Who are the Palestinian Christians?
Are the Palestinians, particularly the Christians, really Arabs? They speak Arabic and have many Arabic customs, but is that really who they are?
Read more →Are the Palestinians, particularly the Christians, really Arabs? They speak Arabic and have many Arabic customs, but is that really who they are?
Read more →St. Augustine taught that the only just reason for war was to achieve peace. Unfortunately for Americans, their ruling elite takes its cues more from George Orwell than from Orthodox Catholic saints. In America, war itself is the point.
Read more →Americans are bad at holidays. The Orthodox need to teach them, and reach our neighbors with the fullness of the Christian Faith.
Read more →Donald J Trump is likely to go down in history as having squandered the biggest mandate for change ever awarded to a president. One has to wonder, was he literally set up to fail by the very swamp the American people voted to drain?
Read more →An Orthodox priest warns that Trump could bring about the triumph of “Christian Nationalism”. A Greek lawyer warns that a vote for Trump is one against the Patriarchate of Constantinople. What is going on?
Read more →If the supremacy and infallibility of the Roman Popes were of Apostolic origin, then we would expect to have seen these dogmas “believed everywhere, always, and by all”. Were the Popes really supreme in the 1st Millennium?
Read more →For Orthodox Christians, ecumenism — interreligious unity — is prohibited. Because there is only one Christ, there is only one Church. Therefore, praying with, worshipping with, or sharing Holy Communion with other groups, including Roman Catholics, is heretical. But the relentless ecumenists are inside the gates, so now what?
Read more →The vehemence with which Evangelicals reject the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin can be surprising, until you realize that their version of Christianity hinges on the Shroud being fake.
Read more →Can Christians who disagree over key doctrines still unite around a common chalice? Maybe they can, and maybe that “unity” can even extend to non-Christians. Welcome to the post-dogmatic world of modern religion, where we all follow “many paths” to the same God.
Read more →Despite its contrived, stage-managed nature, the 2024 Republican National Convention still had spiritual lessons, both positive and negative, that we Orthodox Christians would do well to learn.
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