Looking for Christ at Christmas
For Evangelicals, it can be very hard to find Christ at the church Christmas program – whatever that happens to be in any given year.
Read more →For Evangelicals, it can be very hard to find Christ at the church Christmas program – whatever that happens to be in any given year.
Read more →No matter how far the West drifts from Christianity, self-sacrificing heroes reminiscent of Christ continue to recur in our popular culture. Whether we recognize it explicitly or not, all of us are in need of a Savior.
Read more →An older Greek asks: what is the purpose of ecumenism? What can it really accomplish, and is it even legitimate or just a heresy?
Read more →Orthodox Christians have faced false ecumenism before, and successfully overcame it. St. Mark of Ephesus has lessons for today.
Read more →Why is the world going into more lock downs? What is The Great Reset, and does the Greek Orthodox world support centralization of economic and political power?
Read more →Since the Great Schism, Papal pretensions have caused division in Christendom over innovations. Orthodox conciliarity preserves true Faith.
Read more →How could we unite with Rome, with whom we have so many differences, when we can’t unite our own jurisdictions of one Orthodox Faith?
Read more →As an American looking for the historic Christian Faith, my first stop was Roman Catholicism. The Roman Church was just not what I imagined.
Read more →If Europe had been Southern Baptist, why visit? The old buildings are quaint and the castles kind of cool. But the real beauty is in the churches.
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