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Is Freemasonry Systemic in the Greek Orthodox Church?

James G. replies to the Orthodox Reflections article on Freemasonry

In the Greek Orthodox Church of Canada, Archbishop Sotirios has been named Grand Commander of the Order of the Phoenix in Greece, according to the last line in his Biography on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada Website The Grand Commander wears the badge of the Order on a necklet, and the star of the order on the right chest.

O James G. απάντα στο άρθρο του <<Orthodox Reflections>> το οποίο βρίσκεται στο περί της Μασωνίας και του Οικουμενισμού στην Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία.

Στην Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία του Καναδά, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Σωτήριος ονομάστηκε Μέγας Διοικητής της Μασωνικής Στοάς Φοίνιξ, όπως γράφει η τελευταία γραμμή της βιογραφίας του που βρίσκεται στην Ελληνορθόδοξη Αρχιεπισκοπή του Καναδά. Ο Μέγας Διοικητής φοράει το έμβλημα της στοάς στο γιακά και το αστέρι της στοάς στο στήθος δεξιά.

The Order of the Phoenix in Greece was established on May 13, 1926 to replace the defunct Royal Order of King George the 1st. The order was retained after the restoration of the monarchy in 1935, and has its roots in Freemasonry as evidenced by its symbols which are borrowed from the Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta).

Η Στοά Φοίνιξ πρωτοδημιουργήθηκε στην Ελλάδα στις 13 Μαΐου το 1926 για να αντικαταστήσει την ανενέργητη Βασιλική Στοά του Bασιλέως Γεωργίου του Πρώτου. Η Στοά επικράτησε μετά από την αναστήλωση της Μοναρχίας το 1935 και είναι ριζωμένη στην Mασωνία. Στοιχεία είναι τα σύμβολα τα οποία η Μοναρχία δανείζεται από την Στοά των Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta).

Some sources suggest that the origins of Freemasonry are traced back to the builders of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem (with the purpose to someday rebuild it) but the time or place or reasons of its origin are not really known. What is known is that “organised” Freemasonry began in northwestern Europe on June 24, 1717 when four London lodges came together at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House in St Paul’s Churchyard. On that day, these pre-existing lodges formed themselves into a Grand Lodge and elected a Grand Master (Anthony Sayer) and Grand Wardens. Today, Freemasonry is the largest worldwide secret society, spread by the advance of the British Empire.

Μερικές πηγές υποθέτουν πως η Μασωνία ξεκίνησε από την εποχή που οικοδομείτο ο Ναός του Σολομώντος της Ιερουσαλήμ (με το στόχο να ξανάοικοδομηθεί κάποτε) αλλά ο χρόνος, ο τόπος, ή οι αιτίες που ξεκίνησε δεν είναι γνωστές. Αυτό που γνωρίζουμε είναι ότι η Μασωνία πρώτοοργανώθηκε στην βορειοδυτική Ευρώπη στις 24 Ιουνίου το 1717, όταν τέσσερα Μασωνικά τμήματα στο Λονδίνο ενώθηκαν σε μία μπιραρία στο προαύλιο της εκκλησίας του Αγίου Παύλου. Εκείνη την ημέρα τα τμήματα αυτά οργανώθηκαν σε μία Μέγιστη Στοά και ψήφισαν ένα Μέγα Αρχηγό (τον Anthony Sayer) καθώς και  Μεγάλοι Φύλακες. Σήμερα η Μασωνία είναι η μεγαλύτερη παγκόσμια μυστική κοινωνία η οποία ξαπλώθηκε διαμέσου της Αγγλικής Αυτοκρατορίας.

Freemasonry has its roots in the “Guild” system, which was an association formed for mutual aid and protection and for the furtherance of professional interests. They were a type of modern day ‘Union’ that controlled sectors of commerce, trade (wealth) and power. Guilds flourished in Europe between the 11th and 16th centuries and formed an important part of the economic and social fabric in that era.

Η Μασωνία έχει τις ρίζες της στο σύστημα της <<Συντεχνίας>>, σωματείο που δημιουργήθηκε για αλληλοβοήθεια, προστασία και για να προωθήσει επαγγελματικά συμφέροντα. Ηταν ένα είδος μοντέρνας <<ένωσης>> η οποία ήλεγχε πολλές εμπορικές συναλλαγές και πολιτικές εξουσίες. Τα σωματεία αυτά προόδευσαν στην Ευρώπη μεταξύ του 11ου και 16ου αιώνος και σχημάτισαν ένα σπουδαίο μέρος της οικονομικής και κοινωνικής ζωής.

To maintain power and wealth, Royalty also created a type of Guild by way of intermarriage. By keeping their power and wealth in the family, the Royal Guild became a type of “Order” in the same spirit as the Freemason movement. This explains why the freedom fighters of the Greek revolution who gave their lives to free the country from the Ottoman yoke, were persecuted by the European powers (Germans, French and British), who feared losing control of the imperial and colonizing system they had in place.  A key figure was Klemens von Metternich (1773 – 1859 AD), an Austrian Diplomat of Royal lineage, who strongly opposed liberalism, nationalism and electoral reform. Instead of allowing Greece to form her own democracy, something she, herself, had invented, he and others like him, came to ‘help govern’ Greece by imposing a Monarchy, which was essentially an extension of the European “Guild” of Royal Families.

Για να διατηρήσουν τα πλούτη και την εξουσία τους, οι Βασιλείς δημιούργησαν και αυτoi ένα είδος σωματείου δια μέσου του γάμου, μεταξύ των οικογενειών των. Έτσι κρατώντας την εξουσία και τον πλούτο μεταξύ των οικογενειών των, το βασιλικό σωματείο έγινε κι αυτό ένα είδος βασιλικής στοάς με το ίδιο πνεύμα της Μασωνίας. Ετσι εξηγείται πως οι ήρωες της επαναστάσεως του 1821 οι οποίοι έδωσαν τη ζωή τους να ελευθερώσουν την Ελλάδα από την Ωθωμανική σκλαβιά, καταδιώχτηκαν από τις Ευρωπαϊκές Δυνάμεις (Γερμανία, Αγγλία, Γαλλία) οι οποίες φοβήθηκαν να μη χάσουν τον έλεγχο του αυτοκρατορικού και αποικιουρατικού συστήματος, το οποίο είχαν ιδρύσει. Πρωταγωνιστής του συστήματος αυτού ήταν ο Klemens von Metternich (1773 – 1859), ένας Αυστριακός δίπλωματης βασιλικής γενεάς, ο οποίος αντιδρούσε δυναμικά την φιλελευθερία, την εθνικότητα και την προεκλογική μεταρρύθμιση. Αντί να αφήσει την Ελλάδα να δημιουργήσει δική της Δημοκρατία η οποία εφευρέθηκε από τους Ελληνες,  ο Metternich και άλλοι σαν κι αυτόν, ήλθαν στην Ελλάδα να <<βοηθήσουν (τάχα) την κυβέρνηση της>> επιβάλλοντας μία Μοναρχία η οποία ήταν μία επέκταση του Ευρωπαϊκου Βασιλικών Οικογενειών (Συντεχνιών).

With Metternich’s influence, Bavarian prince, Otto Friedrich Ludwig became first King of Greece in 1832 under the Convention of London. Popular heroes and leaders of the Greek Revolution, such as generals Theodoros Kolokotronis and Yiannis Makriyiannis, who opposed the Bavarian-dominated regency, were charged with treason, imprisoned and sentenced to death. They were later pardoned under popular pressure, while Greek judges who resisted Bavarian pressure and refused to sign the death warrants (Anastasios Polyzoidis and Georgios Tertsetis, for instance), were saluted as heroes.

Με την επιρροή του Metternich, ο Βαυαρικός Πρίγκιπας, ο Otto Friedrich Ludwig, έγινε ο πρώτος βασιλιάς της Ελλάδος το 1832 με τη Σύμβαση του Λονδίνου. Tότε δημοφιλείς ήρωες και ηγέτες της Eλληνικής Eπανάστασης, όπως οι στρατηγοί Θεόδωρος Κολοκοτρώνης και ο Ιωάννης Μακρυγιάννης, οι οποίοι αντέδρασαν στην Βαυαρική κυριαρχία, καταδικάστηκαν ως προδότες, εφυλακίστηκαν και καταδικάστηκαν εις θάνατον. Αργότερα ελευθερώθηκαν εξ αιτίας της πιέσεως του λαού και των δικαστών οι οποίοι αντιστάθηκαν στην Βαυαρική πίεση, αρνούμενοι να υπογράψουν την ποινή του θανάτου (όπως ο Αναστάσιος Πολυζωίδης και ο Γεώργιος Τερτσέτης ). Αργότερα, ο λαός τους ανακήρυξε ήρωες.  

Britain and the Rothschild bank, who were underwriting the Greek loans, insisted on financial stringency. The Greeks were soon more heavily taxed than under Ottoman rule. According to the people, they had exchanged a hated Ottoman rule for government by a foreign bureaucracy, the “Bavarocracy” (Βαυαροκρατία). In addition, the regency showed little respect for local customs. As a Roman Catholic, Otto himself was viewed as a heretic by many pious Greeks; however, his heirs would have to be Orthodox, according to the terms of the 1843 Constitution. After several attempts, the Greek people finally succeeded in deposing Otto in 1862; but in 1863, Europe’s Great Powers elected George 1st, Prince Wilhelm of Denmark, as King of the Hellenes. Greece transitioned from slavery to the Ottomans to pseudo-freedom under even the more powerful “Royal Guild.”

Η Αγγλία και η τράπεζα του Rothschild, που έδιναν τα δάνεια στην Ελλάδα, επέμεναν στην χρηματοοικονομική αυστηρότητα. Σύντομα οι Ελληνες πλήρωναν φόρους πιο αβάσταχτούς από τότε που ήταν σκλαβωμένοι. Ο λαός φώναζε ότι αντάλλαξαν τους μισιτούς Ωθωμανούς με Βαυαρους, για μια κυβέρνηση γραφειοκρατίας <<Βαυαροκρατίας>>. Επιπλέον ο βασιλιάς δεν σέβονταν τα Ελληνικά ήθη και έθημα ως Ρωμαιοκαθολικός, και πολλοί Ελληνες Ορθόδοξοι τον θεωρούσαν αιρετικό. Ωστόσο οι κληρονόμοι του βασιλιά έπρεπε να είναι Ορθόδοξοι σύμφωνα με το Σύνταγμα του 1843. Αργότερα, ύστερα από πολλούς αγώνες, οι Ελληνες πέτυχαν την εκθρόνιση του βασιλέως Otto το 1862. Oμως, το 1863 οι Μεγάλες Δυνάμεις της Ευρώπης επανέφεραν τον Πρίγκιπα Wilhelm of Denmark, τον Γεώργιο τον Πρώτο, ως επόμενο Βασιλέα των Eλλήνων. Η Ελλάδα μετεβλήθη από σκλαβιά των Ωθωμανών σε ψευτοελευθερία κάτω από το πιο δυνατό <<Βασιλικό Σωματείο>>.

The Monarchy was officially eliminated and exiled in 1974, but since then, Greece has seen the same handful of family names involved in Greek government, one generation after the next. Many of these politicians have been routinely photographed openly attending Rotary events and delivering the non-standard handshake to one another, eerily reminiscent of the “secret handshakes” frequently described and associated with Freemasonry. Having infiltrated many levels of Greek government and even the Greek Orthodox Church, the Freemasons also continue to run the Order of King George the 1st, which they, themselves, admit, on their official website.

Η Μοναρχία επίσημα εξαλείφθηκε και εξορίστηκε το 1974, αλλά από τότε οι ίδιες οικογένειες κυβερνούν την Ελλάδα από τη μία γενναία στην άλλη.  Πολλοί από αυτούς τους πολιτικούς έχουν φωτογραφηθεί να παραβρίσκονται στις Μασωνικές εκδηλώσεις, π.χ. Rotary, και να δίνουν ένα διαφορετικό χαιρετισμό ο ένας στον άλλον, ο οποίος δυστυχώς, θυμίζει τις μυστικές χειραψίες οι οποίες σχετίζονται με την Μασωνία. Οι Μασωνοι εισχώρησαν μέσα σε πολλά τμήματα της Ελληνικής Κυβέρνησης, ακόμη και στην Ελληνορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Επίσης οι Μασωνοι συνεχίζουν να διαχειρίζονται την Στοά του Βασιλέως Γεωργίου του Πρώτου οι οποίοι οι ίδιοι το ομολογούν στο δικτυακό τόπο τους <<Μεγάλη Στοά Ελλάδος Φοίνιξ>>.

Therefore, Greece has never been truly independent since the fall of Constantinople. It is small wonder that this small, yet prodigious country is still struggling since the devastating fourth crusade which left her dangerously vulnerable to the Ottomans followed by greater evils.

Επομένως η Ελλάδα ποτέ δεν ήταν ελεύθερη μετά από την άλωση της Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Γι’ αυτό, το μικρό αλλά καταπληκτικό κράτος ακόμη αγωνίζεται από την καταστροφική Τέταρτη Σταυροφορία, η οποία την άφησε ευάλωτη επικίνδυνα στους Ωθωμανούς, και έπειτα σε μεγαλύτερα κακά.

There are many clues that someone is affiliated with Freemasonry. Words such as “grand master’, ’lodge’, ‘order’, ‘sash’ and so on, are usually associated with Freemasonry and have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Freemasonry has incorporated the symbols and rituals of several medieval military orders in a number of Masonic bodies since the 18th century at least. This can be seen in the “Red Cross of Constantine,” the “Order of Malta,” (received by Pope Francis in 2019) and the “Order of the Temple.”

Υπάρχουν πολλές ενδείξεις πως κάποιοι συνεργάζονται με την Μασωνία. Λέξεις όπως <<Μέγας Διοικητής>>, <<Τάγμα>>, <<Στοά>>, <<Ζώνη>> κ.τ.λ.π., συνδέονται συνήθως με την Μασωνία και δεν έχουν να κάνουν τίποτε με την Ορθοδοξία. Η Μασωνία έχει ενσωματώσει τα σύμβολα και τις τελετές πολλών Μασωνικών στρατιωτικών στοών σε πολλά Μασωνικά σωματεία, τουλάχιστον από το 18ον αιώνα. Αυτό μπορεί να το δει κανείς στον <<Κόκκινο Σταυρό του Κωσταντίνου>> στην <<Στοά της Μάλτας>> που έλαβε ο Παππάς Φράνσις το 2019, και στην <<Στοά του Τέμπλου>>.

Notice the similarity in the 8-pointed silver stars of the Order of Phoenix, the Royal Order of George Ist, and the Red Cross of Constantine. On the surface, a cross looks proper, but it is a common masonic practice to mix occult symbols with Christian ones. The phrase “ΙΣΧΥΣ ΜΟΥ Η ΑΓΑΠΗ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΟΥ” which means, “my strength is the love of the people,” in the middle of the cross on the Royal Order of King George 1st, gives away the underlying spirit which Holy Scripture calls us to examine. According to Holy Scripture, The Lord is my strength and my shield (Psalms 28:7) and The Lord is the strength of my life(Psalm 27:1). It is problematic when a Church leader, regards his strength as coming from the love of the people rather than from God.

 Παρατηρήστε την ομοιότητα στις οχτώ μύτες των ασημένιων αστέρων της Στοάς Φοίνιξ, της Βασιλικής Στοάς του Γεωργίου Πρώτου, και του Κόκκινου Σταύρου του Κωσταντίνου. Στην επιφάνεια, ένας σταύρος φαίνεται σωστός, αλλά είναι μία κοινή Μασωνική πρακτική για να συνδυάζη απόκρυφα με Χριστιανικά σύμβολα. Η φράσις <<Ισχύς μου η αγάπη του λαού>> στο κέντρο του Σταύρου της Βασιλικής Στοάς του Γεωργίου Πρώτου, δείχνει το υποκείμενο πνεύμα το οποίο η Αγία γραφή μας καλεί να ερευνήσουμε. Σύμφωνα με την Αγία γραφή που λέγει <<Ο Κύριος μου είναι η ελπίδα μου και η δυναμις μού>> (Ψαλμός 28,7) και <<Ο Κύριος είναι η δυνάμις της ζωής μου>> (Ψαλμός 27,1), είναι πολύ προβληματικό όταν ένας Ιεράρχης ηγέτης της Εκκλησίας θεωρεί πως η δύναμη του προέρχεται από την αγάπη του λαού, παρά από τον Θεό.

 Another symbol of Freemasonry is the 5-pointed star, which is found on the upper arm of the cross on the necklet of the Grand Commander’s Order of the Pheonix. As mentioned above, Archbishop Sotirios has been named Grand Commander of the Order of the Phoenix in Greece, which means he has been noted for furthering Masonic principles and ideals. However, according to the Church of Greece’s Official Statement in 1933, Orthodox Christians must disavow the masonic movement and resign from it if they have joined in ignorance of its goals.” According to this website, Patriarch Athenagoras and Archbishop Iakovos whom Archbishop Sotirios regards as his mentors and heroes, were also Freemasons.  “One needs only to read the Christmas 1967 statement of patriarch Athenagoras, or Archbishop Iakovos’ January 19, 1969 sermon at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to realize that they continually expounded Masonic doctrine which is opposed to sound Orthodox teaching.” Is it by coincidence, therefore, that at the ordinations of the Canadian Auxiliary Bishops, Archbishop Sotirios named two of them, Athenagoras and Iakovos? The third, he named Bartholomew after our current Patriarch. It would appear, therefore, that the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, may also be affiliated with the Freemason society, by extrapolation, since Archbishop Sotirios also credited him with the selection of the three new Canadian Auxiliary Bishops.

Αλλο ένα σύμβολο της Μασωνίας είναι το αστέρι με πέντε μύτες το οποίο βρίσκεται στο επάνω μέρος του σταύρου του περιδέραιου του Μέγα Διοικητού της Στοάς Φοίνιξ. Οπως αναφέραμε, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Σωτήριος ονομάστηκε Μέγας Διοικητής της Στοάς Φοίνιξ στην Ελλάδα και έλαβε το περιδέραιο αυτό με το έμβλημά του. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι έχει αναγνωριστεί για την προώθηση των Μασωνικών αρχών και ιδανικών. Σύμφωνα με την επίσημη δήλωση (απόφαση Συνόδου) της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος το 1933, <<οι Ορθόδοξοι χριστιανοί πρέπει να απορρίψουν το Μασωνικό κίνημα και να παραιτηθούν από αυτό εάν έχουν ενταχθεί σε αυτό αγνοώντας τους στόχους των>>.  Σύμφωνα με αυτόν τον ιστότoπο, ο Πατριάρχης Αθηναγόρας και ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Ιάκωβος, τους οποίους ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Σωτήριος θεωρεί ως μέντορες και ήρωες του, ήταν επίσης Μασωνοι.  <<Χρειάζεται κάποιος να διαβάσει την Χριστουγεννιάτικη δήλωση του Πατριάρχου Αθηναγόρα, ή το κήρυγμά του Αρχιεπισκόπου Ιακώβου του 19/1/1969 στον καθεδρικό ναό του Αγίου Πατρικίου, για να συνειδητοποιήσει ότι ανέπτυσσαν συνεχώς την Μασωνική διδασκαλία που>> Είναι λοιπόν τυχαίο πως στις χειροτονίες των νέων Καναδών Επισκόπων, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Σωτήριος ονόμασε δύο από αυτούς Αθηναγόρα και Ιάκωβο; Τον τρίτο Καναδό Επίσκοπο τον ονόμασε Βαρθολομαίο για να τιμήσει τον Πατριάρχη μας. Μήπως και ο Πατριάρχης είναι συνδεδεμένος με την Μασωνία αφού ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Σωτήριος τον αναγνώρισε με την επιλογή των τριών Καναδών επισκόπων;

Freemasonry and “Royalty Guilds” have not only negatively impacted the country of Greece, but also, it would appear, the Greek Orthodox Church. It is small wonder, then, that the Greek Orthodox Church is in crisis.

H Mασωνία και τα <<Βασιλικά Τμήματα>> έχουν επηρεάσει αρνητικά όχι μόνο το κράτος της Ελλάδος αλλά, ως φαίνεται, και την Ελληνορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Δεν είναι, λοιπόν, καθόλου τυχαίο ότι η Ελληνορθόδοξη Εκκλησία βρίσκεται σήμερα σε μεγάλη κρίση.

Pretending to be loyal to Christ, Freemasons refer to each other as “brethren.” An Orthodox Hierarch who is a Mason, addresses as “brethren” a congregation that believes in the Orthodox Holy Trinity. He also addresses as “brethren” the members of his Masonic Lodge, which dogmatizes the heretical notion that the “Master Architect of the Universe” is someone other than the Orthodox Holy Trinity. Therefore, when an Orthodox Hierarch who is a Mason says “brethren,” which of his two families is he addressing? To have “brothers” in two families implies two “fathers” – God and Satan.

Οι Μασωνοι προσποιούνται ότι είναι πιστοί στο Χριστό και ονομάζει ο ένας τον άλλον <<αδελφό>>. Ενας λοιπόν, Ορθόδοξος Ιεράρχης που είναι και Μασωνος ονομάζει <<αδελφούς>> τους εκκλησιαζόμενος Ορθόδοξους Χριστιανούς οι οποίοι πιστεύουν στην Αγία Τριάδα. Επίσης ονομάζει <<αδελφούς>> τα μέλη της Μασωνικής Στοάς η οποία δογματίζει ότι ο <<Μέγας Αρχιτέκτον του Σύμπαντος>> είναι κάποιος άλλος θεός. Επομένως όταν ένας Ιεράρχης Ορθόδοξος που είναι και Μασωνος λέγει <<αδελφοί>>, σε ποιά κατηγορία από τις δύο οικογένειες απευθύνεται; Το να έχει κανείς αδέλφια σε δύο οικογένειες συνεπάγεται ότι έχει και δύο πατέρες –  τον Θεό και τον Σατανά.

The Biblical Barabbas, a thief and a murderer, was the embodiment of sin and the devil. It is prophetic that his name, “Bar” – “Abba” means “son” – “of the father.” Pilate presented the mob with a clear choice between Christ, the Son of the Heavenly Father, and Barabbas, whose sins and crimes had turned him into the proud son of Satan, the ruler of this world.” (John 14:30) This is why Christ taught, no man can serve two masters,” (Matthew 6:24) and why the official Orthodox Church has forbidden its members to join “secret” societies, deeming it an abomination. Nowadays, we see hierarchs openly advertising their affiliation with Freemason societies without shame, in violation of this regulation.

Ο  Βαραββάς  που ήταν ληστής και φονιάς, ήταν ενσωματωμένος με την αμαρτία και τον Σατανά. Το όνομα του ήταν προφητικό.  <<Βαρ>> – <<αββάς>> σημαίνει <<ιός>> του <<πατέρα>>. Ο Πιλάτος παρουσίασε στον όχλο μία σαφή επιλογή –  τον Χρήστο και τον Βαραββά, τον υιό του θεού και τον γιο του Σατανά, τον <<άρχοντα του κόσμου τούτου>>. (Ιωάννης 14,30) Δυστυχώς ο όχλος προτίμησε τον άρχοντα του κόσμου τούτου. Ο Ιησούς Χριστός όμως, μας εδίδαξε ότι <<κανείς δεν μπορεί να υπηρετεί δύο κυρίους>> (Ματθαίος 6,24), και γι’ αυτό η επίσημη Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία απαγορεύει τα μέλη της να συμμετέχουν σε μυστικές λέσχες όπου απεχθάνεται ο Θεός. Σήμερα, όμως, βλέπουμε Ελληνορθόδοξους Ιεράρχες να δημοσιεύουν ανοιχτά τις σχέσεις τους με Μασωνικές λέσχες, παραβιάζοντας τους κανονισμούς της Εκκλησίας, χωρίς ντροπή καμία.

judas-getting-30-pieces of silver

Despite these warnings and admonitions, many find the promises of “belonging” to a “guild” that will provide worldly wealth and power very enticing. Judas’ betrayal of Christ for 30 pieces of silver (the cost of a slave back then) demonstrates that betrayal of faith and nation for personal gain is not something new. The notion that Masonic societies focus on “charity” is also highly questionable from a Biblical perspective. When Judas returned the 30 pieces of silver, even the murderous High Priests of the Temple considered it improper to put “blood money” back in the treasury and used it to buy a field for burying foreigners instead. Charity, therefore, cannot be used as a “mask” for betrayal and does not nullify sin. In addition, there is a scriptural warning about showing off one’s charitable contributions for the purpose of garnering rewards from people rather than God. Advertising one’s charity to others is contrary to Christ’s teachings and falls in line with my strength is the love of the people,” rather than in the all-powerful God in Heaven.

Παρά αυτές τις προειδοποιήσεις, πολλοί βρίσκουν δελεαστικές τις Μασωνικές υποσχέσεις να <<ανήκουν>> σε ένα <<σωματείο>> που θα τους προσφέρει κοσμικό πλούτο και δύναμη. Η προδοσία του Ιούδα για 30 αργύρια (η τιμή ενός σκλάβου τότε) δείχνει πως η προδοσία της Πίστεως και Πατρίδος δεν είναι κάτι το καινούργιο. Το ότι τα Μασωνικά σωματεία προωθούν <<φιλανθρωπικά>> έργα είναι αμφισβητήσιμα από απόψεως της Αγία γραφής. Οταν ο Ιούδας επέστρεψε τα 30 αργύρια, ακόμη και οι δολοφόνοι Αρχιερείς του Τέμπλου θεώρησαν ακατάλληλο να επιστραφούν <<χρήματα αίματος>> στο ταμείο, και τα μεταχειρίστηκαν για την αγορά ενός κτήματος για να θάβονται οι ξένοι. Επομένως η φιλανθρωπία δεν είναι σωστό να χρησιμοποιείται ως <<μάσκα>> προδοσίας, και δεν ακυρώνει την αμαρτία. Επιπλέον η Αγία γραφή διδάσκει να μη επιδεικνύουμε τις προσωπικές μας δωρεές για να μας τιμούν και επαινούν οι άνθρωποι, αλλά ο Θεός.

Many a time, we have listened to Archbishop Sotirios’ sermons about the Orthodox Faith, in which he strongly supported national Greek pride and Hellenism. He spoke of these things with apparent conviction, but also with the full knowledge of the Masonic shackles on Greece and her present-day Orthodox Church, since he, himself, is a link in these chains.  This is a clear conflict of interest and a violation of the Byzantine tradition of the ‘double-headed eagle,’ which symbolizes the Church and State looking in two different and independent directions, while united in one body.

Πολλές φορές ακούσαμε τα κηρύγματα του Αρχιεπισκόπου Σωτηρίου περί Ορθοδόξου Πίστεως, στα οποία υποστήριζε έντονα την Ελληνική εθνική υπερηφάνια. Μιλούσε με προφανή πεποίθηση, αλλά και με πλήρη γνώση των Μασωνικών δεσμών στην Ελλάδα και στην σημερινή Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία της, καθώς αυτός ο ίδιος είναι ένας κρίκος σ’ αυτές τις αλυσίδες. Αυτό είναι σαφής σύγκρουση συμφερόντων και παραβίασης της Βυζαντινής Παράδοσης του <<Δικέφαλου Αετού>> που συμβολίζει την Εκκλησία και το Κράτος να κοιτάζουν σε δύο διαφορετικές κατευθύνσεις ενώ ενώνονται σε ένα σώμα.

How can an Orthodox Hierarch accept a Masonic medal and the rank of Grand Commander without crossing a line? How can he maintain his dignity and freedom by serving two masters? It is clear which master such persons favour and which they despise, for they have compromised the Orthodox faith to favour those to whom they owe favours, in exchange for power, wealth and recognition – ‘medals of honour’ and ‘membership’ in modern-day guilds.

Πως μπορεί λοιπόν ένας Ορθόδοξος Ιεράρχης να δεχθεί ένα Μασωνικό μετάλλιο και τον βαθμό του Μεγάλου Διοικητή χωρίς να ξεπερνά τα όρια; Πως μπορεί να διατηρεί την αξιοπρέπεια και την ελευθερία του υπηρετώντας δύο κύριους; Eίναι ξεκάθαρο ποιόν κύριο προτιμά και ποιόν περιφρονεί εφόσον συμβιβάζει την Ορθόδοξη Πίστη για να κάνει χατίρια σ’ αυτούς που του χάρισαν σαν αντάλλαγμα δύναμη, πλούτο και αναγνώριση – μεταλλεία τιμής και συμμετοχή στα σύγχρονα σωματεία.

Greece, the cradle of Democracy and Orthodoxy, is a threat to the principles and goals of Freemasonry, which seems determined to destroy and replace her from within, with its attacks on her government and economy and its demonic ecumenist innovations – something which began many years ago and is now culminating in North America and Europe. If allowed to continue, Freemasonry will have the same ultimate effect on Greece and Orthodoxy as it has already had on Archbishop Sotirios and his Freemason predecessors and colleagues – ultimate heresy and corruption, which is already systemic in the Hierarchy of the Greek Orthodox Church.

Η Ελλάδα, το λύχνο της Δημοκρατίας και της Ορθοδοξίας, αποτελεί απειλή για τις αρχές και τους στόχους της Μασωνίας, η οποία φαίνεται να είναι αποφασισμένη να την καταστρέψει και να την αντικαταστήσει από μέσα, με τις επιθέσεις της στην κυβέρνησή της, στην οικονομία της, και με τις δαιμονικές Οικουμενιστικές καινοτομίες, κάτι το οποίο ξεκίνησε πριν πολλά χρόνια. Εάν επιτρέψουμε στην Μασωνία να συνεχίσει, θα έχει το ίδιο τελικό αποτέλεσμα στην Ελλάδα και στην Ορθοδοξία με αυτό που ήδη είχε στον Αρχιεπίσκοπο Σωτήριο και στους Μασωνικους προκατόχους του και συναδέλφους του –  δηλαδή, απόλυτη αίρεση και διαφθορά, η οποία είναι ήδη ενσωματωμένη με την Ιεραρχία της Ελληνορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας.

The Orthodox Church of Today: What is Happening and Why, Part II

Please click here for Part 1 of this article. 

Imposter Bishops (continued)

God waits for the sinner to repent, but there is a limit to how long He will wait. When He gave Life and Freedom to all His logical creatures – the angelic powers and mankind – He also assigned accountability. While Lucifer and his bodiless followers were plotting their rebellion against God (which the All-knowing was always aware of) they were still members of the Church in Heaven – until they consummated their sin and were thrown out. That was the first mutinous persecution of the Church by Satan, and one third of the angelic powers who fell with him.

Satan’s rage against God and all of Creation – but especially His Church – has never diminished since. After Adam and Eve also sinned (and were thrown out of Eden), there has been war between Satan and God, with humanity as the battleground. Which of them wins over us depends on how we use our freedom. There have always been people in both camps, persecutions both without and within the Church. From Judas’ kiss to Diocletian’s bloody executions, followed by the Arians, the Nestorians, the Iconoclasts, the Crusaders, the Western schismatics, the Ottomans, and finally the Ecumenists of today – all these and many, many other assailants throughout Church history, have incessantly rocked the Ark of Salvation. And yet, despite the volleys of betrayals, massacres, heresies and prodigal bishops, the Church has and will stay the course with Christ at the helm.

We know this because Christ promised, “on this rock [of faith] I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).  This never meant that the Church on Earth would find things easy. It meant that Christ’s Church, those in and of her, would never be overcome by the evil one. It is this rock-like faith that led millions to martyrdom. Just like Jesus, they won the war by dying. Their physical deaths did not end their membership in the Church, but further sealed it with their confession of faith. Despite the death toll of the early martyrs, the Church not only survived, but increased. These Christian martyrs understood Christ when He told Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). They knew that although they were in the world, they were not of the world either. They were sojourners on earth who strove for a permanent membership in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Judas - The Original Orthodox KarenTherefore, if some of us lament the abysmal quality of some hierarchs in the Orthodox Church today, listen to what Christ said to His Disciples: “Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil?” (John 6:70).  Being the all-knowing God, and not interfering with the free will of His creatures, but giving them every opportunity to know Him and follow Him, Jesus knew in advance that Judas Iscariot, despite following Him closely for three years, would betray Him. He knew he would do it with a kiss and would not seek forgiveness, but would destroy himself. Christ gave Judas every opportunity to repent, but when Judas would not return to the Master, the Master used the devil to abolish the devil’s power over us by allowing his freely made choices to play out. Although one of the “twelve,” Judas did not cultivate the rock-like faith required for the gates of hell not to prevail against him. He succumbed to his final temptation, becoming “the son of perdition” (John 17:12). He was in the Church, but he was not of the church – a condition of the heart and mind that can apply to anyone, including bishops.

As She did from the very beginning, the Church continues Her struggle against both external and internal enemies. It is the “kissing” internal ones that pose the greatest threat to the flock, the ones that lie to the Holy Spirit when they say, “nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas.” The New Testament refers to such as these as Judaizers (refuted by St. Paul), the sexually immoral Nicolaitans (in Revelations), false teachers, false prophets and wolves masquerading in sheep’s clothing. While Papal heresies led to the Protestant Reformation in the West, the East struggled under the Ottoman yoke, keeping Orthodoxy alive by the light of the moon. During her occupation, many more new martyrs of the suffering Church on Earth were added to the Church in the Heavenly Kingdom.

About a century after the Eastern Church was liberated, Her hierarchs began yielding to the seductions of the West. Operating like papal “primates”, with their arbitrary innovations to the Faith, the more recent patriarchs of Constantinople, beginning with Joachim III and Meletios IV (Metaxakis) all the way to present-day Bartholomew, have been yearning after the new pan-heresy of unorthodox Ecumenism. This heresy aims to lead all faiths to one global religion, one all-accepting watered-down creed that accepts everyone’s god. This type of ecumenism, which can only be accomplished by destroying the Orthodox Church, has been the long-term plan of Freemasonry.

Freemasonry is a secret, neo-gnostic, occult religion, with its own theology, rituals and symbolism (icons). The higher levels have attracted many wealthy intellectuals who hold key positions in society and politics, including many religious and political leaders. Freemasonry rejects the Holy Trinity and anything having to do with faith, accepting only knowledge (gnosis) in the form of science or rationalism. They look upon faithful Christians with disdain, as those being “in the dark.” Ironically, the higher levels of Freemasonry still practice a form of faith in that they worship Lucifer as the “good god”, who enlightens and illumines his followers and strives to overcome the “bad” God, the Creator of matter. This is hypocritical because science and rationalism have everything to do with matter. Freemasonry is a form of idolatry, where the false god being worshiped is Satan, for God said, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 5:7).6 Of course, people are free to worship any god they choose, and follow any lifestyle they wish, but anyone who claims to be Christian knows that they “cannot serve two masters” (Luke 16:13). If this is true for all Orthodox Christians, how much truer is it for Orthodox clergy? 

 The Greek Orthodox Church (in Greece, not Constantinople) officially condemned Freemasonry first in 1933, and again in 2014. Scholar and Monk Seraphim (Zissis) details how multiple Greek Patriarchs of Constantinople, like Joachim III and Meletios IV (Metaxakis), other Greek bishops, and Greek theologians were secret Freemasons who endorsed the early ecumenical movement and helped create the World Council of Churches (WCC) to promote it. Patriarch Joachim III was the first to name the Roman Catholics and Protestants “Churches” from an Orthodox perspective. Patriarch Meletios IV (Metaxakis) adopted the new calendar to align with the other “churches”, and was very interested in the Anglican church when most of their clergy were Masons. Political Freemasonry played a key role in the February 1917 Revolution in Russia, which established Communism, an ideology that heavily persecuted the Russian Orthodox Church.

In abuse of their honorary “ecumenical” titles, the Freemason patriarchs of Constantinople began exercising a papal type of authority, creating divides in the Orthodox Church. They did this by arbitrarily consecrating new bishops as autocephalous leaders in other countries and jurisdictions. Patriarch Bartholomew’s interference in Ukraine in 2019 was not the first example, nor will it be the last.  In addition, Bartholomew threatened to break communion with the Autocephalous Greek Orthodox Church in Greece if She did not transfer to his control 36 of her dioceses.  The Church of Greece capitulated to prevent schism. Using similar means, he also absorbed many churches of the diaspora that were under the control of other patriarchates, who also conceded to prevent schism.  This year, he has gone so far as to announce his intention to consecrate the dregs of rogue clergy, like Alexander Belya (planned to be the new bishop of Nicopolis) previously defrocked by ROCOR, and the divisive Theophan Koja, of whom the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania had grave concerns. Theophan Koja (now the new bishop of Philomelion) was no sooner consecrated when he recited the Creed with the Latin filioque at his consecration! Despite severe criticism, these two are being used by Bartholomew to create Slavic and Albanian “Vicariates” (under the American Archdiocese of Elpidophoros) based on the ethno phyletism of the laity, so as to absorb this flock and their temples into Bartholomew’s see.

What is this all about? It is about achieving the end goal of unorthodox Ecumenism, the child of the Constantinopolitan Freemason hierarchy, which they have been planning for over the past 100 years.  April 20th, 2025 is the much-anticipated calendar date when the Roman Catholic Easter and the Orthodox Pascha will coincide. It will mark the 1700th year anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, and as Bartholomew and his bishops have already announced, their planned union of the Roman Catholic Church of the West to the Eastern Orthodox Church of the East, thereby symbolically annulling all previous Ecumenical Council decisions. This explains Patriarch Bartholomew’s global meddling in other Orthodox jurisdictions, his high-handed take-over of diaspora Churches, and his seemingly endless crowning of riffraff “Charlemagnes.”4 He rushes to non canonically expand as much as he can, the size of the Eastern Orthodox Church, while setting Her up for a devastating downfall in a false union with Rome. The mutinous patriarch of “shock and awe” hurries to bring as many followers as possible into perdition with him, as his father, Lucifer, did before him. On the North American continent, this would include all Greek Orthodox Churches of the American Archdiocese under colorful Elpidophoros, and all those of the Greek Canadian Archdiocese, controlled by sinister Sotirios. It would take too long to list the churches in Australia and other parts of the world that are in Bartholomew’s see.

If consummated, the result of this false union will be a schism similar in tragedy and trajectory to that of 1054, but the Freemasons don’t care because their goal is to destroy the Orthodox Church anyway. Patriarch Bartholomew told us so himself, when he was asked in 2021 how he felt when the Moscow Patriarchate severed full communion with the Phanar, because of his meddling in Moscow’s jurisdiction by granting autocephaly (independence) to the newly created Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). This new “autocephaly” was an affront to the already established Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which was self-governing under the see of Moscow. The schism was hoped to be a temporary disciplinary measure to make Bartholomew recant and restore unity, but his response was –  σκασίλα μου – he just didn’t care.

The Holy Fathers, on the other hand, cared a great deal about schisms. St. Irenaeus of Lyons, sums it up perfectly with these words: “He [God] shall also judge those who give rise to schisms, who are destitute of the love of God, and who look to their own special advantage rather than to the unity of the Church; and who for…any kind of reason which occurs to them, cut in pieces and divide the great and glorious body of Christ, and so far as in them lies, destroy it – men who prate of peace while they give rise to war.” Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer could not make it more clear in his Epistle to the Philadelphians: “Do not err, my brethren. If any man follows him that makes a schism in the Church, he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” It is vital to note here that it is he who makes the schism that is the schismatic, which is why the faithful must not leave their schismatic church until after the schism is made, to remain blameless of this enormous sin.

 Bartholomew and his predecessors justify their uncanonical activities by abusing their honorary title of “ecumenical” (which means universal) Patriarch, also expressed as “first among equals” (first in honor). Not long ago, Bartholomew went further by (uncanonically, of course) adopting the title “first without equal,” unprecedented in the Orthodox Church, but well known to the popes of Rome who invented it. This new title was defended in a 2014 essay by the incumbent American “orthodox” Archbishop Elpidophoros, who, in 2019, was rewarded with a hierarchy of his very own by his mentor … Bartholomew. Many of the papal heresies and fabrications that led to the Great Schism of 1054 are strikingly similar to those of the Constantinopolitan patriarchs during the past 100 years.4 Bishops like these fully disregard that the Apostles never selected amongst themselves a “first among equals” let alone a “first without equal.”

Instead of working on the more important and pressing issues that concern the Church today, such as pandemic issues, abortion issues, contemporary morality issues or properly framed reunification issues, all of which should have “a return to Orthodoxy” as their basic tenet (this is proper Orthodox ecumenism); and instead of strengthening the bonds between existing Orthodox jurisdictions and resolving political and cultural differences that have divided some Orthodox Churches, the “first without equal” (in all manner of “shock and awe”) does the opposite. By “lording it over” all other patriarchates, he creates and widens inter-Orthodox rifts while focusing on “union” with the non-Orthodox, without any indication of their conversion to the Orthodox Faith from which they have tragically departed.  Ecumenical dialogue has focused predominantly on “similarities,” opportunities for ‘economia’ (which should only be used for rare exceptions), and a “downplaying” and even avoidance of dogmatic differences. As they did in Kolymbari, Bartholomew and his bishops keep drifting into the most emetic of “lukewarm” arenas of the dilution of our Faith, which makes our Lord Jesus Christ so upset, He says, “I will vomit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). Should this false union ever be consummated, he and his bishops will be thrown out of the Church by God Himself, like their father, Lucifer. Woe to the blind, complacent and lukewarm sheep who follow them into the abyss of an easy, convenient and false “Christianity.” The true Church will not follow these deceivers! She knows the voice of the Good Shepherd and will follow Him, staying the course.

 In the Name of “Love”

The Orthodox Church is essential, not only as the Ark of Salvation, but also as the spiritual hospital for the healing of the soul.1 Spiritual growth and healing, however, can only be accomplished through the in-person (never virtual) sacraments of Holy Baptism, Repentance (Holy Confession) and Holy Communion. In the name of “love,” too many misguided “orthodox” bishops have disregarded these soul-saving tools, to enforce unprecedented political temple lockdowns and vaccine mandates – because these, and not Christ, will save us. In the name of “love,” they have embraced  sexual immorality, and the non-Orthodox without calling anyone to repentance. They have even served Holy Communion with multiple spoons – because the “Giver of Life” spreads disease and death –  and marched and celebrated under a rainbow flag, as did Archbishop Elpidophoros, twice, at Anglican St. Bart’s Cathedral, all in the name of “love,” for as they say, “God is Love”. Yes, that He is, but love without truth is a lie. God is Love and Truth. God is true Love, not an exhibition of “love” where “everything goes.” Love without Truth is not the Love of God, and lust is not love. God said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second [commandment] is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’(Mark 12:28-34). In true Love, obedience to God and His commandments always comes first because He is Love and He is Truth. Christ also commanded us: Love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:9-17), which Christ did for us. True love is sacrificial. There is nothing lustful or selfish about it; and there is nothing sacrificial in lust.

In the name of “love,” these same bishops have denied the Power of God in the Holy Chalice; they have denied the flock access to the Holy Gifts; and they continue to deny to the non-Orthodox knowledge of the Truth, lest these convert and judge them. When did any of these “lovers” of ours risk their lives to commune the faithful during the lockdowns? When did any of them even conduct a litany for God to lift the pandemic? Are these “lovers” of sexual immorality and all its ideologies, now ready to lay down their lives for their LGBTQ+ “friends?” or is it because they secretly practice sexual immoralities together with them that they publicly support their sin? They haven’t left much to the imagination when a number of “orthodox” hierarchs are already known to have open and unrepented homosexual lifestyles. And even if they don’t, do they really think that they love the stray sheep more than God loves them?

In their arrogance, they forget that the fallen human condition (which includes theirs) cannot even begin to fathom the mystical depths of God’s Power, Mercy and Love. Theirs is more a love of the self and the body, manifested as lust, greed, and hypocrisy. In their self-serving delusions, they have lost the meaning of Love because the Holy Spirit has departed from them, and the “other” spirit has made its abode in them. Saint Peter warns about false teachers, like these bishops, who are unholy and communicate heresy. They are arrogant, sensual and greedy deceivers, denying accountability in their lives. Isolating themselves from Apostolic doctrine concerning Christ, they hold their own “private interpretations,” misconstruing doctrines and Holy Scripture (2 Peter 2:1-3). These are not the words of the author. These are the words of the Orthodox Study Bible.5

 Homosexuality among the Eastern Orthodox hierarchy under the Constantinopolitan patriarchate, is more prevalent than meets the eye. It is rumored that “to become a bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church, one must be an ecumenist, a Freemason and a homosexual.”  You must belong to the “other” club before you can belong to Bartholomew’s. This explains the ‘rogue clergy’ consecrations that we see taking place in rapid succession, the cowardice of established hierarchs who did nothing to spiritually support their flock during Covid, and the countless hushed up reports of open episcopal homosexuality, witnessed by scandalized laity, which this author is also privy to. Bishops such as these are not worthy of their ordination according to the impediments set out by the Holy Canons of the Church and they must be deposed.6  St. Paul said, “…an overseer [bishop] must be above reproach…” (1 Timothy 3:1-2), but if you are an imposter patriarch (bishop), you need other imposters worse than yourself, to support your agenda and not hold you accountable! The fish rots from the head!

Recent publication from our friends at Fordham University Press, home of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center which has extremely close ties to the Patriarchate of Constantinople

St. John the Theologian records Christ’s message to the bishop of the Church of Ephesus: …”but you have this in your favor, you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelations 2:6). In his book of homilies, Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios explains below:

“The Nicolaitans were gnosticizing heretics … Gnosticism did not die and will not die until the end of history …The Nicolaitans … had a very lax attitude towards idolatry and carnal sins…they had great difficulty accepting the commandments of God …  more specifically, in the area of bodily sins. They were tremendously loose … specifically regarding the subject of abstinence or sexual control …


Gnosticism attempts to create a melting pot of all the ideologies of all times. It is a mixture: a little philosophy, a little Christianity, a little Buddhism, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little idolatry. It is a smorgasbord of all religions [like unorthodox Ecumenism] that maintains the name of Christianity; but it is a Christianity of maximum distortion. They were classified as heretics because they attempted to give themselves a Christian garb, a Christian color, while their abuse and distortion of the Gospel was horrendous …


Freemasonry is a revival of Gnosticism …neo-Gnosticism … They claim to have the light, the illumination, and the pathway to the depth of knowledge, the depth of wisdom, the depth of philosophy … [which are] the depths of Satan … [Their] hope [is] to destroy all religions and especially Orthodox Christianity.”7  

 “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The Holy Apostles were painfully aware of spiritual dangers like Gnosticism, the oldest and most pervasive heresy in Christian history. Saint Peter warns, “be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:9). Saint Paul admonishes, “In their case the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Saint John also writes, “We know we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19).

The Holy Apostles admonished and exhorted their flock to guard against the dangers of the secular world. Which Eastern Orthodox pulpit or encyclical today, warns the Church about the dangers that are being propagated by politicians around the world as “freedom and rights for all”?  Which hierarch has urged their flock to “stand firm and hold to the traditions that [the Apostles] taught” (2 Thessalonians 2:15) because 2000 years of Orthodox Christian Tradition comes in direct conflict with “modern society’s teachings” in our schools, governments, and institutions around the industrialized world today? What bishop has taught our children that the Garden of Eden was lost because not everything is a “FREE FOR ALL,” but that God had placed a single restriction on mankind – to love and obey Him.

Certainly not those hierarchs who already serve two masters, hating The One and loving the “other.” Freemason “Grand Commanders” like Canadian Archbishop Sotirios, have never stood up to the slings and arrows that buffet the Church; they only capitulate to them, as they capitulated to Covidism, to unorthodox ecumenism, and to a false union with Rome in 2025, to strip Holy Orthodoxy down to Her “commonalities” with all other religions. Their goal, as we said, is to align all citizens of the world with one “common global religion,” the “other” master being “common” to all. The false union with Rome will not stop there; there will be many other false unions.

How do “orthodox” hierarchs fall for such deceit? Actually, they don’t. They are fully on board with the neo-Gnostic “system” that selected them and elected them, purposely “groomed” them in the cult of Freemasonry and “approved” them to fill the role in the way that enables their agenda.  This is why in the last hundred years or so, the new hierarchy stopped consecrating hieromonks as bishops to succeed them, and craftily figured out how to remove the laity from the electoral process to select new hierarchs. With all arrogance, these present-day, neo-Gnostic Nicolaitans hijacked the Orthodox Church, and through the preferential ordinations of like-minded, lascivious jackals, they have multiplied their numbers to circumvent accountability, and to destroy the Church from within. Such as these shall be the new leaders of the harlot church. “…and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns…decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Revelations 17:3).

These harlot hierarchs will not heed the voice of the Good Shepherd because they neither love Him nor believe in Him. Willful, shameless and unrepentant sodomites and piranhas, “in the name of Jesus,” they extract and extort millions of dollars from the temples of a pious flock that naively funds them for the false unification of all religions and the destruction of Truth. What more evidence do we need? “[We]…know them by their [rotten] fruits” (Matthew 7:16)!

The Time is Near

When Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15), He was not exaggerating. These self-serving hierarchs are the neo-Gnostic wolves in sheep’s clothing against whom Saint Paul warned, “O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith…” (1 Timothy 6:20-21); and “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). Saint John also warned, “Whoever says “I know Him” but does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” (1 John 2:4) See how carefully the Holy Apostles trained and prepared those like Timothy, who they ordained as bishops to continue the Apostolic mission in service to the Church!

The faithful “Timothies”, in the Eastern Orthodox Church today, are tragically outnumbered by the “devils” and “liars” who have taken over behind an “orthodox” facade. Blinded by their lust for their true master, Satan, they despise the true Love of God. These duplicitous, high-ranking Freemasons repeatedly injure the Body of Christ, His Church, with their demonic innovations, arrogant power-grabs and hypocritical justifications to the sheep, who they also despise, claiming they are “orthodox” bishops who must be obeyed because they have the Apostolic succession through ordination, an ordination they desecrate, mock and usurp. They forget, or rather, they do not believe or care, that when the Pharisees puffed themselves up because they were descendants of Abraham, Christ responded, “…do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father. ‘ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones” (Matthew 3: 9-10).

If they do not repent, they will “bring on themselves swift destruction” (2 Peter 2:1), as did all their wicked predecessors before them (2 Peter 2:4-22). The same holds true for the complacent, comfortable, lukewarm sheep that enable them. Over and over, God’s providence uses His enemies, just as He used “the son of perdition” to accomplish His purpose. Even if things seem they can get no worse, as they did from the foot of the Cross, that is when Christ will renew and purify His suffering Church, leading Her to glory, for He has built her on the rock of Faith and “…the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her” (Matthew 16:18).

It is very tempting to be scandalized by all that has been taking place in the Orthodox Church these days, but Christ said, “such things must come” (Matthew 6:8). Why? Because, even now, God is using the evil ones who are in but not of His Church to separate the sheep from the goats. According to His Divine Justice, everyone will use their free will to sort themselves out, like wheat from chaff, depending on who they follow. Will they follow the steep and narrow path of the Good Shepard, or will they follow the wide and easy path of Satan’s harlot church? See how the enemies of God cannot and will not destroy His Body, His Church! All they can do is leave and by doing so, they will create the schism. Therefore, they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Those that do not know the voice of the Good Shepherd, those who are not of His flock, will all fall away. “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us; but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2:19)

But as for us, “if we endure, we will also reign with Him” (2 Timothy 2:11-13). So, let us prepare ourselves. Let us find a trusted Orthodox spiritual father, even if he belongs to another jurisdiction, and seek advice from him; let us withhold our financial support from corrupt hierarchy who use our donations to promote their blasphemous agenda; let us worship in the temples of other Orthodox jurisdictions, but if that is not possible, remember that (until the false union takes place) God’s grace is still imparted to the faithful even if unworthy bishops are in charge. Do not abstain from the Divine Liturgy or from the Holy Gifts because of scandal; and do not be afraid of becoming spiritually orphaned. God will provide for his sheep. Above all, do not leave the Orthodox Church, for She is the Ark of Salvation, no matter how many “Judases” lurk inside. They will not be there for much longer and some of them may even repent.

When the traitors leave, the authentic Orthodox Church may become smaller, but having been cleansed, She will shine much brighter, and more faithful sheep will find Her and flock to Her; for She will reject all idolatry and immorality, all lies and falsehoods, all heresies and blasphemies. She will hold a proper and true Great and Holy Ecumenical Synod and will put everything in order, properly missionizing “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The sham church with her harlot bishops, will follow the globalists and ultimately the Antichrist.8 While the devil does his work, Christ is already revealing true and worthy priests and bishops that will properly guide the faithful; bishops who recognize and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd, up the narrow path, leading His Church to the top of the mountain. There, the full number of saints (of whom God has foreknowledge) will be completed; and then, the history of the world will be ended by God, who will abolish all evil forever.

The time is near. Let us all correct ourselves. Let us “exhort one another daily…lest any of [us] be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13). Let us be vigilant, “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). While the enemies of God war against Him as they did from the beginning of time, let us steadfastly pray and study God’s word, choosing wisely, exercising repentance with patient endurance in these spiritually hard times (Hebrews 6:15). The Lord will win for us, provided we persevere like “a woman in travail” (John 16:21-23; Revelations 12:1-6), up the steep and narrow path, the only Path, in and of the only Church, the only Ark that leads to the Heavenly Kingdom. Let us be able to say “yes” to the Lord’s question, “…when the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8).

Demetrios Georgiou

Do you support freedom of worship for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Then please read, sign, and share our petition supporting Metropolitan Onuphry and his Church.


  1. Fr. George Nicozisin. The Orthodox Church, A Well-Kept Secret – A Journey Through Church History. Light & Life Publishing Company, Minneapolis MN
  2. The Orthodox Study Bible – New Testament and Psalms, New King James Version. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. Peter 2:1-3 (Footnoted Exegesis, pp 563-564)
  3. Fr. Ted Bobosh. Canonical Ordination and Deposition
  4. Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios. Homilies on the Book of the Revelation, Volume One. Translation, Foreword and Notes by Constantine Zalalas, St. Nicodemus Publications, Bethlehem PA 2009 (Chapter 9, pp 133-134; Chapter 16 – Freemasonry – the Depths of Satan)
  5. G.M. Davis, PhD. Antichrist: The Fulfillment of Globalization – The Ancient Church and the End of History. Uncut Mountain Press, 2022

Orthodoxy Needs Communication and Repentance

Fr. Demetrios has decades of experience as a priest. During his career, he has served under several bishops in more than one jurisdiction. He had reached out to us for technical assistance with a project he was working on. While we had him on the phone, we couldn’t help but ask him about the state of our Orthodox Church in the United States.

His response caught us by surprise. Fr. Demetrios said, “All we need in Orthodoxy is communication and repentance. That would fix everything.”

During the rest of the conversation, he explained what he meant. In his experience, most bishops were at least difficult, if not impossible, to communicate with. Often they have, at most, a small group of trusted advisors to whom they listen. Sometimes they only listen to a chancellor playing the role of “gatekeeper.” When mistakes are made, they are rarely acknowledged and repented of. Usually the goal is to just quietly “move on.”

As we talked, the truth of what Fr. Demetrios was saying became more and more apparent. Many of the problems we see around us are directly attributable to lack of communication and repentance.

Bishops are Largely Incommunicado

Patrick ReardonFr. Demetrios explained to us that, in his experience, bishops are rarely interested in the opinions of their priests or the laity. We have seen multiple public confirmations of this. For example, most bishops did not ask for any input on how to deal with Covid at the parish-level. Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon was thrilled that Bishop Anthony, via an administrative assistant, contacted him for his ideas 10 months into the pandemic:

As far as I know, this is also the first time, during these ten miserable months, an Orthodox bishop has asked for “creative ideas addressing this issue” from the local pastors of our congregations.

His advice was not heeded, but at least he was able to tender it. Via email. To an assistant. Did Bishop Anthony even read it? Or even a summary of it? Who knows?

A group of OCA priests wrote this in an article The Broken Covenant about the church lockdowns:

Without the sacramental rudders and moorings of the Church, the OCA bishops were cast adrift, as they tried to navigate the political landscape.  They seemingly closed their minds to reason, as they closed the doors of the Church and they wanted no input from the priests fearing it would undercut their point of view. 

The bishops didn’t want any input from the men directly serving in the parishes among the people. Or the people themselves. These bishops would rather be wrong in their suppositions, than to hear the truth from the local parishes. They were very out-of-step with many sheep in their flocks over the Church’s Covid response, and most still seem totally oblivious to that fact. You cannot govern in truth, if you refuse to hear it.

In addition to ignoring emails, phone calls, letters, and petitions, more than one Orthodox hierarch is known for blocking / unfriending anyone on social media who asks an unwelcome question or “steps out of line” in even the slightest way. On Twitter, whoever runs Archbishop Elpidophoros’ account is notorious for quickly blocking users, even priests, over seemingly trivial comments / questions. His Eminence even blocks accounts that have never contacted him on the basis of those accounts having interacted with blocked accounts.

Those wanting to have their concerns heard end up writing blogs, posting on their own social media, and signing petitions – all in the hopes of getting some episcopal attention. Orthodox Reflections came into existence for this very reason. As all private avenues of communication are cut off, there is not much choice besides going public.  The lack of meaningful engagement and cooperation hurts and divides the Church. It also makes the men charged with making decisions and representing the Church look and sound completely tone-deaf.


In the secular world, before we issue a statement to clients or put out a press release, the text goes through multiple layers of vetting by different departments. Everyone brings their own expertise to bear. Much of our review effort is geared towards identifying ways any statement can be misconstrued. Anything you say or publish can instantly turn into a public relations nightmare. We could paraphrase Murphy’s Law a bit to say: Anything that can be misconstrued, will be. A good rule – don’t say and do things which can reasonably be misunderstood (or understood if that really is your point) as being contrary to your values and/or your previous commitments. Doing so provides ammunition to your enemies and demoralizes your supporters. In the Orthodox context, souls are literally on the line, so you had better be careful with what you say and do.

On a regular basis, bishops ignite firestorms. Sometimes it seems to be accidental. At other times, it is clear that they took controversial positions and steps on purpose, but it is hard to believe they were in any way prepared for the severity of the backlash that followed. If they listened to anyone at all in the preparation of their controversial texts or planning some of their controversial actions, then it was to individuals who agreed with them completely and looked at everything from the same perspective as the hierarchs. An echo chamber does not prepare you for contact with the real world.

The latest example was Archbishop Elpidophoros seemingly endorsing “many paths to God” and rejecting Christ as the only way to salvation: “When you elevate one religion above all others, it is as if you decide there is only one path leading to the top of the mountain.” We covered the speech here and here. 

Of course, the unfortunate “new age” wording has already spawned many negative responses. Among them are humorous memes such as the one to the right.

In the best case, this speech was a blunder based on being completely tone-deaf to easily anticipated public reaction:

In my opinion, Archbishop Elpidophoros could have done a better job of bracketing his comment about having only one path leading to the top of the mountain, i.e., that he was talking about state-religion relations, not about theology in the usual sense. Loosely read, Elpidophoros’ mountain metaphor can be construed as an allusion to a universalist soteriology—an affront to Orthodoxy.

The Greek Archdiocese, so far, has not even attempted to explain the comments. At best, a major blunder. At worst, a case of using plausible deniability to advance heresy publicly. Either way, in a healthy organization with proper checks and balances, this speech would never have been given.

One has to pity priests and deacons in the Greek Archdiocese. Their own hierarchy makes their difficult jobs even harder, and then won’t even listen to their cries of pain.

More examples of tone-deafness abound. We’ll cover just a few:

  • Bishop Benjamin of the OCA sent a letter to his priests mandating that anyone not wearing a mask could not receive communion, and warning his priests, “If I learn you are not strictly observing these directives and one of your parishioners dies of COVID 19, I will not hesitate to suspend you.” This letter was received so badly in his parishes, that six months later members of the Diocese of the West are still complaining about it. Some referenced that letter as the last straw in their leaving the OCA.
  • Archbishop Paul (Gassios) of the Diocese of the Midwest suspended Fr. Mark Hodges after he legally participated in a Constitutionally protected rally, and suggested in a letter to the priest that he was “guilty by association” for having been in the presence of illegal activity. When contacted repeatedly, the chancellor of the diocese finally responded to state that Fr. Mark Hodges was not suspended for participating in the rally. Despite the fact that this suspension had become an international news story, the chancellor refused to comment on why Fr. Mark was suspended, if not for participation in the rally. So of course, as you can see from the comments on our coverage, a huge fight ensued among the Faithful all over the Internet concerning the justness of the suspension and the underlying causes. The diocese never clarified the reasons for the suspension. A few months later, it was quietly announced that Fr. Mark’s suspension had been lifted. No explanation was given as to what, if anything, had changed. All that bad blood between faithful Orthodox Christians, all that bad press coverage internationally, and just like that – it all gets dropped down the memory hole. The lack of transparency harms the witness of the Orthodox Church, and seems to be driven by bishops not realizing or not caring how much controversy their actions stir up among the Faithful.
  • Archbishop Elpidophoros publicly endorsed extending Orthodox communion to unconverted spouses to help keep those in interfaith marriages from leaving the Church. That might help those in that particular situation, though in a way that actually harms those unworthily receiving communion. However, even discussing opening communion to the non-Orthodox caused faithful Greek Orthodox to denounce the idea as heresy. The Greek Archdiocese has already lost a large number of attending members in the past year (maybe as high as 30% in some surveys). If this change is implemented, doubtless more will leave. Priests and Faithful in other jurisdictions quickly began openly discussing the possibility of full-blown schism. If the Archbishop is trying to keep ethnic Greeks in the “fold” of the Church, this is going to backfire horribly. How could the Archbishop possibly be so isolated that not one faithful Orthodox Christian was there to tell him, “This is a terrible idea!”
  • On the Feast Day of St. Bartholomew, June 11th, Archbishop Elpidophoros presided over a Divine Liturgy at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Manhattan. On July 3, he was back at St. Bart’s in a more personal capacity to visit with their rector, Bp. Dean E. Wolfe. St. Bart’s has been criticized as “ground zero for the queering of Manhattan.” This level of engagement looks very much like an endorsement of the Episcopal Church’s homosexual-friendly agenda. As one commenter summed up this pattern of behavior by Archbishop Elpidophoros, “We cannot but conclude that the archbishop is sending the wrong message to his faithful followers.” Not only did the Archbishop do these things, but he highly publicized them. Does no one at the level of the Archdiocese understand how badly these actions are received among faithful Orthodox Christians? Or what ridicule the Orthodox Faith is being subjected to by those outside of the Church?
  • A recent encyclical from Archbishop Sotirios of Canada asserted that supporters of a single communion spoon are “pagan.” That was not received well by the long-suffering Greek community in Canada, and will likely drive away even more people.
  • Archbishop Elpidophoros famously marched with Black Lives Matter over a year ago. At the time, we wrote an article questioning the Archbishop lending his moral authority to a group associated not only with violence but also with abortion on demand, Marxist economic policies, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the disruption of the nuclear family. Not surprisingly, the progressive Orthodox over at Fordham University roundly applauded the Archbishop for his march. Many faithful Orthodox Christians were scandalized by his words and actions. The Archbishop’s support for BLM has never looked good, but it looks especially bad now since the group issued a statement siding with the
    Cuban Communist dictatorship against the brave people of Cuba who are in the streets demanding their freedom.
  • Even worse, in the middle of the pro-freedom protests, the Ecumenical Patriarch announced an official visit to Cuba this November at the invitation of the communist regime. This will be the EP’s second visit to Cuba. There is an Orthodox Cathedral in Cuba with the mosaic you see to the right of the EP receiving a key from mass murderer Fidel Castro. The plaque says, “THIS CATHEDRAL IS A GIFT FROM THE PEOPLE OF CUBA TO THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH AND TO ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW, FIDEL CASTRO RUZ -NOVEMBER 2003” Partnering with communists is not really a good look for Orthodox hierarchs, particularly when immortalized in a mosaic. A fact most normal parish priests and/or laypersons would be happy to inform the hierarchs of, if only they could.
  • His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios, the former Metropolitan of the Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aigialeia in northern Greece, recently published a lengthy list of abuses of the Orthodox Faith including: sacraments of heretics being recognized, donating the Qur’an as a sacred book, common prayers and concelebrations of bishops with heretics, metropolises locking churches and threatening priests, masks in front of the Holy Altar, single-use disposable spoons for distributing of the immaculate Body and Blood of our Christ, and bishops prohibiting the sacrament of Confession. It was a blistering call to change course and repent.

Repentance is Needed

His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosios also said in his article, “Wherever there is Orthodoxy there are wounds.” That is true all over the globe. But despite those wounds, most of the hierarchy simply goes on with business as usual. Most acknowledge only the pandemic, while ignoring any of the pain and suffering caused by the hysterical, harmful responses to it. The one exception we have seen is Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern America (Orthodox Church in America) who at least seems to “feel our pain“:

The past year has truly been a rollercoaster ride for all of us and we need to be mindful and considerate of those suffering from isolation, fear, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and loneliness, as well as those who have lost loved ones. Additionally, divisions occurred as people lost the ability to discuss differing opinions on a variety of matters.

While a welcome acknowledgment that bad things have happened, the archbishop’s statement is hardly repentance for the role he, and his fellow bishops, played in the “rollercoaster ride.” This lack of repentance over the Covid responses, the political missteps, and the ecumenist scandals is frequently discussed among Orthodox Christians. The attitude of the bishops has caused some Orthodox Christians to stop attending liturgy or to switch jurisdictions.

This really can’t continue. The most sincere and holy hierarchs will find it within themselves to set a public example of repentance for their mistakes. We also recognize that there appear to be Orthodox hierarchs who are intentionally trying to change the Orthodox Faith – either out of conformity to the world (weakness) or under demonic influence. They need to be called to repentance and held to account, particularly by other hierarchs.

The people will forgive hierarchs who embrace public repentance and flock to them. To minimize future mistakes, the best hierarchs will commit themselves to open communication, accountability, and transparency. They will not always take the advice of their priests and laity, but they will at least give them a fair hearing and avoid openly scandalizing them.

Fr. Demetrios was quite right, all we need is communication and repentance.

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

Great Reset Religious support

Does ‘Greek’ Orthodoxy Support The Great Reset?

Covid-19 Survival Rates

We’ve known for some time that the mortality rates for COVID are extremely low, and getting lower as doctors improve their treatment protocols. The virus has above a 99.95% survival rate for those under 70. See the bullet points in this article summarizing reasons why the virus is not nearly dangerous enough to justify the current hysteria, or even for most people to risk the side effects of a vaccine. Additionally, we’ve now been told by the New York Times that immunity for recovered patients can persist for a long time:

Eight months after infection, most people who have recovered still have enough immune cells to fend off the virus and prevent illness, the new data show. A slow rate of decline in the short term suggests, happily, that these cells may persist in the body for a very, very long time to come.

At this point, over 11 million Americans have recovered from mostly asymptomatic COVID-19. The true number is probably many times higher than that. There is now every reason to believe that those people are now immune to further infection. So herd immunity could be close, and maybe even reached in some areas. If such an immune response is possible, then vaccination which produces immunity is also possible, and we are being promised effective vaccines any day now. This is all great news!

Death rates are down from where they were. Hospitalizations are down, including less use of ICU beds. No hospital system is being “overwhelmed.”  In fact, the only metric which is repeatedly causing alarm is the rise in “cases.” Headlines are screaming about a rise in “cases” across all media. But despite the massive hype, many people are beginning to question if “cases” are really something to panic over.

Top pathologist, expert in virology, and biotech CEO Dr. Roger Hodkinson said the following to government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference that was recorded and subsequently uploaded to YouTube:

Dr. HodkinsonI might know a little bit about all this. There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public…. social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing. Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people – I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense – seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face… positive test results do not, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection… I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level, it should all stop tomorrow.

As the doctor noted, positive tests do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but probably not. Note the current “case” of Donald Trump , Jr. who tested “positive” but is totally asymptomatic. And a positive result does not mean you are contagious. In general, it is extremely hard to have any confidence in any of the testing measures, as evidenced by the fact that Elon Musk could test positive two times and negative two times in the same day before declaring that something “bogus” was going on.

Positive tests without actual symptoms are not real “cases” the way we understood that term prior to our current COVID hysteria. So the “uptick” in cases, as most normal people and medical professionals have come to realize, is not an actual crisis. Nor are our “countermeasures” such as masks, lockdowns, curfews, etc. even effective in stopping what transmission is occurring. Rand Paul, medical doctor and Senator, made that clear when discussing his governor’s latest lock down measures:

“Let’s hope, in this case, the court will intervene,” Paul said. “I’ve been calling my governor for months ‘DWP,’ drunk with power, because he’s taken this power without any consent from the legislature.”


“…the edicts that are coming from the governor, and from the governor of Michigan, they’re completely arbitrary,” he said. “They’re not based in any kind of science. There is really very little objective science to prove that any of this works.”


As to the cloth mask mandates, Paul, a physician, said that studies show that they do not work and exist merely as an act of “theater.”


“They’re theater,” he said. “If you look at the cloth masks, 97% of virus-sized particles go through a cloth mask, so we’re kidding ourselves, and what it’s doing is it’s detracting from the one thing that could save and could really help us, and that’s the vaccine.”


“There’s about 10 different countries or venues, maybe 20, that instituted mandatory masks, and every one of them to a T, the infection rate or the COVID rate went up after the mask mandate,” Paul continued. “Now, this is just showing that … all these mitigation strategies — washing our hands, staying six feet apart — they really don’t work, frankly.

“Lock downs” do not work and the economic and social devastation they cause are way worse than a virus with such a low mortality rate.  Even officials from the WHO have recently admitted that. So now we are 8 months into 15 days to flatten the curve, and it is clear that the United States and the world have wrecked our economies, expanded poverty, made people depressed and suicidal, abandoned our elderly in care homes to deaths of despair and neglect, threatened mass starvation, and destroyed our spiritual lives by reducing God to a “non-essential” hobby. All for no tangible benefits to combat a virus that almost 100% of the infected under the age of 70 will recover from, usually having had little to no symptoms.  After recovery, they will have long-lasting immunity to reinfection.

This is why 35,236 medical professionals have signed the Great Barrington Declaration which states:

Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.


Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.


As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.


The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.


Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal.

Do you see a theme here? The virus is not worth destroying our lives over. Get back to normal and focus on the vulnerable! Tens of thousands of experts have gone on record telling us to stop what we are doing and live our lives. The “experts” have spoken, and spoken, and spoken.

But outside of Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis has become a bastion of common sense, politicians in almost the entire United States, and much of the world, are only listening to pro-lock down “experts.” Many American states are headed into a second severe lock down, even though many of those same places never fully re-opened to begin with. Canceling Thanksgiving, closing schools, closing restaurants to in-door dining, curfews, closing bars, closing gyms, closing churches, stay-at-home orders, limiting capacities severely at public events or outright banning them, mandating mask wearing even in your own home, limiting or canceling athletics, canceling Christmas even – most governors in this country are in a contest to become the biggest, most unconstitutional Scrooge in history.

Transgender Penn Health SecretaryThe intolerant drive to suppress any and all fun in life seems like an unwanted revival of that historical scourge of America, Puritanism, which author H.L. Mencken described as, “The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.” Transgender affirming, Gay-rights supporting, anti-God, anti-gun, pro-weed, and pro-abortion Puritans. Tell me you saw that coming. Thank you 2020 for yet another gift.

How on Earth could this be happening? How do we find ourselves being lorded over by power-drunk petty politicians and being lectured by a narcissistic dwarf called Dr. Fauci “to do what you’re told” as our society is fundamentally wrecked?

As one of my economics professors was fond of saying, “If the stated reasons make no sense, then they are probably a smokescreen.”

The Great Reset

Book - the great resetIs The Great Reset the real reason so many powers-that-be are trying to destroy our civilization in order to build back better? And is their embrace of the globalist agenda the reason why Christian Bishops, Roman Catholic and Orthodox alike, are so quiescent as their churches are kept closed and their parishioners impoverished?

Time Magazine did a whole cover on The Great Reset, and the World Economic Forum has been talking about it for months. World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab even published a book on the subject. But it was not until a video went viral of Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, talking about the opportunity afforded by the pandemic for a “reset” that most of the world took notice. Trudeau made his statements during a September 29 video conference where he, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, and Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced the convening of a “high-level” meeting to discuss how world leaders “could build a better, more equitable system that works for everyone” in the wake of the pandemic:

“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change,” declared Trudeau.


Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals].”

Biden Build Back BetterTrudeau has since tried to say that The Great Reset is a conspiracy theory. Can it be called a conspiracy when it is a publicly acknowledged movement supported by very influential people who are all also echoing the same talking points? Trudeau’s remarks are eerily similar to those of Democrat former vice president Joe Biden and U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson. Joe Biden’s Official Presidential Transition Website is – On that site, we are promised that: “President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are confronting a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice, and climate change. The team being assembled will meet these challenges on Day One.”

Former Presidential Candidate, Senator, and Secretary of State John Kerry endorsed The Great Reset as an opportunity to squelch the rise of populism around the word:

Former Secretary of State John Kerry attended a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum during which he asserted that a great reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism.


“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”

So The Great Reset is clearly a thing. But is The Great Reset a bad thing? Roman Catholic Archbishop Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio, issued a warning about it:

A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.


The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the DNA will be your dataimposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.

It might be tempting to dismiss the Archbishop’s warnings as so much conspiracy mongering, if it weren’t for the niggling fact that almost everyday brings more announcements of technology that will play a role in the things he is warning about:

Recently, the United Nations had some big announcements that went largely unnoticed, including the rollout of a biometric digital wallet and an announcement that one of its specialized agencies The International Civil Aviation Organization is one step closer to an internationally recognized digital travel credential.


As reported by Biometric Update, this particular UN biometric digital wallet is intended for UN employees and it can be used for data related to human resources, medical status, travel, payroll and pensions.

The Great Reset for Dummies

Let’s look a bit closer at the details using information from The Great Reset for Dummies:

The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, the obsessiveness of a deranged accountant with a gambling addiction—and an upgraded, digital version of “Manifest Destiny.”


The mathematical reason for the Great Reset is that thanks to technology, the planet has gotten small, and the infinite expansion economic model is bust—but obviously, the super wealthy want to continue staying super wealthy, and so they need a miracle, another bubble, plus a surgically precise system for managing what they perceive as “their limited resources.”


The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital anxiety and precision—all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability.


The reform in question is meant to disrupt all areas of life, on a planetary scale: government, international relations, finance, energy, food, medicine, jobs, urban planning, real estate, law enforcement, and human interactions—and it starts with changing the way we think of ourselves and our relationship with the world.

Gavin Newsome at a partyMuch has been made lately of how politicians are so hypocritical in not obeying their own COVID rules. Governor Newsome and his maskless dinner party at a fancy French restaurant, even after chastising Californians to limit Thanksgiving festivities. Speaker Nancy Pelosi got a haircut at a salon in California, even though salons were closed there at the time. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a supporter of nationwide mask mandates, was photographed maskless in an airport and in the hallway of the Capitol. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser traveled to Delaware for a Biden victory party, but didn’t follow her own quarantine protocols upon return. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced new lockdowns, even though the previous week she had been whooping it up maskless on the street with a huge crowd to celebrate the Biden “victory.”

While the level of hypocrisy surely calls into question the seriousness of the “pandemic” and the effectiveness of the rules being flouted, a deeper question must be pondered. Is this just typical political hypocrisy, or is it the dawn of a new social order –  one that will ensure the wealthy, and their lackeys, are free to do as they please while we, the serfs, struggle under severe restrictions? Once power is centralized in the hands of the technocratic elite, then to whom must the new master class answer?

As Vigano warned, this is not a grassroots effort. It is led by the top-tier of wealth and power in the world:

So, who are the people leading this, and how coordinated is this effort? From the looks of it, it seems to be the usual suspects: top capitalists of the world, historically wealthy dynasties from different parts of Earth, members of secular and religious royalty, billionaires, etc.—in other words, it’s the people who have enough money to feel like this world is theirs, the 0.0001%—and maybe also the people immediately under them who are seeking upward mobility. Some familiar faces, some faces we’ve never seen.


On the ephemeral side, the vision of the “resetters” is related to the futuristic ideas that were popular in the early 20th century, to the dream of a global corporate monopoly that propped up the bolshevik revolution of 1917, and to the overall crave of controlling the world with technology, something that was attempted and failed in the Soviet Union in the 60s—using the language very similar to today’s. On the concrete side, the Great Reset (which by the way is very well coordinated, to the extent that both Biden and Johnson are using the same coded words put forward by the WEF) grows out of the post-WWII efforts to maintain a “correct” power balance in the world, with “correct” financial interests reaping the benefits.

Klaus SchwabThese elites don’t necessarily agree on everything, and in some ways compete with each other. But on the basics, there seems to be widespread agreement. No one at that the top seems to dispute Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, when he says, “A Better Economy Is Possible. But We Need to Reimagine Capitalism to Do It.

Among the upper crust, the desirability of a total overhaul of society is not even controversial. In fact Sesame Street has teamed up with the World Economic Forum to make a podcast called The Great Reset: Resetting Education with Sesame Street in which Grover can be heard helpfully telling children, “Resetting the entire world. That is a very big job.” The partnership is also producing a series of videos to teach children about the vital importance of learning to live with the ‘New Normal’: wearing masks, maintaining six feet social distancing, gratefully accepting their vaccine shots, and getting used to not playing with friends in person but just meeting them virtually on a screen.

While the COVID angle may be new as of 2020, the “Global Reset” movement has actually been in business for quite awhile, but under the banner of combatting “Climate Change:”

Let’s not forget that prior to 2020, there has already been a very expensively organized fear narrative, supported by more or less the same players who are now pushing for the Great Reset. I am of course talking about the weaponized “climate change” narrative. And while there are plenty of environmental problems that need to be addressed asap, the corporate “climate change” movement has been strangely focused on messaging that roughly coincides with the messaging of the Great Reset campaign, serving their financial goals—and the funding trajectories also overlap. So it looks like the financial interests behind the Great Reset tried out to use the “climate movement” first but it didn’t generate the desired fear levels quickly enough… it’s not a hippie grassroots movement—even if a lot of individual people sincerely pour their souls into that.


Now, it is very possible that the environmental movement was good and honest when it just started—but a lot of it has been since hijacked, in a very stealthy way where the people on the ground don’t even realize whom they are serving.

It should not be surprising that discussion of COVID control measures quickly morph into discussions of “Climate Change.” The two concepts are inextricably linked as rationales for transforming the world we know, into the world the elites want to bring into existence. Whether out of a genuine concern for ecology, fear of the virus, desire to help the poor, or even just out of a loathing for the bad orange man, many people are acting as foot soldiers for a global movement that will ultimately enslave them.

For all of this to succeed, America has to be gotten out of the way:

Traditional America, now, is very much in the way of this. Its habit of generous consumption and free expression, its self-centered foreign policies, its sense of entitlement, and its big suburban houses are a no-go. A traditional, independent, strong America is an obstacle. I feel like there is an active effort to “even America out,” to co-opt its government, to destroy farms and small businesses—especially the ones that are not consistent with this all-digital future—and to bring down the entitled middle class, especially in “outdated” career paths. It feels like we are currently in the middle of a “color revolution,” a soft coup. Usually, American elites do it to other nations—but now it’s happening on the domestic soil. It feels like the Great Reset agenda, through its messengers and through its money, is shaping both the schizophrenic “COVID response” and the suddenly mainstream and well-funded, super corporate “social justice / climate” movement, which are all at this point intertwined in terms of messaging.

What if all the economic destruction around the lock downs were not an accidental by-product of trying to wrangle a virus, but were the actual point?

Greek Orthodoxy and The Great Reset

COVID, Climate Change, income redistribution, anti-populism, the need to “build back better,” the need to “reimagine” the economy, the need to erase borders and national sovereignty (particularly American), the need to manage things globally – the same “coded words” permeate our political, social, and even religious discourse now. As we have noted in multiple articles, Orthodox bishops associated with the Ecumenical Patriarchate (though most of the others have not done much better) have been particularly reluctant to push back against COVID closings of churches and other restrictions. The Greek Orthodox organizations have also, among all the Orthodox, made the most prodigious use of the “coded words” of The Great Reset.

Examples of the use of Great Reset-style language can be found in For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church which was a collaboration of scholars and theologians published earlier in 2020 and fully endorsed by the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew. We have published some excerpts below with emphasis added on the points most closely aligned with Great Reset concepts:

Neither, certainly, should Orthodox Christians fear the reality of cultural and social pluralism. Indeed, they should rejoice in the dynamic confluence of human cultures in the modern world, which is one of the special glories of our age, and take it as a blessing that all human cultures, in all their variety and beauty, are coming more and more to occupy the same civic and political spaces. The Church must in fact support those government policies and laws that best promote such pluralism. 


The modern nation-state is not a sacred institution, even if it can at times serve the causes of justice, equity, and peace. Nor are borders anything more than accidents of history and conventions of law.


The developed world everywhere knows the presence of refugees and asylum-seekers, many legally admitted but also many others without documentation. They confront the consciences of wealthier nations daily with their sheer vulnerability, indigence, and suffering. This is a global crisis, but also a personal appeal to our faith, to our deepest moral natures, to our most inabrogable responsibilities.


An international free flow of labor, and with it the capacity of labor to organize on a global scale and thereby demand basic standards of employment in all labor markets, would make such exploitation very nearly impossible. Hence the unholy collusion between many transnational corporate interests and many states to make the free flow of labor across borders impossible, often by the most draconian means.


The effects of sin and of our alienation from God are not only personal and social, but also ecological and even cosmic. For instance, our often heedless consumption of natural resources and our wanton use of fossil fuels have induced increasingly catastrophic processes of climate change and global warming. Therefore, our pursuit of alternative sources of energy and our efforts to reduce our impact on the planet as much as possible are now necessary expressions of our vocation to transfigure the world.


This means that the issue of climate change is also an issue of social welfare and social justice. The Church calls, therefore, upon the governments of the world to seek ways of advancing the environmental sciences, through education and state subventions for research, and to be willing to fund technologies that might serve to reverse the dire effects of carbon emissions, pollution, and all forms of environmental degradation.


And the Church encourages the faithful to be grateful for—and to accept—the findings of the sciences, even those that might occasionally oblige them to revise their understandings of the history and frame of cosmic reality. The desire for scientific knowledge flows from the same wellspring as faith’s longing to enter ever more deeply into the mystery of God.


Great economic inequality is, inevitably, social injustice; it is, moreover, according to the teachings of Christ, a thing abominable in the eyes of God. Whole schools of economics arose in the twentieth century at the service of such inequality, arguing that it is a necessary concomitant of any functioning economy. And the Church must in every generation, remembering the example of the Church of the Apostolic age, ask of every society whether there are not effective means—and perhaps new economic models—by which it would be possible to achieve a more just distribution of wealth, and thereby a more radical commitment to the common good, of society and of the planet we all must share.

The Green Patriarch and the Greek Church (with some dissent) are totally on board with global solutions to arrest climate change, explore new economic models, and redistribute wealth. Localism is bad, as national governments can foment nationalism and/or populism. National sovereignty (particularly American) must yield to international institutions. Borders are mere lines on a map, and it is immoral to try and control the flow of migrants or refugees across them. Globalism is good. National cultures must make way for diversity, because the Church must support “pluralism” and open borders. One must wonder whether open borders, pluralism, and denunciations of nationalism are meant to apply to Greece as well as the United States. Actually, there probably isn’t much question of that at all. We are certain that the Greek academics and theologians who enthusiastically champion “Hellenism” and welcomed Biden as “good for Greece” are probably not being very even-handed in their desire for “pluralism.”

Greek Nationalism

Please note in the Tweet above that the President of Greece, a country with massive economic problems and a potential war on the horizon with Turkey, was most excited about the U.S. rejoining the Paris Agreement on Climate Change under a new Biden Administration. There seems to be a trend here….

The  Ethos document was written in 2019 and published early this year, so no mention of COVID exists. However, there is a ringing endorsement of vaccines, and not one mention of opposition to mandatory vaccination. The Ethos document gushes over scientific and technological progress. There are some cautionary words about the potential misuses of technology, but nothing about the potential for loss of privacy, surveillance, or censorship.  Curiously, the authors did see fit to denounce the use of the Internet to spread “misinformation.”

Biden PatriarchAre we saying that the Ecumenical Patriarch is part of a global movement to reset the world? Archbishop Vigano said as much about Pope Francis, who is a very close friend and ally of Patriarch Bartholomew. Here is what we can say about the Ecumenical Patriarch, the Greek Archdiocese, and the Greek Orthodox Church:

  • Many writings, sermons, and communications frequently use the same “coded words” of social justice, income redistribution, Climate Change, anti-populism, open borders, etc. that are associated with The Great Reset.
  • Realizing many of the social and political goals espoused by Greek Orthodox organizations would make The Great Reset easier to carry out.
  • It is difficult to find writings, sermons, and communications that support concepts such as private property, right to self-defense, personal autonomy, right to privacy, vaccine freedom, local sovereignty, etc. that would make The Great Reset more difficult. This is despite the fact that other local Orthodox Churches and jurisdictions do frequently support and defend those very concepts.
  • The Ecumenical Patriarchate has close ties to many globalist organizations.
  • The Greek Archdiocese has gone above and beyond in enforcing COVID protocols. For example, masks are frequently required in GOA churches even when not required by local ordnances. Archbishop Elpidophoros and Archbishop Sotirios pushed multiple spoons for communion. The GOA has said almost nothing about even the most severe lock downs in California and elsewhere, going so far as to criticize those who did stand up for liberty.
  • Archbishop Elpidophoros marched with BLM, and practically endorsed Joe Biden for president during a prayer at the DNC.
  • The Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Church are suspected of being under the influence of Freemasonry.

Even so, there is no way to know if the Patriarch and those affiliated with him are merely being influenced by those pushing The Great Reset, or if they are actively involved in the movement to bring it about. In truth, it probably doesn’t matter. These Greek organizations appear fully globalist in mentality, and are totally blind (willfully or otherwise) to the extremely sinister endgame of the global elites who seek to re-engineer our entire world in order to control it. For our own “good” of course. And consciously or otherwise, the Ecumenical Patriarch and his subordinates are helping to bring this Satanic vision about.

St. Seraphim BearWe are not saying that the Ethos is entirely wrong. There are many good points in the document, and in fact, we don’t even disagree with everything in the parts we excerpted. Nor do we think that everything is fine with the world the way it is. The world economy in its current state is unsustainable. We do need to do a much better job of making Christ manifest in our treatment of the poor and needy. Our natural environment does need better care. But at the same time, lofty and even Christian ideals are being put to the service of Satanic ends. The Orthodox Church can espouse reform in a way that doesn’t destroy our economies or leads to the strengthening of the transnational elite that seeks to enslave us all in the name of a better world.

The time is now to speak up, before it is entirely too late. End the lock downs, reject The Great Reset and pursue Christian ends through Christian means. Unfortunately, for those of us who are Orthodox, we will be in this fight without much of the Greek Church.

The editorial staff of Orthodox Reflections – members of the GOA, OCA, and Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

Pope with pachamama

No Orthodox Papacy Means Stability for the Faith

documentary FrancescoOne of the latest controversies in the Roman Catholic Church was sparked by director Evgeny Afineevsky’s documentary called Francesco featuring several interviews done with Pope Francis. Among the Pope’s statements that caused a stir was this legitimization of homosexual civil unions, “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they [homosexuals] are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

Immediately the Catholic faithful launched into a bitter war of words over what the Pope meant by his statements. As a non-Catholic, this is not an argument in which I am qualified to participate. However, there is one aspect of this lamentable situation which directly relates to my own Orthodox Faith. The Website Where Peter Is has as a slogan, “Where Peter is, there is the Church.” In other words, the Church is defined as the body of believers headed by the Pope and in communion with him. No Pope, no Church. Addressing the civil union statements, a writer on that site published an article entitled Has Pope Francis changed Church teaching on same-sex civil unions?

For the record, the author doesn’t believe he has. But from an Orthodox Christian perspective, that isn’t really the point. For us, the headline itself spells out the problem with the Papacy. Roman Catholics accept that the Pope could change Roman Catholic teaching on his own authority. That is why almost every word uttered by the Pope is parsed and argued over. If the Roman Church is defined by the office of the Papacy, then the Roman Catholic Faith appears to be whatever the “Vicar of Christ” says it is. Even if what the Pope says is not in fidelity to the historic teachings of the Christian Faith. Honest Roman Catholics admit this is the case, and they admit there is nothing that can be done about it.

Writing in, Archbishop Vigano wrote the following:

If canonically it is unthinkable to excommunicate a Catholic for the mere fact that he wishes to remain so, politically and strategically this abuse would allow Bergoglio to expel his adversaries from the Church, consolidating his own power. And I repeat: we are not talking about a legitimate operation, but of an abuse that, despite being an abuse, no one would be able to prevent, since “the First See is judged by none” – prima Sedes a nemine judicatur. And since the deposition of a heretical Pope is a canonically unresolved question on which there is no unanimous consent of canonists, anyone who would accuse Bergoglio of heresy would be going down a dead end and would obtain a result only with great difficulty.


And it is exactly this, in my opinion, that Bergoglio’s “magic circle” wants to achieve: to reach the paradoxical situation in which the one who is recognized as Pope is at the same time in a state of schism with the Church he governs, while those who are declared by him to be schismatic for disobedience will find themselves expelled from the Church because of the fact that they are Catholic.


Bergoglio’s action is above all directed outside the Church. The encyclical Fratelli Tutti is an ideological manifesto in which there is nothing Catholic and nothing for Catholics – it is the umpteenth embrassons-nous [“let’s embrace”] of the Masonic matrix, in which universal brotherhood is obtained not, as the Gospel teaches, in recognizing the common fatherhood of God through belonging to the one Church, but rather by the flattening of all religions into a lowest common denominator that is expressed in solidarity, respect for the environment, and pacifism.


With this way of acting, Bergoglio is a candidate for “pontiff” of a new religion, with new commandments, new morals, and new liturgies. He distances himself from the Catholic religion and from Christ, and consequently from the Hierarchy and the faithful, disavowing them and leaving them at the mercy of the globalist dictatorship. Those who do not adapt to this new code will therefore be ostracized by society and by this new “church” as a foreign body.


Peace Prayer MeetingOn October 20 in Rome, Pope Francis prayed for peace along with representatives of the world religions: the motto of that ecumenical ceremony was “No one is saved alone.” But that prayer was addressed indiscriminately to both the True God as well as to the false gods of the pagans, making it clear that the ecumenism propagated by Bergoglio has as its goal the exclusion of Our Lord from human society, because Jesus Christ is considered “divisive,” “a stumbling stone.” This modern man thinks that he can obtain peace by leaving aside the One who said of Himself: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jn 14:6). It is painful to note that this apostasy of formerly Christian nations is accompanied by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who ought to be the Vicar of Christ, not his enemy.

What a predicament to find yourself in. To be Catholic, you must be in communion with the Pope who is the “successor of Peter” and the “Vicar” of Christ. But the current Pope is a globalist heretic who is altering the faith, possibly even going so far as to create a new one under Masonic influence. To preserve the Catholic Faith, you must oppose the Pope’s innovations, as Archbishop Vigano does. But if you oppose the Pope, you risk no longer being Roman Catholic. The Pope can excommunicate you for your opposition, putting you outside the Church, even if your opposition is clearly grounded in the Apostolic Faith. And, there is no way to remove a Pope even if he is blatantly heretical. Sadly for Roman Catholic Traditionalists, there is nothing you can do because “the First See is judged by none” – prima Sedes a nemine judicatur.

From a traditionalist point of view, the next pope is unlikely to be any better than this one. Waiting this out then is likely to take decades or longer, assuming that a “Catholic” Pope could ever be elected again given the problems in the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Here is how one Roman Catholic Priest summed up the situation with the bishops after the release of the report on Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick:

This document is just another nail in the coffin of the moral authority and relevance of the episcopacy. They haven’t been relevant to the faithful for quite some time. I think it’s time for priests to now realize (if they already haven’t) that the bishops have abandoned us as well. Every priest is on his own (unless he has some friends he truly trusts).


You have written extensively about the decline of our culture and the impending persecutions. I agree with you. I believe it’s important to realize that these persecutions will come from everyone in power; including the hierarchy who will try to make peace with our persecutors, as we already see them doing with Biden. They are already selling out priests who speak out too strongly against moral evils. The threat to religious liberty in the Church is not particularly from the secularists; it’s from the bishops who refuse to speak out and will sacrifice their priests who disturb the fragile and imaginary peace they seek to maintain with the powerful in the culture.

The Papacy is lost to those who wish to maintain traditional Roman Catholic moral and theological teaching. The office now serves powerful, globalist interests. The parish priests, the good ones, are on their own. There may be a few good bishops left in the Roman Church, but they are not in control and do not constitute a substantial voting block in the College of Cardinals. But even if, at some point, the Roman Catholic Church could bring back a Pope John Paul II or a Pope Benedict XVI, the dilemma presented by the Papacy would still be unresolved.

If you got one Pope Francis, then you can obviously get another one. Nor does the Papal office have the best of histories in any case. Papal pretensions and innovations caused the Great Schism and the Protestant Reformation. A talented Orthodox priest gives a summary of many of the issues with Papal innovations in this video. Fr. Victor E. Novak, an Orthodox priest and convert from Roman Catholicism, wrote, “For a millennium, since causing the Great Schism in 1054, Rome has been the cause of division after division in the West, leading to the splintering of Western Christendom and ultimately to the secularization of the West.”

Roman Catholic Traditionalists are in an unsustainable situation long-term. They can’t wait out the crisis. As Archbishop Vigano has warned, Pope Francis is just getting started. The heresies will shortly get more blatant to the point that even the most die-hard defender of the Papacy will be unable to finesse an explanation.  Traditionalists can’t resolve the crisis by either deposing the Pope or electing a new one. Which means at some point they must recognize the truth of the situation. They can preserve the Papal Office and their communion with it, or they can preserve their allegiance to the Christian Faith. They can’t save both.

Since you can’t be Roman Catholic without the Papacy, and it is maddeningly difficult to be Roman Catholic when the Pope obviously isn’t, the most logical course of action is to convert to Orthodoxy. As Fr. Novak wrote:

The Orthodox Church has never added to or subtracted from the “faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), and has never suffered a Reformation, Counter Reformation, or a Revolution as seen at and after the Second Vatican Council. There are no problems with liberal modernism in the Orthodox Church, no waffling on moral teachings, and no movements for women priests, liturgical innovation, or the definition of new dogmas. Despite having no “earthly head” and maintaining the primitive Christian decentralized ecclesiastical structure, the Orthodox Church remains fully united and hasn’t suffered serious schism since 1054. The Orthodox Catholic Church is today what she was 1,000 years ago, 1,500 years ago, 2,000 years ago.


Today, traditional Roman Catholics who enter the Orthodox Church can worship essentially as they always have, only in full sacramental communion and visible unity with the 300 million member Orthodox Catholic Church. Rather than looking back to the 1950s or to the Council of Trent (which isn’t even as old as the Protestant Reformation!) they can fully embrace the Faith and Order of the “Undivided” Church, the Faith of the Church Fathers, the Seven Ecumenical Councils and the Canon of St. Vincent of Lerins.

Ecumenical PatriarchAnd that is the message that many of us carry to the wonderful, Traditionalist Roman Catholics who are struggling.  Christ is calling them home to the true Church and the true Faith, and many are answering that call. I believe more would, if they did not have a serious misunderstanding of the role of a divisive figure within Orthodoxy – Patriarch Bartholomew II of “Constantinople.” Far too many believe the Ecumenical Patriarch’s role is analogous to the Papacy, and that makes them reluctant to trade one problem with unchecked power for another. Fortunately for the Orthodox Church, while the Patriarch is a problem, he just isn’t a very important one.

Constantinople was only raised in status above a normal bishopric in 381 A.D. The 3rd Canon of the First Council of Constantinople spells out exactly why the Bishop of Constantinople was being elevated, “The Bishop of Constantinople, however, shall have the prerogative of honor after the Bishop of Rome because Constantinople is New Rome.” This was a political decision based on the facts on the ground in the Roman Empire at that time. Unlike the Bishop of Rome, there is nothing equivalent to the “Petrine Theory” that can lend credence to any expansive claims of authority made by Constantinople.

Further, the See of Constantinople was occupied by heretics or schismatics for over 230 years of its entire existence. Nestorius was Patriarch of Constantinople. Clearly, obtaining the office of Patriarch of Constantinople is no guarantee that a man is Orthodox in faith and/or morals. Despite that spotty record, however, the Orthodox Church as a whole has clearly endured and clearly preserved the Deposit of the Faith. That is because the nature of the Orthodox Church can be expressed thusly:

Basic to the ecclesiology of the Orthodox Church is the concept of conciliarity. The Church is, in fact, at her core always synod, the literal meaning of the word “Ekklesia.” The concept of conciliarity, i.e., the conciliar or synodal approach to managing the Church’s affairs, is not confined solely to convening various types of synods, but also includes every expression of ecclesiastical life. Through conciliarity, the nature of the Church as theanthropic communion in Christ is expressed. This is why any ecclesiastical practice which is not a result of conciliarity is a deviation from Orthodox ecclesiology.

The preservation of the Orthodox Faith does not depend on any one bishop. Which is why the modernists have such a loathing for the Orthodox Church – its decentralized structure practically defies meaningful infiltration.

Now, this does not mean that the Patriarch of Constantinople is not a problem. In the early 20th century, the Patriarchate appears to have been infiltrated by Freemasons, perhaps eventually so was much of the Greek Church. In the early 1920’s, Patriarch Meletios took control over the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and promulgated a new interpretation of Canon 28 of Chalcedon: the “barbarian lands” theory according to which all territories not part of another Orthodox Church belong to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. None of the other Orthodox Churches seem particularly convinced by that novel interpretation of a Canon that had been around since 451 A.D. Since that very, very recent time in history, the claims to authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch have steadily expanded. This has led to Patriarch Bartholomew interfering in the local affairs of various Orthodox Churches such as in Ukraine and Macedonia.

At the moment, Patriarch Bartholomew is making the case for himself becoming, essentially, an Orthodox Pope:

“We, Orthodox, must make a self-criticism and reconsider our ecclesiology if we do not want to become a federation of Protestant Churches,” said Patriarch Bartholomew.


According to Bartholomew, the problem of unity can be solved if it is recognized that there is a bishop in the Orthodox Church who is higher than other bishops and has exclusive power.


“Since in our ordination to a Bishop we swear to obey the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils, we must admit that in an indivisible Ecumenical Orthodoxy there is a “First” not only by honour, but a “First” with special responsibilities and regular powers entrusted by the Ecumenical Councils,” said the head of the Phanar.

There are secular forces that are pushing the Ecumenical Patriarchate forward in its ever more expansive claims. The United States has used the EP’s interference in Ukraine as an arm of its anti-Russian foreign policy. Greek supremacists want a way to push back against the larger, more powerful Russian Orthodox Church that they feel overshadows them. Modernists see centralization of power in the EP as the means to finally transform the Orthodox Church in the same ways that Pope Francis is changing the Roman Catholic Church. Many of these modernists are grouped around the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America based out of New York.

How likely is he to succeed in his quest for “Papal” powers? There is a much better chance of pigs becoming fighter pilots. The EP’s actions in Ukraine have already led to a schism with the Russian Church and the canonical Ukrainian Church, who together comprise the vast majority of Orthodox Christians in the world today. The canonical head of the Ukrainian Church, not the rogue body set up by Constantinople, is Metropolitan Onuphry. His Beatitude had this to say about Constantinople:

This spiritual relaxation from Constantinople in preserving the purity of the holy Orthodox faith is the root cause of the schism that occurred in 2019,” he continues.


His Beatitude also points to the desire of the Phanar to give “to Caesar not only what is Caesar’s, but also what is God’s,” which was the cause of the fall of Constantinople and the destruction of the great Byzantine Empire.


“And today, the Constantinople ecclesiastical authorities are ready to accept any custom and law forbidden by God that the world offers, just to return Constantinople (now Istanbul) to its former glory, and to regain the authority the Church had in the heyday of the Byzantine Empire,” the Ukrainian archpastor continued.


“Theoretically, the break in Eucharistic communion, which occurred in 2019, could be healed, but for that, the respected Patriarch of Constantinople should behave with all as the first in honor and equal in authority. Unfortunately, His Holiness acts as the first both in honor and authority, but this is alien to the Orthodox spirit of conciliarity, by which the Orthodox Church has lived and lives,” His Beatitude concludes.

Pope Francis and Patriarch BartholomewThe Patriarch of Constantinople is a modernist tool of anti-Christian globalist forces the same as Pope Francis, of whom he is a huge fan. Patriarch Bartholomew’s attachment to Orthodox – Roman Catholic Ecumenism causes some Orthodox to worry that he will unite with Rome. Were he to do so, of course, some modernist “Orthodox” might follow him. On the other hand, such a move would be guaranteed to create a world-wide schism that would leave him practically alone. On his own, the Patriarch of Constantinople has a native congregation of a few thousand Greeks in Turkey, an island of monks, and some Greek “diaspora” churches scattered around the world. It is hardly a base of power. In fact, the Patriarch’s ability to meddle in other countries is only possible because of the support of secular powers such as the United States. Times change, worldly powers come and go, and priorities shift.

Let me illustrate, somewhat crudely, how little the Patriarch of Constantinople matters.  Patriarch Bartholomew could marry his homosexual lover on the steps of the Vatican at a “wedding” co-officiated by the Pope and a Satanic High Priest, after which he could pledge eternal devotion to one of the Pope’s spare Pachamama idols – and the practical impact on the Orthodox Faith would be exactly nil. To be honest, the same thing could be said about any bishop, or even a synod of bishops. No one has the power to change the Orthodox Faith.Orthodox Icon Holy Church

For many Orthodox around the world, the ambitions and pretensions of Patriarch Bartholomew are a pain to deal with. He and his representative in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros, can be unnerving, embarrassing, and downright infuriating. In Ukraine and other places, his intervention has led to many heart-rending tragedies. For those of us, who care about bringing people to the Kingdom, the Patriarch is a stumbling block of sorts. But his “power” and “influence” are severely limited compared to Pope Francis and that will always be the case. Pope Francis matters, just not in a good way. The Patriarch of Constantinople really doesn’t.

So for those of you looking for the authentic Christian Faith, you will find it in the Orthodox Church. As with any organization led by fallen men, we do have some personnel issues. The Church is a hospital for sick souls, after all. But our altars are pure, the faith is undefiled, and our decentralized structure is tailor-made to resistance in the modern world. There will always be Orthodox priests and Orthodox bishops, be they in catacombs or in cathedrals. And if one compromises the faith, there will always be another to take his place. While Christ is essential, no one man or one office ever is.

Please come home.

Nicholas – Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Assembly Orthodox Bishops Virtual Meeting

Are Orthodox Christian Bishops Afraid of COVID, the Government, or Both?

President Trump, after recovering from COVID, was due to leave Walter Reed hospital when he Tweeted this message, “Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.” As an obese 74 year-old with a famously poor diet and a high-stress job, Trump has very publicly beaten the virus and in a short period of time. President Trump is also the man whose campaign has organized events across the country which gathered together tens of thousands of his most fervent supporters.

Through Trump’s actions we can confirm two very important things. First, COVID-19 is obviously not as deadly as the media and government scientists first led us to believe. President Trump is one of the most briefed men on the planet. He has the best medical experts in the world on speed dial. He is not interested in dying. And he wants to be re-elected president with all his heart. That would not occur if his campaign events were threatening his life and the lives of his voters. So, just like anyone else who has been paying attention, it is clear that President Trump is aware that COVID may be highly infectious, but for the vast majority of the American population, it is not a major life threat. The survival rates published by the CDC confirm an expected 99.98% survival rate for patients under 49, and even at 70 plus years of age a patient has a 94.6% chance of pulling through. Worldwide numbers indicate that COVID mortality is within the range of the seasonal flu.

The other thing Trump’s message of COVID defiance and his rallies without limits prove is that President Trump is certainly not an Orthodox Bishop in the United States. If he were, he’d be way more timid.

38 Successors to the Apostles just finished gathering, virtually of course, for the 10th annual meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the USA. Among other things, the bishops drafted A Message of Hope from the Assembly of Bishops. You can read the entire message at the link. The portions we would like to focus on are quoted below:

In our present circumstances, trying to hold a sensible middle ground between opposing forces of faithless reason on the one hand and spiritualized folly on the other is the greatest challenge of our time…. Certainly, our present physical separation from one another and spiritual isolation from the divine services have complicated our ability to navigate these troubled waters. It is not fitting for us, as Orthodox Christians, to add to the burdens of our brothers and sisters either by condemning them or by appeasing them with insincere flattery. Rather, we ought to honestly fulfill the law of God by bearing one another’s burdens, as the Holy Apostle Paul reminds us (cf. Gal. 6:2).

On the one hand, we suppose, it was good that the Orthodox bishops in this country finally, as a group, acknowledged that we have a few problems here. On the other hand, after reading through this multiple times, we kept asking ourselves, “Where’s the hope here again, other than in the title?”

President Trump is a secular leader, and one that is not noted for his deep and abiding faith in God. But even he was able to call upon us to cast off fear and live our lives. The Orthodox Bishops did not. Trump was bold and inspirational in a time of crisis, the Bishops are trying to hold a tepid “middle ground.” From the beginning of this crisis, Orthodox Christians have asked the bishops to evaluate the data on the virus for themselves and make wise, independent, transparent decisions. The choice has not been between “faithless reason” and “spiritualized folly.” Those words are deployed to merely cover the Bishops’ own fear of action.

Rather, as is even more abundantly clear today than ever, the choice has been between politically useful hysteria and protecting the well-being of our most vulnerable in society.  Even WHO officials have now realized that lockdowns are doing the most harm to those who can least afford it.  Dr. David Nabarro of the WHO has urged world leaders to stop using lockdowns as a primary virus control method, “Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. … Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”


Shouldn’t the Shepherds of Christ’s Church on Earth have something to say about a public health strategy that is doubling the rate of poverty and doubling child malnutrition? Opposing this doesn’t seem like “spiritualized folly” to us. And supporting such policies doesn’t appear to us to be any kind of reason, “faithless” or otherwise.

But there is even more evidence emerging that continuing to destroy economies and human lives over a virus with a close to 100% survival rate for those under 70 is a horrible idea. Over 6,000 scientists signed a petition calling for end of coronavirus lockdowns:

Over 6,000 scientists signed their names to a petition calling for an end to coronavirus lockdowns, citing the “irreparable damage” they have caused.

“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection,” states the petition, which was signed by over 2,800 medical and public health scientists, over 3,700 medical practitioners, and over 60,000 private citizens, according to Newsweek. “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.”

The petition continues: “Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

“The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk,” the petition reads. “We call this Focused Protection.”

When the lockdowns began, many bishops and priests published letters saying that destroying jobs and closing churches was to help “the least of these” (Matthew 25:31). Those of us complaining about the lockdowns and the church closures were often accused of not caring about the vulnerable. We were told, in no uncertain terms, that we were putting money above human lives. Well, that was then and this is now. And now that 15 days to flatten the curve has turned into 7 months, it has become abundantly clear that the lockdowns and social isolation are hurting and even killing the most vulnerable in our society. And it needs to stop.

So why did the bishops not stand up for the least of these among us? Why can politicians and scientists speak out, but the men burdened with leading the Faithful simply keep quiet? Are they that afraid of a virus or the government, or both?

The bishops also noted, “our present physical separation from one another and spiritual isolation from the divine services.” Churches in many states, such as California, are still closed or severely constrained. Lawsuits are popping up all over on Constitutional grounds, and many churches are resisting the restrictions in a myriad of ways.  This message was a perfect time for the Bishops to condemn restrictions on religious liberty, and declare once and for all that the Church is “essential.” They, of course, did no such thing which is how most of the Bishops have behaved since the beginning of this crisis. Not only will the Bishops not fight for California, they won’t stand up for Christian freedom of worship in even the mildest of language.

Thanks be to God that we have leaders in the Orthodox Church such as Abbot Tryphon who are willing to stand for the Church. Abbot Tryphon wrote the following in a recent article entitled The Church is THE Essential Institution:

Given the communal nature of the Church, it is particularly alarming our City, State, and Federal governments are using this Covid-19 pandemic to bar people from gathering in their temples for common worship. The importance of social interaction in the central square, as seen in traditional villages where the cafe life, together with the communal nature of the Church, were the primary source of fraternal interaction, demonstrate the danger facing a society that has ordered her people to remain apart, sequestered in their homes.

A nation that forbids her people from participating in corporate worship, is a nation that is doomed.
Isolated from others, the communal nature that is an important element in what it means to be human, is lost. As humans, we are meant to be together, for it is in our lives together that we grow in mind and spirit. It is in community that we learn to love God, and it is within the corporate gathering together for the Divine Liturgy, that we collectively hear the Word of God, and receive the Life-giving Body and Blood of Our Saviour.

It is high time we clearly let those who’ve decided that liquor stores, pot shops, and drug stores are by far less essential to the maintenance of our souls, then the Church. A nation that forbids her people from participating in corporate worship, is a nation that is doomed. It is clear that we have need for access to the food we need for physical sustenance, but the spiritual food needed for a healthy soul and body, makes the Church THE most essential institution in the land.

Like President Trump on the secular side, Abbot Tryphon boldly proclaims truth but from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Compare his prophetic boldness in crying out that a nation which forbids corporate worship is “doomed” with the Bishops’ “middle ground.” Who speaks for the historic witness of the Faith of the Martyrs – Abbot Tryphon or the Bishops?

The danger to our Faith extends past this current crisis. The Bishops’ continuing silence probably means that we are not taking steps to make our own plans  as a Church for how to deal with any future crisis. The current policy of simply “comply” has been condemned as dangerous by other Orthodox leaders such as Archbishop Theodosy (Snigiryov) of Boyarka who said:

If the Church adopts a “whatever they say, we’ll do,” stance as its doctrine of responding to social problems, then in the near future, authorities in different countries will be able to close our churches, and deprive the faithful of the Liturgy under any humanitarian pretext—a pandemic, the danger of nuclear war, climate change, etc.

The Bishops missed more opportunities than just defending the vulnerable (while embracing actual science), and calling for an end to restrictions on Christian worship. The ongoing vaccine effort is alarming many with concerns about decreased safety protocols and possible side effects from the use of potentially dangerous new technology. The Russian Church has dealt with those concerns by proclaiming that patients have the right to voluntary, informed consent of all vaccines. Our American Bishops ignored this controversy in their message, even though it is being discussed daily and even featured in presidential debates.

The Bishops also failed to renounce the “new normal” and advocate unequivocally for a return to pre-COVID life, at least for those under 70 or otherwise not in high risk groups. 7 months in, we still have mask mandates, restrictions on travel, and experiments with “immunity” passports. As with lockdowns, the science does not support the need for the “new normal.”  Recently, a survey conducted by over a dozen medical institutions for the CDC and published in Sept. 11’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report showed that 85% of those who contracted COVID-19 during July among the study group either “always” or “often” wore face coverings within the 14 days before they were infected. Just 3.9% reported never wearing a mask. And, of course, the data tell us that the overwhelmingly, vast majority of those who did get the virus will be just fine.

The uselessness of mask mandates has always been known based on prior experience with the flu. We have been writing about masks for months. Which makes us wonder why the vast majority of Orthodox parishes are still enforcing mandatory masks, even when many of their localities are not requiring them? When will the Bishops take a stand against the “new normal,” or does their reticence to do so mean that at least the 38 who signed off on this statement are on-board with it?

The Bishops’ message also said:

At the same time, this health crisis and the energy required to shoulder it have also given rise to an unhealthy increase of polemical opinion related to questions of science, medicine, and civil and ecclesiastical directives. As often happens when human passions erupt, such polemics have infected other areas of society as reflected in the rise in this country of racial tensions, ideological clashes, and political polarization… we are not called to base our lives upon the ephemeral convictions that are common in the realm of politics, economics, or ideology. Rather, we are called to “set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col. 3:2), placing our trust in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and doing His Holy Will through our efforts to fulfill His life-giving commandments.

America in FlamesMany American cities have been rocked for months with violent riots. Innocent business and home owners have suffered billions in property damage. There is rampant, open speculation of increased mob violence after a possible botched election. But the Orthodox Bishops don’t condemn the violence while calling for calm and prophetically taking to task the politicians who have promoted the chaos? Why do the Bishops note our current distress, but somehow refer to all this chaos and destruction as “polemics“?

As Christians, of course we place our hope in the Gospel, just as the Bishops advise. But how can our leaders ignore what is happening around us? Not only are we beset by Marxist-led mob violence in the streets, but churches are being attacked and vandalized. Christians are being “cancelled” from their jobs and from society for the crime of merely standing up for the tenets of our faith. A Supreme Court nominee is being attacked for the crime of taking her Roman Catholic faith seriously. Yet our Bishops ignore all that and simply tell us to focus on Jesus Christ.

That is not bad advice, focusing on Jesus is always the right thing to do. But we need more out of our leaders to help us in the life we have to live prior to entering God’s Kingdom. What is happening to us now as a nation and as a Church matters, and the Bishops seem completely disconnected from our daily struggles.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 churches will close in the next 18 months. That crisis is reaching the Orthodox as well. The Greek Archdiocese has launched a COVID-19 Parish Recovery Initiative:

Many parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have reported declines in weekly giving and stewardship donations due to the lengthy COVID-19 shutdown. Additionally, reports showcase the decline of attendance at holy services and ministries as well as technological challenges associated with delivery services and ministries virtually.

Millions of people are deeply disappointed in the way the Church (and the other “Christian” bodies in the US) has caved to COVID hysteria. They are lost, dejected and in need of guidance. They are staying home in droves, and they are keeping what money they have and not giving it to the Church. Our people need the kind of “spiritualized folly” that the Bishops condemn. They need the Faith of the Apostles and Martyrs, not the scribblings of academics too afraid to even meet their fellow Bishops face-to-face. By God’s Grace that boldness still exists within our Holy, Orthodox Church. May God grant that the Bishops catch the the fire of the Holy Spirit in their bellies and that it pours out into their preaching. Then maybe the leaders of our Faith will be capable of giving us a real message of hope over fear.

Nicholas, member Greek Archdiocese of America

Archbishop Sotirios of Canada and The Order of The Phoenix: A Few Simple But Important Questions for His Eminence

If the title of this article caught your eye and you’re thinking … Hmmm, why does this title seem familiar … it may be because part of it is identical to the title of the 2007 occult fantasy film (targeted at children) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.[i]  And for some of you, that should get your Orthodox Christian spidey senses tingling.

The following – which is the very last line of Archbishop Sotirios’ (“AB Sot”) online BIO (with my underlining added) – certainly got my senses prickling:

“His Eminence has also been named Grand Commander of the Order of Phoenix of Greece.”

As unbelievable as this may sound, I didn’t just make it up.  It’s a real thing and its unacceptable, in my view, that this high-ranking Orthodox Christian hierarch holds this title, proudly, so it seems.  But, don’t take my word about this; instead, verify this for yourself here:  (In fact, remember the following rule as you delve deeper into our faith, regardless of what or who your source is: trust but verify and do not just repeat rumors or sayings from others.)

Before you read further (if you choose to do so), I would like you to know that my goal in writing this expose is not to disparage “his eminence” but rather, to give him the opportunity to address three simple questions:

Q1: Were you aware that the Order of Phoenix of Greece is connected to Freemasonry?

Q2: If “No” to Q1 (and you confirm the connection), will you publicly renounce your Grand Commander title?

Q3: Will you issue an official statement declaring, as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Canada, that the religion of Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity and unequivocally renounce it?

If AB Sot decides that he is above having to address these questions – which I believe he should address as the leader of the Greek Orthodox Church in Canada – then, his silence will raise the following question: Why would he remain silent when he could easily quash all doubt about being a Freemason by humbling himself to his parishioners in Canada and answering these question directly, unambiguously and unequivocally.[ii]

In short, if AB Sot “pleads the fifth”[iii] on these questions, then how do we – Greek Orthodox Christians in Canada – remain obedient to him in terms of funding him through our Churches’ membership dues and, more importantly, taking spiritual guidance from him.  On my part, let me more blunt about how I will feel about him if he continues to dodge these questions: I will give him the same respect that I give to the prosperity tele-evangelists of our time.

Who is Archbishop Sotirios?

For non-Canadian readers who may not be familiar with AB Sot, he is the top dog of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada since 2019.  Before then, he was Metropolitan Sotirios … since 1996 … and before then, he was Bishop Sotirios of Toronto beginning in 1979.  Yes, AB Sot has been around a long time and has had a steady (and some might say ruthless) climb to the top.

My first memories of him go back to the late 1990s when I saw him in full regalia in various churches in my hometown.  And, as a fun fact in the six degrees of separation department, AB Sot co-signed my birth and baptismal certificate as the junior priest to the senior one (name purposely withheld) who baptized me.  However, AB Sot really caught my attention during the COVID-19 experiment when he was content to go along to get along instead of being our most senior – Orthodox Christian – voice of protest in Canada.

If AB Sot remains silent in the face of the questions I have posed, then, I would urge caution to my fellow Greek Orthodox Christians in Canada in the event that this hierarch asks you to go along to get along (again) with respect to future governmental action that limits, restricts or denies your right to practice our faith and worship the Lord, Jesus Christ, in the same way that we have done for the last 2000 years or so.  For example, if new laws prohibit the proclamation or discussion of certain parts of the Gospels and Epistles about the passion of the Lord – during the Divine Liturgy in Church and in Bible Study – because they are characterized as “antisemitic”, and AB Sot remains silent to the Government, but asks us to go along with this, will you obey his directive?

Sidebar on Signs of the Times: If your reaction to the above is “this writer is being an alarmist…” or “this is never gonna happen in my lifetime …”, I offer three retorts below in the forms of a rhetorical question, a reference to two literary sources that are modern-day Cassandra-calls about governmental surveillance and “soft-totalitarianism” and an actual and imminent legislative threat in Canada.

First, let me take you back about 10 years ago.  What would you say to someone who told you that a time is coming that there will be more than two gender choices on a Canadian Passport Application?

Second, I urge you to read Rod Dreher’s book Live Not by Lies to understand what soft totalitarianism means and The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (courtesy of Shoshana Zuboff) to understand how extensively governments monitor our movements, our purchases and generally, our behaviours, 24/7.[iv]  And then, just think about how governments everywhere are slowly chipping away at fundamental freedoms, especially speech and religion, through tyrannical laws promoted and passed by secular leaders, who are boldly and openly hostile to Christianity, using technologies that have never before existed.  (If this does not resonate with you, you are being willfully blind.)

Third, read Bill C-367, (first reading in our House of Commons completed in late November 2023; see  (For American readers, our House of Commons is the equivalent of your House of Representatives.)  If this Bill (as it now stands) becomes law, Christian pastors (including Orthodox Priests) can (and, in my view) will be charged and convicted for proclaiming and preaching the Gospels.  And one more point on this threat: Don’t expect relief from our Supreme Court of Canada if this Bill become law and is challenged as a violation of our fundamental freedoms.  Why do I say this? Well, because of what our courts said about “public health” versus “freedom of religion” just a few years ago, in the context of a recent, worldwide experiment in human behavioural compliance.[v]

The Placement of the “Grand Commander” Reference in AB Sot’s BIO

Is anyone else wondering why the reference to AB Sot’s curious honorificGrand Commander of the Order of Phoenix of Greece – is buried at the end of his BIO?

I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Doesn’t this last line seem to be hiding in plain sight?[vi]

In my view, his Grand Commander title is exactly where it is – buried in the last line – for a reason: to demonstrate, outwardly and boldly, his allegiance to a certain fraternal organization without attracting any attention from the casual onlooker or admirer, the occasional church-goers who see AB Sot at their church every once in awhile or even the groupies that follow him from church to church, across Canada.

In other words, AB Sot seems to be hiding this title in plain sight.

Think about it: after 45 years of AB Sot’s bishopric in Canada (see above), I am betting that 99% of the Canadian-Greek Orthodox Christians don’t even know about his Order of the Phoenix title.

And perhaps I would have never noticed it either if I did not become curious about the lacuna in his leadership that was revealed during the worldwide governmental experiment of COVID-19.

When Trudeau and provincial premieres (which means state governors, for my American friends) mandated the closure of churches – for the greater good of public health – while keeping “essential services” like liquor and big box stores open, I waited and waited for a statement by AB Sot condemning these closures and for him to fight against these closures but he didn’t do either – and that’s when I became suspicious of his ethos.[vii]

As I watched Orthodox Christian Priests and commentators (and even Roman Catholics and Protestants) speak out against these mandated closures and defy them, at great risk to their priesthoods (i.e. their livelihoods) and, in some cases, their freedom, all I could hear from AB Sot’s HQ in Toronto was crickets and, even worse, bromides and platitudes.

I know that AB Sot was approached by Canadian-Greek Orthodox lawyers to challenge the law, on a pro bono basis – not for immediate relief because litigation (especially constitutional litigation) takes time to make its way to the Supreme Court of Canada – but, rather, to establish a few key precedents as possible “shields” against future governmental action that would seek to deny the free exercise of religion (which is a so-called fundamental freedom in Canada).[viii]

See PDF here for evidence of offer of pro bono legal assistance in protecting religious freedom in Canada.

There was Protestant opposition to church closings in Canada, but where was Archbishop Sotirios in the fight? 

And what did AB Sot do with this offer from the Greek Orthodox legal bar in Canada?

Nothing.  Nada.  He remained silent about it from his papal-like “See” in Toronto.

He ignored it because it would violate his apparent ethos of – we need to go along to get along – a phrase which sickened me in the context of the state’s suppression of our right to worship God in the way that His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, showed His Apostles and, in turn, they have showed us, by their successors – our Bishops – in an unbroken succession since Pentecost.  In my view, AB abdicated his responsibility during COVID-19 as a Bishop to his Greek-Orthodox constituencies across Canada by not being a loud voice of protest against the Trudeau and provincial governments.

Circling back to the last line of AB Sot’s BIO, to me, it is saying the following:

“I am telling you who I am and what I believe in and yet, I have attained the highest level of ecclesiastical authority in Canada over you … and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it”.

I hope I am totally wrong about what this Grand Commander title means about AB Sot … and I suppose time will tell … if we come to the point, in his lifetime, where the state puts Christians to the ultimate choice: deny Christ or I will put you to death, directly, or indirectly, by making you a criminal and then depriving you of your ability to buy and sell.[ix]

Unfortunately, what I have observed and experienced personally in AB Sot and heard, from first-person testimony, from those who have sat with him, while he conducted the “business” of running Greek Orthodox churches in Canada, have confirmed certain things about him that I did not want to believe.

Now, for anyone that may use this revelation about AB Sot as an excuse to abandon your membership in the body of Christ (i.e. the Church) or become cynical about Greek Orthodox Christianity in Canada, there is a lesson about this in the Gospel of John 11:49-52, which the Orthodox Study Bible (the “OSB”) explains as follows:

“The failings and even wickedness of the officeholder do not diminish the grace of the office itself.” 

Well said, OSB commentators.

However, what that Gospel does not say is to defer to our hierarchs no matter what they say or omit to say.  That would not be in line with the Orthodox Christian ethos that our Saints showed us.  Before they were Saints, these beautiful and bold souls were the elect, the laity – like we – Greek-Canadian Orthodox Christians – are.  And, as the latter, we are full members of the Church and one of the four orders of the Church (with the other three being Bishops, Priests and Deacons) who have the right – and I would say duty – to question, respectfully, the bona fides of an officeholder (even the highest hierarch) and ask him, respectfully, to answer basic questions or explain himself about his actions (or inactions) or titles if they appear to be contrary to the tenets of our faith.[x]

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Who Am I to Question this Grand Commander?

Let me be clear: I am a struggling sinner but, that doesn’t mean that you should use this an excuse to disregard my message in this article.  As I stated at the outset, verify the things you read for yourself and draw your own conclusions.  It took me years to decide to write this article and submit it for publication.  If you have any concerns or questions about AB Sot – that have arisen over the years because of his actions or omissions – then you may wish to keep reading.

For most of my life, I was an Orthodox Christian in name only and a fair-weather one (literally) at best.  However, for the last several years, I have re-discovered the beauty and richness of our faith and I wanted to know why I should stick with it as opposed to resolving myself to statements, such as this one:

“… all religions are myriads of paths leading to one God.”

This is a very dangerous statement designed to plant a seed of doubt about our Orthodox Christian faith from another top Greek Orthodox hierarch in North America.[xi]

Why do I say dangerous?

Because it is one of those statements that seems innocuous and admirable (to the casual Christian) and consensus-building (to the liberal in all of us) until you read it carefully and try to reconcile it with one of the clearest pronouncements about the Christian faith, directly from Christ Himself in John 14:6 (OSB):

“Jesus said to him [i.e. to the Apostle Thomas], ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’

How then, do we, Christians, reconcile the statement above about “all religions… leading to one God” with Christ’s own words to us?

Do Buddhism, Islam, or Judaismgiven their stance on Christ – lead to the same God that Orthodox Christians seek to unite with via the process of theosis?

The answer is, unequivocally, “No.”

Furthermore, we, Orthodox Christians, do not have to try to reconcile this heretical statement by Archbishop Elpidophoros (“AB Elpi”) because we know that any religion that rejects the role of the second person of the Trinity – Jesus Christ, the God-man – as the way, the truth and the life and the path to the Kingdom of Heaven is not reconcilable with our Orthodox Christian faith.

Sidebar on Grace and Orthodoxy: I would like to be clear that Orthodox Christians do not discount the Grace of Christ, who will judge all of us (even non-Christians) when our life on earth ends.  I do not want my non-Orthodox Christian friends to think that we, Orthodox Christians, have any say in how or on whom the Lord decides to bestow His Grace, despite any individual members of our faith (including hierarchs) saying anything to the contrary.  The latter is not for us to say.  However, we, Orthodox Christians, can say – and justify beyond a reasonable doubt, (the standard which man uses to judge one another, even for death sentences) using historical evidence – that we practice Christianity in the way that Christ taught his original disciples.  Those practices were then captured in written words and in demonstrable traditions explained to us by the divinely-inspired “Fathers” of the Church and passed down to us since Pentecost.  These two elements – the Word and Holy Tradition – are what we mean by “Orthodox” and “Orthodoxy”. Our bottom line is this: Christ established one churchHis Church, the Church – which has been attacked since the day it became manifest on earth, has suffered schisms (including within the Church itself) and will continue to be attacked from the outside and from within but which can never be broken or divided.  For my protestant friends, I recommend the book Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells by Matthew Gallatin to understand the differences between the various (thousands) of Protestant denominations and Orthodoxy.  In my view, the following quote from this book captures what Orthodoxy is, succinctly and eloquently, at pages 179-180 of the softcover edition: “The misconception is this: Christianity is essentially a faith that one can individually interpret and apply as one pleases … Thus, true Christianity has no room for personal interpretations, preferences, qualifications, exemptions, or adjustments.  Anyone … who wants to enter into a real relationship with Jesus Christ must accept the fact that the Faith of the Apostles preserved in Holy Orthodoxy is an historical reality, not just a theological school”.  For my Catholic friends, I recommend that you research pre-1054 Catholicism and the slippery-slope changes that your various Popes have introduced since then – and make your way back onto an Orthodox Christian path.

For a more in-depth review of why AB Elpi’s statement is dangerous and heretical – and about some other irreconcilable words and actions spoken and done by him – you should read this article: The Lie of Ecumenism at

But, I digressed slightly – but, purposely – so that you, the Orthodox Christian reader, can begin to question the words and actions of our hierarchs with the eyes and ears that God gave you after doing these things: reading the lives of Saints and various writings from the Fathers of the Church; seeking the advice of a spiritual father or father confessor about the basic tenets and “hard sayings” of Orthodoxy; and finding a good Bible Study group and listening intently and then taking the leader(s) and the presiding priest aside and asking questions – even tough ones.[xii]  Doing these things is important for your growth as an Orthodox Christian and an excellent “check and balance” when hubris gets the best of you (and it will) and you start interpreting the Gospels yourself (as Protestants do) to justify your custom practice of our faith or for the purposes of adapting it (as the RC Popes have done) to the secular world.

And – to finally get to the crux of this article – one of the warnings that I came across during my journey back to Orthodoxy was about the infiltration of Freemasons in our Orthodox Christian Churches[xiii] – especially in the “overseeing” bodies (notice I did not say “governing” bodies) – such as our Archdioceses and, most troubling, in our Patriarchate, called the Phanar, which is currently occupied by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (“EP Bart”).

At first, I thought, so what?  Who are Freemasons and why should I be concerned with them being members, deacons or priests or hierarchs in various levels of our Orthodox churches?

Until recently, I didn’t really know much about Freemasonry.

I knew it was some sort of organization or club with a strange symbol on its “temples” but, I never realized that it was a religion until I started reading about Freemasonry’s “god”, its rituals, and and how its members hide in plain sight.[xiv]

And make no mistake about Freemasonry: it is very much a religion that worships a “supreme being”which is not our trinitarian God – but rather, the “light bearer” (i.e. Lucifer) and celebrates and promotes teachings that are diametrically opposed to the tenets of the Church.

Albert Pike, American Civil War general, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction,  author of a book called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

To date, the best written source that I have come across about Freemasonry is Michael Witcoff’s excellent exposé: On The Masons And Their Lies: What Every Christian Needs To Know.

Witcoff is a former Freemason (now an Orthodox Christian) and his book provides objectively verifiable proof of his contentions. All Christians would do well to read it so that you understand that Freemasonry is not just an altruistic social club or network of people (mostly men) who will help you climb the corporate ladder.  It is a religion that will cost you your soul, if you do not renounce it and repent before you die.

In On The Masons, Witcoff cites two “… prominent and influential Masonic occultists” who are clear that Freemasonry is a religion.

“[Albert] Pike later asserts that Masonry is ‘the universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as God planted it in the heart of universal humanity … The ministers of this religion are all Masons who comprehend it and are devoted to it; it sacrifices to God are good works, the sacrifices of the base and disorderly passions, the offering up of self-interest on the altar of humanity, and perpetual efforts to attain to all the moral perfection of which man is capable.’”

“Manly P. Hall echoes Pike’s religious indifference, stating that ‘The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth … No Mason can be narrow, for his Lodge is the divine expression of broadness.’”

Having just read these two quotes from these occultists, think back to AB Elpi’s statement that “… all religions are myriads of paths leading to one God…” and compare it to Pike’s view that Masonry is the “… the universal, eternal, immutable religion…” and Hall’s point that the Masonic religion is “universal.”

Is the top US Greek Orthodox Hierarch (and perhaps, his Canadian counterpart, AB Sot, and their “overseer”, EP Bart) trying to gaslight us – via his (and their) silence – that Eastern Orthodox Christianity is no different than Freemasonry?[xv]

If they are not members of the religion of Freemasonry, they should speak up now!

AB Sot’s Apparent Connection to and Silence About Freemasonry

Let’s get back to AB Sot and start with this question about his Grand Commander title: What, exactly, is the Order of Phoenix of Greece? 

Well, according to Wikipedia, it is this (with my underlining added):

“The Order of the Phoenix is an order of Greece, established on 13 May 1926, by the republican government of the Second Hellenic Republic to replace the defunct Royal Order of George I.

The order was retained after the restoration of the monarchy in 1935 and continues to be awarded by the current Third Republic.

The honour is bestowed by the Greek government to Greek citizens who have excelled in the arts and literature, science, public administration, shipping, commerce, and industry. It is also awarded to foreigners who have helped raise Greece’s international prestige.”

Well, that seems OK, right?  Not so fast; let’s take a closer look.

Wikipedia tells us that the current “Order of Phoenix of Greece” replaced the now defunct “Royal Order of George I”, which begs this question: What are the origins of this latter Order?

Another in-depth article in this publication[xvi] has already pointed out the connection of this Royal Order to Freemasonry, so I won’t belabour the point in this article.

However, I will provide this quote from that article which explains the Masonic symbols used by the Royal Order of George I:

“… as evidenced by its symbols which are borrowed from the Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta)”.

Given the above, I think it is reasonable to ask AB Sot: Did you know about the connection between your Grand Commander title and Freemasonry?

And, assuming for a moment that AB Sot did not know, (which is doubtful), now that this article (the second one directed at him) has informed him of this connection, he cannot plead ignorance. Here then is another question to his “eminence”: Will you renounce this title and cease wearing its symbols?

It seems to me that AB Sot should – as the true Good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ, always did when his Disciples asked Him – explain himself to his Greek Orthodox “flock” in Canada.

AB Sot’s silence in this situation, will not be golden; on the contrary, it will convict him. (Please see PDF of letter sent by this author to AB Sot asking him to clarify his position concerning Freemasonry.)

AB Sot’s silence is extremely troubling when other Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christian churches and hierarchs have officially, and publicly, renounced Freemasonry as not being compatible with our Christian faith. Renunciations Witcoff has compiled in On The Masons … in Chapter 10 Masonry and the Churches and which I have excerpted below, with my underlining added:

Roman Catholics: “… the 1983 Congregation For the Doctrine Of The Faith formalized a new Declaration on Masonic Associations. … Under the new rule, any Roman Catholic who participates in Freemasonry is considered to be ‘in a grave state of sin and may not receive Holy Communion … the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association(s) remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden.’”

Protestantism: “For this section, I will speak only of two major Protestant groups which, despite being heterodox themselves, nevertheless confess an orthodox view of the Holy Trinity. … The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod declared that ‘… Freemasonry serves as a primary example of such an organization that espouses and promotes teachings and practices that conflict with the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith. … One of the Landmarks of Freemasonry is the belief in the existence of a Supreme Being. However, the supreme being of Freemasonry is officially a generic god designed by intent to be universally acceptable to all who would seek admittance to the Masonic Lodge. This god is a unitarian, not trinitarian Supreme Being. … The Scriptures teach that Christians with integrity are to confess Christ and His Gospel boldly and without compromise … In the view of this evaluation, it is a compromise of the Christian confession to take part in ritual, religious acts, in the name of a generic deity, that intentionally delete the name of the true God and Jesus Christ whom God has sent to be the only savior of the world.’

“The Orthodox Presbyterian Church came to precisely the same conclusions in 1942.  In their Report Of The Committee on Secret Societies, their Ninth General Assembly wrote that ‘The committee finds that the evidence presented concerning the religion of Masonry permits but one conclusion.  … that Masonry is a religious institution and as such is definitely anti-Christian. … [and] that membership in the Masonic fraternity is inconsistent with Christianity. …”

Eastern Orthodox Churches and Hierarchs: “On its official website, the Orthodox Church of America unambiguously declares that It is forbidden for an Orthodox Christian to be a member of the Masonic Fraternity because many of its teachings stand in direct conflict with those of Orthodox Christianity.’

“The Archbishop of Cyprus in 1815, Cyprianus, made the same point – but far more graphically.  In The Aphorism Against Freemasonry, he wrote that [they] ‘… that pursue after such a diabolic and lawless employment of Freemasonry, and all they that follow unto their infatuation and unto their error, let them be excommunicated and cursed by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. After death, they shall be unpardoned, indissoluble, and bloated. Groaning and trembling, as Cain, shall they be upon the earth. … The wrath of God shall be upon their heads, and their portion together with Judas the betrayer.  As angel of the Lord will prosecute them with a flaming sword and, unto their life’ termination, they will not know of progress.  …’

The bishops of the Church of Greece also convened in 1933 to study the Lodge as group. After careful examination, they concluded that Freemasonry is not simply a philanthropic union or a philosophical school, but constitutes a mystagogical system which reminds us of the ancient heathen mystery-religions and cults from which it descends, and is their continuation and regeneration … Such a link between Freemasonry and the ancient idolatrous mysteries is also manifested by all that is enacted and performed at the initiations … Thus Freemasonry is, as granted, a mystery-religion, quite different, separate, and alien to the Christian faith.’

The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia insists on excommunication for Masonic affiliation.  In 1932, the ROCOR Council of Bishops wrote to the Faithful that Freemasonry is a secret international organisation to struggle with God, Christianity, and all National Governments, and especially Christian Governments.  In the international organization the first place of influence and importance belongs to the Jewish membership.  Because of this, and other important reasons, it is forbidden for all Orthodox Christians to become Freemasons.

Noticeably absent are statements similar to the above from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople lorded over by, you guessed it, AB Sot, AB Elpi and EP Bart, respectively.[xvii]

In light of the above, I think it behooves AB Sot – if he is not a Mason – to declare, on his television program that the religion of Freemasonry is not compatible with Orthodox Christianity, and to circulate an encyclical to this effect, to be read by parish priests in Canada, for the first seven weeks of the new Orthodox year that begins on September 1, 2024.  (And, I would urge my American Orthodox Brothers and Sisters to ask AB Elpi to do the same.)

If AB Sot remains silent, well, then, I would urge him to re-read the book The Soul After Death – and not just the 296-pager for laypeople but, rather the 1200+ page ‘desk reference’ manual that he should have read at some point during his careers – which may lead him to renounce Freemasonry and repent, sincerely, before he dies.

If AB Sot “Takes the 5th” on Freemasonry, What Can Canadian-Greek Orthodox Christians Do About it?

As members of the body of Christ, we, the elect, are the fourth pillar of the Church (in addition to deacons, priests and bishops) and as such have a moral obligation to be conscientious objectors if any of the latter are behaving – by their acts or omissions – in ways that are contrary to the tenets our faith.

Obviously, one must have evidence of acts or omissions before one should demand answers, and in the case of AB Sot, we have his act of accepting a Masonic title (unknowingly or not) and his omission (his silence to date) regarding the religion of Freemasonry.

In my view, it’s very simple what needs to done to get AB Sot to explain his Grand Commander title and renounce Freemasonry: demand answers, respectfully, and if he ignores our demands, cut off his funding!

Here’s a Three-Step Plan to request and obtain answers to the questions noted-above:

  • Step 1 – Petition AB Sot: Your local parish council or board of your local Greek-Orthodox church in Canada should resolve to send AB Sot a formal petition requesting answers to the questions I posed in the introduction.[xviii]
  • Step 2 – If AB Sot Ignores You, Stop Paying Your Dues: If AB Sot chooses to ignore your petition, your parish council or board should resolve to suspend the payment of AB Sot’s monthly vig until he breaks his silence on the above-noted questions.
  • Step 3 – If Your Parish or Board Ignores You, Withhold Your Funds: If your parish council or board ignores you, the parishioners of your local church – then you have a moral obligation to withhold your membership dues and donations – pending action by your parish council and board and answers from his “eminence”. Instead of your donations in church, copy and print out the following and put it in the collection basket, until your parish council or board takes action to issue the petition to AB Sot and AB Sot answers the questions noted-above:


Now, before implementing the above-noted plan – especially Step 3 – you should pray about it.  (As Orthodox Christians, we know that we must pray before any task, decision, or action; we may not always do so but, we should do so in this case and for those who have one, seek the advice of your spiritual father.)

And here are three other things to do in connection with above-noted Three-Step Plan:

  • First, make sure that your Church has enough money to pay its overhead and obligations to civil authorities;
  • Second, put aside the membership dues you withhold in a bank account or in a safe place at home until your parish takes action and AB Sot addresses the three questions above – or resigns; and
  • Third, consider redirecting your withheld weekly church donations to the poor or to monasteries for prayers for the living and the dead (in addition, of course, to your own daily prayers for both).

These three things will assure that you do not use the petition to AB Sot as an excuse to not give the alms that you were going to give, which is an important and edifying duty of every Orthodox Christian.

I know that the above plan may seem a bit harsh – and that your local priest will try to convince you that you should not withhold your financial help to your church – but, as I said above, make sure that your church has enough money to pays its bills … and then be firm on withholding the monthly dues that AB Sot collects.  (If AB Sot takes legal action against you – get together with other parishes and retain one lawyer to defend all of you. If this extremely unlikely and scandalous scenario materializes – he will have revealed who he is.)

Look, we are living in very strange, clearly apostatic times, where we are not sure that we can trust our governments or our spiritual leaders in Canada (given what happened during the COVID-19 era).  These times require that we, Orthodox Christians, in local parishes, make sure that we are being led by hierarchs that are faithful leaders of Orthodoxy and not wolves in sheep’s clothing or false teachers.

Remember, the questions that we are asking his “eminence” to answer are “no brainers” – that any deacon, priest or hierarch who has no affiliation or allegiance to Freemasonry can and should address humbly and unambiguously.

As of the date I finished this article (early September 2024), I could not find any record of anyone ever asking AB Sot, directly, to address his Grand Commander Title and renounce Freemasonry … so I am asking now, via this article.

Maybe his “eminence” will answer these questions when someone in his close circle notifies him of this article (and make no mistake, the PR industrial complex that surrounds him keeps tabs on anything and everything relating to his image.)

Maybe he will surprise us and humble himself to his parishioners and provide us with answers to the questions above, which will inspire confidence that he is the Orthodox Christian leader that we want and need in Canada, given the imminent and further Canadian government encroachments into our freedom of religion.

This is his “eminence’s” chance to address these questions once and for all and put an end to the cloud of controversy that surrounds this hierarch and Freemasonry.

On the other hand, if AB Sot remains silent, becomes indignant and states, or implies, in an encyclical or on his television program that he does not have to address the three questions above, then, in my view, he will be revealing who he really is and you – and I – can govern ourselves accordingly with respect to this man now and for the times to come.

To be clear, I am truly hoping that I have gotten AB Sot completely wrong about what spirit seems to be animating and sustaining him in the high office he holds (for now).

—Stratis Georgiou: A concerned Orthodox Christian who will call out pandering by Church leaders wherever he finds it.

[i] It is beyond the scope of this article to examine the likely spirit of the author of the Harry Potter series of books, J.K. Rowling but, I would like to point out one thing about her now that may be an indicator of where she stands on Christians and Christianity.  In 2019, even though she had been against tattoos for most of her life, she got one that says: Solve et Coagula. For Ortho-Christians who have done their research into Freemasonry, this should be enough to distance yourself from her and her writings.  Why? Because the Freemasons worship, among other satanic images, the Baphomet. Here is a good, succinct description of what the Baphomet image is, from a BBC website (but with my underlining added): “The best-known modern image of Baphomet was drawn in 1856 by the French occultist Eliphas Levi, in his book Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual. He envisaged a winged hermaphrodite with a torch between his horns and a pentagram on his forehead. Its arms bore the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together) – the powers of “binding and loosing” usurped from God. Levi’s drawing was the inspiration for the Satanic Temple’s new monument. “It contains all these binary opposites – above and below, part animal, part human. Male and female,” says Greaves. “It embodies opposites and celebrates contrasts.” (’s%20Baphomet&text=Its%20arms%20bore%20the%20Latin,the%20Satanic%20Temple’s%20new%20monument.) I purposely chose not to reproduce this image because I will not do their (i.e. Satanists’) bidding.  However, I urge you, as a serious Ortho-Christian to do your research about Freemasonry so that you can recognize its spirit in the people around you, in well-known (falsely altruistic) institutions (domestic and global), the political age in which we live, the secular leaders of the West, and, sadly, in some of our Eastern Orthodox hierarchs.  May they come to repentance and may God have mercy on all of them, especially the last group who are false teachers and the modern-day “brood of vipers” of which St. John the Baptist and Christ spoke.

[ii] For those who may be thinking … this writer is being disrespectful and disobedient to His Eminence … I would like to offer this perspective: I don’t think its disrespectful to ask tough questions of the leaders of the Orthodox Church. However, to be clear, when we interact with our priests, spiritual fathers, father confessors, and any hierarchs, we must honour the office – as the lesson behind John 11:49-52 tells us.  But – and please edify me if I am stating something heretical – any and every Christian is permitted to ask respectful questions and express legitimate concerns to any one of the foregoing persons and receive an answer.  Their answers may not satisfy us but, unlike Christ, who was the perfect, sinless, God-Man who did not have to answer Pontius Pilate or the Pharisees who tried to trap him using His Word, silence from our hierarchs about acts and omissions that appear to be irreconcilable with the tenets of our faith is not acceptable.

[iii] I used this well-known American phrase – because it just rolls off the tongue when one reads it – even though “pleading the 5th” is not a thing in Canada.  Rather, in Canada, the right to remain silent (to prevent oneself from self-incrimination), is in Section 7 of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”), which is embedded in our Constitution and which is, theoretically, the highest law of the Canadian land. In practice, however, our Charter is much weaker in wording than the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.  Why? Because our Prime Minister of the time – Pierre Elliot Trudeau … yes, Justin Trudeau’s father – who got our provinces to repatriate our Canadian Constitution (in 1981 …which is not that long ago compared to 1774) from Britain had to make compromises.  The net result is that our Constitution’s weaker wording and the inclusion of a major loophole in it (the now infamous “Notwithstanding Clause”, which allows our provinces to override our so-called fundamental freedoms by simply invoking this clause), makes it laughable in terms of protecting individual and supposedly inalienable rights.  And, as if these two giant holes in our Constitution were not enough, when you combine the latter with a lefty-trendy-touchy-feely Supreme Court of Canada that is openly anti-Christian, you get a precarious situation for Christians in Canada as it descends deeper into the abyss of secularism in every facet of its society.  Again, apologies for the digression but, for some of the readers of this article, it will be important to understand why Canada is not a great place to live anymore if you’re straight, Christian and believe in meritocracy.  But again, don’t take my word for it; take a look at what Jordan Petersen thinks of Canada now versus the Canada of 20 or even 10 years ago in this National Post article from August 9, 2024:

[iv] I would be remiss to not mention two earlier “Cassandras”, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley for their brilliant, dystopian novels, 1984 and Brave New World, respectively.  I absolutely love the phrase “Christianity without tears” in the latter work.  This three-word phrase captures what people expect of Christianity today and why many abandon their faith when they face trials in their life and ask this demonically-inspired question, which atheists love to promote: “Where was God when X happened?” … where X is any problem in life, from an unjustifiable (by worldly standards) death, a devastating illness, a serious financial loss to absurdly secular problems like not being able to get the latest Birkin bag because you don’t have a connection at Hermes!  One of the things I love about our Eastern Orthodox faith is that is tells us, in no uncertain terms, that Christians will suffer on this earth just because they are Christians. It also warns us that betrayals will come from everywhere (from within, from your own family and from without, in various forms) but, that those who endure will end up in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Now, for non-Christians and for fair-weather Christians, who are completely enamoured with life in this world and are scared about or don’t really believe in life after death, this hard Christian teaching must be absolutely terrifying to them … so terrifying that they call us fools for believing it.  For me, as I read more and more about the lives of Saints and I use my eyes and ears to see and hear what is happening in this world, I am terrified about remaining in it for long enough to experience Revelation. I pray for the strength and guidance (and especially grace) from our trinitarian God to stick to the Orthodox path that I began not long ago.  I still have many passions to kill so I hope that God gives me the time I need to kill all of them; however, for me, my biggest fear is dying before that happens … not leaving this world behind.  Make no mistake, I am not trying to sound like a hero.  I still worry too much but, I trust Christ more and more because I have lived long enough to experience answers to my prayers.  For reasons only He knows, God has been very merciful to me.  I have had my share of tribulations but, not like others; I have not truly suffered in life and sometimes, I wonder why.  And for the pop-psychologists who will use this line to suggest that I have lost my mind, I wonder about why God has been so merciful to me in a healthy way and I thank God every day for my good fortune.  At this point in my life, I pray for one main thing: to have the strength to lay down my life before denying Christ in any way.

[v] For those that did not guess the (obvious) answer, I am referring to COVID-19.  (And, as I write this, I see that “Dr.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (let’s call him “Ted Ross”), the current Director-General of the World Health Organization is beginning to lay another foundation for repeating another world-wide lockdown due to a monkey-pox outbreak in Africa.  Look, if you believe Ted Ross, then, you probably also believe that Ted Lasso is real too.  You will recall that in the US, conservative judges stopped the tyranny of the secular-liberal majorities who attempted, under the guise of COVID-19, to close synagogues and churches in so-called red states. However, you might want to ask yourself: What happens when the composition of the US Supreme Court justices (conservative vs. liberal) changes?  The conservative courts in the US are the last frontiers in the West resisting new laws that have been labeled as “anti-hate speech” laws.  The major issue with these new laws is that they do not define what hate speech is. This is a very dark worldwide trend because it gives prosecutors discretion to target and charge Christian “dissidents” and hand them over to activist judges, who may then decide and declare that our Christian Gospels are hateful and must no longer be allowed to be proclaimed by anyone.  If you think I am hyperbolizing, take a minute to look at this YouTube video, which is spot-on: However, before you – my American Orthodox Christian friends – take comfort in the current conservative majority of your Supreme Court, you should know that there is a new threat to freedom of speech and religion that has emerged from within, that is, from Republican or so-called “red” states with high concentrations of Christian Zionists who have lobbied for the passing of “antisemitism” laws that will criminalize certain parts of the Gospels. This is based on Protestant Evangelicals’ staunch belief in the religious theory of Dispensationalism, which is a direct result of Sola Scriptura. (If you have ever wondered why Orthodox Christians are so against the doctrine of Sola Scriptura when it comes to understanding the Word of God, these latest laws are a case in point!) Finally, if you think that this misdirected zeal by Evangelicals will blow over because it is only at the state level, you underestimate the power of the this lobby in Washington: on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (a ironic date for this type of legislation … or maybe not), the US House passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which is aimed at stopping pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses. However, like its state-level counterparts, it will have unintended consequences on Christians’ free practice of our religion.  And, although there are no (apparently) Evangelical justices on your Supreme Court, it remains to be seen whether any of the current judges will risk being labeled as antisemites if they strike down legislation that has resulted in the successful criminalization of the proclamation of the Gospels. Therefore, please stay watchful and vigilant of tyranny my American friends, lest it creep in while you slumber!

[vi] The italicised phrase in the latter part of this sentence is a not so subtle hint about what Freemasons do in our society, which is staying under the radar (except to other “brothers”) or hiding in plain sight.  Again, don’t take my word for it: read about Freemasonry for yourself and then think back to this article and AB Sot.

[vii] I am sure that people will come out of the woodwork and focus on my criticism about keeping liquor stores and other retail stores open and closing churches during COVID-19 … just to try to lure me into a rabbit hole that would take away from the main point of this article.  Please, save your words because I won’t take the bait.  Look, I have heard all of the reasons why we needed to keep liquor and big box stores open and none can get around the fact that Canadian governments (at all levels) chose to suspend the fundamental freedom of religion which is (supposedly) “guaranteed” in our Charter; see Endnote iii about this fake guarantee.   Our Canadian Constitution (our theoretical highest law of the land) was supposed to be a proclamation not a grant – of rights that all human beings have (bestowed by God).  Instead, it’s a sham document that was subordinated to the “privileges” of buying alcohol and going to Costco during state-imposed lockdowns in COVID-19 era.  To me, it’s simple and it boils down the this: our secular governments completely devalued our spiritual hospitals – that is, our Eastern Orthodox Churches – in the name of the greater good and sought to make us, Orthodox Christians, pariahs for wanting to worship God during – and thank Him – for the mild-tribulation of COVID-19.  Yes, you read that right, Thank God for COVID-19!  Again, I included this as a reminder, to my fellow Orthodox Christians, about the words of St. John Chrysostom (the “Golden-Mouth”) because we tend forget to Thank God for All things!  This is another topic that I would like to cover in another piece but, if you’re an Orthodox Christian and you’ve never heard this saying before and are curious about why we would thank God in bad times, please research it and also try to pick up a short (65-page) book titled, Life’s Difficulties are Blessings, Saint Nektarios Monastery, Roscoe, New York, which is a compilation of sayings about this from Saints and Monks from the Holy Mountain.

[viii] The case in point is the Canadian Truckers Blockade in Ottawa, dubbed the Freedom Convoy, that resulted in arrests of protesters who were not violent or destructive of private property (unlike the professional mobs and anarchists acting under the guise of BLM in the US).  As the world knows, Justin “the Hair” or “His Nibs” Trudeau not only charged the leaders but, used the power of our Federal government to acquire the names of protesters and ordinary people who contributed funds to the support the protest and freeze their bank accounts.  If you’re thinking, wait … “Wouldn’t freezing people’s bank accounts cut off their ability to buy and sell?” … you would be spot on. It’s truly scary what a low threshold the Hair used to implement the Emergencies Act (a despicable piece of Canadian legislation because of its vagueness) on February 14, 2022. Trudeau’s invocation was litigated and in late January 2024, our Federal Court (Trial Level) ruled that this action was unreasonable and unconstitutional (… Ya think?).  The case is called Canadian Frontline Nurses v. Canada (Attorney General) and you can click on this link if you want to read all 183 pages of it.  Or, you can just flip to Paragraph [372] and read the crux of it.  The decision came way too late, after the damage has been done to the protesters who were charged and jailed and to those whose bank accounts were seized but, at least the case established a precedent that can be used to, perhaps, get an injunction before His Nibs (or his successor) tries this again. By the way, His Nibs is appealing the trial decision so we’ll get some insight into how our Canadian Federal Court of Appeal sees this issue and, who knows, it may even reach our Canadian Supreme Court.

[ix] Ten years ago, I would have said “NFW” to anyone who said that anti-hate speech laws will be directed against the Christian Gospels.  I would have replied as follows: “Not gonna happen in my lifetime, even if a guy named Gavin Newsom gets elected as the California Governor.” Fast-forward 10 years and just think about the executive orders that Newsom – that little French Laundry-eating, slick-willy looking, pencil-neck metrosexual – issued during COVID-19 and is now using to promote LBGTQ literature in state schools. The existence of Gavin Newsom alone strengthens my belief that I will live to see the words of the Lord Himself come to be: “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.” (Matthew 10:22, OSB).  Although this scenario may seem frightening to think about if you are Christian, don’t let it (and them, the demonically-inspired and powered secular globalists hiding in plain sight) put you in despair because you know how this ends for us … and them: IC XC NIKA!  The best way to combat this fear is to trust the Lord when He says “But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak.  For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak…” and “…he who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:19 and 10:22, OSB, respectively).  The key is repentance, walking an Orthodox path (and gathering, without proselytizing, people within your sphere of influence to join this path) and prayer “without ceasing” (as St. Paul says) to the Lord to give you the strength to endure the things that are coming as this age comes to a close.  And if you think that this will take supernatural strength, you’re right but, only the kind infused in humans by the Holy Spirit because in those times, those who have sold their souls to the little troublemaker (as St. Paisios refers to the devil) and turn to him for help will understand that he lied and is now ready to torment your soul for eternity.  Finally, for those who may be wondering “Where can I read about people with the type of strength that I need?”, I direct you to read the lives of Christian Saints and to eye-witness testimony of those who endured the gulags and torture in the 20th century, which was the bloodiest century for Christians.  See, for example, the 1989 interview of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand available here:  This humble man describes how he smiled as he was arrested and taken by the secret police to his imminent death. When these thugs asked him why he was smiling, he explained that he was reminded of what Jesus Christ promised him about this situation, which is what I quoted above.  I don’t know if the average Christian knows how bad the 20th century was for Christianity – in terms of killings – far worse than the brutal first three hundred years after Christ’s reign on earth: “Estimates suggest that 45–70 million Christians were martyred in the 20th century, making up more than half of all Christian martyrs in the last two millennia. This includes Christians killed in situations of witness, as a result of human hostility, or who lost their lives prematurely. Some say the average annual rate of martyrs at the end of the 20th century was around 160,000, or 1.6 million between 1990 and 2000. This number includes many Christians killed in the Rwandan genocide and the Sudanese civil wars, as well as over 20 million in Soviet prison camps.”  The source of this quote is the unholy Google search engine as at August 19, 2024, which generated this answer via AI.  This is the search query I used when researching this question: “How many Christians were killed in the 20th century”.  Again, please don’t take my word for it; instead, repeat my query and see what you get from Google for yourself.  (I wonder how long it will take Google to direct its programmers to manipulate its current AI algorithm to disappear the answer I received.)  Finally, I believe that the 21st century will be worse than the 20th century in terms of Christan killings and I hope that if faced with the same fate of Pastor Wurmbrand, I have one iota of his strength to be as fearless as he was and to proclaim – to the police who arrest me, the judge who sentences me, and to my jailors, torturers or executioners – that Jesus Christ is Lord and to feel free to kill me for His name’s sake.  Like I said, this is what I pray for these days.

[x] See Endnote ii.

[xi] I chose this statement on purpose and some of you may have recognized, immediately, who said it.  For those who didn’t, it was US Archbishop Elpidophoros (“AB Elpi”), on July 15, 2021, during his speech at the International Religious Freedom Summit held in New York City. When I first read the commentary about this statement, about four years ago, I did not appreciate how dangerous the statement was, coming from this hierarch, who is, by the way, very chummy-chummy with AB Sot and EP Bart.

[xii] Please do not be the gal or the guy who attends Bible Study for social reasons, to hear your own voice, to disrupt the lesson of the day, to argue, or to make gratuitous comments.  You are there to learn about the lessons in the Gospels.  You should prepare for each session and, by all means, note questions that arise in your mind because of the lesson and write them down and think about them and seek answers to them … before posing them to the leaders or the presiding priest.  And, even when you receive answers from the leaders or presiding priest, you may want to check the answers with a spiritual father or an elder (male or female) at a Monastery.  The answers you get in parish context may not always be aligned with what a spiritual father or monk or nun may advise … and eventually, you will sense (through the help of the Holy Spirit) when you are customizing our faith rather than struggling to follow it.

[xiii] We have had at least one Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (Meletius IV) who was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason (and if you are familiar with Albert Pike’s book, you will understand how astonishing and disgusting this is).  I really hope that this man, Meletius, repented before he died because if he didn’t, I can only imagine how he will be judged by Christ who, in his own words, called-out the hypocrites and false teachers of his time directly to their faces.  EP Meletius was, in effect, the highest false teacher one can be in our Orthodox Christian hierarchy and I am sure that when he died – if he did not repent sincerely before he died – his soul had a treacherous journey to its current state, which is only a foretaste of what awaits him.  If he didn’t repent and renounce Freemasonry, I think he is experiencing the anguish that the Rich Man experienced – as related in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus – multiplied by 100.

[xiv] Here are two videos about Freemasonry that should pique your curiosity about what Freemasonry is. The first one is only about 5.5 minutes long: The second one is a mammoth 5-hour exposé that provides specific information about Freemasonry that can be verified independently:  I have no idea how much longer the latter video will remain available.  The latter link is a “Bitchute” link because the previous YouTube link that I used to watch it, over a year ago, was taken down a few weeks after I watched it.  And remember what I said earlier: trust but verify all sources and their pronouncements before forming your own conclusions.

[xv] One possible answer to this question is: only if AB Elpi means the “supreme being” that Freemasons worship … i.e. Lucifer (according to Abert Pike).  In my view, AB Elpi’s statement should have been grounds for EP Bart to convene a synod to question what, exactly, the US archbishop meant by this statement … unless, of course, EP Bart is of the same view or ethos as AB Elpi (which may also include AB Sot).  Look, I understand that I am being provocative by this statement but, Freemasonry is the polar opposite of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in its theology, Christology and soteriology and I find it very suspect that the Greek Orthodox Archdioceses of Canada and the US and the Phanar have not condemned Freemasonry as being incompatible with Christianity.

[xvi] See the article Is Freemasonry Systemic in the Greek Orthodox Church? published on October 7, 2020 and available here: I think this article poses a rhetorical question.  To me, it is a call to action to us, the elect, to root out the Masonic infiltrators in our local Orthodox churches, expose them and prevent them from rising in ranks and using their positions to deceive unassuming Orthodox Christian about what being a Freemason means.

[xvii] The Antiochian Archdiocese has also been noticeably silent about condemning Freemasonry, and although I have not looked into this archdiocese deeply, there are many sources available on the Internet that state, unequivocally, that this Archdiocese is teaming with Freemasons in all of their senior ranks.   (However, I would be remiss if I did not warn you about vetting your Internet sources very carefully before rushing to judgment.  My list of “Go To” sources on the Internet is very small and constantly vetted for proclamations that can be verified.)

[xviii] Here is a simple letter that all Parish Council and/or Boards in Canada can use to petition AB Sot to answer three simple questions relating to Freemasonry:


By E-Mail:

Archbishop Sotirios

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada

86 Overlea Boulevard

Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4H 1C6

Your Eminence,

It has come to our Parish’s attention that, according to your biography on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada’s website, you hold the title “Grand Commander of the Order of Phoenix of Greece”.  Based on our research, this title replaces the now defunct title of “Royal Order of George I”, which has a strong connection to Freemasonry.

Based on our research about Freemasonry, we understand that it is a religion which is not compatible with our Orthodox Christian faith.  In fact, Freemasonry has been renounced by Protestant Church denominations, the Roman Catholic Church, and several Eastern Orthodox Churches.  In light of our research into Freemasonry, we, the Parish Council or Board of ■ [insert name of your church] respectfully request your answers to the following questions, within 30 days of the date of this letter:

Q1: Were you aware that the Order of Phoenix of Greece is connected to Freemasonry?

Q2: If your answer to Q1 is “No”, now that you are aware that the Order of Phoenix of Greece is connected to Freemasonry, will you publicly renounce your Grand Commander title?

Q3: Will you issue an official statement declaring, as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Canada, that the religion of Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity and that you unequivocally renounce it?

Your Eminence, we mean no disrespect by asking these questions of you, the answers to which we believe are simple.

As you can appreciate, it is of utmost importance to us to confirm that our Church and especially our hierarchs have not been infiltrated by Freemasons.

We look forward to your responses.






  1. Board Members and All Parish Members

The Way to Schism Part 2: Fake Ecumenical Unions

The Churches of Russia and Constantinople have been in schism since October 2018. The ROC unilaterally broke full communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate over the granting of a “tomos” of autocephaly to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). The ROC’s actions included stopping the mention of Patriarch Bartholomew’s name in liturgy, dissolving the eucharistic connection, and considering the entire Constantinople Patriarchate tainted. This was followed in 2019 by a break between Alexandria and Moscow, over the former’s commemoration of “Metropolitan” Epiphany Dumenko of the schismatic OCU in the Divine Services. Moscow further retaliated by setting up a new Exarchate in Africa and receiving 102 African priests.

Most Orthodox jurisdictions maintain communion will all sides of the disputes, even though most steadfastly support Metropolitan Onuphry and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). The U.S. National Security State, working through its Constantinopolitan asset, had a real shot at moving Bulgaria into the “OCU” camp. This effort failed when, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, an actual Orthodox Bishop was elected Patriarch.

This is not an ideal situation, by any means, but it is at least a potentially manageable one. The issues underlying these schisms are largely questions of jurisdictional authority, not differences over Christian dogma. Such disputes, while vexing, have been resolved many times in the past. Their resolution is all the more likely if the U.S. National Security State ceases its meddling in the Orthodox Church.

Unfortunately, the issues separating the Churches are not staying confined to just ecclesiastical politics. As noted in the article, The Way to Schism Part 1: Ordination of a Female “Orthodox” Deacon, differences are now starting to appear between Orthodox Churches in matters of Faith and Practice. In one of the more egregious examples of a Church unliterally altering the practice of the Orthodox Faith, Alexandria has ordained a female Deacon and given her a role in the Divine Services, including distribution of the Eucharist. To say that was a shocking development in the world of Orthodoxy is an understatement. This ordination deliberately set a precedent that the supporters of female ordination hope will spread to other Orthodox jurisdictions.

If ordination of women remains a sort of “backwater” affair, then perhaps it can be ignored / papered over. That is largely what is happening right now. Most Orthodox hierarchs appear to be ignoring the new female Deacon, fervently hoping she will just go away. Such a strategy, however, stops working as soon as a female ordination occurs somewhere too prominent to ignore. There are limits to the differences that can be swept under the rug in the name of “unity”.

Ironically, a larger, more serious schism in the Orthodox Church could end up being caused by a “unity” of sorts between Constantinople, perhaps with Alexandria in tow, and the Roman Catholic Church, possibly with the Anglican heritage churches along for good measure. That is the kind of development that even the most schism-averse synods could not ignore.

Wait, you might say. Isn’t any kid of “unity” between all those churches impossible? The Anglican Church ordains women and homosexuals. (As noted, female ordination may becoming less of a barrier day-by-day for some “Orthodox”.) The Roman Church claims universal primacy for Pope Francis. (Or does it?) The Orthodox Church rejects Vatican I’s extravagant claims about Papal power, the Filioque, certain Marian dogmas, and has married priests. How can you overcome all the differences between these churches in order to have some kind of “unity” around a common chalice?

Easy. Ignore everything you can’t agree on, and let the Good Vibes flow. Welcome to Post-dogmatic Christianity, where it is all about the warm, fuzzy feelz. We are already well on our way to some form of union, judging by all the common prayer we are seeing.

Common prayer with the heterodox is canonically forbidden for the Orthodox. We can easily find many examples of canons forbidding the practice, but Canon 45 of the Holy Apostles will suffice to make the point clear: “Let any bishop, or presbyter, or deacon that merely joins in prayer with heretics be suspended, but if he has permitted them to perform any service as clergymen, let him be deposed.”

There are good reasons the canons forbid the practice of common prayer with the heterodox.  Common prayers can appear to affirm the validity of heterodox beliefs. Such practices muddle the witness of the Orthodox Church to being the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church by putting heterodox on an “equal footing” with us. Further, joint prayer confuses the Orthodox Faithful by opening the door to concelebration. If we can all pray together, then why can’t we fully worship together?

Eucharistic unity seems to be the overarching goal of Orthodox ecumenists, which is why Pascha 2024 saw Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy as prominent guests at Orthodox Divine Services.

Is a Roman Catholic Cardinal really a leader in the Orthodox Church who can claim an Orthodox Cathedral as his own?

Another example was an Episcopal Priest joining Fr. Evagoras at a Holy Week service. Fr. Evagoras is the Director of Special Events for the Office of the Archbishop and the Dean of the Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Brooklyn. He is not some anonymous Orthodox priest from an obscure town in Fly Over country.

Who is the esteemed Episcopalian guest? Well, he is a “married” homosexual “priest”. Here is his bio:

There was no word on whether or not Very Reverend William’s “husband” Jonathan also attended the Orthodox service as a “special guest”.  A gay Episcopal priest (married to a man) is specifically invited by an Orthodox priest to a Holy Week Service. He attends while garbed in a cassock, carries a blessing cross, is not in a pew (Greek parishes have pews, so it is obvious) but rather is up front with the Orthodox priest as if they are “leading” the service together. His presence is later celebrated by the Orthodox priest on social media, who specifically states that the Episcopal priest joined him in prayer. Even though common prayer with the heterodox is uncanonical. The only way to understand all that is as an endorsement of both homosexuality and heresy, and a repudiation of Orthodox canonical norms.

Of course, not be left out, Archbishop Elpidophoros invited Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan to attend Saint Nicholas National Shrine and bless the Orthodox Faithful on Holy Saturday.

In case you are wondering, it is absolutely uncanonical to receive the blessing of a heretic. Canon 32 of the Local Council of Laodicea states: “That one must not accept blessings of heretics, which are misfortunes rather than blessings.” As you can see in the picture above, Cardinal Dolan was giving out a lot of misfortune on Holy Saturday with the full support of a nominally Orthodox Bishop.

As an aside, there is no distinction made in Orthodox canons, or the witness of Orthodox saints, between common prayer with a “schismatic” versus a “heretic”. Even if there were, the Roman Catholic Church is, in fact, considered by Orthodox Christians to be heretical. Just one example comes from Silvester Syropolous, Great Ecclesiarch of Constantinople from the 15th Century as quoted in The Rudder: “The difference of the Latins is a heresy, our predecessors also held it to be such.”

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The occurrences of common prayer with heretics did not stop after Pascha. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine hosted a Juneteenth Ecumenical Prayer Service for “Healing the Wounds of Slavery”. Female “priests” were prominently featured at the event, sharing the spotlight with Archbishop Elpidophoros and other Orthodox clergy.

This was a double win for the ecumenists. At one event they were able to normalize both common prayer with the heterodox and female ordination. Orthodox ecumenists want female “priests” for their own ideological reasons, but also to remove one more barrier to potential unity with Anglicanism and Lutheranism. The continued “mainstreaming” within Orthodoxy of Woke ideology, particularly in regards to allegations of systemic American racism, was an added bonus.

If you are already praying together, blessing each others’ congregations, calling each other leaders in each others’ churches – then how far from a common chalice are you? If the previously-mentioned differences between the Churches can be papered over sufficiently to allow for this very advanced level of public “unity”, then what could possibly stop things from progressing even further?

Not much, judging by what is already happening. Next year, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church will share a common date for Pascha. There have already been wishes expressed, by both sides, for the two Churches to agree to a common date for Pascha going forward. To make that happen, one side of the Great Schism is going to have to comprise on the calendar / calculation used for the date of Pascha each year.

It is a good bet that when serious compromises are needed, they will likely be made by the Roman Catholic side. Why? Because the Papacy is an absolute monarchy and there is no analogous office within Orthodoxy. The Global powers-that-be, who are ultimately behind all this ecumenism, are perfectly okay with provoking a major schism within Orthodoxy over some jurisdictions joining a kind of “confederation of Churches”. However, they want Constantinople, and her allies, to bring as many Orthodox Christians along for the ride as possible. Too many changes at the parish level, and rebellions are sure to occur. The more things continue to look “normal”, the more Orthodox Christians will convince themselves that nothing to worry about is happening.

The Papacy defines Roman Catholicism. If the Pope, the Vicar of Christ, says it then it must be both true and obligatory. The Patriarch of Constantinople (or of Alexandria or Moscow or anywhere else) does not define the Orthodox Faith. A Roman Catholic can’t break communion with the Pope and remain Roman Catholic. An Orthodox Christian can separate from a faithless hierarch, and still be a member of the true Body of Christ.

We have no idea how far the Papacy will ultimately go in pursuit of “unity”. What we can say is that the Papacy has already gone further in affirming Orthodox positions, on a great many things, than anyone could have ever imagined. Former Roman Catholic writer, and Orthodox convert, Michael Warren Davis, wrote about this on his substack:

As an aside: it’s true, the current pope did influence my conversion, though not in the way you might expect. Since Francis took office, the Vatican has issued a steady stream of ecumenical statements conceding virtually every point to the Orthodox. Then came the recent “study document” on papal primacy, which calls for a “rereading” and “reinterpretation” of the First Vatican Council.


Now, Catholic apologists are quick to point out that these texts aren’t magisterial. But that’s not the point. The point is that the Catholic Church’s greatest scholars have basically admitted that Rome bears the lion’s share of blame for the Great Schism, and that Vatican I is historically and theologically indefensible, and that the Catholic Church must return to a more Orthodox understanding of ecclesial and magisterial authority. But, then, why not just… become Orthodox?

So does this mean that the Roman Catholic Church is in the process of becoming Orthodox? Not at all. There may be some compromises on the Roman Catholic side, maybe even some extreme ones, but the blueprint being followed is for more of a “confederation” than a true “union”. A confederation in which all the parties involved keep the majority of their distinctive beliefs and practices, while still being “one” in a sense that is useful to the Global Elite. The desired future is outlined below (emphasis added) in an article entitled Rome Moves Toward ‘Full Communion’ With Orthodox Anglicans: 

In a historic step, the Vatican is working toward “full communion” with conservative Anglicans by recognizing Anglican holy orders and churches without requiring “amalgamation or conversion.”


According to the Malta I proposals, differences in matters like Petrine primacy, infallibility, and Mariology, would be overcome by ensuring that “neither Communion is tied to a positive acceptance of all the beliefs and devotional practices of the other.”


The document agrees with the Eastern Orthodox Churches that the pope did not enjoy universal jurisdiction in the first thousand years of Christianity and quotes Cdl. Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI): “As far as the doctrine of the primacy is concerned, Rome must not require more of the East than was formulated and lived during the first millennium.”

Unity in diversity! How positively post-modern and appropriate for the 21st Century! We will become “one Church” again by simply ignoring our differences when possible, and forcing Rome to compromise when not.

The Global Elite pushing this confederation of churches has bigger plans for unity than just Christianity. In many concrete ways, the powers-that-be show us constantly that, in their preferred future, all faiths will be “one”. There is already an “Abrahamic Family House” in Abu Dhabi that is a multi-faith complex including a mosque, church, and synagogue. Even Russia is not safe from the pressure for “interfaith” unity. There are plans to Construct an interfaith cultural and educational center in the Kommunarka section of Moscow that will include an Orthodox Church, a mosque, a Jewish temple, and a Buddhist temple. The symbolism of co-locating different “houses of worship” in the same complexes simply cannot be ignored.

We can expect that, at some point, Hinduism will get added into the mix as well. Archbishop Elpidophoros already referred to a new Hindu temple in October 2023 as “sacred”:

In the boundless tapestry of creation, we are called to recognize and celebrate the diverse ways in which humanity seeks to connect with the divine. As Orthodox Christians, we are continually reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words, for from Him and through Him and for Him are all things.


In this spirit, we celebrate the unity and oneness that underline our shared human journey towards a world of peace and reconciliation. May the opening of this beautiful shrine be a beacon of joy, understanding, harmony within the Hindu community and beyond. May this unique piece of Indian art stand as a testament to our common humanity and may its sacred hall be a place where hearts are uplifted and souls find solace.

Welcome to the New World Order of Many Paths to God: All beliefs are valid. Whatever you believe is just fine. No need to argue. No need to evangelize. No need to convert. Follow your own cultural traditions. Or just your personal preferences. Whatever. Live and let live. God is the same, though different religions may express truths about Him / Her / It in different ways. Just chill, dude, it’s all good! 

If you want a practical example of how all this can play out, look no further than the Republican National Convention. The RNC featured a Sikh prayer from the main stage in prime time, and introduced the world to a supposedly “staunch” Roman Catholic Vice Presidential candidate who just happens to have an unconverted, Hindu wife. J.D. Vance believes so strongly in Freedom of Religion, he even practices it in his own family.  How enlightened of him!

Heck, even Freemasonry is going to end up in the coming religious “melting pot”. There are current masons among the ranks of Orthodox hierarchs today. Plus, Archbishop Elpidophoros has endorsed it. So let’s all extend a hearty welcome to our brothers from the local Masonic Lodge! There is truly room for everyone in the new Kingdom of God.

The fly in the ecumenical ointment, however, is that much of the Orthodox world will go into schism with the hierarchs who are heading in this direction. On a certain level, that is just fine with the Global Elite. The Russian Church will, most likely, be among those that says “Nyet” to “many paths to God”. For the West, that will help further “isolate” Russia and damage its perceived primary means of “soft power” (influence over culturally conservative non-Orthodox Christians in the West). The schism(s) that result along the path to “confederation” with various heretical bodies will be permanent. Important parts of ancient churches will be lost. An already messy jurisdictional situation in the West will get even more complicated for the average Orthodox Christian. Still, we will persevere.

The biggest threat to Orthodox Christians is that the unwary will accept some kind of false union because “nothing much is changing”. As noted above, keeping as much as possible the same in each church is a deliberate strategy to convince the congregations that everything is okay. When you show up on Sunday, you’ll still have the same liturgy, the same priest, the same icons, the same hierarchy, etc. Only now, you will be able to go to communion with everyone, even your unconverted, non-Christian spouse! Think of how good that will be for the children! You get to keep everything you have today, but it will be even better!

Don’t fall for it.

Regardless of who decides to “unify” or “confederate” with whom, until Christ’s Triumphant Second Coming, true Orthodox Christians must maintain the purity of the Faith – without compromise.  To remain within the Church founded by Christ, follow the canons, the Fathers, and Holy Tradition, while ignoring the ecumenists. Their way leads only to perdition.

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

The Scandal of Ecumenism – Greek and English

The article was originally written in Greek, and translated into English. Click here to skip down to the English version. 

Ο Σκανδαλισμός του Οικουμενισμού – Αναστάσιος Γεωργίου

Για μας τους Χριστιανούς Ορθοδόξους, ή ταυτότητά μας είναι ή Πίστις μας και η Oρθοδοξία. Όχι Oρθοδοξία «των παπάδων», όχι τῶν Οἰκουμενιστῶν επισκόπων … αλλά Ορθοδοξία του Χριστού, των Αγίων Αποστόλων, των Προφητών και των Αγίων Πατέρων. Αυτή είναι η Ορθοδοξία, για την οποία πρέπει όλοι μας να αγωνιζόμεθα καὶ εάν χρειασθεί να δώσουμε και τη ζωή μας ακόμη, όπως τα εκατομμύρια Μαρτύρων τής πἰστεώς μας.

Ο γνήσιος Ορθόδοξος Χριστιανός δεν παρασύρεται εις τὸν Οικουμενισμό, πού λέει ότι ο Παπισμός είναι εκκλησία, ο Προτεσταντισμός είναι εκκλησία και πρέπει να έχουμε συνεργασία και αγάπη … Ναι, αγάπη! Αγάπη όμως εν Αληθεία, διότι ή Παντοδύναμος Αγάπη συμπορεύεται πάντοτε με την αλήθεια. Ο Θεός διοχετεύει τη δύναμη τής Αγάπης Του, όταν προσκυνήται «ἐν πνεύματι και αληθεία» (Ιωανν. 4,24) Ως Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί αγαπούμε όλους καὶ επιθυμούμε να έρθουν σε επίγνωση της Αληθείας. Έτσι μας δίδαξε «Ο Θεός τής αγάπης». Δεν μισούμε τους ανθρώπους εξ’ αιτίας της αιρέσεως ή της απιστίας των, αλλά και δεν θα αγαπήσουμε ποτέ, μα ποτέ, την απιστία των ή την αίρεσιν χάριν των ανθρώπων, διότι θα αποξενωθούμε από τον Θεόν.

Ο Οικουμενισμός προσπαθεί να βρει κοινά σημεία πίστεως μεταξύ Ορθοδόξων και ετεροδόξων. Ποτέ δεν έλαβε υπόψιν τις βασικές διαφορές που υπάρχουν μεταξύ Ορθοδοξίας και Παπισμού. Διακηρύττει ότι και στις άλλες θρησκείες, ακόμη και στις μονοθεϊστικές, υπάρχει σωτηρία … Έτσι ανατρέπει την θεμελιώδη Χριστιανική πίστη, ότι «ουκ έστιν ἐν άλλω οὐδενὶ ἡ σωτηρία» (Πραξ. 4,12) Ἐν ολίγοις, απορρίπτει τον λόγο τής Άγιας Γραφής.

Προχώρησε ακόμη και στο λατρευτικό επίπεδον. Στην Ασίζη, Ορθόδοξοι Ιεράρχες συμμετείχαν σε πανθρησκειακές εκδηλώσεις και κοινές συμπροσευχές και δοξολογίες με ετεροδόξους, και μάλιστα με Ιουδαίους και Μουσουλμάνους. Στην Καμπέρρα της Αυστραλίας (Ζ’ Γ. Συνέλευση Π.Σ.Ε.), οι Οικουμενιστές κάλεσαν σε συμπροσευχές ακόμη και ειδωλολάτρες, για να αποκτήσουν οἱ Ορθόδοξοι συνείδηση ότι κατά βάθος, μία εκκλησία, ή ένα τζαμί… αποβλέπουν στην ίδια πνευματική καταξίωση του ανθρώπου. Αυτό δεν είναι αυτόματη διαγραφή της εν Χριστώ σωτηρίας και του Ἁγίου Πνεύματος; Αν υπάρχει και κάπου αλλού δυνατότητα σωτηρίας, δηλαδή θεώσεως, τότε γιατί ή εν Χριστώ αποκάλυψη, προφητεία σαρκώσεως στην Π. Διαθήκη, και της ενσαρκώσεως στην Κ. Διαθήκη; Γιατί η Σάρκωση, ἡ Πεντηκοστή, ἡ Εκκλησία, ως Σώμα Χριστού και κοινωνία Αγίων; Αυτές οἱ πράξεις των Οικουμενιστών δεν φανερώνουν απόρριψη του Χριστιανισμού; Επίσης στην Γενεύη, ὁ Γενικός Γραμματέας του Π.Σ.Ε. Eugene Blake, κάλεσε τους ηγέτες όλων των θρησκειών σε μία ὑπερομολογιακή λειτουργία και προσευχή στον καθεδρικό Ναό του Αγίου Πέτρου, όπου ὁ καθένας προσευχήθηκε στη δική του γλώσσα και σύμφωνα με το τυπικό της θρησκείας του. Ἡ ενέργεια αυτή είχε σκοπό να συνυπάρξουν στην λατρεία του ίδιου Θεού.

Όλα αυτά γίνονται για τα συμφέροντα της Νέας Εποχής, και όχι γιὰ την «ἐν Χριστώ αλήθεια», τη ην «εν Αληθεία» ενότητα. Και όμως, το Ιερό Ευαγγέλιο του Χριστού διαψεύδει τις διάφορες προφάσεις και ενέργειες. Όταν οι Οικουμενιστές μας απορρίπτουν και μας περιφρονούν ως φανατικούς και φονταμενταλιστές, ότι δεν έχουμε «πέντε κλωνάρια μυαλό», να γνωρίζουν ότι απορρίπτουν και περιφρονούν τους Αγίους Αποστόλους και τους Αγίους της Εκκλησίας, τους οποίους μιμούμεθα. Αλλά απορρίπτουν και περιφρονούν και αυτόν τον Κύριον, ο οποίος μη θέλοντας να συνάξει οπαδούς θυσιάζοντας την αλήθεια είπε «Μη και ὑμεῖς θέλετε, ὑπάγειν» (Ιωάννης 6,48). Και δεν είναι μόνον αυτές οι προδοσίες των. Είναι πάρα πολλές που είναι δύσκολο να αναφερθούν σ ’αυτό το κείμενο, που γίνονται αιτία να διχάζεται το ποίμνιο της Εκκλησίας.

Αν αγαπούν τον Σωτήρα Χριστό και θυσιάζονται για την πίστη όπως οι προηγούμενοι Άγιοι Πατέρες, πρέπει να απορρίψουν τον Οικουμενισμό και να αντιμετωπίσουν σθεναρά τις δυνάμεις του κόσμου και τις μεθοδεύσεις του. Αλλ’ αυτό απαιτεί την αναβάπτισή μας στην Ορθόδοξη Παράδοσή μας, αλλά και την ενότητα όλων των Ορθοδόξων με την μετοχή στην άκτιστη Θεία Χάρη με τα Μυστήρια της Εκκλησίας. Η παρουσία της Ορθοδοξίας στο σύγχρονο κόσμο οφείλει να είναι πρωταρχικά Πνευματική και Λειτουργική. Η Θεία Λειτουργία, με όλη τη λατρεία μας, είναι ο σημαντικότερος θησαυρός μας, διότι περικλείει και διασώζει δυναμικά το φρόνημα και τη ζωή τῶν Ἁγίων μας, την πίστη και τον Θεϊκό νόμο και τρόπο της ύπαρξής μας. Αν υπάρχει κάτι το πολύτιμο εδώ εις την γῆν, για το οποίον αξίζει να δώσουμε τα πάντα και αυτήν την ζωή μας, είναι ἡ Ορθόδοξος Πίστη του Χριστού μας, τῶν Ἁγίων Αποστόλων, Μαρτύρων, Ιεραρχών, Οσίων, δικαίων καὶ πάντων τῶν Ἁγίων Πατέρων της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας μας.

Βαδίστε, λοιπόν, στα ίχνη τους και πάψτε νὰ σκανδαλίζετε τον πιστό λαό οδηγώντας αυτόν εις την ανυπακοή και τον αποτειχισμόν. Δὲν ἀντέχει άλλο νὰ βλέπει την ισοπέδωση του Χριστού στην πράξη, με τις διάφορες θεότητες. Δεν αντέχει άλλο να βλέπει την ταπείνωση τῆς Ορθοδοξίας. Δὲν ἀντέχει άλλο να βλέπει να ταυτίζεστε με τις δυνάμεις του κόσμου, διότι αγαπήσατε «την δόξα των ανθρώπων μάλλον ἢπὲρ την δόξα του Θεού» (Ιωάννης 12,19). Τί κατάπτωσής! Αλήθεια, σεις οι «ποιμένες» σε ποιόν θεόν πιστεύετε; Τα έργα σας φανερώνουν ότι πιστεύετε στον θεό του Οικουμενισμού που δεν είναι άλλος παρά ο εχθρός του Χριστού, ο Αντίχριστος! Η μήπως δεν γνωρίζετε ότι ο Οικουμενισμός είναι παναίρεσις και οι υπηρετούντες αυτόν είναι αιρετικοί; Πως έχετε λοιπόν την απαίτηση υπακοής από το ποίμνιο, τη στιγμή που το οδηγείτε «στο στόμα του λύκου»;

To Ιερό Ευαγγέλιο μας συμβουλεύει να μένουμε μακριά από τους κακούς ποιμένες, διότι είναι «λύκοι άρπαγες» (Ματθ 7,15) Τα πιστά μέλη της Εκκλησίας του Χριστού, δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να δείξουν υπακοή στους ανάξιους ποιμένες του Οικουμενισμού. Θα μείνουν σταθεροί στην πίστη και θα αγωνισθούν σθεναρά κατά των θεοκάπηλων προδοτών της Ορθοδοξίας και των Πατερικών Παραδόσεων. Μετανοήσατε! Μη γίνεσθε αρνησίχρηστοι, αρνούμενοι το φρόνημα τῶν Ἁγίων Πατέρων οι οποίοι ποτέ δεν συνθηκολόγησαν με αιρετικούς και άρχοντας του κόσμου τούτου σε θέματα πίστεως,

αλλά υπέστησαν τρομερά βασανιστήρια, ακόμη και θάνατον. Ο Κύριος μας παρέδωσε ΜΙΑ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ, που ομολογούμε στο Σύμβολο της Πίστεως, και μόνον αυτή ή Εκκλησία του Χριστού έχει τη Χάρι να οδηγεί στη σωτηρία της ψυχής.

Καμία θρησκεία εκτός της Ορθοδόξου Χριστιανικής, και καμία Χριστιανική ομολογία δύναται να οδηγήσει στη σωτηρία. Αυτό διδάσκει το Ευαγγέλιο του Χριστού, το οποίο δυστυχώς σεις οι Οικουμενιστές με τα έργα σας το διαγράφετε. Σας παρακαλούμε! Μη γίνεσθε θεομπαίχτες! Μη παραπληροφορείτε το ποίμνιο του Χριστού! Μὴ συνεχίζετε να σκανδαλίζετε τον πιστό λαό. Το ποτήρι της υπομονής του ξεχείλισε. Φοβηθείτε το Θεό, πού σταυρώθηκε και για τη σωτηρία σας. Μετανοήσατε… Δεν είναι αργά.

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For us Orthodox Christians, our identity is the Orthodox Faith – not the “Orthodoxy of the priests,” or the Orthodoxy of Ecumenist Hierarchs… but the Orthodoxy of Christ, the Holy Apostles, the Prophets, and the Holy Fathers. This is Orthodoxy, for which we must all struggle, and if need be, even give our lives, as did the millions of martyrs who witnessed for the Faith.

10 Martyrs of CreteThe genuine Orthodox Christian is not drawn to Ecumenism, which accepts Roman Catholicism or Protestantism as true churches to whom we must show co-operation and love. Yes, we must love them, but we must love in Truth because Divine Love is always united with Truth. God sends the power of His Love when He is worshiped “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) As Orthodox Christians we love everyone, and we desire that they come to know the Truth. This is what the “God of Love” teaches us. We do not hate anyone because of their heresy or infidelity to Christ, but we will also never love infidelity or heresy for the sake of any person, because that will alienate us from God.

Ecumenism tries to find common ground between the faith of Orthodoxy and heterodoxy, never considering the fundamental differences between the two. Ecumenism proclaims that there is salvation in all religions, thereby overturning the very foundation of the Christian faith and rejecting the teachings of Holy Scripture, which states, “It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth … Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:11-12)

Ecumenism even goes so far as to alter Orthodox worship. In Assisi, Orthodox Hierarchs participated in pan-religious events and joint prayers and eulogies with heterodox and even with non-Christians (Muslims and Jews). In Canberra, Australia, (6-3 General Assembly of the World Council of Churches), the Ecumenists even invited pagans and idol-worshippers to joint prayers to persuade the Orthodox conscience that deep down, a church is no different than a mosque in a person’s spirituality. How does this new belief not nullify our salvation in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit? If humanity’s salvation and theosis are possible elsewhere, then what is the purpose of the Old Testament Prophecies, the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, Pentecost, and the Church as the Body of Christ? Do these actions of the Ecumenists not demonstrate outright rejection of Christianity? Furthermore, in Geneva, the General Secretary of the WCC, Eugene Blake, invited the world’s religious leaders to a joint liturgy and prayer service at St. Peter’s Cathedral, where everyone prayed in their own language and according to their own confession of faith. The purpose of this was to unite everyone in common prayer to the same God, but not in truth.

All this is done in the interests of the New Age Movement, and not for “Truth in Christ,” or for unity “in Truth.”  And yet the Holy Gospel of Christ rejects as false such actions and pretexts.  When Ecumenists reject us, who uphold Holy Scripture, as fanatics and fundamentalists, they should realize that they not only scorn and reject the Holy Apostles and Saints of the Church, who we imitate, they even scorn and reject the Lord, Himself, who said. “will you also go away?” (John 6:67)

And yet, it is not only these betrayals which cause the flock to be divided, for there are too many others to be listed in this text. If our present-day hierarchs truly loved Christ the Saviour, they would act as did our Holy Fathers, by making sacrifices for the Orthodox Faith, rejecting Ecumenism, and vigorously opposing the idolatrous, blasphemous, and secular forces of this world. Such love demands a rebirth in Holy Orthodox Tradition, but also a unification of all Orthodox faithful through the Sacramental and Liturgical sharing of God’s uncreated Grace in the life of the Holy Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Icon Holy ChurchOrthodoxy’s presence in today’s world must first be Sacramental and Liturgical, a salvific way of life that is found only in the Orthodox Church, the only vessel that can carry us safely through every storm. It is only within this Church that one finds the greatest treasure – the experience of Divine Liturgy and all its worship. This infinite treasure encompasses and preserves the fulness of the Christian Faith, the Mind of God and His Laws as expressed by the Apostles and Holy Fathers, the lives of the Saints, and the meaning of our very existence. If there is anything of unlimited value in this world that is worthy of every sacrifice, even our very lives, it is the Orthodox Faith, which was given to us by Christ, fought for, preserved, and passed down to us by His Holy Apostles, Holy Fathers, Martyrs, Saints and every righteous man or woman of our Holy Orthodox Church.

Therefore, follow in their footsteps and stop scandalizing the Faithful by leading us towards disobedience, heresy, and spiritual failure.  We can no longer bear to watch the degradation and humiliation of Orthodoxy. We can no longer bear the belittling of Christ, the only true God, Whom you lower to the level of other false deities. Nor can we bear to see you consorting with the powers of this world, because you “love the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43).

What a great fall for you! In which god do you “shepherds” believe then? Your works show that you believe in the god of Ecumenism, who is none other than the enemy of Christ, the Antichrist, the god of the New Age. Do you not realize that Ecumenism is a pan-heresy that incorporates all other past and current heresies? How, therefore, can you expect obedience from your flock, when you are leading us to the “jaws of the wolf”? The Holy Gospel warns us to stay far away far from bad shepherds, for they are “ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15) The faithful members of the Orthodox Church of Christ, will never submit to the unworthy shepherds of Ecumenism. They will remain steadfast to the True Faith and will fight vigorously against the traitors of Orthodoxy and her Holy Traditions.

Repent, therefore! Don’t be obstinate in your denial of the phronema and mindset of the Holy Fathers, who never compromised the Faith with heretics and the rulers of this world. Instead, they preferred to endure torture and even death, to uphold The Truth. The Lord, Himself, gave us our Orthodox Church, which we confess in the Creed; and it is only this Church of Christ that has the Grace to lead us to salvation. No other religion or Christian denomination can do this because only Orthodoxy rightly teaches the Gospel of Christ, which you, Ecumenists, distort and undermine. Please stop deceiving the flock of Christ! Stop scandalizing the faithful! Our cup of patience has overflowed. Fear God, Who was also crucified for your salvation. Repent! … before it is too late.

Shepherd, Know Your Sheep – Open Letter to Archbishop Sotirios

Below is a response from a Canadian Orthodox Christian to a recent encyclical from Archbishop Sotirios asserting that supporters of a single communion spoon are “pagan.” The full text of the Archbishop’s encyclical in Greek and English is published below this response. Click here to skip ahead and read it. 

Your Eminence,

First and foremost, please do not combine the people that do not accept the existence of a Corona Virus or do not want to be vaccinated, together with the people that refuse to receive Holy Communion from multiple spoons. We are not the same. Most of the people that refuse to take Holy Communion with multiple spoons understand the Covid-19 problem and are fully vaccinated.

This brings us to the main issue. You are calling us idolaters because, to use your words, we have made the Lavida God and we worship the Lavida. You are wrong. We do not worship the Lavida. Worship belongs to God and God alone. Having said that, Christ’s body and blood cleanses the Lavida every time it is dipped into the Chalice. If you believe that anyone can get the virus from the Lavida, come out and say so. It looks like you are avoiding this issue because you know it is not true. Just like you cannot get the virus from Holy Communion because it is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, you cannot get the virus from the Lavida because it is cleansed every time it touches the Body and Blood in the Chalice. This is not just an opinion; it is clearly stated in the New Testament:

Matthew 8:2, Mark 1:40, Luke 5:12:

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Jesus did not become a leper – the leper was cleansed.

Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25, Luke 8:43-44:

Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped . According to the law (Leviticus 15:27) the woman was considered unclean and any one that she touched her was also unclean.Yet, instead of Jesus becoming unclean, it was the woman that was cleansed.

Christ as EucharistSt Dosetheos of Jerusalem in his Apology against the Protestants explains what we get with Holy Communion. In Holy Communion we have the same body of Christ, the one that was conceived by the Virgin Mary, the one that was born in Bethlehem, the one that was baptized in the Jordan river, suffered, was buried, resurrected, ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

The conclusion is this: Anything that touches Jesus or, anything that Jesus touches, is cleansed. Therefore, when the Lavida touches Jesus’ Body and Blood, it is cleansed even if it has a virus. You cannot get a virus by using the Lavidaunless you believe that Holy Communion is not the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. But again, when the clergy prays during the Divine Liturgy, he is asking God to “make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ” and “that which is in this cup the precious Blood of Your Christ”. Later he continues: “I believe and confess, Lord, that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. I also believe that this is truly Your pure Body and that this is Your precious Blood….”  If you truly believe that, then you should not doubt that Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

If Paul’s handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them (Acts 19:12) and if the shadow of Peter was enough to heal the people (Acts 5:15) how can the Lavida which touches Christ’s Body spread a virus?

Now that we know that you will never get a virus from the Lavida the question is why change things? Why the introduction of multiple spoons?

Here are some possible explanations. You circulated the first two:

Communion spoonFirst, the government dictated it. They will issue fines or even close churches. This is wrong. The government has no authority to tell us how to take Holy Communion. It is called freedom of religion. They told us this over and over again. They insist we wear masks and keep proper distances in the church and we do that. If it was dictated by the government, then all Orthodox would have the same issue. How is it that the Old Calendar Orthodox, the Serbian, the Russian churches and so on, have no problem using the same Lavida ever since we had the virus and nobody is doing anything about it?

Second, nobody reported those other churches. This is wrong again. Not too long ago, the Toronto Public Health department visited one of the Old Calendar Orthodox churches here in Toronto and they only wanted to make sure they were wearing masks and keeping proper distances. Someone from the church asked them, “What about taking Holy Communion with the same spoon?” They answered, ”This is beyond our jurisdiction. We cannot tell you how to take Holy Communion.” In plain English, this means, “How you take Holy Communion is none of our business.”

Here is a third explanation: You, alone, wanted to change how Holy Communion is distributed and you used the virus as an excuse. Isn’t it true that this discussion was made in the Archdiocese cafeteria long before the virus came? Isn’t it true that in one of your speeches you proposed that the ladies who prepare the prosphoron should use some wine in the dough, thereby even changing the process of the Divine Liturgy? Isn’t it true that you have done all this and more because you are an Ecumenist and a decorated Freemason?

In your encyclical, you say: “By your selfishness you deprive yourselves of the Body and Blood of Christ.” You are wrong again. We do not deprive ourselves of the Body and Blood of Christ. We refuse to accept that you can get the virus from the Lavida. We take it from the other Orthodox churches that have kept the same method for thousands of years and there is nothing you can do about it. By the way, if some left the New Calendar Orthodox churches and went to the Old Calendar churches, consider yourself responsible for this. It was your unorthodox actions that drove them to this change.

Corona virus is not only a Canadian problem – it is all over the world. Can you explain why not thousands but millions of Orthodox continue to use one Lavida throughout the whole pandemic, and thank God they are doing just fine? Or is it true that we, in Canada, became the guinea pigs to see if the use of multiple spoons will be accepted by some and then you try to impose it on every Orthodox?

If you still believe that you can get a virus from the Lavida, ask yourself who the idolater is?

You are asking us to confess our sins and find the right spiritual father. We already do that. Thank God not all spiritual fathers are allowing themselves to follow your ideas. Confession is still private and you cannot pretend to know what goes on behind closed doors.

Also, let us not forget that most heresies started from the clergy and even patriarchs.  You claim that archbishops, priests, elders, monks, nuns do not follow the right Orthodox spirit but that you do follow it. Isn’t that your own egotism?

Finally, you are asking us to repent and obey you. We repent every day, every hour, we never consider ourselves above anything or anyone. As for obeying, sorry but “We ought to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). If you fear the Triune God, and not the Luciferian god, you, your Eminence, would do the same.


Christopher Papadopoulos – Member of the Orthodox Church of Canada

June-July 2021 Viewpoint

Θεοποιείς την λαβίδα; Είσαι ειδωλολάτρης.

Do You Worship the Communion Spoon? Then You Are a Pagan.

Τι κρίμα; Δεν το καταλαβαίνεις και νομίζεις, ότι είσαι ο πιο ορθόδοξος. Φωνάζεις προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις, ότι κατέχεις την αλήθεια. Χωρίς να το καταλαβαίνεις θεοποιείς τη λαβίδα. Η Θεία Κοινωνία είναι Σώμα και Αίμα Χριστού. Είναι φάρμακο αθανασίας. Η λαβίδα είναι ένα όργανο. Όργανο μετάδοσης της Θείας Κοινωνίας και τίποτε άλλο. Θεοποιείς τη λαβίδα; Είσαι ειδωλολάτρης.

Όλοι οι νεοφανείς αλάθητοι είναι ειδωλολάτρεις και δεν το καταλαβαίνουν. Φωνασκούν. Εμείς έχουμε την αλήθεια. Εμείς γνωρίζουμε καλύτερα. Εμείς είμαστε οι πραγματικοί ορθόδοξοι. Κανείς άλλος δεν ξέρει τίποτε. Ούτε οι κυβερνήτες. Ούτε οι γιατροί. Ούτε οι πατριάρχες. Οι αρχιερείς . Οι ιερείς. Όλα είναι σκευωρία. Όλα είναι του σατανά. Εμείς έχουμε την αλήθεια. Δεν χρειάζονται τα εμβόλια. Όλα είναι ψέματα.

Όλα είναι προπαγάνδα. Μην ακούτε τους επιστήμονες. Ακούστε μόνο εμάς. Εμείς είμαστε αλάθητοι. Ξεπεράσαμε τον Πάπα κι ας υποστηρίζουμε, ότι είμαστε ακραιφνείς ορθόδοξοι.

Τι κρίμα; Που είναι η ταπείνωση; Δεν βλέπετε, ότι έχετε εωσφορικό εγωισμό; Αυτά διδάσκει η ορθόδοξη πίστη; Αυτά εμπνέει το Άγιο Πνεύμα; Όχι. Όλα είναι της δικής σας φαντασίας. Όλα είναι γεννήματα του εωσφορικού σας εγωισμού. Δεν βλέπετε πως πολλοί που υπεστήριζαν αυτά προσεβλήθησαν από τον κορωνοϊό και πόσοι πέθαναν; Τίποτε δεν μπορεί να σας συγκρατήσει; Κρίμα.

Αρχιερείς, ιερείς, γεροντάδες, μοναχοί, μοναχές, άνθρωποι απλοί που νομίζετε, ότι είστε ακραιφνείς ορθόδοξοι, καιρός να το ξανασκεφτείτε. Όλοι πρέπει να ενεργείτε υπεύθυνα. Αυτό σημαίνει, ότι αναγνωρίζετε, ότι ο κορωνοϊός είναι πραγματικότητα. Αναγνωρίζοντας αυτό πρέπει να δίνετε το καλό παράδειγμα. Πρώτοι εσείς να εμβολιαστείτε. Να γίνετε το παράδειγμα και να οδηγείτε όλους στον εμβολιασμό. Να σωθούμε από την επάρατο αυτή ασθένεια του κορωνοϊού.

Με τον εγωισμό σας στερείτε τον εαυτό σας από το Σώμα και το Αίμα του Χριστού. Σκανδαλίζετε τους πιστούς τρέχοντας σε παλαιοημερολογίτες και σε άλλους που δεν ακολουθούν το σωστό ορθόδοξο πνεύμα για να εξυπηρετηθείτε. Αυτό εκτός από ασέβεια είναι και μη εμπιστοσύνη στον Σταυρωμένο και Αναστημένο Χριστό.

Συνέλθετε. Μετανοείτε. Αναλογιστείτε το κακό που κάνετε. Οδηγείτε τους εαυτούς σας στην κόλαση και παίρνετε κι άλλους στο λαιμό σας.

Ταπείνωση και σύνεση. Η ταπείνωση είναι η βάση όλων των αρετών. Η σύνεση είναι η συνισταμένη όλων των αρετών. Προσευχηθείτε. Ζητήστε τον φωτισμό του Αγίου Πνεύματος. Βρείτε σωστούς πνευματικούς. Εξομολογηθείτε. Κλάψτε για τις αμαρτίες σας. Ζητήστε από τον εύσπλαχνο Θεό την συγχώρεσή σας. Θα σας συγχωρέσει. Είναι πολυεύσπλαχνος. Αυτή είναι η πραγματικότητα. Όλα τα άλλα είναι δημιουργήματα του εωσφορικού εγωισμού σας.

What a shame that you refuse to understand this. You continue to think that you are more orthodox than others. You shout in all directions that you possess the truth. Without realizing it, you deify the spoon. Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ. It is medicine for immortality. The communion spoon is merely an instrument. It is a vehicle through which Holy Communion is given and nothing else. Do you worship the communion spoon? Then you are a pagan.

All of the newly proclaimed infallible are pagans without even realizing it. They howl that they have the truth. That they know better. That they are the genuine orthodox believers. That no one really understands what is happening in the world. Not the governments. Not the doctors. Not the patriarchs. Not the hierarchs. Not the priests.

For these people, conspiracy is everywhere. Everything comes from Satan. Only they have the truth. Vaccines are not necessary. Everything is a lie. It is all propaganda. They do not want us to listen to the scientists but to listen to what they have to say. They are the infallible. They have even surpassed the Pope, yet they claim to be genuinely Orthodox.

What a shame! Where is the humility? Can you not see your luciferian egotism? Is this what the Orthodox faith teaches? Is this what the Holy Spirit inspires? No. All of this is in your imagination. All of this is a product of your luciferian egotism. Do you not see that many who supported these ideas were infected with the coronavirus and some have died? Can nothing restrain you? What a pity.

Hierarchs, priests, elders, monks, nuns, ordinary people, all of you who think that you are more genuinely orthodox than the others, it is time to think again. You need to act responsibly. You need to recognize that the coronavirus is a reality. In recognizing this, you must set a good example for others. Be the first to get vaccinated. Become an example and lead everyone to get their vaccines. So we could finally save ourselves from this accursed coronavirus disease.

By your selfishness, you deprive yourselves of the Body and Blood of Christ. You scandalize the faithful by running to old calendarists and others who do not follow the true orthodox faith. This is not only disrespectful but also distrustful to the Crucified and Risen Christ.

Get a grip on yourselves. Repent. Think about the evil you are doing. You are leading yourselves to Hades and dragging others with you.

Think about humility and prudence. Humility is the basis of all virtues, and prudence represents the broader coherence, the resulting outcome of the virtues. You need to pray. To ask for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. Find suitable spiritual fathers and confess. Cry for your sins. Ask the merciful God to forgive you. He will forgive you. He is merciful. This is the reality. Everything else is a product of your luciferian egotism.

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