By the grace of God and the intervention of the Holy Spirit, the new Patriarch of Bulgaria is His Beatitude Daniil! It took two rounds of voting for this outcome, which was a close run thing as the final was only 69-66 for the new patriarch.
Why is this important? After all, Bulgaria is a small country of only 6.5 million in a part of the world most Americans can’t even find on a map. Four big reasons, actually.
1. Because His Beatitude Daniil is an Actual Orthodox Hierarch
According to the 24 Hours website, the first words of the new Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church after his election were: “Let us keep the Orthodox faith: it leads us to God!” There is no indication that the new Patriarch will be willing to support the various “modernization” efforts emanating from Constantinople / Alexandria, and championed in the U.S. by figures such as Archbishop Elpidophoros. We are not likely to see support for “LGBTQ Rights”, communion of unconverted spouses, Female Ordination, concelebration with heterodox clergy, support for isolating the Russian Orthodox Church, the “Green agenda”, or any number of other items on the wish list of the World Economic Forum / U.S. National Security State.
Patriarch Daniil seems fully committed to preserving the Faith Once Delivered to the Apostles. Glory to God for that!
As noted, Bulgaria is small. However, its constitution names Orthodoxy as the “traditional religion,” which is practiced by some 85% of the population. If you are hoping to “modernize” the Orthodox Church, as many within and without the Church seek to do, taking over the Church of Bulgaria would have been a huge victory. Just look at the way enemies of the Church twisted the political “gay marriage” victory in Greece to attack Orthodoxy from the “left” and the “right”. The modernizers put Greece forward as a “model” for the Orthodox Church peacefully co-existing with all manner of societal corruption. Heterodox “traditionalists” put forward the Greek legalization of gay marriage as “evidence” that the Orthodox Church is impotent, a paper tiger, unable to even influence the societies in which the majority of people are Orthodox Christians.
Thanks be to God, the Bulgarian Church gave us Patriarch Daniil who should spare us any more such controversies in the Balkans.
This victory for Orthodoxy is especially impressive given that the modernizing faction within the Orthodox Church is led by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, the so-called “First Among Equals”. His All-Holiness was recently quoted as denouncing “sterile conservatism”:
Serve faithfully and sacrificially, holy brother, a tradition of faith, love, and hope that is an inexhaustible source of vital truths for humanity and the world. Faithfulness to this tradition has nothing to do with sterile conservatism, which ultimately “kills tradition”. It is rightly written that conservatism is “anti-traditional”. Genuine tradition listens to the voice of the Fathers, while at the same time, it hears the voice of its contemporaries, and selects and highlights the relevance of Christian truths and their existential content. The Church knows that Christian witness cannot be given by indifferent people to their fellow humans and the world, nor by believers with a secular mindset that undermines the creative powers.
Patriarch Bartholomew’s representative in the U.S. is Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, who was recently photographed with female acolytes.
It is of really cold comfort that this brazen act is not even the worst transgression committed by Archbishop Elpidophoros against Holy Orthodoxy.
All this follows on the heels of another Greek Patriarch, that of Alexandria, authorizing the ordination of a female to the Orthodox Diaconate.
At a time when immensely powerful forces are attacking the Orthodox Faith around the world, the victory of such a truly God-fearing, humble, faithful Orthodox bishop as Patriarch Daniil can rightly be considered a miracle in and of itself. This outcome is even more miraculous given that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, a wholly-owned asset of the U.S. National Security State, was in Sofia for the election and enthronement of the new Bulgarian Patriarch. His presence was a breach of Church protocol, which dictates that Orthodox Churches send representatives but not their Patriarchs, whose presence might prove a distraction. This was the first time, in fact, that a Patriarch of Constantinople had ever attended an enthronement in Bulgaria. Patriarch Bartholomew’s attendance was almost certainly an effort to influence the outcome of the election in a pro-Globalist direction. Given the perceived stakes in this election, His All-Holiness was also assuredly not the lone Western intelligence asset on hand. Yet, despite what must certainly have been furious “electoral” interference, the Holy Spirit protected and guided the Orthodox Church of Bulgaria.
There is no way to overstate the impact this heroic act of “Orthodoxy” will have around the world. Through God’s grace, even the Orthodox Christians of a small nation can stare down Eye of Sauron.
2. Continued Support for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniil, interviewed by Bulgarian National Radio in June 2024, lashed out at Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and described the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) as uncanonical. This was nothing new. For years, His Beatitude has been critical of the Patriarch of Constantinople both for his granting of “autocephaly” to the schismatic OCU, and for his continuous grasp for more power. His Beatitude, when he was still only a bishop, even penned a very challenging open letter to Bartholomew:
Can the Patriarch of Constantinople call himself a father (in the sense of the words quoted above) of the people of God who live in Ukraine? What pastoral labour has he done there, how many souls has he gained; for how many has he been “in the torments of birth” until they have become the image of Christ? How many churches has he built, how many monasteries has he embellished? Or did he endure persecution during the time of atheism there? Rather, did not some Constantinople Patriarchs collaborated with the Bolshevik regime at certain times when the holy Church of Russia and Kiev suffered persecution?
In this instance the Patriarch of Constantinople is not a father but a person who has attempted by means of force to acquire power for himself. And these ambitions extend not only to the Metropolis of Kiev, which does not belong to him, but to the whole Orthodox Church; he lays claim to interfering in the internal life of the Local Churches. If we are true children of our Mother the Holy Orthodox Church, we should raise our voice and state what is happening, otherwise we will be guilty alongside those who try to abrogate rights for themselves which belong solely to the Conciliar Church.
We ask the question: has any of the Local Autocephalous Churches ever throughout its history recognized anybody other than the Lord Jesus Christ as Head of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?
The election of a strong supporter of the persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and her primate Metropolitan Onuphry, is a massive loss for both the Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Globalist agenda he serves. The U.S. was behind the creation of the OCU, and has been instrumental in enabling the ongoing persecution of the canonical Orthodox Church. This was done for at least four reasons. The first was to create a counterfeit “Orthodox” body that would modernize in alignment with the preferences of the Global Elite. The second was to reduce the Russian Orthodox Church’s global influence, as the Church is considered a source of so-called “soft power” for the Russian Federation. Third was to expand the power of the Global Elite’s pet hierarch in Constantinople. Fourth was to confer greater legitimacy on the post-Maidan government in Kiev that had been born of an American-supported coup.
To shore up its schismatic “Orthodox” body in Ukraine, the U.S. has exerted tremendous pressure on Orthodox Churches in Europe to recognize OCU. Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens, the President of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece, admitted in an interview that recognition of the schismatic OCU in Ukraine by the Greek Church was a direct result of U.S. pressure, “I’ll confess to you that I was visited by the American ambassador and three times by the Russian ambassador on this issue. And I told the American ambassador that I will join the Patriarch and therefore your will will be done.”
Despite all its efforts, however, the U.S. National Security State has come up dramatically short of its goal of gaining widespread recognition of the schismatic, uncanonical OCU. While the surrender of some parts of the Orthodox Church does sting, the vast majority of Orthodox Christians around the world have stood strong for the Orthodox Faith. The election of Patriarch Daniil can only be seen as a massive failure for the U.S., NATO, and Patriarch Bartholomew. Nick Stamatakis succinctly summed up the situation that the collective “West” now finds itself in:
As I said yesterday, the “deep state” is now faced with a Balkan peninsula almost totally against the Ukrainian Autocephaly: Albania, Serbia, Skopjie, Bulgaria, Romania, most of the Greek Metropolitans, and half of Cyprus are against Bartholomew!! This is a disaster and, under normal circumstances, should result in the immediate resignation of Bartholomew. What is next? The collapse of what is left of the Ukrainian Army is going to set a hard ending to this “monument of hubris”, the Ukrainian Cacocpehaly policy by the Patriarchate.
While the momentum is swinging to our side, we must still seize any opportunity we can to publicize the severe persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
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3. Isolating Constantinople, Instead of Russia
The new Patriarch had hardly been elected when the Associated Press published an article entitled, “Bulgaria’s Orthodox Church elects a new patriarch with pro-Russian views”
What constitutes being “pro-Russian”? Well, as mentioned, Patriarch Daniil supports the actual canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The UOC, which is self-governing under Ukrainian bishops and to which the majority of Ukrainians belong, is erroneously branded in Western media as a “Russian Church”. (See Lie#3: The UOC is a “Russian” Church)
Patriarch Daniil, however, goes much further than just supporting the UOC. His Beatitude is also willing to tell the truth about the origins of the Ukrainian War. In November 2022, the then bishop authored a diocesan letter correctly pointing that the post-Maidan Ukrainian government bears the guilt for provoking the ongoing war. This is absolutely true, of course. The post-coup government in Kiev oppressed ethnic Russian citizens, waged a bloody war against ethnic Russians in the Donbass, sought NATO membership, walked away from two separate peace agreements (Minsk I & II), and was preparing a massive assault on Donestk and Lugansk in early 2022. It was the preparations for a major offensive against ethnic Russians that finally brought on Russian military intervention. Jacques Baud, ex-member of Swiss strategic intelligence and a specialist on Eastern countries, explained how NATO and Kiev led us to the current war:
In his speech of February 24, Vladimir Putin stated the two objectives of his operation: “demilitarize” and “denazify” the Ukraine. So, it was not a question of taking over Ukraine, nor even, presumably, of occupying it; and certainly not of destroying it.
The dramatic developments we are witnessing today have causes that we knew about but refused to see:
- on the strategic level, the expansion of NATO (which we have not dealt with here);
- on the political level, the Western refusal to implement the Minsk Agreements;
- operationally, the continuous and repeated attacks on the civilian population of the Donbass over the past years and the dramatic increase in late February 2022.
In other words, we can naturally deplore and condemn the Russian attack. But WE (that is: the United States, France and the European Union in the lead) have created the conditions for a conflict to break out. We show compassion for the Ukrainian people and the two million refugees. That is fine. But if we had had a modicum of compassion for the same number of refugees from the Ukrainian populations of Donbass massacred by their own government and who sought refuge in Russia for eight years, none of this would probably have happened.
Patriarch Daniil is willing to tell the truth about why the war started, and why it is continuing. According to the Western propaganda machine, being honest is “pro-Russian”.
Needless to say, Patriarch Daniil will not be joining the ongoing drive, organized in the West and led by Constantinople, to “isolate” the Russian Orthodox Church for her sin of “heretically” supporting the Russian War effort. Further, Patriarch Daniil is almost guaranteed to continue poking holes in NATO war propaganda every chance he gets.
What a massive inconvenience for Western war mongers who wish to destroy Russia and the authentic Orthodox Faith everywhere it is found.
4. Decentralization Protects the Orthodox Faith
As Patriarch Daniil said in his open letter to Patriarch Bartholomew, “We ask the question: has any of the Local Autocephalous Churches ever throughout its history recognized anybody other than the Lord Jesus Christ as Head of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?”
The answer to that question, of course, is “No”. Not, however, for lack of trying on the part of Constantinople since the early part of the 20th Century. Thankfully, the drive for an “Orthodox Pope” has so far failed to gain traction among the Orthodox Churches. (The election of Patriarch Daniil is just the latest setback, but there have been many others.) Unfortunately for those who wish to crown the Patriarch of Constantinople with supreme power, we Orthodox have a very obvious, and cautionary, example of exactly what happens when a bishop goes from being “First Among Equals” to “First Without Equals”. Namely, the Roman Catholic Papacy.
Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas was one of the most popular Roman bishops on the Internet. His X (Twitter) following alone was over 128K. On his X (Twitter) timeline, he was extremely hard on Pope Francis. Strickland even questioned the Pope’s fidelity to the Christian Faith in a May 12, 2023 Tweet, “I believe Pope Francis is the Pope but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus.” In orthodox (traditional) Roman Catholic circles, he was often referred to as “America’s Bishop”. The Vatican removed him from office in November 2023.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former apostolic nuncio to the United States, has been an outspoken critic of Pope Francis for years. In June 2024, he said “I repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who manifests an absolutely tyrannical management of power.” Viganò has 65.5k followers on X (Twitter). For being a pain in Francis’ side, Viganò was recently sentenced to the most severe penalty in the Catholic Church: excommunication.
Regardless of what the Vatican says, the real crime these two Roman Catholic hierarchs are guilty of is what Patriarch Bartholomew referred to recently as “sterile conservatism”. They are traditionalists at a time when the absolute, supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church is committed to a program of extreme “modernization” that makes Vatican II look tame in comparison. A Roman Catholic bishop (or priest) can remain in good standing while molesting children / seminarians, calling for LGBTQ “rights”, performing gay marriage blessings, engaging in financial improprieties, openly questioning Catholic doctrine, promoting blasphemous imagery, and just generally undermining the Roman Catholic Faith. All that is just fine with Pope Francis.
Be as “radical” as you like, but don’t be too outspoken about your “sterile conservatism” or too forceful in your criticism of the “Vicar of Christ”. That gets you removed from office and/or excluded from Eternal Life through excommunication.
Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew are soul mates. A fact even secular commentators readily recognize. The Atlantic magazine recently ran glowing comments about the “modernizing” of Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew:
On one side, Bartholomew has spent three decades trying to make Orthodoxy more compatible with the modern liberal world. He openly urges the faithful to accept evolution and other scientific tenets. He has been a passionate advocate for environmental protection. And, like Pope Francis, he has quietly promoted a more accepting attitude toward homosexuality. But Bartholomew’s power is more limited than the pope’s. There are eight other Orthodox patriarchs, each of whom presides over a national or regional Church, and Bartholomew’s role is that of “first among equals.”
The major difference between the two? Pope Francis can crush his opponents and enforce his agenda because of the centralized nature of the Roman Catholic Church. Patriarch Bartholomew cannot. The decentralized nature of the Orthodox Church makes the election of a Patriarch Daniil possible. The “First Among Equals” had no other option but to grin and bear what was, in reality, a serious humiliation. He had no ability to do otherwise. Outside of his local Church, he has no power to go after his critics. Further, while he can decry “sterile conservatism” all he likes, his office lacks the authority to force his agenda of “modernization” on the other local Orthodox Churches.
The “First Among Equals”, the “Spiritual Leader” of Orthodoxy, had no choice but to accept the enthronement of a Patriarch who has been sharply critical of him
Traditionalist Roman Catholics are among the most conflicted people in the world. They will criticize Pope Francis, but then simultaneously tell us Orthodox that we must be in communion with Rome to be truly part of the Church. Orthodox counter that Pope Francis is nothing new. He is an unfaithful bishop. We have dealt with those many times, and even named heresies after them. In fact, we have some unfaithful bishops of our own right now. What makes Francis so dangerous is the modern power of the Papacy. The centralized Papal system, which Roman Catholic traditionalists frequently endorse, is actually the root cause of many of their problems. How does one ever get a meaningful return to authentic Tradition, when the Pope can simply excommunicate his critics and/or remove them from office?
The Patriarch of Alexandria can ordain all the female deacons he likes. It is an ungodly travesty, but at least he can’t force that innovation on the rest of the Orthodox world. The Patriarch of Constantinople can scheme and scheme for decades with the Global Elite to increase his own power. Then, a little Balkans nation of 6.5 million people just up and tells him “no”. Following such a rebuke, there is nothing for him to do but play along and quietly seethe.
Roman Catholics may think our ecclesiology is messy and disorganized, but thanks be to God for that. As one Orthodox priest once said, “The Roman Catholic Church is an organization that provides some sacraments. The Orthodox Church is a sacrament which makes some effort at being an organization.”
Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America
12 March, 2025
Former CIA officer: U.S. paid Phanar $20 million for the creation of OCU
A former counterterrorism officer claimed that Hillary Clinton offered Patriarch Bartholomew money for the creation of the OCU, which he agreed to.
March 12, 2025 – Former CIA officer John Kiriakou claimed in an interview with American blogger Julian Dorey that Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople had received money for establishing the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU).
While discussing corruption schemes in Ukraine, Kiriakou also touched on religious matters. According to him, Hillary Clinton, while serving as U.S. Secretary of State, asked Patriarch Bartholomew to declare the Ukrainian Church autocephalous so that it “would no longer be subject to the whims of the Russian Patriarch.”
He stated that the head of Phanar initially did not consider it a good idea, since this issue is the prerogative of the Russian Orthodox Church.
“And Hillary supposedly said, ‘Would $20 million help make a decision? Well, the Greek Orthodox Church is under the thumb of neo-Ottoman Turks.’ So he said, ‘Yes, we could use the $20 million.’ She then said, ‘We have to give it to you through Ukrainian banks.’ ‘That’s fine,’” Kiriakou recounted, referring to an alleged conversation between Clinton and Patriarch Bartholomew.
According to Kiriakou, “The State Department wires $20 million, probably through USAID, to some Ukrainian bank. The Ukrainians do whatever it is they usually do behind closed doors in Ukrainian banks, and they send $15 million to the Patriarch.”
“He then says, ‘Wait a minute, where’s the other five? It was supposed to be $20 million, where’s the five?’ And the State Department replies, ‘Oh, we don’t know anything about that. All we know is that we paid. So now you must declare the independence of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,’” Kiriakou continued, stressing that this “immediately caused a near-war situation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.”
According to Wikipedia, John Kiriakou was an intelligence analyst and operations officer in the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, as well as a senior investigator for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
It will be recalled that the OCU was established in 2018, while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.
As previously reported by the UOJ, immediately after the creation of the OCU, Patriarch Bartholomew stated that he had not taken any money for it, receiving only chocolates from Petro Poroshenko.
March 18, 2025
Rector of the confiscated UOC church in Cherkassy: There will be no more prayer here
The priest is sure that the OCU representatives are not going to serve in the church from which the believers were expelled.
Archpriest Vyacheslav Klimenko, rector of the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush” in Cherkassy, which the OCU representatives took away from the believers on March 18, 2025, commented on the situation. As the Telegram channel “Dozor” writes, the priest served in this shrine for 20 years, and now, together with the believers, he is forced to leave. “We have to leave. And this place remains empty. Empty. It will be empty for them. There will be no more prayer here. Not for the academy… No prayer. It will simply stand here as an emptiness,”- father Vyacheslav shares.
He is sure that the raiders will not serve in this temple. “They will simply do their job, close it, and it will stand like that. But this will be on their own conscience,” the UOC clergyman adds.
As UOJ wrote, on March 18, 2025, representatives of the OCU, together with the police, came to the UOC temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush” in Cherkassy, presenting falsified documents for the parish. Orthodox Christians who prayed in this church from its foundation were only allowed to take their utensils and things.
Dear Representatives of the International Community!
Dear Representatives of Orthodox Reflections!
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Thank you for supporting and protecting our long-suffering UOC!
God bless you!
Please turn on English subtitles and listen to Ukrainian Orthodox journalist Denis Lapin, who constantly talks about the PERSECUTION of the UOC in Ukraine on his channel “Denis at the Microphone”. And he is also persecuted. Several very important videos were DELETED from Denis Lapin’s channel by the Ukrainian devilish government. And our anti-Christian media were involved in it. satanism of the antichrist Zelensky’s government is developing in Ukraine!!!!
Please, spread this very important information as much as possible!
You can watch it at this link:
Го́споди, Иису́се Христе́, Сы́не Бо́жий, поми́луй нас грешных!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!
With love in Christ!
Your sister in Christ, a believer of the UOC and your Ukrainian friend
Tetyana Avramenko
Dear Representatives of Orthodox Reflections and the International Community!
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Thank you for all that you do to protect ORTHODOXY!
Thank you for supporting and protecting our long-suffering UOC.
God bless you!
Please watch and distribute these important video messages of Orthodox journalist Denis Lapin – one of the greatest defenders of the UOC. Please watch and distribute his video messages. He does a lot of good deeds for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But our ukrainian satanic government through our slanderous and lying Goebbels-media, well-paid pro-government lying journalists is trying to PERSECUTE him.
Our Ukrainian GOEBBELS-medias (in the person of the anti-Christian journalists, such as Alla Mazur (she especially hates the UOC), Kateryna Soliar (who dismissively called the UOC in an interview with the traitor of the UOC – the schismatic OCU “Metropolitan” Oleksandr Drabynko – “a cancerous tumor”), Nataliia Moseichuk (she, together with the Head of the SBU Vasyl Malyuk – conducted an interview and they mockingly called our priests of the UOC – “moles in cassocks”), as well as MANY other “honest” Ukrainian journalists (shame on the Ukrainian nation for such godless journalists)), for money, INCENTIVE HATRED AND HOSTILITY TOWARDS THE UOC among unchurched Ukrainians and, in my opinion, are RELIGIOUS CRIMINALS!!!!!.
Please watch the video of Denis Lapin, which is called:
“Срочно!!! Они хотят закрыть рот каждому, кто говорит правду о Церкви, цензура от канала 1+1”
(“Urgent!!! They want to shut the mouth of everyone who speaks the truth about the Church, censorship from channel 1+1”).
Please also watch other important videos with evidence of the PERSECUTION of the UOC:
With Love in Christ!
May God bless and help you!
Your sister in Christ and your Ukrainian friend
Tetyana Avramenko
Faith Protection
Highlights from Amsterdam’s interview with Tucker Carlson
In the interview, the UOC’s lawyer shared many facts about the persecution of the UOC, the creation of the OCU, and other related topics. The very fact of the interview speaks volumes.
On February 19, 2025, popular American journalist Tucker Carlson, who is part of the close circle of U.S. President Donald Trump, published an interview on his YouTube channel with the international lawyer of the UOC, Robert Amsterdam.
R. Amsterdam is a well-known human rights defender who has been providing legal defense for the UOC for several years, trying to bring the truth about the persecution of believers in Ukraine to the international community. Not long ago, his voice was almost the only one defending the UOC. Leaders of foreign countries and most officials of international organizations preferred to turn a blind eye to the violation of religious freedom in Ukraine. But times are changing, personnel in corridors of power are changing, and political priorities are shifting. And the truth, sooner or later, comes to light. “For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light” (Luke 8:17).
A shot in the foot or the head?
Zelensky started the campaign of persecution against the UOC at the end of 2022. Before this time, the authorities had not declared a course to destroy the Church, fearing a division in society during the war. Although, of course, support for the OCU and the oppression of the UOC had not disappeared since the presidency of Petro Poroshenko. Both the Verkhovna Rada and the President’s Office voiced calls for national unity in the face of the enemy and the inadmissibility of actions that could undermine this unity. It should be clear to all rational people, especially politicians, that the most volatile area of social relations is religion. Neither the economy, nor social policy, nor culture can tear society apart from within as much as religion can. If you want to divide society, strike at the Church. Why did Zelensky do this? Why did he take this step? Under what influence? Perhaps, we will learn the answers to these questions over time, though likely not too much time.
However, the absurdity of trying to destroy the country’s largest religious denomination during active military operations is already evident. Let’s quote Belarusian human rights activist, theologian, and religious scholar Natalia Vasilevich. Sharing her impressions about Robert Amsterdam’s interview with Tucker Carlson, she wrote on her Telegram channel: “Unfortunately, everything is going according to the worst-case scenario of all the ones I have feared before. The strategically short-sighted policy of the Ukrainian authorities regarding the UOC, who had every chance to make the UOC an ally instead of turning them into antagonists, has led to the fact that a huge amount of effort is being invested on the international stage in trying to convince others that there is no persecution, that they misunderstood everything, and despite all efforts, attempts to convey this information look pathetic and unconvincing. <…> Russia and pro-Russian forces take advantage of this. Those Orthodox who do not recognize the OCU are using it. And in the end, no even illusory benefits were gained, only problems were created. <…> And I still don’t understand why they shot themselves in the foot.”
Couldn’t agree more, with the only correction: it seems it was not a shot in the foot, but a shot in the head.
And the issue here is not only the division of society and the provocation of internal political strife during the war. The Holy Scriptures say: “Do not touch My anointed ones; do My prophets no harm” (Psalm 105:15). These Old Testament words are fully applicable to the New Testament Church of Christ. One cannot destroy the Church with impunity and think that Heaven will look upon it indifferently. “And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you He will see that they get justice, and quickly.” (Luke 18:7-8).
The article “UOC Ban and the War with Russia: Prophets on the Causes of Military Defeats” clearly shows how the start of the persecution against the UOC coincided exactly with the cessation of successes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front, followed by only failures, retreats of our troops, and significant losses. Zelensky’s decision to start the campaign to destroy the UOC set in motion spiritual laws that are beyond the control of any earthly authorities. These laws stand above all other rules and patterns: military, political, economic, and so on. Atheists believe that there is no God and that everything happens by chance. They believe that there is no causal connection between the persecution of the UOC and the dire situation that has developed in Ukraine, as in other similar cases. But history has repeatedly disproved this view.
It is unknown how everything will end for our country. It is unclear how the conflict with Donald Trump will end personally for Zelensky. However, it is highly likely that, had he known how things would turn out, he would have thought a hundred times before touching the Church.
Lies and truth
Let’s pay attention to N. Vasilevich’s words about how the Ukrainian authorities had to put in “a huge amount of effort on the international stage” to create a false image of no human rights violations in Ukraine. The entire PR campaign that accompanied the persecution was built on lies. And, for a while, it was quite successful. Western politicians and media pretended to believe these lies and spread them to their audiences. Here’s what R. Amsterdam says: “The dishonesty of some of the people that are reporting from Ukraine is astounding. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve been involved with cases involving wars and disputes, but the absolute lying and the games that our papers are playing…”
As the interview continues, the lawyer recounts how politicians and journalists refused to meet with him, how he was literally insulted when he spoke about the real situation in Ukraine. The only senator from the entire U.S. Congress who agreed to meet with him and discuss violations of the right to freedom of religion was J.D. Vance, the current Vice President of the U.S. And now, in the American political arena, more and more people are starting to talk about the persecution of the UOC. The attempts by Ukrainian authorities to justify the repression against the UOC believers are proving to be ineffective. And the authorities specifically sent officials and members of the Verkhovna Rada to the U.S. to deceive their partners. The authorities hired PR specialists and lobbyists to promote their false narratives, paying them millions of dollars.
R. Amsterdam: “The Ukrainians gave a $3.6 million contract to a PR firm in Washington to go after my Church and me. So, I’ve had vicious letters written about me….”
But the truth cannot be hidden. Let’s recall the specific false narratives that the Ukrainian authorities promoted both within the country and on the international stage:
We will not provide evidence here that all these narratives are untrue. This is quite obvious. But what is important now is that at a high international level, the truth about what is happening in Ukraine is starting to be spoken. Here are some quotes from Robert Amsterdam’s interview:
“Our parishioners go to the front, while their churches are being stolen back home, while parishioners, elderly parishioners and priests are being beaten.”
“You know, there’s a law, 3894, to destroy the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. No law has been passed like this in Europe since World War II against the Jews.”
“Well, let’s be clear. It’s the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. We are not part of the ROC. We are, we share only a canonical link. Our Church (the UOC – Ed.) denounced the invasion. Our church separated itself administratively 30 years ago.”
“… this other Church (the OCU – Ed.), which, by the way, has stolen 1,500 of our churches, engaged in mobilizing. <…> Yes. Stolen them. Outright stolen them. And worse, beaten our priests, beaten our parishioners. And I have this all on video. If you go to, you will see the videos of our parishioners being beaten. These are the elderly parents of people at the front fighting for the liberation and protection of Ukraine, being beaten very often by SBU, that’s their secret police, wearing death masks with Nazi insignias on their arm.”
“I went to church after church. Our churches were full. Our priests were like rush hour traffic on a Sunday. I mean, we’re having multiple services because there are now so few churches because the other church is stealing them. So when you go to the other church, they’re virtually empty. In fact, many of the churches they’ve stolen, they’ve turned into museums.”
“You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time,” said Abraham Lincoln. The time when lies about the UOC could be successfully spread has already passed. The time for the truth is coming. It is astonishing how the authorities in Ukraine seriously believed they could create chaos against millions of their citizens and thought it would go unnoticed.
Whose project is the OCU?
Another lie that has been fed to us both inside and outside Ukraine for the past seven years is the claim that the OCU emerged in Ukraine naturally, just like local Churches in other countries. Now we see how the new U.S. administration acknowledges that this was a political project, with the key role in its creation played by the U.S. administration. Robert Amsterdam even called it a CIA operation.
Supporters of the OCU often point out that their church was created in 2018 during Donald Trump’s first presidency. This is true. But the fact is that Trump’s first presidency took place under significant influence from the Democratic Party on U.S. policy. The so-called deep state largely imposed its agenda on Trump and restricted him, preventing him from carrying out his own policies. The main work in the creation of the OCU was done by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He negotiated with the Phanar, provided full support to Serhiy (Epifaniy) Dumenko, and put significant pressure on representatives of the Greek Local Churches, forcing them to recognize the OCU.
In response to Tucker Carlson’s question: “Do you know who at the State Department worked on this op to create a fake church?” Robert Amsterdam said: “Yes, yes. It dates back to 2014. We believe it began with Victoria Nuland, who, I mean, this was a big operation because she worked with the ambassador of the United States to Ukraine. Amazingly, becomes the ambassador of the United States to Greece. And it is in fact the Patriarch of the Constantinople Church that becomes the one who engineers the basically the destruction of our church by taking canonical control away from Moscow and taking it to himself, violating a treaty from the 17th century. So, we have the United States, and by the way, this was engineered by Secretary of State Pompeo. So, this isn’t just a Democrat thing. Secretary of State Pompeo was directly involved.”
But after the U.S. presidential elections, Mike Pompeo was publicly and demonstratively kicked off Trump’s team. This was followed by the exposure of the U.S.’s role in creating the OCU. Here are a few more statements from Robert Amsterdam on this matter:
“Five years ago, a new church was established in Ukraine by the Poroshenko administration with the active connivance of the United States government. The State Department of the United States was involved in the establishment of the church. I believe either USAID or some other organizations have funded this state church called the OCU. This is a basically kind of a CIA operation, if you will, to set up a church that would be completely free of what they viewed as the dangerous Putin influence. So, you have our State Department violating our constitution openly, engaging in the destruction of religious freedom in a foreign country, doing things absolutely illegal under our constitution.”
“We’ve studied it. We’ve met with people who were at high levels of the U.S. government, who confirmed for me that this was a U.S. government operation.”
It is interesting to consider how the representatives of the Greek, Cypriot, and Alexandrian Churches, which recognized the OCU, feel after such revelations and admissions. Not only did they conduct joint services with individuals who had no canonical ordinations, but now it is revealed that the OCU is a “CIA operation”. And this is acknowledged by the Americans themselves. It is safe to say that the prospects for the OCU’s recognition by other Local Churches are becoming increasingly uncertain.
Both the content of Robert Amsterdam’s interview with Tucker Carlson and the very fact that it was published indicate that the time when OCU lobbyists could successfully deceive Western politicians and journalists with stories about how everything is fine with freedom of religion in Ukraine is coming to an end. The truth about the persecution of the UOC can no longer be hidden. We can expect that the number of statements about the real situation will continue to increase, and the level of politicians making these statements will only rise. For example, the day after the interview, Congresswoman Victoria Spartz spoke out about Zelensky’s persecution of the Church. It is not unlikely that we will soon see the fulfillment of Robert Amsterdam’s warnings, that the members of the Ukrainian parliament who voted for the law banning the UOC may face sanctions from the U.S. government.
The revelations about how the OCU was actually created and in whose interests it was created is a powerful blow to the OCU’s image. This blow will certainly not destroy the OCU, but it will significantly affect how it is viewed globally, particularly in the Local Orthodox Churches.
In recent days, harsh criticism has been directed at Zelensky from the U.S. The American President called him a “dictator without elections”. Interestingly, he made these remarks shortly after Tucker Carlson’s similar comments, who argued that Zelensky’s “dictatorship” was partly due to his persecution of the UOC. It is possible that these words will be followed by legally formalized accusations with more serious consequences. And Zelensky’s attempt to ban the UOC and deny millions of Ukrainian citizens their right to religious freedom could very well become one of those accusations. All the evidence is clear.
Arestovych: You can’t trample 6.5 million people for loyalty to the Church
10 October 2023 15:31
Oleksiy Arestovych stated that the UOC is 6.5 million parishioners, many of whom defend Ukraine at the front, giving their lives for it.
Oleksiy Arestovych, former advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine, has stated that it is unacceptable to trample the faith of millions of believers in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), including the soldiers who are parishioners of the UOC and who sacrifice their lives on the frontlines to defend Ukraine. He made these remarks during a broadcast on his YouTube channel.
Arestovych emphasized that it is not permissible to target the 6.5 million people who are part of the UOC, which includes soldiers who are members of the UOC and are giving their lives to defend Ukraine, along with their mothers, relatives, and all who belong to this Church, whether by family tradition or personal choice.
He also reminded that the leadership of the UOC condemned the Russian invasion in its early hours. Arestovych asked whether it is reasonable to consider banning 6 million or even 3 million people. He emphasized that these individuals are not terrorists or involved in subversive activities, as they are sacrificing their lives on the frontlines.
“I remind you that Onufriy condemned the Russian invasion at 7 am, when it was completely unclear whether in 24 hours he would answer to the Russian paratroopers who would come and question him,” Arestovych noted.
Arestovych called for support and assistance to the processes within the Church, rather than attempting to destroy their faith. His statements came in response to concerns and criticisms regarding recent actions targeting the UOC by Ukrainian authorities. He highlighted the need for a more thoughtful and inclusive approach to address these issues.
As reported by the UOJ, Arestovych also mentioned that influential figures in the United States consider attacks on the UOC by Ukrainian authorities as unacceptable.
Arestovych about repressions against UOC: Do we want to be idiots?
15 January 2023 09:22
Arestovych called the repressions against the UOC “primitive political technology of the split.”
Speaking about the repressions against the UOC in an interview with the “There are Rumors” YouTube channel, Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to the Office of the President, criticized the actions of the authorities against the believers of the UOC.
“Have you seen the headlines on Fox News when the SBU entered the Kyiv-Pechersk and other Lavras: ‘Zelensky declared war on Christianity’? Fox News is the main channel for the Republicans. Are these headlines good for Ukraine? Judging by the processes that are taking place there (in the UOC – Ed.), we need to win over to our side those who are for us and put severe pressure on those who are against Ukraine. Will we instead put pressure on all 6 million believers who go to this Church and who cannot say a word of Russian? They just go there because their grandparents would go there. Are they hence all enemies and agents?!” Arestovich said.
The adviser to the OP added that such political technology unequivocally harms the state.
“Do we seek a normal power or do we want to be idiots for the sake of a primitive splintering technology? This is political technology, not cultural policy. Everything is very simple: either we act like reasonable people or like idiots. So far we are acting like idiots,” he summed up.
12 January, 2025
14 сriminal сases initiated against Cherkasy cathedral seizure perpetrators
The police are delaying the investigation and attempting to reclassify the cases under lesser charges.Fourteen criminal cases have been initiated against the gang that carried out a violent attack during the seizure of the UOC Cathedral in Cherkasy, reported Archpriest Heorhiy Pohranichny, head of the legal department of the Cherkasy Diocese, to First Cossack.
At the same time, according to the legal expert, the police are deliberately delaying the investigation and attempting to reclassify the cases to lesser charges.
“It is unacceptable to classify injuries such as a broken femur of a hieromonk, or the injuries of a deacon who ‘luckily’ lost six teeth, as minor hooliganism. These injuries include fractured ankles and ribs, yet they are currently being classified as minor,” said the priest. He also noted the shooting incident involving OCU activist Davyd Pshenychny, who fired a traumatic weapon at the cathedral cashier Maria Preshchakova, who narrowly avoided losing her eye.
“As for individuals with moderate and severe injuries, such as fractured ankles, broken ribs, and lost teeth, they are undergoing rehabilitation. For the hieromonk, the situation is particularly serious due to his advanced age. A broken femur at such an age is extremely difficult to heal, and he is still undergoing preparatory procedures for a complex surgery,” said Father Heorhiy. Additionally, dozens of people suffered eye burns from tear gas during the incident.
The legal expert emphasized that diocesan lawyers provided police with video evidence of the brawl, clearly showing the involvement of OCU chaplains, including Nazariy Zasadskiy. However, law enforcement officials have neither included them as suspects nor participants in the criminal cases.
Father Heorhiy also noted that the police are trying to reclassify the case under Article 296 of the Criminal Code – minor hooliganism – while diocesan lawyers believe the actions of the perpetrators should be qualified as robbery, if not more serious offenses.
“Despite everything, the police are trying to split these cases into multiple, fragmented parts, rather than consolidating them into a single investigation. They likely hope that the complainants will eventually withdraw their statements, despite already having victim status in the case,” said the legal expert.
Regarding attempts by the authorities and the OCU to legalize the cathedral seizure, Father Heorhiy called the situation absurd.
He stated that the authorities attributed the cathedral to a so-called “Nativity of Christ” community, which they “re-registered.” According to him, this fictitious parish, along with others used by authorities in similar cases, exists only on paper, with no known real activity.
The UOC priest stressed that “the St. Michael’s Cathedral never belonged to a parish; it was under the direct management of the Cherkasy Eparchy. Therefore, re-registering it as such is legally impossible.”
“In order to seize the cathedral, one must first remove its rightful owner. The rightful owner is the administration of the Cherkasy Eparchy. Legally transferring the property to the city’s ownership through a council session or similar means is impossible. It requires proving that the rightful owner no longer exists or has disappeared without responding to public invitations. However, this will not happen because the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Cherkasy remain present. They are here, visible, and daily demonstrate their faith,” stated Father Heorhiy.
He added that local authorities are now putting on a show of active management around the cathedral, trying to justify the seizure.
“As for the new ‘owners,’ we see them trying to exploit whatever is available. Some items are already being removed, including construction materials, which is being documented. The city council is also pretending to show concern for the park by cutting down trees and installing benches – something it ignored for years. It is clear this is all a demonstration meant to reduce tensions and distract with other factors,” the priest concluded.
Earlier, the UOJ reported that the UN is awaiting a response from Ukrainian authorities regarding the seizure of the UOC cathedral in Cherkasy.
15 November 2022
Poroshenko Channel Propagandist Calls on Authorities to Ban UOC in Ukraine
Journalist Yanina Sokolova proposes recognizing the UOC as an accomplice of a terrorist state. Yanina Sokolova, an employee of Poroshenko’s “5 Channel”, appealed to the country’s leadership with a proposal to ban the UOC in Ukraine. According to Sokolova, the reason for her appeal was a video from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in which pilgrims sing the song “Song of the Most Holy Mother of God”, which includes the words “Mother Rus’ is awakening”.
As another justification, Sokolova stated that the UOC allegedly “financially supports the enemy”: “More than once, requests for money for the existence of such churches resulted in the fact that money from these churches was allocated for weapons.” “I still don’t understand why this hasn’t been done yet, what is it: an unwillingness to anger the enemy or to cause some kind of dissonance within society,” said journalist Yanina Sokolova.
She called for the UOC to cease to exist as an “unsafe religious organization that threatens the territorial integrity of the country” and to recognize the Church as an accomplice of a terrorist state. “And I want to tell the Moscow priests only one thing: go to Moscow!” the “5 Channel” employee concluded her speech. Earlier, the Union of Orthodox Journalists reported that a member of parliament from the “EU” demanded that the monks be forcibly expelled from the Lavra and handed over to the OCU.
Spot on! Thanks be to God for hierarchs like His Beatitude Daniil and Met Neophytos for speaking the truth of the Orthodox Faith.
As always, right on! Love your site.
The P of C calls himself the “First without equals” and that is exactly where one of his biggest problems lies, right?
It is a huge problem, but not the only one.
I love hyperbole! You made my day! Female? Extra rib!
Mike, this is an article that mentions all the topics you have been dying to post about, and this is what you have to say?