The Gulag Is Being Prepared in the US by the Left and the Right
Freedom of speech is under attack from both ‘sides’ of the political spectrum. Will A.G.I. emerge as the arbiter and enforcer of acceptable speech?
Read more →Freedom of speech is under attack from both ‘sides’ of the political spectrum. Will A.G.I. emerge as the arbiter and enforcer of acceptable speech?
Read more →MAGA cheers President Trump’s moves for peace in Ukraine, but few are criticizing the push for renewed war in the Middle East and fresh censorship at home. Christians are in more danger than they realize.
Read more →At the core of Progressivism was always a belief in a future Utopia created by technocratic elites using revolutionary technological advancements. Such a religious belief becomes ever more dangerous with the advent of AI.
Read more →Tech Bros with influence over President Trump are pushing a materialist, techno religion. Orthodox Christians, following the examples of our blessed saints and Our Lord, must show the world a better way.
Read more →St. Augustine taught that the only just reason for war was to achieve peace. Unfortunately for Americans, their ruling elite takes its cues more from George Orwell than from Orthodox Catholic saints. In America, war itself is the point.
Read more →Donald J Trump is likely to go down in history as having squandered the biggest mandate for change ever awarded to a president. One has to wonder, was he literally set up to fail by the very swamp the American people voted to drain?
Read more →An Orthodox priest warns that Trump could bring about the triumph of “Christian Nationalism”. A Greek lawyer warns that a vote for Trump is one against the Patriarchate of Constantinople. What is going on?
Read more →“Guard thyself then, O man; thou hast the signs of Antichrist,” wrote St. Cyril of Jerusalem in the fourth century. “And remember them not only thyself, but impart them also freely to all.” Do you recognize the signs of the coming dictatorship of the Antichrist? What role are American politicians playing? What role are you playing?
Read more →Americans usually see themselves as a force for good in this world. God’s own instrument of history. The last best hope of humanity. The soaring rhetoric of the American religion is even parroted by Orthodox bishops. The truth is much darker.
Read more →Despite its contrived, stage-managed nature, the 2024 Republican National Convention still had spiritual lessons, both positive and negative, that we Orthodox Christians would do well to learn.
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