Looking for Christ at Christmas
For Evangelicals, it can be very hard to find Christ at the church Christmas program – whatever that happens to be in any given year.
Read more →For Evangelicals, it can be very hard to find Christ at the church Christmas program – whatever that happens to be in any given year.
Read more →Americans are bad at holidays. The Orthodox need to teach them, and reach our neighbors with the fullness of the Christian Faith.
Read more →Will the “ordination” of a female deacon in Africa be the precedent for more such ordinations? Can Orthodox unity be preserved if local Churches depart from Orthodox consensus? Is it possible that modernization and schism are the real goals?
Read more →Americans are bad at holidays. The Orthodox need to teach them, and reach our neighbors with the fullness of the Christian Faith.
Read more →Americans are bad at holidays. The Orthodox need to teach them, and reach our neighbors with the fullness of the Christian Faith.
Read more →The Orthodox Church is a missionary Church. The Church transformed the ancient world, converted the pagans, and can work the same miracle today.
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