Preparing for Hard Times, Part 2

Be sure to read Part 1 of this article: Preparing for Hard Times: Forging Relationships and Skills to Survive 

This morning I was offered a ride on a small plane by a friend. Taking off from Colorado Springs Airport, we did a short tour of some farmlands of eastern Colorado.

Our farmlands are devastated; years of drought, high winds and mismanagement leave us on the precipice of the Dust Bowl 2.0. While most of us have no clue what that looked like, a good description of it can be gotten from the novel Grapes of Wrath.

From 10,000 feet, topsoil erosion was obvious in nearly all of the cultivated areas. The yellowish sand underneath was clearly visible. One could easily see the wind’s footprints all running northwest by southeast. Once the topsoil is gone, it’s gone never to return in our lifetimes.

Even in irrigated circles, sprouting crops were marginalized by the sand’s encroachment, or shall we say, the topsoil’s exodus.

Many crop circles are no longer irrigated. The government shut them down due to the drop in the Ogallala Aquafer, the life blood of farming from Texas to South Dakota. Even these dry portions were being farmed, or shall we say, trying to be farmed.

Farming on land with little or no topsoil requires huge amounts of chemical fertilizers, and at some point that becomes impossible.

This is just another of the many signs that we are on the verge of  something at least equal to the so-called “Great Depression.” Moderns have been so coddled, they have no clue what to do when Walmart runs out of groceries. Our modern metropolises are degenerate, rife with a growing disregard for law and order. Anything even remotely approaching the Great Depression could overnight turn our cities into blood baths as lawless people violently take what they want.

God’s wrath works in a certain way: He tolerates and tolerates, and tolerates, then it all hits the fan. In the Battle Hymn of the Republic, the stanza says, “He is trampling down the Vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.” Whatever wrath will be unleashed, it has been generations in the making. We see this in the Amorites of Genesis 15. There is always a breaking point, God is patient until…………..While many get away with sin, evil, idolatry, even for generations, at some point, there is a reckoning. More and more it looks like this generation will see it.

There is individual judgement and there is group (nations, peoples, etc). Woe to that generation that falls under the judgement of their generation and the previous ones. While this seems unfair, it makes no difference what we think.

The way to conquer, control, manipulate any people is to take away their food. And if they have no clue how to make it themselves, that is a totally compliant people.

Like it or not, things are lining up for major upheaval.

People can forget God only for so long. Then payday arrives and the wine press of judgment begins.

St John said, “Who hath warned you to escape the wrath to come? You brood of vipers.” Escaping whatever comes may not be just the result of some smart choices. Rather, your survival may require an act of God. You may want to start up a conversation with Him about that.

Even so, here as some suggestions for ways to prepare that can increase your chances if things go as bad as they could.

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Practical Application

  1. Get out of town. If your city has 5G towers popping up overnight, you will be better off in a more country setting. You will also be safer from rampant crime. To learn more about 5G’s possible affects, click here.
  2. If you are raising children, double down on point one (1). Children are our most precious asset and raising them in the system, will make them slaves of that very same system.
  3. Think in terms of multiple options for the things you buy. We do not know exactly what the situation will be in our local areas. It’s best to have options. When I bought a generator, I got one that burns either gas or propane. In a crisis, I have no idea which power source will be available. As the answer could be “neither”, it is important to also think about non-electric living.
  4. Have a few rain barrels, set to collect water off the roof. While you would not want to drink this water (see chemtrails), it can be used to flush with or for an emergency.
  5. Have a large deep freezer(s). Freezing is one of the best ways to preserve food. Obviously, the drawback is it requires electricity. Before refrigeration, most rural homes had an ice cellar. Underground it was packed with ice during the winter, and it kept cold all Summer because the earth insulates.
  6. Fill the top of the freezer with frozen water. Plastic vinegar jugs make nice containers that will flex when the water expands. This will serve a dual purpose; first, it will give you drinkable water and second, when the power goes out, it will hold the frozen foods much longer before you have to light the generator to cool. By placing them in the top, they will hold cooling for the whole.
  7. Store food. For the record the Mormons are the world’s best at stored food technology because their theology says everything will crash and Mormonism will be the one world religion—which in some measure is true;  but it is a Luceferian cult same as other “religions” likely to survive during hard times. Buying from Alex Jones supports Mormonism, so find another source for emergency food.
  8. Canning (jars) used to be a staple of every American home. It will be making a comeback.
  9. Dry storage, many staples are fine in a dried state. Properly dried, many grains have a long shelf life. Many companies sell dried food for emergencies with a 20 year shelf life.
  10. Think non-refrigerated. There is something special about foods that do not require refrigeration. Honey, butter, and many oils can be stored without refrigeration. Peanut butter has a long shelf life even without preservatives. Its high oil content preserves it at room temperature. Additionally, peanut butter is high in protein. In a pinch, peanut butter by itself could hold one out for a long time.
  11. Think fuel for your body. Foods high in fat are actually best for fuel: lard, coconut oil, palm oil. Any healthy fat can provide fuel for the body at low expense. Bacon grease is a great fuel to cook eggs and other foods in. Avoid grain oils; canola is the worst.
  12. Learn how to grow your own food. Especially consider raising chickens. Obviously, this is a long term solution, but those that can, will have provisions when others have exhausted their supplies.
  13. Know those who grow food. Befriend a dairy farmer, veggie farmer, and/or cattle ranch owner.
  14. Learn wilderness survival. Those who live off the land will be the better for it.
  15. Learn the art of barter. Establish a network of likeminded individuals who can share services and products.
  16. Make sure your Faith in God can survive a church shut down. It happened before and it WILL happen again. Hold family devotions.
  17. Toss the vegan. Vegans are some of the most unhealthy people around. Grains are the most engineered of all food groups going back over a hundred years. All grains now are hybrids, even the most healthy ones. Meats are the healthiest food on the planet, when properly raised.
  18. Learn the art of detox. Our air is contaminated, our soil is stripped of all necessary minerals, and our water contains many toxins, including antidepressants, and all manner of pharmaceuticals peed off into the environment.
  19. Don’t trust your 401k; it might not be there when you need it. With the extreme volatility in the markets, hard assets may be preferred. Keep secured cash and precious metals close to hand. Silver was historically the common man’s trading metal of choice.
  20. Build family relationships, especially where the younger look after their elders in old age.
  21. Think about, and plan for, a world in which there is no Internet.

While I would love to say this is advice for “if” things go badly, we must all admit that a catastrophic crash looks inevitable.

For more advice, watch this video Make Preparations // Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou – More Will Come After The War.

John Lee – an Orthodox Christian

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