Please Help: Lily’s Legacy Memorial Chapel

Alex Braszko is a faithful Orthodox Christian and friend of this site. His beautiful daughter Lillian Grace Braszko is only 18, but is already facing the end of her life. Alex and his family are asking for the help of Orthodox Christians this Lent to contribute to an Orthodox chapel in her name. The family hopes to eventually make the chapel available for a locally established Orthodox Mission. The information below is from the family’s Give Send Go page. Please share this widely as Orthodox Christians should support their own. Please also consider donating to this cause for a family, and young lady, bravely facing this tragedy by trying to make something good come of it. Please donate here.

-OR Staff 

“Lily’s Legacy Memorial Chapel” 

We thank Mark and Christine for so beautifully conveying below our desire to commemorate Lily by building a memorial chapel in her name, here in northwest Missouri, that will, God-willing, serve our family in honoring Lily, serve our brothers and sisters in Christ and most importantly, honor our God. Thank you for any contribution you are able to make… We are fully committed to making this a reality and your help truly means a lot to all of us in the Braszko family! May it be blessed.

Testimony from Family Friends, Mark & Christine Drechsler

As all of the Brazko’s friends and family have witnessed Lily’s story unfold, our hearts break a little more every day, but this endeavor brings hope and light to this heart wrenching situation.

Lily’s Legacy represents the Brazko family’s dream to commemorate the short but full life of their beautiful and sweet 18 year old daughter, Lillian Grace Braszko. All funds raised will be used to build a small but stunning chapel in her memory. May it serve as a reminder to all of the importance of standing firm in faith and love for the Lord, amidst all of life’s circumstances.


Lily is a talented, amazing, sweet and kindhearted 18 year old who has courageously fought an excruciatingly painful and difficult battle with osteosarcoma over the past two years. Her journey initially started with cancer in her knee.

She endured numerous surgeries and treatments, but unexpected complications arose, including compartment syndrome, and over half a dozen subsequently painful surgeries transpired, all of which ultimately resulted in amputation of Lily’s right leg above the knee. Lily embraced each new challenge with the courage and determination of someone more than twice her age. Her fortitude continues to inspire all of us as we watch her learn to navigate with one leg and valiantly work through all the emotions and mobility challenges of a teenage amputee.

As if amputation weren’t enough, the unthinkable happened at a recent scan, where we learned that the cancer has metastasized to her lungs where it is growing rapidly. Over 50% of Lily’s lungs are full of cancer now, and she has been given only a short time left to live. While grappling with this harsh reality, the family is striving to savor their last moments together with Lily with joy, the love of Christ, and hope in the Lord.

Now that the osteosarcoma has metastasized to her lungs, Lily’s Dad has decided it’s time to launch this project while Lily is still able to be a part of it. Lily wholeheartedly supports this memorial chapel, and has enthusiastically provided design preferences for how she would like the chapel to look.

What Can You Do to Help?

You can help us shower Lily with love by contributing funds to support Lily’s Memorial Chapel. This young girl is fearlessly facing her future with courage and love. We want her heart to be full, and to be showered with overwhelming encouragement. If you are able to offer a memorial gift now, in lieu of flowers, Lily will be able to see and know how much she is loved & supported in her final days. Please don’t wait until after her passing. Her family humbly requests your contributions toward this effort now, to make the most impact for her personally. Even if you don’t know our Lily well, we pray you are inspired and will understand why this memorial is so important for Lily and her family.

We gratefully and humbly seek your prayers and hope that this community will rally to support Lily, so she can personally witness your selfless generosity and know that the world is still filled with many faithful and loving souls that care.

Lily’s Legacy Memorial Chapel

The chapel will be tall, with white walls and a blue metal roof/dome. It will be built in a traditional, ancient Christian style with a memorial dedicated to Lily inside. Our fundraising goal was established based on bids we received from a local builder for a 625 square foot unfinished building, (approximately 25 ft x 25 ft) and bids on finishing the inside. The family is contributing a sizable portion of their savings toward finishing the interior.

The chapel will provide a place of peace and solitude for family and friends to offer prayers of gratitude to God, and to remember the many blessings experienced with Lily in our lives. We also hope to make the chapel available for services for a locally established Christian mission, when that becomes possible.

The family chose GiveSendGo because it is a Christian crowdfunding site. They appreciate and thank you for your prayers and support as they face Lily’s last days. We know God hears all our prayers.

Glory to God for all things!

Please Donate Here. 

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