COVID Vaccines: Covenant With Death and Hell

The Garden Variety Orthodox Christian

No common Orthodox in their right phronema/nous would ever go out and join a Luciferian cult group by following the protocols of initiation. But, getting the “vaccine” is precisely just that. To get the shot is to form a covenant with whatever and whoever is behind the shot. On every level it is an instrument of covenant—which is even more damning than the physical effects. One does not have to go out and look for it. They have made it convenient and brought it to you every way possible. Keep in mind, anything free comes with a high price. Some will be paying until the grave and others even beyond.

If you cannot take my word for it, scroll down to the video link and at least hear the testimony of one of our own. His experience validates everything I know about evil following covenant principles.

When one discovers his error, the only realistic action is to do a 180 and tact their ship hard into the wind of opposition from relatives, friends, fellow Orthodox and hierarchs to come clean. While progress might be zig-zagging into the storm, it is the only option.

The saddest scenario of all, are those who do not know the difference; perhaps their consciences have been seared by a hot iron. Or bad influences have taken hold; they put their trust in those who betrayed them.

Illumination Through Covenant Wisdom

Undoing the covenant bond, requires another covenant act; the absolution by an agent of the Church. Any priest or confessor who thinks the shots to be innocuous is deceived. Do not participate in this delusion by placing yourself under his authority. Whatever his weaknesses are, they will have covenant ground in you. If your confessor does porn, you, your wife, and your kids will struggle with the same issues. If your confessor struggles with cancer, the likelihood of this becoming your life story goes up exponentially. In the covenant scheme of things, it just works this way.

For those who cause others immature in the Faith to stumble, a mill stone for the neck awaits. Because the Church operates by covenant, any misuse of the Holy Mysteries comes back to bite…and bite hard. Not rite-ly discerning the Body brings sickness and even death, according to St. Paul. To disregard even the least of these, is to disregard Christ. It’s all in the covenant.

Living by covenant means you set every self-interest on the shelf. No matter what it costs, you do what the covenant directs; it is the universal plumb line. Before addressing the shots, let’s touch on covenant.

What Does Covenant Do?

First off, every covenant creates a bond of obligation. Due to free will bestowed, all things of Man work through covenant. When in the world, a man’s obligation is to the world, he is a slave of the world. To be the bondservant of Christ is to be in the world but not OF the world, never using its devices of self-attained-godhood.

Next: covenant defines relationships both vertically and horizontally. The meaning in the head covering in Church of a married woman is submission to her husband. While both are equal ontologically, hierarchy as to administration still exists.

Obvious examples of covenant enactment are baptism, marriage, and even the oath of office of any clergy. All 7 sacraments stand squarely on the foundation of covenant. Without covenant, nothing sacerdotal can exist. All rites and rituals are covenant in action.

Additionally, covenant creates a sanctuary of trust for fellowship, cooperation, and union on any level. When trust is violated, fellowship is automatically disrupted. Because there is no sanctuary due to broken trust, fellowship is negated.  If we cannot trust our bishop, any and all semblances of cooperation are destroyed. Without trust nothing can stand.

Any fellowship (intimacy) outside (the appropriate) covenant is the equivalent of adultery.

Any “mark” whether of God or the Beast are elements of covenant. If the Mark of God tells the world one belongs to God—is under His jurisdiction—then the Mark of the Beast means that one is in Satan’s hand. The shot fits into this genre of marks of Satan.

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Blood Covenant

The most powerful, the most binding, the most unbreakable covenants are “blood covenants.” In any blood covenant, the sanction clause (result of breaking covenant) is death.

In ancient times with tribes and city-states, if two neighbors wanted to create a treaty to help each other (think Amish ethos of mutual support) in the event of an invasion of barbarians or any catastrophe, they both would come together at the boundary between their properties. Each making a cut on the hand, they would then clasp hands sealing—putting into force—by mixing the blood as the two become one covenantally. Often a pile of rocks would be erected at that very site as these covenants were multigenerational. Every father would bring his son to the covenant memorial to explain his relationship with his neighbor a continuation of covenant.

With the covenant actions of cutting and clasping the hands, and the recitation of words, a covenant was put in place.

In the story of Melchizedek coming out to meet Abraham, covenant was enacted with bread and wine. At that point in time, Melchizedek was the senior member in that covenant, so Abraham paid tithe to him. Because Melchizedek was the overseer (like a bishop) of the land, he opened the door covenantally for Abraham and his posterity to possess the land. Covenant actions open doors. Sometimes the wrong doors.

Covenant Renewal

The two neighbors who made covenant would renew their covenant by shaking hands, whenever they met. This is where the custom of shaking hands comes from. Anytime you shake hands, you are creating a bond of covenant on some level. Previously, business transactions were done—old school— merely on a handshake and every man’s word was his bond. The words and the handshake created a covenant obligation. Anytime you eat a meal with somebody, you are either renewing or enacting covenant on some level. Many business deals are cut over dinner. Most marriage proposals follow a fine dining meal. Likewise, receiving the blessing of a priest is—like the shaking of the hands—a covenant act. Covenant establishes a relationship both vertically as well as horizontally.

If the two men bound by covenant saw each other from a distance, they would waive the hand, exposing the scar left by the covenant initiation; again, an acknowledgement of a bond of obligation and a renewal of that bond. Shaking and waving the hands are signs of covenant.

At the time of Jesus, men would kiss; that was covenant renewal. The kiss of Judas is rife with meaning. St John Chrysostom points this out, that during the Mystical Supper, Judas supped with Christ[1] and the others, making his betrayal beyond hideous.

Covenant of Abraham

God’s covenant with Abraham stands uniquely wonderful as it fully expresses the blood enacted New Covenant. In the vision, the words God spoke were peculiar to the Hebrew people only, yet the vision of the slain animals depicts the New Covenant. St Paul echoes this fact, that the New Covenant is actually a recapitulation of the Abrahamic covenant, in which the whole world would be blessed.[2]

In those days, if two men entered into a blood covenant, they would slay animals (Hebrew ethics refused the marring of the body, so animals stood in proxy), lay them out in a pattern and each person would walk between the pieces signifying that if either abdicated his obligation, the other could do unto the other as the animals—put him to death. To break covenant was to bring death for the offending party.

Notably, in Abraham’s vision, it was not Abraham who passed between the pieces, but a Smoking Furnace and a Burning Lamp. In this, God the Father—the Smoking Furnace—and Theanthopos—the Burning Lamp—walked between the pieces. Make no mistake, the New Covenant is not between us and God but between God the Father and God the Son—the Last Adam recapitulating the creation covenant as St Irenaeus said. Our participation in that covenant is that we are in Christ making us party to the Covenant. Outside of Christ we have no covenant with God.

In the Adamic covenant, his fall brought to us the effects—not the guilt—of that fall, because it has bound us to sin as we were in Adam when he sinned; “by one death came on all”. Baptism is a covenant act undoing Adam’s covenant with sin, Satan, and evil. “Do you renounce Satan?” “I renounce Satan and I spit on him”.

Covenant Assets and Liabilities

Coming into covenant has always meant—in an appropriate manner for the particular relationship—a sharing of assets and liabilities. In the covenant between David and Jonathon, this was represented by the exchange of garments. Likewise the trading of weapons meant one would fight for the other unto the death. Take note of Ruth’s covenant with Naomi, it demonstrates a commitment not seen today. In these last days, we will rediscover that trust and sharing are everything.

In the New Covenant, God shares with us His assets—salvation, gifts, healings, wisdom, Himself—a list that never ends. His taking on to Himself our liabilities, among them our corruption, makes the full meaning of the Incarnation and the Passion come forth. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him as in covenant He becomes what we are: sin. Here in the Incarnation and the Passion, covenant reaches its pinnacle expression, nothing is more beautiful.

How marvelous is God who would condescend to make covenant with Man. In the cross, Divinity is nailed eternally by covenant to the wood (soul) of humanity. The cross is God’s guarantee, He will never abandon you in time of need…never! He nailed Himself to us. Is He not the solution to all our concerns?

The Shots as Covenant Enactment, Renewal

Even evil operates by covenant. The fact of the matter is: if Satan could kill you, you would already be dead. Fortunately, he can only access where covenant grounds have been given. In other words: if you or somebody related to you does not open the door for his access, Satan is locked out.

Inherently, sin is breaking covenant with God and opening the door for demons. This is why the absolution in the rite of confession covenantally removes the ground for access. Confession, repentance, and absolution slam the gate of hell. So powerful is this sacrament, it is probably the most misunderstood and abused.

Where things get dicey is that fathers (primary), priests, confessors, husbands and bishops can open access to the demonic for others. Whatever private sin they have becomes everybody’s sin, thus mystically opening access to the flock to demonic influence and sickness.[3] The gate keeper always lets into the fold who and what he is.

We see this understanding when the disciples asked regarding the man born blind, “Who has sinned, this man or his parents?” (John 9:2). In the common understanding of that day, most all sickness came from the sin of the afflicted or those in authority over him. That for this man, it was for the glorification of God, is the exception rather than the rule. In summary, sickness and the demonic generally (not always) issue from a sin component. Somebody has forfeited ground to the enemy. In diagnosing one’s sickness, looking for sin is a good starting place for healing. Always ask, “What am I missing here?” and pray that God will reveal the sin that conceded ground to the enemy.

Covenant always engages the body. Christ died in His body to establish the New Covenant. The whole salvific essence of the Passion is based in it being done in His most pure body. The human body is the nexus of covenant on many levels. To tamper with one’s body by mRNA injection is tantamount to desecrating the Eucharist. This is rite-ly discerning the body. It is no mystery that most hierarchs who advocated for the shots also altered the liturgy; they are one and the same profanity; disregard for the body. Demons seek entrance, but they can only gain access by covenant means.

In this video, the demonstration of the “vaccine” as a covenant bondage to demons is expressed in the personal testimony of one able to find freedom through repentance. While the dialog is not fully couched in covenant terms, the presence of covenant is unavoidably obvious.

For those who have taken the jabs, there is hope, but renewing the covenant with death by taking the boosters is not an option. The value of this testimony is that it reveals in somebody’s experience everything that can be seen in the shots through the covenant lens.

 While in this testimony there is too much to digest now, here are a few take-aways related to covenant:

  • God tried to save him from taking the shot (:40 min). If we are sensitive to God, we will know where not to go, what not to do. It is in overriding the inward witness that we fall into the enemy’s trap.
  • Like the original fall, the transgression brought shame (1:13). Stripped of his garments of Light, Adam felt naked. Taking the shot strips one of God’s presence inherent in God’s people; “Oh Lord, take not thy Holy Spirit from me.” After taking the shot, God’s sensible presence left.
  • Taking the shot broke fellowship with other Christians (1:45, 3:23). St John declares, “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). This living fellowship is the body principle. When we sin, we are out of fellowship with the whole even if not yet out of covenant (excommunicated).
  • Not only was fellowship broken within the body principle, but also with the altar—the substantiation of the Holy Mother of God (2:51). As with Adam, entering into a conspiracy with God’s enemy is always a breaking of covenant with God. Because of the shot, the altar was rejecting him, he was not worthy, trustworthy with the things of God.
  • Establishing covenant with the demonic by the taking the shot, brought fellowship (unwanted) with the demonic realm. After getting the shot, Satan would pay him a visit (4:21).
  • Being out of fellowship with God—unable to sense His presence— is the first step toward being lost covenantally. Without remediation, disenfranchisement deepens by the day.  People do fall away from the Faith and its never intentional, just bad judgement and listening to the wrong voices.
  • All of the elements that the shot is a covenant instrument of evil come together (5:29). The blood sacrifice is there in the fetal tissue (6:41), rituals with covenant declaration (7:13) were made in a “lodge” (Free Masonry), and initiation is largely (although under seduction 7:44) voluntary. Make no mistake: taking the shots gives covenant grounds for demons to inflict, possess, and torment Orthodox Christians. Some will get sick, some will be depressed, some will have encounters with demons, yet, if they do not make the connection between the afflictions and the shots, things will continue to degenerate; destroyed for lack of knowledge.
  • Taking the boosters is covenant renewal (12:03).
  • The shot is a seal or mark (elements of covenant), but not the final Mark of the Beast. It is an important forerunner, however. (12:22).
  • In order for clergy to justly make amends, it must be done publicly (14:03). As a general rule, asking forgiveness must always go to the extent of the offense. In other words: if your sin was only private, confession should be private. If one’s offense caused harm to a single person, forgiveness must be sought from that person only, before engaging the confessor. If one’s error affects an entire parish, the confession must be to that whole congregation. As St James said, “confess one to another” to be healed. If one’s offense was as a bishop, the asking for forgiveness must be to all the churches under his jurisdiction. To offend a large number of the faithful, and think a private confession will absolve alone, is pure fantasy. That is hiding the sin, totally contrary to the nature of confession. In the early centuries, all confessions were public, which is impractical for most sins. At the very least, however, confession for Church leaders must extend the range of the effects of the sin.
  • For the jabbed who do not repent, their salvation is in danger (18:37).
There will be no forgiveness for Orthodox Bishops who encouraged the jabs, some even demanded them for their flocks, without public repentance.

Now is the Day of Salvation, Now is the Time to Repent

You have no guarantee of tomorrow; do not be careless with things eternal. Having had the shot is serious; influencing others to get it is much more serious and even damning. God’s road to recovery is repentance and that repentance must be honest, clear, and open—when required.

What makes this video so powerful is that it is the testimony of an Orthodox monk—one of our own—and that his recovery was achieved by unwinding the spell brought by covenant means.

While repentance can restore right fellowship with God under the covenant, many times (as David experienced with his own sin)[4] there will be a price to pay anyway. Just accept it with thanksgiving, that you can be restored unto your Lord; nothing is sweeter than His presence. Once you know it, you’ll never be satisfied with anything else. Whatever ailment you live with will keep repentance ongoing and fellowship with God fresh.

If an eye offend thee, pluck it out. Do whatever it takes to come clean with God, with yourself, and everyone else. To all those repentant for taking the shot(s), the Word of the Lord to you was penned long ago:

And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it (Isaiah 28:18 KJV).

In the suffering (scourge), there is salvation and the covenant with death will lose its chilling grip upon your soul day by day. Once the sweet presence of God returns, know all is well.

Consider yourself warned of all these things.

John Lee – an Orthodox Christian

[1] Homily 27

[2] See Galatians 3

[3] See 2 Kingdoms 24

[4] 2 Kingdoms 24

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