Why Won’t Orthodox Bishops Fight for California?
Churches in California are closed by order of the Governor. While some important Protestant ministers are fighting, where are the Orthodox?
Read more →Churches in California are closed by order of the Governor. While some important Protestant ministers are fighting, where are the Orthodox?
Read more →The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada welcomes three new bishops. May God grant them many years rightly dividing the word of truth.
Read more →Over a thousand years, the communion spoon has been perfect for every Christian of any age. Innovations like wine-bread threaten the faith.
Read more →An academic priest challenged traditional Orthodox communion using illogical and cherry-picked examples. Here a writer defends the Faith.
Read more →Multiple spoons during communion an innovation of Archbishop Soitirios that is spreading to other churches. Make your voice heard for Orthodoxy!
Read more →The Bible tells us how good it is for believers to dwell in unity. But what to do when those of the church deny her teachings?
Read more →The July 19th speech of His Eminence Archbishop Soitiros at Vespers contained misinformation that needs to be refuted. This review starts that process.
Read more →His Eminence Archbishop Sotirios failed to do his due diligence and there is no law mandating use of multiple communion spoons in Toronto!
Read more →Why did a Greek Archbishop allow secular authorities to dictate how a Mystery of the Church is performed? And why are so many other Bishops surrendering also?
Read more →Please help us contact the Archbishops, the EP, and the Canadian government to get to the bottom of the situation in Canada, and to fight for Orthodoxy.
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