For the War in Ukraine, there are two main “official” Western narratives to explain the causes of it. The secular narrative, promoted mainly by the western political/media class, is that Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine solely because he is evil and hates freedom. Another Hitler, Putin wants to conquer as much of Europe as possible because he cannot stand free democracies. Additions to this narrative often add something about wanting to “rebuild the Soviet Union” because either (take your pick) he is a Russian nationalist or a closet commie longing for the old “Evil Empire”. Sometimes, he is said to be both.
The second narrative centers on Russia fighting a religious war against the “enlightened” West. Russia believes itself to be the center of a “Russian World” – a united and holy Orthodox Slavic civilization whose duty is to fight against the moral degeneracy of the Western Democracies. A progressive “Orthodox” publication, Public Orthodoxy, expressed it this way:
Against this “Russian world” (so the teaching goes) stands the corrupt West, led by the United States and Western European nations, which has capitulated to “liberalism”, “globalization”, “Christianophobia”, “homosexual rights” promoted in gay parades, and “militant secularism”. Over and against the West and those Orthodox who have fallen into schism and error (such as Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and other local Orthodox churches that support him) stands the Moscow Patriarchate, along with Vladimir Putin, as the true defenders of Orthodox teaching, which they view in terms of traditional morality, a rigorist and inflexible understanding of tradition, and veneration of Holy Russia.
Ukraine, so the narrative goes, is in Russia’s crosshairs because, as a democracy, it has liberalized on LGBTQ+ and other social issues in ways that are opposed to the “Russian” Orthodox Faith. After Ukraine, Russia will come for the rest of the decadent “West”. Either NATO keeps shoveling billions into the war to stop the Orthodox horde, or fundamentalist “Ivans” will crush every last Pride Parade on the continent of Europe.
While both narratives are false, the most dangerous one for American Christians is the religious one. That narrative has the potential to accelerate an already ongoing drive to drastically change Christianity in the West, and could also result in more than a few of us getting labeled pro-Russian traitors.
Before we continue, let us be very clear. The Russian Church heavily influences Russian society in a morally conservative direction. That is why Russia outlawed LGBTQ propaganda aimed at children in 2013, and recently extended that ban to “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” for both adults and minors. The Russian state is broadly supportive of the Church and her mission in society. In return, the Church strives to keep relations with the state as friendly as possible. Tensions do exist, but these are minor in comparison to what is happening elsewhere in the world.
From the Russian Government’s standpoint, the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Orthodox Christianity. After the 2014 coup in Kiev sponsored by the US, the situation in Ukraine was intentionally manipulated to create the following causes which actually triggered this war:
- Threatened expansion of NATO
- Western refusal to implement the Minsk Agreements
- Continuous and repeated attacks on the civilian population of the Donbas over the past years and the dramatic increase in late February 2022 that heralded a massive, impending attack
- Request on 23 February 2022 of the two Donbas Republics for military assistance from Russia. A request which caused Vladimir Putin to invoke Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, providing for mutual military assistance in the framework of a defensive alliance
Russia was open to negotiations before and during the war (a deal was scuttled in March under Western pressure). For most of this “war”, Russia kept the lights on for Ukrainian civilians and the cities mostly intact. American politicians, government officials, and even movie actors have been free to come and go from Kiev without molestation. Russia has, so far, fought a mostly careful and limited engagement. This is not the behavior of a new Hitler, or a people fighting a holy “crusade” or “jihad” for the destruction of mortal enemies.

From the Russian side, there has been a religious gloss given to the fight by some Church hierarchs and some politicians. This has been done to beef up enthusiasm among the Russian populace, but has done nothing to alter the secular nature of Russian war aims. Putin would never have gone to war over gay pride parades or any other such moral / cultural issues. Russia’s justifications for the war are secular, rational, and understandable. That is why Russia enjoys so much support in the “Global South”. The former and current victims of Western imperialism see the true causes of the war much better than the propagandized masses in the West.
Unfortunately, while Russia may not be fighting a religious war, the West (particularly America) certainly is. Whether he meant to or not, Congressman Jamie Raskin confirmed what many of us have suspected for years – the US is under the control of a religious cult that is fighting a “woke” jihad against Russia because it is morally and religiously conservative:
“Moscow right now is a hub of corrupt tyranny, censorship, authoritarian repression, police violence, propaganda, government lies and disinformation, and planning for war crimes. It is a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export. In supporting Ukraine, we are opposing these fascist views, and supporting the urgent principles of democratic pluralism. Ukraine is not perfect, of course, but its society is organized on the radically different principles of democracy and freedom, which is why Russia’s oligarchical leaders seek to destroy it forever. I am proud to have been banned from Putin’s Russia for my pro-Ukrainian legislative activism, and I look forward to visiting Ukraine.”
From the Western point of view, this is an all-out war organized by a Death Cult bent on eliminating the challenge Russia poses to its new moral code. This is why no number of billions is too much to provide for Ukraine’s defense. This is why every citizen of a Western nation must suffer through the economic devastation caused by the sanctions. All must be willing to sacrifice for Ukrainian territorial integrity, even if it means freezing to death this Winter. We must even be willing to risk nuclear holocaust for the Glory of Ukraine. Death, suffering, even mass extinction are all but a small price to pay in service to the Great Trans Revolution.
Puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? Given the small stakes involved (adjusting some borders in Eastern Europe, keeping the most corrupt country in Europe out of NATO), you would think that this whole crisis could be resolved fairly easily. The Russians think so, which is why they have been willing to negotiate. Too bad for the planet, the Russians are up against religious fanatics who can never compromise. Their only goal is “victory”, defined as an end to Russia as a cultural and military power.
Shockingly, Russia is unwilling to agree to its own eclipse without a fight. Which leaves us with a regional border dispute that threatens to escalate into a nuclear war.
In addition to a possible mass extinction event, morally traditional Christians in America (and the West generally) are threatened with what looks to be rapidly escalating religious persecution. To fully understand the situation, let’s examine what is currently happening in the Orthodox Church, and how events there can affect all Western Christians.
Redefining Orthodox Christianity – Historically, Orthodox Christianity has had a strict code of morality covering, among other things, sex and marriage. This fact is very inconvenient for progressives. But never fear! The progressives have a plan. Even as you read this, progressive academics, hierarchs, “Orthodox” organizations, monastics, clergy, church employees and activist laity are hard at work crafting a subversive “Orthodoxy” to present to the world as the “true” Faith. Their goal is to separate their real Orthodoxy from the political, fake “Russian” kind. “Real” Orthodoxy is compatible with progressive concepts of Democracy, LGBTQ+ rights, neoliberal economics, globalism, Green politics, and religious ecumenism. The subversives are exceptionally well-organized and well-funded by a network of foundations, government grants, and money from US national security agencies. Among the majority of Orthodox in the West, their efforts so far seem to have little traction. But among political and journalistic elites, these progressives are presented as the true face of the Orthodox Church. That is a potentially very dangerous situation, as those policy makers are likely to use their “version” of Orthodoxy when deciding what is “religion” and what is “politics”.
Continued Dominance of the Greek Patriarchates and Related Churches by US Security Agencies and Expansion of Their Authority – The Patriarchate of Constantinople has been a Western security asset for the better part of a century. We explored some of those connections when discussing the recent resignation of Metropolitan Joseph of Antioch. You can easily see the control the US security state has over Constantinople by looking at the way Patriarch Bartholomew flipped his support in Ukraine from the canonical church, headed by Metropolitan Onuphry, to a body of schismatics to whom he granted “autocephaly”. This was done in service to the Western policy of shoring up support for the post-coup government in Kiev.
The decision was a disaster for global Orthodoxy, leading to schism and division. Yet, this move continues to attract support within the highly compromised Greek Churches. The Patriarch of Alexandria was recently given an award by the Greek Archdiocese in the US for his support of Western policy in Ukraine. He seized that occasion to visit the White House and to ask for US assistance in stopping his African parishes from fleeing his rule and joining the new Russian Exarchate in Africa. Nothing says “religious freedom” like getting American help to crush the desires of rebellious Orthodox Christian Africans.
Of course, while at the White House, Patriarch Theodros II sucked up to Biden on an epic scale. He gave Biden the Grand Cross of the Apostle Mark, the highest honor of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, while thanking him for the continuous support of the United States for Alexandria, Greece and Cyprus. This is typical – most Greek hierarchs kiss the rings of Democrat office holders, no matter how antithetical their beliefs and actions are to the actual Orthodox Faith.
The control exerted by the American Deep State is not limited to the Patriarchs. Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens, the President of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece, said in a recent interview that recognition of the schismatic OCU in Ukraine by the Greek Church was a direct result of US pressure, “I’ll confess to you that I was visited by the American ambassador and three times by the Russian ambassador on this issue. And I told the American ambassador that I will join the Patriarch and therefore your will will be done.”
Constantinople is called the “first throne” of Orthodoxy and Alexandria is called the “second throne”. The US Deep State is keen to increase the power and influence of Constantinople. Hence the recent push to proclaim Constantinople not merely, as is Orthodox Tradition, “First Among Equals“, but instead to be “First Without Equals“ – a kind of “Orthodox” papacy. The US owns Constantinople, and so can rely on the Patriarchate to execute US orders. The Patriarchate of Alexandria is also owned, and so will follow suit. Evidently, the Greek Church itself is highly compromised. These centers of influence are integral in building and propagating the “new” Orthodoxy desired by the Global Elites. The powers-that-be hope these Orthodox Church bodies will spread the “new” Christian Faith, and provide it legitimacy against the example of the “extremist” Russian Church and her “allies”.
After all, how could the “first” and “second” thrones be wrong about the Orthodox Faith? Especially since the “first throne” has no equals? If the “first throne” says to unite with Rome, or bless gay unions, or put kids on puberty blockers, or launch tactical nukes, or accept digital currency – who can say otherwise? Only apologists for Moscow could possibly be in opposition to the “first throne”, especially when It is supported by the “second throne”, the national Church of Greece, and so many distinguished “Orthodox” scholars!
As an aside for Orthodox Christians, it should be obvious why no real movement has occurred towards Orthodox jurisdictional unity. A unified Orthodox Church in the US would be more concerned about domestic policy than events happening in foreign countries. A unified Church would be focused on evangelism, traditional Christian morality, and transforming American society. Obviously, the Deep State wants to avoid such a situation at all costs. So the Greek Archdiocese must be kept under tight Constantinopolitan control, while it pursues the task assigned to it of turning Orthodoxy into the Episcopal Church with better liturgies. All other jurisdictions must be kept divided, preferably under foreign bishops, and as weak as possible. Traditional Orthodoxy, as opposed to the “woke” version under development, must never be allowed to exert cultural influence in the US.
As long as the Deep State is using our Holy Orthodox Church as a security asset, it is hard to imagine Orthodox jurisdictional unity being allowed to progress. That should not deter us from working together across jurisdictions as much as possible, but it should temper our expectations for “official” unity any time soon. The best response to this situation? Support Orthodox missions in the United States.
Linking Traditional Christianity to Politics, Putinism and Treason – Prior to the LGBTQ propaganda law in 2013, Western progressives paid little attention to Russia and Vladimir Putin. It was only after this law that Russia began to attract the admiration of Western religious conservatives, and the visceral hatred of the “woke” Left. For the Left, any example of a European nation rejecting the tenets of modern, “progressive” culture is too dangerous to allow. The War in Ukraine, and the accompanying sanctions, are the Western elite’s plan to weaken and destroy Russia, thus removing its dangerous example from the world. It will serve as a final warning for any nations thinking of rejecting “modern” culture – refuse woke, get broke.
The war, and the redefinition of the Christian faith, are also meant to provide a way to remove domestic opposition to the “woke” agenda. Orthodox Christianity, along with any other Christian groups supporting traditional morality, will no longer be considered protected by the free exercise clause of the US Constitution. Instead, such Christian organizations will be considered elements of an extremist political movement with ties to “Putinism” and to “treason”. The door will be open for cultural and political elites to harass, and possibly imprison, those faithful to traditional morality under the theory that they are not “real” Christians (Constantinople said so!), but rather potentially violent anti-American haters who present a clear and present danger to American security.
This linkage has already begun and represents a frightening trend. Academic writer Sarah Riccardi-Swartz has been at the forefront of labeling fellow Orthodox Christians as pro-Putin extremists. She wrote Between Heaven and Russia: Religious Conversion and Political Apostasy in Appalachia about Orthodox convert communities:
“For many of them, Putin becomes this sort of king-like figure in their narratives,” she said. “They see themselves as oppressed by democracy because democracy is really diversity. And they look to Putin because democracy isn’t really, as we see right now, an option [in Russia].”
Swartz focuses on her subjects as a dangerous, reactionary political movement with foreign allegiances, rather than as normal Orthodox Christians supporting traditional morality. In her presentation, these Christians are potential terrorists and 5th columnists, eager to fight for Russia should Putin invade the US. She is not alone in presenting traditional Orthodox Christianity as an extremist political movement, nor is this attempt to link traditional morality to Putinism, anti-Americanism, and potential violence limited to academics.
Look closely at this image advertising a movie in the “Purge” franchise. Do you see the Orthodox Cross patch on the arm?
The implication is that Orthodox Christians are on the verge of going full-on “Purge”. Support for Christian morality equals an anti-social propensity to extremism and violence. Especially if paired with the idea of “Christian Nationalism”, a term which appears to mean desiring the US Government to respect Christian moral tradition and American national sovereignty on any level whatsoever.
Keep in mind, the pain from the disastrous war in Ukraine is only now beginning. As conditions worsen, deflecting their own failures onto a scapegoat is a classic move of the Deep State, “It’s not our fault! Look at these anti-American, Putin lovers who are spreading misinformation and undermining our war efforts! They’re political extremists who have hijacked a peaceful religion. Quick – lock them up, close their churches, confiscate their bank accounts, and censor their publications. After all, aren’t these dangerous extremists condemned by even their own co-religionists, including the Patriarch of Constantinople?”
Orthodox Christians and other moral conservatives are a natural fall guy. We had best be prepared.
It’s Not a Conspiracy If They Tell You About It – No one is doing any of this in private. On the contrary, the subversives are proud of their work. Sarah Riccardi-Swartz describes her latest project on her Website thusly:
“Within conservative forms of Christianity, such as Eastern Orthodoxy, women’s roles have historically been monitored and minimized, with institutional hierarchs silencing the voices of women and members of the LGBT community. What does it mean to be a progressive female activist in a church that historically refuses to acknowledge her equality? … How will conservative Christianity be transformed by women who are leading the way to create a new status quo in the Orthodox Church, one that focuses on inclusivity and intersectionality? This project will reveal how Orthodox feminist activists are pushing back against the hegemony of patriarchal Christianity, seeking not to upend tradition but to transform it, even through socio-religious transgression.”
Whenever Orthodoxy becomes optional, it soon becomes illegal. After which, the cultural victors simply rewrite history so that such a thing as “traditional Christian morality” never really existed. Such prudish moral values were never part of the True Faith. Rather, they were merely a political construct exploited by Jerry Falwell and Vladimir Putin to oppress marginalized groups. Now, thank God, real Christianity has been freed from those charlatans. Let the Pride flow and let the Orthodox Church go the way of the Roman Catholics and the Episcopalians!
The six steps of progressivism:
1. You must not discriminate
2. You must tolerate
3. You must accept
4. You must celebrate
5. You must become
6. If you do not become you must be destroyed— Jonathan Johnson (@LaughingBrook) November 17, 2022
What Next?
The so-called “Red Wave” did not happen. Multiple states, even deeply Red ones, failed to pass significant laws curtailing abortion. Multiple Congressional Republicans, and even the Mormon Church, have come out in support of the dangerous Respect for Marriage Act:
While proponents of the bill claim that it simply codifies the 2015 Obergefell decision, in reality it is an intentional attack on the religious freedom of millions of Americans with sincerely held beliefs about marriage.
The Respect for Marriage Act threatens religious freedom and the institution of marriage in multiple ways:
- It further embeds a false definition of marriage in the American legal fabric.
- It opens the door to federal recognition of polygamous relationships.
- It jeopardizes the tax-exempt status of nonprofits that exercise their belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
- It endangers faith-based social-service organizations by threatening litigation and liability risk if they follow their views on marriage when working with the government.
The truth is the Respect for Marriage Act does nothing to change the status of same-sex marriage or the benefits afforded to same-sex couples following Obergefell. It does much, however, to endanger religious freedom.
Many so-called “MAGA” candidates went down to defeat all across America. Biden wants $37 billion more dollars for Ukraine in a the lame duck session of Congress. He will get it too. Of course he will. Even Senator Mitch McConnell, newly re-elected by Senate Republicans as their geriatric leader, has said that the War in Ukraine is the biggest priority of the US government.
As Orthodox Christians, we need to remember that we will not vote our way out of the societal mess we are in. The Bible assures us “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Well, out of the abundance of the heart people vote, and right now, the hearts of many Americans are demonically twisted. Many, perhaps even a majority, of our fellow citizens support an anti-God agenda (euthanasia, abortion, LGBTQ+ “rights”, transgenderism, anti-child agendas, racism, sanctions, etc.) that we Christians rightly find abhorrent. We will never find a way to “out vote” them.
Politics can’t change the dark hearts of our fellow citizens of the fallen West. Only Christ can. People need the Gospel, not elections. Orthodoxy is the Truth, not a political ideology or a political movement. Orthodoxy is a growing union with the Triune God. Traditional Christian morality is neither “conservative” nor “liberal”, but simply God’s will for our lives. While the world may insist on making sin into a political issue, we do not have to go along with such blasphemy. Only through the perfect freedom of service to Christ can one escape the bondage of sin.
It is our job as Orthodox Christians to share the Faith once delivered to the Apostles in love. If we lose focus and fail at our God-given task, we will answer to an authority far higher than any government.
We could very soon be facing the rise of the anti-Christ. We could be facing the end of our civilization, perhaps even the end of this world entirely. Regardless of what we are facing, now is the time to renew our commitment to Christ and to the spread of His Kingdom. Regardless of what comes:
The Father is my hope.
The Son is my refuge.
The Holy Spirit is my protector.
Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity,
now and forever.
Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America
My dear brothers and sisters, the time of great trial is upon us.
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth .” (Revelations 3:10).
If you knew there was one thing that would allow you to escape the trials of the Tribulation, would you not want to know what exactly that is? Would you not want whatever that something is to be demonstrated in you life? Or would you rather just take the hits as they come?
Like many Scriptures, the English translation is lacking. Unpacking “patience” (Gr. Hupomone) in the Greek it is a contraction of “hupo” and “meno” ; “hupo” meaning “under” and “meno” meaning to “remain”.
Patience means to keep one’s self—especially the body—under subjection (no freaking out allowed: “Peace be still!”).
Interestingly, it’s not our patience, but the “word” of “My” [God’s] patience. Two things here: first, “word” is “logos” the same word for Christ—and we have put on Christ, have we not? And, it’s not my patience that puts me over the top but God’s patience. In short, “word of My patience” is not patience that issues from me but rather from God. In summary, keeping (Gr. “kept” To keep the eye upon) is to be ever looking to Christ (logos) so that God’s patience will be working out in me. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Christ, he walked on water! This is great stuff God has given us.
From another point of view, manifesting God’s patience—rather than trusting my own— comes as the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22,3) when we pray in the Spirit continually—St Paul said to do this. My own patience is never going to withstand, but God’s patience is infinite able to withstand anything.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
Think of a football, how does the football keep its shape. It is kicked, it is bounced, it is crushed, but yet it always maintains is shape. How so, the pressure on the inside is greater than anything on the outside and its disfigurement is only temporary; it always bounces back. This is the secret to not just surviving the Tribulation but, being victorious—“in all these things we are more than conquerors…”
Why could not the disciples stop the storm while Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat? It was because, they, on the inside were stormy people themselves. The storm outside reflected the storm inside. Because, Jesus could rest in the midst of storm, He had power over the storm. Our trial will be the ability to rest during the storm that is coming and now is.
As to spiritual warfare—we really are in a battle—,it is a “stare down” As a kid, I remember playing this game whereby two would stare at each other until one drops their stare. I was never much good at it, but the way to win is to hold the stare and think about other things. Growing into Christ, I—we all—have been in a “stare down” with the devil. This is the meaning of St Paul’s admonition “have done all to stand, stand.” (Ephesians).
If we have the patience St John talks about—endued with power (pressure of the Holy Spirit on the inside keeping us in shape), we’ll overcome Satan by “resisting” (James 4:7), nothing he can do to hurt us.
When the storm rolls in with all ferocity, the eagles take flight and fly over the storm.
Unfortunately, some Orthodox hierarchs want you comatose, so the surgeon can rip out every inner gifting from God handed down in the Faith once delivered. Are you awake yet? This is why so many are occupied by distractions.
Here is a personal story. For a time I was a Protestant youth pastor (really, no joke, I was about 25 yrs old) in a large church. As a staff pastor, I was frequently called upon to pastor adults when the senior pastor had no time. There was a member who had lost her battle with cancer, was in ICU still (before hospice). I got the call. Entering the room, there she was just lying there given up to die comatose, all the machines had been unhooked. Being a young pastor and “ feeling my oats” spiritually, I thought I would try something out. Without anyone around—she had been totally abandoned—, I said these words, “In the name of Jesus, I rebuke this spirit of death!”
Instantly—, before the last word came out of my mouth, her eyes popped wide open. But these were not eyes of peace but of pure terror with her whole body shaking violently . In about three seconds, she dropped back into a coma.
Instantly, I realized her whole body had been taken over by the cancer and she was in extreme pain and unable to take the pain (mercifully) her brain shut down, back to sleep.
For her, so much damage had been done, being awake meant unbearable pain. (or her soul was already in hell, now that I reflect with more aged wisdom).
When some Orthodox wake up to all that has been robbed by Satan from the Church while she was comatose, it will be unbearable, and spiritual sleep will be preferred. “Just put me back into the matrix, Mr Smith” they will say.
Spot on!
I know this is a bit out of place here, but this is thanksgiving week and I would be remiss for not expressing gratitude to God for Orthodoxy and even the priest I was baptized under. And, the catechism was great. Previous to my conversion, I had been a part of some impressive Protestant churches, movements, seen miracles, experienced miracles etc, etc. If my first experiences of Orthodoxy were in a dead, dried up, lifeless parish, I would have kept on looking. This is credit to the clergy and the generations before who made the sacrifices necessary for a healthy parish. To them all I owe a debt of gratitude. They all fit into that immortal line of saints and faithful who kept the censors hot, prayers fervent, and constantly reaching out for the lost. In our pleasure driving world, Orthodoxy is often a tough sell. There is nothing greater to be a part of.
Of course, during thanksgiving I am thankful for family, my wife, kids and grandkids (an even dozen, now). I am counting my blessing and they are more numerable than I can recall.
Additionally, I am thankful for good health. I can’t say I’m lucky in this regard, but give credit to God in His grace and mercy answered many prayers for healing and health. In this world, healthy until the end, is more blessed than anything money can buy. The Great Physician—as He is known—still heals, still forgives sin, still remediates evil. And when we mess it all up, He is there to put it all back together again. Sometimes there are things, only God can fix, if we would just ask: Thanks Be to God!
I am wondering why no Orthodox hierarchs made it into this video. Be not deceived. If there ever was a time to seek the Lord, that would be now. Many souls hang in the balance.
During the iconoclasm, the entire Church was a mixture of iconoclasts and Iconodules, distinguished by those who kissed and those would could not—something inside refused to bow before God’s presence in the image. Evil is always manifesting in some weakness, inability to do the right thing at the moment, e.g. refuse the shot.
Again, there is a telltale sign in hierarchs accurate virtually all of the time: those for the shot, and those against. For me this is the starting place of discerning evil in the Church and out. E.g. Donald Trump and the shots. Trump is part of the new world order. His position on abortion, etc, was only to fool people into trusting him, to get the shot. He is just another pawn; if he were not, he’d be dead. The globalists are that powerful; they killed JFK because he opposed them publicly, as well as Michael Jackson when he rebelled publicly, dead the next day.
See: at 10:20.
As for me, they can’t kill me because I am already dead, now it is Christ who lives within me.
As for Putin, as I understand it, Russia implemented the shots, even was first to have their own. Correct me if I am wrong, my info is through many filters. Is Putin just running the program of the globalist ee-lites, or does he have enough honesty to be in some measure trustworthy? No doubt, the Russian oligarchs push the frankenshot. The shot is the Lucerferian sacrament, make no mistake; it is iconoclasm 2.0 because it totally disregards the image of God in the human body, purposefully altering the RNA/DNA. Marring the image is blasphemy.
Massive corruption has long standing in the Church, and those who would be subverts, are taking things in another direction inconsistent with the Fathers. Now is their time, God is allowing this to separate the wheat from the chaff. Many will be deceived, and fall for the lies. Some of us will make it to the other side to rebuild what has been destroyed.
Often, God makes His purposes known by what evil is doing; evil imitates good. While they are proclaiming a “great reset”, God is doing a “greater reset” among His people. At some point only the righteous who live by faith shall remain.
Looking just below the surface, you will find many participants in secret societies; it is the common denominator since the beginning. Recently (in the last 14 mos.), I had one catechumen greet me with the secret handshake, infiltration is extensive on every level, not just the hierarchs.
The context for the Luceferian globalists goes all the way back to the Garden in our Lord’s placing “enmity” between the Seed of Woman (Christ, both Historical and Corporate) and the seed of Satan now manifest in the global ee—lites (really, they are nothing). Largely, the harsh divisions now manifesting in the Church come from this, the Seed—which is Christ—refuses to go along with what the seed of scratch (Satan) is bringing about. Our repulsion is our natural reaction.
The division was necessary, soon to be “one taken, the other left”. When hierarchs take the bait, at some point, Satan reels them in; hooked, there is a price to pay. The first toll house may indeed be, “did you promote, take, the shot?”
When you experience an unidentifiable “enmity” with someone, it may best be described this way:
Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the ee-lites, Orthodox or not! The future is not for the faint of heart, or those who draw back, but for those who violently take it by force. Casting out demons is the children’s bread, have you had your Wheaties yet?
What is never brought to attention by proxy State-department entities like Public Orthodoxy is that the word ‘mir’ doesn’t simply mean ‘world’ but also ‘peace’. I say this without being a Russian apologist, but just a cursory comparison between Russia’s SMO and the history of the US Foreign Legion (aka NATO) reveals that Pax Americana (“American peace”) has been anything but peaceful and Russia more than patient in comparison to actual threats to its cohesion, much less its sovereignty.
On another note, that the LGBT+ movement is intolerant is secondary to its overall telos. Claims that ‘trans rights are human rights’ are a deceitful attempt to mask the fact that this ideology is a transhumanist project, which it a non- if not anti-human project by definition. Given the aforementioned tendency toward extreme intolerance, I personally put it squarely in the anti-human category. This is yet another Gnostic, revolutionary attempt toward global domination and conformity plaiting together at least three black threads we’ve seen historically: Fascisim, Communism and, yes, Individualism. (Americans in particular have largely confused the latter with ‘conservatism’ to their detriment when it is of revolutionary Enlightenment thought).
Of course this is speculation on my part, but I think it is only a matter of time this anti-humanism will become more apparent as the LGBT movement starts to eat itself. I believe the ‘T+’ will begin to see the uncut, undrugged, LGB’s as not quite ‘progressive’ enough. We’re already seeing feminists attacked for this reason, what would stop potential ‘breeders’ with normal bodies from being seen as a threat to ‘safe spaces’ when ideas/speech are now? As with all revolutionary ideologies too much will never be enough, and this technocratic Hybrid Fascism under a rainbow flag will be no different in my estimation.
Tragically, spot on evalution of current events, while most are absolutely clueless.
This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s a PROXY war. Ukraine is nothing but a proxy for guess who?