Donald J Trump won the presidency. Decisively. With a Republican Congress to boot. Somehow, in a year of massive turnout, some 12 million or so votes that went to Joe Biden in 2020 simply…. vanished.
The results left Trump triumphing over one the most unpopular and inept politicians, VP Kamala Harris, in the history of the United States. She was forced onto the ballot, in an undemocratic process, that could only be likened to a coup in a banana republic. Which makes one wonder, if the U.S. National Security State could have manipulated the process to pick anyone, why a buffoon such as Harris? Especially since she was intimately linked to the disastrous, unpopular policies of one of the worst presidential administrations of all time. Any other Democrat could have run against both Trump and Biden, with a good chance of either winning outright, or at least being close enough to “swing” the vote in key Democratic run cities as happened in 2020.
While there have been irregularities in voting across many areas, it appears that the presidential race was largely untampered with. Too big to rig? Not really. The phantom Biden voters from 2020 would have done the trick, if properly placed. Instead, they failed to materialize. Even more interesting, after Trump’s victory there were no riots. No marches of thousands of angry women in “pussy hats”. No shouts of “Russian collusion” or any other kind of collusion. Unlike 2016, Trump looks set for a relatively peaceful start to his term as the 47th President of the United States.
It is almost as if the so-called “Deep State” (really the U.S. National Security State) wanted Trump to win. Or, more precisely, perhaps the Deep State needed Trump to win.
Crazy, right? Let’s examine the facts.
President Calvin Coolidge said, in a 1925 speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, “After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world”. That was then.
Since WWII, the business of America is no longer business that raises the level of prosperity in the world. Rather, the business of America is now war, and all things that pertain to it – military production, foreign intervention, biological countermeasures (see PREP Act), censorship, spying, warrantless search / surveillance, narrative control via captive media, lucrative public-private partnerships, corruption, blackmail, a revolving door between government and business, deep penetration of the bureaucracy by intelligence agents foreign and domestic, economic financialization, sanctions, the reserve currency status of the Dollar (that helps drive up the cost of production in a hollowed-out U.S. economy), ready access to debt (unlimited budgets), and so much more that we can only dimly imagine.
Since the 1970’s, a particular focus of the U.S. National Security State has been protecting Israel. This has been a bi-partisan obsession by the way. Regardless of what else Democrats and Republicans may have disagreed over during the past 50 years, the sanctity of America’s unwavering support of Israel has never been seriously at issue.
War is the gift that just never stops giving. A 2021 report, from the Washington-based Institute for Policy Studies’ National Priorities Project titled “State of Insecurity: The Cost of Militarization since 9/11”, found that “the U.S. has spent $21 trillion on foreign and domestic militarization” since 2001. Defense contractors are estimated to have directly pocketed over half that sum. That report was done prior to the recent massive allocations to Ukraine and Israel. The totals now are, of course, way higher.
The 2025 U.S. Defense budget is projected to be $852.2 billion. That figure leaves out a whole plethora of national security funding such as investment in research carried out by contractors, most foreign assistance, various programs run by the State Department (often to manipulate foreign election results), direct and indirect costs of sanctions, and all that “classified” spending. If you really look objectively at this interlocking, highly profitable, powerful nexus of money and control, a stunning conclusion is inescapable. The U.S. is not a state with a Military Industrial Complex. Rather, the U.S. is a Military Industrial Complex that controls a hapless, captive state which is run exclusively for the benefit of a powerful (massively disproportionately Zionist Jewish) elite.
This is a more delicate state of affairs than you might imagine. The current militarized status quo relies on three major things to continue: ballots, budgets, and bodies.
Ballots– By every possible metric, Americans are worse off now than at any time anyone can remember. Our life expectancy is down, our health is down, the value of the dollar is down, the birth rate is down, family formation is down – just down, down, down on everything that matters. It is clear that the American economic, health, and governing systems are completely rigged against us. Which is why elections are so important to the Deep State. Hope has to be kept alive that real change is possible through voting. Otherwise, Americans might find ways to resist their enslavement that are detrimental to the status quo. For the governing elite, it is essential that the majority of Americans accept the legitimacy of election results, and the illusion of choice those elections represent. Enough Americans must believe, “We freely chose all this misery for ourselves,” or else the next two B’s could be seriously threatened.
Budgets– The Deep State needs money. Great heaping piles of printed, borrowed, and/or stolen money. Money buys useful assets. Money makes the insiders rich(er). Money is power. Money buys control. Money makes all the dreams come true. Money can reshape the world, or at least select corners of it. Spending on National Security is inherently inflationary, and does absolutely nothing to benefit the average American. Between National Security spending, and the social programs necessary to bribe Americans to accept that spending, the U.S. is over $35.94 Trillion in debt already. More is added by the second. It is essential to the Deep State that Americans voluntarily continue to support the taxes, borrowing, and money printing necessary to keep the system running. For decades, Americans have largely accepted the egregious levels of spending on all things National Security. Their complacency, however, has eroded over the past couple years as a direct result of massive spending on Ukraine and Israel, at exactly the time Americans felt themselves drowning in a sea of red ink. Many Americans, especially Trump voters, are demanding we spend money on domestic needs instead of on foreign wars. If such as shift in focus were allowed, it would spell the end of the Deep State.
Bodies– Uncle Sam needs our sons. Without troops to man them, what good are all those fancy weapons systems made by Raytheon? Since anti-war protests in 1968 forced Johnson to abandon his presidential race, U.S. National Security State conventional wisdom has supported an all-volunteer military. Military drafts, so the thinking goes, provoke anti-war movements that are hard to contain / neutralize. An all volunteer force, on the other hand, means that no matter what happens to our troops, or where it happens, the average American is expected to simply shrug and say, “They signed up for it voluntarily.”
Only lately, despite a bad economy, young men are not signing up in the numbers needed to keep the National Security State supplied with canon fodder. Two years ago, the Army brought in 45,000 recruits, far less than the 60,000 it needed. In 2023, the Army fell 15,000 short of what the Pentagon publicly set as a “stretch goal” of 65,000 recruits. Military leaders note that only about 23% of young adults are even physically, mentally and morally qualified to serve without receiving some type of waiver. So far in 2024, the numbers are better, but not because the Army is having better luck getting top quality men to sign up. Rather, the key to increased recruiting has been the Army’s future soldier prep course. This initiative gives lower-performing recruits up to 90 days of academic or fitness instruction to help them meet military standards. In 2024, more than 13,000 recruits — or 24% of the 55,000 total — came in through the program. The U.S. is trying to build an Army, capable of fighting China and/or Russia, off recruits that would have been turned down just a few years ago. The Deep State realizes something serious needs to be done. Somehow, a way must be found to convince more qualified candidates to enlist in the U.S. military. A tall order when cynical Zoomer males have been demonized and betrayed their whole lives by the very people asking them to sign up and die in discredited foreign wars.
Pushing Harris over the line would not help any of the 3 B’s. With her obvious ineptitude and unpopularity, her election would have been deemed even more illegitimate than the Great Election Steal of 2020. Harris in the White House would encourage Americans to ask way too many uncomfortable questions. The same could be said of any Democrat right now, as the Dems have become the party of: out-of-touch elites, identity politics, open borders, inflation, COVID mandates, abortion with no restrictions, trans ideology, hostility to law enforcement, antipathy to the American working class, and shoveling out hundreds of billions to continue unpopular foreign wars. A visibly weak, possibly illegitimate, leader facing a hostile Congress could hardly be expected to keep the money taps flowing. A few too many lawmakers might actually start listening to Senator Rand Paul about “fiscal responsibility”. And recruitment? Could Harris, or any Democrat on the national scene right now, really inspire large numbers of qualified white, black, and Latino men to join the military with potential wars brewing in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia?
Not a chance.
Enter, Donald Trump and MAGA. Trump and the Republicans start with a clean slate. The War in Ukraine belongs to Biden-Harris, along with inflation, the lingering bitterness over COVID mandates, the border chaos, and a Democratic left-wing that openly despises all things American. Trump is riding a wave of popularity, looks forward to a cooperative Congress in his first two years, and is known to inspire deep patriotism (bordering on nationalism) in his followers. As a bonus, assuming he really does allow RFK Jr to “Make America Healthy Again”, the pool of military-eligible manpower will go up as fewer young men will be disqualified due to increasingly common chronic conditions (diabetes, obesity, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, arthritis, etc.)
But wait, didn’t Trump run on a platform of “America First”? As in, concentrating on domestic concerns and not wasting blood and treasure on foreign wars? Sure he did.
In 1916, Woodrow Wilson used the slogans “He kept of out of war” and “America First”. He plunged us into WWI as soon as he could after winning re-election. In 2000, George W Bush campaigned on the promise of a more humble foreign policy – one that eschewed nation building and military overreach. We all remember how those promises worked out after 9/11, despite the fact that neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were even involved in the attack. Obama campaigned in 2008 on ending America’s conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama received a Noble Peace Prize on the basis of promises he never kept, eventually becoming infamous for authorizing drone strikes, while adding Libya and Syria to the list of America’s global victims. Trump ran against foreign wars in 2016. During his first term, Trump was quite proud (among other things) of having struck Syria (multiple times), carrying out assassinations on foreign soil, and providing extensive “lethal” aid to Ukraine (a departure from Obama’s more cautious policy). Trump also never required Ukraine to live up to either of the Minsk accords, and backed Pompeo’s meddling in Ukrainian church affairs that has directly led to the ongoing persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Trump never managed to get us out of Afghanistan, either.
By the way, Americans aren’t the only victims of the “campaign as a dove but govern as a hawk” political strategy. Zelenskyy ran as a peace candidate who was going to bring an end to conflict with Russia, only to end up provoking the current war with his aggressive policies.
Nor does lying to get elected, followed by betraying your electoral base, just work in matters of war and peace. Only Nixon, a committed anti-communist crusader, could sell Americans on a relationship with Red China. A relationship that has become an economic disaster for us. Reagan, the patron saint of small government conservatives, gave Americans record budget deficits and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Clinton, a progressive Democrat, ended “welfare as we know it”.
The Bible warns us, “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” Somehow, despite the clear admonition of God, we keep falling for the same old promises time and again by trusting one shiftless politician after another.
That is not to say that Trump won’t deliver on some of his promises. As noted, decades of poisoning children with toxic food, vaccinations, and environmental chemicals has drastically reduced our pool of young men eligible to be canon fodder. Despite the desires of Big Food and Big Pharma, RFK Jr might just be allowed to do something about that. We may see real border enforcement. That is a popular policy that could provide some sugar to make the rest of the “medicine” go down easier. We might even see some entitlements cut, a few unpopular government departments / agencies drastically reformed (or even axed), an end to the loonier aspects of identity politics, more energy development, a marginally freer economy, and maybe even the return of heartfelt, flag waving patriotism of the kind so beloved by Boomer conservatives.
We might even see an end to the Ukraine War, though I wouldn’t count on that short of a complete Russian victory. The Trump Administration dropping support for Zelenskyy would force a peace deal favorable to Russia. While a negotiated settlement is the only way to stop the slaughter of hapless Ukrainian soldiers, and prevent a total collapse of the government in Kiev, it is hard to imagine the Republican Party having the guts to make such a principled call. More likely, Trump attempts to “muddle through” with some level of continued support because of “changes on the ground” or whatever other excuse he and his minions can come up with.
Still, some kind of successful negotiations in Ukraine are at least in the realm of possibility under Trump. Hope for peace springs eternal. May God’s will be done.
Regardless of whether we extricate ourselves from Ukraine or not, we must all face an unpleasant fact. “America First” is little more than a campaign slogan. The true governing philosophy of the incoming Trump Administration is “Israel First”. To confirm that, all we need do is examine Trump’s popularity in Israel, and his initial cabinet appointments.
Trump is beloved by the Israelis. Not only does Trump have Jews in his own family, but he welcomed massive Zionist donations to his successful campaign. Miriam Adelson alone, widow of Republican Jewish mega donor Shelden Adelson, donated $100 million to a campaign committee supporting Donald Trump. In exchange for that largesse, it appears that she has the privilege of picking Trump’s cabinet. The vast majority of whom, so far, are Zionist war whores.
Trump’s support of Israel appears to be a complete blank check for pursuing anything the Netanyahu Government deems “necessary”. On November 12th, it was reported that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had already spoken three times with Donald Trump since the November 5th election. It was reported about these conversations:
The conversations “were designed to further tighten the strong alliance between Israel and the US,” said the premier. “We see eye-to-eye on the Iranian threat in all its components, and the danger posed by it. We also see the great opportunities before Israel, in the expansion of peace, and in other realms.”
Whatever else Trump may do in office, we can already see that supporting Israel will be the top priority. This is clearly illustrated when examining his initial foreign policy and security cabinet appointments.
Mike Walz – National Security Advisor
Walz is a former Green Beret, current Congressman, Zionist, and all around war monger:
Waltz’s selection may be seen as a blow in the debate over a renewed Trump “America First” agenda that’s pitting his party’s national security hawks against its isolationist wing. A former Bush White House policy staffer, Waltz would likely take on a foreign policy stance more akin to Trump’s former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Walz can be summarized as an “everything hawk”, advocating for greater confrontation with Russia, China, Iran, and staunchly backing Israel’s Palestinian genocide. To the extent Trump listens to him, his presence in the government could easily keep us up to our necks in Ukraine. Even now, Walz advocates stronger sanctions against Russia, and greenlighting Ukraine to hit targets deep inside Russia.
Russia has already warned that using American-supplied weapons for strikes inside Russia will be an act of war. Walz does not appear to be concerned about squaring off against a nuclear power. Walz seems hell-bent on fomenting multiple additional foreign conflicts the U.S. does not need and cannot afford.
Maybe we should ask him how he feels about Christian persecution in Ukraine? Think he cares?
Marco Rubio – Secretary of State
Marco Rubio, throughout a political career owed to the patronage of Neocon billionaires such as Sheldon Adelson, has been an unabashed “interventionist”. In the 2016 election cycle, Donald Trump (prior to receiving $100 million from Adelson’s widow) told the truth about who Rubio really is – a puppet.
In 2022, Rubio was a fervent supporter of Ukraine. He has since softened that stance to be more in line with Trump’s stated goal of ending the war. Rubio has even floated the idea of Ukraine ceding land to Russia for peace. So there could be some good news on that front. However, on China, Iran, Palestine, even Latin America, Rubio remains as “hawkish” as ever. Rubio has said that Israel should do everything possible to completely destroy Hamas, blaming all civilian deaths on Hamas alone while totally exonerating Israel. How can Rubio effectively represent the interests of the American people, while vociferously supporting what most of the world considers a genocide in Gaza?
It also remains to be seen how Rubio can negotiate peace with Iran, thus avoiding a major regional war, when he has gone on record multiple times calling for regime change in Tehran.
By the way, Rubio has been one of the largest recipients of Zionist money. In history. He appears to be a case of money well spent.
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Elise Stefanik – U.N. Ambassador
Elise Stefanik is a Congresswoman from NY who first stepped into the limelight in 2023. During a congressional hearing with college presidents from Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and MIT, Stefanik asked if calling for the genocide of Jews warranted disciplinary action against students. When none of the presidents would directly answer “yes” or “no,” members of the public and a group of Representatives (including Stefanik) called on them to resign. There is every indication that Stefanik will take her one-woman crusade against antisemitism (as she perceives it) and her anti-Iran hawkish attitude to her new U.N. post:
Republican Senator Mike Lawler congratulated Stefanik and wrote that she “will take the United Nations by storm, take on the anti-US and Israel bigotry, combat Jew-hatred and hold adversaries to account.”
“Elise will be a strong voice advancing U.S. foreign policy and helping to re-establish America’s leading role in the world,” Lawler added.
Jason Brodsky, policy director at United Against Nuclear Iran, wrote that the congresswoman, who is “a big proponent of maximum pressure on Iran’s regime,” would be “an excellent UN ambassador.”
Stefanik’s first meeting, after having been selected by Trump as the future U.N. Ambassador, was with the President of Israel.
It will probably come as little surprise that Stefanik has received a ton of pro-Israel money.
Kristi Noem – Secretary of Homeland Security
Noem, a former governor of a tiny state, is an intellectual lightweight with no background in law enforcement. Her only qualifications to lead Homeland Security are her loyalty to Trump and to Rabbinic Judaism / Zionism. As governor of South Dakota, Noem proudly signed bill HB 1076 to outlaw antisemitism, as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. This definition includes criticism of Israel. Trump’s idea of a perfect head for Homeland Security is a woman who signed a bill intended to suppress the First Amendment rights of Americans to criticize a foreign country.
Noem issued the following statement upon signing the antisemitism law:
When I was growing up, my dad would always gather our family together and we would pray for Israel. It was instilled in me from a very young age that the Jews were Gods [sic] chosen people, that Israel was the Holy Land, and that we should always pray for them.
I brought those fundamental ideals with me when I was in the State Legislature, when I served in Congress, and now as Governor of South Dakota. Supporting the State of Israel and our Jewish community has always been extremely important to me. It’s important to support Israel for spiritual, historical, and national security reasons. I am continuing to stand with the Jewish people by signing historic legislation to protect them from antisemitism.
. . . I was very proud to sign HB 1076, a very important bill to combat antisemitism. This bill defines antisemitism and makes it easier to prove when discriminatory conduct is motivated by antisemitism. It is an impactful piece of legislation that will ensure the safety of Jewish people and strengthen South Dakota’s anti-discrimination laws.
I wonder what Noem would have to say, to us Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christians, who believe the Church is Israel, and not the Zionist entity in the Middle East? Would stating what is, in fact, an official teaching of my Church qualify me for punishment as an antisemite? Or, maybe quoting Bible verses that reflect badly on 1st Century Jews would be enough to get me silenced or jailed?
And you thought you were voting for Donald Trump to protect your Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion? Surprise!
Noem is not the only member of Trump’s cabinet who wants to outlaw “antisemitism”, but she is the only one who was ever in a position to sign a bill doing so. Now that Trump will be taking power, there will be more than enough censorship and arrest opportunities to go around.
John Ratcliffe – CIA Director
Speaking of the suppression of civil liberties, Trump’s pick for CIA Director John Ratcliffe was a key part of the successful lobbying effort for the renewal of FISA warrantless surveillance. Ratcliffe participated in classified briefings that helped convince Speaker Mike Johnson to reverse his prior position and back FISA.
And you thought you were voting for Donald Trump to protect your rights against unlawful searches and seizures? Surprise!
Think this power will only be used against “anti-American” leftists? Better think again, especially if you oppose sending billions of dollars and thousands of troops to support Israel.
But Ratcliffe is not just an attorney with no love or appreciation for Constitutional rights. He is also an inveterate war monger who wants to partner with Israel to attack Iran. A reckless war whore with no appreciation for the rights of Americans is exactly the right person to “Make America Great Again”, right?
Peter Hegseth – Secretary of Defense
Hegseth is another appointee with a military past. For a man who actively avoided military service, Trump really does have a “type” when it comes to appointments. Hegseth is a Fox News contributor who is a Zionist war hawk through and through. Unlike Rubio, who has at least made some noises about negotiating an end to the Ukraine debacle, Hegseth calls Putin a “war criminal” and is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian to stop the return of the Soviet Union.
Among his other dangerous characteristics, Hegseth routinely underestimates the military and economic capabilities of the Russian Federation. That is exactly the kind of sober-minded analysis one wants in the man in charge of a massive war machine armed with nuclear weapons, right?
If we manage to get to the end of his tenure, without a world shattering war, then it will be a miracle.
Mike Huckabee – Ambassador to Israel
Pretty telling that the first nation to get an ambassador pick is Israel. How on the nose can you really be, President Trump? In any case, Mike Huckabee is the perfect choice to go along with the previous cast of soon-to-be war criminals. Huckabee is a dispensationalist preacher who, like all his cultist ilk, worships the State of Israel more than God. Trump may as well have appointed John Hagee. The Netanyahu Regime is in the grip of Apocalyptic Jews. America is now sending them an Apocalyptic pseudo-Christian cultist to egg them on. May God help us all.
Huckabee, like Rubio and all the others, does not believe that Palestinians have a right to life, much less to the land on which they have lived for thousands of years. Everything belongs to the Rabbinic Jews, according to Huckabee, and they have a right to take it all by force and keep it till Jesus returns. No doubt Huckabee also supports the teaching that Rabbinic Jews are entitled to a “Greater Israel”, a significantly larger state encompassing parts of Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. There can be no better point man for genocide and war than a religious extremist such as Mike Huckabee.
As I noted earlier, “bait and switch” on all kinds of issues, including war and peace, is a staple of American politics. That is nothing new. What is new, however, is that Trump (in his usual blustering fashion) has managed to reveal the “switch” before even taking office. He is well on his way to creating the most Zionist, the most Neocon, the most war mongering, the most anti-Civil Liberties Washington regime in the history of the United States. That is quite an achievement.
It will not go unnoticed. Or unpunished. Americans of all political persuasions are sick of war, sick of inflation caused by excessive government money printing (to pay for wars), and sick of the suppression of our civil liberties (in the name of safeguarding support for wars). More than anything, Americans are sick of our young men dying and being mutilated in pointless wars around the globe. Demonizing Russia and China, preaching the joys of Zionism, endlessly shouting about the Holocaust of almost 80 years ago, constantly raising the specter of Iranian / Muslim “terrorism” – none of that is going work today the way it did even a few years ago. Broke, angry, and betrayed Americans have moved on. Which is why Trump was elected to begin with.
That message has not yet gotten through to Trump and his rapidly growing list of ghoulish appointees. But it will. In the meantime, hopefully we have learned a valuable lesson. We can’t vote our way out of our current mess. If we could, the elites would cancel the elections.
—Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America
(Nobody outside of a few small circles cares about U.S.-led, CIA-driven wars & foreign policy, so you may shrug off this news. Perhaps you should care, though.)
Trump Picks A War Cabinet by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Anyone who thinks that a government led by neocons, Zionist warmongers, CFR globalists and billionaires is going to make America great again is living in a fantasy land.
Donald Trump won a landslide election primarily on the promise to end America’s stupid foreign wars. He promised to end the Ukraine war in 24 hours. But the senior spokesmen for Trump’s new administration are sounding more war hawkish than even Biden’s war hawks.
So, now it looks like we cannot even trust Trump to end the war in Ukraine. And we’ve always known that Trump is a war hawk when it comes to Israel.
I remind you of the stats reported by Judge Nap. Trump’s senior executive leadership picks are 60% Jewish and 100% Zionist. That’s not a political cabinet. That’s a war cabinet.
And “Orthodox Reflections” was ahead of the curve in reporting on this situation, I should have added.
Trump won primarily based on his commitment to resecure the Southern US Border, which was and is the primary focus of US voters who supported him. Everything else is much farther down the list of priorities of US voters, according to every survey I read. His challenge in this is to get past Congressional Legislation on this issue, not an Executive Order which Presidents use, when legislative efforts fail. Temporary, at best. Reversible when the Oval Office changes colors. Interesting article, though not sure what it has to do with the Orthodox Church, except reveal anti-Semitism that the Orthodox Church, as a whole, does not support.
[…] Reasons why the deep state may have let Trump win the 2024 election,… […]
Evangelicals like Mike Huckabee would blow up the Church of the Holy Sepulcher so that the Jews can build a Dunkin Donuts. That’s how you know that evangelicals are no different than Bolsheviks. Then they’ll use American libertarianism to say that the Jews have property rights and can build whatever they want on their own private property and that Dunkin Donuts deserves to be there because of the free market.
When Jesus said that hell is “prepared for the devil and his angels”, the word “angel” could just as well be translated as “messenger” (although the Fathers don’t take it this way). The Christian Zionist is truly a messenger of Satan and will share in his eternal punishment. He denies the Gospel laid out in Romans and Galatians, all the while worshipping the written word in his blindness. But “the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power.”
The evangelical protestant looks upon the Church as established by Christ and says, “Those are basically Catholics, so they don’t count as Christians.” His allegiance is not with the Church of Christ but with the murderers of Christ and the persecutors of His Body. Just as he looks at a church and sees real estate, so also does he looks at the Eucharist and says that it is merely bread and wine, which he considers a sin to drink.
It’s okay to not consider them Christians. You don’t have to feel guilty.
Awful lot of quietism in these comments lol
Defense contractors and international bankers aside, is there anybody whatsoever who is excited about Marco Rubio as Secretary as State? Who wanted this?
I disagree w/the commenter below. This piece is one of your best, Nicholas, with a spot-on tone, thorough reporting, a good analysis, and a quick turn-around time after the election/selection. You prove your thesis that Trump is the salesman for Zionist-sponsored war and persecution. Keep up the good work. Ignore sour grapes from Trump apologists, who now have to own their enthusiastic support for Zion Don.
I just think, that after reading several of these comments, that the writers of them don’t know that Trump is putting Bibles back into our schools and doing other good things. Many here have fallen for professional psychological propaganda and it’s gotten a lot thicker because of where it’s now coming from…not to be mentioned here. Look up the words Astroturf, Astroturfed, or Astroturfing, as well.
Pot, meet kettle, on propaganda & psycho babble. Did you read Nicholas’ entire piece and comprehend it?
The author protests to much trying to impress us withi his knowldge which is half as good as he thinks. Wasted time in reading it. A shorter concise presentation would have conveyed the message adequately. KISS Keep It Short Stu…
“If you look at the dependency of the economy on organized crime and war, the deep state is not something that happens in Washington. It’s something that happens within the cash flows of every county in America. There are 3,100 counties and 50 states and those are highly dependent on the financial machinery of the deep state. So, the corruption whether it is organized crime or war is really bottoms up. Many people in America want Trump to reduce dependency on organized crime and money laundering. But they are not prepared for the financial ramifications if he does.” -Catherine Austin Fitts
Sigh. Thanks for the wake up call.
Your graph showing votes has Hillary winning in 2016…If you can’t get a graph right why should I believe the rest?
In 2016, Hillary did win the popular vote. Hillary had 65,853,514 votes nationally to 62,984,828 for Donald Trump. As you are probably aware, the national vote is not what determines the presidency. Trump won the Electoral College, and so became president. What the chart illustrates is that Biden’s total vote count is such an outlier as to be beyond credulity. But, since the Deep State clearly did it once, they could have done it again. Those votes did not show up in the Deep Blue Cities of the key swing states that could have put Kamala over the finish line. They simply vanished, a fact that has confused the Democrats who know something is amiss, but can’t bring themselves to questions 2020.
“Somehow, in a year of massive turnout, some 12 million or so votes that went to Joe Biden in 2020 simply…. vanished.”
“Those votes did not show up in the Deep Blue Cities of the key swing states that could have put Kamala over the finish line. They simply vanished, a fact that has confused the Democrats who know something is amiss, but can’t bring themselves to questions 2020.“
Um, did y’all really write all that before the vote count was even close to over? If you had waited for the vote count to finish, you would have seen it was actually just 3 million fewer votes in 2024, not 12 million, and that’s easily explained by the relaxed vote-by-mail policies of 2020 along with extremely low presidential approval ratings for Biden-Harris administration.
For some reason you compared the final count of late December 2020 with the first couple days’ count of early November 2024. If this is the level of critical thought that leads to your conclusions, no wonder we get such results.
The article was written on 11/13/2024. Which is 9 days after the presidential election, and the fact that areas were still counting votes is precisely the issue. Now the latest information we can find still shows Kamala at 74.46 million votes. That is higher than when the article was written, but still shy of Biden’s vote total by 6.5 million or so. This number is way more historically accurate than 81 million, which will always be an outlier. Now, the point the article was making is that if the National Security State had wanted to, it could have repeated 2020 and “counted” enough votes to put Kamala over the top. Instead, the election was called surprisingly quickly, and while the vote totals changed quite a bit over the next month (how crazy is that?), which did affect governor races, senate races, and house races – the Presidency was never in doubt. No perpetual counting in swing states. No refusals to concede. It was all considered over in a timely fashion. No riots. No big protests for inauguration day.
So two things in this section. 1) Our system is just as open to fraud and abuse as 2020. Ask any of the candidates who watched their Election Night leads erode over the month following the election in certain areas that kept “counting” and “counting”, just as they did in major swing states in 2020 and in important areas of 2022. A Harris Administration would be still born. The National Security State had big plans, and Harris would have been a detriment to all of them. Trump comes in, ready to sell war with Iran or maybe even a confrontation with China, expanded national security budgets, and offers a chance to clean up the military from DEI. Trump legitimately won this election, but only because the same people who cancel elections in Romania and overthrow foreign governments all the time, agreed to let him win. They didn’t do that to benefit you. 2) Unless we stop the endless “counting” of votes, we can never have confidence in the outcomes.
The combination of low knowledge and poor critical thinking on this site continues to produce incredible results. One thing is sure – no matter what reality gives you, you always have a way of interpreting it that allows you to change absolutely nothing about your preset conclusions. More people voted for Biden than for Trump in 2020. More people voted for Trump than for Kamala in 2024. Neither of those facts should be in any serious doubt for anyone who does the slightest bit of their own research. But this is more of a “feelings” thing for y’all anyway. I’ll bow out.
Jon, your comments have proven neither the low knowledge of our contributors nor their poor critical thinking skills. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research will come away understanding how open the U.S. electoral system is to manipulation. The powers that be brag about it. See Time article below. The central point, lost in the weeds with you, is that the Nat Sec State could have brought Harris over the line. It was not in their interest, as the wall to wall Zionists appointees, silence on Syria, H1B visa support, etc all point to. Trump will put old wine in new packages and suddenly implacable enemies of the Status Quo will denounce other enemies of the Status Quo as anti-MAGA heresy.
Trump has a history of firing some of the people whom he hires. You can’t get rid of someone unless they work for you. He’s not the first manager to operate this way. They’re called hit-and-run managers.
“People who have been deluded into thinking that the Deep State is purely partisan are in for a big surprise.” -Whitney Webb on election/selection 2024
Since anti-war protests in 1968 forced Johnson to abandon his presidential race, U.S. National Security State conventional wisdom has supported an all-volunteer military.
How about “AWPA” – Anti-War Protests Again. Make them great again!
Make Anti-War Great Again!!!!!
The memes alone in this article make it worth it.
It is meme heavy. Do you disagree with the conclusions?
I am about as checked out of politics as can be. But basically I agree with everything you wrote. I didn’t vote, but I was somewhat hoping that Harris would win so that people would give up on the system and we can get the inevitable Bolshevik purges out of the way. Trump will give people the delusion that the system can be saved while promoting all the mainstream and neocon agendas. Now it will be another 12 years before people accept that electoral democracy is a failed experiment from godless Enlightenment Britain.
If you vote, you give your consent to the system. I stay home and give a vote of no confidence. If only 20% of the electorate showed up, then they can’t say that the people actually chose the government, and the whole mythos falls apart. And anyway, the visible election theft last time delegitimizes our government altogether, which legally only exists “by the people”. Biden was not elected by the people, and therefore our government is illegitimate. So you are morally obligated to not vote (and possibly to not testify in court).
Huckabee as ambassador to Israel. I grew up in that vein of “Christianity” in the South, and my father is a state-level representative who promotes Zionism from sincere conviction. Notice the implication in Zionism and Dispensationalism that Palestine belongs to the Jews and that the Arabs need to leave is that the historic churches there are not churches at all because they are Catholic (or Orthodox or a few other groups). The evangelicals would blow up the Holy Sepulchre if it meant giving Jerusalem to the Jews. This is because evangelicals are not Christians, and they worship a demon god. They raise money to build the third temple, which St Paul tells us is where the Antichrist will reign from. Therefore we know that the evangelicals will all worship the Antichrist in the temple they built for him.
All that being said, some of the Trump memorabilia is both cringey and endearing as genuine cultural kitsch. I stumbled upon a motorcycle festival a few weeks ago. Trump merchandise is one of the very few cultural items that come organically from local inspiration instead of being presented to us by entertainment corporations.
My political philosophy is basically a combination of Ted Kaczynski and Corneliu Codreanu. You may notice that none of the candidates ever run on these issues.
Well said, Austin. I did vote, BUT not traditionally. I live in New York State and voted NO to Proposition 1 which passed (of course because it is NY after all) enshrining limitless abortion and LGBT perversions in the state constitution. On all the candidates, I wrote on the Write-in line. “None of the above.” If things work out as I suspect they will, I will never go near a polling place ever again. The system is far too broken to be fixed by any human effort, and I will not give my consent to it; I will just continue to pray for Divine Intervention which is the only answer.
I often wonder how much politicians like Huckabee or Hegseth really do truly believe and put their faith in evangelical protestantism (and also in its daughters zionism and dispensationalism) –
versus –
how much they are mere ambitious men who have insatiable desires to be political leaders and realize that – in order to do so successfully in the United States – it’s a prerequisite to adhere to ev prot’ism and zionism.
Gotta admit, though – with Trump elected, it’s a joy to not have to listen to the shrew Kamala any longer.
Plus, you know what they say about ev protestants – they have to wage war, to give them something to do. There is no spiritual life there, aside from uber-emotional hand waving concerts. Waging war gives them something to do, sort of gives them a purpose. It’s highly demonic – God did not create men for the purpose of us waging forever war. It’s unconscionable that they try to drag everyone else along with their bad theology and warmongering nonsense.