The Garden Variety Orthodox Christian
No common Orthodox in their right phronema/nous would ever go out and join a Luciferian cult group by following the protocols of initiation. But, getting the “vaccine” is precisely just that. To get the shot is to form a covenant with whatever and whoever is behind the shot. On every level it is an instrument of covenant—which is even more damning than the physical effects. One does not have to go out and look for it. They have made it convenient and brought it to you every way possible. Keep in mind, anything free comes with a high price. Some will be paying until the grave and others even beyond.
If you cannot take my word for it, scroll down to the video link and at least hear the testimony of one of our own. His experience validates everything I know about evil following covenant principles.
When one discovers his error, the only realistic action is to do a 180 and tact their ship hard into the wind of opposition from relatives, friends, fellow Orthodox and hierarchs to come clean. While progress might be zig-zagging into the storm, it is the only option.
The saddest scenario of all, are those who do not know the difference; perhaps their consciences have been seared by a hot iron. Or bad influences have taken hold; they put their trust in those who betrayed them.
Illumination Through Covenant Wisdom
Undoing the covenant bond, requires another covenant act; the absolution by an agent of the Church. Any priest or confessor who thinks the shots to be innocuous is deceived. Do not participate in this delusion by placing yourself under his authority. Whatever his weaknesses are, they will have covenant ground in you. If your confessor does porn, you, your wife, and your kids will struggle with the same issues. If your confessor struggles with cancer, the likelihood of this becoming your life story goes up exponentially. In the covenant scheme of things, it just works this way.
For those who cause others immature in the Faith to stumble, a mill stone for the neck awaits. Because the Church operates by covenant, any misuse of the Holy Mysteries comes back to bite…and bite hard. Not rite-ly discerning the Body brings sickness and even death, according to St. Paul. To disregard even the least of these, is to disregard Christ. It’s all in the covenant.
Living by covenant means you set every self-interest on the shelf. No matter what it costs, you do what the covenant directs; it is the universal plumb line. Before addressing the shots, let’s touch on covenant.
What Does Covenant Do?
First off, every covenant creates a bond of obligation. Due to free will bestowed, all things of Man work through covenant. When in the world, a man’s obligation is to the world, he is a slave of the world. To be the bondservant of Christ is to be in the world but not OF the world, never using its devices of self-attained-godhood.
Next: covenant defines relationships both vertically and horizontally. The meaning in the head covering in Church of a married woman is submission to her husband. While both are equal ontologically, hierarchy as to administration still exists.
Obvious examples of covenant enactment are baptism, marriage, and even the oath of office of any clergy. All 7 sacraments stand squarely on the foundation of covenant. Without covenant, nothing sacerdotal can exist. All rites and rituals are covenant in action.
Additionally, covenant creates a sanctuary of trust for fellowship, cooperation, and union on any level. When trust is violated, fellowship is automatically disrupted. Because there is no sanctuary due to broken trust, fellowship is negated. If we cannot trust our bishop, any and all semblances of cooperation are destroyed. Without trust nothing can stand.
Any fellowship (intimacy) outside (the appropriate) covenant is the equivalent of adultery.
Any “mark” whether of God or the Beast are elements of covenant. If the Mark of God tells the world one belongs to God—is under His jurisdiction—then the Mark of the Beast means that one is in Satan’s hand. The shot fits into this genre of marks of Satan.
Blood Covenant
The most powerful, the most binding, the most unbreakable covenants are “blood covenants.” In any blood covenant, the sanction clause (result of breaking covenant) is death.
In ancient times with tribes and city-states, if two neighbors wanted to create a treaty to help each other (think Amish ethos of mutual support) in the event of an invasion of barbarians or any catastrophe, they both would come together at the boundary between their properties. Each making a cut on the hand, they would then clasp hands sealing—putting into force—by mixing the blood as the two become one covenantally. Often a pile of rocks would be erected at that very site as these covenants were multigenerational. Every father would bring his son to the covenant memorial to explain his relationship with his neighbor a continuation of covenant.
With the covenant actions of cutting and clasping the hands, and the recitation of words, a covenant was put in place.
In the story of Melchizedek coming out to meet Abraham, covenant was enacted with bread and wine. At that point in time, Melchizedek was the senior member in that covenant, so Abraham paid tithe to him. Because Melchizedek was the overseer (like a bishop) of the land, he opened the door covenantally for Abraham and his posterity to possess the land. Covenant actions open doors. Sometimes the wrong doors.
Covenant Renewal
The two neighbors who made covenant would renew their covenant by shaking hands, whenever they met. This is where the custom of shaking hands comes from. Anytime you shake hands, you are creating a bond of covenant on some level. Previously, business transactions were done—old school— merely on a handshake and every man’s word was his bond. The words and the handshake created a covenant obligation. Anytime you eat a meal with somebody, you are either renewing or enacting covenant on some level. Many business deals are cut over dinner. Most marriage proposals follow a fine dining meal. Likewise, receiving the blessing of a priest is—like the shaking of the hands—a covenant act. Covenant establishes a relationship both vertically as well as horizontally.
If the two men bound by covenant saw each other from a distance, they would waive the hand, exposing the scar left by the covenant initiation; again, an acknowledgement of a bond of obligation and a renewal of that bond. Shaking and waving the hands are signs of covenant.
At the time of Jesus, men would kiss; that was covenant renewal. The kiss of Judas is rife with meaning. St John Chrysostom points this out, that during the Mystical Supper, Judas supped with Christ[1] and the others, making his betrayal beyond hideous.
Covenant of Abraham
God’s covenant with Abraham stands uniquely wonderful as it fully expresses the blood enacted New Covenant. In the vision, the words God spoke were peculiar to the Hebrew people only, yet the vision of the slain animals depicts the New Covenant. St Paul echoes this fact, that the New Covenant is actually a recapitulation of the Abrahamic covenant, in which the whole world would be blessed.[2]
In those days, if two men entered into a blood covenant, they would slay animals (Hebrew ethics refused the marring of the body, so animals stood in proxy), lay them out in a pattern and each person would walk between the pieces signifying that if either abdicated his obligation, the other could do unto the other as the animals—put him to death. To break covenant was to bring death for the offending party.
Notably, in Abraham’s vision, it was not Abraham who passed between the pieces, but a Smoking Furnace and a Burning Lamp. In this, God the Father—the Smoking Furnace—and Theanthopos—the Burning Lamp—walked between the pieces. Make no mistake, the New Covenant is not between us and God but between God the Father and God the Son—the Last Adam recapitulating the creation covenant as St Irenaeus said. Our participation in that covenant is that we are in Christ making us party to the Covenant. Outside of Christ we have no covenant with God.
In the Adamic covenant, his fall brought to us the effects—not the guilt—of that fall, because it has bound us to sin as we were in Adam when he sinned; “by one death came on all”. Baptism is a covenant act undoing Adam’s covenant with sin, Satan, and evil. “Do you renounce Satan?” “I renounce Satan and I spit on him”.
Covenant Assets and Liabilities
Coming into covenant has always meant—in an appropriate manner for the particular relationship—a sharing of assets and liabilities. In the covenant between David and Jonathon, this was represented by the exchange of garments. Likewise the trading of weapons meant one would fight for the other unto the death. Take note of Ruth’s covenant with Naomi, it demonstrates a commitment not seen today. In these last days, we will rediscover that trust and sharing are everything.
In the New Covenant, God shares with us His assets—salvation, gifts, healings, wisdom, Himself—a list that never ends. His taking on to Himself our liabilities, among them our corruption, makes the full meaning of the Incarnation and the Passion come forth. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him as in covenant He becomes what we are: sin. Here in the Incarnation and the Passion, covenant reaches its pinnacle expression, nothing is more beautiful.
How marvelous is God who would condescend to make covenant with Man. In the cross, Divinity is nailed eternally by covenant to the wood (soul) of humanity. The cross is God’s guarantee, He will never abandon you in time of need…never! He nailed Himself to us. Is He not the solution to all our concerns?
The Shots as Covenant Enactment, Renewal
Even evil operates by covenant. The fact of the matter is: if Satan could kill you, you would already be dead. Fortunately, he can only access where covenant grounds have been given. In other words: if you or somebody related to you does not open the door for his access, Satan is locked out.
Inherently, sin is breaking covenant with God and opening the door for demons. This is why the absolution in the rite of confession covenantally removes the ground for access. Confession, repentance, and absolution slam the gate of hell. So powerful is this sacrament, it is probably the most misunderstood and abused.
Where things get dicey is that fathers (primary), priests, confessors, husbands and bishops can open access to the demonic for others. Whatever private sin they have becomes everybody’s sin, thus mystically opening access to the flock to demonic influence and sickness.[3] The gate keeper always lets into the fold who and what he is.
We see this understanding when the disciples asked regarding the man born blind, “Who has sinned, this man or his parents?” (John 9:2). In the common understanding of that day, most all sickness came from the sin of the afflicted or those in authority over him. That for this man, it was for the glorification of God, is the exception rather than the rule. In summary, sickness and the demonic generally (not always) issue from a sin component. Somebody has forfeited ground to the enemy. In diagnosing one’s sickness, looking for sin is a good starting place for healing. Always ask, “What am I missing here?” and pray that God will reveal the sin that conceded ground to the enemy.
Covenant always engages the body. Christ died in His body to establish the New Covenant. The whole salvific essence of the Passion is based in it being done in His most pure body. The human body is the nexus of covenant on many levels. To tamper with one’s body by mRNA injection is tantamount to desecrating the Eucharist. This is rite-ly discerning the body. It is no mystery that most hierarchs who advocated for the shots also altered the liturgy; they are one and the same profanity; disregard for the body. Demons seek entrance, but they can only gain access by covenant means.
In this video, the demonstration of the “vaccine” as a covenant bondage to demons is expressed in the personal testimony of one able to find freedom through repentance. While the dialog is not fully couched in covenant terms, the presence of covenant is unavoidably obvious.
For those who have taken the jabs, there is hope, but renewing the covenant with death by taking the boosters is not an option. The value of this testimony is that it reveals in somebody’s experience everything that can be seen in the shots through the covenant lens.
While in this testimony there is too much to digest now, here are a few take-aways related to covenant:
- God tried to save him from taking the shot (:40 min). If we are sensitive to God, we will know where not to go, what not to do. It is in overriding the inward witness that we fall into the enemy’s trap.
- Like the original fall, the transgression brought shame (1:13). Stripped of his garments of Light, Adam felt naked. Taking the shot strips one of God’s presence inherent in God’s people; “Oh Lord, take not thy Holy Spirit from me.” After taking the shot, God’s sensible presence left.
- Taking the shot broke fellowship with other Christians (1:45, 3:23). St John declares, “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). This living fellowship is the body principle. When we sin, we are out of fellowship with the whole even if not yet out of covenant (excommunicated).
- Not only was fellowship broken within the body principle, but also with the altar—the substantiation of the Holy Mother of God (2:51). As with Adam, entering into a conspiracy with God’s enemy is always a breaking of covenant with God. Because of the shot, the altar was rejecting him, he was not worthy, trustworthy with the things of God.
- Establishing covenant with the demonic by the taking the shot, brought fellowship (unwanted) with the demonic realm. After getting the shot, Satan would pay him a visit (4:21).
- Being out of fellowship with God—unable to sense His presence— is the first step toward being lost covenantally. Without remediation, disenfranchisement deepens by the day. People do fall away from the Faith and its never intentional, just bad judgement and listening to the wrong voices.
- All of the elements that the shot is a covenant instrument of evil come together (5:29). The blood sacrifice is there in the fetal tissue (6:41), rituals with covenant declaration (7:13) were made in a “lodge” (Free Masonry), and initiation is largely (although under seduction 7:44) voluntary. Make no mistake: taking the shots gives covenant grounds for demons to inflict, possess, and torment Orthodox Christians. Some will get sick, some will be depressed, some will have encounters with demons, yet, if they do not make the connection between the afflictions and the shots, things will continue to degenerate; destroyed for lack of knowledge.
- Taking the boosters is covenant renewal (12:03).
- The shot is a seal or mark (elements of covenant), but not the final Mark of the Beast. It is an important forerunner, however. (12:22).
- In order for clergy to justly make amends, it must be done publicly (14:03). As a general rule, asking forgiveness must always go to the extent of the offense. In other words: if your sin was only private, confession should be private. If one’s offense caused harm to a single person, forgiveness must be sought from that person only, before engaging the confessor. If one’s error affects an entire parish, the confession must be to that whole congregation. As St James said, “confess one to another” to be healed. If one’s offense was as a bishop, the asking for forgiveness must be to all the churches under his jurisdiction. To offend a large number of the faithful, and think a private confession will absolve alone, is pure fantasy. That is hiding the sin, totally contrary to the nature of confession. In the early centuries, all confessions were public, which is impractical for most sins. At the very least, however, confession for Church leaders must extend the range of the effects of the sin.
- For the jabbed who do not repent, their salvation is in danger (18:37).

Now is the Day of Salvation, Now is the Time to Repent
You have no guarantee of tomorrow; do not be careless with things eternal. Having had the shot is serious; influencing others to get it is much more serious and even damning. God’s road to recovery is repentance and that repentance must be honest, clear, and open—when required.
What makes this video so powerful is that it is the testimony of an Orthodox monk—one of our own—and that his recovery was achieved by unwinding the spell brought by covenant means.
While repentance can restore right fellowship with God under the covenant, many times (as David experienced with his own sin)[4] there will be a price to pay anyway. Just accept it with thanksgiving, that you can be restored unto your Lord; nothing is sweeter than His presence. Once you know it, you’ll never be satisfied with anything else. Whatever ailment you live with will keep repentance ongoing and fellowship with God fresh.
If an eye offend thee, pluck it out. Do whatever it takes to come clean with God, with yourself, and everyone else. To all those repentant for taking the shot(s), the Word of the Lord to you was penned long ago:
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it (Isaiah 28:18 KJV).
In the suffering (scourge), there is salvation and the covenant with death will lose its chilling grip upon your soul day by day. Once the sweet presence of God returns, know all is well.
Consider yourself warned of all these things.
John Lee – an Orthodox Christian
[1] Homily 27
[2] See Galatians 3
[3] See 2 Kingdoms 24
[4] 2 Kingdoms 24
Another piece of the puzzle:
This makes sense because of the biblical associations of evil with the serpent. Truth is parallel across dimensions.
The hardest thing to do is convince people evil is in the world and now has control of many institutions we have come to trust. When Orthodox bishops get on board with this, that’s bad news for Orthodox Christians. Just like Adam took on Satan’s grudge against God, so some bishops channel the anti Christ globalists agenda. Like we said before, they are on a leash or tethered to evil. A huge example of this is the St Tihkon’s Pfizer infomercials. This directive came from the top, and we clearly have bishop’s toting water for Big Pharma and the globalist’s agenda without compensation. (oh, but there was compensation [my point] but something backhanded: the Mafioso called it “protection money.”). Bottom line: the nasty globalists (Satan) have their grubby meat hooks in the Orthodox Church. Because the people put up with it, fund it with tithes and offerings, it goes on. Another example is the Assembly of Canonical Benedict Arnolds.
A note on nativity.
Every service we herald the “Ever Virgin Mary” who gave birth “without corruption.” But, I see nobody unpacking this foundational truth applied to our modern condition.
As channeling (hopefully) my patron saint, it is my highest honor to declare the wonders of the glorious Woman, we call our Mother. (BTW: She had two S/sons, one by angelic declaration and covenant-birth and the other by covenant-declaration from the Creator/Redeemer Himself on the cross.) Clarifying this issue, yeah, it’s my calling. And it is with full joy that I uncover this Holy Mystery. (at no cost or charge to seminary professors). If clergy were preaching this, nobody would ever take the shot.
Cutting to the chase: If our Blessed Mother were to be walking among us these days, she would NEVER—ever, in anybody’s wildest imagination—take the shot. There are two reasons (actually one and the same) why:
1. If anything in her flesh were corrupted, at the moment of conception—even with her consent—that corruption would spontaneously combust destroying the whole person. This is the whole meaning behind her being prefigured in the Burning Bush that is never consumed.[1]
2. With corrupted flesh, she would be disqualified from bearing the Logos. In God’s economy, the means—Mary as portal—is always congruent with the ends; the two must be on par, or it does not work. (explain that to the Protestants).
Here is what the fathers have said (take it to the bank):
St Gregory Palamas points out the virtue of the Holy Virgin was “the pinnacle of virtue in a succession of chosen and hollowed generations.”[2]
What does that mean? Simply put: the virtue of the Holy Virgin was generations of recovery in the making. The core focus of the term “Virgin” is the body, not just the soul. But now, let’s see how “science” (done rite) will always affirm the Holy Mysteries. Not only is her virtue of soul the culmination of prior generations, but much focus is placed upon her “most pure body.” It takes a “pure body to make a pure body”.
Why did it take so many generations for this perfection? Because the genetic code had been corrupted, by sin, the watchers, and coming through the deluge (most likely Ham’s wife).
Then recovered through generations of holy and righteous fathers and mothers, the defects had been work out because high level of piety shut out the defects in the children. This is why incest is forbidding as it opens the door for defects. This concept directly connects morality with genetics.
Bottom line: The Holy Virgin’s genetic codes were true to Adam, uncorrupted. How can it be otherwise? All flesh of Man and animal are defined by genes; see icon.
Since the beginning, Satan’s assault has always been against the “Image” of God contained in the genetic framework, which is the Eucharist of the body; Christ Incarnate.
It’s all in the icon, check this out:
Who was the “First Adam”? In this icon: the Incarnate, Crucified, Resurrected, Ascended Lord was the pattern Adam was modeled after. Notice the sameness in the icon! Cosmologically speaking, Adam was the 2nd Adam. Christ was first (slain from before the foundation…) and Adam have the same genetics—they look like twins in the icon—because one is the source for the other. Read the icon! The animals, two by two, have their own gene code reproducing after their own kind. By the Holy Spirit, the author of the icon knew this to be true.
In summary: Jesus looked just like His mother, because there was no human father. In the flesh, Jesus was a Man-form of the Woman that bore him (Seed [genes + spark of life] of Woman), giving His BODY form by recovering Adam’s genetic codes. All of our declarations spell this out and affirms the holy icon of the creation of Adam. Every time you hear “most pure body” think, original genetics.
Transhumanism (ye shall be gods), is nothing short of turning God’s Image in Adam—fulfilled in Christ—into Orcs and Zombies.
Repentance for the ignorant brings restoration. Repentance for those intent on taking the shots—and assisting others to do so—probably impossible: Hebrews 10:26,7.
[1] St Gregory Thaumaturgus On the Annunciation; Gregory of Nyssa, Life of Moses
[2] Homily 37 See: Mary: Untrodden Portal; by George Gabriel P. 23
The question is not whether or not we will suffer for our salvation (the fathers have all affirmed this), but rather will our suffering have its intended effect within our souls. God is committed on saving our souls, but, His Spirit will not strive with [a] man forever.
On the current trajectory, things—for many—will become very trying. Are we in, or near the great tribulation? Things are lining up very quickly.
If there will be such a thing as “anti-Christ”, then invariably, there will also be an “anti-Eucharist”; this is unavoidable. In the end there will be an “unholy trinity”: antichrist, false prophet, and the beast. But what is this “anti-Eucharist”?
This video—in my opinion—is to date the best connecting of the dots for our current situation. Considering much of the Scripture quotes were penned by men who had never seen a “vaccine” (the ancient Hebrews were forbidden to desecrate the body in any way), they could only see from a spiritual point of view. Because they could rite-ly discern the body—the human body, as the temple of the Holy Spirit—, the connections all work. And it is no different than some monks have expressed.
(you can speed the video up for time).
The question is not whether or not the author is Orthodox—many heterodox voices have strong Orthodox paradigms (e.g. C. S. Lewis), but rather how much is correct: God owns all truth no matter who speaks it. I see nothing that would be counted by the Fathers.
If what he says it true, then the frankenshot is the mark of the beast, the temple to be desecrated is the human body on the genetic level; the sanctuary of Man as the image of God—God set the genetic code and the demonic has sought time and again to tamper with it. To date, nothing has been shown to state otherwise in the realm of science, “medicine”, and the political realm.
If you doubt the video, the question is, can you afford to be wrong? “What will a man give in exchange for his own soul?”
In the end, those who take the mark of the beast, are irredeemable. But, there is a way out. I know this:
“And your covenant with death shall be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol shall not stand: when the overflowing of scourge shall pass through, ye shall be trodden down by it.” (Isaiah 28:18 ASV, similar to OSB).
“All those who go to hell, choose it” (C. S. Lewis, Great Divorce).
Absolutely disgusting that St Tikhon’s Seminary went so hard after pushing the V on the faithful. Makes you wonder what they gained from it.
Makes no sense. Seems irrational. The only suitable explanation is something much deeper is going on over there. Somebody behind the curtain is running the controls; that’s the only reasonable explanation. And to do it twice, really? That they never got paid for it, means they did get paid but in other ways: (hello, political entanglements).
In the brotherhood of “Big Brother” everybody scratches everybody else’s back today and if you don’t, you get stabbed in the back tomorrow. They play hardball over there.
“Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me” (John 14:30)
Unlike Jesus most of our clergy are compromised. By that I mean Satan has something in them he can grab and manipulate with. This is what we saw in the whole COVID debacle. So many seemingly good clergy, we found them acting totally out of character. Why such a drastic change? This is because they were compromised years ago—mostly with occult involvement—and when the time came, they were activated to follow the pied piper of death. Has anything changed now that it seems to have settled down? Of course not.
Here is how ecclesiastical Psyops (physiological warfare) works. First they lull everyone to sleep thinking everything is fine, no problems, just go back to sleep. Then comes the trauma. The church lockdowns, then masks, then shots, then infomercials; all this a test to see how we all accommodate the invasion of outside control or not. When you see the objective, it all makes sense. The objective is control; they are all control freaks because they are being controlled by control freaks, which are under demonic control. When you see a metropolitan standing before the Holy Table, the Holy Virgin, the Holy Eucharist wearing s stupid mask, either he is totally oblivious to what it is he is doing or he does know and is doing it deliberately to denigrate the Holy Things; then to send out pictures proves this point. To do so is nothing short of blasphemy (do you see any icons with masked saints?) Does Jesus wear a mask, then it is nothing short of blasphemy for a priest (the icon of Christ) to do so. Only demons mask, that’s how they operate, by stealth and by slither. If you ripped the masks of the clergy now, you would be horrified by the bottomlessness—soon to be hopelessness— of the hell that is within them as well as the sheer numbers. (see post Oct. 7, 2020 for the tip of the tip of the iceberg).
The only real qualification for modern clergy is compliance, nothing else matters.
If in the middle of the delusion, you wake up, you will find yourself in the middle of the “Twilight Labyrinth.” The World Wide Web, New World Order, Satan has spun to deceive many—especially the Orthodox—is now coming into full power. If you do wake up, it is the Holy Spirit giving you a chance to get out while there is still time. How do you know you are in the “Twilight Labyrinth?” Without God’s enlightenment, you don’t. You go through the wide gate and tread the broad path to destruction. As one sheep goes over the cliff others follow in ignorance.
Those waking to the reality of what too much of Orthodoxy has become, will find getting out is like being sucked through a key hole. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can we escape.
When the Jews of Jesus’ day said they “followed the fathers” [Moses, Abraham], Jesus said they were of their father the devil. Now: same delusion, different day. The “Fathers” are to the Orthodox, what Sola Scruptura is to the Protestants, “In them ye think you have life, but they testify of me.” (John 5:39). In fact, “proof texting” by Orthodox is much easier because the corpus of material is much broader. If the Scripture can be twisted so can the fathers. Because Orthodoxy is so divine, it is all more hideous when it is pirated for evil. This we see wholesale.
In regards to prevailing against the gates of hell, I’m still trying to find that Church because it would be the Church that Christ built. Has anyone seen the Church that Christ built that is prevailing against the gates of hell? Much of the Church in the west has become its own gate of hell, a new demon comes over every other day. Help me out here, show me where the Church prevails, where there is no influence from hell. That which has institutionalized, has fossilized, and is stone cold.
“The only real qualification for modern clergy is compliance, nothing else matters.”
This is true of most of the world, also. Compliance is a “virtue.”
Even with all the injuries and deaths caused by the Covid shots over the last two years (never mind all the injuries and deaths from other shots for decades now), no one in “official” Orthodoxy will acknowledge they made a mistake in recommending them — so great is the peer pressure and brain entrainment they have willingly succumbed to.
To such weak-minded people, being considered “anti-vax” is a fate worse than death! Shame on the clergy!
See for the ongoing jab injuries and deaths.
And … if something causes physical injury, it is also going to cause spiritual injury.
We are still in touch with lots and lots of clergy, and at least two bishops in the US, who never recommended the shots. In fact, many who actively opposed them such as Fr. Alexander Webster. We should not give in to despair over the failings of hierarchy – bought and controlled as man of them are.
Those you mention are not the problem.
My point is that the ones who recommended the shots will never recant, despite all the destruction they are complicit in, which is obvious by now.
Only two? Interesting. And they still hold their office?
In RC, many good priests and bishops are being forced out. As I understand it, there is now an “underground” catholic church in the US for those not accepting the new appointments.
Two that we know personally, and they are still in office. We have heard about others, especially the Serbians, but aren’t in contact with them. One prominent Catholic in the US just proclaimed that his church is in a “gay civil war.” No idea what is going to happen to all the Trad Roman Catholics. My guess is that at least some of them will throw in the towel and join one of the Orthodox jurisdictions. The rest might go the way of some Chinese Catholics – go underground. Archbishop Vigano is around, and could easily start to organize a Catholic Church in exile. We Orthodox don’t have to do all that. ROCOR especially has signaled that it will take good priests even if they do not have canonical release, which GOARCH especially doesn’t like to grant given their priest shortage. As more priests start to clamor to get away from Elpi, it will be interesting to see how that goes.
Bishop Neophytos of Morphou urges repentance for taking the Covid shots:
Yes indeed.
As we said before, the Christological truth being tested is rightly discerning Christ in the human Body as well as the Christ Corporate. If the body is the temple, then those who take the shot have profaned the Holy Temple of God. Adultery is sin because it defiles the physical body God created good (see St Paul), joining Christ (the human body) to a harlot. At least the man who goes to the harlot, can get out of the harlot’s bed, but the shot is inescapable. Bottom line: taking the shot is a whoredom of body and spirit. Time to repent.
Because the shot is a “choice”, no one can ever force you to take it. God will always give you a way out; always. If you live by faith, God will see you through. The safest place on earth is in rebellion against the tide of evil (even John MacArthur knows this). Time to strap on some kahunas, and take a stand.
All temples will one day burn, but the body will be resurrected. Are any icons masked?
This is a man we can trust—Met. Neophytos. The name “Neophytos” actually means, “newly planted.” He would be the father to seed the Church again in America, because his DNA—spiritually and physically—has not been compromised. Pray for his safety as, no doubt, he is somebody’s enemy. By all means, send him your money; do not fund the subverts. Do not enable evil.
Here is the deal: when a man steps forth to defend the flock, God will give him the flock because he is not a hireling or subvert. All who advocated for the shot, are subverts, unless they publicly repent. (not going to happen).
I think America could use a missionary jurisdiction under this Metropolitan. As for ROCOR, they have been silent, as for the Antiochicans, they too have been silent—they risk nothing for the flock of God demonstrating some conflict of interest. As for the OCA, they do everything by stealth, because they are hidden manipulators; they run the Church as if it were a lodge—grand poohbah top down, keeping the neophytes in ignorance. Met. Neophytos demonstrates the heart of David who risked his life to slay the lion, the bear, and the giant. At least with Elpi, you know what you are getting into.
If you cut down a fruit tree, if it comes back, it comes back from the roots. The health, vitality, and future of the tree is in the root system, not the crown. Very often when a forest fire rips through a forest—fanned by the wind—, it rips through the tops of the trees, burning from the top down. But it always comes back from the ground up, unless not at all.
Here is what I mean:
Proper hierarchy works like lightning striking. While it appears to be top down, in reality, the electrons are flowing from the ground up. In other words: the people are an endless supply of power and guidance and the cloud—hierarch—is merely reflecting what is inherently in the body. This is the fathering principle: locating what God has placed within the parishioner and bringing it forth, rather than shutting it down (ritely discerning the Body). The cloud’s (hierarch’s) job is to water—rain on—what God has planted. But our clouds—hierarchs—are, “clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots” (Jude 12).
All good observations.
One correction: Everyone needs cajones (courage, as it were), not kahunas (Hawaiian medicine men). 😉
Good point.
Acc. to Fr. Peter Heers’ translation of this video, the bishop says these steps must occur in order to repent for taking the poison death-shots: Sincere repentance, sincere confession with an experienced spiritual father, and three exorcism prayers of St. Basil the Great.
“The sin with the vaccine is the big problem,” says the bishop. We are witnessing a great spiritual problem, not solely a health problem.
My commentary: As the old saw goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don’t take the shots and you don’t have this particular problem! To say that most priests and their unfortunate flocks are completely out of their depth in rectifying this situation would be an understatement.
Once again thinking of our Church in covenant terms, let us see it from another covenant viewpoint.
Think about the park nearest your home. When you like, you can go to the park, enjoy a picnic lunch, and let your kids play on the equipment, or upgrade your sun tan. If you have access to the park, does that mean you own it? Yes, and no: everybody owns it. Does that mean the real owners are just granting you permission to trespass on their property? No again, you do own it and need nobody’s permission.
Does that mean you own a percentage piece of it where a certain corner is marked out with your name on it? No. It’s not that kind of ownership, but that kind that entails responsibility to keep it as it was intended; even leave it cleaner than you found it.
The park is held—owned—in common. So, if you are a stakeholder, does that mean you can go over there and put up a house to live in? No, custodians will not let you do that. Why not? Because covenant defines your relationship to the park and the whole ownership—everybody else. It is not said you own a share either, but that all own it 100%. You are defined as all, even those there are others: this is classic Orthodox thinking: e.g. each church is deemed the whole because it is participation in a singular eternal reality.
Bottom line: while you have access and ownership you can enjoy its benefits but you are not allowed to do with it as you please. It’s a franchise. When you buy in, you are obligated to keep whatever part you build consistent with the whole. Each generation, receives the same franchise (hopefully).
The Church, the things of the Church, the Holy Mysteries of the Church are all the things we—together—hold in common. You—the most humble parishioner—are just as much in ownership as any metropolitan (really). The bishops do not own it any more than you do, they are merely trustees and when they misuse it, it’s all the more damning; this is ecclesiastical child abuse; not ritely discerning the Body. When they act like they own it more than you do, they are manifesting a spirit not Holy every single time.
Recently many of our parks have been filling up with the homeless—they are acting as owners in the sense that they pitch their homes there. (of course, we are not addressing the issue of need here, but just speaking of covenant applications). At some point the park no longer affords the benefits it was designed to offer; no longer safe to be there (mentally disturbed heavily medicated folk and hypodermic needles everywhere: never go bare foot in the park). Generally, the police will come and run off the squatters so the valid tax payers can again receive the benefit. When that does not happen, the park becomes useless and a breeding ground for bad things.
Here is our correlation: many Orthodox clergy are the “homeless” in the sense the Church is not their home, but they go to the park and take it as if they owned in the sense they can and will make it over into their own image (its happening). For the true children of the park (Church), it’s becoming unsafe to be there (hide the children when Elpi comes to town; just say’in) and it’s littered with hypodermic needles—did you get the latest shot yet? Did your 6mo old get his?
(Obviously, our correlation is not perfect, correlation from natural to spiritual is never perfect, the fathers said so with all the parallels they drew for understanding.)
Taking things a bit deeper, why is it Orthodox protocol to burn certain things after their use in the liturgy? These are covenant things endowed with covenant power (participation in eternal realities) and fire is the only universal canceller of covenant; take it back to nothing just one step this side of non-being. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance: that priest doing occult stuff on the side can bring grace, but only to a point, at which it gets flipped.
Burning it takes it back to its most basic elements undoing any (covenant) structure. Ashes cannot be misused (no wonder they hate carbon). Ashes are related to repentance and recovery.
Think about it this way: back when our nation understood covenant, it was deemed necessary to dispose of a worn out flag by burning it. But, is that not what our enemies at home and abroad do with the flag? Seems counter intuitive.
Again, the flag is a universal—owned by all—sign and symbol of our nation. When we burn a worn flag ourselves it is for the purpose of destroying any possibility that others may ritually burn it in effigy. Bottom line: when we burn it, it is for protection from the abuse, when they burn it, it becomes a voodoo doll—to transmit demonic curses. Because the flag is a sacramental (not on the level of the Church though) it conveys extreme spiritual power regardless of its seemingly natural appearance. It is a participation in the covenant established in the Constitution and all signs of the covenant have spiritual dynamic way beyond what’s on the surface. As for the materials used in the Holy Mysteries, the significance escalates to the cosmological level.
The reason we all take from the same spoon—one Faith, one hope, one baptism, one spoon—is because early on, some were actually taking the Bread/Body, putting in their pockets and taking it home where it could be used for whatever—a talisman, fed to the cat, or consumed in convenience without the proper presence of the priest. If This has power, that power can be abused, blasphemed, and used for evil. The misuse of these things actually rips holes in the creation, because creation is covenant.
Think of it this way: the army used to have munitions dumps—before EPA—in which they would trigger or burn unused munitions. Why, so it does not fall into the wrong hands.
I have been to at least a dozen different Orthodox churches and only in one case have I ever seen the proper burning of things left over from liturgy (Elevation Sacramento). Where are all these other covenantal emblems going? Are they being used in occult fashion? Absolutely they can be, but are they? I hope not, but at this point, nothing surprises me. Those who cannot rite-ly discern the Body—filling it with shots—would likely be those who would do this sort of thing. I would venture to say this: any sacred remnant supposedly to be burned leaving the property without being burned is already a sacrilege and a form of witchcraft.
Another thought: for Orthodoxy to be overthrown (in some places it is finished, others just starting), it would take a matching system of rites to be up to the level needed. In other words: to overthrow a touchy-feely Evangelical church it would only take a hooker, but to overthrow anything truly Orthodox it takes a very high level of the occult and a Judas on the inside—just sayin’. Obviously, I am not speaking of everything everywhere. There are the good and the faithful on all levels.
While we are enjoying the holidays and live out our Faith by being thankful, we must have one eye on the future; the near future, the next few years for sure.
The big show is about to begin. This is the big dance I have been hearing about for decades. Prepare to be amazed—so they will say—; many signs and wonders they will do by the demonic. This will make the sorcerers in Pharaoh’s court look like amateurs.
The gates of hell are swinging wide open. Will the Church prevail? Most is no longer the Church, and will be sucked back through the gate into hell. Anything of this world, hell will claim its own.
Like a fireworks event, it will start slow ever increasing until the grand finale.
Two things to remember: 1. it is never as advertised (no matter what it is), but something else (far worse); just like the shots. 2. It will not last forever. When our Lord gets tired of the whole mess, He’ll shut it down, like lightning. Keep in mind, when Satan is led away after judgement, it will be by some nameless little angel.
Our world is under extreme delusion because of all the pixie dust dropped out of air planes (chemtrails), and other things. The entire infrastructure for universal control is showing up everywhere we look. They’re not just trying to give you better internet; if they were the technology would be very different.
Before it’s all over—for those of us who get through it—, our very perceptions of reality will be challenged. In time the whole universe will look bent out of shape.
At the moment, they are still ramping up—building it all out. But they are further along in Australia, Canada, Europe. The operation right now is to:
1. Anesthetize (does your church seem like everybody is asleep?).
2. Traumatize (their bag of tricks is still full)
3. Monetize, (Two reasons the food, fuel, heat are still on is somebody needs the cash flow and, they’re trying to poison folk first )
If you are not awake to at least some of what is happening, I give up all hope for you.
I have heard from those who read every document the Church has any record of, Nimrod will be making an appearance, if not him somebody like him. Interestingly, nowhere in Scripture was it ever denied that some could come back from the grave. Jesus told the rich man in hell, “his family would not believe Moses even if he came back from the dead.” In our Lord’s discussion with Peter regarding, “who do people say that I am?” The disciples responded with community comments that Jesus was an Old Testament saint returned from the dead.
This is their day; the Luceferians have been planning this for a long time. God is stepping aside (all judgement is God getting out of the way of the destroyer, withholding grace). Many will be deceived because their faith was lukewarm. Not only do occultists attend Orthodox churches, some churches are recruiting stations for cultic societies by the priest. I had wondered why a certain bishop would send those seeking an exorcism to a certain monastery instead of doing it himself—they have all the rites, right? It’s simple, Satan cannot cast out Satan.
What is coming forth is not our garden variety “familiar” (family) spirits that continues in a family generation after generation because of some habitual sins. No, we’ll get to see some real stuff. At the same time, for the believer who knows the Church’s stuff (from the beginning, not the mush we get now), they don’t make demons bad enough to hurt you. Go back and read St John of the Ladder and notice how often he refers to demons and evil spirits. In modernity, we are so locked into the physical realm, we forget about spiritual things, especially spiritual warfare according to St Paul, and so far as I can tell not one Orthodox clergy are explaining to the faithful how to defend themselves from demonic attacks, curses released by those who do, as well as the ambiance of the prince and power of the air, the spirit that works in children of disobedience.
Divine healing, casting out demons, and miracles will be making a big come back, every other option will be taken away.
[…] Covid shots as covenant with Evil, […]
I would like the author to elaborate on the concept of if a confessor has cancer his spiritual children will likely be visited with it….St. Paisios speaks of cancer as oftentimes a blessing from God to purify our souls and isn’t always a consequence of sin, right? St. Paisios himself had cancer as did other modern saints. I would like the author to flesh this out more so that we don’t misinterpret the statement. Truly cancer/disease can be a consequence of sin but many saints write about the gift of disease/affliction for purification of soul rather than a result of entering a demonic covenant. I can see how it can sometimes stem from the one, but not always. Thank you for elaborating!
Hi Anna.
Great questions!
While I could go in several different directions with your question—how healing is in the very fabric of our liturgy, in the Sacraments including the Eucharist, and that we have many saints who were wonderworkers, in the case of discussing cancer this all will have to be left for another time.
Fact: there was a time when cancer was not; period; full stop.
Cancer is totally an industrial age affliction.
The only logical explanation for it is something civilization created in the environment. Over the last century, the percentage of the population experiencing cancer has ever been rising meaning whatever is causing cancer, we now have more of it than ever before. While it was once a few in hundreds, now its 1 in 3.
See “Forbidden Cures”:
Because cancer is manmade—although it may have demonic connections—every cancer sufferer has suffered so because something outside their control and perception is killing them. Bottom line: “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” regarding whatever unseen enemy is causing this affliction. Before we can get into all the aspects of purification, bearing the cross of illness, and even getting healed etc, etc, we would be remiss without starting with this logical assumption that something here now, not here centuries ago is killing people with impunity.
How could St Paisios have known his cancer was environmentally caused? While no doubt it had a purifying effect as he understood it, but in the case of cancer it may have been unnecessary.
Also of interest is that the acceptable three treatments for cancer have not changed in a hundred years: surgery, radiation, and chemo. Yet in every other disease many new things have upgraded treatments.
Another interesting fact, no less than a half dozen doctors—some not doctors—have cured cancer patients, some sent home by legacy medicine to die. Every cure that worked was detox based, see Dr. Max Gerson. His protocols are still used south of the boarder. I use it as prevention.
One doctor in a video from decades ago stated emphatically he never saw a single cancer victim who was without a childhood vaccination. Go figure.
We can and should do a more thorough talk on healing, but sorting invironmental causes should come first.
As for your inquiry regarding fathers, it will come in another comment. Thanks for your patience.
Greetings once again Anna,
Speaking to the issue of the dynamic of spiritual fathers can take pages and should be address on its different levels of implication but we here are limited for space.
Rather than rewrite some pertinent things I wrote before, part of my response was in a post a little more than a year ago. Take a look at this; it speaks to the spiritual dynamic that leadership brings in every human realm even Protestantism. Please read very carefully:
Like so many things Orthodox, the understanding starts with the rite presuppositions. In order to respond, some ground work must be set.
By his Word and by his Wisdom he made all things and in making all things, universals as well as particulars, at the proper time. (St Maximus the Confessor, Cosmic Mystery of Christ, P. 55)[1]
St Maximus digests everything by parsing it into universals and particulars. This is the key—the hermeneutic— that opens the meaning to everything else he says. Universals are the overarching principles (technically Eternal Realities)—like God’s Everlasting Covenant—and particulars—how the universals are demonstrated in the particulars at ground level—like the creation covenant, God’s covenant with Noah, with Abraham, with David and of course the New Covenant with Christ as the “Last Adam”. Every particular covenant is a covenant within The Covenant. St Clement of Alexandria put it this way:
For, in truth, the covenant of salvation, reaching down to us from the foundation of the world, through different generations and times, is one, though conceived as different in respect of gift. For it follows that there is one unchangeable gift of salvation given by one God, through one Lord, benefiting in many ways. (The Stomata Book 6; ch. 13)
Another way to think of it is to say “truth is parallel”. All fathers—primary and spiritual—function in a dynamic rooted in the dynamic that is Father-God: THE “Cause of all things”. Looking at it from the bottom up, all fathers teach us about the Father-God—for better or for worse, in truth or in error—because all function in the same dynamic. Like anything good, it can be corrupted by the misuse. Are we tracking so far?
When St John penned, “In the beginning was the Word…” he was stating a universal so overarching, the Church throughout its entire history is still unpacking it. When St John said, “ the world could not contain the books” (paraphrased) he was speaking of the forever unfolding of Mystery of Christ as Truth—or Logos. Unpacking Christ as Logos the Church Fathers described everything created as having or being Logoi. Each person is a Logoi of the Logos. Logos is Universal, logoi is particular.
Every element of human fathering from the primary fathers in the household to every priest and clergy, and to every spiritual guide we call “father”, either rite-ly or wrongly reflects on the Father-God. Think about this: the highest Person in the universe wants us to know Him as Father—not just teacher, not just guide, not just disciplinarian, not just judge even though He is all those things. Because fathering is so prominent in our cosmos, its misuse is all the more damning.
Of the Father-God, our theology codified in the Ecumenical Councils, the Father is defined as the “Cause” of all things including the other Members of the Trinity. Our dogma on the Trinity is defined as Patriarchial. Of course, His distinction is that in eternity this “Cause”—ality is defined as being without beginning or end. Whereas all human fathering is punctuated with beginnings, stages, and even emancipations, everything in God is eternally the same without change. While Truth is parallel there are obviously differences as human fathers are not God, but substantiations that He exists as Father of all things Good. Consequently, no role exists more important that fathers.
Inherently, unavoidably fathers bias for good and bad our perceptions of Father-God.
BTW: because God as Father is all universal, from Him comes mothering—but that is for some other time. Actually, the name El Shadday technically means “Breasty One.” This is contrasted with Yehweh the more masculine reference to God.
When Jesus told the Pharisees, “Ye are of your father the devil” (John 8:44) he was exhibiting the universal paradigm I am speaking of. Of this “seed of Satan” Jesus also said:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves (Matt. 23:15).
Stepping back for a second what do we see in the Pharisees? They were the religious ee—lites of the day. Religiously they had it all together, or at least they wanted everyone to think so, yet it was their enmity toward the Seed of Woman that drove them to crucify Christ. While Pilot would rather free Christ, they insisted proclaiming, “we have no king but Caesar.” Obviously, Christ willingly laid His Life down and he could have called the angel to set Him free. Yet, the point is: the “seed of scratch” (Satan) masquerades about as true worshipers. In modernity, they are the faux-Orthodox.
Bottom line: every species, and every father—on any and all levels—reproduce after their own kind. It is the father-principle; it is part of the created order of things.
Only Man demonstrates the heart of God far beyond the angels, Man is a race, angels are a company. Fathering is only seen in Man, not angels. When angels (Watchers) stepped into the role of fathers (Genesis 6) by mating with human women, they and their offspring, were eternally damned without any recourse (Book of Enoch). No salvation exists for them because angels were created all as a company. Salvation works according to the seed principle—Seed of Woman— because Man substantiates the seed principle a race not a company.
Additionally: fathering works according to the law of increase. When a farmer looks at a grain of corn, in his mind he sees a corn plant with many seeds and in the second generation he sees an entire corn field. God’s field is filled with tares—seeds of the enemy—and wheat—God’s planting that is Christ—the many are One, yet many.
In this principle, we were all in Adam when he sinned. While we are not guilty of Adam’s sin (Roman, Protestant), we bear the image of what he was created to be and the consequences of fall skewing that image. In short, this same seed principle that brought Adam’s sin on the whole human race, also procures Man’s salvation through the “SEED” which is Christ. Through the seed, the history of the Passion becomes mind—mystically I was there: I am crucified, I am buried, I am resurrected, and I am ascended to the right hand of God the Father in Christ.
The same principle that brought the effects of Adam’s sin to us still works in any human father—of course with a few more variables added in. Not all under bad fathering get the full impact or even the good. While a spiritual father may have less impact, because his deputy is not tutored from birth the effect is largely the same.
One of the most amazing things to me is the icon of the Creation of Adam. This has some of the most profound anthropology anywhere. In the image, Christ casts His image on Adam, the faces are identical. Even more amazing than that is Christ is all dressed out in the full incarnation garb. Bottom line: Who really was the first Adam? It was the fully incarnated, crucified, resurrected, ascended Theanthropos. For Christ to become Adam’s supplanter (seen in Jacob), Adam had to have been patterned after Christ. No only is Christ the First-first Adam, He is the Last Adam; the Alpha and the Omega of all things.
The only way to undo Adam’s folly, is to put the him to death, and replace him with the “Last Adam”—no more Adams will be provided, all of Adam was wrapped up in Christ and put to death so that is to be substantiated in us by being crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ.
Any questions?
[1] St Maximus the Confessor, trans. by Paul Blowers & Robert Wilken, On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ,(Crestwood, NY, St Vladimir’s Press, 2003), p. 55.
Just passing along some advice from Blessed Father John on this topic and times.
Blessed Father Seraphim Rose considered Fr. John one of many we ‘take for granted’ like Archbishop Averky and Archbishop Andrew of New-Diveyevo, of blessed memory “the great men in our midst, of not valuing them as we ought until they have departed from us—and even then not evaluating them properly, and letting their significance and their teaching slip away from us into oblivion.” …”and to be sure, he was a living link with the Holy Fathers in a literal sense, … But it is not for this that he is most important to us today; it is rather for his teaching, received from these holy Elders, on how to survive as an Orthodox Christian in the anti-Christian 20th century.” “This teaching, while solidly Patristic, is not a teaching from books, but from life.”
“This last point is perhaps the most important point of all, for many do not give weight to the “temptation on the right” and thus easily fall into it. However, it matters little to the enemy of our salvation if he snares us on the left or on the right, for both are falls from the “royal path” of the Fathers. It requires much humility, reflection, and discernment for the struggler to remain on the royal path of discernment of spirits in this day and age, in which it is the “standard” for two options to be offered and both of them to be erroneous. We often hear that you must either be for the “Council” or against Church unity. Or, you are either with the “ecumenists” or a fanatic and zealous “not according to knowledge.” However, these are false dichotomies. Those who speak this way are making the assumption that there are only two possible positions, both of them extreme. The question is posed in this way in order to force Orthodox Christians, who are naturally opponents of syncretistic ecumenism, into one of these two extreme positions — both of which are not the royal path of the Fathers. The simple answer is: we are following the Holy Fathers, we are in the Church and not innovators, and we will neither succumb to the extremism of fundamentalist ecumenism nor the trap of undiscerning zealotry, both of which work to undermine the unity of the Church” –Blessed Father Seraphim Rose, The Orthodox Must Avoid Fanaticism and Sectarianism and Stay United in the Face of the “Council” by Protopresbyter Peter Heers
In answer to these statements, we follow the holy elders and Fathers who tell us that “there is a direct relationship between what you believe and how you behave.” We must open ourselves to the wisdom of the God-bearing men of the past – the Holy Fathers who are our key to understanding – whatever we encounter – for in the Holy Fathers we find the “mind of the Church” – the living understanding of God’s revelation. They are our link between the ancient texts which contain God’s revelation and today’s reality. Without such a link it is every man for himself – and the result is a myriad of interpretations and sects. Let us then try to enter the world of the Holy Fathers and their understanding of the Divinely inspired texts – let us love and respect their writings, which in our confused times are a beacon of clarity which shines most clearly on the inspired texts itself…Let us not be quick to think “we know better” than they, and if we think we have some understanding they did not see, let us be humble and hesitant about offering it, knowing the poverty and fallibility of our own minds. Let them open our minds to understand God’s revelation to mankind.’ – Genesis, Creation, and Early Man
Doxa to Theo, John
Archimandrite John (Krestiankin) Letters and Counsel pravoslaie ru PRESERVING THE FAMILY From the Letters of Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)I know that we have One support, and our strength is in One, and our salvation is in One—everything is in our Lord and Savior Christ.
OUR DIVINE SEALArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)Nowadays everyone is silent about the Lord, about His omnipotence, mercy, and love. Only one thing is heard: that the enemy is deceiving now, and if not now, then definitely tomorrow.
IT IS NEAR, EVEN AT THE DOORSArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)I will only add that many are worried about this issue, but precious few of those who talk and think about it hysterically have actually begun to live in accord with such thoughts, and few of those wringing their hands are worrying about their soul’s salvation.
OUR ONLY OPPOSITION TO THE COMING TERRORFrom the Letters of Fr. John KrestiankinArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)Love, joy, peace, mercy—God will never put these to shame under any state system. But if a person has forgotten God and lives by unrighteous gain, if television and various unseemly videos have squeezed prayer and church out of even clergymen’s lives, then believe me, S., the seal is already on many, even with the old passports.
LETTERS ABOUT THE SEAL OF ANTICHRIST, AND THE LAST DAYSArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)The seal will come only after an individual’s personal renunciation of God, and not by trickery. Trickery has no significance. The Lord needs our heart, loving Him.
THE ENEMY’S WORKA letter from Fr. John (Krestiankin) about the confusion over identification numbersArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)My dears, how have we fallen into such a panic that we can lose our Christian name by exchanging it for a number? Could this really happen in God’s eyes?
THE HIDDEN AND OBSCURE IS ILLUMINATED AND MANIFESTEDA Homily on the Sunday of the Holy FathersArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)The event that took place twenty centuries ago was so great that it has no equal in all of history.
THE GRACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN CHANGE US!Homily on the Day of the Holy TrinityArchimandrite John (Krestiankin)Pentecost continues, and over the years and up to our days it happens with each of us if only we would truly strive with all our souls for God and seek Him.
When we were forced (either via mandates or the continuous stirring up of fear among those in authority) to accept *all* the risk of taking experimental “vaccines” while officials took *none* of the responsibility (and we later found out there was no benefit to taking it- it was all lies), that is when it became clear that something sinister was afoot. It is true that the good and beneficial needs no coercion.
In fact, if we stop a second and reflect, the pagans are now on what was supposed to be the leadership positions of agencies, parliaments, and countries. The common misconception of the human sacrifices is based on historical revelations of the process, that usually involved knives or other cutting tools. Nowadays the dark forces of this world are using syringes. We have been forced to live a two-year global feast of a Black Sabath-like with dire consequences for many of us. Unfortunately for the world, and mostly for the faithful Christians, based on the recent “G20 Leader’s Declaration” the demonic party is far from over… it just a beginning…
Some–too many–, think they can have it both ways. Like the ancient Israelites–which God divorced–they thought they could have God, the Church etc, and do the occult thing–formally in a secret society, or informally in private—on the side—that God forgives all their treasons. Of course, God is willing to restore the repentant, but at some point Satan comes for what has been given unto him and the soul becomes unrecoverable; simply they are in it too deep to see the light of day or bring themselves to repentance.
For so many clergy to get on board with the shots, it reveals something much more systemic. The lines—or the shadow of what the lines will be—reflect for us what will be in the eternal judgement, if it happened today. That in their hearts they could not discern the shots or the Body, betrays the light in the soul; that has either gone out or is so dim, nothing can be discerned. True to form all the alliances lined up across all jurisdictions—some more than others—as if orchestrated by a single conductor.
Obviously, many weak, innocent, and even ignorant have just followed their leaders.
For these clergymen, on the outside all looks fine, yet on the inside, they are tormented already; dead men walking unable to get free of the snare. For them hell is just beginning.
As the Fathers have taught us there is only one overarching covenant—the Everlasting Covenant—recapitulated again and again, so also there is only one real evil that manifests from many different heads. As there is a singular “Mind of Christ” there is a singular evil mind manifesting on the inside of many. “Ye shall be gods” , is what is being promised, but the end result is eternity in the devil’s hell. Some have even tried to explain away hell; that it is the “fire of God” which in fact is, but make no mistake hell will have location outside, separated from, apart from the faithful in eternal torment. No one can deny the finality of eternal damnation. Many souls are in the valley of decision.
I think the red flags started popping up when workers were mandated to get the vaccine or loose their jobs. By the way, it’s not a vaccine. A vaccine takes anywhere from 10 to 15 years to develope.
This is correct. What they call “vaccine” now does not even remotely resemble the legal definition used in courts.