The Way to Schism Part 2: Fake Ecumenical Unions

Can Christians who disagree over key doctrines still unite around a common chalice? Maybe they can, and maybe that “unity” can even extend to non-Christians. Welcome to the post-dogmatic world of modern religion, where we all follow “many paths” to the same God.

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The Michael Sisco Show: The Regime’s Obsession with Russia & Orthodoxy Explained

Nicholas from Orthodox Reflections sits down with Michael Sisco to discuss the regime’s obsession with Orthodoxy, and the troubling trend of “labeling” Orthodox Christians with words that the National Security State now associate with “potential terrorism”.

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Why the US National Security State’s Orthodox Christian Obsession?

Anti-Orthodox Christian hit pieces are everywhere, official “Russophobia” is at an all time high, while modernists are working overtime to transform the Orthodox Church into something “new”. Why?

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