Be Careful Answering HR Questions About Your COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption

Note: Based on availability of more resources and more experience getting exemptions successfully (particularly in medical care), we have updated our answers on 11/23/2021. We have added a new document on our COVID Vaccines Religious Exemption page which links the COVID jabs to the Mark of the Beast and to demonic forces. 

Note:  Based on more information provided, we have updated our COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption page to include two more reasons for exemptions – free will and following the saints. We have also updated this page with additional information. Update 10/18/2021.

As an Orthodox Christian, you oppose abortion. You are aware that the COVID vaccines all made use, in some way(s), of aborted fetal cells. Despite the fact that some sources still lie about this, having done your research, you know the truth and have applied for your religious exemption. If you are lucky, it is approved. If you are not lucky, you may get a request for additional information.

HR may pose as your friend, but rest assured, they are not. Treat HR like a police interrogation. The more information you provide, the worse it is for you. You need enough to indicate the sincerity of your beliefs and the fact that you do practice your faith, but not too much that you invite a challenge. Exercise your right to privacy as much as possible. The questions below are an example of what you could get from HR with some suggestions as to how to approach them. Remember – if in doubt, an attorney is often a very good investment.

Please provide the following information so that we may engage in appropriate interactive dialogue to determine how best to meet your needs as well as those of the company and its employees.

Your need is for a religious exemption, which they could have readily granted. This is not a dialogue that will be in your best interests. HR may pretend they just want to understand your request better. The truth is usually that they are looking for ways to deny the request. Don’t make that job easy for them by trusting them too much. Also, the questions below are frequently being used in place of allowing you to write up an exemption letter. We have put a lot of information to give you options to choose from among the various Orthodox Christian beliefs that prevent us (or anyone who even believes in the authority of Church, whether a member of not) from getting these jabs. Remember to always rewrite any answers in your own words, as many employees who copied / pasted from the Internet have been denied when HR found the source documents via a Web search. 

A reader brought our attention to Lawyer Jeff Childers who gives excellent general information on religious exemptions at his website Here is a sample of some of his advice from his October 11, 2021 email/post that helps frame your interaction with HR and management:

“Let me be clear about something. There’s no such thing as a “religious exemption REQUEST.” You don’t have to REQUEST it. It’s the LAW. They have to accommodate your religious or moral beliefs. It’s the employer’s burden, not yours. All you have to do is NOTIFY THEM of your sincerely-held religious or moral beliefs. Stop thinking you have to beg for it.”

Please listen to this leaked call where a DOJ lawyer himself says that most of the religious exemption requests will be approved. They are simply too hard to challenge. Even if the employer asks about prior or ongoing product / medicine usage tainted with aborted fetal cells, the employees just have to say that they didn’t know and won’t use those products / medicines again. Listen to the call here on Twitter.

For additional perspective, we recommend Peggy Hall’s videos We also recommend visiting the Liberty Counsel Website. In addition to resources, you can get help on how to handle a rejection and you can register for legal help if you are suffering from religious discrimination.

1. Please describe your sincerely-held religious belief, practice, and/or observance that is preventing you from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

My sincere, deeply held religious objections to COVID vaccines are multi-faceted. Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would violate my sincerely held religious beliefs. I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian. According to the unwavering, almost two-thousand-year-old tradition of the Orthodox Church, abortion is an abominable act before God’s eyes that I cannot condone nor in any way participate. Eastern Orthodox Christianity condemns the harvesting of biological materials from an individual without their informed consent. Further, The Social Life Document of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is the largest Orthodox Jurisdiction on Earth, defines the absolute inadmissibility of medicines prepared using fetal cell therapy.

The same Social Life Document also states “The transplantation of organs from a living donor can be based only on the voluntary self-sacrifice for the sake of another’s life. In this case, the consent to removal of an organ becomes a manifestation of love and compassion. However, a potential donor should be fully informed about possible consequences of the explanation of his organ for his health. The explanation that presents an immediate threat to the life of a donor is morally inadmissible.” By definition, removal and use of the organs of a murdered child can never involve ethical consent. This is immoral in the eyes of a righteous God and absolutely prohibited.

Further, the Holy Canons of the Eastern Orthodox Church on abortion contain ecclesiastical rules according to Holy Apostles, the ancient Ecumenical Councils of the Church, and the testimony of revered theologians and bishops:

“A woman that aborts deliberately is liable to trial as a murderess.”

(Canon 2 of St. Basil the Great’s 92 Canons)

 Anyone who assists her or participates in an abortion in any way would also bear her sin, and would also be considered a murderer.

All COVID-19 vaccines are produced using biological material and developed and/or tested using aborted fetal cells that date back to 1973 (the HEK-293 kidney cell line) and 1985 (the PER.C6 retinal cell line). Research confirming this can be provided upon request.

As an Eastern Orthodox Christian, because of my sincere belief derived from my Church’s teaching on abortion, the use of fetal therapy, and the use of bodily organs / cells without valid consent, I cannot receive these COVID-19 vaccines. By taking these COVID-19 vaccines, I would be an accomplice to the original acts of abortion and bodily violations (without consent) of the innocent the same as if I had perpetrated those acts myself. Taking any of these vaccines would violate my sincerely held religious beliefs.

As an Orthodox Christian, I am under obedience to my spiritual father. In counseling, my spiritual father directly warned me not to take these vaccines. To ignore this direct counsel, which is the Will of God for my life, and accept any of these vaccines would be a grave sin. In my personal devotions, God has also confirmed His Will that I am to avoid these vaccines. My free will, as an Orthodox Christian, must be directed towards obeying God’s Will or I risk falling into damnation.

Recent saints and holy elders not yet officially recognized as saints warned the Orthodox faithful not to receive a future vaccine that would be obligatory or anything associated with it. A quote from Elder Justin Parvu of Romania (1919-2013) published in 2009 summarizes this: “So, do not receive this vaccine or anything that the new political powers bring you today.”

Saint Paisios of Mount Athos is a saint that is particularly close to me and my family. We pray for his guidance daily. St. Paisos prophesied in the present tense, prior to his repose and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit: “And now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory and those taking it will be marked… My Spiritual fathers tell me that this is the system through which the Antichrist has chosen to take over the whole world, and people who are not part of this system won’t be able to find work and so on, – whether black or white or red; in other words, everyone he will take over through an economic system that controls the global economy, and only those who have accepted the seal, the mark of the number 666, will be able to participate in business dealings.”

As the Apostle John received revelations concerning future events that have taken place, are taking place, and will take place, holy elders of the Orthodox Church continue to receive similar revelations. Additional saints and holy elders warning Orthodox Christians not to partake of the Covid vaccines are: Metropolitan Augustinos Kantiotes of Florina, and Elder Savvas Achilleos.

Competent and discerning Orthodox spiritual authorities, including my own spiritual father, have declared, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that all of these prophecies apply to the COVID vaccines. I fully believe that this is true and believe sincerely and deeply that these prophecies are warnings directly from God that Orthodox Christians are not to take these vaccines. Our Free Will must be exercised to adhere to the commandments of God or we fall into severe sin and possible damnation.

Holy elders of the Orthodox Church, particularly on our holiest site Mt. Athos, have reported recent encounters with demons concerning the vaccine. The demons have revealed to them that the use of fetal cell lines from procured abortion is foundational to how the demons enter those who receive these vaccines. These holy men have cautioned that the vaccines and related passports are fundamentally changing us and leading to the Mark of the Beast. Taking the vaccine is tantamount to rejecting God and embracing demonic possession with the eventual goal of enslaving mankind. I cannot participate in an activity supported by demons without directly rejecting God. Nor can I participate in bringing the regime of the Anti-Christ into existence.

Also, my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I have been warned by many spiritual mentors that the COVID vaccines contain multiple impurities which are violations of my temple. These include:  graphene oxide, metallic flecks, iridescent wafers, gelatinous material, live parasites resembling the Hydra vulgaris, HIV 1, Chromosome 8, a synthetic amino acid called “Pseudouridylyl,” and Hydrogel which composes the nanolipid particles that envelope the mRNA and which is used in Transhumanist experiments.

NOTE: Archpriest Alexander Webster (a former seminary dean) gives a great explanation of the morally unacceptable nature of the vaccines starting at 17:00 minutes in this Webinar. You are free to quote him as needed.

2. Please state how the COVID-19 vaccine requirement violates your sincerely-held religious belief, practice, and/or observance. Would complying with the COVID-19 vaccination requirement substantially burden your religious exercise? If so, please explain how.

Asking essentially the same question in different ways is a common tactic to get you to contradict yourself or to say things which can be attacked. You do not need to justify your religious objection. Restate your objection. HR cannot judge your religious beliefs or invalidate them in any way, so getting you on an “incomplete” application seems to be a trick for finding a way to reject. Before we continue with an answer to this question, read what lawyer Jeff Childers in his September 8, 2021 post on gave this excellent advice:

“— Do NOT try to be an armchair theologian. It is enough if you prayed about it and determined that God doesn’t want you to take the safe and effective vaccines. You don’t have to prove your encyclopedic biblical knowledge.”

“— Don’t engage in theological debates with anyone. Agree to disagree. THEIR beliefs are irrelevant. It’s YOUR beliefs that matter.”

With all that in mind, here are some sample answers to this question:

“To expand on what was articulated in response to question 1, I sincerely believe that if I received a COVID-19 vaccination, I would be committing an immoral act and grave sin. According to my faith, I would be prevented from receiving eternal life through Jesus Christ. I believe that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would subject me to eternal torment in hell because of the grave sins of participating in abortion, partaking in fetal experimentation, partaking in the use of cells taken without consent (a violation of the image and likeness of God), ignoring the clearly expressed Will of God for my life and the lives of all faithful Orthodox Christians, and the grave sin of ignoring the express warnings of the Holy Spirit delivered through saints and elders not to partake of these injections, that taking these vaccines would be a grave sin of participating in demonic activity that could be leading to the Mark of the Beast, which is the ultimate rejection of the Kingdom of God leading to eternal damnation, and that I would be imbibing impurities that would violate the status of my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. At the risk of my immortal soul, I must avoid the COVID-19 vaccine at all costs.”

3. How long have you held the religious belief underlying your objection?

None of their business. What they are looking for is to build a case that you suddenly “found” this religious belief to avoid the jabs. If you want to answer this question, then tell them you have been opposed to abortion and the use of aborted fetal cells your entire adult life or at least since you have been an Orthodox Christian. The timeframe of your conversion (if an adult convert) or your since your age of becoming aware of sin (for cradles) has worked for this question. No matter how recently you found faith, you still qualify for an exemption. Same applies to accepting Orthodox prophecy or in Free Will / Freedom of Conscience as bestowed by God or concerning any other religious objection listed. No matter how recently you found the faith, you still qualify for an exemption.

4. Please describe whether, as an adult, you have received any vaccines against any other diseases (such as a flu vaccine or a tetanus vaccine) and, if so, what vaccine you most recently received and when, to the best of your recollection. 

  Alternative wording for this question is below:

If your sincerely-held religious belief, practice, and/or observance prevents you from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine but not other vaccines, please explain why.

Your medical history is none of HR’s business. However, after speaking about this extensively with an attorney from the Liberty Counsel, it is best to try and craft an answer for this. According to the lawyer, with many years of experience, a judge or judges may allow this line of questioning to help gauge whether or not the employee has demonstrated a pattern of adhering to his/her own professed beliefs. Now, it will need to be limited, so if your question tries to go back decades / whole adult life then that is most likely too broad for any judge to uphold as reasonable. Our suggestion is you consider a more limited time frame for your answer. If you are older, after all, who is going to remember a shot from 20 years back? Also, while it is very tempting to refuse to answer this type of question, as it is really a “gotcha” that is none of their business, quite a few companies are warning that failure to fully complete the request (all questions) can lead to a rejection. So if your company has that kind of policy, then a reasonable answer is needed. If you converted to Orthodoxy, then we suggest you start with your conversion period to limit the scope of your response.

All that said, here is a sample answer that has worked for others:

“The Orthodox Church has never objected to vaccines that have been developed, manufactured, and tested ethically. Since converting to Orthodoxy “X” number of years ago (or becoming aware of sin if cradle), I have taken only vaccines which were recommended to me by my personal physician as being medically beneficial, and which were known to be ethically sourced. (If you got approval from a spiritual father to take a vaccine, you can put that here. You can also indicate the steps you take to research vaccines prior to taking them, if that has been your practice.)

“Ethically Sourced” is defined as no use of aborted fetal cells for development, research, manufacture or testing of any kind whatsoever. For example, my most recent vaccine was (fill in the name) which based on my research (if consulting spiritual authority, mention that here) was ethically produced and acceptable as an Orthodox Christian. (If your most recent vaccine was not ethically sourced, or you are not sure it was, then explain that you were unaware that it was tainted. This was not something that was readily publicized about most vaccines / medicines prior to the current drive to jab every human in the world. See this article for how difficult it was even for doctors to know what was and was not tainted. You cannot be held accountable for what you did not know. God is merciful. You are aware now, and will be taking much greater precautions with future vaccines / medicines and involving competent spiritual counsel to avoid knowingly sinning. Knowing sin can lead to severe spiritual consequences.)

In taking the COVID-19 vaccine, knowing its connection to abortion, according to my church and my personal religious beliefs, I would be an accomplice to the original act of abortion and bodily violations (without consent) of the innocent the same as if I had perpetrated those acts myself. I cannot participate in an activity supported by demons without rejecting God.”

Do not let them use any past failures on your part to convince you that you are already morally compromised, so why not just take another couple of shots? Even prescribing physicians did not know the extent to which many modern medicines used aborted fetal cells. The fact that you unknowingly may have submitted to tainted vaccines in the past does not mean you must do so again.  

5. If you do not have a religious objection to the use of all vaccines, please explain why your objection is limited to particular vaccines.

You have a sincere, deeply-held religious objection to abortion and the use of aborted fetal cells, not to mention all of the other objections listed above concerning these vaccines. You can freely admit that Orthodoxy does not reject all vaccines, because there are many reasons to object to these vaccines specifically. Do not enter into a debate over your beliefs or feel that you must justify them. For this type of question, restate a summary of the reasons from other questions that indicate why you are opposed to taking these vaccines.

6. If there are any other medicines or products that you do not use because of the religious belief underlying your objection, please identify them.

Again, as noted by an Orthodox physician in this article, there appears to be widespread use of aborted fetal cells in many products and medicines. There is controversy, however, over quite a few common drugs as to whether they are tainted or not. It is entirely possible that vaccine proponents are overstating the extent to which aborted fetal cells are being used. See this article, for example, for a discussion of some drugs that are said to be tainted, but which were developed before aborted fetal cell lines were even available. Below we have shown you a list of counseling questions for chaplains in the U.S. Coast Guard to talk sailors out of a religious exemption by highlighting all the drugs supposedly tested / developed using aborted fetal cells.

This is not HR’s business, and you may be tempted to tell them exactly that. For some companies, that may work. However, for companies that have a “must answer all questions” policy, you may not be able to do so. The answer below has worked for others in which they essentially consulted various lists of “tainted drugs” and selected some of them to list as being on their personal “avoid” list due to ethical concerns. Here is a list from an article by an Orthodox MD, but there are many more lists like it: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Claritin, Benadryl, Albuterol, Pepto Bismol, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Sudafed, Prilosec, Preparation H and Zoloft.

As with the vaccine question, do not let them make you feel guilty for taking potentially ethically tainted drugs in the past when you were unaware.

Also, at 1:07:00 in this Webinar, an attorney deals with the prior use of products with aborted fetal cell links.

Archpriest Alexander Webster answered a question about prior use on Orthodox Reflections. His answer is excellent, and really addresses the fact that many jab supporters are way, way overstating the use of aborted fetal cells by claiming links to very old, common medications. He also addresses the potential charge of hypocrisy for those who have used tainted medicines in the past.

Sample answer below:

“Since my conversion to Orthodoxy “X” years ago (or since you became aware of sin if cradle), I have strived to use only ethically sourced medications and products. To the best of my ability, and through consultation with spiritual counsel, I have consciously striven to only use medicines with no connection to aborted fetal cells at any stage of research, development, production or testing. This can be challenging as the information is not always readily available, but as a matter of conscience before God, I have made every effort to assure I am not sinning through connection to the murder of children. Because of my deeply held, sincere religious objections I avoid drugs such as Drug 1, Drug 2, Drug 3, ….. which are incompatible with my spiritual beliefs.”

7. Please provide any additional information that you think may be helpful in reviewing your request.

You have a sincere, deeply-held religious objection to abortion and use of aborted fetal cells, you follow the teachings of Orthodox saints, and you believe Free Will / Freedom of Conscience is a gift and obligation of God bestowed on man. There are a host of reasons why an Orthodox Christian objects to these vaccines. Feel free to restate any of that or all of that if given an option to do so. Or simply rest on the information already provided, if this is an optional question.

Two other things to also consider. First, there is no federal vaccine mandate for the general public. But, you might ask, didn’t Biden announce one? He announced that OSHA would be formulating a mandate, OSHA tried to put one out, and it got suppressed immediately by the courts. It is unlikely to survive the legal challenges. There is a mandate for federal contractors and for healthcare professionals. All of that is being challenged by multiple states and private entities. Regardless of what the Biden Regime or anyone else says, you have a right to free exercise of religion under federal law (and some state laws such as in Florida):

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against an employee because of that employee’s sincere religious beliefs. 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a)(1). Title VII provides for religious accommodation claims in its definition of religion, which includes “all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is unable to reasonably accommodate to an employee’s . . . religious observance or practice without undue hardship on the conduct of the employer’s business.”   42 U.S.C. § 2000e(j). Thus, whenever there is a conflict between employment requirements and an employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs, employers must seek to accommodate the employee’s belief as long as it does not pose an undue hardship on the employer. Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison, 432 U.S. 63, 75 (1977).

The other thing to keep in mind is the COVID narrative is failing fast. The vaccines are daily proving less effective than originally stated. New treatments are coming online, even from companies like Pfizer that are making billions off the vaccines. Countries around the world are opening up fully (all of Scandinavia), with no vaccine mandates. The countries and U.S. states with the most restrictive, mandatory vaccine policies are awash in COVID illnesses. Florida and other U.S. Red States are rejecting mandatory vaccinations. Time is against the vaccines and the mandates.

Do not give up your moral objections. Do not let them bully you into compliance with what you know is wrong. From all over the country, we are getting reports of individuals successfully asserting their Right to Free Exercise of Religion, even in the most difficult states / industries. Below is an example:

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

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