Please Help: Lily’s Legacy Memorial Chapel

If you were faced with the loss of your beautiful 18 year old daughter, how would you respond? For one Orthodox family, the response is to ask for help building an Orthodox memorial chapel that can also be used for Orthodox missions in their area. May Lilly’s legacy be one of many souls saved through her faithful example and prayers!

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Protecting Christian Kids from LGBTQ+, Porn, and Abortion Content on the Internet – For Free!

While almost any Internet filtering service will stop the porn, most let all the other harmful content through out of fear of being attacked as “homophobic” or “transphobic”. Using a service that only blocks porn is the equivalent of scrupulously keeping your front door locked in a high crime area, while simultaneously leaving the back door and all your windows wide open. If you aren’t blocking the LGBTQ+ propaganda, your kids are still at risk. 

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