Building The Kingdom of God on Earth

Millennialism, in all its forms, is the curse of the modern world. Whether we believe we can perfect society, or fulfill prophecy to force Jesus to come back, the fruits of this heresy are always rotten. Yet for Americans captivated by thoughts of our own unlimited potential, there is nothing else nearly so attractive as a philosophy.

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Dress Rehearsal for Dictatorship: How Are You Helping to Set the Stage?

“Guard thyself then, O man; thou hast the signs of Antichrist,” wrote St. Cyril of Jerusalem in the fourth century. “And remember them not only thyself, but impart them also freely to all.” Do you recognize the signs of the coming dictatorship of the Antichrist? What role are American politicians playing? What role are you playing?

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The Great Shift: Dynamics of Ecclesial Authority After COVID

The failures of Orthodox Christian leadership during COVID have never been repented of, nor have the bishops promised to do better next time. Many Orthodox Christians are facing a crisis of confidence as we face talk of new “vaccines” and new restrictions. Hierarchs and clergy cannot pretend it is 2019 and all is well.

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