The Resignation of Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese

Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North and South America has been publicly accused of having an ongoing affair with a married woman or two. He is further accused of co-owning homes with her / them. Perhaps there is more alleged financial malfeasance? Who knows, the accusations are flying fast and furious. They will no doubt continue, despite Metropolitan Joseph’s resignation, as he is proving a most useful distraction from other scandals in the Church.

As our friends at Monomakhos have pointed out (and they are closer to this situation than we are), Metropolitan Joseph continues to deny all the allegations. Some might take His Eminence’s resignation as a sort of backhanded “confession”. It might very well be. But we wouldn’t be so hasty to reach that conclusion.

Now before we go on, let us be clear that the Metropolitan may very well be guilty of everything alleged, and 10 times more we don’t even currently suspect. Anyone with any Orthodox spiritual maturity could hardly be surprised to find sinners in a hospital for sick souls. Elevation of a man to the episcopate does not guarantee that he will be a good man. It provides him Grace to perform a needed office. The miter won’t keep him from falling into sin. If you don’t know that, then you need to learn it before one scandal or another destroys your faith.

For those of you who have trouble dealing with Church scandals, we highly recommend watching this reflection from Father Josiah Trenham.

Regardless of the truth of the allegations against Metropolitan Joseph, it does seem quite clear that we are facing widespread problems within our Episcopate. Such is the contention of many priests such as Father Kosmas. In his article For the Orthodox Faithful who are Confused About COVID Vaccines, he made a point about the lack of spiritual discernment and development among Orthodox bishops:

Today, the majority of bishops are administrators, as they have not reached at least a state of illumination. Therefore, they are not able to properly discern right from wrong in many theological and moral issues. As such, these administrators should humbly follow the grace-filled bishops and elders who have reached a high level of spirituality. Unfortunately, so many do not (due to their pride), and this would explain why so many bishops have easily accepted Ecumenism, Covidism, mass vaccination and very soon, vaccine passports.

If there are such widespread problems in our episcopate, then one could hardly be surprised if Metropolitan Joseph were simply one more fox in the henhouse.

Some are even arguing, irrespective of the truth of the charges, that his resignation is a good thing as he deserves to go in any case. On social media, commentators have been quick to point out that Metropolitan Joseph cancelled Pascha, limited attendance at Divine Liturgy, and promoted masks the same as most other bishops in the US did.

Fair enough. But, on the other hand, Metropolitan Joseph was not nearly the worst of the COVIDian clerics, and he did allow his parishes in many areas (particularly the Western Rite) to operate almost normally (including mask optional) for most of the “Pandemic”. Lately, Metropolitan Joseph has been a stalwart of Orthodoxy in the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops. His Eminence organized other hierarchs in condemning the horrible, pro-abortion language used by Archbishop Elpidophoros at the 2022 March for Life. He seems to have been instrumental in organizing the successful resistance to the Greek Archdiocese planning to elevate the odious Alexander Belya to the Episcopate. Metropolitan Joseph has also been strong in his support of Ukrainian Metropolitan Onuphry, and called for peace in Ukraine rather than supporting NATO’s goal of fighting to the last Ukrainian.

Many priests have had very good things to say about the Metropolitan’s leadership. While not perfect, he does seem to have accomplished more than a few good things for the Lord. Is he guilty of these crimes? Perhaps. Perhaps not. In several writings to his flock, Metropolitan Joseph felt the need to decry “conspiracy theories” during the Pandemic. His stance on that topic is quite ironic, since it could very well be a “conspiracy theory” that cost him his office and his reputation.

Metropolitan Joseph could just be part of a plague of less than stellar to outright “bad” bishops that Orthodoxy is currently contending with. Or he could have been an innocent casualty of the American National Security State’s drive to remake the Orthodox Church. His recent actions cast a bad light on the Greek Archdiocese, which might have be the only “crime” he is actually guilty of.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople is a US intelligence asset, and has been at least as far back as Patriarch Athenagoras (OSS referred to below was the forerunner to the CIA):

Patriarch Athenagoras kissing President Truman

In an OSS report prepared sometime in early 1945, Archbishop Athenagoras, Albanian Bishop Fan Noli and the Serbian Bishop Dionisije Milivojevich are listed among its key contacts with whom it is possible to “talk intimately and as frequently as needed.”


Against this background it becomes clear why, when the Cold War began, the CIA strived to replace Patriarch Maximos V, enthroned in early 1946, with Athenagoras. The Agency described Maximos as too weak to be an effective leader of the Orthodox world. American and Turkish mass media wrote about the 48-year-old Patriarch’s emotional disorder, Soviet diplomats’ attempts to persuade him to cooperate and a possible involvement of Patriarch Maximos in the embezzlement of a big donation which took place during the patriarchate of his predecessor Benjamin I.


In 1948, the 62-year-old Archbishop Athenagoras of America was elected the new Ecumenical Patriarch. The CIA described this event the following way: “Soviet attempts to use the Greek Orthodox Church as a medium for persuasion and propaganda have undoubtedly received a setback with the election of Athenagoras.”


Athenagoras was received by President Truman who offered the presidential airplane for the Patriarch-elect to fly to Istanbul.


Within the first years of his patriarchate, Athenagoras is described in the Department of State archives as a partner in the war against communism willing and eager to collaborate with the American government. Consul General LeVerne Baldwin wrote, “He [Athenagoras] stressed his Americanism, belief in the Good Neighbor policy, in democratic methods, and in the courage and frankness of America, which he had endeavored to carry out in his policies as Patriarch.”


And the Patriarch proved these words with his deeds. Consul General Frederick Merrill noted that Athenagoras intended to diminish the Soviet influence over the Patriarchate of Alexandria by overthrowing Patriarch Chrystopher.


Being deeply concerned with the issues of Orthodoxy in the Middle East, His All-Holiness discussed them with Consul General Merrill in spring 1951. In a memorandum of April 4, 1951, Athenagoras was said to be much more optimistic about his various plans to draw the Orthodox Churches in the Near Eastern area closer to the Phanar in Istanbul, and America. Besides, he was eager to have Mount Athos placed under the “cultural benediction” of the Byzantine Institute in Washington to attract financial support to the Monastery and to throw open its archives, library, etc. to the Byzantine Institute and other American scholars.


The cooperation with the CIA also went on. Thus, as mentioned in a 1951 report, Patriarch Athenagoras was assuring the Americans that the Patriarch of Antioch will not “stray from the fold.”


In conclusion, it should be said that Patriarch Athenagoras was without any doubt an outstanding figure in the history of the Orthodox Church. His merits to the faithful mustn’t be underestimated. As many of those living in the past century, the Patriarch viewed the Cold War as a war between Good and Evil. “And the United States was, in the eyes of Patriarch Athenagoras the obvious agent of all that was good, against the existential threat of Soviet Communism,” writes Namee.

Perhaps this all was forgivable during the Cold War when the Soviet Union really was evil. But the Soviet Union is gone, and the Neoliberal, globalist policies espoused by the American ruling class are not nearly so noble as “anti-Communism”. Yet, the servile cooperation of Constantinople continues, particularly as regards Russia and her Church.

The founding of the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine by the Patriarch of Constantinople was done to further the US policy of bolstering Ukrainian nationalism to prepare for the very war now being fought. All across Eastern Europe, the US is continuing to use the Patriarchate of Constantinople to set up new Orthodox jurisdictions to isolate the Russian Church and to bolster anti-Russian nationalism. The new target is Lithuania:

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople received a group of Lithuanian politicians at the Phanar in Istanbul yesterday.


The visit comes as defrocked clerics and government officials are working to force the Church in Lithuania out of the Moscow Patriarchate and into the jurisdiction of Pat. Bartholomew.


The visiting group included Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mantas Adomėnas, Lithuanian ambassador in Ankara Ričardas Degutis, and adviser to the Prime Minister Galina Vascenkaite, reports Romfea.


“They had the opportunity to discuss the ministry of the Mother Church, as well as other matters of mutual interest,” the Greek outlet relates.


Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė told Pat. Bartholomew in May that the government is prepared to help transfer the Church.

Nothing says “freedom of religion” like a Prime Minister offering to use force to transfer a Church from one jurisdiction to another. Americans should be proud.

The US would love for the Patriarchate of Constantinople to control all Orthodox Churches outside of Russia. That would simplify the situation immensely for the foreign policy kingpins. A good start would be in Ukraine and the areas surrounding Russia, which is the drive we see now ongoing. Of course, true success would mean pushing Orthodox unity in the United States as well, under the Greek Archdiocese naturally.

The US governing elite is dedicated to endless war (keeps profits high and them employed), promotion of “democracy” (Neoliberalism), LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, surrogate motherhood, population reduction, open borders (just not on Martha’s Vineyard), medical tyranny, and Climate Change communism. Who else is dedicated to that list of goals? Why, the Patriarch of Constantinople plus the associated officials and academics that represent it in the United States.

Did Metropolitan Joseph’s criticism of Archbishop Elpidophoros put him cross-wise of the goal of furthering the power of Constantinople to promote the “American agenda”? Is that what got him taken down? Well it certainly did change the subject. Prior to this story breaking, even many rich Greeks, who frequently care little for the authentic Orthodox Faith, were publicly complaining that Archbishop Elpidophoros is too much of an embarrassment to continue in office.

Now, the Metropolitan Joseph story has quieted all that down.

So back to the previously mentioned corruption issue within our Orthodox Church. How does the true Church of Jesus Christ, a veritable factory for manufacturing saints, the Church of the Martyrs, a Church living and breathing the Gospel – end up with so many talentless and corrupt leaders? Because it benefits people with power who want to use the Church for their own ends while making sure the True Gospel is never an inconvenience to their plans.

Suppose Metropolitan Joseph is guilty of everything? This was going on for a long time, but only now comes to light? How did no one notice or report this earlier? Spooks love corruption. A corrupt politician or cleric is a controllable asset. He will do what he is told, or you will expose him and ruin his life. He is also a disposable asset. If his exposure furthers your goals, you can simply turn over the evidence and distract people from  so many other things. The mob loves watching prominent men fall.

If he is guilty, and has been for a decade or more, why did it only surface now? If he were corrupt for longer (as some allege affairs for decades), how did he get elevated to his office when he couldn’t pass a routine background check? Who kept a lid on this story and why?

Suppose Metropolitan Joseph is innocent? It appears that corruption is a problem in the episcopate ranks, if not a full-blow crisis. That makes all Orthodox Bishops immediately suspect.  Woe to the clean fish in a dirty tank! Given the overall situation, “proving” innocence could have appeared such a burden that Metropolitan Joseph, as others before him have done, may have simply chosen not to fight.

We are being told evidence exists damning Metropolitan Joseph. Some of this “evidence” is being printed on ungodly Websites. The “evidence” might be real. Then again, the National Security State can raid the homes of former presidents, overthrow the governments of foreign nations, is possibly behind the changes to the Catholic Church since Vatican II, has led America into a series of disastrous wars against US interests, and that is just a very, very partial list of ways our rulers have flexed their muscles. The US spreads billions of dollars around in a corrupt and fallen world. For the right price, most people are for sale and most anything can be manufactured. Those that can’t be bought, can usually be intimidated.

While certainly not all powerful (see massive list of failures at home and abroad), does anyone really want to argue that “finding” enough “evidence” to get rid of one troublesome cleric would be beyond the capabilities of this gang of criminals?

So what do we know for sure about Metropolitan Joseph’s situation? Nothing. What are we ever likely to know for sure? Nothing. God will judge. But we do know that the US National Security State is up to its neck in Orthodox Church politics around the world, so why not here in the good old USA?

Pray, seek the Kingdom of God, witness for the Faith, but be aware that not everything is as it seems. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

Nikita is cradle Orthodox Christian, a native born American of Russian descent, and currently lectures in history for an American University. 

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