Exposing the Illogic of Going from One to Many Communion Spoons
An academic priest challenged traditional Orthodox communion using illogical and cherry-picked examples. Here a writer defends the Faith.
Read more →An academic priest challenged traditional Orthodox communion using illogical and cherry-picked examples. Here a writer defends the Faith.
Read more →An Orthodox lawyer proves there is no legal mandate for multiple communion spoons. So why are the spoons still being mandated by Archbishop Sotirios?
Read more →The July 19th speech of His Eminence Archbishop Soitiros at Vespers contained misinformation that needs to be refuted. This review starts that process.
Read more →His Eminence Sotirios mischaracterizes those opposed to changes in communion, while giving so little direction the very body and blood of Christ is at risk.
Read more →His Eminence Archbishop Sotirios failed to do his due diligence and there is no law mandating use of multiple communion spoons in Toronto!
Read more →Why did a Greek Archbishop allow secular authorities to dictate how a Mystery of the Church is performed? And why are so many other Bishops surrendering also?
Read more →Toronto Greek Orthodox start a Q&A tour this Sunday 7/19 to learn from Archdiocese exactly why the multiple spoons suddenly appeared. More info daily.
Read more →Greeks in Toronto push back against communion bans followed by introduction of multiple spoons. What is the agenda driving this, and how bad could it be?
Read more →Parishioners at St. George Greek Orthodox Church voiced rebellion against innovations in communion. Covid-19 is causing a massive rift in Orthodox Churches.
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