The Persecution of Roman Catholic Bishop Strickland is a Warning to the Orthodox

With the persecution of Bishop Joseph Strickland, the danger of centralized power is once again made evident. We Orthodox must take heed, as there is a movement afoot to give us the same kind of structure.

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Cradle Orthodox Life Has Changed Dramatically in Just a Few Decades

Sometimes we need to take stock of just how much Orthodoxy in America has changed within the lifetimes of our “cradles”. From an immigrant faith with mainstream moral and ethical beliefs, shifts in American culture have turned Orthodoxy into more and more of an outlier, putting the Church in the middle of conflicts we never sought out, but now cannot avoid.

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Why the US National Security State’s Orthodox Christian Obsession?

Anti-Orthodox Christian hit pieces are everywhere, official “Russophobia” is at an all time high, while modernists are working overtime to transform the Orthodox Church into something “new”. Why?

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