The Question of the Western Rite
A critical response to Fr. James Krueger’s article on Orthodox Reflections concerning the validity of Western Rite Orthodoxy.
Read more →A critical response to Fr. James Krueger’s article on Orthodox Reflections concerning the validity of Western Rite Orthodoxy.
Read more →For Orthodox Christians, ecumenism — interreligious unity — is prohibited. Because there is only one Christ, there is only one Church. Therefore, praying with, worshipping with, or sharing Holy Communion with other groups, including Roman Catholics, is heretical. But the relentless ecumenists are inside the gates, so now what?
Read more →Archbishop Elpidophoros is a very ambitious man. His own success, and not the Orthodox Faith, is clearly at the top of his personal agenda.
Read more →Can Christians who disagree over key doctrines still unite around a common chalice? Maybe they can, and maybe that “unity” can even extend to non-Christians. Welcome to the post-dogmatic world of modern religion, where we all follow “many paths” to the same God.
Read more →Will the “ordination” of a female deacon in Africa be the precedent for more such ordinations? Can Orthodox unity be preserved if local Churches depart from Orthodox consensus? Is it possible that modernization and schism are the real goals?
Read more →Are there any valid reasons for the Orthodox Church to support Western Rite Orthodoxy? It is past time for Orthodox Christians to have a serious dialogue on this question.
Read more →The new “Renovationists” and their assault on Fr. John Whiteford and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Read more →Ukraine will lose the war and, most assuredly, territory. The Russian Church will lose, so will the European people. What will be the future?
Read more →A commentary on the recent attacks on Abbot Tryphon and Patristic Faith. Who is funding them and why are they happening?
Read more →Behind the NPR cheap shot against ROCOR is Odette Yousef. Who is she and how did little ROCOR attract her attention?
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