The Michael Sisco Show: The Regime’s Obsession with Russia & Orthodoxy Explained

Nicholas from Orthodox Reflections sits down with Michael Sisco to discuss the regime’s obsession with Orthodoxy, and the troubling trend of “labeling” Orthodox Christians with words that the National Security State now associate with “potential terrorism”.

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Why the US National Security State’s Orthodox Christian Obsession?

Anti-Orthodox Christian hit pieces are everywhere, official “Russophobia” is at an all time high, while modernists are working overtime to transform the Orthodox Church into something “new”. Why?

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orthodox icon divine liturgy

Changes to Communion Lead to Transforming the Orthodox Faith?

There are scholars, priests, and hierarchs that argue for changing long-held Orthodox practices. These Orthodox thinkers often draw a distinction between what they refer to as dogma, such as the divinity of Christ, and mere customs, such as the communion spoon. One can change they say, the other can’t. Could yielding the common spoon set a precedent for even more changes to the Orthodox Faith?

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