Greek Priest Reports Demonic Possession After mRNA Shot

Shockingly, despite years of evidence that COVID mRNA shots did not stop transmission, did not protect against infection, and had serious side effects, there are Orthodox hierarchs and priests still shilling for them. Not just in any one particular jurisdiction, either. We have run across unrepentant shot pushers across all of them, though the highest concentration of them is in the Greek Archdiocese.

There really is no excuse for this. Almost 4 years after the initial roll out of the shots, anyone with clear eyes and half a brain knows they did not work. They know this from personal experience if nothing else. Journalist Alex Berenson, an early and fierce critic of all things COVID, put it this way:

People know the mRNAs didn’t work.


They know in the most fundamental, personal way: because they (not me, lucky me, I danced through the raindrops and I am glad I did) took or were forced to take the shots. Then they had side effects, sometimes serious ones, including autoimmune conditions and cardiac disorders. Then they got Covid. Then they got Covid again. And they may also know older people who took the jabs and later died of Covid – putting the lie to the theory the shots work against serious illness even after they fail against infection.

These aren’t just anecdotal impressions spread through social media. Studies have now confirmed the damage done by the mRNA shots, especially in children whose risk from COVID was absolutely non-existent.

Conclusions of this observational study in ~800K children and adolescents in the UK: covid vaccines had no efficacy and were associated with ALL cases of myocarditis and pericarditis! Anyone injecting kids with this garbage is simply poisoning them for no reason at all.

The failure of the mRNA vaccines is so blatant that even in Deep Blue New York, under 5 percent of people have received an mRNA shot this fall, including less than 1 percent of children and teenagers. People are done with these shots, which is why shares in Moderna have fallen almost 90 percent since their 2021 peak. Pfizer stock is trading 45% below its peak of $54 seen in December 2021.

One wonders if Holy Cross seminary is still mandating that future priests of the Greek Archdiocese take a dangerous, useless shot just to attend school?

Before continuing, just a quick reminder – mandating that healthy individuals take any medical intervention, at all, which has any potential risk (which all vaccines do, mRNA or otherwise) is completely illogical and immoral. Any priest, deacon, or hierarch supporting any vaccine mandate needs an immediate wake up call.

During COVID, Orthodox Reflections focused on the already known side effects of the mRNA, but we also focused strongly on the potential spiritual effects of taking shots whose production and testing were dependent on aborted fetal cells. In one of the articles from November 2022, we featured a video of a Greek Orthodox priest who felt demonic possession after taking the vaccine. We are republishing a link to that video below, as contributor Augustine Martin found a transcript of it which saves you spending 30 minutes reading subtitles to understand the story. A link to the video, the transcript, and some comments from Augustine are below. Given the uncertain times we live in, we Orthodox need to remember the importance of spiritual warfare.

–OR Staff

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Video transcript:

Father Savvas Agioritis: “I would like to present to you a personal testimony of a Priest-Monk, who made the mistake of getting vaxxed. This is his confession. If anyone wants to know his name, I can tell you privately. He is a priest under Archbishop Ieronymos of Greece. I will be reading directly from the publication. Which fortunately, it is still on the internet.

[Priest-Monk]: “With a few words, I will relate my experience after taking my first dosage of the Pfizer vaccine.

God obstructed me with many signs before taking the vaccine, due to shortness in time I will not mention all of them.

As I was heading towards the vaccination center, right before I was getting into the queue I felt something was obstructing my approach. As I approached, I felt (smelled) a stench that surprised me.”

Father Savvas: “Said the monk. You see, God cautioned him and he still went ahead.”

[Priest-Monk]: “While I was taking the vaccine, others were waiting outside. As I was leaving I was unable to wear my Kalimafi (priest hat).

I felt a great shame within myself, and left holding my kalimafi in my hands.”

Father Savvas: “As you can see, he began to feel the demonic influence right away. As he was ashamed to wear his Kalimafi even though he is a priest.”

[Priest-Monk]: “Arriving home, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Upon looking at the mirror, I was frightened at my face due to the expression I had.

The next day I went shopping at the supermarket and since it was still the period after Pascha (before the leave-taking), I would normally greet the shopkeepers with “Christos Anesti (Christ is Risen!)” or respond “Alithos Anesti (Indeed He is Risen)”.”

Father Savvas: “So as you know, for 40 days after the resurrection, we refrain from saying “Hello/Good day”, and replace the phrase with “Christ is risen”. And the other Christian should respond “Alithos Anesti” and not say “likewise”.

[Priest-Monk]: “As a Priest monk, I was surprised to discover that I was very ashamed to say “Christo Anesti” to the shopkeepers. This greatly overwhelmed me.”

Father Savvas: “He began to realize more intensely that something was not going well in his soul.”

[Priest-Monk]: “A day later I went and attended a divine service at a local church, but not to liturgize the service as the priest.

Upon entering the Altar I felt as if I was dead.”

Father Savvas: “You see a living spiritual person notices the difference straight away.”

[Priest-Monk]: “The joy I used to feel at the divine service was lost. It was as if I was not entering the altar of a Holy Church, but as if I had entered a room in a house. All these things surprised me, but at the time I did not believe they stemmed from the vax.

I saw familiar parishioners turn their faces away from me.

The next day I found out that my conscience was causing me terrible pain. It is as if I had been pierced in my heart with such pain that I had never felt before in my life.

I told this to a fellow Archimandrite (Monastic Priest), of what I was feeling, and he consoled me. He told me words along the lines of: ‘It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.’

Upon leaving, I found that this pain in my conscience was relentless and was deepening further within me. After that day forward I was in a deeply troubled state which lasted 13 days. I could not sleep or quiet down.

Now allow me to explain the most terrible part. Day and night I constantly saw Satan in front of me, his face 20mm distance from mine.

I went to sleep at night, and felt him hugging me, and I would get cold all over.

I would read the Salutations (Χαιρετισμούς) to the Virgin Mary and I would feel as if my blood was burning in my veins. I felt a foreign presence within me and it was judging me.

I felt a horror as if someone was saying: “You belong to me now.” “

Father Savvas: “Do you understand how terrible these things are? And very true because we personally know this person.

In turn, this proves another experience of another Priest-Monk who was doing exorcisms. And the demon being pressed told the truth while having a monologue: “Why am I telling you this? I don’t want to tell you this, but I am being pressed.”

The Priest-monk replied, “I am not pressing you.” The demon replied, “I am being forced to tell you.”

So the demon told him thus: “We did a ceremony at a Lodge in America for the vaccines.” The satanists performed a ceremony for the vaccines. Furthermore the demon said: “Those who take this vaccine will be unable to repent.” Now this may seem too harsh.

The Priest-monk then asked, “Why won’t they be able to repent?”

The demon responded, “Because I will be inside of them.”

You can see a correlation with the initial Priest-monk who was saying the same thing, that he felt Satan inside of him and saw him 20mm away from his face telling him, “you belong to me”.

The Priest-monk performing the exorcism, was having a dialogue with the demon. The demon was speaking through the demon-possessed person.

The demon told him: “Those who took the vaccine cannot repent because I am inside of them.” The Priest-monk asked, “How are you inside of them?”

The demon answered, “With the blood of the aborted fetuses.”

We have mentioned previously, that fetuses were used in the vaccine and were purposely murdered for their cells. These cells were extracted from the living fetuses by these atheist scientists and doctors who don’t hold anything sacred and holy.

They also remove the organs from a living fetus. If the fetus is dead, the organs and cells are useless. Therefore, they were not taking the fetuses from the waste bin. Which even if they were, does not make it morally right, as an abortion had taken place. However, in this case, these fetuses were specifically prepared for an abortion.

So the devil confesses, “I am already inside those who took it via the blood of the fetuses.”

So this confession of this demon, correlates with the Priest-monk who was seduced into taking the vaccine.

So as we previously read; he was saying he was ashamed to wear his kalimafi, to say ‘Christos Anesti’, how he felt dead whilst being in the holy altar, how everyone turned their faces away from him because his face was altered… how for 13 days he could not sleep or settle down, and most terrifying of all, day and night was seeing the face of Satan from his face at a 20mm distance continuously… and how he felt Satan hugging him, and though he was trying to read the Salutations, his blood was burning in his veins, and he felt someone saying to him, “You belong to me now.”

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Thus the Priest-monk continues:

[Priest-Monk]: “I had stayed at my family home in case of an adverse reaction, after a few days I left.

At the Monastery where I currently reside, at the Divine Liturgy, I found that I could not understand a thing.

I felt as if I was dead, I was constantly rushing through the service, felt great anxiety, not a speck of joy, I felt as if I was not a priest or even a baptized Christian!

I reached a point unable to speak as if I had lost my voice. I felt my life was dark and a constant state of despair.”

Father Savvas: “You see this person made this mistake and is being humbled. This means he has an ecclesialogical conscience. This is very important.

As there are others who have made this mistake, and after seeing this mistake do not confess it, so that they may warn others.

Let’s continue reading.”

[Priest-Monk]: “While I was in this hopeless state, a familiar family came to visit the monastery. I spoke with the mother.

She said to me, ‘Father, why are you speaking like this? Many people after taking the first dosage, do not end up taking the second dosage. So you too, should not take second dosage!’

Father Savvas: “She gave him some courage.”

[Priest-Monk]: “As she was telling me these words, I felt a certain refreshing dew entering my soul.”

Father Savvas: “This was from God.”

[Priest-Monk]: “I was consoled by God’s grace.”

Father Savvas: “Because he had begun to repent. God sends people to console us, to inform us. This is how God works during such situations. Just a word, though many times irrelevant, shows us the way.

So she said, “Ok, you made a mistake. Don’t make the next mistake.” i.e. don’t take the second dosage.” Let’s continue:

[Priest-Monk]: “I find it unnecessary to mention the despair I went through and the tears I shed. I don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or not, but exactly 40 days after the vaccine I started to feel the grace of God again.”

Father Savvas: “After 40 days he began to feel that he was baptized again. He came back with repentance.

So he confessed his sin, received the rite of forgiveness, and shed many tears. As it is written here; He cried continuously for 40 days and only then did he begin to feel the grace of the Holy Spirit.”

[Priest-Monk]: “I began to feel peace and consolation, that God had forgiven me for what I had done, even though I had no knowledge of what this vaccine actually was.”

Father Savvas: “Sadly there are many people like this, not everyone is indifferent, there are others who are directed by tyranny and fear… or by pressure, by their children or doctors, etc.

However, when you have the correct information you don’t submit to all of this. This poor fellow was seduced, but now he has corrected his actions.

So after 40 days he began to feel the forgiveness of God.”

[Priest-Monk]: “I do not dare or want to know what would have happened to me if I had taken the second dosage of the vaccine. The only thing I can say is that God felt sorry for me.

Even though now I feel better, I have not recovered to the state I was in prior to taking the vaccine.

In my humble opinion, this vaccine by Pfizer that I took is a mark (seal), but not the final mark. Most likely a forerunner for the final mark of the beast (Book of Revelations).”

Father Savvas: “This last statement correlates with another remark made by a demon during another exorcism. A close friend of mine, a respectable Priest-monk had told me. He had a dialogue with a demon during an exorcism.

The demon told him, “Yes, this vaccine is not the final mark (stamp), but it is still a mark, a forerunner… And those who are like you, when they take the vaccine they lose their light.” The demon continued, “A short man had burned us with these exorcisms!” This short priest (Elder) is well known and performs exorcisms… The demon continued, “Now that he (the short Priest) took the vaccine, he has lost his strength. Now I am able to approach him and kiss his hand!”

Previously, the demon would tremble with this Elder. But now that the Elder has taken the vaccine, the demon is able to get his blessing. This correlates with the Priest-monk we have been reading about: “Even though now I feel better, I have not yet recovered to the state I was in prior to taking the vaccine.”

As you can see, these vaccines not only cause physical (biological) harm, but spiritual harm also.

We have read this testimony as an example, and it is from a person living a proper ecclesiastical (church-minded) life. Because as we previously said, when someone makes a mistake that is impacting many others, it’s most beneficial to correct this mistake publicly. This is in order to protect other members of our Holy church from making the same mistake.

As St. Chystostomos says, “The lukewarm Christians are living in comfort.” The lukewarm are those who want to combine everything; the world, Christ, hedonism (love of sexual pleasure), avarice (love of money), the external appearances (vanity)… to not be disenfranchised (segregated), go to Church, take Holy Communion, Holy Confession, etc. These lukewarm “Christians” cause the most damage to the church.

And they don’t admit to their mistakes, as they think they do everything correctly. If they make a mistake, they don’t correct it. They do not publicly repent of their sin so they may protect those around them.

As it is written in the book of Revelation, these are people that God will spit out (vomit them out). It is best to be hot or cold, never lukewarm. The one who is spiritually cold may at one point understand their spiritual blindness and become hot. God wants us to be hot. However, the lukewarm are comfortable.

Sadly, most people nowadays are lukewarm. As mention by Father Athanasios Mitilinaios, most Christians are lukewarm. We too are lukewarm and need to stop being lukewarm.

To a faithful person of God death does not exist, this is the reality. We have forgotten this and we presently fear death. Not only do we fear death, we also fear being fined, possible imprisonment, and prosecution. In NO case can a person call themselves a Christian if they fear death. When a person fears dying, they become an idolater or an atheist.

Instead a Christian should long to die. The saints wanted to die.
The reason why Christians truly want to pass away is so they can be fully united to the Lord they worship and love above all else. They want to go and are joyful when they are passing away. However, they never cause death to themselves, they do not commit suicide. But when the opportunity arises to become a martyr and confessor for Christ, they do this without fear of death.

Unfortunately, these things are not being heard from the Preachers, Bishops and Priests, but as you know are heard from the demons.

A well-respected Priest-monk who perform exorcisms, once told me what a demon said to him. The demon said to him, “How are you Christians fearful of death? I have seduced and deceived you into taking the vaccine with the fear of death!” A demon again confesses that the vaccines are his doing. In fact, he says, “We did a ceremony at a Lodge in America for the vaccines.”

See what the demon confesses! The demon continues: “What did you fear? For you (Christians), death does not exist.” For Christians, death does not exist. Do you understand, fellow brothers and sisters, where we’ve come to?

In the Gospels, Christ said something correlating with our present situation. When He entered Jerusalem and the children were calling out, “Hosana! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” The children were proclaiming Jesus as the awaited Messiah. And others who were indignant were saying to Jesus, “Are you hearing what they are saying to you?” Christ responds, “I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”

So correlating with today’s situation, now that the Priest and Archpriest are not proclaiming that death has been conquered, the demons are proclaiming it instead: “How are you Christians fearful of death? And are all running to take this vaccine?”

Which isn’t really a vaccine, but rather a gene therapy/technology, with the aim of oppressing humans. This is the aim, which is why there will be more dosages. In fact, there are many people who say there will be 7 dosages. The demons also state that there will be 7 dosages.

Those who were deceived into taking the first or second dosage, hopefully, will not take the remaining dosages. May they repent, weep and go to confession, because their salvation is in danger. We all ought to be vigilant of this.

I’ll read another Priest-monk’s testimony to you all, which was published on the internet unless it’s now been erased. Because whatever is true these days, is usually censored on the internet. As you know the internet is Satan’s. Unfortunately, the internet is not governed by God’s people. Whatever they want they remove, as much as possible they eliminate anything that is good and right.

So this Priest-monk who published his testimony on the internet said, “I considered taking the vaccine was nothing. So I went and got it. But after I got it, I lost my prayer. I felt Satan coming and hugging me. For 40 days I could not even say ‘Lord have mercy.’ ” This Priest-monk has testified this publicly. I personally know him. He is from a Monastery in Peloponnese. He also urges everyone not to make his mistake (of getting vaccinated), and whoever has already taken it, to not take any further dosages, which will cause more harm for both body and soul.

In conclusion, these are the things I wanted to say to you, brothers and sisters in Christ. As you can see, there are many testimonies from many individuals. God even caused the demons to give a testimony. Remember what the demon was saying to Priest-monk during the exorcism?

“Why am I telling you all this?! I do not want to tell you, but I am being pressed.”

We must also remember that the devil lies too, however, there are many times when the devil says the truth, especially when forced with the prayers that are read during an exorcism. Likewise, we read in the gospels, the demons saying the truth to Jesus, “You are the Son of God!” The demons confessed that Christ is God.

Let us take these things into account so that we don’t fall into this trap of Satan. Which as you can see, Satan is using much force to direct all of humanity into this trap. So he can kill as many as possible. This is the murderer (man-killer) that Satan is. This is now all coming into fruition with what is happening globally.

The devil wants to take as many souls as possible, this is his final goal. If all these things (vaccines) were good why would they make them mandatory? Something that is good is not forced. You see Christ, whenever He went to heal someone, He would ask, “Do you want to become well?”

These rulers nowadays are trying to force us to be well. That’s what they think. However, they don’t want to make us healthy, quite the opposite is occurring actually. Because we know these vaccines cause sterility and thousands of other adverse reactions. Over 2 million adverse reactions were recorded in Europe. And over 600,000 adverse reactions in America. Over 21,000 deaths in Europe, and 14,000 deaths in America. These are all mainstream statistics that you can find online.

Therefore we do not need to eat idiotic grass and sleep with our boots on (greek expression; We don’t need to be idiots). Under no circumstances are we to accept these things that the evil one is selling us.

May God bless us all. May John the Baptist guide us. To not only cease committing evil, but to call out evil when we see it. Whoever cowers and is silent before sin, becomes an accessory and an accomplice to sin. So what I tell you, you need to tell others, inform all our siblings so that they may not fall into this trap by Satan, and lost the kingdom of God. Amen.”

End of Transcript

Comments by Augustine Martin

Granted, it’s possible that it’s all fabricated. I am cautious with any living “modern elder” from the “old country” whom I’ve never heard of. I also hold back on believing any kind of recent-ish vision or prophecy entirely literally, although some of them may be true. And demons, by definition, can only lie, even when telling the truth. That doesn’t disprove any of it — only that I am cautious of accepting metaphysical or supernatural data if I am unsure of the source.

That being said, if the monastics are supposed to be the bulwark of the Church to protect us against secularism, then why did so many of them take the Vaccine? Why did so many of them publicly encourage others to do so? Some like the above Fr Savvas warned us, but taken as a whole, the monastics failed to discern the times. Why?

(Obviously it’s because the monastics are worldly and carnal.)

The short hieromonk whom the demons trembled at. This was a great saint of our age. And even he took the Vaccine, after which the demons would ridicule him. I am reminded of Jesus’s words, “to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” If the saints are so easily deceived by the antichrist system, then what hope do we have?

This part stands out from the transcript:

We have mentioned previously, that fetuses were used in the vaccine and were purposely murdered for their cells. These cells were extracted from the living fetuses by these atheist scientists and doctors who don’t hold anything sacred and holy.

One of the shocking things from the COVID wars is learning that almost all mainstream medicine is based on these fetal cell lines. We were told, “You can’t reject the Vaccine because of the fetal cell lines because it’s already in all the medicine, and so you would have to reject all medicine.” And we said, “Wait, what?”

The ENTIRE medical establishment across the world lied to us about COVID, and probably many of you reading this agree with me on that statement. And yet too many of you still tell people to trust the professionals.

The priest in the video also says that, “The internet is Satan’s.” What about all this AI that’s suddenly everywhere? St Jerome famously wrote, “The world awoke and groaned to find it had become Arian.” Likewise, suddenly everything has AI, whatever that even means. What is AI exactly, and how is it different from whatever we had before? No one knows — they’re just rushing into the new technology like it’s a toy. Logos Bible Software just announced it’s new update, and guess what they expect us to be so excited about — subscription services and AI.

If the internet belongs to Satan, and if there has been a … pandemic … of Orthodox content over the last 20 years, then can we conclude that these internet priests are driven by Satan? They seem to almost always develop an ego and slip into teaching their own opinions as doctrine. The medium selects for superficial content that appeals to broad masses, instead of “declaring the whole counsel of God” to a close circle of disciples. People consume Orthodox material as passive entertainment instead of tradition passed from one generation to the next.

My prediction – next summer things are going to get bad again. They’re going to wait until the election is over, and then the next global oppression campaign will start in earnest around May after some kind of contrived panic.

— Augustine Martin

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