Electoral Bait and Switch – the Cautionary Tale of Ukraine
Zelensky ran as a peace candidate who pledged to stay out of religious affairs in Ukraine. He has betrayed all of his campaign promises, especially to respect religious freedom.
Read more →Zelensky ran as a peace candidate who pledged to stay out of religious affairs in Ukraine. He has betrayed all of his campaign promises, especially to respect religious freedom.
Read more →How should Orthodox and other concerned American Christians react to the law 8371 banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Archbishop Peter of Chicago has asked us to step up and demand accountability from our elected readers.
Read more →As the war worsens for Zelensky, and his allies tire of supporting him, his government has ratcheted up the oppression of the Orthodox Church. We, in the West, cannot let their suffering go unnoticed. None of this would be possible were it not for the support of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.
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