaccine side effects are more dangerous to children than COVID. There is simply no medical reason for injecting mRNA into children, and much potential harm. As a community, we must redouble our efforts to protect and teach the next generation the authentic beliefs and practices of the Orthodox Faith, no matter how much the world tries to deform both.
- As some Orthodox bishops are more for channeling the state over channeling the fathers, additional jurisdictions need to be established or consolidation of faithful parishes under the care of remaining faithful hierarchs who will stay true to Orthodoxy. ASAP. As more and more vaccines will be mandated, it could become increasingly difficult to find Orthodox worship without such restrictions. Right now corporations of 100+ are forcing vaccines. There will be a population shift as Orthodox employees relocate to find work without mandates. As this happens, old ethnic and historical ties will be broken. Orthodox refugees will focus on finding authentic Orthodox worship and faith in their new homes. Parishes, dioceses, and jurisdictions offering nothing more than the world will shrink and, perhaps, even die.
- Should we stocking up food? Maybe. At this moment, some supply chains are so stretched as to cause shortages. To what extent future events will impact the overall food supply is an unknown. As those who live in flood or hurricane-prone areas know, having back up supplies is never a bad thing. Food supplies are the ultimate insurance policy, and there are many options. But just as you can’t buy car insurance after your car is wrecked, so you won’t be able to buy emergency food supplies when you actually need them. Like Joseph in Egypt, you must lay up provisions for the famine in advance. It is also good to remember that a parish garden can be an invaluable resource.
CREATE SACRED SPACE (this is huge): As Orthodox, we have every tool afforded by God to mankind to ward off the influx of evil. When the plagues of judgment hit Egypt, the Hebrew home was marked as sacred space with the covenant Blood of the Lamb, keeping evil at bay and saving the firstborn. When plague hit Israel due to David’s sin of numbering the people, the plague was stopped precisely at the “threshing floor” (place of sifting) when David and the elders fell on their faces. Consider the Holy Protection of the Theotokos. EVERYTHING about Orthodoxy is making space sacred to protect it from evil – the heart, the home, the temple, even the entire city via processions and public blessings. I personally take Holy Water to the “high place” of our city and pray over the city to make it sacred space. If you want to save your city, do processions, or at the very least, anoint it as holy ground with Holy Oil and Holy Water. This spiritual warfare is the birthright of every Orthodox Christian.
- Bottom line: In the world of forced vaccinations, pandemics, and economic upheaval, this is, for the Orthodox Christians, our finest hour. We were made for times like these; we were made so the very gates of Hell cannot conquer us. All we have to do is be true to the Faith, build a future generation of Orthodox and, guess what? We win!! When it’s good, it’s good. When it’s not good, it’s still good (Glory to God for all things).
Build the Future, Now
If we do not start consciously building a future in this troubled world, then the Orthodox won’t have one. Start now.
It is time now to wake up, smell the incense, see non-canonical bishops for what they are (traitors of Christ) and start building the future of the Orthodox by doing these things: 1. Create new jurisdictions / consolidate into faithful ones, 2. Make room for the next generation, prepare them to be the new gatekeepers of the Faith. 3. Create sacred space, not just in our temples, but in our homes, hearts, and cities.
Your blessed and humble servant, John Lee
[1] In Orthodoxy, the mountain from which the “Stone” was cut without hands (a man’s activation) is the Holy Virgin. Consider: the feet of Daniel’s colossus are two; now demonstrated by Asian (Chinese) and European (Swab, Gates, Fauci) communism, which are in some measure at odds with each other. There is a power struggle with America caught in the middle.
[3] Matthew 3:7, Luke 3:7, I Thessalonians 1:10, 2:16, Revelation 6:17, 11:18, 12:12.
[4] See note 3.
Dear Editors-Staff-
See: Eminent Orthodox Christians Speak Out Against Compromising the Faith for COVID Restrictions
•September 24, 2021Christianity | James Perloff
Thank you for your diligence.
Doxa to Theo, John D.
John D.
It is a lengthy post that you linked to in your comment.
No time yet to read all of it, and no intention to do so after a quick skimming provided enough insight.
The author writes:
“ Was it not the Bolsheviks who contravened Paul’s counsel in Romans 13 when they overthrew and murdered Czar Nicholas II and his family?”
The Bolsheviks did not overthrew Czar Nicholas II. He had already abdicated.
The author writes:
“ Here, at a public protest, Father Savvas speaks out publicly against Freemasonry (longtime enemy of Orthodoxy), …”
Mozart’s late symphonies are creations of a freemason. William Wyler’s movies are creations of a freemason.
Sergei Nilus’ “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” are the creation of an Orthodox Christian.
The author quotes some Elder:
“ In older times and in similar cases of deadly epidemics, she [the church] would perform sanctifications of the waters (αγιασμός) and go out in procession with the sacred icons and holy relics. Why should these not be done today as well?”
In older times people had less scientific knowledge and tools at their disposal. To ignore these is not faith, it is superstition. That is not the main problem with that quote, though. The main problem is that the suggestion, even if only by implication, to go out in processions feeds exactly the propaganda of an unusually dangerous disease. It is that propaganda that has caused so much damage, it is that propaganda courageous doctors and scientists have argued against.
All the rest about the “mark of the beast” and revelation: Those monks cannot know that, nor does it matter for discerning how to respond to the “vaccination” policies. It is conceited verbosity to speculate about that. Orthodoxy would be a so much better place if some monastics would just shut up and stick to contemplative prayer.
I find that disbelief comes from lack of knowledge. Those who have not truly studied scripture do not fully comprehend what God and Jesus is telling us in live time here on earth today. There is no disconnect between thousands of years ago till the present. God. the Creator built mankind for eternity using His words. Failing to study it results in the failure to believe and use it in our lives and this world. The End Times are arriving at a schedule we are not precisely aware of, we only that is is to come. Just as it has throughout history the prophecies from the Bible have taken place, so shall the End Times. So be ready as the scripture tells us and remember one thing most important is Jesus in our hearts. Read the last page of the Bible…. God wins, We Win!
Let me explain why I push for changes in jurisdictions.
So, Elpi paid a compliment–offered an olive branch–to the LGBT community at St. Bart’s (see July 13 post). The LGBT flag out front is not just a welcome mat for gays but most definitely their military standard; like the American flag on any base in a foreign country. It means, we are in power; this is our command and control center for this region. If you don’t appease us, we will smack you. By establishing a peaceful agreement with them, he is appeasing their assault on Christianity as far as he is concerned. But at what a price? There was a trade off, make no mistake.
At some point, the favor must be repaid (now the hook after the bait). LGBT start showing up where Elpi goes to show their support for him.
Imagine this: Elpi shows up at a local parish, the highly organized LGBTs show up as well. Any kind gesture on Elpi’s part opens the gate. They start pressing for membership and access to the Chalice. And the poor priest (whose baptismal font is dryer than last years bird’s nest, and offering coffers empty) finally has catechumen. Seeing the influx of subverts, the good, God fearing–especially those with children–leave.
But where do these godly Orthodox go?? If there is no viable Orthodox alternative, they join some clap-happy mega-church run by flat-screen pastors. At least there, they do not have to explain LGBT to their children (hopefully).
These are the tactics with which took down the Episcopalians a generation ago; this is urban, street smart, guerilla warfare, and some bishops are snared in the trap already.
As for the OCA Tizrock (“may he live forever”) that tagged along for this event, he is now on the radar screen as a “soft target.” If he takes the bait again, he can expect a full onslaught, if he resists, there may be hell to pay (Lord have pity). It might be better for him to remain in the “Brotherhood of the Potted Plant”–those bishops whose XXL beehind is ever behind a desk or conference table (as opposed to the “Brotherhood of the Burning Bush” which assumes a coming exodus from disgusting, plague ridden Egypt.
Some would say, you must have love! You must have respect!! This is love, love for the Godly Orthodox who put up with this deplorable mess while risking the spiritual welfare of their children. This is respect, respect for the saints, the martyrs, and the Church Fathers who never would have put up with such trash. Oh, the anathemas would have been flying.
This all is too grievous, we all need to fall on our faces and cry for God’s mercy on us which is God’s judgment to cleanse His Church for relief of this stanch from Hades.
Sober and sophisticated analyses can be found here:
And here:
Abba Pambo speaks way back when how the priests and the hierarchy will respond when the time is near. How true his prophesy is turning out to be.
This is the first time I’ve heard someone suggest forming/consolidating into a new jurisdiction. I’m actually good with this. But how can this be done? What hierarch(s) could we form under? Would they even agree to it? How do we do this without just being another schismatic group like the “True Russian Orthodox Church”?
Those are great questions, and it is time that it be considered by those under abusive bishops.
Having been in a breakaway parish of the Anglican church, a few things can be garnered from that, and obviously, delineating my own observations will require a larger document.
The issue always boils down to ownership of the property (because people can go anywhere they wish). If an entire diocese wants to get out from under a rogue metropolitan, that is a slam dunk, because the property is always owned (according to court rulings going back as far as the Civil War) on the diocesan level (not the parent church, and usually not by the local parish even when titled to local parish; but sometimes it is). If a parish wants to relocate under a new bishop, it gets more dicey depending upon the wording of the governing church documents.
Because nearly all Orthodox jurisdictions in America are “missions” anyway the canonical concept of geographical governance is largely scrambled anyway; moving things around does nothing because American jurisdictions are non-canonical anyway; what matters is what goes on in the courts. That the EP has made himself pope, does not grant him title to church properties; again, its in the hands of the bishop and his team.
by way of example, in the Catholic sex scandals, it was the local dioceses that took the hit not the pope in Rome (though it was tried), because the pope owns nothing in America as to parish properties. In other words, the office of EP owns no church buildings here and therefore his only authority is what people give him; his authority hangs on people’s imaginations, not legal control of property. Actually, it hangs on the local bishop and what his disposition is, because his office (probably) owns parish properties.
American Episcopalians who wanted other bishops actually came under African (Nigerian, Rowandan) bishops as not indigenous but mission parishes. The Africans liked it because it gave them a cash stream.
Whew, that’s a lot of information. I don’t how many full parishes were against all the restrictions. Mostly it was a few people within parishes. And how many feel the bishops were ‘abusive’ enough to want to leave altogether?
I can only think of a handful of bishops in the entire world who were against the restrictions.
Those are good points, and if so, not much will happen on that account. But, I wonder how many bishops in the Greek jurisdictions would bolt if given the chance because of the EP’s appointee that rules there. I mean really, at some point don’t you have to hide the children when Elpidophorus comes to town? (due to his obscene associations). How do you tell your teens to be virgins until marriage when your jurisdiction is ruled by a close allied endorser of LGBT. He presents a severe moral hazard to the next generation; does he not? As far as COVID restrictions, I think many bishops realize the ridiculousness of being agents of the state as COVID cops.
You wrote in your original post:
“ For the Germans, for the Russians, for the Chinese, they have already tasted the fruit of anti-Christ in its fullest measure.”
– You, conspicuously, forgot to mention the Jewish people.
You wrote in your original post:
“ As some Orthodox bishops are more for channeling the state over channeling the fathers, additional jurisdictions need to be established or consolidation of faithful parishes under the care of remaining faithful hierarchs who will stay true to Orthodoxy. ASAP.”
And in the above comment you wrote:
“ Having been in a breakaway parish of the Anglican church, a few things can be garnered from that, and obviously, delineating my own observations will require a larger document.”
– Old habits die hard. Or did you just get passively and unwillingly caught up in that breakaway parish?
If I were to run a conspiracy, I would place voices on Christian forums which encourage people to ponder the creation of breakaway jurisdictions.
Martin L.:
If I knew that the world were to go under tomorrow, I would still plant my little apple tree today.
John L.:
If I knew that the world were to go under tomorrow, I would still found my little jurisdiction today.
To be clear, by new jurisdiction, I mean bringing existing churches under new (to them) but existing jurisdictions. No new patriarchate needs to be created but a shuffling of things, which is already taking place as people are leaving and going elsewhere including Protestant churches. The movement is happening, it just would be better for people to have better options. But otherwise, your points are taken. Of course, Luther had no intention of splitting, but it was unavoidable, because for eons, the Catholic church had already become divided, clergy from laity. In other words, the division is already there, and its not going away, but if we can better manage the collateral damage, it will be a healthier outcome.
It was not meant to be an exhaustive list of anti-Christs and their victims. When we edited it, we really didn’t think of the Jews separately from Germans. We could have added Poles, the victims of Genghis Khan, Timurlane, Pol Pot, it can get expansive. From the editorial side, no one was excluded on purpose.
New jurisdiction formation is actually a fairly common occurrence. The Moscow Patriarchate is probably going to gather up dissident priests and parishes in Africa and start a new jurisdiction. What we think is more likely – parishioners will shift between existing jurisdictions. The Serbs have a reputation for being serious about their Orthodoxy. We have seen parishioners leaving GOA and going Serbian or Georgian. This is likely to continue and accelerate. As the demands increase, some bishops are going to finally push back. The ones who draw a line will attract faithful from parishes under those who will abide by anything the government demands. This is already happening in Canada en masse, and to a lesser extent in America. Get woke, go broke. Water down the faith, watch the faithful go elsewhere.
Not to be misunderstood: I do not understand German Jews murdered by Nazi-Germany as separate from Germans, and I did not want to imply any such thing. Of course they were Germans.
But German Jews were only a small fraction of the Jews murdered by Nazi-Germany.
In my previous comment, I noted the striking fact that John Lee had not mentioned the Jewish people because of John Lee’s obsession with Freemasons which he displayed in previous threads. That tends to go hand in hand with anti-semitism, so I just wondered if the failure to mention the group which has suffered worst from the most hideous crimes ever committed was just an omission without further significance, or if there indeed was some significance in that.
Can’t speak for him, but we don’t associate Freemasons with Jews. There are two articles on our site specifically about Freemasonry, neither mentions Jews. Our primary concern is Orthodox who are Freemasons.