One of the latest controversies in the Roman Catholic Church was sparked by director Evgeny Afineevsky’s documentary called Francesco featuring several interviews done with Pope Francis. Among the Pope’s statements that caused a stir was this legitimization of homosexual civil unions, “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they [homosexuals] are legally covered. I stood up for that.”Immediately the Catholic faithful launched into a bitter war of words over what the Pope meant by his statements. As a non-Catholic, this is not an argument in which I am qualified to participate. However, there is one aspect of this lamentable situation which directly relates to my own Orthodox Faith. The Website Where Peter Is has as a slogan, “Where Peter is, there is the Church.” In other words, the Church is defined as the body of believers headed by the Pope and in communion with him. No Pope, no Church. Addressing the civil union statements, a writer on that site published an article entitled Has Pope Francis changed Church teaching on same-sex civil unions?
For the record, the author doesn’t believe he has. But from an Orthodox Christian perspective, that isn’t really the point. For us, the headline itself spells out the problem with the Papacy. Roman Catholics accept that the Pope could change Roman Catholic teaching on his own authority. That is why almost every word uttered by the Pope is parsed and argued over. If the Roman Church is defined by the office of the Papacy, then the Roman Catholic Faith appears to be whatever the “Vicar of Christ” says it is. Even if what the Pope says is not in fidelity to the historic teachings of the Christian Faith. Honest Roman Catholics admit this is the case, and they admit there is nothing that can be done about it.
Writing in, Archbishop Vigano wrote the following:
If canonically it is unthinkable to excommunicate a Catholic for the mere fact that he wishes to remain so, politically and strategically this abuse would allow Bergoglio to expel his adversaries from the Church, consolidating his own power. And I repeat: we are not talking about a legitimate operation, but of an abuse that, despite being an abuse, no one would be able to prevent, since “the First See is judged by none” – prima Sedes a nemine judicatur. And since the deposition of a heretical Pope is a canonically unresolved question on which there is no unanimous consent of canonists, anyone who would accuse Bergoglio of heresy would be going down a dead end and would obtain a result only with great difficulty.
And it is exactly this, in my opinion, that Bergoglio’s “magic circle” wants to achieve: to reach the paradoxical situation in which the one who is recognized as Pope is at the same time in a state of schism with the Church he governs, while those who are declared by him to be schismatic for disobedience will find themselves expelled from the Church because of the fact that they are Catholic.
Bergoglio’s action is above all directed outside the Church. The encyclical Fratelli Tutti is an ideological manifesto in which there is nothing Catholic and nothing for Catholics – it is the umpteenth embrassons-nous [“let’s embrace”] of the Masonic matrix, in which universal brotherhood is obtained not, as the Gospel teaches, in recognizing the common fatherhood of God through belonging to the one Church, but rather by the flattening of all religions into a lowest common denominator that is expressed in solidarity, respect for the environment, and pacifism.
With this way of acting, Bergoglio is a candidate for “pontiff” of a new religion, with new commandments, new morals, and new liturgies. He distances himself from the Catholic religion and from Christ, and consequently from the Hierarchy and the faithful, disavowing them and leaving them at the mercy of the globalist dictatorship. Those who do not adapt to this new code will therefore be ostracized by society and by this new “church” as a foreign body.
On October 20 in Rome, Pope Francis prayed for peace along with representatives of the world religions: the motto of that ecumenical ceremony was “No one is saved alone.” But that prayer was addressed indiscriminately to both the True God as well as to the false gods of the pagans, making it clear that the ecumenism propagated by Bergoglio has as its goal the exclusion of Our Lord from human society, because Jesus Christ is considered “divisive,” “a stumbling stone.” This modern man thinks that he can obtain peace by leaving aside the One who said of Himself: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jn 14:6). It is painful to note that this apostasy of formerly Christian nations is accompanied by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who ought to be the Vicar of Christ, not his enemy.
What a predicament to find yourself in. To be Catholic, you must be in communion with the Pope who is the “successor of Peter” and the “Vicar” of Christ. But the current Pope is a globalist heretic who is altering the faith, possibly even going so far as to create a new one under Masonic influence. To preserve the Catholic Faith, you must oppose the Pope’s innovations, as Archbishop Vigano does. But if you oppose the Pope, you risk no longer being Roman Catholic. The Pope can excommunicate you for your opposition, putting you outside the Church, even if your opposition is clearly grounded in the Apostolic Faith. And, there is no way to remove a Pope even if he is blatantly heretical. Sadly for Roman Catholic Traditionalists, there is nothing you can do because “the First See is judged by none” – prima Sedes a nemine judicatur.
From a traditionalist point of view, the next pope is unlikely to be any better than this one. Waiting this out then is likely to take decades or longer, assuming that a “Catholic” Pope could ever be elected again given the problems in the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Here is how one Roman Catholic Priest summed up the situation with the bishops after the release of the report on Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick:
This document is just another nail in the coffin of the moral authority and relevance of the episcopacy. They haven’t been relevant to the faithful for quite some time. I think it’s time for priests to now realize (if they already haven’t) that the bishops have abandoned us as well. Every priest is on his own (unless he has some friends he truly trusts).
You have written extensively about the decline of our culture and the impending persecutions. I agree with you. I believe it’s important to realize that these persecutions will come from everyone in power; including the hierarchy who will try to make peace with our persecutors, as we already see them doing with Biden. They are already selling out priests who speak out too strongly against moral evils. The threat to religious liberty in the Church is not particularly from the secularists; it’s from the bishops who refuse to speak out and will sacrifice their priests who disturb the fragile and imaginary peace they seek to maintain with the powerful in the culture.
The Papacy is lost to those who wish to maintain traditional Roman Catholic moral and theological teaching. The office now serves powerful, globalist interests. The parish priests, the good ones, are on their own. There may be a few good bishops left in the Roman Church, but they are not in control and do not constitute a substantial voting block in the College of Cardinals. But even if, at some point, the Roman Catholic Church could bring back a Pope John Paul II or a Pope Benedict XVI, the dilemma presented by the Papacy would still be unresolved.
If you got one Pope Francis, then you can obviously get another one. Nor does the Papal office have the best of histories in any case. Papal pretensions and innovations caused the Great Schism and the Protestant Reformation. A talented Orthodox priest gives a summary of many of the issues with Papal innovations in this video. Fr. Victor E. Novak, an Orthodox priest and convert from Roman Catholicism, wrote, “For a millennium, since causing the Great Schism in 1054, Rome has been the cause of division after division in the West, leading to the splintering of Western Christendom and ultimately to the secularization of the West.”
Roman Catholic Traditionalists are in an unsustainable situation long-term. They can’t wait out the crisis. As Archbishop Vigano has warned, Pope Francis is just getting started. The heresies will shortly get more blatant to the point that even the most die-hard defender of the Papacy will be unable to finesse an explanation. Traditionalists can’t resolve the crisis by either deposing the Pope or electing a new one. Which means at some point they must recognize the truth of the situation. They can preserve the Papal Office and their communion with it, or they can preserve their allegiance to the Christian Faith. They can’t save both.
Since you can’t be Roman Catholic without the Papacy, and it is maddeningly difficult to be Roman Catholic when the Pope obviously isn’t, the most logical course of action is to convert to Orthodoxy. As Fr. Novak wrote:
The Orthodox Church has never added to or subtracted from the “faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), and has never suffered a Reformation, Counter Reformation, or a Revolution as seen at and after the Second Vatican Council. There are no problems with liberal modernism in the Orthodox Church, no waffling on moral teachings, and no movements for women priests, liturgical innovation, or the definition of new dogmas. Despite having no “earthly head” and maintaining the primitive Christian decentralized ecclesiastical structure, the Orthodox Church remains fully united and hasn’t suffered serious schism since 1054. The Orthodox Catholic Church is today what she was 1,000 years ago, 1,500 years ago, 2,000 years ago.
Today, traditional Roman Catholics who enter the Orthodox Church can worship essentially as they always have, only in full sacramental communion and visible unity with the 300 million member Orthodox Catholic Church. Rather than looking back to the 1950s or to the Council of Trent (which isn’t even as old as the Protestant Reformation!) they can fully embrace the Faith and Order of the “Undivided” Church, the Faith of the Church Fathers, the Seven Ecumenical Councils and the Canon of St. Vincent of Lerins.
And that is the message that many of us carry to the wonderful, Traditionalist Roman Catholics who are struggling. Christ is calling them home to the true Church and the true Faith, and many are answering that call. I believe more would, if they did not have a serious misunderstanding of the role of a divisive figure within Orthodoxy – Patriarch Bartholomew II of “Constantinople.” Far too many believe the Ecumenical Patriarch’s role is analogous to the Papacy, and that makes them reluctant to trade one problem with unchecked power for another. Fortunately for the Orthodox Church, while the Patriarch is a problem, he just isn’t a very important one.
Constantinople was only raised in status above a normal bishopric in 381 A.D. The 3rd Canon of the First Council of Constantinople spells out exactly why the Bishop of Constantinople was being elevated, “The Bishop of Constantinople, however, shall have the prerogative of honor after the Bishop of Rome because Constantinople is New Rome.” This was a political decision based on the facts on the ground in the Roman Empire at that time. Unlike the Bishop of Rome, there is nothing equivalent to the “Petrine Theory” that can lend credence to any expansive claims of authority made by Constantinople.
Further, the See of Constantinople was occupied by heretics or schismatics for over 230 years of its entire existence. Nestorius was Patriarch of Constantinople. Clearly, obtaining the office of Patriarch of Constantinople is no guarantee that a man is Orthodox in faith and/or morals. Despite that spotty record, however, the Orthodox Church as a whole has clearly endured and clearly preserved the Deposit of the Faith. That is because the nature of the Orthodox Church can be expressed thusly:
Basic to the ecclesiology of the Orthodox Church is the concept of conciliarity. The Church is, in fact, at her core always synod, the literal meaning of the word “Ekklesia.” The concept of conciliarity, i.e., the conciliar or synodal approach to managing the Church’s affairs, is not confined solely to convening various types of synods, but also includes every expression of ecclesiastical life. Through conciliarity, the nature of the Church as theanthropic communion in Christ is expressed. This is why any ecclesiastical practice which is not a result of conciliarity is a deviation from Orthodox ecclesiology.
The preservation of the Orthodox Faith does not depend on any one bishop. Which is why the modernists have such a loathing for the Orthodox Church – its decentralized structure practically defies meaningful infiltration.
Now, this does not mean that the Patriarch of Constantinople is not a problem. In the early 20th century, the Patriarchate appears to have been infiltrated by Freemasons, perhaps eventually so was much of the Greek Church. In the early 1920’s, Patriarch Meletios took control over the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and promulgated a new interpretation of Canon 28 of Chalcedon: the “barbarian lands” theory according to which all territories not part of another Orthodox Church belong to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. None of the other Orthodox Churches seem particularly convinced by that novel interpretation of a Canon that had been around since 451 A.D. Since that very, very recent time in history, the claims to authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch have steadily expanded. This has led to Patriarch Bartholomew interfering in the local affairs of various Orthodox Churches such as in Ukraine and Macedonia.
At the moment, Patriarch Bartholomew is making the case for himself becoming, essentially, an Orthodox Pope:
“We, Orthodox, must make a self-criticism and reconsider our ecclesiology if we do not want to become a federation of Protestant Churches,” said Patriarch Bartholomew.
According to Bartholomew, the problem of unity can be solved if it is recognized that there is a bishop in the Orthodox Church who is higher than other bishops and has exclusive power.
“Since in our ordination to a Bishop we swear to obey the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils, we must admit that in an indivisible Ecumenical Orthodoxy there is a “First” not only by honour, but a “First” with special responsibilities and regular powers entrusted by the Ecumenical Councils,” said the head of the Phanar.
There are secular forces that are pushing the Ecumenical Patriarchate forward in its ever more expansive claims. The United States has used the EP’s interference in Ukraine as an arm of its anti-Russian foreign policy. Greek supremacists want a way to push back against the larger, more powerful Russian Orthodox Church that they feel overshadows them. Modernists see centralization of power in the EP as the means to finally transform the Orthodox Church in the same ways that Pope Francis is changing the Roman Catholic Church. Many of these modernists are grouped around the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America based out of New York.
How likely is he to succeed in his quest for “Papal” powers? There is a much better chance of pigs becoming fighter pilots. The EP’s actions in Ukraine have already led to a schism with the Russian Church and the canonical Ukrainian Church, who together comprise the vast majority of Orthodox Christians in the world today. The canonical head of the Ukrainian Church, not the rogue body set up by Constantinople, is Metropolitan Onuphry. His Beatitude had this to say about Constantinople:
“This spiritual relaxation from Constantinople in preserving the purity of the holy Orthodox faith is the root cause of the schism that occurred in 2019,” he continues.
His Beatitude also points to the desire of the Phanar to give “to Caesar not only what is Caesar’s, but also what is God’s,” which was the cause of the fall of Constantinople and the destruction of the great Byzantine Empire.
“And today, the Constantinople ecclesiastical authorities are ready to accept any custom and law forbidden by God that the world offers, just to return Constantinople (now Istanbul) to its former glory, and to regain the authority the Church had in the heyday of the Byzantine Empire,” the Ukrainian archpastor continued.
“Theoretically, the break in Eucharistic communion, which occurred in 2019, could be healed, but for that, the respected Patriarch of Constantinople should behave with all as the first in honor and equal in authority. Unfortunately, His Holiness acts as the first both in honor and authority, but this is alien to the Orthodox spirit of conciliarity, by which the Orthodox Church has lived and lives,” His Beatitude concludes.
The Patriarch of Constantinople is a modernist tool of anti-Christian globalist forces the same as Pope Francis, of whom he is a huge fan. Patriarch Bartholomew’s attachment to Orthodox – Roman Catholic Ecumenism causes some Orthodox to worry that he will unite with Rome. Were he to do so, of course, some modernist “Orthodox” might follow him. On the other hand, such a move would be guaranteed to create a world-wide schism that would leave him practically alone. On his own, the Patriarch of Constantinople has a native congregation of a few thousand Greeks in Turkey, an island of monks, and some Greek “diaspora” churches scattered around the world. It is hardly a base of power. In fact, the Patriarch’s ability to meddle in other countries is only possible because of the support of secular powers such as the United States. Times change, worldly powers come and go, and priorities shift.
Let me illustrate, somewhat crudely, how little the Patriarch of Constantinople matters. Patriarch Bartholomew could marry his homosexual lover on the steps of the Vatican at a “wedding” co-officiated by the Pope and a Satanic High Priest, after which he could pledge eternal devotion to one of the Pope’s spare Pachamama idols – and the practical impact on the Orthodox Faith would be exactly nil. To be honest, the same thing could be said about any bishop, or even a synod of bishops. No one has the power to change the Orthodox Faith.
For many Orthodox around the world, the ambitions and pretensions of Patriarch Bartholomew are a pain to deal with. He and his representative in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros, can be unnerving, embarrassing, and downright infuriating. In Ukraine and other places, his intervention has led to many heart-rending tragedies. For those of us, who care about bringing people to the Kingdom, the Patriarch is a stumbling block of sorts. But his “power” and “influence” are severely limited compared to Pope Francis and that will always be the case. Pope Francis matters, just not in a good way. The Patriarch of Constantinople really doesn’t.
So for those of you looking for the authentic Christian Faith, you will find it in the Orthodox Church. As with any organization led by fallen men, we do have some personnel issues. The Church is a hospital for sick souls, after all. But our altars are pure, the faith is undefiled, and our decentralized structure is tailor-made to resistance in the modern world. There will always be Orthodox priests and Orthodox bishops, be they in catacombs or in cathedrals. And if one compromises the faith, there will always be another to take his place. While Christ is essential, no one man or one office ever is.
Please come home.
Nicholas – Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Sounds like a ringing endorsement of Old Calendarism or the Old Believers. Let’s go!
I was really happy to find this web site. Thank you for publishing this fantastic read!! I definitely enjoyed your article, have bookmarked it and will be looking for future posts. If you have a chance check out my web site. It’s a work in progress, but I trust that someday it will turn out as noteworthy as yours.
I thank you for bringing this discussion to the public for viewing. I have an article which I wrote some weeks ago that is sort of a Catholic response to this. I’d appreciate your thoughts.
Dear Erick –
Thank you for linking to what could only be described as a standard issue defense of the Papacy. It really was no better than anything seen in “Where Peter Is.” It would have been much more interesting if you had seen fit to actually address the charges leveled by Archbishop Vigano. The good Archbishop, as extensively quoted in the article, does not agree with your point that the teaching put forth by Francis is not already heretical. In fact, Archbishop Vigano accuses Francis of attempting to found an entirely new religion. I do not see any mention of these points in your article. For example, you state: “Now, this “necessary evil” does not entail a fatal collapse of hereticalizing the whole Church since the Catholic, may he hope, holds out that it can never happen that the Church’s voice, via Pope or Council, will require a member to subscribe to heresy.” Actually, that is exactly what Vigano said is happening. If you read the quotes, which you ignore, you will see that Vigano is claiming that if you remain faithful to Catholic teaching, you will find yourself ostracized and even excommunicated from the official Catholic Church. If you want to be taken seriously, then I must insist that you deal with these claims. Simply dismissing the Pope’s actions as his private opinions is the severest form of cope imaginable. As Vigano made clear, the Pope intentionally issues vague statements for the purposes of providing individuals like you with plausible deniability,
We both know that if what Vigano said is true, that what I said in the article is going to stand. Eventually, even the most ardent apologist for the Papacy will get to the end of the proverbial rope.
Further, you miss the point on Orthodoxy I was making, or you are at the very least ignoring it. There is no need to “cope” for an Orthodox Christian. On more topics than I could ever manage to enumerate, I and my other contributors vehemently object to Pat. Bartholomew and his lackey Archbishop Elpidophoros. But I am perfectly free to criticize them, as are the other contributors. In fact, you will find numerous articles on this Website taking Elpidophoros and Soitrios in Canada to task. Our salvation in Orthodoxy does not depend on pretending that bishops who have betrayed their offices have not, in fact, betrayed their offices. As I wrote, “Patriarch Bartholomew could marry his homosexual lover on the steps of the Vatican at a “wedding” co-officiated by the Pope and a Satanic High Priest, after which he could pledge eternal devotion to one of the Pope’s spare Pachamama idols – and the practical impact on the Orthodox Faith would be exactly nil.”
In Orthodoxy, we simply do not have a bishop whose authority is so lofty that we spend our lives parsing his words to decide if it was “official” teaching or if it were “private” teaching. If a bishop teaches that which is not compatible with the faith, then I reject that teaching. Schism is a protective mechanism that has been employed since the beginning of the Church to arrest heretical tendencies and, eventually and hopefully, heal the rift by brining the Donatists or whomever back into the Church. The Russian Church was right to slap Bartholomew, and many of us in the GOA under local bishops who are largely autonomous, are more than happy to see Bartholomew’s incorrect interpretation of his own authority discredited and his attempts at harming the Faith stopped in his tracks.
This tag will get you to the articles most critical of both Elpidophoros and Soitirios and their various attempted innovations and issues:
So as an Orthodox Christian I am totally free to face up to the problems of any of my leaders, and to criticize those leaders in light of the unchanging Deposit of the Faith. As Vigano has made plain, you aren’t. Your most fervent hope has to be that Francis stops moving towards a syncretistic “Pachamama” style religion, because if he doesn’t then you will be in an untenable situation. I will never be in that situation, because there is no bishop that is essential to the Orthodox Faith. The office of bishop is, of course, but no one man can be.
You also failed to mention in your discussion the Great Western Schism in which there were three popes as once, each having excommunicated the others. How do you resolve that situation? Obviously it was possible to have more than one claimant to the Papal Office, so how does one decide which is the anti-Pope and which is the real deal?
As for your support of Catholic claims to Papal authority, I’ll refer you to this article
I have looked at all the claims, and have rejected them. I don’t really have the time now to dive back into them, nor is it really necessary. The Papacy is a practical failure. Vatican II makes that plain. You mention that traditional worship is increasing? If so, then the growth of the Latin Mass is occurring despite the Papacy, and not because of it. Instead of preserving true worship, the Papal office is fighting it. How can that be God’s design for his Church? The office you say guarantees unity is at war with traditional worship, which is winning despite the “gay mafia” in the Vatican, as Vigano calls them? Well, good luck to priests keeping the Latin Mass alive.
You cherry pick some issues in parish life, such as ethnic festivals, but you and I both know that most Roman Catholic parishes are complete wrecks. We have, in the Orthodox Church, stunning failures of leadership at many levels. Failures that we are free to point out and work to rectify. No one is silencing us. No one can silence us. That, my dear friend, is precisely the point. If Vigano is right, you are not at all in that situation.
On death penalty, there is no universally accepted teaching on the abolition of the death penalty. OCA did make that statement in 1989. The Moscow Patriarchate does not concur. It is an open question. Which means it is an opinion, and no priest or bishop can tell me that my opinion is wrong. That is a far cry from what happened in the Catholic Church, and you know that. The Pope, in a departure on the death penalty from accepted Catholic teaching, made a statement that the death penalty is inadmissable. He later did something similar with Just War. The only way I could be in a similar situation to you on this would be if a Church Council issued similar statements. In that case, my own feelings would be up against what would then be Church Dogma. Since that has not happened, the OCA’s 1989 statement or other bishop’s/synods statements about the death penalty or Just War, represent their moral teachings which may be grounded in the Church, but which are not the final word. That may be annoying to a Roman Catholic, but Orthodox are rather comfortable with not having all opinions dogmatized.
You mention marriage and the dissolubility of it in Orthodoxy. Divorce is a sin. One that I committed, though it wasn’t my idea and I fought it for years. In the end, I was granted absolution and allowed to remarry. Marriage in Orthodoxy is not a contract, it is a sacrament and forgiveness for divorce is possible and you may be given permission to marry again after suitable penance and confession. As you pointed out in the article concerning the abuse of “annulments” in Catholicism, the Catholic position is not viable in the real world. I don’t believe it ever has been. The ability to forgive the sin of divorce and restore a person to a healthy state of communion in a second marriage is a blessing, not a problem as you make it.
As I mentioned, right now we have a lot of failures of leadership. The Orthodox Faith is as solid as it ever was, and there is no chance of it changing. There is no one who can. But there are ecumenists, and we have denounced those and traced their actions back to the Masonic movement.
Again, I can do that. I can put forth historical documentation and criticism of a bishop who appears to be Masonic, the same as Vigano criticized Pope Francis for having a Masonic orientation towards creating a new faith. The difference is that the bishop cannot silence any of us, and our bishops can’t really do the kind of damage that Pope Francis is doing and can do. Just as Church Militant on the Catholic side routinely does, we will find shortcomings in our bishops. So many bishops, yet so few saints. But I really fear that you are going to run into a wall with this or the next pope that will finally make you stop and think.
As for the priest I quoted in the article, he had some articulate things to say. I am very sorry that subsequent to writing a very good article, he may have left the canonical church. That does not invalidate the sentiments he expressed at the time, but it certainly does invalidate any sacraments he might be performing now. His words were used to decorate an article, I am not some kind of disciple of his and my opinions do not derive from his work. I could have used any number of other converts from Catholicism to Orthodoxy, there are many as you know including a former Catholic Monk who is now a priest in a local parish. I simply liked the way he wrote the paragraphs quoted. And more, I agreed with them.
By focusing on him, what you were attempting to do was ignore the elephant in the room which is Vigano and his charges. If you wish to reply, start there if you want me to take the reply seriously.
Nicholas (if I may)
Thank you for your reply. I’ll read it carefully when I have an open window today or tomorrow.
God bless
You were kind to publish my comments in an earlier essay on this site.
All your points are valid; however, you have discussed here COVID-19 as a means to an end. Martin Armstrong discusses “The Great Reset” and currently on YouTube, also on BitChute, Spiro Skouras. The agenda is satanic communism, depopulation, control.
Video of above:
Spiro’s short video here:
An Irish Catholic who is optimistic believers will win.
Why We Will Win and They Will Lose
See also:
Roman Catholic Archbishop Vigano has warned about the “Great Reset” and in America Tucker Carlson had excerpts on his show.
For all their errors, failings and corruption, at least one Roman Catholic has done this.
Are you aware of any Orthodox Christian authorities who have made warnings, who are not consenting to the false power of governments and their masters? Nothing of real value gets rendered to Caesar.
Thank you for all you do and God bless you. Try reaching out to Catholic Bionic Mosquito who has a decent following and considers himself an intellectual; he might reply to this post. Maybe he’s Protestant but he quotes Roman Chesterton.
His email is here:
(Somehow, most are hostile and resistant, sadly. And so many Orthodox Churches and leader bow to the government.)
Interestingly, your comment was in the spam folder. I just found it today, and the published it as we were publishing the new article on The Great Reset.
Thank you, Nicholas. Perhaps I’ll end up in spam again; I am not surprised.
Let me share with you one last source of information, Martin Armstrong’s site. He devised an AI with a specific purpose; it predicts the defeat of these “globalists” but I have no idea how or when because so many are complacent.
Regarding the nature of his AI:
He is wealthy and has connections and sources of information a little, humble person like me does not. His AI is named Socrates; interesting that he was jailed in an attempt for the powers to obtain the source code.
His latest:
“I do NOT believe Trump will reverse the election. This election has been so corrupt it will go down in history. But Trump will never be able to prove that in time. Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of BigTech you either support or are ignorant of, will show you how little the Constitution will protect you. Zuckerberg had funded $400 million to the Democrats to overthrow Trump. If you think the New World Order was just a joke, wait until you see the Great Reset. There is a risk that the election for the Senate in Georgia will be rigged and if they succeed in that, you will have nothing left. This is a global agenda. Shame you are so ignorant of what is unfolding internationally. But they counted on people like you who will never look.”
We are, as always, in a “spiritual war.”
Part 1. A Warfare Theodicy
Quote and I think you’ll agree, please read the entire article; the site is very good:
‘Jesus, while acknowledging the evil prince-hood of Satan and his legion of followers (Mt 9.34, 25.41), tells us that we, too, must battle Satan (Mk 3.27). Because this world, rightfully, belongs to its Creator, we, as Jesus did, must fight to give it back to the Father. This is what Jesus was doing when He was teaching, exorcising demons, and healing the ill. By His death and resurrection, Jesus was attaining a victory over Satan and his legions by defeating the very end that Satan had brought to man.
‘The incarnation of the Son of God served to reclaim the earth for the Father by establishing His Holy Church. The presence of the Holy Spirit within the Holy Church—the Orthodox Church—established God’s kingdom on earth as a direct challenge to the “ruler of this world.”’
Recall when Jesus taught the apostles to pray that God’s “will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6.10), it presupposed that God’s will is not being done on earth! And it is not. Therefore, when people die or are suffering from a disease or filled with a demon, they are casualties of war—the great cosmic war surrounding us. Therefore, the atrocities of September 11 and since do not serve a divine purpose. We truly live in a combat zone. God does not will ill for humanity. Indeed, there is no scriptural or patristic teaching that God ordains or promotes evil or advances divisiveness within His Church. God is only good. And this is why the Son of God “went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil” (Act 10.38). Jesus’ acts of healing were acts against satanic oppression.
‘One might ask if Christ’s death and resurrection defeated Satan, why then is the earth still oppressed? The answer is that Satan has not yielded. Even after establishing His Holy Church, God continued and continues to encounter resistance. Again, why? Irenaeus gave the best possible response, “there is no coercion with God” (Against Heresies 5.37). God provides us with the responsibility to determine our destiny. Many a man—and a fallen angel—has opted to rebel against God. The result is war. Only a God, whose love is unbounded and uncompromising, would willingly accept rejection by some, knowing well that there will also be responding love by others. We need only live our Orthodox faith understanding that He will not fail us as we participate in this cosmic war—as His warriors—by merely loving Him.’
Thank you again for all you do and the opportunity to reach out to people. Note that even Trump is pushing “operation warp speed” and the minions of the evil one, dupes perhaps, are always those with great worldly and false power.
Thank you and may God bless you and all you love and keep you safe from harm.