By Michael Warren Davis, originally published at his Substack Yankee Athonite
The Kievan Lavra by an unknown artist of the Russian School
“We support all Ukrainians’ ability to worship as they choose. Tolerance and restraint are key to a peaceful transition period so that people with different religious affiliations can live and prosper together.” — U.S. Embassy in Kiev, 15 December 2018
I wanted to keep my Substack a politics-free zone. I spent over ten years trying to hack it as a political journalist, and it’s not my shtick. There are lots of people who do a much better job than I do. Also, the older I get, the less I care about that stuff.
Then I got a couple of phone calls from a couple of old friends. One belongs to the U.S. “intelligence community”; the other works for a major military contractor. They don’t know each other. Last year, both of them were approached by the folks who handle their security clearance. Both were asked about me by name. Both were grilled about any connection I may have to the Russian government.
I have no idea why anyone would think I work for the Kremlin. The only Russians I’ve met are the babushkas at my parish, and they all hate Putin. (Hence why they’re here and not back in Russia.) I can only assume it’s because I wrote a couple of articles for The American Conservative challenging the prevailing narrative on the War in Ukraine, particularly as it relates to the schism in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
It may seem odd that the U.S. government would pick on a small fry like me. If so, you have no idea how important the Ukrainian schism is for Washington’s foreign-policy goals.
For example, it’s now being reported that USAID played a significant role in the founding of the schismatic, state-backed Orthodox Church in Ukraine (OCU), which split from the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). As one commentator put it, “The billions we as Americans send to Ukraine go to persecute Christians.”
What follows is an article I wrote some months ago. I sent it to a number of publications. None of them would publish it. Presumably, they didn’t want to be accused of “parroting Kremlin talking-points.” Yet, clearly, this isn’t a topic we can ignore.
I am not pro-Russia. I don’t care about Russia one way or the other. I care about America. And I don’t want American soldiers to die in a war with a country that poses no threat to the United States whatsoever. I certainly don’t want U.S. tax dollars being spent to persecute my fellow Orthodox Christians.
So, without further ado, here’s a brief article I wrote on the origins of the Ukrainian schism, which I’ve updated to include the most recent information. Hopefully it does some good.
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Orthodox Christianity first came to the region in the late 10th century. It became the official religion of the Slavs by decree of St. Vladimir the Great. Vladimir’s political title was Grand Prince of Kiev. The trident symbol one finds on the Coat of Arms of Ukraine is actually the seal of the House of Rurikids, to which Vladimir belonged.
Back then, Vladimir’s nation was known as Kievan Rus, because the Rus people had their capital in Kiev. Likewise, the first head of the Orthodox Church in Vladimir’s lands was known as the Bishop of Kiev.
Gradually, Moscow replaced Kiev as the political and religious capital of Rus. Russia and Ukraine also become ethnically and culturally distinct. However, they generally remained united both politically and religiously: the Russian Empire was comprised of dozens of different ethnic groups. Also, the term Russian Orthodox Church didn’t mean, “The Orthodox Church for ethnic Russians.” It meant, “The Orthodox Church within the Russian Empire.” It referred to the Church’s territory, not its membership.
(We may note that the official name of the Orthodox Diocese of Alaska is the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Sitka and Alaska. The overwhelming majority of Orthodox Alaskans belong to the Aleut nation; they have referred to themselves as “Russian Orthodox” since the first missionaries brought the Faith to their ancestors in the 18th century. Again, the name Russian has nothing to do with ethnicity.)
In the 19th century, some Orthodox Christians in Ukraine began to feel that they ought to have their own national church—one that had no ties to the Patriarch of Moscow whatsoever. A few nationalists broke with the canonical (“official”) Ukrainian Orthodox Church and founded their own sects. The Moscow Patriarchate didn’t officially respond to these demands, however, until 1990, when it granted autonomy to the UOC.
Now, it’s true: Moscow did not grant the UOC autocephaly, or total independence. But the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s ties to the Russian Orthodox Church are purely formal and symbolic. They are maintained only to emphasize the two churches’ common origin. The Moscow Patriarchate has no involvement in the government of the UOC whatsoever.
The current rival to the UOC is the schismatic, state-backed Orthodox Church in Ukraine, which was formed in 2019. Actually, the OCU was formed as a merger of two sects which broke away from the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). These sects were the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, which broke away in 1992, and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, which separated itself most recently in 1989.
The merger of these two churches was organized by then-Prime Minister Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko rose to power in 2014 as a result of the CIA-backed “Maiden Uprising” in Ukraine, which saw the ousting of Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych.
It’s worth noting that, in the years leading up to the 2019 “unification council,” both Joseph Biden and John McCain—among other Washington elites—were on the record as supporting an “independent” Orthodox Church in the Republic of Ukraine.
Sure enough, the OCU’s declaration of independence was greeted with jubilation by the U.S. intelligence community. Ten days after Poroshenko’s council, then-U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo issued the following statement:
The January 6th announcement of autocephaly for an independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine marks a historic achievement as Ukraine seeks to chart its own future. On this momentous occasion, the United States reiterates its unwavering support for a sovereign, independent Ukraine.
Incidentally, 2019 is the same year that Zelensky came to power. Just months after his election, a group called the Ukraine Crisis Media Center—which was funded by USAID—“warned” Zelensky that any failure to promote the OCU and to combat the UOC “will inevitably lead to political instability.” The subtext was crystal clear: If Zelensky failed support the schismatic church and suppress the canonical church, he too would fall victim to regime change, just like Yanukovych.
Since 2022, the Ukrainian government has used Russia’s “special military operation” as an excuse to intensify its persecution of the UOC, which it has since rebranded as the “Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.” Hundreds of church buildings have been seized by police officers acting on the Zelensky Administration’s orders. Bishops have been imprisoned. Priests have been dragged out into the streets and beaten nearly to death. Liturgies and funerals have been disrupted by mobs Monks are being evicted from their monasteries, with these historic properties being handed over to the OCU.
It’s hard for Western readers to imagine just how abhorrent our policy on the Ukrainian Church truly is. The most obvious comparison would be to the schism within the Catholic Church in China. As many of you know, China’s Catholic population is divided between the state-backed “Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association” and the authentic “Underground Church.” The CCPA is, of course, a purely political organization. It is obedient to the regime and promotes the ruling ideology in a Christian disguise. The Underground Church, meanwhile, remains faithful to the official Catholic hierarchy, preaching the unadulterated Catholic faith.
The same is true of the schism in Ukraine. The Orthodox Church in Ukraine is to the CCPA as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is to the Underground Church.
The persecution of the UOC came to a head in August of 2024, when Zelensky banned the canonical Church entirely. His defenders claim that “Russian-backed” clergy were serving as agents of the Kremlin; and besides, at this point, they only represent about four percent of the population.
One would think that, regardless of the UOC’s size, a great champion of freedom like Vladimir Zelensky would refrain from banning any religious organization, particularly since Ukrainian intelligence services have never produced a shred of evidence that the UOC is linked to the Kremlin.
(On the contrary: thousands upon thousands of UOC members have died fighting in the Ukrainian Armed Forces against Russia. This has not prevented the Ukrainian Armed Forces for disrupting their funerals merely because they are being performed by UOC clergy.)
Even if we trust the Ukrainian government’s statistics, it’s worth noting that the UOC is so small precisely because it was persecuted by Zelensy and his predecessors. It’s believed that, in 2008, about half of all Ukrainians belonged to the canonical church. We’re supposed to believe that 92 percent of its members simply walked away in fifteen years, when not a shred of evidence has been presented to substantiate Kiev’s claim that UOC leaders are collaborating with Moscow?
Even then, the claim that the OCU is larger than the UOC is based on inaccurate—and perhaps deliberately misleading—surveys of the Ukrainian public. According to research published by the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University, the two churches are roughly the same size. The UOC may even be the larger of the two. This, despite a decade of intensifying persecution by the Ukrainian government and nationalist mobs.
It’s absolutely true that Russian troops have persecuted Protestants and Eastern Catholics in territories which they have seized. Yet it should be noted that we, the American people, have no influence over the government in Moscow. (Of course, we could include a religious-freedom clause in any peace agreement negotiated with the Kremlin.)
We do exercise a huge amount of influence over the government in Kiev, albeit indirectly. If they did more to highlight the atrocities being committed by our Ukrainian “allies” against their own people, Washington may have encouraged Zelensky to adopt a more tolerant policy.
Then again, America’s intelligence community—and its political operatives, like President Biden—have been working for years to achieve precisely this result. The suppression of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the erection of a state-backed “national church” has been a major U.S. foreign policy goal for at least a decade.
The operation in Ukraine is part and parcel of the intelligence community’s infiltration of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. I wrote about this at length in my article “The CIA’s Man in Constantinople”. It explains why the current Ecumenical Patriarch, His All-Holiness Bartholomew I, issued a tomos of autocephaly for the schismatic OCU, despite his obvious lack of any canonical authority over Ukraine. Bartholomew’s misconduct has been noted by his own bishops, including the great Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, of blessed memory.
I don’t know if this will change under President Trump. Even if it does, I doubt that religious freedom in Ukraine and Russia will be a high priority. If the President can do anything to relieve the suffering of Ukraine’s Orthodox faithful, however, he will by no means lose his reward.
March 18, 2025
Rector of the confiscated UOC church in Cherkassy: There will be no more prayer here
The priest is sure that the OCU representatives are not going to serve in the church from which the believers were expelled.
Archpriest Vyacheslav Klimenko, rector of the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush” in Cherkassy, which the OCU representatives took away from the believers on March 18, 2025, commented on the situation. As the Telegram channel “Dozor” writes, the priest served in this shrine for 20 years, and now, together with the believers, he is forced to leave. “We have to leave. And this place remains empty. Empty. It will be empty for them. There will be no more prayer here. Not for the academy… No prayer. It will simply stand here as an emptiness,”- father Vyacheslav shares.
He is sure that the raiders will not serve in this temple. “They will simply do their job, close it, and it will stand like that. But this will be on their own conscience,” the UOC clergyman adds.
As UOJ wrote, on March 18, 2025, representatives of the OCU, together with the police, came to the UOC temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush” in Cherkassy, presenting falsified documents for the parish. Orthodox Christians who prayed in this church from its foundation were only allowed to take their utensils and things.
Dear Representatives of the International Community!
Dear Representatives of Orthodox Reflections!
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Thank you for supporting and protecting our long-suffering UOC!
God bless you!
Please turn on English subtitles and listen to Ukrainian Orthodox journalist Denis Lapin, who constantly talks about the PERSECUTION of the UOC in Ukraine on his channel “Denis at the Microphone”. And he is also persecuted. Several very important videos were DELETED from Denis Lapin’s channel by the Ukrainian devilish government. And our anti-Christian media were involved in it. satanism of the antichrist Zelensky’s government is developing in Ukraine!!!!
Please, spread this very important information as much as possible!
You can watch it at this link:
Го́споди, Иису́се Христе́, Сы́не Бо́жий, поми́луй нас грешных!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!
With love in Christ!
Your sister in Christ, a believer of the UOC and your Ukrainian friend
Tetyana Avramenko
As long as you push Kremlin disinformation regarding the Russian military aggression all this is simply part of the Kremlin’s hybrid war against the West and you lack all credibility. The Russian military has killed WAY more Orthodox, including UOC-MP members than any persecution ever will.
Some more historical context for Americans:
Trump’s treatment of Zelensky mirrors the Genet affair
And the establishment of a non-interventionist foreign policy that would last a century
by TOM MULLEN MAR 02, 2025
Dear Representatives of Orthodox Reflections and the International Community!
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Thank you for all that you do to protect ORTHODOXY!
Thank you for supporting and protecting our long-suffering UOC.
God bless you!
Please watch and distribute these important video messages of Orthodox journalist Denis Lapin – one of the greatest defenders of the UOC. Please watch and distribute his video messages. He does a lot of good deeds for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But our ukrainian satanic government through our slanderous and lying Goebbels-media, well-paid pro-government lying journalists is trying to PERSECUTE him.
Our Ukrainian GOEBBELS-medias (in the person of the anti-Christian journalists, such as Alla Mazur (she especially hates the UOC), Kateryna Soliar (who dismissively called the UOC in an interview with the traitor of the UOC – the schismatic OCU “Metropolitan” Oleksandr Drabynko – “a cancerous tumor”), Nataliia Moseichuk (she, together with the Head of the SBU Vasyl Malyuk – conducted an interview and they mockingly called our priests of the UOC – “moles in cassocks”), as well as MANY other “honest” Ukrainian journalists (shame on the Ukrainian nation for such godless journalists)), for money, INCENTIVE HATRED AND HOSTILITY TOWARDS THE UOC among unchurched Ukrainians and, in my opinion, are RELIGIOUS CRIMINALS!!!!!.
Please watch the video of Denis Lapin, which is called:
“Срочно!!! Они хотят закрыть рот каждому, кто говорит правду о Церкви, цензура от канала 1+1”
(“Urgent!!! They want to shut the mouth of everyone who speaks the truth about the Church, censorship from channel 1+1”).
Please also watch other important videos with evidence of the PERSECUTION of the UOC:
With Love in Christ!
May God bless and help you!
Your sister in Christ and your Ukrainian friend
Tetyana Avramenko
Related: Interview with attorney Robert Amsterdam, who is representing the Ukrainian Church:
This is a great interview.
Careful readers of Orthodox Reflections (and foreign-policy nerds) will be familiar with much of what Mr. Amsterdam covers.
UOC announces number of parishioners at Cathedral assembly in Chernivtsi
A total of 4,506 parishioners participated in the assembly, reaffirming their loyalty to the UOC.
On February 16, 2025, 4,506 parishioners participated in the assembly of the religious community of the Holy Spirit Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in Chernivtsi, according to the press service of the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Diocese on Telegram.
“For four hours, registration for the general assembly of the religious community continued inside the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Chernivtsi. After a joint prayer and the chanting of an akathist before the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God, a collective vote was held. 4,506 members of the religious community voted to remain within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the leadership of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry,” the press service stated.
It was also emphasized that during the voting, “unknown individuals at Roman Hryshchuk’s rally, posing as a fake community of the cathedral, voted for a transition to the OCU.”
Previously, the UOJ reported that the Holy Spirit Cathedral community in Chernivtsi had reaffirmed its loyalty to the UOC.
Chernivtsi ‘European Solidarity’ announces exit from ‘Moscow Patriarchate’
Members of Poroshenko’s Party in Chernivtsi announce participation in UOC cathedral religious community assembly.
Members of Poroshenko’s ‘European Solidarity’ party in Chernivtsi announced their departure from two religious communities of the ‘Moscow Patriarchate Church’ and stated that they are no longer parishioners. This was reported in a post on the official Facebook page of European Solidarity – Chernivtsi.
“Today, the religious communities of the two largest churches in Chernivtsi voted to join the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. These are the Holy Spirit Cathedral and St. Nicholas Church. Our European Solidarity team also participated in the voting and the joint prayer service,” the statement said.
When asked in the comments if any ‘European Solidarity’ members attend these Chernivtsi churches every Sunday, the head of the party’s secretariat, Vitalii Yaremchuk, referred to the UOC as the ‘Moscow Church’ and indicated that they do not attend.
The European Solidarity page also published a congratulatory message from Petro Poroshenko, in which he stated that “until now, Bukovyna was a stronghold of the ROC,” and that “the transition of the cathedral itself indicates an important shift in the consciousness of Orthodox Ukrainians.” Poroshenko did not clarify whether he himself had left the ‘ROC,’ following the example of his Chernivtsi party colleagues.
Previously, the UOJ reported that signatures for the ‘transfer’ of churches to the OCU in Chernivtsi were collected deceitfully.
I wonder if DOGE has found that millions of US AID dollars went to the Patriarchate of Constantinople at the behest of Mike Pompeo’s State Department, hmm???
Faith Protection
Prayers as toilet paper: the critical mass of sacrilege
31 January,2025
The incidence of blatant sacrilege by OCU supporters has multiplied to such an extent that it is time to draw conclusions. Both for Ukraine and the Phanar.
Throughout the years of existence of non-canonical denominations in Ukraine, in all contacts and negotiations about possible reunification, representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) insisted on one condition – the repentance of those outside the Church. After all, without repentance, reunification with the Church is impossible. Opponents of the UOC, in response, claimed that these were just idle “wishes” from the UOC, an attempt to humiliate the opponent and excuses aimed at covering up the unwillingness to unite. In dealings with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, UOC representatives also repeatedly explained: both the Gospel, the teachings of the Church Fathers, and the entire history of the Church testify that without repentance, salvation is impossible, and so is reunification with the Church of Christ: “He who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber…” (John 10:1).
In this context, the gate is repentance. Whoever does not enter by it but tries to sneak in another way is a thief and a robber. Ignoring this has always led to bad consequences. But the Phanariots did not heed this simple truth and wanted to drag representatives of schismatic denominations “in some other way”. If repentance changes a person, cleansing them from sin, then the absence of repentance results in a person remaining as they were, infected by sin. And this sin will inevitably come to the surface.
This is exactly what we see today in the actions of OCU supporters. It has been written many times that true believers, Christ’s followers, cannot seize other people’s churches and property, as the supporters of the OCU do. But there is another phenomenon that clearly demonstrates the true face of the OCU. This is the sacrilegious attitude towards sacred objects, texts and images. Unfortunately, these are not isolated incidents; they have accumulated enough for us to draw conclusions.
Wiping with liturgical instructions?
At the end of January 2025, priest Georgiy Izay of the UOC published on his Facebook page a video showing how representatives of the OCU use the UOC’s liturgical instructions, with the order of services in Church Slavonic, as toilet paper.
Texts with prayers, including the name of Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, half-used for corresponding manipulations, are hanging in the toilet near the Trinity Church of the OCU in the village of Krekhaiv, Chernihiv region. Scraps of liturgical texts in Church Slavonic are also lying on the floor near the hole with waste.
Readers will likely ask: how did the OCU get the UOC’s liturgical instructions? The answer is simple – this church used to belong to the UOC community. Father Georgiy Izay, along with the faithful, built this church and decorated it. But one day, the supporters of the OCU took the church for themselves, along with everything inside. And now they have decided “to put it to good use”.
After this news was published on the UOJ website, the press service of the Chernihiv Eparchy of the OCU issued an official statement, denying any involvement in the incident: the toilet is not ours, the Instructions are not ours, and in general, it’s all a provocation aimed at discrediting us. However, these are poor excuses as no matter what toilet the liturgical instructions ended up in, they were taken from the church administered by the OCU. Especially since these texts are in Church Slavonic, which usually causes strong dislike among OCU supporters. This is also evident from the following example.
Is the Bible rubbish?
On 22 April 2023, OCU activists seized the Intercession Church in the village of Trebukhiv, Boryspil Eparchy, cutting off the doors with an angle grinder.
One of the invaders, Yaroslav Bondarenko, started to rummage through the candle box, pulling out Bibles and prayer books and showing them to the camera.
He said the following: “Here’s some rubbish we found. I think we’ll give this book to Bohdana (Drach, a member of the Brovary City Council – Ed.), she’ll utilize it.” He also referred to the prayer books with the Communion liturgy as rubbish. These books featured an image of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, this didn’t bother the OCU supporter – he promised to throw the prayer books in the bin. “Here, the girls found some Katsapian manuals. Complete rubbish, too,” he said. He didn’t even realise how sacrilegious his words and actions were. He posted all of these videos on his Facebook page.
The Bible and the Holy Fathers to the rubbish dump?
On 6 October 2024, a group of raiders from the OCU seized the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Church of the UOC in the village of Novosilky, Kyiv region. Afterward, for an entire week, they took out icons, the Psalter, the Bible, the Gospel, prayer and spiritual books and threw them all onto a heap of rubbish. When the priest of the UOC community, deprived of its church and robbed, asked if he could at least take something, the OCU representatives cynically called a rubbish truck, loaded the icons and books along with the waste into it and drove them away
The Bible, the Word of God, remains the Word of God, no matter what language it is printed in, no matter what country it is published in. An icon remains an icon, no matter where it is made or in what temple it is located. Any believing person understands this very well, no matter what denomination he/she belongs to. But the OCU supporters do not want to understand this.
An altar with the Holy Gifts thrown onto the street?
Here’s another example. On 1 March 2019, OCU raiders seized the Intercession Church in the village of Kurozvany, Hoshcha district, Rivne region.
After that, the UOC community adapted a private house for worship, where they set up an altar and gathered everything necessary for the Liturgy. But on 12 April 2019, OCU activists raided this house, broke down the doors and threw the altar with the seven-branched candlestick and the Holy Gifts onto the street.
“Such was the fate of crosses, vestments and church vessels. The OCU supporters treated sacred items, intended for Eucharistic service, as if they were just ordinary furniture or dishes. This can only mean one thing: they simply have no understanding of the sacred or the holy, no religious consciousness. These people committed acts after which one should not even go, but simply run to confession. But they clearly didn’t see it that way.
Such examples could be continued, and there are plenty more. There are even more latent cases that didn’t make it into the news feeds. But it’s time to draw conclusions.
On 27th January 2025, at the very moment when OCU supporters were wiping their behinds with sacred texts, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, speaking at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, declared that the Tomos for the OCU “healed divisions and wounds of centuries”. And regarding the OCU, he said: “The development and maturity of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine demonstrate how solidarity and unity work in practice, not just in theory.”
Despite the brutal seizures of churches, violence, the violation of basic human rights and sacrilege against sacred things, the head of the Phanar continues to voice the narrative that his actions in Ukraine to create the OCU have led to untold blessings, unified everyone and healed “divisions and wounds of centuries”. The glaring discrepancy between these words and reality has already become obvious to everyone.
The question is not why Patriarch Bartholomew is so persistent. That’s clear. In his view, the Patriarchate of Constantinople cannot be wrong in principle, and to admit otherwise would be to tarnish the dignity of the “Throne of Constantine”. The question is: how did it come to this? Why are the people he has favoured and accepted into communion doing such things? Why are they committing sacrilegious acts and blatant lawlessness? Where did “His All-Holiness” make a mistake?
If we look at how the communists treated church relics, we’ll notice similarities to our times. Communist Party activists also threw Bibles in the trash, burnt icons, used them to line the floors of pigsties, and threw altars and iconostases into the street. But they didn’t hide their unbelief in God, their hostility towards Christ. At least they were honest about it.
Now, we see similar actions. But here, the people committing such sacrilege and desecration of sacred things call themselves Orthodox Christians. They are convinced that faith in Christ and desecrating Christ go hand in hand. That throwing a Bible printed in Russian into the trash is a good deed. That wiping themselves with liturgical instructions written in “Moscow” Church Slavonic is akin to a victory over the enemy. And Patriarch Bartholomew, instead of pointing out the inadmissibility of such actions (and thereby guiding them onto the path of truth), on the contrary, affirms them in this unworthy state and praises them as good, developed and mature. Ultimately, it turns out as the prophet Isaiah wrote: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).
Therefore, we must start by calling things by their proper names, not deceive ourselves, and not lull our conscience with the tales that everything became wonderful in Ukraine after the Tomos. We must call sacrilege – sacrilege, and blasphemy – blasphemy. And then will come the understanding that, without repenting of all this, one cannot enter the Church and become a true Christian.