St. Junipero before he was toppled

Did a Greek Archbishop March to Destroy Icons?

Archbishop Elpidophoros marched with Black Lives Matter holding one of their signs. Rather than preaching the Gospel, he spoke mere platitudes. Ignoring their Marxist agenda and violence, he continues to speak on their behalf. Now that BLM’s most famous spokesman has called for the destruction of holy images, will Archbishop Elpidophoros and his fellow Orthodox bishops finally call for a return to law and order?

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Orthodox Bishop in an Empty Church

Are Orthodox Bishops Waiting for a Covid-19 Vaccine Before Fully Re-opening?

The fear among many American Orthodox Christians is that our current state of affairs with limitations on parish life will persist for a long time to come. The Orthodox Bishops have so far not been forthcoming about a road map back to normal parish life. This letter from a bishop mentions a vaccine – is that what we are waiting on?

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