The Way to Schism Part 1: Ordination of a Female “Orthodox” Deacon

Will the “ordination” of a female deacon in Africa be the precedent for more such ordinations? Can Orthodox unity be preserved if local Churches depart from Orthodox consensus? Is it possible that modernization and schism are the real goals?

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The Michael Sisco Show: The Regime’s Obsession with Russia & Orthodoxy Explained

Nicholas from Orthodox Reflections sits down with Michael Sisco to discuss the regime’s obsession with Orthodoxy, and the troubling trend of “labeling” Orthodox Christians with words that the National Security State now associate with “potential terrorism”.

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Orthodoxy: Looking Back on COVID and Ahead to Disease X

Orthodox Christianity’s record during COVID was mixed, but heroic resistance did abound. There are many reasons to have confidence that Orthodoxy will stand even stronger during “Disease X”. We look back at the good and the bad from COVID, examine what we have learned since, and look ahead to the future.

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Why the US National Security State’s Orthodox Christian Obsession?

Anti-Orthodox Christian hit pieces are everywhere, official “Russophobia” is at an all time high, while modernists are working overtime to transform the Orthodox Church into something “new”. Why?

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