My people are like as those who have no knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being a priest unto Me; And because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children (Hosea 4:6, OSB).
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee..(KJV, bold added).
Our ignorance is killing us: like sin, ignorance is its own reward. If this has ever been true of God’s people, more than ever it is now. Where is this “wisdom” we all sing about in every service? How will we navigate the modern issues of COVID, masks, and vaccines?
As Orthodox, it is ingrained that everything that happens to us is God’s will. Every morning we pray, “In all unexpected occurrences, do not let me forget that all is sent down from Thee.”[1] Of course, everything that happens, happens because God allowed it to happen, yet, if we take this too far, we fall into the ditch on the other side of the road. Just because God allowed it to happen does not mean God wanted it to happen. If adversity happens, God let it happen, but that is not the point. The point is, what am I to do with what has happened; how am I going to respond to this that is now occurring? Am I to accept all things as “God’s will,” or am I to work against what is happening.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2).
Bottom line: it is only with a renewed mind that we can assess the “perfect” will of God. We must prove it out, whether it is acceptable to God or really what He has wished for us; I am to pursue wisdom at all costs. Often, God’s protection from evil is provided through dispensed wisdom.
Sorting modern issues, we must first acquire the big picture; too often we fight symptoms but fail to address underlying causes. It’s more than vaccines, more than masks; disintegration of the Orthodox Faith has been going on for some time. The problems we are now experiencing in the Orthodox Church are not caused by the COVID event, but the COVID event is revealing what sort of people we have become. Before the COVID era, our level of comfort was unsustainable; there were too many things wrong underneath; like a cancer, corruption had already set in. This malady of confusion, delusion, and the inability to penetrate what is going on in the world reveals an inherent spiritual state grossly lacking in discernment. It’s time for an “Orthodox gut check.” Are we really contending “for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3)? Or have we become complacent within our cultural bubble sitting on our blessed assurance? The current confusion only exposes what we are made of. Current events only expose who and what we have become in the last hundred years.
Further explaining: “My people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge,” let us consider some history. In the fourteenth century, most of Christian Europe was devastated—millions died— by the Black Plague, or whatever plague-de jour passed through. Interestingly, Jewish communities—who tended to isolate themselves in tight enclaves— were largely unaffected. Why? No doubt, the Christians thought the plague was “God’s judgement.” Anticipating their demise, many prepared their hearts for death—a good thing; yes? But how was this melee God’s will? Or was it not? I think not, not God’s desire, anyway. Just because something happens—we get cancer, we get COVID, or we (in ignorance) get “the ”vaccine” and suffer reactions—it does not mean God willed it; just because God allows it, does not mean it was His desire for us. He expects us to exercise wisdom and escape the wrath to come[2] and not be condemned with the world.
Here is what I mean: if I never change the oil in my car, is it God’s will when the engine craters? Well, yes, and no. God allowed it, but He, by no means, wanted it. Hopefully, we learn to sort the difference.
How could the Jews escape what others thought to be “God’s judgment” while even the devoted Christian could not escape the grim reaper? Bottom line: Jews—following the Law of Moses and oral traditions—handled human waste, dead bodies, food, food preparation, diseased persons, and that colorful mold growing on the walls very differently than “Christian” Europeans. Additionally, Jews have always been excessively compulsive bathers. Bathing the body was part of ritual purifications from which we derive baptism. As we cross ourselves when entering sacred space for worship, the Essenes (for example)—the Jewish sect (some think) of St John the Baptist, Joachim and Anna, and Elizabeth—bathed themselves. This is why baptism takes place at the door of the nave in the narthex; ritual bathing was outside before coming in. Bathing was part and parcel of the Jewish faith. In the ancient Hebrew mind, purification of the body went hand-in-hand with repentance because body and soul are distinct yet inseparable. This is why St John baptized—washed in water—and called for repentance all at once; bodily cleanliness and purification of the soul were a single rite. These simple practices saved many Jewish lives.
On the other hand, in “Christian” European Cities, the streets were open sewers; people tossed their dump buckets out the window. Doctors treating plague victims turned and delivered a baby without so much as washing their hands. No wonder infant and maternal mortality was out of control. Something was killing them: their ignorance of things unseen.
Yet, the common thinking was: it was God’s will, it was God’s judgment and it all must be taken as part of life. But how could the Jews escape God’s judgement? “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge”. Something was killing them; their enemy was hidden, he works by stealth every time; they died of ignorance. How can it be any different now?
This begs the question, what new ignorance lurks throughout this society waiting to bring death, destruction, and misery? Is it the new vaccines? Some very informed, educated, and knowledgeable professionals say it is much worse than the disease it claims to heal. Dare you take the chance? Would it not be safer to hold off and wait for this “experimental vaccine” to show its true colors? Most vaccine problems take decades to discover. Case in point, after decades of use, doctors finally figured out that vaccines cultivated in peanut protein caused the peanut allergy that sent thousands of young people into deadly—often fatal—anaphylactic shock. Have you ever wondered why they would use fetal tissue to grow vaccines? This is why; the fetal tissue does not stage the body for an autoimmune reaction, unlike the peanut protein or the other new mediums they are growing the vaccines in. With even childhood vaccines demonstrating hazards, why would anyone venture the risk of a vaccine clearly defined as “experimental”? Where is wisdom in all of this?
All we have are questions, questions without answers: why are authorities so bent on forcing vaccine acceptance if it, indeed, is such a life saver? The first question we must ask is: is it even necessary? If not, what is the point; why take the risk no matter how small? If COVID has zero mortality among children, why are they now vaccinating kids? Undeniably, there is something wrong with this scenario; something is not right, things are not as they appear. There must be another driving issue; some other goal is in mind unrelated to health. How can it be more obvious?
Things are not as they appear: They never are.
Many accuse those of us who sound the alarm regarding vaccines and other obvious global control measures to be “conspiracy theorists.” But, hold on a minute: was not the Fall of Man a conspiracy? Did not Satan conspire with Eve to overthrow the authority of Adam in determining the direction of the human race? Did not then, Adam and Eve conspire against God in eating of the forbidden tree? Later, was not the Tower of Babel a conspiracy against God, thinking they could build something higher than Noah’s flood level?
How could Satan—in the temptation of Christ—offer to our Lord what was already His—the nations of the world? Is not the whole world system—as it always was, is, and will always be—one massive concocted conspiracy? Everything of the world is a lie; it is the matrix of false reality (which reality do you live in?). If the whole world—by its very nature—is a conspiracy, how can the world—as we know it—not be filled with many conspiracies? Truth be told, the conspiracy is to say there are no conspiracies; that’s what conspirators—that’s what Satan—wants you to believe. He steals, kills, and destroys by stealth, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”
Bottom line: modern vaccines are not what they appear to be; they are not even vaccines in the classic sense; they do not even remotely resemble the descriptions used in the legal system. COVID is not what it appears to be. The lockdowns are not what they appear to be. The medical establishment pushing the vaccines have an alternative motive; profit. How can they be trusted?
Bottom line: you cannot leave these decisions to the family doctor or your parish bishop. Pray for wisdom. Without God we are lost navigating some very serious questions.
Signs of the Times
The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed (Matthew 16:1-4, bold added).
Asking for a sign from heaven, our Lord referred them back to discerning the signs of the times. Condemning them for their lack of insight, they could not penetrate what was going on around them, who Jesus was, and the soon coming full destruction of Jerusalem and the temple central to their culture, faith, and ethos. Something was coming to an end because something new was on the horizon—the Church.
Currently, things are not what they were five years ago, or even two years ago. Evil is afoot in ways never before experienced by mankind. Coming out into the open, the globalist powers are fully revealing their plans for the “Great Reset” and the “New World Order.” Hiding nothing; they are fully confident they can pull it off. Warnings of impending developments toward total control have been vocal for decades.[3] Now that things are moving forward, we are in full disbelief of their intentions even when they publicly spell out what they are doing. Will they be able to pull it off? Maybe, maybe not. The bigger question may be, will we let them? Will we be part of that conspiracy?
Sadly, our leadership has yet to decipher the signs of the times. Like the Pharisees of old, we have no clue and ignore so many warnings of what is really going on at this particular juncture. Of course, the Church is forever the same. Of course, it is the only thing that survives eternally. At the same time, if we stick our heads in the sand, how can we avoid the prophet’s caveat, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge”?
After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the ROC did some serious soul searching. Few alive at that time had experienced three forms of government: the Czars of old, communism, and a fledging capitalism. In retrospect, the Russian holy-men asked some penetrating questions regarding the role of Church at the time of the Revolution. Had they failed that generation? What is the Church’s role in society? As a voice against evil? As a moral compass? Out of that crucible of self-inspection, repentance, and reformation came the Basis of the Social Concept. Accepting some culpability for the Revolution, the ROC was able to refine its vision toward modern society producing a once-in-hundred-years document of tectonic significance.
For some strange reason, we think what happened in Russia cannot happen here. No doubt, the Russians of that era thought the same thing. In America, we are now at that same intersection. The Neo-Bolsheviks are at the door. What is our role to be in either accommodating or resisting impending evil?
Interestingly, the whole of their plan for world domination—as they themselves have billed it— stands on one single—and very feeble—pillar: universal vaccinations. Everything that has come before is preparation to induce universal acceptance of vaccines. Now it is this vaccine, but many others are already in the works, where will it end? It is their ultimate tool of control. Their plan from the pits of hell demands and depends upon our cooperation; every conspiracy starts that way. With that as the ultimate tool of control, pull that out, the whole house of cards tumbles into oblivion and the Mystery of Inequity is put on hold for another generation. The cry goes forth: “Not on my watch!”
My Sheep Know My Voice
As Orthodox, when guidance is needed, our first tendency is to look to our confessors, spiritual fathers, and hierarchs.
For the most part, most bishops more or less defer to personal responsibility insisting that there be no discrimination between those who get the vaccine and those who refuse. What this means, is that they do not know one way or another and cannot penetrate to the core nature of what is going on. Of course, due to liability, most diocesan decisions are made by lawyers, not through prayer and fasting or “inquiring of the Lord”; it’s the way of the modern world; everybody is afraid of being sued and avoids it at all costs.
While we Orthodox have no problem being under authority—the Church is defined, legitimized, and governed by the bishop according to St Ignatius—, yet, in our heart of hearts, alarms are going off constantly, “danger, danger, danger.” Defining spiritual guidance, St Paul expressed this: “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts…” (Colossians 3:15). How does this inner guidance work? When something disturbs our inner peace, we need to halt, slow down, and take an inventory of what is really going on; God directs us from the inside by inner peace. This is not to deny outside leading through a confessor or spiritual guide; God uses both in personal guidance. Even in the modern chaos, we can and should have the inner peace, the peace that Christ gives, not the peace domestic tranquility gives, the peace that passes all understanding.
Examining Orthodox history we find an interesting phenomenon. Often, it was the minority that got it right. During the Arian controversy, Arianism was in the obvious majority; even the majority can get it wrong. It was the minority who fought their way through the misinformation to finally prevail with the truth. During the Nestorian controversy, it was the patriarch and most of his bishops who erred. We have no pope for a reason; we fully know the Orthodox hierarchy to be fallible as all humanity is fallible. In these times, it would behoove the hierarchy to heed the laity who are alarmed at what they are seeing; trust the body principle. While all wisdom is vested in the Church, it does not all reside with the hierarchy; God places some of it with the laity; that way we need each other. If we are top-heavy in authority, our Church will topple. Many safeguards come from the grass roots. Warnings regarding COVID protocols, vaccines, are one such case.
In the end, the Church’s sense of equilibrium and instinct for truth eventually wins out, but often over decades extracting much cost.
Currently, it seems the minority is again standing for truth when it comes to COVID vaccines. But in this epoch, these voices are mostly stifled in the same way many political voices sounding an alarm are stifled in the public domain.
Reading some things published by Orthodox authorities sets off numerous alarms.[4] How can giving an experimental vaccine to a pregnant woman be fine? It is not; it is insanity. Everyone admits this truth, it is still experimental and its true consequences will not be known for years to come.
The Final Judgment
In the finality of it all, if our hierarchs lead us astray and vaccines turn out to be damaging to the health of the faithful; how can they not be held accountable in the final judgement? While all vaccine makers are absolved of any liability—cannot be held responsible—according to laws passed by Congress for any adverse reactions or death created by the vaccines, the hierarchs will not be so lucky. God’s people are their trust. Ignorance is no excuse, we all have been warned, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”
John, a member of the Orthodox Church in America from Colorado
[1]St Tikhon’s 1982 prayer book
[3]See “The Day the Dollar Dies” by Willard
[…] Asemănatu-s-a poporul Meu ca și cum n-ar fi avut cunoaștere […]
MG: Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. Yes, it’s pretty oppressive here. I have been attending most of the Lenten services and each time I wonder if I’ll be able to make it through…. and whether I’ll come back the next time.
I am literally unable to breathe with a mask but the church has made it clear that there are no exemptions, and parishioners are “welcome” to “participate” in the online streaming services. So I am physically struggling for air and emotionally fuming the whole time. I’m trying to stay healthy in body, mind, and spirit and I’m now wondering if sitting through service after service in a state of anger and frustration is eventually going to be worse than not attending at all.
Again I would like to express my gratitude to this forum.
I wear a clear mask that sits on my chin and is very comfortable to wear. No one has a problem with it. You can get them on Etsy.
Heather is right. My family and I are Roman Catholics by baptism but are totally disappointed and angered by the knee jerk reaction from the Pope on down to the clergy. We have not been in over a year. Two Easters! My husband is sticking with RC, my children, all grown, go to Protestant churches or not at all and I am searching. I thought Orthodox was the answer but find you are just as scared of a SUPERFLU. My husband and I are vaccinated because our children will not let us visit our grandchildren otherwise. We live in bad times.
I would not say that our situation with Rome is all that comparable. As noted on this site, there are many parishes (such as the one we attend) that are non-masked and non-social distancing. We have entire dioceses that are that way, as our bishops do not answer to Rome. Part of why we write what we write is to keep the situation within Orthodoxy from becoming “normal.” We want to keep reminding the bishops and priests who might be seduced by the faith of Covid that we are not going to give up. As there is no papacy, there is no way for a single authority within the Church to steam roll all of us. We will overcome this, or Jesus will return to remake the world. Simply giving up is not an option. Please consider visiting an Orthodox Church, especially if we can locate one for you that is the real “normal.”
I haven’t read through all the replies, but we found a Serbian parish nearby where we can attend liturgy. It seems as though their parish never made any changes for Covid and have been living life normally since last summer. The language barrier was challenging and prevented us from going sooner, but now that we have taken the plunge it is a beautiful respite from the crazy world!! I’m truly thankful.
Wonderful news! The language is a doable barrier….better than physical barriers. I pray you have a peaceful Holy Week and and joyous, triumphant Pascha!!!
Wow, I am so impressed. we’re with you all the way. God has made a way. I just know you will be great demonstrations of the One, holy, catholic, apostolic faith.
[…] […]
Dearest sister in Christ Heather. Hearing you have 7 kids makes me smile and even chuckle. Never a dull moment at your house.
Converting to Orthodoxy means a paradigm shift, Orthodoxy explains and guides life differently than say Protestantism, which tends to default to choices being either right or wrong. As our world is filled with both good and evil, many choices are not either/or but trade offs of taking the bad with the good.
Here is what I mean: your Orthodox parish is your parish family; it functions like any family. No doubt, there are things about your husband you absolutely deplore, yet you put up with it because you love him, because you are family. In our Orthodox family, we have a big papa–the bishop. Even when he gets old, cranky, and senile like any grandpa, we never disown him or disregard his guidance, because we are family; in our family nobody is disposable, not the unborn, not the elderly. We still do what he says because we love our family and we know there is grace with obedience even when it doesn’t make sense. As you well know, being family means processing a boat load of dirty diapers full of…
Yes, wearing a mask is part of the insanity of the outer culture, yet wearing one is a small price to pay to be with family which you need right now. Most likely, most in your parish feel exactly like you do and therefore entering bearing protest will not change anybody’s mind. Your children are rapidly growing up, they need time in church to stage them for life, to meet their future spouse, to make the right friends. Forming their future is now. Do what’s best for them.
My recommendation, get masks, take the kids to church. Their future depends on it.
Thank you for the compliment, I never know if anything a say makes any sense or helps anybody. Best regards, hope to hear how things go.
Are you seriously telling this lady to mask up all her kids and suck it up because Big Papa’s decisions are grace filled because of (blind) obedience despite the distinct possibility of causing emotional, spiritual, and for some medical harm. No mask, no entrance to God’s house. A mask is the ticket for getting in. Next it will be THE vaccine required for entrance. Maybe Big Papa should brush up on Simon the leper.
If Big Papa said jump off of a cliff, would you do it? God gave us a brain.
MG: We are not masking kids. Is your church masking kids? Nobody expects blind obedient, that is insane. At the same time, do you want her kids to grow up outside the church? Marry outside the Church? have their friends outside the Church? The is a ditch on either side of the road. We are not suggesting trading one ditch for another, just use some discretion.
Yes, our church is masking children by the mandate of the governor, who also limits the amount of people that may attend. And since you’ve brought up the future of our Orthodox kids, that’s in jeopardy. There are no opportunities now for them to mingle because conferences are virtual, and camps for this summer are on hold pending THE virus. So those social opportunities along with the closure of church school in many parishes is big mistake. Yes, blind obedience is insane, but that’s what we’ve got going on all over the place, including bishops to the cdc, Fauci, and the governors. Who is the head of the Church now? It’s a very sad state when the laity inside the church are masked, shielded, gloved, gas masked, hand sanitized, socially distant, and terrified. And those that have been vaxxed are delighted to share their good news, while masked. What must our children think at this point.
MG: I am so sorry. Yes, your kids are going to have problems. That is ridiculous. We never masked kids. Where are you? I have relatives in Sacramento, they worship outside, its warmer there. When I went out there about a year ago, the kids never masked, and 1/3 of the adults did not mask. I did not know any Orthodox Church masked the kids, most cannot even keep a mask on.
The Greek and OCA parishes here demanded masking even children. We first went looking for an alternative because our Greek parish would not give us an exemption for children with autism. The OCA would not either. We had parents move over to Western Rite because their under 5 kids were told to either keep on the masks or they had to leave.
Hello again John,,
Greetings from New York City, where everyone in church is masked up, even double-masked. Children wear masks, even often toddlers. It is heartbreaking to view this child abuse.
To attend services, you have to request a spot online so that they can limit the attendance as well as contact-trace. The Sunday school and other ministries meet via Zoom. Dance troupe has been suspended indefinitely. No coffee hour. Congregating to chat with friends and relatives after services is discouraged. If you drop your mask down below your nose to catch some air during services, a board member will show up at your side and make you pull it up…or else escort you out.
I am quite sure that God did not intend this atheistic, totalitarian behavior in His House. It sets everyone dangerously back when detractors insist on, “Yes, but for the safety of all…..” No. It is not about safety. We have actual science to confirm that. It is about mindlessly adhering to authoritarian control. Our bishops and archbishops seem to have been bought out by the CDC (which throws plenty of money their way) and others.
The saints and elders of the Holy Mountain have warned us of the apostasy of covering our faces during worship, to say nothing of the demonic agenda of defiling our bodies with the vaxx. And here we are being forced to live with it. The saddest part is that so many refuse to open their eyes to behold what is really going on, and instead seek to muzzle (on so many levels) those who speak the truth.
I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Just when I thought we had it bad. May God grant you strength. Crazy times we live in.
This is the beginning of Holy Week, and I don’t feel a thing other than anger and complete disappointment in our clergy. The Protestants and some Catholics have done a better job standing up for what they believe and for the laity. The old time clergy would’ve never let this garbage go without piping up. The prolife stance of the Church has been kicked out from under with priests and bishops virtue signaling their getting vaxxed and pontificating about the benefits of taking it. May God forgive me for getting so angry, and may He have mercy on us.
Peace to us all that we may truly feel and know the Holy Resurrection of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Do you really think you are helping Heather by reciting the increasingly annoying mantra “Wearing A Mask Is A Small Price To Pay”? It is not a small price and no one should have to pay it.
Have you not read any of the fine reporting on this website? As for papa bishop, I can say as a cradle Orthodox that we always took any orders from the clergy with a tiny grain of salt. There was always allowance for personal freedom, within reason of course. But today’s situation is very different and very serious. The hierarchy has bought into a dangerous delusion and is passing this down to us. I’ve never seen the Church so heavy-handed.
I applaud Heather for protecting her family and also for being forthright with her priest. That takes courage! I wish I had an answer for her. A few people have commented elsewhere on this website that they have found mask-free or mask-optional parishes. It would be helpful if they would tell us the names and locations of these parishes. If it turns out that Heather’s family is near one, that could possibly be a solution for her. I too would love to find such a parish.
Heather, I wish you much fortitude and pray that you and your family find the right “parish family.” Or that your current priest would open his eyes and heart. I am especially sorry that you have to experience this as catechumens.
God bless you for writing this!
We are catechumens and have been separated from the liturgy at our local parish for over a year now because of COVID restrictions. Our parish priest will only meet with us over ZOOM for our Catechesis. He is kind and holy, but also hurt that we refuse to wear a mask, and thus we may not attend any liturgical services (we are a family of 9).
I have reminded father several times about what I feel is truly going on, and how I must respect the Bishops wishes but I CANNOT participate in the madness. I have reserved none of my suspicions, though I don’t think he believes me.
Thanks again for writing so eloquently about what is happening in our world. It is very comforting for so many to know we are not alone.