Elpidophoros, the one and only Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, is back at St. Bart’s. Yes, it’s true. Elpi is returning to the grand byzantine structure to officiate at Great Vespers on Saturday, June 10.
Symbolism and virtue signaling are part of the clerical syllabary. Without speaking a word, a bishop uses familiar non-verbal communication to indicate the authority of his office and the policies that he plans to execute. Nothing else need be said in addition to the obvious symbols displayed at the juxtaposition of Abp. Elpidophoros, St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church and the Feast of St. Bartholomew.
Patriarch Bartholomew, the Narcissist, appears to give his blessing to this travesty on his name day.
Nevertheless, I am going to say them anyway because Elpidophoros’ plans for tomorrow amount to insult added to injury. This isn’t the first time that the archbishop will have gone out of his way to pray in this most unorthodox Protestant parish. He went to St. Bart’s in June of 2021, not for Vespers, but to celebrate the Divine Liturgy! Even then it was clear to all that St. Bart’s stood for the “queering of Manhattan”. Their website promoted such perverse sexual policies, and the gay flag of many colors snapped smartly outside the west door to the church. It was no mystery that the parish had been captured by the deceptively named “progressive movement”.
Even if Elpidophoros had passed under the rainbow flag in a tee shirt, it would have raised eyebrows. But on that occasion, he boldly entered the church, vested in his archiepiscopal finery, and celebrated at the same high altar that is used weekly by heretics and scoundrels. The message communicated by this brazen act was this: We identify with you and concur with your policies. I don’t think that I am reading too much into the symbolism.
St. Bart’s Pride Flag now has a transsexual chevron, evidence of ever-deepening depravity.
That act by Elpidophoros caused a firestorm of protest. We need to pause, and remind ourselves, that the objections raised by many who were scandalized were not raised on the basis of some novel teaching favored by the masses. On the contrary, they were made in support of the Orthodox Church’s own teachings against sexual sin. The people said the very things that the archbishop himself should have been saying! Why had he turned the tables on us? Why were the laity put in the uncomfortable place where they felt the need to guard the Faith against its own hierarchy?
One would think that Elpi would have learned from his gross error in judgement two years ago. But no, he certainly did not. He’s back at it again, going to the same parish on the same occasion to do the same thing. This sort of recalcitrant action indicates one of two things: either 1. Elpi is stupid; or 2. Elpi just doesn’t give a damn what the Church teaches about sex and he’s out to overturn the age-old norms. I’ve met His Eminence, so I doubt whether he is stupid, but having spoken with him one on one, I suspect he doesn’t give a damn. He has a counterargument for every conventional opinion, whether it be on this subject or on the Ukrainian situation or on issues of GOA polity.
What we’re seeing here is this, folks. Elpi is raising his archepiscopal middle finger to the GOA and to all of the Orthodox paying attention. Remember that your silence will amount to tacit approval.
–Lawrence Wheeler, Originally posted at Handwritings on the Wall
What is a hypocrite? None other than a cripple, one who cannot—and has not—virtue. Their functionality is a pretense, falsehood, and mirage. It is too fool people into believing in them, faking that they are trustworthy, they are not. Their words are smooth, their tactics precise, manipulations very skilled, rehearsed over and over again. If the folks could see who they really were, their exit would be swift. Â
Claiming to be leaders, they are Orcs. Twisted, deformed, bizarre they are, yet, most are fooled. Mesmerized by the vestments, the cassock, and the verbiage—always quoting the saints—most cannot penetrate the disguise. Impossible it is for them to let down the walls, to be vulnerable to love, and be healthy transparent, real, and human with anybody. They are plastic people.
Cripples they are, pitiful they are, and tormented they are, hiding behind vestments they do. Their own worst enemies they are, because they are conflicted inwardly. The dichotomy is so bizarre, only evil spirits can keep it together; even in a trance. A good exorcism—“Attention! Everybody out of the pool!”—would work toward re-integration of the soul and life.
Virtue is always in a positive, not just an absence of transgresses. If we learned anything from the Pharisees, those who run the drills to perfection might be “white washed sepulchers full of dead men’s bones”; coming to an Orthodox parish near you, if not already there. Like terrorists who hostage children, they intermingle with the sheep and even the good shepherds, to stay out of sight, out of reach, to do their dirt behind our backs. But God knows, and He will expose them, every secret thing will be revealed.   Â
Want to stop the LGBT influence on your children?
Not to be nagging, but, the Western Rite Book of Common Prayer is the best for the English speaking world for at least three reasons:
1.     It is written in the its native English. Having been steeped in the Anglican BCP before becoming Orthodox, adapting to the Russian translation prayer book, it was like wading through sand because the verbiage was so clumsy—no offence to the translators, translations rarely capture the poetic nuance and never the built in rhythms of worship.
2.     The Collects—collected prayers—are all poetically structured. I have seen nothing like it in the either the Modern Greek or Russian translations, correct me if I am wrong. All scripted prayer should have beauty and beauty is always about symmetry and symmetry in action becomes a back and forth. Think: a relaxed tennis match. All beauty is some form of symmetry. In our humanity, across cultures there is the beauty instinct and its basis is symmetry. Raw translations often read like instruction manuals or the daily news, or roughly written prose (like mine). Some beauty does come through but because of a growing familiarity. The ancient Greeks understood poetry and so did the Latins—mother of the Romanic languages. Â
3.     It is written antiphonally. To be fair, my preference is based on the fact the prescribed Eastern daily prayers for the laity, has no antiphonal structure. Using it in a group is to just chop it up into random segments and “take turns”.  St David wrote the Psalms antiphonally based on the Hebrew mindset. Of course, Eastern Rite praxis is largely done antiphonally, because it was never done otherwise anytime in history.  And, again to be fair, the family prayers in the BCP are so ridiculously short, they are almost useless—even though they contain the poetic structure.
As many of our churches continue to flounder, more than ever it is important for families to be the church, within a church, within the Church or a church where there is no church (the GOA is no Church, but the lair of groomers). The family is Orthodoxy at the grass roots. Family devotions must be a family event at the beginning of every day and it must bring the whole family into the circle, each member must speak themselves. Here is why:
Every people on the face of the earth are defined by their language; a technical people will have a technical language e.g Germans and Japanese; this is why they make the best engineers. This is in every aspect even on a personal level, like the Creator Who created everything by words[1] and sent “the Word” you daily form your world by the words you choose; speak only good words never corrupt (or give an account).[2] The original Oriental languages were without an alphabet but totally using unique signs, requiring a precise exactness across the board, setting them up in a different way in how they process life. With that, their protocols of politeness are dramatically extreme guiding how one is to even drink a cup of tea with a friend. At the same time, very superstitious, but well attuned to anything mysterious, like the Holy Mysteries.
When Queen Elizabeth 1st mandated the use of the BCP edited away from the Roman Church by Thomas Cramner, it catapulted England into being the foremost world power of the day and later America (America is England’s child). This single act standardized the English language from its former tribal variation, and made Britain the most prolific producer of literature the world has ever seen, then America just took it further. (obviously, every good thing can be corrupted as we see now).
Parents: do you want to negate the LGBT influence on your children? (there is no excuse to stay in a LGBT accommodating parish—get out; do devotions at home if there is no church option, or risk losing your kids to that demon).
Then, use an antiphonal format for doing family devotions. The antiphon demonstrates the rhythms of the cosmos which include the masculine (initiation) and the feminine (response). By getting them used to that, you are training them (grooming if you will) them to be heterosexual when they grow up. Men are to initiate, women are to respond (in principle).
By incorporating your children into the antiphons, they will grow up to be skilled communicators verbally, in writing, and not just texting. In the old world, rhetoric (public debate) was sport, education, and personal development all rolled into one.
Do you want to solidify your son’s masculinity? Then, while doing devotions, in the absence of dad (dad always leads), have him take the lead, not the wife/mother. When dad is away or in the case of a single mom with a son, have the son take the lead. If you want boys to grow up to be men, and girls grow up to be women, you MUST RAISE THEM DIFFERENTLY. (Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” my interpretation; if you raise boys and girls the same, you will get the same thing–unisexuals.). If you want to raise up men who will lay down their lives for what is sacred—including women—then room must be made for them to take that their first capacity to do so. The Caveat: once that initial male instinct to serve, solve problems, provide for, be your hero, is lost its almost impossible to recover. Mom, let your son be your hero especially when going through puberty. He will protect and provide for you in your old age (otherwise, just go be in a nursing home).
Attention all ladies, just because you can, does not mean you should—earn more money, take control of the family’s provision or spiritual condition, etc. There are somethings worse than being poor and losing your children is one of them. Let dad be dad, never try to be dad yourself, even if you are a single mom, let other good men do that. Be future minded or there won’t be one. Â
Femininity (mother or older sister) can never confer masculinity, it can only make room for it and cheer it on. When the men get it rite, the women will eventually follow, they usually take their cues from the men.
Bottom line: every boy starts with the desire to be your hero, every girl with the instinct to please. Cultivate these instincts to be strong but well ordered, or they can be taken advantage of by predators. Destroying these instincts, or perverting them, creates something leaning towards transgender. This means you must treat every child differently according to their sex, and natural bends and weaknesses. Know your children takes 24/7 hands on attention.
[1] C.S. Lewis depicted Christ in creation singing things into existence.
[2] Matt. 12:36, Ephesians 4:29
Why is maleness and femaleness so important? Or we should ask, why is the enemy so intent on destroying this distinction woven into the fabric of the human frame?
It is because Man as the living icon of God; himself, a reflection of the cosmos he presides over; he is one with the cosmos. This is how the Holy Mother could contain it in her womb.
The created world runs on two polar covenant principles: free will (the male) and providence (the female). If truth is parallel, we only need to see the picture.
Maleness speaks of free will—continually generating new sperm (seed) every single day. On the other hand, every baby girl is born with every egg she will have to bring forth the provenience of God. And only God knows which ones will be babies, dependent upon the will of the father. (warning graphic) No man can conceive without a proactive action (willfully) get erect and bring up and plant the seed. On the other hand, any woman can conceive without any effort of her own but to be still and positioned (he the transmitter (the phon), she the receiver and “antiphon” to bring the agreement of the opposites). For the man pleasure is required, for the woman, the icing on the cake (the grace and favor of God) because she has to “labor” (automatic, not chosen) to bring forth.
This does not mean that a womb-man does not have free will, it only means for her to channel the female icon, she submits herself to her husband. To sacrifice this is to give up a piece of her humanity, becoming “trans-gender”. To “trans” (go over him) go around him, is to expose herself to the demonic which always approaches the woman first because she is a portal to the man and the seen realm.
In the Divine liturgy, the Divine Dance, the masculine priest (having a pair of TESTicles [I hope] representing the Old and New TESTaments, proclaiming the TESTimonies) moves about the Altar/Ark/Portal. It is the porter—gatekeeper (with the keys of the Kingdom)—and the portal or ladder between heaven and earth—hello Jacob’s ladder, aka, the Holy Virgin. Only Christ comes through this portal.
This structure has been for millennia stolen by the occult, by Egypt, Incas, Aztecs, to Babylon, to freemasonry. But flipped upside down to create portals into the underworld, to bring up the demonic. It too works according to covenant framework put in place by God Himself. Their altar is often a woman—whore—who serves as a living portal to bring up the demonic and whatever else resides in and under the earth. There may be a blood sacrifice and the more innocent the more powerful, at certain fests the sacrifices are human, other times animal.
And this is Why Jesus said, “I will build my Church and the gates of hell will NOT prevail.” (And, NOT ON MY WATCH!)
The cosmic picture:
“For whom He foreknew [who would choose with freewill), He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” (Romans 8:29)
John Calvin read it and weep
The operative word here is “also”. With the exercise of freewill, the providence is “also” already there because God knew it in advance. Freewill—the masculine—and the providence—the feminine—[which comes along side as “help-meet”] come together to become one flesh, another substantiation or icon of Christ is generated (genesis). With the bestowing of free will, Man is given the power of creation and every time a child is conceived, creation continues. If you ae vaccinated this may be a problem in the first or second generation. Capiche?
In Man is the solving of the riddle, God’s will verses Man’s will.
Get a grip on the reality to the degree the world is a lie. Nothing hidden will not remain undisclosed.
When I was first challenged with the truth that we never landed on the moon but that it was all faked, it did not take long for me to see rite through it.
The Lunar Module is not built to hold pressure, the air pressure that would sustain living astronauts. For that to work, it would have to be built like a submarine and be almost as heavy. The most efficient design to contain or withstand pressure is an egg, God’s design. Anything with any kind of corners would be rounded when pressurized. Now, try to fit the Lunar Module into that scenario. It was all fabricated.
If the bishops of the jurisdictions that are in Communion with the GOA broke away, that might make a dent and send a message. Concelebration sends the message of agreeing and we accept you.
Technically, in classic Orthodox thinking, they are all ready broken away or independent of each other. In the early Church the only distinction was geogrphical and every patriarch had a seat at the table equal to all the rest and that only when something of universal importance came up and that for the most part ended with the Ecumenical Councils. By definition, this is the meaning of “first among equals” that the Orthodox have harped on against Rome for centuries.
Bottom line: in the purity, the only universal bindings would be the Ecumenical Councils, the Vincentian Canon, and the Holy Spirit. And only the Holy Spirit can keep things in sync. That any bishop plays follow the leader is outside the traditions; he is to make every descition based on what has been before and how that is expressed in his home jurisdiction. And that, that must be the same is not true to form.
BTW: in board goverance–for non profits–the chair/president is “first among equals” meaning he only gets one vote same as the rest and his only difference is he does the house keeping to keep the board on track to do its job, nothing more. In many cases, the chair/president of the board, never votes unless to break a tie e.g. US Senate. If the Pope were ever “First among eqauls” he would never vote unless to break a tie. “First among equals” is an enigma or myster and the spirit of it would be to never vote unless to break a tie, because in breaking the tie he becomes the soul arbitrator. But that’s not how that all worked out.
What we are waiting for is the return to the beginning, where after a pow-wow, the bishops come out and the spokesman says, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us that…blah, blah.” Until we hear that, something is missing. That’s what rule by commitee is supposed to look like where James is first among equals. That was the template long forsaken.
Never the less, too many bishops behave as if the EP is pope and his pet child–the GOA–can do no wrong. That none of our bishops will critisize the obvious moral despotism suggest some unification–although hidden–already exists. Whatever that unseen unifying factor is, its not congruent with the Faith once handed down. Ecuminisism is largely here. Perhaps the Russians would argue that, and we would welcome such declarations with open arms.
Defrock him while he serves the liturgy. Ανάξιος!
I am fully for it. I am sure many of us are. As an Orthodox Christians we cannot bend and lower themselves to such blurred vision of the future. It will bring victims and it is already producing victims.
This says it all.
A-S is a hero among men. Do you want to see real manhood? This is what it looks like! We do disservice to the Faith, to God and our own humanity to ignore such voices from even the near past.
No matter what they do, it is every man’s choice as to how he lives his life. To just go with the flow, is the easy way, but you are not called to adopt the easy way; You are called to follow Christ, taking the high road which by no means is the one of least resistance.
John Lee –
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There needs to be a major “walk out” by GOA members. All other jurisdictions need to break communion with the GOA.
So who do we protest to? Do you e-mail addresses and/or phone numbers of hierarchs we can contact and voice our anger?
Start by complaining to OCA directly via the Website. CC your Diocese, your dean, and you priest. That will get the ball rolling.