Fr. Demetrios has decades of experience as a priest. During his career, he has served under several bishops in more than one jurisdiction. He had reached out to us for technical assistance with a project he was working on. While we had him on the phone, we couldn’t help but ask him about the state of our Orthodox Church in the United States.
His response caught us by surprise. Fr. Demetrios said, “All we need in Orthodoxy is communication and repentance. That would fix everything.”
During the rest of the conversation, he explained what he meant. In his experience, most bishops were at least difficult, if not impossible, to communicate with. Often they have, at most, a small group of trusted advisors to whom they listen. Sometimes they only listen to a chancellor playing the role of “gatekeeper.” When mistakes are made, they are rarely acknowledged and repented of. Usually the goal is to just quietly “move on.”
As we talked, the truth of what Fr. Demetrios was saying became more and more apparent. Many of the problems we see around us are directly attributable to lack of communication and repentance.
Bishops are Largely Incommunicado
Fr. Demetrios explained to us that, in his experience, bishops are rarely interested in the opinions of their priests or the laity. We have seen multiple public confirmations of this. For example, most bishops did not ask for any input on how to deal with Covid at the parish-level. Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon was thrilled that Bishop Anthony, via an administrative assistant, contacted him for his ideas 10 months into the pandemic:
As far as I know, this is also the first time, during these ten miserable months, an Orthodox bishop has asked for “creative ideas addressing this issue” from the local pastors of our congregations.
His advice was not heeded, but at least he was able to tender it. Via email. To an assistant. Did Bishop Anthony even read it? Or even a summary of it? Who knows?
A group of OCA priests wrote this in an article The Broken Covenant about the church lockdowns:
Without the sacramental rudders and moorings of the Church, the OCA bishops were cast adrift, as they tried to navigate the political landscape. They seemingly closed their minds to reason, as they closed the doors of the Church and they wanted no input from the priests fearing it would undercut their point of view.
The bishops didn’t want any input from the men directly serving in the parishes among the people. Or the people themselves. These bishops would rather be wrong in their suppositions, than to hear the truth from the local parishes. They were very out-of-step with many sheep in their flocks over the Church’s Covid response, and most still seem totally oblivious to that fact. You cannot govern in truth, if you refuse to hear it.
In addition to ignoring emails, phone calls, letters, and petitions, more than one Orthodox hierarch is known for blocking / unfriending anyone on social media who asks an unwelcome question or “steps out of line” in even the slightest way. On Twitter, whoever runs Archbishop Elpidophoros’ account is notorious for quickly blocking users, even priests, over seemingly trivial comments / questions. His Eminence even blocks accounts that have never contacted him on the basis of those accounts having interacted with blocked accounts.
Those wanting to have their concerns heard end up writing blogs, posting on their own social media, and signing petitions – all in the hopes of getting some episcopal attention. Orthodox Reflections came into existence for this very reason. As all private avenues of communication are cut off, there is not much choice besides going public. The lack of meaningful engagement and cooperation hurts and divides the Church. It also makes the men charged with making decisions and representing the Church look and sound completely tone-deaf.
In the secular world, before we issue a statement to clients or put out a press release, the text goes through multiple layers of vetting by different departments. Everyone brings their own expertise to bear. Much of our review effort is geared towards identifying ways any statement can be misconstrued. Anything you say or publish can instantly turn into a public relations nightmare. We could paraphrase Murphy’s Law a bit to say: Anything that can be misconstrued, will be. A good rule – don’t say and do things which can reasonably be misunderstood (or understood if that really is your point) as being contrary to your values and/or your previous commitments. Doing so provides ammunition to your enemies and demoralizes your supporters. In the Orthodox context, souls are literally on the line, so you had better be careful with what you say and do.
On a regular basis, bishops ignite firestorms. Sometimes it seems to be accidental. At other times, it is clear that they took controversial positions and steps on purpose, but it is hard to believe they were in any way prepared for the severity of the backlash that followed. If they listened to anyone at all in the preparation of their controversial texts or planning some of their controversial actions, then it was to individuals who agreed with them completely and looked at everything from the same perspective as the hierarchs. An echo chamber does not prepare you for contact with the real world.
The latest example was Archbishop Elpidophoros seemingly endorsing “many paths to God” and rejecting Christ as the only way to salvation: “When you elevate one religion above all others, it is as if you decide there is only one path leading to the top of the mountain.” We covered the speech here and here.
Of course, the unfortunate “new age” wording has already spawned many negative responses. Among them are humorous memes such as the one to the right.
In the best case, this speech was a blunder based on being completely tone-deaf to easily anticipated public reaction:
In my opinion, Archbishop Elpidophoros could have done a better job of bracketing his comment about having only one path leading to the top of the mountain, i.e., that he was talking about state-religion relations, not about theology in the usual sense. Loosely read, Elpidophoros’ mountain metaphor can be construed as an allusion to a universalist soteriology—an affront to Orthodoxy.
The Greek Archdiocese, so far, has not even attempted to explain the comments. At best, a major blunder. At worst, a case of using plausible deniability to advance heresy publicly. Either way, in a healthy organization with proper checks and balances, this speech would never have been given.
One has to pity priests and deacons in the Greek Archdiocese. Their own hierarchy makes their difficult jobs even harder, and then won’t even listen to their cries of pain.
More examples of tone-deafness abound. We’ll cover just a few:
Bishop Benjamin of the OCA sent a letter to his priests mandating that anyone not wearing a mask could not receive communion, and warning his priests, “If I learn you are not strictly observing these directives and one of your parishioners dies of COVID 19, I will not hesitate to suspend you.” This letter was received so badly in his parishes, that six months later members of the Diocese of the West are still complaining about it. Some referenced that letter as the last straw in their leaving the OCA.
- Archbishop Paul (Gassios) of the Diocese of the Midwest suspended Fr. Mark Hodges after he legally participated in a Constitutionally protected rally, and suggested in a letter to the priest that he was “guilty by association” for having been in the presence of illegal activity. When contacted repeatedly, the chancellor of the diocese finally responded to state that Fr. Mark Hodges was
not suspended for participating in the rally. Despite the fact that this suspension had become an international news story, the chancellor refused to comment on why Fr. Mark was suspended, if not for participation in the rally. So of course, as you can see from the comments on our coverage, a huge fight ensued among the Faithful all over the Internet concerning the justness of the suspension and the underlying causes. The diocese never clarified the reasons for the suspension. A few months later, it was quietly announced that Fr. Mark’s suspension had been lifted. No explanation was given as to what, if anything, had changed. All that bad blood between faithful Orthodox Christians, all that bad press coverage internationally, and just like that – it all gets dropped down the memory hole. The lack of transparency harms the witness of the Orthodox Church, and seems to be driven by bishops not realizing or not caring how much controversy their actions stir up among the Faithful.
Archbishop Elpidophoros publicly endorsed extending Orthodox communion to unconverted spouses to help keep those in interfaith marriages from leaving the Church. That might help those in that particular situation, though in a way that actually harms those unworthily receiving communion. However, even discussing opening communion to the non-Orthodox caused faithful Greek Orthodox to denounce the idea as heresy. The Greek Archdiocese has already lost a large number of attending members in the past year (maybe as high as 30% in some surveys). If this change is implemented, doubtless more will leave. Priests and Faithful in other jurisdictions quickly began openly discussing the possibility of full-blown schism. If the Archbishop is trying to keep ethnic Greeks in the “fold” of the Church, this is going to backfire horribly. How could the Archbishop possibly be so isolated that not one faithful Orthodox Christian was there to tell him, “This is a terrible idea!”
On the Feast Day of St. Bartholomew, June 11th, Archbishop Elpidophoros presided over a Divine Liturgy at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Manhattan. On July 3, he was back at St. Bart’s in a more personal capacity to visit with their rector, Bp. Dean E. Wolfe. St. Bart’s has been criticized as “ground zero for the queering of Manhattan.” This level of engagement looks very much like an endorsement of the Episcopal Church’s homosexual-friendly agenda. As one commenter summed up this pattern of behavior by Archbishop Elpidophoros, “We cannot but conclude that the archbishop is sending the wrong message to his faithful followers.” Not only did the Archbishop do these things, but he highly publicized them. Does no one at the level of the Archdiocese understand how badly these actions are received among faithful Orthodox Christians? Or what ridicule the Orthodox Faith is being subjected to by those outside of the Church?
- A recent encyclical from Archbishop Sotirios of Canada asserted that supporters of a single communion spoon are “pagan.” That was not received well by the long-suffering Greek community in Canada, and will likely drive away even more people.
- Archbishop Elpidophoros famously marched with Black Lives Matter over a year ago. At the time, we wrote an article questioning the Archbishop lending his moral authority to a group associated not only with violence but also with abortion on demand, Marxist economic policies, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the disruption of the nuclear family. Not surprisingly, the progressive Orthodox over at Fordham University roundly applauded the Archbishop for his march. Many faithful Orthodox Christians were scandalized by his words and actions. The Archbishop’s support for BLM has never looked good, but it looks especially bad now since the group issued a statement siding with the
Cuban Communist dictatorship against the brave people of Cuba who are in the streets demanding their freedom.
- Even worse, in the middle of the pro-freedom protests, the Ecumenical Patriarch announced an official visit to Cuba this November at the invitation of the communist regime. This will be the EP’s second visit to Cuba. There is an Orthodox Cathedral in Cuba with the mosaic you see to the right of the EP receiving a key from mass murderer Fidel Castro. The plaque says, “THIS CATHEDRAL IS A GIFT FROM THE PEOPLE OF CUBA TO THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH AND TO ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW, FIDEL CASTRO RUZ -NOVEMBER 2003” Partnering with communists is not really a good look for Orthodox hierarchs, particularly when immortalized in a mosaic. A fact most normal parish priests and/or laypersons would be happy to inform the hierarchs of, if only they could.
His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios, the former Metropolitan of the Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aigialeia in northern Greece, recently published a lengthy list of abuses of the Orthodox Faith including: sacraments of heretics being recognized, donating the Qur’an as a sacred book, common prayers and concelebrations of bishops with heretics, metropolises locking churches and threatening priests, masks in front of the Holy Altar, single-use disposable spoons for distributing of the immaculate Body and Blood of our Christ, and bishops prohibiting the sacrament of Confession. It was a blistering call to change course and repent.
Repentance is Needed
His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios also said in his article, “Wherever there is Orthodoxy there are wounds.” That is true all over the globe. But despite those wounds, most of the hierarchy simply goes on with business as usual. Most acknowledge only the pandemic, while ignoring any of the pain and suffering caused by the hysterical, harmful responses to it. The one exception we have seen is Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern America (Orthodox Church in America) who at least seems to “feel our pain“:
The past year has truly been a rollercoaster ride for all of us and we need to be mindful and considerate of those suffering from isolation, fear, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and loneliness, as well as those who have lost loved ones. Additionally, divisions occurred as people lost the ability to discuss differing opinions on a variety of matters.
While a welcome acknowledgment that bad things have happened, the archbishop’s statement is hardly repentance for the role he, and his fellow bishops, played in the “rollercoaster ride.” This lack of repentance over the Covid responses, the political missteps, and the ecumenist scandals is frequently discussed among Orthodox Christians. The attitude of the bishops has caused some Orthodox Christians to stop attending liturgy or to switch jurisdictions.
This really can’t continue. The most sincere and holy hierarchs will find it within themselves to set a public example of repentance for their mistakes. We also recognize that there appear to be Orthodox hierarchs who are intentionally trying to change the Orthodox Faith – either out of conformity to the world (weakness) or under demonic influence. They need to be called to repentance and held to account, particularly by other hierarchs.
The people will forgive hierarchs who embrace public repentance and flock to them. To minimize future mistakes, the best hierarchs will commit themselves to open communication, accountability, and transparency. They will not always take the advice of their priests and laity, but they will at least give them a fair hearing and avoid openly scandalizing them.
Fr. Demetrios was quite right, all we need is communication and repentance.
Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America
ARTICLE Headline: “Orthodoxy Needs Communication and Repentance”
Or is it possible that the misguided, ill-informed** “Flock” (those who are) are out of step with their shepherd (bishop), who knows what’s best for them, — and who simply may not care to continue discussing this over and over again?
He (the shepherd) and the appropriate governmental authorities have made their recommendations based on the bioscience of pharmacology, and that should be the end of it. We are called to be in submission to both our Church leaders (1 Pet 2:13; 1 Pet 5:5; 1 Cor 16:15-16); and our duly appointed Government (Rom 13:1), which itself came from God.
This is especially true now that “COVID has killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 flu”:…
This is a national emergency of the same magnitude as WWII. So, let’s wake up: wear masks; keep distances; get vaccinated; wash hands. It’s not rocket science, folks… (^_^)…
** and don’t whine and cry about your rights under the Constitution: the First Amendment can get abated under a variety of conditions, and a national health emergency is one of them. You simply have no right to endanger another person by shooting viruses at him, any more than shooting bullets.
There might be few texts whose misuse have done more to facilitate evil, and entice people to tacitly go along, or even become an accomplice to evil, than Romans 13.
On the other hand:
St. Mary (Skobtsova) of Paris and her companions, St. Alexander (Schmorell) of Munich, who are glorified by our Church as Saints, resisted policies which were explicitly presented public health policies, policies which were presented as the uncontested scientific knowledge, policies which were presented as policies to protect the people from “spreaders of disease”.
The did not “ whine and cry” about people’s rights under the Constitution”, but they showed human decency and courage.
What they certainly did not do was: Whine and cry about a run-off-the-mill respiratory virus.
Besides, we do have certain rights, totally independent of what any constitution says:
You write:
“ He (the shepherd) and the appropriate governmental authorities have made their recommendations based on the bioscience of pharmacology, and that should be the end of it. We are called to be in submission to both our Church leaders (1 Pet 2:13; 1 Pet 5:5; 1 Cor 16:15-16); and our duly appointed Government (Rom 13:1), which itself came from God.
This is especially true now that “COVID has killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 flu”:…
This is a national emergency of the same magnitude as WWII. So, let’s wake up: wear masks; keep distances; get vaccinated; wash hands. It’s not rocket science, folks… (^_^)…
** and don’t whine and cry about your rights under the Constitution: the First Amendment can get abated under a variety of conditions, and a national health emergency is one of them. You simply have no right to endanger another person by shooting viruses at him, any more than shooting bullets..”
off-guardian’s Kit Knightly writes:
“ 30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet
You asked for it, so we made it. A collection of all the arguments you’ll ever need.”
A little learning makes the whole world kin.
Re: Romas 13
Possible, but that simply isn’t the case. Considering the ill-informed flock includes multiple physicians, nurses, medical researchers, etc., the balance of expertise is actually in favor of the flock. We have put a solid case in front of the hierarchs. Not all hierarchs bought the COVID narrative, which is why our local Serbian parishes never closed or masked. Of the ones that did, quite a few are simply done now with COVID. Despite all the panic in the media, only our local GOA parishes in Florida went back into masks at Liturgy. The rest of the jurisdictions kept on with life as usual. The hierarchs, by and large, appear to have decided what we have been saying for months – masks and social distancing do not work. The Greeks are the odd-man-out in this case, but they are a special case anyway.
As noted, even at the beginning, there were shepherds who dissented. There are more now. In our parish, we never had masks, almost never closed down, and had coffee hour almost the entire time. The Serbs were even more open. From the beginning, there was a Red State / Blue State divide. Who was the authority to listen to – Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbot or Whitmer and Newsome? So being in Florida and the Antiochian Archdiocese, we barely noticed an issue with the “pandemic,” especially at Church. So our bishop was right? How can you have churches from different jurisdictions literally across the street from each other, pursuing radically different policies, but then how are all the hierarchs are right when their policies don’t agree? How all the governments right, when they don’t agree?
Actually, no.
The “pandemic” and the hysteria around it has been driven by PCR testing. Dr. Craig explains how unreliable testing strategies have led to massive over diagnosis of COVID. As she explains, you could not have designed a better system for maximizing the count of cases and deaths. If COVID is actually much less of an issue than we have been led to believe, then why are experimental “vaccines”, masks, and lockdowns necessary? The implication is that this was all done deliberately.
Huge over diagnosis of COVID. This is confirmed by multiple other sources, including many health care resources. We have provided many charts as to the survival rates of COVID (which are wonderful) including at the top here:
There is no reason for you to be this paranoid. Obesity and age, but particularly obesity, contribute to negative outcomes. As do lack of early treatment to preserve the narrative that only vaccines help. You are vastly over estimating risk and not taking treatment options into account:
COVID is their sense of purpose, their way to show everyone how superior they are. They brag about being vaxxed on their social media profiles. They decorate their posts with slogans like “We can do this!” COVID is their WWII, their Moon Landing – the war on the virus is their generational moment. COVIDian Progressives have a childish faith in government to keep society progressing towards a Utopian future. We can beat a virus. We can beat death. We can do it, as long as government leads the way. Everyone just has to comply. For them, “science” is not a method but a set of beliefs, an orthodoxy to which all good people subscribe. They don’t read research papers or ponder data. Instead true COVIDians live by the dictates of the “official” scientists. No matter how accomplished pre-COVID, any doctor or scientist deviating from the official narrative is a miserable science-denying quack. Such people should be stripped of their credentials and exiled from society.
This is not WWII. But I get that you feel that way. You just shouldn’t. WWII killed 50 plus million people. Realistically, you need a different purpose in life, or at least another hobby.
Well, for starters, that isn’t true. If it were, then the government could have cancelled national elections in 1864 and 1944. Even in the middle of wars, the president still had to stand for election. It was still legal to run for office and to criticize the government. If you allow the government to break the law in an emergency, then the government will simply declare an emergency any time the powers-in-charge find the law inconvenient. You have seen where this leads in Australia and New Zealand. It is only our federal system in the U.S. (what is left of it) that stops this from occurring here.
Viruses are a fact of life. They always have been. We never thought it was immoral just to live your life. We also never required a specific medical treatment to qualify you to buy groceries or a meal or go to a movie. Viruses have been with us since the Fall from Eden, but now we suddenly need to protect ourselves against a not-particularly deadly respiratory virus at the expense of our civilization? The vaccines, by the way, don’t stop the spread. The vaccinated get sick at a higher rate than the unvaccinated, and spread the virus quite easily. The only claims made for the virus by authority is that they reduce the level of deaths and hospitalizations. Two claims, by the way, for which evidence is still lacking.
“The sheep know My voice.” When we hear falsehoods coming even from within the Church, we know it. I wish laity voiced their intuitions more and stood up for the truth. A different Fr Demetrius just reminded me that the people have power, if we stand together. Unfortunately, one priest out of dozens cannot resist the hierarchy without being censured or removed.
I agree with john ‘s comment that freemasonsry(masonary) is the occult itsef where witchcraft is being used and practiced in order to achieve all their goals and agendas. And this has been going on for years. Of coarse every bishop and priest that is one of them should be immediatley excommunicated and banned!But no one is doing anything about this .Which is why we are in the condition that we are in today with the church. We need to get rid of all these devils and bring in the true sheppards of Christ to lead and guide the flock of Christ
properly according to the Holy tradition that has been handed down to us by the holy apostles and our holy fathers of the true faith. In Christ, Christina
This is what communication and repentance look like. If you don’t see this in your prodigal hierarch or priest, flee. Your spiritual and eternal life will depend on it.
The Tale of the Prodigal Bishop
From Everyday Saints and Other Stories
By: Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)
In a town in Byzantium there was once a bishop who was very much beloved by the townsfolk. But then something terrible happened: whether through his own weakness or lightheartedness, or through the conniving of the Devil, this bishop fell into the sin of fornication.
On a Sunday when the entire town had gathered for the divine Liturgy, the bishop addressed the people, and removed his bishop’s stole, the symbol of his episcopal rank, and said: “I can no longer be your bishop, for I have fallen into the sin of fornication.”
At first, silence reigned in the crowd. Then sighing was heard all over the church. People stood and cried. The bishop was also crying as he hung his head and looked at his parishioners.
Finally, the people calmed down a bit and asked: “What will we do now? We still love you. Therefore, put your vestments back on and serve the Liturgy, for you will always be our bishop and our pastor.”
To this the bishop replied: “Thank you for your generous words, but I truly can no longer serve as your bishop. By the laws established by our Holy Fathers, a bishop who has sinned as I have is no longer worthy to serve the Divine Liturgy.”
The people answered him: “We know nothing about your laws. No doubt they are very important and all correct. But we have come to love you for all those years during which you have served us in our town. All kinds of things happen in life. So, put on your vestments and serve. We forgive you.”
The bishop laughed bitterly: “Yes, you have forgiven me. But I will never forgive myself, nor will the Church ever forgive me. I can never be forgiven before God. Therefore, make way for me. I will walk into the desert to weep and to repent of my sins.”
But the crowd only grew tighter and did not even let their bishop leave the podium. “No!” The crowd was insistent. “You are our bishop! Put your vestments back on and serve!”
The standoff continued till late in the morning. The people would not back down, and the unhappy bishop had no idea what he should do When he finally comprehended that the people would not let him go, he said: “All right! Have it your way! But I will stay only on one condition. You must all now leave the cathedral, and I will lie down upon the threshold of the door. And as you come back into the church, you must all walk over me so that you will all know what a sinner I am, and how worthless I am.”
On this point, the bishop was no longer willing to compromise, and it was the people who had to back down. Everyone left the church, and the bishop lay down on the threshold of the door. Each and every one of his parishioners, from the oldest to the youngest, with horror (and many with tears in their eyes), walked back into the church, wiping their feet on the bishop.
And finally, when the very last parishioner was inside the church, everyone heard a voice thundering from heaven: “for such great humility, his great sin is forgiven!”
The subdeacons clad their bishop again in his holy vestments, and he served the Divine Liturgy.
Outstanding article. Thank you!
My sense, John, is that you are correct. Freemasonry has become so systemic in our Church, that our hierarchs no longer feel the need that they must hide it. Archbishop Sotirios openly admits he was decorated with the Order of the Phoenix on his website, and no other hierarch is holding him accountable fir this. Why? Because they are members too.
Some of my pious friends and relatives still think it’s OK to go to Greek Orthodox Churches under Sotirios’ jurisdiction for vespers and other services that do not include Holy Communion with multiple spoons, provided they attend Divine Liturgy elsewhere, where the Common Spoon is still used. They don’t realize that their presence and their dollar during vespers still supports the demonic ideology of the corrupt and heretical hierarch who controls the Greek Orthodox Church of Canada.
Why has a clean separation been so difficult for these people? In my humble opinion there are three reasons:
1) force of habit and the pull of familiarity
2) the Greek Language since many are immigrants
3) the New Calendar since the other Orthodox ethnicities still follow the Old Calendar
We are essentially like the first Christians who still attended services at the synagogues while doing Divine Liturgy every day of the week in various places.
I believe God understands how difficult it is to undo so many years of habit and culture and to forge a new path, devoid of all the trappings (language, culture, church buildings and calendars) that have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.
He is giving us time, I believe, to dig deep into our souls so we can figure this out and excavate that path that we lost along the way. It is a painful process and we are still figuring it out, one parish at a time.
What is clear to me, however, is that I cannot go back to any Greek church in Canada. My soul is repelled and repulsed by the heresy there. I no longer sense the Holy Spirit in these places and I cannot pray there. I feel like running away from a very bad performance.
Free Masonry is a form of witchcraft of the worst kind. Any clergy or parishioner who participates in that should be fully excommunicated immediately. This practice brings the practitioner under direct demonic control. This is unacceptable in the Church.
John & Rita, what I am about to say will not be received well by many Orthodox, so be it. In my experiences in World Orthodoxy, it is infected with secularism and Masonry. I know of one particular parish that was founded by Masons.
Decades of Masonic doctrine sown in the churches combined with a general ignorance of Masonry from the average Orthodox layman has caused a lot damage. Here is an excellent compilation of what the Orthodox Church teaches about Masonry: Please share.
Repentance and communication will not fix Orthodoxy. What Orthodoxy needs is a purging of heretics, modernists, and masons with special emphasis on the latter. The faithful need to recognize them among them and hold holy hatred for their disease which necessitates separation less they become infected too, which is exactly what has been happening for decades. That is why heresy is so dangerous. If the faithful continue to tolerate their cunning undermining of the sacred after spotting them then we deserve what they sow in our gardens.
Agreed. And it’s not just the Greek Archdiocese that has problems. Look no further than the former EOC parishes in the Antiochian Archdiocese, with the cathedral in Eagle River being a hotbed of modernism
A godly example of communication and repentance can be found in the tale of the prodigal bishop:
The Tale of the Prodigal Bishop
From Everyday Saints and Other Stories
By: Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov)
In a town in Byzantium there was once a bishop who was very much beloved by the townsfolk. But then something terrible happened: whether through his own weakness or lightheartedness, or through the conniving of the Devil, this bishop fell into the sin of fornication.
On a Sunday when the entire town had gathered for the divine Liturgy, the bishop addressed the people, and removed his bishop’s stole, the symbol of his episcopal rank, and said: “I can no longer be your bishop, for I have fallen into the sin of fornication.”
At first, silence reigned in the crowd. Then sighing was heard all over the church. People stood and cried. The bishop was also crying as he hung his head and looked at his parishioners.
Finally, the people calmed down a bit and asked: “What will we do now? We still love you. Therefore, put your vestments back on and serve the Liturgy, for you will always be our bishop and our pastor.”
To this the bishop replied: “Thank you for your generous words, but I truly can no longer serve as your bishop. By the laws established by our Holy Fathers, a bishop who has sinned as I have is no longer worthy to serve the Divine Liturgy.”
The people answered him: “We know nothing about your laws. No doubt they are very important and all correct. But we have come to love you for all those years during which you have served us in our town. All kinds of things happen in life. So, put on your vestments and serve. We forgive you.”
The bishop laughed bitterly: “Yes, you have forgiven me. But I will never forgive myself, nor will the Church ever forgive me. I can never be forgiven before God. Therefore, make way for me. I will walk into the desert to weep and to repent of my sins.”
But the crowd only grew tighter and did not even let their bishop leave the podium. “No!” The crowd was insistent. “You are our bishop! Put your vestments back on and serve!”
The standoff continued till late in the morning. The people would not back down, and the unhappy bishop had no idea what he should do When he finally comprehended that the people would not let him go, he said: “All right! Have it your way! But I will stay only on one condition. You must all now leave the cathedral, and I will lie down upon the threshold of the door. And as you come back into the church, you must all walk over me so that you will all know what a sinner I am, and how worthless I am.”
On this point, the bishop was no longer willing to compromise, and it was the people who had to back down. Everyone left the church, and the bishop lay down on the threshold of the door. Each and every one of his parishioners, from the oldest to the youngest, with horror (and many with tears in their eyes), walked back into the church, wiping their feet on the bishop.
And finally, when the very last parishioner was inside the church, everyone heard a voice thundering from heaven: “for such great humility, his great sin is forgiven!”
The subdeacons clad their bishop again in his holy vestments, and he served the Divine Liturgy.
What I meant that everthing ” they” say stands,whether their wrong or not. Don’t don’t question them, just do as they say.
Self made case, I guess.
Not sure how that relates to this article.
Learn something new everyday. Didn’t realize that infallibility was granted to Orthodox hierarchy.”Interesting”! Yea right.
Who made that case?