Search Results for: The scandal of Ecumenism

The Scandal of Ecumenism – Greek and English

The article was originally written in Greek, and translated into English. Click here to skip down to the English version. 

Ο Σκανδαλισμός του Οικουμενισμού – Αναστάσιος Γεωργίου

Για μας τους Χριστιανούς Ορθοδόξους, ή ταυτότητά μας είναι ή Πίστις μας και η Oρθοδοξία. Όχι Oρθοδοξία «των παπάδων», όχι τῶν Οἰκουμενιστῶν επισκόπων … αλλά Ορθοδοξία του Χριστού, των Αγίων Αποστόλων, των Προφητών και των Αγίων Πατέρων. Αυτή είναι η Ορθοδοξία, για την οποία πρέπει όλοι μας να αγωνιζόμεθα καὶ εάν χρειασθεί να δώσουμε και τη ζωή μας ακόμη, όπως τα εκατομμύρια Μαρτύρων τής πἰστεώς μας.

Ο γνήσιος Ορθόδοξος Χριστιανός δεν παρασύρεται εις τὸν Οικουμενισμό, πού λέει ότι ο Παπισμός είναι εκκλησία, ο Προτεσταντισμός είναι εκκλησία και πρέπει να έχουμε συνεργασία και αγάπη … Ναι, αγάπη! Αγάπη όμως εν Αληθεία, διότι ή Παντοδύναμος Αγάπη συμπορεύεται πάντοτε με την αλήθεια. Ο Θεός διοχετεύει τη δύναμη τής Αγάπης Του, όταν προσκυνήται «ἐν πνεύματι και αληθεία» (Ιωανν. 4,24) Ως Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί αγαπούμε όλους καὶ επιθυμούμε να έρθουν σε επίγνωση της Αληθείας. Έτσι μας δίδαξε «Ο Θεός τής αγάπης». Δεν μισούμε τους ανθρώπους εξ’ αιτίας της αιρέσεως ή της απιστίας των, αλλά και δεν θα αγαπήσουμε ποτέ, μα ποτέ, την απιστία των ή την αίρεσιν χάριν των ανθρώπων, διότι θα αποξενωθούμε από τον Θεόν.

Ο Οικουμενισμός προσπαθεί να βρει κοινά σημεία πίστεως μεταξύ Ορθοδόξων και ετεροδόξων. Ποτέ δεν έλαβε υπόψιν τις βασικές διαφορές που υπάρχουν μεταξύ Ορθοδοξίας και Παπισμού. Διακηρύττει ότι και στις άλλες θρησκείες, ακόμη και στις μονοθεϊστικές, υπάρχει σωτηρία … Έτσι ανατρέπει την θεμελιώδη Χριστιανική πίστη, ότι «ουκ έστιν ἐν άλλω οὐδενὶ ἡ σωτηρία» (Πραξ. 4,12) Ἐν ολίγοις, απορρίπτει τον λόγο τής Άγιας Γραφής.

Προχώρησε ακόμη και στο λατρευτικό επίπεδον. Στην Ασίζη, Ορθόδοξοι Ιεράρχες συμμετείχαν σε πανθρησκειακές εκδηλώσεις και κοινές συμπροσευχές και δοξολογίες με ετεροδόξους, και μάλιστα με Ιουδαίους και Μουσουλμάνους. Στην Καμπέρρα της Αυστραλίας (Ζ’ Γ. Συνέλευση Π.Σ.Ε.), οι Οικουμενιστές κάλεσαν σε συμπροσευχές ακόμη και ειδωλολάτρες, για να αποκτήσουν οἱ Ορθόδοξοι συνείδηση ότι κατά βάθος, μία εκκλησία, ή ένα τζαμί… αποβλέπουν στην ίδια πνευματική καταξίωση του ανθρώπου. Αυτό δεν είναι αυτόματη διαγραφή της εν Χριστώ σωτηρίας και του Ἁγίου Πνεύματος; Αν υπάρχει και κάπου αλλού δυνατότητα σωτηρίας, δηλαδή θεώσεως, τότε γιατί ή εν Χριστώ αποκάλυψη, προφητεία σαρκώσεως στην Π. Διαθήκη, και της ενσαρκώσεως στην Κ. Διαθήκη; Γιατί η Σάρκωση, ἡ Πεντηκοστή, ἡ Εκκλησία, ως Σώμα Χριστού και κοινωνία Αγίων; Αυτές οἱ πράξεις των Οικουμενιστών δεν φανερώνουν απόρριψη του Χριστιανισμού; Επίσης στην Γενεύη, ὁ Γενικός Γραμματέας του Π.Σ.Ε. Eugene Blake, κάλεσε τους ηγέτες όλων των θρησκειών σε μία ὑπερομολογιακή λειτουργία και προσευχή στον καθεδρικό Ναό του Αγίου Πέτρου, όπου ὁ καθένας προσευχήθηκε στη δική του γλώσσα και σύμφωνα με το τυπικό της θρησκείας του. Ἡ ενέργεια αυτή είχε σκοπό να συνυπάρξουν στην λατρεία του ίδιου Θεού.

Όλα αυτά γίνονται για τα συμφέροντα της Νέας Εποχής, και όχι γιὰ την «ἐν Χριστώ αλήθεια», τη ην «εν Αληθεία» ενότητα. Και όμως, το Ιερό Ευαγγέλιο του Χριστού διαψεύδει τις διάφορες προφάσεις και ενέργειες. Όταν οι Οικουμενιστές μας απορρίπτουν και μας περιφρονούν ως φανατικούς και φονταμενταλιστές, ότι δεν έχουμε «πέντε κλωνάρια μυαλό», να γνωρίζουν ότι απορρίπτουν και περιφρονούν τους Αγίους Αποστόλους και τους Αγίους της Εκκλησίας, τους οποίους μιμούμεθα. Αλλά απορρίπτουν και περιφρονούν και αυτόν τον Κύριον, ο οποίος μη θέλοντας να συνάξει οπαδούς θυσιάζοντας την αλήθεια είπε «Μη και ὑμεῖς θέλετε, ὑπάγειν» (Ιωάννης 6,48). Και δεν είναι μόνον αυτές οι προδοσίες των. Είναι πάρα πολλές που είναι δύσκολο να αναφερθούν σ ’αυτό το κείμενο, που γίνονται αιτία να διχάζεται το ποίμνιο της Εκκλησίας.

Αν αγαπούν τον Σωτήρα Χριστό και θυσιάζονται για την πίστη όπως οι προηγούμενοι Άγιοι Πατέρες, πρέπει να απορρίψουν τον Οικουμενισμό και να αντιμετωπίσουν σθεναρά τις δυνάμεις του κόσμου και τις μεθοδεύσεις του. Αλλ’ αυτό απαιτεί την αναβάπτισή μας στην Ορθόδοξη Παράδοσή μας, αλλά και την ενότητα όλων των Ορθοδόξων με την μετοχή στην άκτιστη Θεία Χάρη με τα Μυστήρια της Εκκλησίας. Η παρουσία της Ορθοδοξίας στο σύγχρονο κόσμο οφείλει να είναι πρωταρχικά Πνευματική και Λειτουργική. Η Θεία Λειτουργία, με όλη τη λατρεία μας, είναι ο σημαντικότερος θησαυρός μας, διότι περικλείει και διασώζει δυναμικά το φρόνημα και τη ζωή τῶν Ἁγίων μας, την πίστη και τον Θεϊκό νόμο και τρόπο της ύπαρξής μας. Αν υπάρχει κάτι το πολύτιμο εδώ εις την γῆν, για το οποίον αξίζει να δώσουμε τα πάντα και αυτήν την ζωή μας, είναι ἡ Ορθόδοξος Πίστη του Χριστού μας, τῶν Ἁγίων Αποστόλων, Μαρτύρων, Ιεραρχών, Οσίων, δικαίων καὶ πάντων τῶν Ἁγίων Πατέρων της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας μας.

Βαδίστε, λοιπόν, στα ίχνη τους και πάψτε νὰ σκανδαλίζετε τον πιστό λαό οδηγώντας αυτόν εις την ανυπακοή και τον αποτειχισμόν. Δὲν ἀντέχει άλλο νὰ βλέπει την ισοπέδωση του Χριστού στην πράξη, με τις διάφορες θεότητες. Δεν αντέχει άλλο να βλέπει την ταπείνωση τῆς Ορθοδοξίας. Δὲν ἀντέχει άλλο να βλέπει να ταυτίζεστε με τις δυνάμεις του κόσμου, διότι αγαπήσατε «την δόξα των ανθρώπων μάλλον ἢπὲρ την δόξα του Θεού» (Ιωάννης 12,19). Τί κατάπτωσής! Αλήθεια, σεις οι «ποιμένες» σε ποιόν θεόν πιστεύετε; Τα έργα σας φανερώνουν ότι πιστεύετε στον θεό του Οικουμενισμού που δεν είναι άλλος παρά ο εχθρός του Χριστού, ο Αντίχριστος! Η μήπως δεν γνωρίζετε ότι ο Οικουμενισμός είναι παναίρεσις και οι υπηρετούντες αυτόν είναι αιρετικοί; Πως έχετε λοιπόν την απαίτηση υπακοής από το ποίμνιο, τη στιγμή που το οδηγείτε «στο στόμα του λύκου»;

To Ιερό Ευαγγέλιο μας συμβουλεύει να μένουμε μακριά από τους κακούς ποιμένες, διότι είναι «λύκοι άρπαγες» (Ματθ 7,15) Τα πιστά μέλη της Εκκλησίας του Χριστού, δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να δείξουν υπακοή στους ανάξιους ποιμένες του Οικουμενισμού. Θα μείνουν σταθεροί στην πίστη και θα αγωνισθούν σθεναρά κατά των θεοκάπηλων προδοτών της Ορθοδοξίας και των Πατερικών Παραδόσεων. Μετανοήσατε! Μη γίνεσθε αρνησίχρηστοι, αρνούμενοι το φρόνημα τῶν Ἁγίων Πατέρων οι οποίοι ποτέ δεν συνθηκολόγησαν με αιρετικούς και άρχοντας του κόσμου τούτου σε θέματα πίστεως,

αλλά υπέστησαν τρομερά βασανιστήρια, ακόμη και θάνατον. Ο Κύριος μας παρέδωσε ΜΙΑ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ, που ομολογούμε στο Σύμβολο της Πίστεως, και μόνον αυτή ή Εκκλησία του Χριστού έχει τη Χάρι να οδηγεί στη σωτηρία της ψυχής.

Καμία θρησκεία εκτός της Ορθοδόξου Χριστιανικής, και καμία Χριστιανική ομολογία δύναται να οδηγήσει στη σωτηρία. Αυτό διδάσκει το Ευαγγέλιο του Χριστού, το οποίο δυστυχώς σεις οι Οικουμενιστές με τα έργα σας το διαγράφετε. Σας παρακαλούμε! Μη γίνεσθε θεομπαίχτες! Μη παραπληροφορείτε το ποίμνιο του Χριστού! Μὴ συνεχίζετε να σκανδαλίζετε τον πιστό λαό. Το ποτήρι της υπομονής του ξεχείλισε. Φοβηθείτε το Θεό, πού σταυρώθηκε και για τη σωτηρία σας. Μετανοήσατε… Δεν είναι αργά.

Scroll Down for English Version

For us Orthodox Christians, our identity is the Orthodox Faith – not the “Orthodoxy of the priests,” or the Orthodoxy of Ecumenist Hierarchs… but the Orthodoxy of Christ, the Holy Apostles, the Prophets, and the Holy Fathers. This is Orthodoxy, for which we must all struggle, and if need be, even give our lives, as did the millions of martyrs who witnessed for the Faith.

10 Martyrs of CreteThe genuine Orthodox Christian is not drawn to Ecumenism, which accepts Roman Catholicism or Protestantism as true churches to whom we must show co-operation and love. Yes, we must love them, but we must love in Truth because Divine Love is always united with Truth. God sends the power of His Love when He is worshiped “in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24) As Orthodox Christians we love everyone, and we desire that they come to know the Truth. This is what the “God of Love” teaches us. We do not hate anyone because of their heresy or infidelity to Christ, but we will also never love infidelity or heresy for the sake of any person, because that will alienate us from God.

Ecumenism tries to find common ground between the faith of Orthodoxy and heterodoxy, never considering the fundamental differences between the two. Ecumenism proclaims that there is salvation in all religions, thereby overturning the very foundation of the Christian faith and rejecting the teachings of Holy Scripture, which states, “It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth … Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:11-12)

Ecumenism even goes so far as to alter Orthodox worship. In Assisi, Orthodox Hierarchs participated in pan-religious events and joint prayers and eulogies with heterodox and even with non-Christians (Muslims and Jews). In Canberra, Australia, (6-3 General Assembly of the World Council of Churches), the Ecumenists even invited pagans and idol-worshippers to joint prayers to persuade the Orthodox conscience that deep down, a church is no different than a mosque in a person’s spirituality. How does this new belief not nullify our salvation in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit? If humanity’s salvation and theosis are possible elsewhere, then what is the purpose of the Old Testament Prophecies, the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, Pentecost, and the Church as the Body of Christ? Do these actions of the Ecumenists not demonstrate outright rejection of Christianity? Furthermore, in Geneva, the General Secretary of the WCC, Eugene Blake, invited the world’s religious leaders to a joint liturgy and prayer service at St. Peter’s Cathedral, where everyone prayed in their own language and according to their own confession of faith. The purpose of this was to unite everyone in common prayer to the same God, but not in truth.

All this is done in the interests of the New Age Movement, and not for “Truth in Christ,” or for unity “in Truth.”  And yet the Holy Gospel of Christ rejects as false such actions and pretexts.  When Ecumenists reject us, who uphold Holy Scripture, as fanatics and fundamentalists, they should realize that they not only scorn and reject the Holy Apostles and Saints of the Church, who we imitate, they even scorn and reject the Lord, Himself, who said. “will you also go away?” (John 6:67)

And yet, it is not only these betrayals which cause the flock to be divided, for there are too many others to be listed in this text. If our present-day hierarchs truly loved Christ the Saviour, they would act as did our Holy Fathers, by making sacrifices for the Orthodox Faith, rejecting Ecumenism, and vigorously opposing the idolatrous, blasphemous, and secular forces of this world. Such love demands a rebirth in Holy Orthodox Tradition, but also a unification of all Orthodox faithful through the Sacramental and Liturgical sharing of God’s uncreated Grace in the life of the Holy Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Icon Holy ChurchOrthodoxy’s presence in today’s world must first be Sacramental and Liturgical, a salvific way of life that is found only in the Orthodox Church, the only vessel that can carry us safely through every storm. It is only within this Church that one finds the greatest treasure – the experience of Divine Liturgy and all its worship. This infinite treasure encompasses and preserves the fulness of the Christian Faith, the Mind of God and His Laws as expressed by the Apostles and Holy Fathers, the lives of the Saints, and the meaning of our very existence. If there is anything of unlimited value in this world that is worthy of every sacrifice, even our very lives, it is the Orthodox Faith, which was given to us by Christ, fought for, preserved, and passed down to us by His Holy Apostles, Holy Fathers, Martyrs, Saints and every righteous man or woman of our Holy Orthodox Church.

Therefore, follow in their footsteps and stop scandalizing the Faithful by leading us towards disobedience, heresy, and spiritual failure.  We can no longer bear to watch the degradation and humiliation of Orthodoxy. We can no longer bear the belittling of Christ, the only true God, Whom you lower to the level of other false deities. Nor can we bear to see you consorting with the powers of this world, because you “love the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43).

What a great fall for you! In which god do you “shepherds” believe then? Your works show that you believe in the god of Ecumenism, who is none other than the enemy of Christ, the Antichrist, the god of the New Age. Do you not realize that Ecumenism is a pan-heresy that incorporates all other past and current heresies? How, therefore, can you expect obedience from your flock, when you are leading us to the “jaws of the wolf”? The Holy Gospel warns us to stay far away far from bad shepherds, for they are “ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15) The faithful members of the Orthodox Church of Christ, will never submit to the unworthy shepherds of Ecumenism. They will remain steadfast to the True Faith and will fight vigorously against the traitors of Orthodoxy and her Holy Traditions.

Repent, therefore! Don’t be obstinate in your denial of the phronema and mindset of the Holy Fathers, who never compromised the Faith with heretics and the rulers of this world. Instead, they preferred to endure torture and even death, to uphold The Truth. The Lord, Himself, gave us our Orthodox Church, which we confess in the Creed; and it is only this Church of Christ that has the Grace to lead us to salvation. No other religion or Christian denomination can do this because only Orthodoxy rightly teaches the Gospel of Christ, which you, Ecumenists, distort and undermine. Please stop deceiving the flock of Christ! Stop scandalizing the faithful! Our cup of patience has overflowed. Fear God, Who was also crucified for your salvation. Repent! … before it is too late.

The Lie of Ecumenism

The first duty of every Orthodox Christian is to defend his faith publicly and to be prepared to accept threats, persecution, ridicule, contempt, and so on. He must be particularly sensitive to Ecumenism, which subverts the only correct belief in the one, true God. The learned Hagiorite monk, Theoklitos Dionysiatis, used many examples to expose how devastating Ecumenism is for Orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the pan-heresy of Ecumenism is encouraged and preserved by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, in the hopes that it will become the lifeboat of this critical and highly dangerous era of ours. Clearly this constitutes a delusion, which many clergy and theologians are unable to abandon.

Ecumenism is a cocktail of various peculiar religious beliefs and eccentric philosophies. It is unacceptable syncretism. Everything fits within it – truth and lies, Orthodoxy and heresy. Ecumenism resembles a collapsing roof, beneath which exists everything that humankind can think of. It is a lie most difficult to discern, yet an attractive lie, which tests the conscience, one’s determination, and one’s faith. It is a charming “nothing”, which takes on an existential “hypostasis” within the soul of those who have not experienced the fullness of Orthodoxy, and who have not found “rest for their souls” (Orthodox studies, 1974, pg. 102)

Ecumenism is not [just] a movement that is casually being promoted by certain “foolish individuals of ambition.” It has a clear, global purpose, which if pondered upon, is shocking. Its construct is demonic, for “it claims that there is no truth in anything. With its mosaic composition, it promises to solve all of mankind’s problems. It comprises the means of a new view of life. It is Godless within its own polytheism. It is irreverent in its acceptance of all the irreverent ones under its roof. It sees fragments of truth everywhere – fragments of a broken mirror – which it aspires to unite. It does not accept a personal God and refuses to accept authentic, divinely inspired doctrines. It does not believe in any revealed Truth. [According to Ecumenism] there is no single absolute Truth but rather many imperfect [truths].”

[Recall how on July 15, 2021, Archbishop Elpidophoros, a representative of the Patriarch of Constantinople, stated that all religions are equal, and one should not be put above the other. According to him “all religions are myriads of paths leading to one God”. (UOJ News, Union of Orthodox Journalists, July 19, 2021)]

Furthermore, Ecumenism does not upset anyone; it does not acknowledge the existence of homelands or religions. [In its view] there is only an ambiguous god. Its goal is one universal religion. In other words, ‘let the people have their gods, even if they are idol-worshiping pagans’, provided there are no fanaticisms, so that world peace may prevail, and those most guilty of the misfortunes of the world might have an unrestricted playing field, and undisturbed activity, to take advantage of nations and keep them under oppression and in total dependency.

Therefore, in the face of this great danger – the pan-heresy of Ecumenism – vigilance and a courageous mindset are needed, as well as public outcry and dynamic resistance [to its tenets].

Archpriest, Father Dionysios Tatsis

The National Security State versus the Orthodox Faith

The following post was originally published as part of Why the US National Security State’s Orthodox Christian Obsession? That is a very lengthy post, and there was concern among some readers that the information below was not getting the exposure it deserves. After multiple requests, we are publishing just this section as a stand-alone piece dedicated to the topics of undermining the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Faith generally. 

For those who have not read the original article, here is what is meant by the word: “blob” used below:

The US National Security State is so lavishly funded that it has swallowed up almost all of society (media, Pharma, manufacturing, technology, NGOs, foundations, education, research, development, religious organizations, non-profits, think tanks). Many analysts openly refer to this interlocking system of control as the blob.

Isolate and Neuter as Much of the Russian Orthodox Church as Possible

The actual Russian Church on Russian soil is out of reach for the blob. Protected by a formidable Russian military and security establishment, armed even with nuclear weapons, the Russian Church at worst sustains pin pricks from the blob.

However, the Russian Orthodox Church also operates on foreign territories where she is way more vulnerable. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, though it was self-governing for decades before the war, was considered part of the canonical territory of Moscow. Since 2022, the UOC has been undergoing horrific persecution at the hands of the government in Kiev. Her lawyer, Robert Amsterdam, revealed in February 2024 that his team had learned from the Assistant Secretary of State under President Trump that the destruction of the UOC was a primary goal of US policy. The UOC had refused to fully break with Moscow (before the war, a formal break in May 2022 did occur as a result of the fighting), refused to be a nationalist propaganda organization, and had refused to embrace the modern American “democratic” agenda (LGBTQ, drug legalization, Climate Change, anti-Russian extremism, abortion). To crush this “disobedience” to the dictates of the National Security State, a plot was hatched involving former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, and the US Government to create a compliant replacement for the UOC (the so-called “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”) and then to destroy the canonical church.

According to Amsterdam, thanks to a traitorous Patriarch Bartholomew, the UOC has become the “target of a vicious and unlimited campaign of intimidation, perpetrated by the Ukrainian authorities.” Independent third parties, such as the UN, have reported on the violence and persecution against the UOC. The vast majority of canonical Orthodox Christians in the world have continued to support the UOC.

Paschal Homily of Metropolitan Onuphry in 2023 to the suffering Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Of course, the US justifies all this under the guise of combatting the “soft power” (a phrase repeated ad nauseum in anti-Orthodox hit pieces) the Russian Orthodox Church represents for the nefarious Putin regime. Of course, if the blob’s entire rule were not based on economic exploitation and the immoral destruction of civil society, perhaps such “soft power” would be less of a threat? Or, perhaps if “democratically” elected leaders better represented the concerns of the majority of their constituents, rather than those of sexual and other minorities, such “soft power” would also be less of a threat? No one really explores such questions, as the answers would threaten the power of the blob. Better to try and “cancel” the Orthodox Church instead.

Ukraine was just the beginning. Government meddling in the affairs of local Orthodox Churches has now spread to Estonia, home to hundreds of thousands of ethnic Russians who are also canonically Orthodox. Estonia, a member of NATO, is trying to break the ties between its local Orthodox Church and the Russian Church:

The Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (MPEÕK) cannot continue its activities under the jurisdiction of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, who has threatened Western countries, including Estonia, and called for the killing of Ukrainians, said Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets (SDE).


“Looking at what he has said, what their (MPEÕK – ed.) boss has said, what difference is left between a Muslim religious leader who suggests that everyone in the West needs to be slaughtered and Moscow Patriarch Kirill who says that every Ukrainian needs to be killed and that they’re in a holy war against all other religions,” Läänemets told ERR Friday.


Läänemets said that while the synod’s position is acceptable and constitutes movement in the right direction, “the problem remains. It does not solve the problem because the church’s head in Moscow, in whose jurisdiction it remains, is still Patriarch Kirill,” he added.


“The problem will be solved once this subordination is no more. How they’ll do it, whether the decision will be made in Moscow or whether they’ll make it in Estonia, I cannot say,” the minister said. “Words must be followed by actions. We cannot be completely sure they are being sincere until that happens,” Läänemets noted.

So much for freedom of religion and free association. Or even simple honesty, as Moscow Patriarch Kirill has never said that every Ukrainian needs to be killed. In fact, Orthodox bishops never call for anyone to be killed. As for a Russian Orthodox Holy War, that is not against the Ukrainians. It is against the blob itself.

The blob will, of course, make sure that the Estonian Orthodox Church compliantly separates from Moscow. Either that, or it will be replaced as in Ukraine. And after the Orthodox Christians in Estonia are isolated, then will come the demands for them to “modernize”. Just as in Ukraine, where even blob official news outlets admit that the persecution of the UOC is not really about a no longer existing tie to the Russian Church, but is really about the acceptance of gay sex:

One of the largest American media, NBC News , claims to have found out the reason for the persecution of the UOC . According to journalists, believers and priests are oppressed and discredited because they are the most ardent opponents of LGBT people.


The material says that Kyiv accuses Orthodox priests of spying for Moscow, but they deny such accusations.


Journalists also cite the words of LGBT activist Maxim Mishkin, who called believers and priests of the UOC “the most anti-gay people in Ukraine.”

First they came for the UOC, then the Estonians. We should expect the blob to come for all Orthodox Christians everywhere they can reach. As Greek Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis has warned, this looks like a global campaign against all of Orthodoxy:

The aim of the heretical West, incited by the Devil, is to, in time, dismantle the Orthodox Church, that is, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and to de-Christianize the Orthodox East, as it has already de-Christianized itself.

Just breaking ties between Moscow and historically related Orthodox Churches is not enough. That is nibbling at the edges, no matter how successful the efforts are to force the newly isolated Orthodox Christians to embrace US-sanctioned “modernity”.

The blob needs to completely discredit the Russian Orthodox Church.

To that end, paid, kept, Western Orthodox academics, journalists, and clergy are highly useful. This includes the Fordham University dwellers of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center. They are currently running a petition asking religious leaders to denounce the Russian Orthodox Church:

These pressing issues are amplified within the context of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. From the very beginning, this conflict took on a distinctive character, in which Russia, a nation primarily identifying itself as Orthodox Christian, invaded Ukraine, another predominantly Christian nation, without any immediate provocation from the side of the latter. Ironically, citizens of both countries were, until recently, affiliated with one and the same Orthodox Church.


It is of utmost importance to emphasize that President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, alongside Russia’s politicians and soldiers, has not only violated their international obligations. More profoundly, he has committed a blasphemy against God. This pertains to individuals who identify themselves as Christians and who often criticize the West for deviating from Christian values. Despite engaging in the construction of new churches and monasteries, lighting candles, fervent prayer, participation in sacraments, and partaking of Holy Communion, these individuals paradoxically compound their sins by issuing orders for murders, personally engaging in war crimes, and publicly justifying actions that run contrary to humanity and the Creator.


The support of this “hybrid war” of unprovoked aggression, the justification of its violence, and the persecution of any priest and believer who speaks the truth against the war—all these committed acts demonstrate a conscious and deliberately-argued position. All these testify to the extent that the Russian Orthodox Church has deviated from the Gospel and preaches something alternative to the Word of God. All Christians must critically ask whether the teaching preached publicly and unabashedly by the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church is indeed the true message of the Christ event.


We beseech you to actively and immediately engage with the appropriate international institutions to facilitate the establishment of an international task force dedicated to holding accountable, through sincere and impartial analysis, those bishops, priests, and laity within the Russian Orthodox Church whose statements, testimonials, sermons, communications, and fabrications have sanctioned and bestowed divine approval upon violence, war, and aggression against the people of Ukraine.


Numerous publications have meticulously analyzed these distressing facts, underscoring the urgency for a formalized initiative that compels the attention of Churches and cannot be disregarded. Your active engagement in establishing such an entity will be a significant step toward addressing these critical issues at an institutional level.


A Church that only outwardly remains “Christian” but has lost its evangelical spirit cannot be a sister to those Churches and communities that follow the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The endeavors elucidated above transcend a mere conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church. Rather, they embody a dedicated striving on its behalf—for the Church, for the community of believers guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, liberated from deceptive political theology and detrimental religious ideology. Progressing resolutely toward genuine peace requires the fearless proclamation of truth, regardless of the inherent challenges it may pose.


You are summoned to denounce injustices, advocate for repentance and atonement, and actively seek transformative change within the temporal realm. We ask you, our pastors, to courageously proclaim the inconvenient yet profound truth.

According to the official narrative, the Russian Orthodox Church is not really a “church” so much as a state-supported shill for unprovoked Russian aggression. The Russian Church has betrayed the Gospel and is worthy only of loathing and condemnation, just like the Russian Government which controls it. (That traditionalist Orthodox “betray” the modern Gospel of Inclusion is a charge leveled at all of us, not just the Russian Church.) Further, the Russian Church outwardly looks “Orthodox”, but has really been infested with evil.

So nothing to admire here you mistaken Westerners. Liars, crooks, and murderers the whole lot of them. Just move along, embrace the WOKE agenda, and be the demoralized slaves the blob needs you to be. Slava Ukraini!

That none of this is true is completely irrelevant to those whose ultimate source of funding, and ultimate object of loyalty, is the blob. That the war in Ukraine was deliberately provoked by the West, that the government in Kiev persecutes Christians, and that the Russian Orthodox Church has absolutely not endorsed or committed war crimes are all truths that the “Orthodox Fifth Column” will never admit. Instead, they will keep pushing this false narrative as long as the blob feels threatened by the moral stature of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Ruin What You Can Reach

While the core of the Russian Orthodox Church is beyond the reach of the blob, the Patriarchate of Constantinople is firmly under its control. For us in the West, this is the source of our greatest danger. If the blob can’t stop traditionalist-minded Westerners from seeking inspiration from Orthodoxy, then perhaps it can ruin it so that no one cares about it anymore. In this drive to destroy the Orthodox Faith in the West, the blob can rely on more than a few Orthodox collaborators.

To ruin Orthodoxy, there must be substantial changes to teaching and practice that will make the “official” looking church no longer the actual church. Before we look at some of those necessary changes, let us recognize that the Patriarchate of Constantinople unilaterally doing the things below would probably result in a global schism.

If you are trying to destroy Orthodoxy as a competing worldview, however, breaking the unity of the Church is most definitely a benefit.

With that in mind, here are some of the distinctive things about the Orthodox Church the blob is trying to be rid of.

The Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

There is one true path to God, and that is through the Church founded by His Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ. Further, the Orthodox Church teaches that she, herself, is the Israel of God – not a secular country in the Middle East currently committing unspeakable crimes. Such calm assurance of unchanging truth is attractive to Westerners, besieged as they are on all sides by uncertainty and doubt.

So that has to go, and the vehicle to get rid of it is the ecumenical movement, particularly through engagement with Rabbinic Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church. Through this movement of “dialog” and “cooperation”, changes can be made to the Orthodox Faith and to her claims about herself. Changes that make Orthodoxy just like all the other failed “religions” of the West, and thus removes the threat Orthodoxy poses for the blob.

To start with, the Church’s vision of herself as the continuation of Israel, and thus her hostility to both the Talmud and Zionism, has got to go! But don’t worry, the blob has people working on that right now. One of them is Eugen J. Peniuc, professor and author of The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition. Pentiuc is the Dean (under Constantinople) of Holy Cross Seminary and a modernizing influence par excellence. The information below is taken from a review of his book, with screen captures of his actual words following:

He urges both Orthodox hierarchs and the grass-roots faithful to take a stand against ‘these perilous teachings,’ beginning with a plea to revise anti-Jewish statements in hymns and liturgy, especially those on Good Friday. He refers favorably to the changes Pope John XXIII instigated in the Roman Catholic church when he interrupted the 1959 Good Friday liturgy to ask that the adjective ‘perfidious’ be removed from the prayer for the Jews (39–40). This section exemplifies two notable aspects of the many that make Pentiuc’s book so valuable: it acknowledges the unsavory treatment Jews and their scriptures have suffered at the hands of Christians, and it puts Orthodoxy into conversation with the Western church in a refreshingly sanguine fashion. At the same time, Pentiuc suggests that a mild Christian supersessionism may be unavoidable if the Orthodox church is to remain consistent with its historical hermeneutics, which it most certainly will do. Christian triumphalism, on the other hand, is ‘easily discarded,’ and the author punctuates his point with a nod to Ephrem the Syrian: ‘Humility is so powerful that even the all-conquering God did not conquer without it.’ Pentiuc argues that the strongest blow against supersessionism is in fact the complementarity of the two biblical testaments. As Origen wrote, there is one God, whose main attributes are love and justice, and both attributes are present in both testaments (59). Pentiuc gracefully allows his readers to draw the connection between Origen’s dictum and the Mount Sinai icon that introduced the book for themselves.

The above passages point the way towards what is called “dual covenant” theology (Jews are saved by being Jews, Christians through Christ). This is a radical innovation in Church teaching. Pentiuc’s book also endorses serious liturgical changes, postulates that Rabbinic Jews understand the Old Testament better than the Orthodox Church, and calls for rooting out antisemitism, even when that means censoring / suppressing historical writings such as those of St. John Chrysostom. The Church must change, says Pentiuc, to be more acceptable to Rabbinic Jews. This man is Dean of an Orthodox Seminary, not just some random academic.

As noted by Pentiuc in his book, liturgical and other reforms to make a Christian body more acceptable to Rabbinic Jews have already occurred in the Roman Catholic Church:

It’s well known that the Catholic Church put many restrictions on Jewish power and influence historically, such as totally barring them from positions of power during the Fourth Lateran Council. This Jewish anxiety over Christian antisemitism has led the ADL to take significant interest in even obscure issues of the Church, such as the use of the Latin Mass. After restrictions on the Latin Mass were lifted by Pope Benedict XVI, the ADL released a lengthy complaint, including references to the Church’s “2,000-year history of anti-Semitism” and the “great suffering and pain imposed on the Jews by the church through the centuries,” and finally summarized by stating how “The wider use of the Latin Mass will make it more difficult to implement the doctrines of Vatican II and Pope John Paul II, and could even set in motion retrograde forces within the church on the subject of the Jews, none of which are in the interest of either the church or the Jewish people.”

Do the proponents of the Latin Mass realize that Jewish groups are, at least partially, responsible for not only the Vatican II liturgical reforms, but also the continuing suppression of the TLM? How is this all working out for the Roman Catholics? Does anyone think it will work any better for the Orthodox, should we go down that path? Constantinople trying this on its own will no doubt lead to a serous schism. But, then again, maybe for the blob that is exactly the point?

Pentiuc is not alone in his desire to remake the Orthodox Church into a more Jewish-friendly institution. Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Archdiocese has also been concerned about an increase in antisemitism:

“I am worried by the spread of antisemitism internationally,” Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, spiritual leader of Greek Orthodox faithful in North and South America, told an audience in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city.


He added that he is particularly worried that “the ointment of the Church does not heal wounds, but spreads the fire” of antisemitism, though he didn’t give any specific examples.


“Evil has a name, an identity and a history, and it is called fascism and Nazism. … It has no relation to Christian theology despite the efforts of some to dress their far-right ideology with the cloak of Christianity,” Elpidophoros said.

Emphasis added to make sure the reader spots the same ideas as in Pentiuc’s writing. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Holy Cross. The same board that appointed Pentiuc to his current position. The Archbishop and the academic are obviously on the same page when it comes to modifying the Orthodox Faith in regards to her traditional teachings on Rabbinic Judaism.

An interesting tidbit concerning Pentiuc is that part of his work at Holy Cross was underwritten by a grant from the Lilly Endowment:

Holy Cross recently received a grant of $ 1,125,995 from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its Compelling Preaching Initiative to help establish The Scriptorium: Preaching and Teaching the Word of God in a Digital Age, the proposal for which was designed and written by Fr. Pentiuc in consultation with Dr. James C. Skedros, outgoing Interim Dean of Holy Cross, and Dn. Gary Alexander, HCHC’s Vice President for Administration and Finance. The aim of the initiative is to foster and support preaching that inspires, encourages, and guides people to come to know and love God and to live out their Christian faith more fully.

The use of foundation money to “buy” results from academics is something Orthodox Reflections has explored before.

As a last example of the anti-“antisemitism” movement within Patriarchate of Constantinople-affiliated Churches, please see the announcement below:

The Holy Synod was informed that the MoC was signed on 27 February in Nicosia between the Orthodox Church of Greece, the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, the Church of Greece, the Ministries of Education of Greece and Cyprus, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece (KIS) and the Jewish Museum of Greece (JMG). It provides for the implementation of actions aimed at preserving the memory of the Holocaust and combating anti-Semitism and any form of racism.


In addition, the Holy Synod was informed that the Church of Greece’s Inter-Orthodox Centre was invited specifically as the only representative of Greece to attend the European Practitioners Network against Antisemitism (EPNA), which includes organizations from the entire European Union.

All of this focus on combatting “antisemitism” in the Orthodox Church really astounds given the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Most Palestinian Christians are Orthodox. Hundreds of them are in Gaza, and an historic Orthodox Church there was bombed by the IDF with serious loss of life.  Thousands of Palestinian Orthodox Christians are suffering oppression under brutal Israeli occupation in the West Bank. The Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch are speaking out against these atrocities on a daily basis. On the other hand, the Patriarchate of Constantinople and related Churches feel the need to focus on combatting “antisemitism”, which is evidently just as bad as mass murder.

Thank God the blob seems to have less control over Tucker Carlson than over the Patriarchate of Constantinople. (Click here for Carlson’s show on Christian persecution in Israel.)

The ecumenical movement within the Orthodox Church is not just fixated on changing our truth claims associated with Rabbinic Judaism. We are also barreling towards ever closer ties to the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew have now published a book together on environmentalism, of course.

The Atlantic magazine, one of the most official of all the mouthpieces for the blob, just ran a glowing comparison between the “modernizing” of Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew versus the “bastion of militancy” to be found in Moscow under Patriarch Kirill:

On one side, Bartholomew has spent three decades trying to make Orthodoxy more compatible with the modern liberal world. He openly urges the faithful to accept evolution and other scientific tenets. He has been a passionate advocate for environmental protection. And, like Pope Francis, he has quietly promoted a more accepting attitude toward homosexuality. But Bartholomew’s power is more limited than the pope’s. There are eight other Orthodox patriarchs, each of whom presides over a national or regional Church, and Bartholomew’s role is that of “first among equals.”


Kirill, who heads by far the largest national Church, has made it into a bastion of militancy. He has given the war against Ukraine his full-throated support, and some of his priests go further, preaching about the glory of firing Grad rockets and dying in battle for Russia. Kirill’s tediously Manichaean tirades—about saintly Russia defending “traditional values” against the gay-pride parades of the decadent West—are much more than a justification for Putin’s autocracy. His anti-modern ideology has become an instrument of soft power that is eagerly consumed by conservatives across the Orthodox world as well as by right-wing figures in Europe (such as Hungary’s Viktor Orbán). It has even won adherents in the United States, where some evangelicals and right-wing Catholics seek a stronger hand in the culture wars.

When everyone, even a writer for the Atlantic, realizes that Patriarch Bartholomew is closer to Pope Francis than to a fellow Orthodox Patriarch, the handwriting is on the wall. The divide is real, and the blob fully intends to keep pushing the Orthodox patriarchates further apart, and Constantinople ever closer to Rome. Recently, the Patriarch of Constantinople expressed a desire that Christians in the East and the West begin celebrating Easter on a “unified date” rather than adhere to separate Lenten calendars:

“It is a scandal to celebrate separately the unique event of the one resurrection of the one Lord,” Patriarch Bartholomew I, who holds the title “first among equals” in Eastern Orthodoxy, said in a recent homily, according to Orthodox Times.


The ecumenical patriarch made the comments during a homily on March 31, which marked Easter on the Western calendar and the second Sunday of Lent on the Eastern calendar.


“We extend a heartfelt greeting of love to all Christians around the world who celebrate holy Easter today,” Bartholomew said during the homily. “We beseech the Lord of Glory that the forthcoming Easter celebration next year will not merely be a fortuitous occurrence but rather the beginning of a unified date for its observance by both Eastern and Western Christianity.”

Changing Orthodox teaching on the Church as Israel, purging our liturgies of “antisemitic” references, suppressing the “antisemitic” writings of our saints, and aligning calendars will all bring Constantinople closer to the Roman Catholic Church, while almost assuredly completely severing any remaining ties with Moscow, and a large portion of the rest of the Orthodox world as well.

Well done, blob. Well, done.

We could list many, many other reasons for concern about the growing ties between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Roman Catholicism (encouraged and funded by the blob, of course), but we are already running long in this article as it is.

Time to Welcome the LGBTQ and the God of Democracy!

LGBTQ issues would seem to be settled in the Orthodox Church. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Sex outside of marriage is a sin. The case seems pretty air tight. In fact, when Greece became the first Christian Orthodox-majority country to legalize “same-sex marriage”, the Church’s reaction was swift and strong. Met. Seraphim of Piraeus was just one of the hierarchs who publicly excommunicated Greek MPs who had voted for same-sex marriage: “No, no, no we will not accept those who do this. To fall away from the Christian faith, it is a betrayal of Christ. And unfortunately, it would be better if they had not been born.” His Eminence also, “raised issues of overturning human ontology and physiology by implementing the woke agenda, which aims to deconstruct Christian doctrine, ethics and culture.”

But for the blob, gay sex is a sacrament. The refusal of the Church to normalize and bless it cannot be allowed to stand. Luckily, the blob has allies within Orthodoxy for whom gay sex, women’s ordination, and transgenderism are very much open questions in need of dialog and “engagement”. The description below is from a video produced by the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham:

Orthodox Christians are called, first and foremost, to love all—for “God is love.” But the reality for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Orthodox Christians today is that their relationship to the Church is defined not by love but by apathy, exclusion, and condemnation. As a faith, we must choose love and compassion—to “love thy neighbor”— instead. This requires no change of faith, but a fuller, more compassionate understanding of what our faith in loving God truly requires of us.


We are pleased to present this conversation about ministering to LGBTQ+ Christians. Drs. Christina Traina of Fordham University and Ashely Purpura of Purdue University discuss the opportunities, challenges, and resources for ministry among LGBTQ+ faithful. “We cannot say we are loving God & be cruel to the people who we encounter in our lives. If you are not letting that love transform you & your relationships, then I do not know what Orthodoxy is.”

The video is below. From endorsing rogue do-it-yourself Orthodox same-sex “weddings” and female ordinations, to speculating on transgender saints, to casting aspersions on the celibacy of monks and nuns, to speculating on the future of polyamory within Orthodoxy – packing this much blasphemy into a single video is truly a satanic tour de force.

The probable key, to eventually changing so much Orthodox teaching in the West, could be summed up in one word (a favorite of the blob) – Democracy! Many “Orthodox” hierarchs, clergy, and academics speak glowingly of liberal democracy heralding the dawn of a Golden Age of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Once the people, as manipulated and controlled by the blob, have spoken through their Democratic God, then we mere mortals have no choice but to comply. An example of the obsequiousness of some “Orthodox” hierarchs towards democracy and the US political order are the remarks of Archbishop Elpidophoros at the ceremony in the White House honoring Greek Independence in 2024:

In addition to these democratic ideals, which are sadly being diminished around the globe, we are here to acclaim and remember those whose commitment to the cause of liberty and democracy cost them the dearest price of all – their lives: The Immortal Heroes of 1821, who like those of 1776 and those of every generation who have been willing to lay “so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom.” We say “Eternal Memory” to all our brave warriors for peace and justice.


Mr. President, you have long been a close and trusted friend of the Greek-American family, and we consider you to be one of our very own, even from those very early days in Wilmington. But you are so much more than our beloved friend.


As President of our Great Country, you have led the world in championing freedom and the sovereignty of Nations. You continue to be the leading advocate for the cause of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, who are still fighting two years later for their very lives against the unjust and inhuman invasion of their land. You continue to stand with Ukraine and for your unbreakable and unshakeable support, we are very grateful indeed.


Also, as sons and daughters of the Mother Church of Constantinople, whose longest serving leader in history, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, counts you, Mr. President, as a beloved friend – we thank you for your unwavering support of the purely spiritual mission of our Ecumenical Patriarchate.


Mr. President, we thank you for your commitment to Greece and to Cyprus, and for a just and peaceful solution to this Island Nation, that has been scarred by a violent invasion and forced division for half a century, a solution that will abide by the international law and a rules-based international order. We are on your side, Mr. President, just as you are on the side of democracy and liberty.


May God bless you, Mr. President, together with the First Lady, your family, and our Nation’s armed forces, with health, long life, His abiding grace, and His invincible strength.

How can an Orthodox hierarch openly discuss an “altar of Freedom”? Orthodox temples have altars. They are not dedicated to human freedom, but to God. This phrase makes no sense, except as a nationalist sentiment in which we don’t worship God, but some kind of manifestation of the liberal world order of the blob. Given our history in Orthodoxy of royal saints, this phrasing couldn’t be more out of place. Orthodoxy can work within almost any system of government, but there is precious little in the history of liberal democracy to commend it as spiritually superior in any way. We also see in the speech his fawning over Biden. Archbishop Elpidophoros is extremely prone to sucking up to powerful men, be they presidents, political operators, or business tycoons. Extra points if they have Greek heritage!

The short speech was like a National Security State “buzzword bingo” card. Praise for “democratic ideals”? Check! Praise for the US? Check! Praise for President Biden personally? Check! Cover up Ukrainian persecution of the Orthodox Church? Check! Blame the war in Ukraine solely on the Russians? Check! Talk glowingly about the rules-based international order? Check! Freedom and democracy? Check! Praise the armed forces of the United States? Check!

Does any rationally thinking person believe Archbishop Elpidophoros would ever stand up to any dictates of the blob he so enthusiastically serves? Of course not. Whatever the “democratic” will of the people dictates, that he shall do. “We must marry same-sex couples, ordain women, oppose any form of patriotism or border control, support the availability of abortions, and forever be continuously open to changing anything and everything about our Orthodox Faith! Otherwise, we will be guilty of discrimination under democratically enacted laws! Are we a Church that preaches the Gospel of love, or a far-right extremist organization?”

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

Why the US National Security State’s Orthodox Christian Obsession?

Russia is not just an enemy of the West. Russia, and her Orthodox Church, are the enemy of the West. Russia, under her deranged dictator Vladimir Putin, is out to destroy everything the West stands for. The war in Ukraine, unless the rampaging Mongol Hordes are stopped, is just a prelude to invading Europe. Only the might and financial resources of NATO, led by the United States, can save the world!

Thus was it in the beginning. Is now. And ever shall be. That is, at least until Russia is defeated, broken up, and stripped for spare parts.

But, why? Independent analysts, politicians, world leaders, and thinkers of all stripes very much doubt the truth of the preceding narrative. As President Trump asked, during the 2016 election season, “Why can’t we get along with Russia?” Even the Obama administration had tried to improve relations with Russia at one point, offering the famous “reset”. Not anymore.  Almost two full presidential terms since Trump asked that pertinent question, the official fearmongering around Russia is higher than ever.


Money, power, and control. Russia is the only remotely believable justification for our trillion dollar system of “national security”. A system that completely owns and runs America. In the last 20 year period, the US has spent $14 TRILLION on foreign interventions. Our military budget, everything included, exceeds $1 trillion a year. The total for Ukraine has been over $100 billion in just the past two years. There is so much money sloshing around, that the Pentagon routinely announces having “lost track” of billions of dollars. No one bats an eye. More just keeps getting allocated.

Being even remotely related to “National Security” means never being accountable for anything.

Americans know our tax dollars get converted into ships, missiles, tanks, artillery, aircraft, satellites, spy networks, drones, etc. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that Americans have no clue about. For example, the US has an enormous, secretive, bioweapons program whose size and funding over the last two decades have exploded. According to RFK Jr.’s research, 13,000 scientists around the world are currently employed by it, funded by unknown billions (trillions?) of dollars, working in some 400 labs. What are they working on? The holy grail of warfare – bioweapons that can decimate the enemy while new vaccines are developed to protect our own population against them.

The influence of this massive bioweapons apparatus was shown during COVID. Our COVID responses were labeled “countermeasures” and were ordered by the US Department of Defense (DOD) in partnership with the HHS. On its own, HHS did not have the authority to sign contracts for hundreds of millions of novel medical products. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted in its July 2021 report on “Covid-19 Contracting:” HHS “partnered” with DoD to “leverage DoD’s Other Transaction Authorities (OTA)…which HHS lacked.” (p. 24)

Acting as separate federal agencies within the limits of their authorities, neither HHS nor DOD would have been able to order 100 million doses of unapproved, untested “vaccine”. So they “partnered” in order to break the constraints of their authorities.

Isn’t government of the people, by the people, and for the people a wonderful thing? How would the US public have reacted, had more people realized the DoD oversaw the development, manufacture, and distribution of the COVID countermeasures, and not the “public health” establishment?

Unfortunately, most Americans still have no clue about any of that. The censorship has simply been too extensive. Mike Benz, the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, dropped these truths in a chilling podcast with Tucker Carlson:

  • “What I’m essentially describing is military rule. What’s happened with the rise of the censorship industry is a total inversion of the idea of democracy itself.”
  • “Democracy is getting the NGOs to agree with Blackrock, to agree with the Wall Street Journal, to agree with the community and activist groups who are onboarded with respect to a particular initiative.”
  • “The fundamental nature of war changed [with Crimea’s annexation]. And NATO, at that point, declared something that they first called the Gerasimov doctrine… All you need to do is control the media and the social media ecosystem, because that’s what controls elections.”
  • “Google began as a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) grant by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were Stanford PhDs… and then became a military contractor.”
  • “NATO was publishing white papers saying that the biggest threat NATO faces is not actually a military invasion from Russia. It’s losing domestic elections across Europe to all these right-wing populist groups.” – (Watch for more on this below.)

Why is the CIA trying to close down a conservative financial news Website? 

Speaker Johnson believes so strongly in limited government that he supports the FBI being able to break the law. Why do the policies never change, no matter who is officially “in charge”?

Under the guise of protecting the West from the “Russian threat”, the National Security State can exercise extreme censorship, buy journalistic access, spy on anyone, publish blatant lies, manipulate elections, set up blackmail schemes, and then just cover it all up. Politicians, of course, get in on the act. Lost an election? Must be Russian interference. Incriminating evidence found? Must be a Russian intelligence operation. As long as there is a veneer of “democracy” behind which to hide, who is ever going to be the wiser?

Even when people are exposed to the truth, they often dismiss what is happening directly before their eyes. How could any of this be true? How could “they” get away with all this?

Money. Great big, huge piles of filthy money. The US National Security State is so lavishly funded that it has swallowed up almost all of society (media, Pharma, manufacturing, technology, NGOs, foundations, education, research, development, religious organizations, non-profits, think tanks). Many analysts openly refer to this interlocking system of control as the blob.

Unlimited control. Unlimited budgets. Forget being king, this is power on a godlike level.

Power that is predicated on Americans, and Westerners in general, accepting that Russia is such an existential threat that we have to believe, fund, and follow those who are “protecting” us from the evil Mongol Horde.

Which brings us to a really big problem for the National Security State and all the pigs feeding from that seemingly bottomless trough of sweet, sweet tax payer money. Many Westerners, particularly middle and working class Americans, don’t feel threatened by Russia anymore.

The blob, it turns out, is really bad at running things. Whether that is by accident or by design is debatable. What is not debatable is that a whole lot of very normal Americans are sick of wars, inflation, debt, lack of well-paying jobs, poor health care, poisoned food, collapsing infrastructure, unchecked migration, crime, collapsing morals, the constant LGBTQ propaganda, transgenderism everywhere, bad schools, censorship, and loss of privacy. Above all, we are sick of feeling like our government hates us and wants us dead.

Many Americans don’t believe anymore that the West is spreading goodness and truth around the world. We aren’t the good guys. Our wars all end up lost, fought for reasons that make no sense, and with horrific consequences. What it means to be a patriotic American has been turned on its head.

Citizens of Western countries know things are dangerously off kilter, but they have no idea what to do about it. In truth, Western citizens are so beaten down and demoralized that they can no longer even imagine a better world. A world in which their societies are being built up, instead of torn down. A world in which their leaders care about them.

But then there is Russia, which seems like a beacon of sanity in an insane world. Not only are many Westerners losing their fear of Russia, they are actually seeing it as a possible role model for revitalizing their own failing civilizations!

The blob has noticed that even formerly stalwart supporters of the National Security State, such as American Evangelicals, are asking uncomfortable questions while rejecting the National Security “narrative”. Knowing a threat to its power when it sees one, the blob is deploying journalists to write about Americans with the utter gall to openly admire a nation that they have been explicitly commanded to fear and vilify.

One such effort is called ‘Crisis of masculinity’: The American Right’s bromance with Vladimir Putin by Cristina Maza, the National Security Correspondent of the National Journal:

Nevertheless, a growing number of right-wing Americans view Putin as an attractive leader and a symbol of moral purity. And some are even converting to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, known as ROCOR. This phenomenon was on display when popular right-wing media personality Tucker Carlson traveled to Russia in February to conduct a fawning interview with Putin, allowing the Russian leader to pontificate about Moscow’s imperial ambitions for hours. Carlson’s interview might be the most high-profile example of the Right’s adoration of Putin. But a growing body of research suggests that admiration for the Russian leader’s brand of authoritarian Christian nationalism is proliferating among the American Right.


“The Russian church has become this instrument of soft power for Russia around the world. It really sought to position itself as a global moral leader,” said Katherine Kelaidis, a research fellow at the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge who focuses on Western approaches to Eastern Christianity. “It’s meant as this tool to bring conservative people and traditionalists, particularly on the issues of gender and sexuality, in North America and Western Europe onto the Russian side. And it’s been super effective.


“I’m shocked, when I listen to Fox News or talk radio, the extent to which there is a reflexive sympathy for Russia that I don’t think you would have seen even five years ago,” Kelaidis added. “The amount of chatter you can see online of the vilification of Ukraine among American conservatives is also fascinating.”


In her recent book Holy Russia? Holy War? Why the Russian Church is Backing Putin Against Ukraine, Kelaidis argues that Putin’s brand of religious nationalism is increasingly attractive to those on the American Right, who fear and resent the so-called “woke agenda” of the liberal Left.


While the U.S. legalized same-sex marriage, Russia labeled the LGBTQ movement as an extremist group and banned any mention of gay rights in public. Such moves are aspirational for segments of the Right in the United States.


Researchers such as Kelaidis argue that the number of converts to Russian Orthodoxy in the U.S. is small compared to the ballooning number of Christian nationalists who share a general admiration for Putin and his brand of hyper-masculine, authoritarian politics. Figures like Putin and Orbán are also attractive to the Far Right because they demonstrate an alternative to liberal democracy.


“It’s a crisis of masculinity,” Kelaidis said. “Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church very self-consciously style themselves as this very muscular, masculine Christianity. But I think the thing underneath that is a deeper disaffection with Western civilization’s relationship with itself. … They’re dissatisfied with what liberalism has wrought, philosophically speaking.”

Clearly the author, a supposedly “serious” journalist, is not trying to fairly present what is going on either within American Orthodoxy, or among the “Right-wing” Evangelicals (the larger problem) who admire some aspects of Russia. While there are a lot of factual errors in this article, it is not really our goal here to debunk this or any other “hit piece”. We can’t pass up, however, pointing out that the writer is too brainwashed to realize we actually do have a crisis of masculinity in the West.

Rather, our goal, after looking at a couple more examples of hit pieces, is to address the most important question of all – why are so many of these pieces being written now?

Another hit piece was done by Meagan Clark Saliashvili in Texas Monthly. Here is how Orthodox priest Fr. John Whiteford, the good man at the center of this “journalistic” atrocity, described his experience with her:

“Sometime last year, Meagan Clark Saliashvili contacted me about whether I would agree to be interviewed for an article she wrote for Texas Monthly on the growth of Orthodoxy in Texas. Meagan is an independent reporter who is a convert to Orthodoxy, married to a Georgian man, and a graduate of Harvard Divinity School. I was not unaware of the liberal bent to her past reporting, but I hoped since she was a recent convert that she would be honest and sincere, even though I had reasons to doubt she would be. However, I figured if she was going to write a hit piece, it probably wouldn’t matter whether I spoke to her or not, and speaking to her might help.


As it turned out, the article was not about the growth of Orthodoxy in Texas at all but was an extremely biased attempt to paint me, my parish, and other Orthodox Christians as racists, conspiracy theorists, and authoritarians. However, the fact that I did talk to her, and allowed her to visit my parish resulted in her putting in many details that contradicted much of what she was trying to accomplish. I am not sure if these things were included in the original version of the story or not, but I was contacted by a fact checker from Texas Monthly (a first from any news outlet I have ever interacted with) and pointed out to him several relevant facts that did appear in the article as published. On the other hand, I did not anticipate how this would negatively impact some people in the parish, and that is my biggest regret about agreeing to this.”

Saliashvili has an Ivy League education with a Masters from Harvard Divinity School. She is a freelancer, having lost her job at Religion Unplugged back in 2023. She was able to gain a good priest’s trust as an Orthodox convert, only to then pepper her article with the same kind of alleged Orthodox links to racism, extremism, and authoritarianism as seen in the Maza piece excerpted above.

One of the pioneers of anti-Orthodox hit pieces is Sarah Riccardi-Swartz, a “scholar” of Orthodoxy in the U.S. and author of the book Between Heaven and Russia. Supposedly an Orthodox Christian herself, she has made a career attacking “fellow” Orthodox as being “right-wing” extremists in the thrall of Vladimir Putin:

“Because Orthodoxy is small (in the U.S.), they think that these Orthodox figures online are helpful because we’re getting more converts in,” she said. “They think we are building American Orthodoxy. No, we’re not. We’re creating an American Orthodoxy that’s not in line with the gospel but rather with right-wing extremism.”


These tensions — over gender, nationalism and the impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war — reflect the identity battles fragmenting Orthodoxy around the world.

Regardless of the author or the publication, one has to wonder where the real money comes from to finance such “journalism”? And more importantly, why are these pieces being written?

To spread fear, and to establish a “good” versus “bad” concept of Orthodoxy.

Linking the targets of these articles (traditionalist Orthodox converts, other Christians who admire Russian cultural renewal) to extremism, racism, and (possible) treason is all about spreading fear. The fear of “cradle” Orthodox that their beloved Church is being hijacked by a dangerous political movement. The fear of potential Orthodox converts that, while they are seeking an authentic encounter with God in the Church founded by Jesus Christ, they could really be joining some kind of radical cult. Fear of even being seen visiting an Orthodox Church, because now you could be associated with “those people”. Fear of traditional Orthodox Christians that going to Church might be dangerous, because Antifa and other violent extremists could be watching. The fear that employers may find your Orthodox affiliation online, and fire you under the pretense your Church is an extremist organization. The fear that the FBI and other three-letter agencies will now have the cover they need to investigate, harass, spy on, and censor Orthodox Christians and other conservatives as threats to national security. Fear that some of the more “liberal” Orthodox bishops in the West may feel compelled / empowered to take action against traditionalist priests and parishes.

Fear that this unwanted attention is only the beginning.

The blob draws its power from fear. Fear of Russia, and fear of the consequences of not following the official narrative of the blob.

Hit pieces like these will have impacts, but less than the authors and their handlers would like. The Orthodox Church is not a political organization. The moral teachings of the Orthodox Church were never meant to be part of the political processes of a malfunctioning, oligarchic state. The Orthodox Church is here to bring humanity face-to-face with the Living God, not to win elections. The Church builds saints, not activists, and Orthodox saints are not known for surrendering to fear.

On the political side of all this, however, the obsession with “Right-wing Extremism” betrays the fact that the populist “Right” (as noted above in the list from Benz) scares the blob in ways that the “Left” does not. The Left is comprised of people the blob can easily control. Their list of concerns is quite small, and easy for the blob to deliver on: LGBTQ rights, Climate Change, abortion on demand, and the never ending fight against “systemic racism”. These people are easy to bribe. Easy to manipulate. Easy to distract. They don’t do deep analysis. They don’t demand structural changes to address deep-rooted economic problems. They hate Russia with a passion, and have become extremely, dangerously “patriotic” thanks to the US Govt’s WOKE agenda. Even when they riot, they only engage in fits of destructive rage. There is never any danger they could, or would, actually take on the blob. They are the ultimate handmaidens to tyranny.

The “Left” is also easy to terrify. Just pointing out that Russia, and actual Orthodoxy, are opposed to their modern “rights”, such as abortion and “same-sex marriage”, is enough to send them into hysterics. The bad man is coming who wants America to look more like Russia in ways that actually look a lot like New York City circa 1961.

The actual “Right-wing”, however, is a real threat to the blob. The authentic “Right” focuses on local autonomy, reducing the federal government, withdrawing from NATO, balanced budgets with massively reduced spending, truly solving economic problems (increasing job growth, taming inflation, reducing the cost of living), a pro-peace foreign policy, an orderly civil society, border enforcement, reducing crime, protecting children from sexualization, quality education, and parental rights. That is a blob killing agenda. All the more frightening for the blob, the “Right” has proven its ability to put hundreds of thousands of ordinary, pissed off people on the streets of Washington just by asking them to come. For the blob, this is all completely unacceptable. Clearly, anything that bolsters the “Right” has to be discredited, or at least co-opted.

It’s not what actually happened on J6 that keeps “them” up at night.

Another purpose of all these hit pieces is to establish the official narrative of the “good” (modernized, often cradle) Orthodoxy run from Constantinople versus the “bad” (traditional, often convert) Orthodoxy run from nationalistic, evil, mean Moscow. That is why hit pieces like these usually praise certain hierarchs and academics, while casting others as “villains”. How that develops in the future could prove very dangerous for Orthodox traditionalists. The blob, as we will cover more in depth later, has not shied away from outlawing Orthodox Churches while founding “new” Orthodox bodies to replace them. No thinking individual should believe that what the blob is willing to do to Ukrainians, it would be unwilling to do to Americans. Lots of people currently in jail wrongly believed the Constitution was worth the paper it is printed on.

Still, hit pieces calling traditionalist Orthodox Christians bad names are unlikely to do enough to prevent Americans from discovering the True Church founded by Christ through His Apostles. Nor are mere words likely to discourage enough non-Orthodox conservatives from noticing that, morally and economically, Russia is moving in the opposite direction of the West.

More “direct action” is needed. Which, of course, the blob is already pursuing.

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Isolate and Neuter as Much of the Russian Orthodox Church as Possible

The actual Russian Church on Russian soil is out of reach for the blob. Protected by a formidable Russian military and security establishment, armed even with nuclear weapons, the Russian Church at worst sustains pin pricks from the blob.

However, the Russian Orthodox Church also operates on foreign territories where she is way more vulnerable. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, though it was self-governing for decades before the war, was considered part of the canonical territory of Moscow. Since 2022, the UOC has been undergoing horrific persecution at the hands of the government in Kiev. Her lawyer, Robert Amsterdam, revealed in February 2024 that his team had learned from the Assistant Secretary of State under President Trump that the destruction of the UOC was a primary goal of US policy. The UOC had refused to fully break with Moscow (before the war, a formal break in May 2022 did occur as a result of the fighting), refused to be a nationalist propaganda organization, and had refused to embrace the modern American “democratic” agenda (LGBTQ, drug legalization, Climate Change, anti-Russian extremism, abortion). To crush this “disobedience” to the dictates of the National Security State, a plot was hatched involving former Ukrainian President Poroshenko, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, and the US Government to create a compliant replacement for the UOC (the so-called “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”) and then to destroy the canonical church.

According to Amsterdam, thanks to a traitorous Patriarch Bartholomew, the UOC has become the “target of a vicious and unlimited campaign of intimidation, perpetrated by the Ukrainian authorities.” Independent third parties, such as the UN, have reported on the violence and persecution against the UOC. The vast majority of canonical Orthodox Christians in the world have continued to support the UOC.

Paschal Homily of Metropolitan Onuphry in 2023 to the suffering Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Of course, the US justifies all this under the guise of combatting the “soft power” (a phrase repeated ad nauseum in anti-Orthodox hit pieces) the Russian Orthodox Church represents for the nefarious Putin regime. Of course, if the blob’s entire rule were not based on economic exploitation and the immoral destruction of civil society, perhaps such “soft power” would be less of a threat? Or, perhaps if “democratically” elected leaders better represented the concerns of the majority of their constituents, rather than those of sexual and other minorities, such “soft power” would also be less of a threat? No one really explores such questions, as the answers would threaten the power of the blob. Better to try and “cancel” the Orthodox Church instead.

Ukraine was just the beginning. Government meddling in the affairs of local Orthodox Churches has now spread to Estonia, home to hundreds of thousands of ethnic Russians who are also canonically Orthodox. Estonia, a member of NATO, is trying to break the ties between its local Orthodox Church and the Russian Church:

The Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (MPEÕK) cannot continue its activities under the jurisdiction of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, who has threatened Western countries, including Estonia, and called for the killing of Ukrainians, said Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets (SDE).


“Looking at what he has said, what their (MPEÕK – ed.) boss has said, what difference is left between a Muslim religious leader who suggests that everyone in the West needs to be slaughtered and Moscow Patriarch Kirill who says that every Ukrainian needs to be killed and that they’re in a holy war against all other religions,” Läänemets told ERR Friday.


Läänemets said that while the synod’s position is acceptable and constitutes movement in the right direction, “the problem remains. It does not solve the problem because the church’s head in Moscow, in whose jurisdiction it remains, is still Patriarch Kirill,” he added.


“The problem will be solved once this subordination is no more. How they’ll do it, whether the decision will be made in Moscow or whether they’ll make it in Estonia, I cannot say,” the minister said. “Words must be followed by actions. We cannot be completely sure they are being sincere until that happens,” Läänemets noted.

So much for freedom of religion and free association. Or even simple honesty, as Moscow Patriarch Kirill has never said that every Ukrainian needs to be killed. In fact, Orthodox bishops never call for anyone to be killed. As for a Russian Orthodox Holy War, that is not against the Ukrainians. It is against the blob itself.

The blob will, of course, make sure that the Estonian Orthodox Church compliantly separates from Moscow. Either that, or it will be replaced as in Ukraine. And after the Orthodox Christians in Estonia are isolated, then will come the demands for them to “modernize”. Just as in Ukraine, where even blob official news outlets admit that the persecution of the UOC is not really about a no longer existing tie to the Russian Church, but is really about the acceptance of gay sex:

One of the largest American media, NBC News , claims to have found out the reason for the persecution of the UOC . According to journalists, believers and priests are oppressed and discredited because they are the most ardent opponents of LGBT people.


The material says that Kyiv accuses Orthodox priests of spying for Moscow, but they deny such accusations.


Journalists also cite the words of LGBT activist Maxim Mishkin, who called believers and priests of the UOC “the most anti-gay people in Ukraine.”

First they came for the UOC, then the Estonians. We should expect the blob to come for all Orthodox Christians everywhere they can reach. As Greek Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis has warned, this looks like a global campaign against all of Orthodoxy:

The aim of the heretical West, incited by the Devil, is to, in time, dismantle the Orthodox Church, that is, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and to de-Christianize the Orthodox East, as it has already de-Christianized itself.

Just breaking ties between Moscow and historically related Orthodox Churches is not enough. That is nibbling at the edges, no matter how successful the efforts are to force the newly isolated Orthodox Christians to embrace US-sanctioned “modernity”.

The blob needs to completely discredit the Russian Orthodox Church.

To that end, paid, kept, Western Orthodox academics, journalists, and clergy are highly useful. This includes the Fordham University dwellers of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center. They are currently running a petition asking religious leaders to denounce the Russian Orthodox Church:

These pressing issues are amplified within the context of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. From the very beginning, this conflict took on a distinctive character, in which Russia, a nation primarily identifying itself as Orthodox Christian, invaded Ukraine, another predominantly Christian nation, without any immediate provocation from the side of the latter. Ironically, citizens of both countries were, until recently, affiliated with one and the same Orthodox Church.


It is of utmost importance to emphasize that President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, alongside Russia’s politicians and soldiers, has not only violated their international obligations. More profoundly, he has committed a blasphemy against God. This pertains to individuals who identify themselves as Christians and who often criticize the West for deviating from Christian values. Despite engaging in the construction of new churches and monasteries, lighting candles, fervent prayer, participation in sacraments, and partaking of Holy Communion, these individuals paradoxically compound their sins by issuing orders for murders, personally engaging in war crimes, and publicly justifying actions that run contrary to humanity and the Creator.


The support of this “hybrid war” of unprovoked aggression, the justification of its violence, and the persecution of any priest and believer who speaks the truth against the war—all these committed acts demonstrate a conscious and deliberately-argued position. All these testify to the extent that the Russian Orthodox Church has deviated from the Gospel and preaches something alternative to the Word of God. All Christians must critically ask whether the teaching preached publicly and unabashedly by the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church is indeed the true message of the Christ event.


We beseech you to actively and immediately engage with the appropriate international institutions to facilitate the establishment of an international task force dedicated to holding accountable, through sincere and impartial analysis, those bishops, priests, and laity within the Russian Orthodox Church whose statements, testimonials, sermons, communications, and fabrications have sanctioned and bestowed divine approval upon violence, war, and aggression against the people of Ukraine.


Numerous publications have meticulously analyzed these distressing facts, underscoring the urgency for a formalized initiative that compels the attention of Churches and cannot be disregarded. Your active engagement in establishing such an entity will be a significant step toward addressing these critical issues at an institutional level.


A Church that only outwardly remains “Christian” but has lost its evangelical spirit cannot be a sister to those Churches and communities that follow the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The endeavors elucidated above transcend a mere conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church. Rather, they embody a dedicated striving on its behalf—for the Church, for the community of believers guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, liberated from deceptive political theology and detrimental religious ideology. Progressing resolutely toward genuine peace requires the fearless proclamation of truth, regardless of the inherent challenges it may pose.


You are summoned to denounce injustices, advocate for repentance and atonement, and actively seek transformative change within the temporal realm. We ask you, our pastors, to courageously proclaim the inconvenient yet profound truth.

According to the official narrative, the Russian Orthodox Church is not really a “church” so much as a state-supported shill for unprovoked Russian aggression. The Russian Church has betrayed the Gospel and is worthy only of loathing and condemnation, just like the Russian Government which controls it. (That traditionalist Orthodox “betray” the modern Gospel of Inclusion is a charge leveled at all of us, not just the Russian Church.) Further, the Russian Church outwardly looks “Orthodox”, but has really been infested with evil.

So nothing to admire here you mistaken Westerners. Liars, crooks, and murderers the whole lot of them. Just move along, embrace the WOKE agenda, and be the demoralized slaves the blob needs you to be. Slava Ukraini!

That none of this is true is completely irrelevant to those whose ultimate source of funding, and ultimate object of loyalty, is the blob. That the war in Ukraine was deliberately provoked by the West, that the government in Kiev persecutes Christians, and that the Russian Orthodox Church has absolutely not endorsed or committed war crimes are all truths that the “Orthodox Fifth Column” will never admit. Instead, they will keep pushing this false narrative as long as the blob feels threatened by the moral stature of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Ruin What You Can Reach

While the core of the Russian Orthodox Church is beyond the reach of the blob, the Patriarchate of Constantinople is firmly under its control. For us in the West, this is the source of our greatest danger. If the blob can’t stop traditionalist-minded Westerners from seeking inspiration from Orthodoxy, then perhaps it can ruin it so that no one cares about it anymore. In this drive to destroy the Orthodox Faith in the West, the blob can rely on more than a few Orthodox collaborators.

To ruin Orthodoxy, there must be substantial changes to teaching and practice that will make the “official” looking church no longer the actual church. Before we look at some of those necessary changes, let us recognize that the Patriarchate of Constantinople unilaterally doing the things below would probably result in a global schism.

If you are trying to destroy Orthodoxy as a competing worldview, however, breaking the unity of the Church is most definitely a benefit.

With that in mind, here are some of the distinctive things about the Orthodox Church the blob is trying to be rid of.

The Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

There is one true path to God, and that is through the Church founded by His Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ. Further, the Orthodox Church teaches that she, herself, is the Israel of God – not a secular country in the Middle East currently committing unspeakable crimes. Such calm assurance of unchanging truth is attractive to Westerners, besieged as they are on all sides by uncertainty and doubt.

So that has to go, and the vehicle to get rid of it is the ecumenical movement, particularly through engagement with Rabbinic Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church. Through this movement of “dialog” and “cooperation”, changes can be made to the Orthodox Faith and to her claims about herself. Changes that make Orthodoxy just like all the other failed “religions” of the West, and thus removes the threat Orthodoxy poses for the blob.

To start with, the Church’s vision of herself as the continuation of Israel, and thus her hostility to both the Talmud and Zionism, has got to go! But don’t worry, the blob has people working on that right now. One of them is Eugen J. Peniuc, professor and author of The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition. Pentiuc is the Dean (under Constantinople) of Holy Cross Seminary and a modernizing influence par excellence. The information below is taken from a review of his book, with screen captures of his actual words following:

He urges both Orthodox hierarchs and the grass-roots faithful to take a stand against ‘these perilous teachings,’ beginning with a plea to revise anti-Jewish statements in hymns and liturgy, especially those on Good Friday. He refers favorably to the changes Pope John XXIII instigated in the Roman Catholic church when he interrupted the 1959 Good Friday liturgy to ask that the adjective ‘perfidious’ be removed from the prayer for the Jews (39–40). This section exemplifies two notable aspects of the many that make Pentiuc’s book so valuable: it acknowledges the unsavory treatment Jews and their scriptures have suffered at the hands of Christians, and it puts Orthodoxy into conversation with the Western church in a refreshingly sanguine fashion. At the same time, Pentiuc suggests that a mild Christian supersessionism may be unavoidable if the Orthodox church is to remain consistent with its historical hermeneutics, which it most certainly will do. Christian triumphalism, on the other hand, is ‘easily discarded,’ and the author punctuates his point with a nod to Ephrem the Syrian: ‘Humility is so powerful that even the all-conquering God did not conquer without it.’ Pentiuc argues that the strongest blow against supersessionism is in fact the complementarity of the two biblical testaments. As Origen wrote, there is one God, whose main attributes are love and justice, and both attributes are present in both testaments (59). Pentiuc gracefully allows his readers to draw the connection between Origen’s dictum and the Mount Sinai icon that introduced the book for themselves.

The above passages point the way towards what is called “dual covenant” theology (Jews are saved by being Jews, Christians through Christ). This is a radical innovation in Church teaching. Pentiuc’s book also endorses serious liturgical changes, postulates that Rabbinic Jews understand the Old Testament better than the Orthodox Church, and calls for rooting out antisemitism, even when that means censoring / suppressing historical writings such as those of St. John Chrysostom. The Church must change, says Pentiuc, to be more acceptable to Rabbinic Jews. This man is Dean of an Orthodox Seminary, not just some random academic.

As noted by Pentiuc in his book, liturgical and other reforms to make a Christian body more acceptable to Rabbinic Jews have already occurred in the Roman Catholic Church:

It’s well known that the Catholic Church put many restrictions on Jewish power and influence historically, such as totally barring them from positions of power during the Fourth Lateran Council. This Jewish anxiety over Christian antisemitism has led the ADL to take significant interest in even obscure issues of the Church, such as the use of the Latin Mass. After restrictions on the Latin Mass were lifted by Pope Benedict XVI, the ADL released a lengthy complaint, including references to the Church’s “2,000-year history of anti-Semitism” and the “great suffering and pain imposed on the Jews by the church through the centuries,” and finally summarized by stating how “The wider use of the Latin Mass will make it more difficult to implement the doctrines of Vatican II and Pope John Paul II, and could even set in motion retrograde forces within the church on the subject of the Jews, none of which are in the interest of either the church or the Jewish people.”

Do the proponents of the Latin Mass realize that Jewish groups are, at least partially, responsible for not only the Vatican II liturgical reforms, but also the continuing suppression of the TLM? How is this all working out for the Roman Catholics? Does anyone think it will work any better for the Orthodox, should we go down that path? Constantinople trying this on its own will no doubt lead to a serous schism. But, then again, maybe for the blob that is exactly the point?

Pentiuc is not alone in his desire to remake the Orthodox Church into a more Jewish-friendly institution. Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Archdiocese has also been concerned about an increase in antisemitism:

“I am worried by the spread of antisemitism internationally,” Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, spiritual leader of Greek Orthodox faithful in North and South America, told an audience in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city.


He added that he is particularly worried that “the ointment of the Church does not heal wounds, but spreads the fire” of antisemitism, though he didn’t give any specific examples.


“Evil has a name, an identity and a history, and it is called fascism and Nazism. … It has no relation to Christian theology despite the efforts of some to dress their far-right ideology with the cloak of Christianity,” Elpidophoros said.

Emphasis added to make sure the reader spots the same ideas as in Pentiuc’s writing. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Holy Cross. The same board that appointed Pentiuc to his current position. The Archbishop and the academic are obviously on the same page when it comes to modifying the Orthodox Faith in regards to her traditional teachings on Rabbinic Judaism.

An interesting tidbit concerning Pentiuc is that part of his work at Holy Cross was underwritten by a grant from the Lilly Endowment:

Holy Cross recently received a grant of $ 1,125,995 from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its Compelling Preaching Initiative to help establish The Scriptorium: Preaching and Teaching the Word of God in a Digital Age, the proposal for which was designed and written by Fr. Pentiuc in consultation with Dr. James C. Skedros, outgoing Interim Dean of Holy Cross, and Dn. Gary Alexander, HCHC’s Vice President for Administration and Finance. The aim of the initiative is to foster and support preaching that inspires, encourages, and guides people to come to know and love God and to live out their Christian faith more fully.

The use of foundation money to “buy” results from academics is something Orthodox Reflections has explored before.

As a last example of the anti-“antisemitism” movement within Patriarchate of Constantinople-affiliated Churches, please see the announcement below:

The Holy Synod was informed that the MoC was signed on 27 February in Nicosia between the Orthodox Church of Greece, the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, the Church of Greece, the Ministries of Education of Greece and Cyprus, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece (KIS) and the Jewish Museum of Greece (JMG). It provides for the implementation of actions aimed at preserving the memory of the Holocaust and combating anti-Semitism and any form of racism.


In addition, the Holy Synod was informed that the Church of Greece’s Inter-Orthodox Centre was invited specifically as the only representative of Greece to attend the European Practitioners Network against Antisemitism (EPNA), which includes organizations from the entire European Union.

All of this focus on combatting “antisemitism” in the Orthodox Church really astounds given the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Most Palestinian Christians are Orthodox. Hundreds of them are in Gaza, and an historic Orthodox Church there was bombed by the IDF with serious loss of life.  Thousands of Palestinian Orthodox Christians are suffering oppression under brutal Israeli occupation in the West Bank. The Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch are speaking out against these atrocities on a daily basis. On the other hand, the Patriarchate of Constantinople and related Churches feel the need to focus on combatting “antisemitism”, which is evidently just as bad as mass murder.

Thank God the blob seems to have less control over Tucker Carlson than over the Patriarchate of Constantinople. (Click here for Carlson’s show on Christian persecution in Israel.)

The ecumenical movement within the Orthodox Church is not just fixated on changing our truth claims associated with Rabbinic Judaism. We are also barreling towards ever closer ties to the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew have now published a book together on environmentalism, of course.

The Atlantic magazine, one of the most official of all the mouthpieces for the blob, just ran a glowing comparison between the “modernizing” of Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew versus the “bastion of militancy” to be found in Moscow under Patriarch Kirill:

On one side, Bartholomew has spent three decades trying to make Orthodoxy more compatible with the modern liberal world. He openly urges the faithful to accept evolution and other scientific tenets. He has been a passionate advocate for environmental protection. And, like Pope Francis, he has quietly promoted a more accepting attitude toward homosexuality. But Bartholomew’s power is more limited than the pope’s. There are eight other Orthodox patriarchs, each of whom presides over a national or regional Church, and Bartholomew’s role is that of “first among equals.”


Kirill, who heads by far the largest national Church, has made it into a bastion of militancy. He has given the war against Ukraine his full-throated support, and some of his priests go further, preaching about the glory of firing Grad rockets and dying in battle for Russia. Kirill’s tediously Manichaean tirades—about saintly Russia defending “traditional values” against the gay-pride parades of the decadent West—are much more than a justification for Putin’s autocracy. His anti-modern ideology has become an instrument of soft power that is eagerly consumed by conservatives across the Orthodox world as well as by right-wing figures in Europe (such as Hungary’s Viktor Orbán). It has even won adherents in the United States, where some evangelicals and right-wing Catholics seek a stronger hand in the culture wars.

When everyone, even a writer for the Atlantic, realizes that Patriarch Bartholomew is closer to Pope Francis than to a fellow Orthodox Patriarch, the handwriting is on the wall. The divide is real, and the blob fully intends to keep pushing the Orthodox patriarchates further apart, and Constantinople ever closer to Rome. Recently, the Patriarch of Constantinople expressed a desire that Christians in the East and the West begin celebrating Easter on a “unified date” rather than adhere to separate Lenten calendars:

“It is a scandal to celebrate separately the unique event of the one resurrection of the one Lord,” Patriarch Bartholomew I, who holds the title “first among equals” in Eastern Orthodoxy, said in a recent homily, according to Orthodox Times.


The ecumenical patriarch made the comments during a homily on March 31, which marked Easter on the Western calendar and the second Sunday of Lent on the Eastern calendar.


“We extend a heartfelt greeting of love to all Christians around the world who celebrate holy Easter today,” Bartholomew said during the homily. “We beseech the Lord of Glory that the forthcoming Easter celebration next year will not merely be a fortuitous occurrence but rather the beginning of a unified date for its observance by both Eastern and Western Christianity.”

Changing Orthodox teaching on the Church as Israel, purging our liturgies of “antisemitic” references, suppressing the “antisemitic” writings of our saints, and aligning calendars will all bring Constantinople closer to the Roman Catholic Church, while almost assuredly completely severing any remaining ties with Moscow, and a large portion of the rest of the Orthodox world as well.

Well done, blob. Well, done.

We could list many, many other reasons for concern about the growing ties between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Roman Catholicism (encouraged and funded by the blob, of course), but we are already running long in this article as it is.

Time to Welcome the LGBTQ and the God of Democracy!

LGBTQ issues would seem to be settled in the Orthodox Church. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Sex outside of marriage is a sin. The case seems pretty air tight. In fact, when Greece became the first Christian Orthodox-majority country to legalize “same-sex marriage”, the Church’s reaction was swift and strong. Met. Seraphim of Piraeus was just one of the hierarchs who publicly excommunicated Greek MPs who had voted for same-sex marriage: “No, no, no we will not accept those who do this. To fall away from the Christian faith, it is a betrayal of Christ. And unfortunately, it would be better if they had not been born.” His Eminence also, “raised issues of overturning human ontology and physiology by implementing the woke agenda, which aims to deconstruct Christian doctrine, ethics and culture.”

But for the blob, gay sex is a sacrament. The refusal of the Church to normalize and bless it cannot be allowed to stand. Luckily, the blob has allies within Orthodoxy for whom gay sex, women’s ordination, and transgenderism are very much open questions in need of dialog and “engagement”. The description below is from a video produced by the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham:

Orthodox Christians are called, first and foremost, to love all—for “God is love.” But the reality for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Orthodox Christians today is that their relationship to the Church is defined not by love but by apathy, exclusion, and condemnation. As a faith, we must choose love and compassion—to “love thy neighbor”— instead. This requires no change of faith, but a fuller, more compassionate understanding of what our faith in loving God truly requires of us.


We are pleased to present this conversation about ministering to LGBTQ+ Christians. Drs. Christina Traina of Fordham University and Ashely Purpura of Purdue University discuss the opportunities, challenges, and resources for ministry among LGBTQ+ faithful. “We cannot say we are loving God & be cruel to the people who we encounter in our lives. If you are not letting that love transform you & your relationships, then I do not know what Orthodoxy is.”

The video is below. From endorsing rogue do-it-yourself Orthodox same-sex “weddings” and female ordinations, to speculating on transgender saints, to casting aspersions on the celibacy of monks and nuns, to speculating on the future of polyamory within Orthodoxy – packing this much blasphemy into a single video is truly a satanic tour de force.

The probable key, to eventually changing so much Orthodox teaching in the West, could be summed up in one word (a favorite of the blob)Democracy! Many “Orthodox” hierarchs, clergy, and academics speak glowingly of liberal democracy heralding the dawn of a Golden Age of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Once the people, as manipulated and controlled by the blob, have spoken through their Democratic God, then we mere mortals have no choice but to comply. An example of the obsequiousness of some “Orthodox” hierarchs towards democracy and the US political order are the remarks of Archbishop Elpidophoros at the ceremony in the White House honoring Greek Independence in 2024:

In addition to these democratic ideals, which are sadly being diminished around the globe, we are here to acclaim and remember those whose commitment to the cause of liberty and democracy cost them the dearest price of all – their lives: The Immortal Heroes of 1821, who like those of 1776 and those of every generation who have been willing to lay “so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom.” We say “Eternal Memory” to all our brave warriors for peace and justice.


Mr. President, you have long been a close and trusted friend of the Greek-American family, and we consider you to be one of our very own, even from those very early days in Wilmington. But you are so much more than our beloved friend.


As President of our Great Country, you have led the world in championing freedom and the sovereignty of Nations. You continue to be the leading advocate for the cause of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, who are still fighting two years later for their very lives against the unjust and inhuman invasion of their land. You continue to stand with Ukraine and for your unbreakable and unshakeable support, we are very grateful indeed.


Also, as sons and daughters of the Mother Church of Constantinople, whose longest serving leader in history, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, counts you, Mr. President, as a beloved friend – we thank you for your unwavering support of the purely spiritual mission of our Ecumenical Patriarchate.


Mr. President, we thank you for your commitment to Greece and to Cyprus, and for a just and peaceful solution to this Island Nation, that has been scarred by a violent invasion and forced division for half a century, a solution that will abide by the international law and a rules-based international order. We are on your side, Mr. President, just as you are on the side of democracy and liberty.


May God bless you, Mr. President, together with the First Lady, your family, and our Nation’s armed forces, with health, long life, His abiding grace, and His invincible strength.

How can an Orthodox hierarch openly discuss an “altar of Freedom”? Orthodox temples have altars. They are not dedicated to human freedom, but to God. This phrase makes no sense, except as a nationalist sentiment in which we don’t worship God, but some kind of manifestation of the liberal world order of the blob. Given our history in Orthodoxy of royal saints, this phrasing couldn’t be more out of place. Orthodoxy can work within almost any system of government, but there is precious little in the history of liberal democracy to commend it as spiritually superior in any way. We also see in the speech his fawning over Biden. Archbishop Elpidophoros is extremely prone to sucking up to powerful men, be they presidents, political operators, or business tycoons. Extra points if they have Greek heritage!

The short speech was like a National Security State “buzzword bingo” card. Praise for “democratic ideals”? Check! Praise for the US? Check! Praise for President Biden personally? Check! Cover up Ukrainian persecution of the Orthodox Church? Check! Blame the war in Ukraine solely on the Russians? Check! Talk glowingly about the rules-based international order? Check! Freedom and democracy? Check! Praise the armed forces of the United States? Check!

Does any rationally thinking person believe Archbishop Elpidophoros would ever stand up to any dictates of the blob he so enthusiastically serves? Of course not. Whatever the “democratic” will of the people dictates, that he shall do. “We must marry same-sex couples, ordain women, oppose any form of patriotism or border control, support the availability of abortions, and forever be continuously open to changing anything and everything about our Orthodox Faith! Otherwise, we will be guilty of discrimination under democratically enacted laws! Are we a Church that preaches the Gospel of love, or a far-right extremist organization?”

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

For Orthodox Subversion, a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A couple of years ago, I had to attend the heterodox wedding of the child of one of the couples from our parish. They had embraced Orthodoxy, but their adult children had stayed Episcopalian. One of their daughters was getting married in an Episcopal ceremony, and they asked a few of us to attend for moral support. When my wife and I arrived, we saw that our priest was already there. He was dressed inconspicuously in a suit and tie. I had never before seen him in public without a cassock. Sitting next to him, I asked him why he was in “civilian” attire.

“Because,” he said, “If I were here in a cassock and pectoral cross, some people could think I am endorsing what is happening here. There could be pictures of me. They could put those next to pictures of an Episcopalian priestess on Social Media, and the result will be confusion on all sides. I’m only here because two of my parishioners needed me here.”

He sat quietly through the marriage “service” conducted by the Episcopalian priestess. He then spent a few minutes at the reception, before hugging his parishioners, congratulating the happy couple, and quietly making his way to the exit.

He drew no attention to himself. He caused no scandal. Few at the wedding even realized he was an Orthodox priest. A simple parish priest understood the power that images of him at such an event, attired in clerical garb, would have had for Orthodox and heterodox alike. He wisely avoided all that, while still being there to support his beloved parishioners who were both happy (wedding, yeah!) and troubled (heterodox, boo!) at the same time.

If only more of our Orthodox Bishops displayed such discernment. As we shall see, some of our bishops are either clueless about optics, or they are intentionally trying to undermine the Orthodox Faith. We tend to think the latter is the case, but intentional or not, the effects are harmful.

Here are some examples.

On October 4, 2023, a His Grace Bishop Athenagoras Nazianzos of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America participated in an “Interfaith Harmony Day” held at a large Hindu temple in Robbinsville, New Jersey. The event brough together representatives from Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, Judaism, and Buddhism. It was part of the celebrations that culminated in the consecration of the temple a few days later on October 8.

At the event, Bishop Athenagoras read a letter from Archbishop Elpidophoros, head of GOARCH. Here are some of the sentiments expressed:

In the boundless tapestry of creation, we are called to recognize and celebrate the diverse ways in which humanity seeks to connect with the divine. As Orthodox Christians, we are continually reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words, for from Him and through Him and for Him are all things.


In this spirit, we celebrate the unity and oneness that underline our shared human journey towards a world of peace and reconciliation. May the opening of this beautiful shrine be a beacon of joy, understanding, harmony within the Hindu community and beyond. May this unique peace of Indian art stand as a testament to our common humanity and may its sacred hall be a place where hearts are uplifted and souls find solace.

Such words are very much in keeping with the ecumenist beliefs frequently expressed by the Patriarch of Constantinople and the bishops under him such as Archbishop Elpidophoros. After all, it was not long ago that His Eminence scandalized so many with his “many paths to God” speech at a conference on freedom of religion.

This is from a speech given by Patriarch Bartholomew on February 1, 2024 at the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Constantinople.

To this end, we must recognize that there is nothing to divide us from our brothers and sisters of other denominations or religions. On the contrary, there are many things that unite us; the life of every individual, irrespective of their religious beliefs, unfolds as a sequence of crucifixion and resurrection moments and days. It is precisely this sequence that will bring us closer, enabling us to offer one another encouragement, optimism, vigor, and hope. This mutual support will assist us in navigating through challenging situations, knowing that resurrection days will come.

Such ecumenist teaching is very much at odds with Orthodox Christian Tradition. They are the sentiments of politicians looking to build coalitions, not the thoughts of holy men who rightly divide the Word of Truth. Ecumenism of this variety falls in line with the expressed goals of the Global Elite, Freemasons, New Agers, and others who, inspired by Demonic beliefs, seek to join all religions into one. Such talk from “Orthodox” hierarchs demoralizes the Orthodox Faithful, while giving inquirers the wrong idea about who and what the Orthodox Church really is.

But while the speeches, interviews, articles, books, and academic writings espousing ecumenist teaching are bad, the pictures are worse. Way, way worse. As Orthodoxy has understood for over 2,000 years, you may forget words, but images stay indelibly etched in your mind. Below are two of the pictures of Bishop Athenagoras at the “Interfaith Day”.

These striking images go far beyond being a “good neighbor”. They also go far beyond merely being an advocate for religious freedom. A bishop of the Church, posing with non-Christians in celebration of their paganism, will be seen as endorsing an equal status for that religion to Orthodoxy – “We are all just seeking God in our own way, so bless you in your search!”

A few days later, Bishop Athenagoras did apologize for his participation. While any act of public contrition by an Orthodox Hierarch is a welcome change-of-pace, an apology is of no real value. Bishop Athenagoras was not sent there by accident. The men who sent him are not idiots. They knew exactly what they were doing, and why. This was not a “mistake”. This was a calculated move to push forward the ecumenist agenda within Orthodoxy. Another opportunity to habituate Orthodox Christians to images of our hierarchs praying / officiating / participating with heterodox Christians and non-Christians.

As the images pile up, those of us complaining will get a pat on the head, and a condescending smile, while we are told, in a voice full of pity, “There’s nothing to see here. We’ve been doing this for years. Don’t be such a paranoid conspiracy theorist.”

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Unfortunately, there is something to see here. There is a faction of Orthodox hierarchs, academics, rich laity, and clergy that truly believe Orthodoxy is antiquated and greatly in need of “modernization”. We have covered them before.

When trying to transform a 2,000 year old Divine / Human organization that prides itself on never changing, one thing above all is crucial. People cannot be allowed to connect the dots on what you are doing. Each subversive action must appear to be an isolated incident. If a pattern becomes too obvious, Orthodox Christians might actually wake up and take some action.

Ecumenism is not the only front on which attempts are being made to change Orthodoxy. There is a serious drive afoot to “revive” the office of Deaconess. The newly re-envisioned office of Deaconess is expected to have a liturgical role, unlike the historic office which most definitely did not. But a liturgical role for women brings up a problem. Orthodox Christians are not used to seeing women at the Altar. Suddenly putting women there would cause an uproar, and might even bring about a schism. It is necessary to go slowly in a way that gets the laity accustomed to seeing women functioning in liturgical roles.

Which brings us to The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and New Jersey. (There’s New Jersey again, just like with the Hindu Temple incident!) It has been reported to us, by a member of one of his parishes, that at least 4 times, most recently on 2/25, His Eminence Michael has blessed a female Seminary student, Amber Prather, to give the homily at Sunday Divine Liturgy. The St. Vlad’s student is pictured below. Find the video here (her sermon is around the 1:32:00 minute mark). Amber’s husband is Andrew, who appears to be working towards ordination in the Orthodox Church.

Probably all of us have attended workshops, speeches, classes, etc. with female Theologians. A woman teaching is not an issue, if her talk is separated from the Divine Liturgy. However, this was not the case with Amber Prather. In the middle of a campaign to “modernize” the roles of women in the Church, Archbishop Michael has seen fit to put a woman in front of the Altar on multiple occasions to preach the homily at Divine Liturgy. There is no way Archbishop Michael is unaware that this symbolism bolsters the drive towards deaconesses and more. His Eminence must have seen the work of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, who have have put real money and effort into promoting deaconesses. We have even seen Ancient Faith Radio recently wade into this debate by hosting a roundtable discussion on the topic.

Of course, it’s not just women preaching homilies. We are also seeing attempts to put female acolytes at the Altar. The picture below is of Varvara Gulina and her daughter. An Antiochian parish in Boston let her stand on the solea with her daughter and the acolytes. The Metropolitan had to “talk to” the clergy there to correct the situation. Perhaps such an incident will not be repeated in that parish. Unfortunately, however, Varvara had already got what she wanted – pictures that she put into public view, and a guest column on Public Orthodoxy to promote female acolytes titled Orthodox Christian Altar Girl.

By the way, Varvara is wearing a tiara in the picture above. She does not have a Theological education, and seems inclined to play “princess” dress-up at Church. An individual who knows her described her as “not well” and little more than a “tool” for those pushing for women at the Altar. As you might suppose, this isn’t really about women Deacons or women preaching homilies or female Altar servers. Those are all just steps towards making Orthodox Christians comfortable seeing women at the Altar, taking on male roles. After a specific comfort level has been reached, the next move is the real goal – women’s ordination to the priesthood. A goal that the most honest opponents of Orthodox Tradition, such as Aristotle Papanikolaou from Fordham’s Orthodox Christian Studies Center, are already open about.

Of course women can preach! Archbishop Michael has given his blessing on multiple occasions for a woman to preach homilies in one of his churches. What other hierarchs will join him in doing so? That remains to be seen, but it is a good bet that more will. Women can obviously serve at the Altar, look at all the pictures proving that!  At some point in the future, the modernizers will remind us that the world did not end when women preached homilies and fulfilled Liturgical roles. So why would the world end just because women can now be ordained?

Please do yourself and Orthodoxy a favor – don’t think all of these things are simply coincidences. This is a sophisticated propaganda effort along the lines of the ones used to successfully transform Rome, the Episcopal Church, and other mainline Protestant denominations. Do all of the people playing roles in this even understand the combined ramifications of all these efforts? Surely not. But we owe it to ourselves to understand what is happening, while there is still time to do something about it.

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

The Orthodox Church of Today: What is Happening and Why, Part II

Please click here for Part 1 of this article. 

Imposter Bishops (continued)

God waits for the sinner to repent, but there is a limit to how long He will wait. When He gave Life and Freedom to all His logical creatures – the angelic powers and mankind – He also assigned accountability. While Lucifer and his bodiless followers were plotting their rebellion against God (which the All-knowing was always aware of) they were still members of the Church in Heaven – until they consummated their sin and were thrown out. That was the first mutinous persecution of the Church by Satan, and one third of the angelic powers who fell with him.

Satan’s rage against God and all of Creation – but especially His Church – has never diminished since. After Adam and Eve also sinned (and were thrown out of Eden), there has been war between Satan and God, with humanity as the battleground. Which of them wins over us depends on how we use our freedom. There have always been people in both camps, persecutions both without and within the Church. From Judas’ kiss to Diocletian’s bloody executions, followed by the Arians, the Nestorians, the Iconoclasts, the Crusaders, the Western schismatics, the Ottomans, and finally the Ecumenists of today – all these and many, many other assailants throughout Church history, have incessantly rocked the Ark of Salvation. And yet, despite the volleys of betrayals, massacres, heresies and prodigal bishops, the Church has and will stay the course with Christ at the helm.

We know this because Christ promised, “on this rock [of faith] I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).  This never meant that the Church on Earth would find things easy. It meant that Christ’s Church, those in and of her, would never be overcome by the evil one. It is this rock-like faith that led millions to martyrdom. Just like Jesus, they won the war by dying. Their physical deaths did not end their membership in the Church, but further sealed it with their confession of faith. Despite the death toll of the early martyrs, the Church not only survived, but increased. These Christian martyrs understood Christ when He told Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). They knew that although they were in the world, they were not of the world either. They were sojourners on earth who strove for a permanent membership in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Judas - The Original Orthodox KarenTherefore, if some of us lament the abysmal quality of some hierarchs in the Orthodox Church today, listen to what Christ said to His Disciples: “Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil?” (John 6:70).  Being the all-knowing God, and not interfering with the free will of His creatures, but giving them every opportunity to know Him and follow Him, Jesus knew in advance that Judas Iscariot, despite following Him closely for three years, would betray Him. He knew he would do it with a kiss and would not seek forgiveness, but would destroy himself. Christ gave Judas every opportunity to repent, but when Judas would not return to the Master, the Master used the devil to abolish the devil’s power over us by allowing his freely made choices to play out. Although one of the “twelve,” Judas did not cultivate the rock-like faith required for the gates of hell not to prevail against him. He succumbed to his final temptation, becoming “the son of perdition” (John 17:12). He was in the Church, but he was not of the church – a condition of the heart and mind that can apply to anyone, including bishops.

As She did from the very beginning, the Church continues Her struggle against both external and internal enemies. It is the “kissing” internal ones that pose the greatest threat to the flock, the ones that lie to the Holy Spirit when they say, “nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas.” The New Testament refers to such as these as Judaizers (refuted by St. Paul), the sexually immoral Nicolaitans (in Revelations), false teachers, false prophets and wolves masquerading in sheep’s clothing. While Papal heresies led to the Protestant Reformation in the West, the East struggled under the Ottoman yoke, keeping Orthodoxy alive by the light of the moon. During her occupation, many more new martyrs of the suffering Church on Earth were added to the Church in the Heavenly Kingdom.

About a century after the Eastern Church was liberated, Her hierarchs began yielding to the seductions of the West. Operating like papal “primates”, with their arbitrary innovations to the Faith, the more recent patriarchs of Constantinople, beginning with Joachim III and Meletios IV (Metaxakis) all the way to present-day Bartholomew, have been yearning after the new pan-heresy of unorthodox Ecumenism. This heresy aims to lead all faiths to one global religion, one all-accepting watered-down creed that accepts everyone’s god. This type of ecumenism, which can only be accomplished by destroying the Orthodox Church, has been the long-term plan of Freemasonry.

Freemasonry is a secret, neo-gnostic, occult religion, with its own theology, rituals and symbolism (icons). The higher levels have attracted many wealthy intellectuals who hold key positions in society and politics, including many religious and political leaders. Freemasonry rejects the Holy Trinity and anything having to do with faith, accepting only knowledge (gnosis) in the form of science or rationalism. They look upon faithful Christians with disdain, as those being “in the dark.” Ironically, the higher levels of Freemasonry still practice a form of faith in that they worship Lucifer as the “good god”, who enlightens and illumines his followers and strives to overcome the “bad” God, the Creator of matter. This is hypocritical because science and rationalism have everything to do with matter. Freemasonry is a form of idolatry, where the false god being worshiped is Satan, for God said, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 5:7).6 Of course, people are free to worship any god they choose, and follow any lifestyle they wish, but anyone who claims to be Christian knows that they “cannot serve two masters” (Luke 16:13). If this is true for all Orthodox Christians, how much truer is it for Orthodox clergy? 

 The Greek Orthodox Church (in Greece, not Constantinople) officially condemned Freemasonry first in 1933, and again in 2014. Scholar and Monk Seraphim (Zissis) details how multiple Greek Patriarchs of Constantinople, like Joachim III and Meletios IV (Metaxakis), other Greek bishops, and Greek theologians were secret Freemasons who endorsed the early ecumenical movement and helped create the World Council of Churches (WCC) to promote it. Patriarch Joachim III was the first to name the Roman Catholics and Protestants “Churches” from an Orthodox perspective. Patriarch Meletios IV (Metaxakis) adopted the new calendar to align with the other “churches”, and was very interested in the Anglican church when most of their clergy were Masons. Political Freemasonry played a key role in the February 1917 Revolution in Russia, which established Communism, an ideology that heavily persecuted the Russian Orthodox Church.

In abuse of their honorary “ecumenical” titles, the Freemason patriarchs of Constantinople began exercising a papal type of authority, creating divides in the Orthodox Church. They did this by arbitrarily consecrating new bishops as autocephalous leaders in other countries and jurisdictions. Patriarch Bartholomew’s interference in Ukraine in 2019 was not the first example, nor will it be the last.  In addition, Bartholomew threatened to break communion with the Autocephalous Greek Orthodox Church in Greece if She did not transfer to his control 36 of her dioceses.  The Church of Greece capitulated to prevent schism. Using similar means, he also absorbed many churches of the diaspora that were under the control of other patriarchates, who also conceded to prevent schism.  This year, he has gone so far as to announce his intention to consecrate the dregs of rogue clergy, like Alexander Belya (planned to be the new bishop of Nicopolis) previously defrocked by ROCOR, and the divisive Theophan Koja, of whom the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania had grave concerns. Theophan Koja (now the new bishop of Philomelion) was no sooner consecrated when he recited the Creed with the Latin filioque at his consecration! Despite severe criticism, these two are being used by Bartholomew to create Slavic and Albanian “Vicariates” (under the American Archdiocese of Elpidophoros) based on the ethno phyletism of the laity, so as to absorb this flock and their temples into Bartholomew’s see.

What is this all about? It is about achieving the end goal of unorthodox Ecumenism, the child of the Constantinopolitan Freemason hierarchy, which they have been planning for over the past 100 years.  April 20th, 2025 is the much-anticipated calendar date when the Roman Catholic Easter and the Orthodox Pascha will coincide. It will mark the 1700th year anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, and as Bartholomew and his bishops have already announced, their planned union of the Roman Catholic Church of the West to the Eastern Orthodox Church of the East, thereby symbolically annulling all previous Ecumenical Council decisions. This explains Patriarch Bartholomew’s global meddling in other Orthodox jurisdictions, his high-handed take-over of diaspora Churches, and his seemingly endless crowning of riffraff “Charlemagnes.”4 He rushes to non canonically expand as much as he can, the size of the Eastern Orthodox Church, while setting Her up for a devastating downfall in a false union with Rome. The mutinous patriarch of “shock and awe” hurries to bring as many followers as possible into perdition with him, as his father, Lucifer, did before him. On the North American continent, this would include all Greek Orthodox Churches of the American Archdiocese under colorful Elpidophoros, and all those of the Greek Canadian Archdiocese, controlled by sinister Sotirios. It would take too long to list the churches in Australia and other parts of the world that are in Bartholomew’s see.

If consummated, the result of this false union will be a schism similar in tragedy and trajectory to that of 1054, but the Freemasons don’t care because their goal is to destroy the Orthodox Church anyway. Patriarch Bartholomew told us so himself, when he was asked in 2021 how he felt when the Moscow Patriarchate severed full communion with the Phanar, because of his meddling in Moscow’s jurisdiction by granting autocephaly (independence) to the newly created Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). This new “autocephaly” was an affront to the already established Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which was self-governing under the see of Moscow. The schism was hoped to be a temporary disciplinary measure to make Bartholomew recant and restore unity, but his response was –  σκασίλα μου – he just didn’t care.

The Holy Fathers, on the other hand, cared a great deal about schisms. St. Irenaeus of Lyons, sums it up perfectly with these words: “He [God] shall also judge those who give rise to schisms, who are destitute of the love of God, and who look to their own special advantage rather than to the unity of the Church; and who for…any kind of reason which occurs to them, cut in pieces and divide the great and glorious body of Christ, and so far as in them lies, destroy it – men who prate of peace while they give rise to war.” Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer could not make it more clear in his Epistle to the Philadelphians: “Do not err, my brethren. If any man follows him that makes a schism in the Church, he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” It is vital to note here that it is he who makes the schism that is the schismatic, which is why the faithful must not leave their schismatic church until after the schism is made, to remain blameless of this enormous sin.

 Bartholomew and his predecessors justify their uncanonical activities by abusing their honorary title of “ecumenical” (which means universal) Patriarch, also expressed as “first among equals” (first in honor). Not long ago, Bartholomew went further by (uncanonically, of course) adopting the title “first without equal,” unprecedented in the Orthodox Church, but well known to the popes of Rome who invented it. This new title was defended in a 2014 essay by the incumbent American “orthodox” Archbishop Elpidophoros, who, in 2019, was rewarded with a hierarchy of his very own by his mentor … Bartholomew. Many of the papal heresies and fabrications that led to the Great Schism of 1054 are strikingly similar to those of the Constantinopolitan patriarchs during the past 100 years.4 Bishops like these fully disregard that the Apostles never selected amongst themselves a “first among equals” let alone a “first without equal.”

Instead of working on the more important and pressing issues that concern the Church today, such as pandemic issues, abortion issues, contemporary morality issues or properly framed reunification issues, all of which should have “a return to Orthodoxy” as their basic tenet (this is proper Orthodox ecumenism); and instead of strengthening the bonds between existing Orthodox jurisdictions and resolving political and cultural differences that have divided some Orthodox Churches, the “first without equal” (in all manner of “shock and awe”) does the opposite. By “lording it over” all other patriarchates, he creates and widens inter-Orthodox rifts while focusing on “union” with the non-Orthodox, without any indication of their conversion to the Orthodox Faith from which they have tragically departed.  Ecumenical dialogue has focused predominantly on “similarities,” opportunities for ‘economia’ (which should only be used for rare exceptions), and a “downplaying” and even avoidance of dogmatic differences. As they did in Kolymbari, Bartholomew and his bishops keep drifting into the most emetic of “lukewarm” arenas of the dilution of our Faith, which makes our Lord Jesus Christ so upset, He says, “I will vomit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). Should this false union ever be consummated, he and his bishops will be thrown out of the Church by God Himself, like their father, Lucifer. Woe to the blind, complacent and lukewarm sheep who follow them into the abyss of an easy, convenient and false “Christianity.” The true Church will not follow these deceivers! She knows the voice of the Good Shepherd and will follow Him, staying the course.

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 In the Name of “Love”

The Orthodox Church is essential, not only as the Ark of Salvation, but also as the spiritual hospital for the healing of the soul.1 Spiritual growth and healing, however, can only be accomplished through the in-person (never virtual) sacraments of Holy Baptism, Repentance (Holy Confession) and Holy Communion. In the name of “love,” too many misguided “orthodox” bishops have disregarded these soul-saving tools, to enforce unprecedented political temple lockdowns and vaccine mandates – because these, and not Christ, will save us. In the name of “love,” they have embraced  sexual immorality, and the non-Orthodox without calling anyone to repentance. They have even served Holy Communion with multiple spoons – because the “Giver of Life” spreads disease and death –  and marched and celebrated under a rainbow flag, as did Archbishop Elpidophoros, twice, at Anglican St. Bart’s Cathedral, all in the name of “love,” for as they say, “God is Love”. Yes, that He is, but love without truth is a lie. God is Love and Truth. God is true Love, not an exhibition of “love” where “everything goes.” Love without Truth is not the Love of God, and lust is not love. God said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second [commandment] is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’(Mark 12:28-34). In true Love, obedience to God and His commandments always comes first because He is Love and He is Truth. Christ also commanded us: Love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:9-17), which Christ did for us. True love is sacrificial. There is nothing lustful or selfish about it; and there is nothing sacrificial in lust.

In the name of “love,” these same bishops have denied the Power of God in the Holy Chalice; they have denied the flock access to the Holy Gifts; and they continue to deny to the non-Orthodox knowledge of the Truth, lest these convert and judge them. When did any of these “lovers” of ours risk their lives to commune the faithful during the lockdowns? When did any of them even conduct a litany for God to lift the pandemic? Are these “lovers” of sexual immorality and all its ideologies, now ready to lay down their lives for their LGBTQ+ “friends?” or is it because they secretly practice sexual immoralities together with them that they publicly support their sin? They haven’t left much to the imagination when a number of “orthodox” hierarchs are already known to have open and unrepented homosexual lifestyles. And even if they don’t, do they really think that they love the stray sheep more than God loves them?

In their arrogance, they forget that the fallen human condition (which includes theirs) cannot even begin to fathom the mystical depths of God’s Power, Mercy and Love. Theirs is more a love of the self and the body, manifested as lust, greed, and hypocrisy. In their self-serving delusions, they have lost the meaning of Love because the Holy Spirit has departed from them, and the “other” spirit has made its abode in them. Saint Peter warns about false teachers, like these bishops, who are unholy and communicate heresy. They are arrogant, sensual and greedy deceivers, denying accountability in their lives. Isolating themselves from Apostolic doctrine concerning Christ, they hold their own “private interpretations,” misconstruing doctrines and Holy Scripture (2 Peter 2:1-3). These are not the words of the author. These are the words of the Orthodox Study Bible.5

 Homosexuality among the Eastern Orthodox hierarchy under the Constantinopolitan patriarchate, is more prevalent than meets the eye. It is rumored that “to become a bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church, one must be an ecumenist, a Freemason and a homosexual.”  You must belong to the “other” club before you can belong to Bartholomew’s. This explains the ‘rogue clergy’ consecrations that we see taking place in rapid succession, the cowardice of established hierarchs who did nothing to spiritually support their flock during Covid, and the countless hushed up reports of open episcopal homosexuality, witnessed by scandalized laity, which this author is also privy to. Bishops such as these are not worthy of their ordination according to the impediments set out by the Holy Canons of the Church and they must be deposed.6  St. Paul said, “…an overseer [bishop] must be above reproach…” (1 Timothy 3:1-2), but if you are an imposter patriarch (bishop), you need other imposters worse than yourself, to support your agenda and not hold you accountable! The fish rots from the head!

Recent publication from our friends at Fordham University Press, home of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center which has extremely close ties to the Patriarchate of Constantinople

St. John the Theologian records Christ’s message to the bishop of the Church of Ephesus: …”but you have this in your favor, you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelations 2:6). In his book of homilies, Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios explains below:

“The Nicolaitans were gnosticizing heretics … Gnosticism did not die and will not die until the end of history …The Nicolaitans … had a very lax attitude towards idolatry and carnal sins…they had great difficulty accepting the commandments of God …  more specifically, in the area of bodily sins. They were tremendously loose … specifically regarding the subject of abstinence or sexual control …


Gnosticism attempts to create a melting pot of all the ideologies of all times. It is a mixture: a little philosophy, a little Christianity, a little Buddhism, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little idolatry. It is a smorgasbord of all religions [like unorthodox Ecumenism] that maintains the name of Christianity; but it is a Christianity of maximum distortion. They were classified as heretics because they attempted to give themselves a Christian garb, a Christian color, while their abuse and distortion of the Gospel was horrendous …


Freemasonry is a revival of Gnosticism …neo-Gnosticism … They claim to have the light, the illumination, and the pathway to the depth of knowledge, the depth of wisdom, the depth of philosophy … [which are] the depths of Satan … [Their] hope [is] to destroy all religions and especially Orthodox Christianity.”7  

 “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The Holy Apostles were painfully aware of spiritual dangers like Gnosticism, the oldest and most pervasive heresy in Christian history. Saint Peter warns, “be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:9). Saint Paul admonishes, “In their case the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Saint John also writes, “We know we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19).

The Holy Apostles admonished and exhorted their flock to guard against the dangers of the secular world. Which Eastern Orthodox pulpit or encyclical today, warns the Church about the dangers that are being propagated by politicians around the world as “freedom and rights for all”?  Which hierarch has urged their flock to “stand firm and hold to the traditions that [the Apostles] taught” (2 Thessalonians 2:15) because 2000 years of Orthodox Christian Tradition comes in direct conflict with “modern society’s teachings” in our schools, governments, and institutions around the industrialized world today? What bishop has taught our children that the Garden of Eden was lost because not everything is a “FREE FOR ALL,” but that God had placed a single restriction on mankind – to love and obey Him.

Certainly not those hierarchs who already serve two masters, hating The One and loving the “other.” Freemason “Grand Commanders” like Canadian Archbishop Sotirios, have never stood up to the slings and arrows that buffet the Church; they only capitulate to them, as they capitulated to Covidism, to unorthodox ecumenism, and to a false union with Rome in 2025, to strip Holy Orthodoxy down to Her “commonalities” with all other religions. Their goal, as we said, is to align all citizens of the world with one “common global religion,” the “other” master being “common” to all. The false union with Rome will not stop there; there will be many other false unions.

How do “orthodox” hierarchs fall for such deceit? Actually, they don’t. They are fully on board with the neo-Gnostic “system” that selected them and elected them, purposely “groomed” them in the cult of Freemasonry and “approved” them to fill the role in the way that enables their agenda.  This is why in the last hundred years or so, the new hierarchy stopped consecrating hieromonks as bishops to succeed them, and craftily figured out how to remove the laity from the electoral process to select new hierarchs. With all arrogance, these present-day, neo-Gnostic Nicolaitans hijacked the Orthodox Church, and through the preferential ordinations of like-minded, lascivious jackals, they have multiplied their numbers to circumvent accountability, and to destroy the Church from within. Such as these shall be the new leaders of the harlot church. “…and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns…decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Revelations 17:3).

These harlot hierarchs will not heed the voice of the Good Shepherd because they neither love Him nor believe in Him. Willful, shameless and unrepentant sodomites and piranhas, “in the name of Jesus,” they extract and extort millions of dollars from the temples of a pious flock that naively funds them for the false unification of all religions and the destruction of Truth. What more evidence do we need? “[We]…know them by their [rotten] fruits” (Matthew 7:16)!

The Time is Near

When Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15), He was not exaggerating. These self-serving hierarchs are the neo-Gnostic wolves in sheep’s clothing against whom Saint Paul warned, “O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith…” (1 Timothy 6:20-21); and “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). Saint John also warned, “Whoever says “I know Him” but does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” (1 John 2:4) See how carefully the Holy Apostles trained and prepared those like Timothy, who they ordained as bishops to continue the Apostolic mission in service to the Church!

The faithful “Timothies”, in the Eastern Orthodox Church today, are tragically outnumbered by the “devils” and “liars” who have taken over behind an “orthodox” facade. Blinded by their lust for their true master, Satan, they despise the true Love of God. These duplicitous, high-ranking Freemasons repeatedly injure the Body of Christ, His Church, with their demonic innovations, arrogant power-grabs and hypocritical justifications to the sheep, who they also despise, claiming they are “orthodox” bishops who must be obeyed because they have the Apostolic succession through ordination, an ordination they desecrate, mock and usurp. They forget, or rather, they do not believe or care, that when the Pharisees puffed themselves up because they were descendants of Abraham, Christ responded, “…do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father. ‘ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones” (Matthew 3: 9-10).

If they do not repent, they will “bring on themselves swift destruction” (2 Peter 2:1), as did all their wicked predecessors before them (2 Peter 2:4-22). The same holds true for the complacent, comfortable, lukewarm sheep that enable them. Over and over, God’s providence uses His enemies, just as He used “the son of perdition” to accomplish His purpose. Even if things seem they can get no worse, as they did from the foot of the Cross, that is when Christ will renew and purify His suffering Church, leading Her to glory, for He has built her on the rock of Faith and “…the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her” (Matthew 16:18).

It is very tempting to be scandalized by all that has been taking place in the Orthodox Church these days, but Christ said, “such things must come” (Matthew 6:8). Why? Because, even now, God is using the evil ones who are in but not of His Church to separate the sheep from the goats. According to His Divine Justice, everyone will use their free will to sort themselves out, like wheat from chaff, depending on who they follow. Will they follow the steep and narrow path of the Good Shepard, or will they follow the wide and easy path of Satan’s harlot church? See how the enemies of God cannot and will not destroy His Body, His Church! All they can do is leave and by doing so, they will create the schism. Therefore, they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Those that do not know the voice of the Good Shepherd, those who are not of His flock, will all fall away. “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us; but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2:19)

But as for us, “if we endure, we will also reign with Him” (2 Timothy 2:11-13). So, let us prepare ourselves. Let us find a trusted Orthodox spiritual father, even if he belongs to another jurisdiction, and seek advice from him; let us withhold our financial support from corrupt hierarchy who use our donations to promote their blasphemous agenda; let us worship in the temples of other Orthodox jurisdictions, but if that is not possible, remember that (until the false union takes place) God’s grace is still imparted to the faithful even if unworthy bishops are in charge. Do not abstain from the Divine Liturgy or from the Holy Gifts because of scandal; and do not be afraid of becoming spiritually orphaned. God will provide for his sheep. Above all, do not leave the Orthodox Church, for She is the Ark of Salvation, no matter how many “Judases” lurk inside. They will not be there for much longer and some of them may even repent.

When the traitors leave, the authentic Orthodox Church may become smaller, but having been cleansed, She will shine much brighter, and more faithful sheep will find Her and flock to Her; for She will reject all idolatry and immorality, all lies and falsehoods, all heresies and blasphemies. She will hold a proper and true Great and Holy Ecumenical Synod and will put everything in order, properly missionizing “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The sham church with her harlot bishops, will follow the globalists and ultimately the Antichrist.8 While the devil does his work, Christ is already revealing true and worthy priests and bishops that will properly guide the faithful; bishops who recognize and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd, up the narrow path, leading His Church to the top of the mountain. There, the full number of saints (of whom God has foreknowledge) will be completed; and then, the history of the world will be ended by God, who will abolish all evil forever.

The time is near. Let us all correct ourselves. Let us “exhort one another daily…lest any of [us] be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13). Let us be vigilant, “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). While the enemies of God war against Him as they did from the beginning of time, let us steadfastly pray and study God’s word, choosing wisely, exercising repentance with patient endurance in these spiritually hard times (Hebrews 6:15). The Lord will win for us, provided we persevere like “a woman in travail” (John 16:21-23; Revelations 12:1-6), up the steep and narrow path, the only Path, in and of the only Church, the only Ark that leads to the Heavenly Kingdom. Let us be able to say “yes” to the Lord’s question, “…when the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8).

Demetrios Georgiou

Do you support freedom of worship for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Then please read, sign, and share our petition supporting Metropolitan Onuphry and his Church.


  1. Fr. George Nicozisin. The Orthodox Church, A Well-Kept Secret – A Journey Through Church History. Light & Life Publishing Company, Minneapolis MN
  2. The Orthodox Study Bible – New Testament and Psalms, New King James Version. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. Peter 2:1-3 (Footnoted Exegesis, pp 563-564)
  3. Fr. Ted Bobosh. Canonical Ordination and Deposition
  4. Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios. Homilies on the Book of the Revelation, Volume One. Translation, Foreword and Notes by Constantine Zalalas, St. Nicodemus Publications, Bethlehem PA 2009 (Chapter 9, pp 133-134; Chapter 16 – Freemasonry – the Depths of Satan)
  5. G.M. Davis, PhD. Antichrist: The Fulfillment of Globalization – The Ancient Church and the End of History. Uncut Mountain Press, 2022

The Orthodox Church of Today: What is Happening and Why, Part I

Click here for Part II of this article.

One Holy, Catholic (Universal) and Apostolic Church

When most people think of the Church (Gk: Εκκλησία, Ecclesia), they immediately think of the church building, the bishop and the clergy. While these elements may define other, heterodox churches, they fall exceedingly short of the full scope of the Orthodox Church.

“Ecclesia ” does not connote a physical structure, but all those who gather for corporate worship “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The correct term for the physical structure built for this purpose, is not “the church” but “the temple” (ναός, naos). While beautiful temples are a blessing to have, they are not a pre-requisite for a functioning Church. Indeed, they did not come into existence until after Constantine I signed the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. Prior to that, Christians gathered for worship secretly in forests, private homes, catacombs, and anywhere else they could to avoid persecution. And yet, the New Testament writings are brimming with the word “Church.”

According to Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia, the Orthodox Church is beginningless, uncreated and pre-eternal, first existing in the communion of the three, blessed Persons of the Holy Trinity. All the angelic powers (those that did not fall) also belong to the Church, as do all the saints of the Old and New Testaments. In addition to these, all those who lived and died in an Orthodox manner, together with all those currently living a sacramental and liturgical Orthodox life, while championing and believing in the Orthodox Faith, are also members of the Orthodox Church.1

Who are those Christians who live a sacramental and liturgical life while championing and believing in the Orthodox Faith? In the early Church, they were the ones who celebrated the Divine Liturgy on a daily basis; and then on a weekly basis, when their numbers grew too large to make daily corporate worship practical. They were the ones who sold everything they had and gave it to the Apostles to distribute equitably amongst all the Christians in the community of believers. They were the ones who put the Lord, Jesus Christ, first in their lives, adhering to all His teachings, and witnessing to the Faith, even with their lives, which many of them did. This defines who belongs to the true Orthodox Church on earth.

The true Church on earth strives with all Her might to cross the finish line and join the Heavenly Church, like Saint Paul who said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7). This Church is “hot” for God (Revelations 3:16) and does not care if they are called “extremists,” “fundamentalists” or “fanatics.” This Church teaches their children to become martyrs for Christ, like St. Sophia who urged her daughters to endure their torments for the sake of the Heavenly Bridegroom. All three maidens were beheaded, joyfully bending their necks beneath the sword, while their mother was forced to watch their sufferings, until she died by their graves of a broken heart. This Church endures these things because of Her unshakeable faith and ardent love for Jesus. These people forgive and love their enemies, make sacrifices for others, pray constantly and never miss a Liturgy except for grave reasons. Missing Church because of “other” commitments is not negotiable for these Christians because the Divine Liturgy, which brings Heaven to earth and unites them to their Lord and Savior, is their first commitment.

Today, many go to the temple but only for Christmas, Pascha, a memorial service, or if it is “convenient.” Others may go more often and may even pay a membership, but do not live out Christ’s commandments; or they may not participate in the salvific sacraments even if they attend Liturgy regularly, because they may be unrepentant or they may be avoiding Holy Communion for fear of germs, or they may even think they have no sins. Others may not be standing up for their Orthodox Faith when the opportunity comes; they may be too afraid, or even embarrassed. Still others may be living an unrepentant dual life, committing abominable sins when they are not attending services, like reading coffee cups, or fornicating, or committing violence in the home. Today, there are many who are in the Church but are not of the Church.

It should come as no surprise that this condition, to be in but not of, began when the persecutions against the Church stopped. While the sword was the test of true Church membership, the Church was authentic, purified by the Blood of Christ, but also by Her own blood that She shed for Him. When the persecutions ended, many joined the Church because it became easier, safer, more convenient or more popular to be a Christian, thereby increasing the number of insincere or lukewarm people in the Church but not of the Church. Such has been the condition of the Church for a very long time now, but that will turn around again as we approach the end times when persecutions increase, from without and from within. Many dread those times because they fear difficulties, torment, martyrdom or death, but only through suffering can the Church, the Bride of Christ, prepare herself for God.

Do you support freedom of worship for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church enduring martyrdom as you read this? Then please read, sign, and share our petition supporting Metropolitan Onuphry and his Church. Their burden today, ours tomorrow.

Saint Paul defines the Church as “the mystical Body of the Godman, Christ “(Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:24). “Christ, [therefore, and not a pope, not a patriarch, nor a bishop] is the Head of the Church, His body, and is Himself its Savior” (Ephesians 5:23). Because all have sinned, Christ…loved the Church and gave Himself up for Her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water by the word, so that He might present the Church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that She might be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5: 25-27).

As Christ is one, so His Mystical Body – His Bride – is one. Therefore, the Church can only be one, the one that He built and passed on to His Apostles. This one, true Church can only be the Orthodox Church, as She alone has continued Christ’s truth (dogmas) and life (ethos) according to His true saying, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” (John 14:6). This Way, this Truth and this Life, have been handed down to us by Christ, through His Holy Apostles, and their successors, in an unbreakable chain known as the Apostolic Succession. … Christ, Himself, gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4: 11-13). In his letter to R. Gardiner, Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) wrote, The Church is One, and She is the only place where one can receive the complete and unabridged plenteousness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit…There is no Christianity outside of the Church for us. If Christ founded the Church, and the Church is His Body, then separation from his Body means death” (On Life in the Church).

The Church Gave us the Bible and Holy Tradition

Christ’s teachings have also been handed down to us through the Holy Scriptures (the Word of God) and Holy Tradition. According to St. Nektarios, Holy Tradition can be thought of as the unwritten book of the New Testament2, which is the life of the Holy Spirit in the Church as lived by Christ Himself, by His Apostles, by His saints (many of them bishops), and by the Ecumenical Councils, having correctly interpreted His teachings by the Holy Spirit of Truth.1

Some Christians say they don’t need the Church. “All we need is the Bible, Sola Scriptura.” These souls ignore how the Church (those who gather for corporate worship “in spirit and in truth”) preceded the Bible, and under the guidance of the unerring Holy Spirit wrote, guarded and rightly interpreted the Bible. It is impossible for the Holy Spirit of Truth to inspire differing or conflicting interpretations of the Bible, which is why outside the Orthodox Church, all manner of strange ideas and false heresies have arisen. Different sects holding opposite doctrines appeal to the Bible equally because they ignore Holy Tradition and rely entirely on their own private interpretations, despite God’s clear warning which is recorded in the Bible: No prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation. For no prophecy ever came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were prompted by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:20). No one can interpret Scripture by himself, because we are one body, told to “be of one mind” (Phil. 1:27). “Be one in thought, one in heart, one in soul, one in mind” (Phil. 2:2). Thus, “I believe in the Bible,” must be balanced with, “I believe in One, Holy, Catholic (universal) and Apostolic Church,” which is the Orthodox Church.3

The Orthodox Church, therefore, is not a man-made religion. It is through this Church, His Church, that God, both revealed and explained Himself, so that we may truly understand and know Him without any doubts. This is not blind faith. This Faith has stood the test of time and was proven by the miraculous signs and wonders of our Lord, Jesus Christ, even as far as His Incarnation and Resurrection from the dead. Our God knows the weaknesses of our human condition and has given us all the evidence we need to believe – if we bother to look for it.

The Orthodox Church is the fulfillment of the Old Testament’s prophesied Blood Covenant that extends Heaven to earth in the life of the Godman, Christ, which we experience in the Church’s Divine Liturgy. In other words, the Kingdom of God is manifested in the life of the Church.1 To find the Orthodox Church, is to find the pearl of great price (Matthew 13 45-46) and the narrow gate (Matthew 7: 13-14) – narrow because the Church teaches only one (absolute) Truth and only one Way (to find it). The wide gate that leads to destruction has room for many ways, many so called convenient “truths.” These relative truths represent the many ideologies or “paths up the mountain,” but only one Path reaches to the top of the mountain. The other paths swerve and go elsewhere. Because there is only one Truth, one Trinity, one God, one Head, and one Body, there can only be one Path, one Bride, one Church, which makes the one and only Way, narrow.  If one deviates from this Path, this Church, one does not get to the Kingdom of Heaven at the top, despite what some “orthodox” bishops may have recently said.

Proper Selection of Clergy and Bishops

The members of the Orthodox Church are meant to relate to one another as the three Persons of the Holy Trinity Each relate to the Other – in all humility and love. This is why during the first several centuries of Christian history, the Church elected Her bishops. The Didache, an early Christian document, states “you must elect for yourselves bishops and deacons who are a credit to the Lord, men who are gentle, generous, faithful, and well tried.” St. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (200-258 AD), also advocated for the election of bishops by the Christian community. In the fifth century, Rusticus, Bishop of Narbonne, ordained his archdeacon Hermes and sent him as bishop to the people of Beziers. The people sent Bishop Hermes right back to Rusticus because he had neglected to consult with and receive approval from them.3

“Christ did not establish His Church to be ruled by…dictators, but by good shepherds – the shepherds who imitate their Lord and God, the original Good Shepherd – shepherds who know their sheep, love them, and give their life for them – shepherds who do not carry a crown but a towel and are footwashers.” 3

The laity, too, are ordained through the sacrament of Chrismation to participate in the work of the Church. Therefore, the clergy must operate interdependently with the laity and not independently of the laity, since they are both part of the same Mystical Body, the Church. Prior to 1923, the Patriarch of Constantinople was elected by a mixed council of eight lay people and four metropolitans. Patriarch Alexei of Moscow was elected by 66 bishops, 66 priests, and 66 lay people representing the 66 dioceses of the Russian Church. This process reflects the true Tradition of the Church, where the laity help select their own clergy who are to serve them. This is not democracy, but syndiakonia (συνδιακονία), or interdependence, working together as members of the Body of Christ in symphony, love and doxology to the Lord.3

Although education is desirable and a blessing, in our Orthodox history, there was never a requirement for a priest candidate to first earn a Degree in Theology. Fr. Dimitios Gagastathis’ biography reminds us that at the conclusion of the Balkan Wars, the minimum educational requirement for the priesthood was to complete a “6th grade education.” Even today, in Greece, and likely in other countries as well, there exist priests with only a high school diploma, or less.  Many older Orthodox Christians may recall how their village priest was often nominated from the local community. Educational barriers to enter the priesthood were not established by Christ or the Apostles. St. Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia had a Grade 2 education when he went to Mount Athos, but subsequently became a priest and a Saint, blessed with many gifts of the Holy Spirit. Even St. Paisios of Mount Athos said that the only requirements for the priesthood are faith and reverence (πίστη και ευλάβεια). This is important for the subsequent scrutiny of those who wish to join the ranks of the clergy.

There are, of course, highly educated bishops as well, such as the Three Holy Hierarchs – St. Basil, St. Chrysostom and St. Gregory the Theologian – but they also had faith and reverence. Arius, who was highly educated, was an irreverent heretic who was anathematized. Education is beneficial but should never be the sole criterion to fulfil Christ’s commandment to St. Peter, “…tend my sheep” (John 21:17). If there is faith and reverence for the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit completes any “education” that may be lacking. Many bishops of the Orthodox Church were also monastics for many years before becoming bishops and saints. They were often selected against their personal will but according to God’s will. This is because they were holy and humble men of God with no personal ambition, other than to serve Christ and His Church. Some examples include St. Basil the Great, St. Philaret of Moscow and St. Nektarios of Aegina. Men such as these, and all of the saints, had exemplary faith and reverence.

Even if the laity select their priest or bishop, when the ordination is performed, it still requires their unanimous consent. During the service, the congregation ratifies the ordination by shouting AXIOS! which means WORTHY! If any clergy or lay person expresses dissent, the ordination or consecration must not take place until an investigation is made. The Church is a communion of self-governing churches, held together not by a single bishop wielding absolute power, but by a communion of all its members, clergy and laity; a communion with one another and in the Holy Trinity, united in one Body, the Body of Christ through the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Spirit abides not just in the bishops, but in the entire body of the Church.3

Imposed Clergy and Bishops

Today, however, these Apostolic Traditions are rarely practised. The Orthodox priest candidate of today, attends an Orthodox Theological Academy, is ordained and is then “assigned” to a parish. Rarely, as was done in the past, is a priest chosen by the parish for the parish. How many of today’s parishioners have met or spoken to their candidate priest or bishop, or seen their biography, or been invited to interview them or to participate in the selection process? Today, more and more, especially in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the priest or bishop is selected by the hierarchy for the hierarchy, is parachuted into his new parish or jurisdiction, and the laity deals with it.

Furthermore, when was a bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church last selected by the laity from the monastic community? In fact, many hierarchs in North America today hold a polemic stance against popular (especially male) monasteries, whose ordained monks can serve Liturgies and Sacraments without having to rely on the regional bishop to provide a priest. Canadian monasteries have had “stand-offs” with their archbishop over liturgical innovations imposed due to Covid. Orthodox faithful in Canada have been publicly shamed by their archbishop for frequenting some monasteries and using those monks as their spiritual father confessors. Other bishops in the US have openly and vehemently urged their parishioners to shun their local monastery, a hostility that threatens to push some monasteries into bankruptcy. Why anyone would not want to support the prayers of their local monastic community defies reason.  Except of course, if the Abbot or Abbess inconveniently disagrees with the erring local bishop on matters of Faith or if there is a monetary or competitive issue.

Even married clergy have troubles. If, for any reason, a decent priest displeases his bishop, or if a good bishop disagrees with his archbishop, he runs the risk of being arbitrarily deposed or reassigned to another part of the country (together with his family), regardless of how many of his parishioners oppose the move. Traditionally, a priest or bishop remained with his parish or episcopate until grave illness or death prevented him from serving. Untimely removals have created bereavement in entire parishes, impeding the spiritual growth of the parish by disrupting spiritual father-child relationships and bonds that have taken years to develop.  Such premature removals are too frequently a punishment for some slight, or an abusive execution of power and control that bishops were never meant to have or wield. Understandably, we see fewer and fewer men seeking the priesthood, and these same bishops wonder why. Christ forbids bishops from using their position to abuse the clergy, to compete in the ecclesial arena, or to demand obedience or respect. Christ and His Apostles never behaved that way.

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Hierarchy and Humility

When Christ’s Disciples vied amongst themselves for honor, He said, “the first will be last and last will be first” (Matthew 19:30) and “by this shall all men know that you are My Disciples, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34-35); and “…the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:25-28). He berated the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and their love of honor, of loving greetings in the marketplace and of the best seats (Matthew 23:6-12); but to His Disciples He said, do not be called ‘Rabbi’ [which simply means Teacher]; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren [brothers].”

 Christ did well to teach humility to his Disciples; for the Word of God, the Creator, who is the Head of His Mystical Body, the Church, and Who was ordained High Priest by the Father, did not come to us as the CEO of Paradise. He was born in a stable, the humblest of the poorest, fled as a refugee, was raised in a town of ill repute, worked as a carpenter, walked everywhere, teaching and healing the sick and the lame, having no home, no place to rest His head (Matthew 8:20). He took no payment. He prayed and fasted, hungered and thirsted. Towards the end of His earthly ministry, the Master of the Universe washed His Disciples’ feet, teaching us and our clergy, to do the same to one another, not pseudo-symbolically, but fundamentally, in humble service. Next, the Lord of all submitted to betrayal, injustice, humiliation, brutal torture and death. Naked, He spilled His blood on a Roman cross, giving us His broken Body and Blood for our salvation, so that we can become permanent members of His Church.

If we look at the Church as an organized structure, Christ put Himself at the very bottom so that He could elevate His Church to the very top granting Her theosis. If our present-day bishops want a Christ-like status, they need to significantly lower themselves relative to their flock of logical sheep in service to them. As Christ said, “the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Unlike the CEO in the corporate example, Christ, the Good Shepherd, elevated His sheep, to the very top of the hierarchical ladder, while putting Himself, the Head of the Church, at the very bottom because of His unfathomable condescension, His ultimate self-sacrifice and His incomprehensible Love. It was not by His power and glory that He saved us, but by His extreme humility. He placed Himself at the bottom so that by imitating Him, the Lord of all, we may rise to the top; and if His faithful sheep follow Him into the depths of humility in Spirit and in Truth, what then is the true role of the Church’s bishops, if not an even deeper humility, in service to the sheep?

Illumined and emboldened on the day of Pentecost, the Apostles then spread the Gospel, their Teacher’s message, performing miracles in their Teacher’s name, not their own message in their own name (see Kolymbari below), and not for money, power or prestige, but to witness to the Truth, even unto martyrdom – and millions of Christians subsequently did the same. Christ had taught that the world would hate them because it hated Him first (John 15:18). It did and it still does. He said that He was not of this world, and so they forsook the world. They did not seek status, only service, because their own Master, the Creator and Lord of all, came to serve, and to do so in all obedience to His Father in Heaven, and in all humility for His Bride, the Church.

The first bishops were saints who took care of their flock while living in poverty, many dying as martyrs in the line of duty. When the flock grew too large to be overseen by one person, the bishop, ordained by “the laying on of hands” (Num 27:15-23; Deut 34:9, 2 Timothy 1:5 ) other bishops, presbyters or deacons. The Apostles, themselves, ordained deacons, one of whom was Saint Stephen, the first martyr. Why deacons? They were needed for the very lack-luster job of overseeing the serving of tables at the agape meals; to make sure that everyone got their fair share so that no one felt slighted. The purpose of all these jobs was to serve the laity, the Church, the Body of Christ, to feed them physically and spiritually, to heal and comfort them, to serve and die for them. The Apostles would gather the donated funds of the believers for equitable distribution to all, according to the needs of each. St Paul worked as a tentmaker to support himself while undertaking his missionary journeys, so as not to financially burden the Churches he established. Once he collected funds on his missionary journeys to support the Church in Jerusalem, which had great need.

Nowadays, there are bishops who gather funds from the faithful but not for charitable work. They demand stipends from their Orthodox parishes even when the parish has a large mortgage and pays the salary of the priest. They have created the prestigious lay position of “Archon” as an incentive for large donations from those who wish to show off their wealth and generosity; and if the Philoptochos does a fundraiser, they expect a generous cut because their cash flow is low, having horded all their surplus income in fixed assets or having sent large sums to the Constantinopolitan patriarchate for reasons of their own. What a stark contrast to St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, who sold everything he owned and gave the money to the poor. He even used his own funds to establish the ‘new city’ of Basilieas to care for the elderly, the sick and the poor. This is true Christianity, and it is by no means impossible or extinct, for I have personally met bishops and other clergy who live in poverty, having donated all their inheritance to the service of God, as St. Basil did, but I shall not name them for they are still alive. I cannot recall a single act of Christian charity from the bishop of our Greek jurisdiction in North America. I have only witnessed demands and income-generating business schemes. I hope things are different in your neck of the woods, but they probably aren’t.

Most of us have observed how the episcopate (position of bishop) has even become a fashionable career. The mitre (crown) and other trappings, which appeared in the 16th century, are garment copies of Byzantine emperors. Such crowns, and their associated bells and velvets have literally and figuratively “gone to the heads” of some modern-day hierarchs, who assume greater authority than conferred to them and abuse their position. Along with the mitres, they have adopted various titles of episcopal grandeur, such as ‘your grace’, ‘your eminence’, ‘your all-holiness’ and so on, when there is no higher ordination than that of “bishop.” While we refer to God as “Lord,” (Κύριε, Kyrie) we address a bishop as “lord, lord” (κύριε, κύριε) twice, followed by his first name. Other Christian denominations see these things and question how they relate to the first few centuries of the Orthodox Church.

In sharp contrast to our present-day hierarchs, the Apostles referred to themselves in their epistles as “bondservants” and “apostles of Jesus Christ through/by the will/commandment of God.” The Apostles, who ordained the first bishops, made it clear that their apostleship was not something they chose to honor themselves with, but something chosen for them by God; and their obedience to God’s will made them bondservants, which means slaves, because they considered themselves bought by the Lord’s blood. This terminology is diametrically opposed to today’s cornucopia of terminology denoting hierarchs and other clergy. The assortment of ecclesial titles used today is much loftier than the appellation “teacher, which Christ said was too lofty, even for His Disciples, because He, the Lord of all, called Himself, “the Teacher,and them, brothers to one another.

Synodical Organization

Christ taught His Disciples by His example from the bottom of the hierarchical ladder, and they in turn, served the Church sacrificing themselves for Her, as Christ had also done. Guided by the Holy Spirit, they organized the Church as she grew, by carefully selecting, teaching and ordaining their helpers and successors. This gave rise to an Apostolic Succession of bishops, meaning overseers or caretakers. Bishops then, fell into the same four categories we have today: bishop (επίσκοπος), metropolitan (μητροπολίτης), archbishop (aρχιεπίσκοπος) and patriarch (πατριάρχης). These are all administrative roles depending on the geographical area they supervise and its size.  Initially there were five Patriarchs (in Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria), called the Pentarchy (five heads). The Pentarchy did not rule the Church and were never meant to impose their authority upon any of their fellow bishops. Nor did they interfere in the region (see) of another patriarch, as Patriarch Bartholomew has repeatedly done.

When issues or problems arose in the early Church, they were never solved by a papal top-down approach. First, the Apostles and later, their successors (bishops), would all meet in conciliar humility to find solutions together, with prayer and brotherly love, equitably and collectively so that the Holy Spirit could do His work. This was called an Ecumenical (universal) Council or Synod, where all types of bishops, having the same ordination and the same ecclesial authority, cast a vote of equal weight. This was the case in all seven past ecumenical councils. Unfortunately, in recent times, this has become another usurped area.

Imposter Bishops

When Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople called an “ecumenical” synod in 2016 in Kolymbari, Crete, it was hoped that he would follow the same Holy Tradition as past synods. For several decades, Orthodox Autocephalous Churches had been preparing the ground for a much needed Great (Ecumenical) Pan-Orthodox Synod. The list of topics had been painstakingly agreed upon over many years. However, when Bartholomew called for a Great and Holy Synod in 2016 all past visions to resolve multiple contemporary issues vanished, simply because the agenda was “hijacked” and altered by the See of Phanar (Constantinople, aka Bartholomew) and because the organizers insisted on restricting attendance, presumably to ensure sufficient votes to pass their agenda.  Traditionally, all Orthodox bishops have a seat at the Synodic table in the spirit of the original Day of Pentecost, where all Apostles gathered.  However, when most Russian Orthodox bishops were told they could not attend, (presumably so the vote count would not be skewed in an “undesirable” direction) this resulted in the absence of half the global Orthodox population of bishops.

There were other important reasons for the boycott as well, including violations of the Patristic interpretation of the word “Church,” which is described in detail at the start of this article. The Kolymbari synod was set on declaring sects as “Churches” and reducing the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to the same level as all other heresies.  By these means, Patriarch Bartholomew attempted to uncanonically undo key elements of Holy Tradition – Patristic teachings of the Holy Fathers and the work of the Second Ecumenical Council in 381 AD that struck the Nicene Creed of Faith, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit. This was only one of many highly controversial agenda topics that also drove other Autocephalous Orthodox Churches to boycott the proceedings. We explained earlier that it is impossible for the Holy Spirit of Truth to inspire conflicting interpretations of the Bible; but according to Patriarch Bartholomew, the Holy Spirit “corrected” Himself at Kolymbari by admitting, centuries later, that the Orthodox Church is not the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church because all other churches are just as salvific and as valid as She. If Patriarch Bartholomew believes this, then when he recites the Nicene Creed of Faith during Orthodox services and says, “I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church” who is he lying to? These things are not of the Holy Spirit but of the “other” spirit. “…do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John:4). An uncanonical and un-ecumenical slanted synod is no synod, and its decisions have no validity. The other bishops who were present, and signed the decisions of this pseudo-synod, are also wrong and must recant their signatures if they ever hope to be trusted or taken seriously by the Orthodox people again. So far, that has not yet transpired.

It is for this reason that many Orthodox faithful, who want an authentic Orthodoxy, left their Greek, Romanian and other “Orthodox” Churches (those that voted in favor of the Kolymbari resolutions) for parishes in other Orthodox jurisdictions that did not attend or sign.  Others have tragically left the Orthodox Church altogether because of unprecedented scandals too numerous to mention. This is most unfortunate because Christ said, “If anyone causes one of these…who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of scandals. Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” (Matthew 18:6-8).

One may ask, why must such things come? If the Orthodox Church is the one, true, Church of Christ, how is it possible for any of Her bishops with their Apostolic succession, to arbitrarily change, defy and oppose Her Doctrines and Holy Traditions? Why does a just God put up with these types of scandalous bishops in His Church? To be continued….

Demetrios Georgiou

Click here for Part II of this article.

  1. Hieromonk Savvas of the Holy Mountain. Healing the Soul – Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia as a Model for our Lives.  Translated and edited from the Greek original by the Sisterhood of the Saint John Chrysostomos Greek Orthodox Monastery, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, 2021 (Ecclesiology, pp 61-63)
  2. Saint Nektarios Kefalas. Holy Catechism – volume 14. Virgin Mary of Australia and Oceana, 2022, pp 11.
  3. Anthony M. Coniaris. Living a Balanced Life in an Unbalanced World. Light & Life Publishing Company, Minneapolis MN (Chapter 6, pp 70-73; Chapter 11 pp 106-108)

The Persecution of Roman Catholic Bishop Strickland is a Warning to the Orthodox

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas is one of the most popular Roman bishops on the Internet. His Twitter following alone is over 128K. On his Twitter timeline, he has been hard on Pope Francis, increasingly so as of late. Strickland even questioned the Pope’s fidelity to the Christian Faith in a May 12 Tweet, “I believe Pope Francis is the Pope but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus.” In orthodox (traditional) Roman Catholic circles, he is often referred to as “America’s Bishop”. Bishop Strickland recently had the temerity to travel to Los Angeles and lead a protest rally against the Dodgers for honoring the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic drag group, at the team’s annual “Pride Night” game.

For Pope Francis, that seems to have been the last straw. The Vatican has now opened an investigation into Bishop Strickland starting with a multi-day “apostolic visitation”.

The “visitation” was conducted by Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden, New Jersey, and former Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona. Kicanas is a well-known liberal, with ties to pro-homosexual groups, a past linked to clerical sex abuse, and a soft spot for abortion. As head of Catholic Relief Services, Kicanas was caught funding major pro-abortion groups, such as Population Services International, a marketer of abortion drugs in the developing world.

What does Kicanas being one of the men sent to investigate Bishop Joseph Strickland mean to you? For many traditionally-minded people, that fact alone eliminates any question as to where the Papacy stands on the moral issues of our day.

One traditionalist Catholic posted this online, “This move by the Vatican means not one moral activist bishop is safe. The good bishops will be deposed or silenced, and the evil bishops will rule unopposed.”

The fruits of centralization of power are, yet again, quite bitter for the Roman Catholic faithful. What will happen to Bishop Joseph Strickland? Whatever the Pope decides. Who can do anything about it? No one. What will his supporters do if the Pope throws him in the dustbin, or so loads him with sanctions as to make him ineffective? They can leave the RC (Orthodoxy is a good choice) or they can talk themselves into continuing as Roman Catholics through various coping mechanisms. After all, if you can bemoan Pope Francis’ various innovations against the Deposit of the Faith, yet still believe that your salvation depends on being in communion with him, then your brain is already elastic enough to stretch around pretty much anything.

As currently structured, what is happening to Bishop Joseph Strickland is not possible within the Orthodox Church. Bishop Strickland is not being investigated by his local synod of Roman Catholic Bishops for credible accusations of an actual crime, heresy, or a misuse of his office. Rather, his investigation was ordered by a remote, unaccountable, supreme pontiff who can officially be judged by no one.

Nothing like the Papacy exists within Orthodoxy. There is no “universal bishop”, though there are efforts underway to create one. Despite those efforts, however, the Orthodox Church is still organized into local synods which govern themselves. The Patriarch of Romania cannot investigate and discipline a Serbian Bishop. The Patriarch of Serbia cannot investigate and depose a Russian bishop. The same demarcation occurs between “jurisdictions” in the West. The Orthodox Church in America synod (which is self-governing) cannot investigate and depose a bishop in the Antiochian Archdiocese, for example.

There are some quirks to this system of decentralized authority. In some Orthodox jurisdictions in the West, the local bishops don’t really function as a true synod. Under such conditions, a foreign synod or hierarch could take unilateral action against an Orthodox bishop or priest subject to their jurisdiction. This has happened before, most recently in the Greek Archdiocese. These cases can sometimes be quite unjust, leaving local Orthodox Christians scratching their heads and venting their frustrations at being controlled by a remote, “old world” hierarchy. Such situations, however, are the exception within Orthodoxy and not the norm.

God is perfect. The Church is God’s Kingdom. But it is run by all-too fallible men who are themselves patients in a hospital for sinners. Among the hierarchy and clergy, as long as this world endures, there will be scandals, mistakes, pernicious outside influences, and even outright infidelity to the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints. However, the decentralized structure of the Orthodox Church works to keep such issues contained. Conciliarity, among bishops and independent Churches, restrains innovation and usually keeps bad hierarchs in one place from expanding their evil elsewhere.

One of the best examples of how Orthodoxy’s decentralization prevents innovation was written by Rabbi David Fox Sandmel in the context of evaluating Jewish – Orthodox relations. Many Jews object to Orthodox Holy Week hymns concerning the 1st Century Jews and their responsibility for the Crucifixion. Rabbi Sandmel feels the same, and has a vested interest in those hymns changing. However, he is honest about how difficult changing anything in the Orthodox Church can be. In the quote below, look at how he contrasts the difficulty of changing hymnography within the Orthodox Church with how easily similar hymns were changed in the Roman Catholic Church:

For Jews engaging with Orthodox Christians, it is important to remember that the first rule of interreligious dialogue is allowing “others” to define themselves. That means being especially attentive to the ways in Orthodox Christians differ from the Western churches with which Jews are most familiar. It requires understanding, inter alia, not only theological differences, but also the “ecosystem” of the Orthodox Church, autocephaly and how decisions are made, and the role of the patriarchs. While Pope John XXIII could order a change in the Good Friday liturgy, that is simply not how it works in Orthodoxy. Expecting Orthodox Christians to behave like Roman Catholics would not be a constructive strategy.

Thank you Rabbi, well stated. The Orthodox Church has a fundamentally different mindset than the Roman Church, and that has kept our Orthodox Faith pure over the last two millennia. No one can shove changes down our throats, though more than one Robber Council / Patriarch / Emperor has tried. No one has the power, the way Francis does, to conduct a “reign of terror” against faithful bishops on a global scale.

Good for us that Our Lord left us a Church so suited to preserving the Faith. However, before we Orthodox pat ourselves on the back too much, we need to remember something very important. There are powerful subversives within the Orthodox Church trying to transform her along modernist, globalist lines. They are well-funded and often occupy positions of authority within the Church.

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Their primary tactic has been to subvert the Church quietly from within. The subversives use their connection to funding and power to publish heretical research (which is often presented as just “asking questions” or “seeking dialogue”), secure teaching positions for themselves and their followers (particularly in the training of future priests), present themselves as “official Orthodox voices” for media consumption, and align themselves with various governments around the world. We covered many of the most noted subversives in this article, and detailed some of their major funding sources here. As with Transgenderism in society at-large, this assault on Orthodoxy is a top-down revolution, though one largely (up until recently) conducted within the form.

Such a “long march through the institutions” has been very effective for Progressives in many areas (academia, government, major corporations, foundations, non-profits, etc.) Orthodoxy, however, has proven much more difficult to co-opt from within. That darned decentralized nature makes it tough to spread heresy quickly. Further, Orthodoxy is currently being overrun with converts who are fleeing the wreckage “Progressive” Christianity has made of other Christian bodies. They have seen what happens when a “church” embraces the LGBTQ+ agenda, female ordination, feminism, and Woke politics. Many of these refugees feel that the Orthodox Church is their last haven of True Faith on this Earth. They are in no mood to quietly abide her ruination.

So gains for the subversives are uneven, reversible, and hard won. Meanwhile, Pope Francis is building the ecumenist, progressive Church they dream of. The Catholic traditionalists are marginalized. The Latin Mass is on the road to being fully banned. Even a solidly orthodox, popular Catholic bishop such as Strickland is not safe from the wrath of the Progressive Vicar of Christ. Orthodox “Progressives” see what centralized power can do to make all their dreams come true, and they want in.

The centralized power they have in mind is, of course, the Patriarchate of Constantinople. A longstanding US National Security asset, Patriarch Bartholomew is the “Wokest” of all the major Orthodox hierarchs. He has almost no native Orthodox population in Turkey to govern directly as a bishop. Most of his flock is actually in the so-called Greek “diaspora” outside of Greece and Turkey. Even giving Patriarch Bartholomew every benefit of the doubt, he presides over a Patriarchate whose numbers are easily dwarfed by the Russian Church. Though he is a darling of the US ruling elites, rich Greeks, and nostalgic Hellenists, most Orthodox Christians globally pay him very little attention.

How can you turn this Patriarch, who is oppressed in his Muslim home country and ignored by much of the Orthodox world, into an Orthodox “Pope” with the power to make the Progressive agenda a reality? One way is to simply keep asserting power, particularly in ways that benefit the Global Elite. By its interpretation of Canon 28 of Chalcedon in the 1920’s, Constantinople claims jurisdiction over all areas outside the canonically defined territories of other Orthodox Churches. This claim includes the entire Western hemisphere, Oceania, the United Kingdom, Western Europe, Northeast Asia, and Southeast Asia. Until now, few non-Greeks have taken those grandiose claims seriously.

Food for thought – what if secular governments in those areas, for mutual benefit, decide to partner with Constantinople the way Ukraine and some others already have? Just because traditionalist Orthodox Christians do not want to be ruled from Constantinople, does not mean our governments don’t have other ideas. After all, growing Orthodox Churches espousing “traditional morality” can be a headache for globalist-minded regimes, and the Patriarchate of Constantinople has proven to be a most reliable partner in opposing such regressive, outdated notions.

As most are doubtlessly aware, Patriarch Bartholomew asserted the right to create a new “Orthodox Church” on the territory of Ukraine. Even though the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was self-governing, and recognized by the entire Orthodox world as legitimate, Patriarch Bartholomew (in concert with the US and former Ukrainian President Poroshenko) saw fit to legitimize a motley crew of schismatics and imposters as the “official” Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Thus he set the stage for the ongoing persecution of the actual canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, with the goal of eliminating it entirely.

The heretics in Ukraine may eventually succeed in destroying the UOC. It is amazing how state-sanctioned violence can transform a society, especially when nominally Orthodox Christians are willing to be enthusiastic participants. Regardless of the eventual outcome, however, many Saints and Martyrs will be revealed during this persecution. A reminder to Orthodox Christians in the US, the persecution happening in Ukraine is funded by the same government you somehow expect to protect your religious liberty at home.

Further, many supporters of Patriarch Bartholomew in the West are Progressives. Whether religious or secular, Progressives naturally incline towards allying with authority to crush their ideological opposition. Just as they backed government COVID policies that closed churches, these same people would welcome government investigations into Orthodox parishes to root out what they see as white supremacy, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Christian nationalism, female oppression, etc. “Orthodox” Progressives are already openly discussing collaboration with law enforcement against those whom they view as enemies within the Church. As a sensible precaution, you might want to brush up on what is left of your right to remain silent.

The close cooperation between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Western governments is a matter that should concern all of us. The Patriarchate is represented in the United States in the person of Archbishop Elpidophoros. The Archbishop was recently honored to be a guest speaker at the National Intelligence University. How common do you think it is for a Successor to the Apostles to give a talk to current and future spies? How does one earn such a privilege? What potential dangers does this close alliance between Church and State hold for the rest of us?

According to Patriarch Bartholomew, he alone has the right to grant or rescind autocephaly (self-governing status). He also has the right to hear appeals from clergy anywhere in the world, and to rule on those appeals. What he says goes, as recently evidenced by Patriarch Bartholomew restoring five deposed Orthodox priests in Lithuania. The restored priests were never under the Patriarch’s jurisdiction. But not to worry, as the move was in concert with the Lithuanian government and was just a slap against the evil Russian Orthodox Church. It’s not like this case furthers a bad precedent or anything.

His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew seems to recognize no limits on his power. His supporters are constantly putting him forward as the man who can solve all Orthodoxy’s problems, even those of a long-standing nature. As presented by them, none of this is new or novel, just the “Holy Great Church of Christ” exercising its long recognized prerogatives. Sort of like the Papacy in the 11th Century, one would suppose.

In the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros, head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in America, is a huge fan of ecclesiastical power. In fact, it was Archbishop Elpidophoros who first applied the term “first without equals” to the Patriarch of Constantinople in a response to the Russian Church (excerpts below):

In the long history of the Church, the presiding hierarch of the universal Church was the bishop of Rome. After Eucharistic communion with Rome was broken, canonically the presiding hierarch of the Orthodox Church is the archbishop of Constantinople. In the case of the archbishop of Constantinople, we observe the unique concomitance of all three levels of primacy, namely the local (as Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome), the regional (as Patriarch), and the universal or worldwide (as Ecumenical Patriarch). This threefold primacy translates into specific privileges, such as the right of appeal and the right to grant or remove autocephaly (examples of the latter are the Archdioceses-Patriarchates of Ochrid, Pec and Turnavo, etc.), a privilege that the Ecumenical Patriarch exercised even in cases of some modern Patriarchates, not yet validated by decisions of the Ecumenical Councils, the first of which is that of Moscow.


If we are going to talk about the source of a primacy, then the source of such primacy is the very person of the Archbishop of Constantinople, who precisely as bishop is one “among equals,” but as Archbishop of Constantinople, and thus as Ecumenical Patriarch is the first without equals (primus sine paribus).

Since writing that, Archbishop Elpidophoros has continuously trampled on traditional Orthodox moral teaching while relentlessly pushing for greater power for Constantinople. As a recent example of doing both, Archbishop Elpidophoros celebrated the name day of Patriarch Bartholomew at an Episcopalian parish in Manhattan. Named for the Apostle St. Bartholomew, the parish is explicitly pro-LGTBQ. All the participants in the Great Vespers on June 10, 2023 had to pass under the “Progressive Pride Flag” that hangs over the church. The church’s website also features pictures of the Holy Cross blasphemously adorned with the rainbow flag and the letters “LGBTQ” replacing the sign, “Jesus of Nazareth The King of the Jews.”

LGBTQ Flag adorning St. Bart’s during the Orthodox Great Vespers offered by Archbishop Elpidophoros

The choice of venue, and the overt signaling of support for LGBTQ, were not new for Elpidophoros. He has done that before. What was new was this quote delivered during his sermon, “The Ecumenical Patriarch is a spiritual father for all people, whether they realize it or not.” According to Archbishop Elpidophoros, the Patriarch of Constantinople has no equals, has seemingly limitless power, and is the spiritual father of the entire world – Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike. The parallels with the Papacy are more than a little striking.

Despite the best efforts of the pro-Constantinople subversives, and the assistance of Western national security and governing apparatuses, the “assert power” strategy is having only limited success. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has stubbornly refused to go gently into that good night. The “official” Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) can seize parishes, but they mostly remain padlocked afterwards for lack of attendance. Aside from a few Orthodox Churches (Greece, Alexandria, Crete), the vast majority of the Orthodox world continues to vocally support Metropolitan Onuphry and his UOC.

In the US, many Orthodox jurisdictions are reporting massive growth. Not the Greek Archdiocese, however. Among inquirers, a general sense has emerged that the GOA should be avoided. Such a perception is only going to grow with each cringe-worthy action undertaken by Archbishop Elpidophoros. Neither are the other Western jurisdictions, nor the vast majority of autocephalous Churches around the world, seemingly all that interested in submitting to the supposed universal jurisdiction of “New Rome”.

So what are cranky, impatient Progressives to do? Well, one option is schism. You can’t take over the entire Church, so maybe you can carve out your own kingdom to rule? The way to schism seems open as there is already a split between Constantinople and the largest Orthodox Church in the world, Russia, over Ukraine. This is a golden opportunity that has not gone unnoticed. The Roman Catholic sharks are already circling, hoping to take advantage of the situation:

The historic marginalization of Russian Orthodoxy removes the principal obstacle to greater Catholic-Orthodox rapprochement. Because Moscow is the populous center of Orthodoxy, it is fair to view Catholic-Orthodox relations as a whole through that relationship. Yet that perspective gives a false reading.


The ecumenical upshot was that if reconciliation with Orthodoxy had to go through Moscow, then reconciliation would not proceed. And due to the sheer size of Russian Orthodoxy, the other Orthodox patriarchs were reluctant to move significantly on their own.


There is a great ecumenical prize that might be within reach — a joint date for the celebration of Easter, the high point of the liturgical year.


In recent years, favorable noises have been made about that possibility from both Vatican and Orthodox officials. Notably, Bartholomew himself indicated the possibility in November, perhaps in time for the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea in 2025.


That possibility had been thought near-impossible because of a lack of unity among the Orthodox. But now it is quite possible to imagine Constantinople and other patriarchates moving ahead without Russia. Indeed, some Orthodox Christians in Ukraine moved their celebration of Christmas this year from Jan. 7 to Dec. 25 — precisely to indicate a break with Moscow.


The Moscow patriarchate revealed in 2022 what it has been for a long time — an instrument of Russian state power masquerading as historic heir to Rome and Constantinople. Bartholomew has called them out.


Francis, after much delay, seems to have reluctantly accepted that view. That leaves both of them newly free to pursue unity together without the anchor of Moscow dragging behind them. The very dark cloud of the war against Ukraine may have an ecumenical silver lining.

A full-blown break with Russia could free Constantinople to do all the things Progressives dream of (reunite with Rome, bless same-sex marriages, ordain women, possibly suppress annoying jurisdictions that are “too Russian”, unite with other religious bodies, change the date of Pascha, etc.) Best of all, the break with Russia could be camouflaged as a reaction to Russia’s war in Ukraine. After all, you aren’t severing communion with an historical Orthodox Church. Rather you are valiantly breaking with a dastardly “instrument of Russian state power masquerading as historic heir to Rome and Constantinople.”

Clearly the Roman Catholics see potential here. But are there really Orthodox Christians who support a full-blown schism as a route to getting their preferred “reforms”? Most definitely there are, and they are not shy about saying so.

Carrie Frederick Frost is a professor of theology and religion, who is also the Chair of St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess, and the author of Church of Our Granddaughters. In her article for Public Orthodoxy Let’s Make History: Ordain Deaconesses in the Orthodox Church Today, she actually called for a schism, if necessary, to get what she wants:

Sometimes I hear the idea that ordaining deaconesses “would cause schism,” or “the time is not right.” We need to face the fact that the Orthodox Church is already in schism over women and their roles in the church. We are bleeding away younger generations (and some older ones, too) because it is both incomprehensible and entirely unacceptable (to both men and women) to stay in a church community that, despite the Orthodox Church’s own convictions and history, only honors the gifts of men in ordained ministry. Furthermore, fear of schism or division ought not be a yardstick for considering change in the Church. If the Orthodox Church changes its practices regarding women out of fidelity to its understanding of the truth, any possibility of division should not be a concern. Finally, if we wait for when the time is “right,” when everything in the Orthodox world is calm and ordered, we will never do anything.

Schism within Orthodoxy is a very, very serious thing. For Frost, the consequences are worth it if the result is a Church that can put women at the altar in vestments. Frost is not just some fringe radical. She is within the mainstream of Orthodox academia in the West. The Order of St. Andrew, big fundraisers for the Patriarch of Constantinople, are sponsoring a series of panels for Frost’s organization to push the idea of deaconesses. Frost will be featured prominently.

Does anyone think that the “official” academic and “Greek” Orthodox worlds are unaware that she openly called for schism? Of course they are aware. They approve of it. She is only one example. Many others among the Archons, academics, Greek Orthodox priests, church administrators, and others have expressed the same sentiments. For them, the Russian Church (potentially other Orthodox Churches as well, if necessary) must be jettisoned so that Orthodoxy can “move forward” and “embrace modernity”.

Of course, while Frost and her St. Phoebe center claim that female ordination will stop at the diaconate, other “Orthodox” academics connected to the Ecumenical Patriarch, such as Aristotle Papanikolaou, Co-Director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University, are open about their desire to see women fully ordained to the priesthood.

Who knows? After decades of laying a good foundation, you might actually get the Orthodox world to buy off on deaconesses. Women priests, however? That will never fly within global Orthodoxy. To go that far, you have to isolate a part of the Orthodox Church and impose such things there. If that isolated part is working in union with Rome, all the better. An added bonus would be partnership with political authority allowing the “modern Orthodox Church” to suppress the “traditionalist” Orthodox bodies as being traitorous agents of “Russian soft power”. You can ask the Ukrainian Orthodox Church how that works.

So what should we do about all this? I have absolutely no idea. At this point, we need to be aware that many people who come in the Name of the Lord are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The uncertainty of it all should call us to more sincere repentance and prayer. We should also be asking pointed questions of our leaders, while we continue to shine a light on those trying to subvert the Faith. Ultimately, if the Church is to overcome all this, our bishops will require the same kind of courage shown by Metropolitan Onuphry in Ukraine. May he be our example in how to stand steadfastly for the Faith – with a smile on our lips and Christ in our hearts.

Nicholas – member of the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America

Fr Peter Heers – Why Him, Why Now, Is the American Deep State Involved?

Fr. Peter Heers is an Orthodox priest, blogger, podcaster, author, publisher, and conference speaker.  In modern America, he attracts controversy like few Orthodox clergy. Fr Peter was vehemently against COVID vax mandates, against the vaxes themselves for their connection to abortion, against the lockdowns, church closures, changes to liturgical practices, against transgenderism, against gay rights, against the US-backed persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and strongly in favor of traditional Orthodox morality. Fr Peter has often been attacked over his teachings, both by those inside and outside of the Church. But lately there is another reason that has made Fr Peter controversial. There seems to be some question about his canonical status. Namely, is he under a canonical bishop? An Orthodox blogger named Craig Truglia provided some context on this matter last year. Below is an excerpt, here is the full article

The priest petitions to the Metropolitan and First Hierarch of ROCOR, who unambiguously receives the priest after being sent documentation permitting the priest to be received. The First Hierarch of ROCOR then assigns him to a local bishop.

For more than half a year there is no issue with this arrangement. Suddenly, for reasons not publicly enunciated, members of ROCOR’s synod and the First Hierarch then reconsider the latter’s decision to receive the Greek priest. They continue to consider him a priest of good standing. However, they now recognize him not as a priest who has already transferred from the Moscow Patriarchate, but rather as one in the process of transferring. Then, months later, after reviewing the matter members of ROCOR’s synod allege the transfer never went through and the Greek priest is still under the Greek Metropolitan. The Greek Metropolitan, who canonically released the Greek priest, refuses to recognize this, citing his letter of canonical release. As for the Greek priest, having been released long ago by the Greek Metropolitan and then accepted into ROCOR from the Moscow Patriarchate, this reneging on his reception makes his status uncertain. In effect, there are multiple episcopal authorities alleging that the Greek priest belongs to a different jurisdiction — a set of circumstances out of his control.

The above situation can be summarized as follows: a Greek priest is released to enter the Moscow Patriarchate to serve in America. The MP’s plans change so he moves to ROCOR. Decision makers in ROCOR ex post facto “invalidate” his reception, presuming that he belongs to a Greek Metropolitan. This is despite the fact that the Metropolitan had given the priest a canonical release to the Russian Church. Due to the preceding facts not yet being made public, many scrupulous laymen fear that somehow the priest is a free-agent, thereby invalid sacramentally. However, if documented evidence demonstrates his reception, in reality the priest is properly under his canonical bishop.

It is not my intent to argue over the canonical status of Fr Peter Heers. Rather, let us focus on that phrase from the above excerpt, “For more than half a year there is no issue with this arrangement.”  (That was last year. More time has elapsed since then.) Fr Peter is not new on the American Orthodox scene. He has been a well-known figure for quite some time. Now though, all of a sudden, Fr Peter has become the first priest in history whose canonical status has been specifically addressed by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America via a “special communiqué”

According to the communiqué, in November 2022 the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (known as ROCOR and which does not participate in the Assembly) wrote a letter to the Assembly (which it doesn’t participate in) indicating, “that the Very Reverend Archpriest Peter Heers is not a clergyman of the Eastern American Diocese or of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, nor is there any pending consideration of his reception.”

For some reason the Assembly got this letter, was very disturbed about its implications, but then waited until 4/20/2023 to issue an unprecedented and very urgent communiqué letting everyone know about the letter from ROCOR and that:

The Assembly can further confirm that Archpriest Peter Heers is not a clergyman of, or on loan to, any other canonical Orthodox jurisdiction in the United States. To the extent that this individual purports to act as an Orthodox priest in the United States, including celebrating the Divine Liturgy and the other services of the Church and teaching the faithful and those who inquire into Orthodoxy, he does so in a manner outside of the Holy Canons.

This raises some serious questions, especially because the Assembly is not an actual Orthodox Synod:

…the Assembly is both consultative and programmatic. It is consultative insofar as, while it has no administrative authority, it is a forum for the exchange of ideas and creation of templates, best practices, and models for each Bishop to implement as he sees fit in his own diocese. At the same time, the Assembly is to be programmatic in its goal to coordinate and ultimately unite the common ministries and pastoral practices of the various jurisdictions.


The Assembly meets annually and functions by a consensus of all its members. 


Should this proposal be accepted, it is hoped that the Assembly of Bishops will be succeeded by a governing Synod of a united Church in the United States.

No administrative authority, and operates by consensus on the basis of an annual meeting. Yet, somehow, this body with no actual authority, in between meetings, was able to get the agreement of over 50 separate bishops, in different jurisdictions, to put out a communiqué casting aspersions on the canonical status, and thus the teaching authority, of a very politically incorrect (faithfully Orthodox) priest? 

How did this happen? Which Orthodox bishops thought, even with Orthodox persecution in Ukraine, persecution of Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem, the ongoing sanctions / occupation of Syria harming Orthodox Christians, plus our own mounting troubles in America, that the most important thing to do right now was put out a communiqué about Fr Peter Heers? 


Who started this? Were all the bishops asked for their opinions? All 50+ of them? Maybe just a majority? Were any of the bishops even asked for their opinions? The communiqué is unsigned. There is no information available as to how such a communiqué was issued and by whom. It simply appeared, and enemies of Fr Peter then spread it far and wide.

The situation makes one wonder, did this whole thing originate from Archbishop Elpidophoros and his staff at the Greek Archdiocese? One must wonder that, because Archbishop Elpidophoros is the Chairman of the Assembly.

If you have been paying attention, you might have noticed that the United States is less a nation than it is a funding source for various public / private “complexes”: Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex, Pharmaceutical-Hospital-Public Health Industrial Complex, Prison-Law Enforcement Complex, Educational-Teachers’ Union Complex, Environmental Complex, etc. If all the pigs at the public trough had an official Christian chaplain to provide cover for their nefariousness, he would be the Patriarch of Constantinople, currently named Bartholomew, with Archbishop Elpidophoros mostly standing in for him in the US.

Since at least WWII, the Patriarch of Constantinople has been an exemplary asset of the US Security State (the mother who birthed all the baby complexes mentioned above). The ties between intelligence and the Patriarchate are so tight, that the US has openly decided Patriarchal succession and policies.

In 1948, the 62-year-old Archbishop Athenagoras of America was elected the new Ecumenical Patriarch. The CIA described this event the following way: “Soviet attempts to use the Greek Orthodox Church as a medium for persuasion and propaganda have undoubtedly received a setback with the election of Athenagoras.”


Athenagoras was received by President Truman who offered the presidential airplane for the Patriarch-elect to fly to Istanbul.

If you think anything has changed, please note that Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople suddenly went from recognizing Metropolitan Onuphry as the head of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to considering him a foreign nobody in his own nation simply because Joe Biden and the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo at the time, came calling. As explained on The American Conservative website in an article entitled Zelensky vs. the Ukrainian Orthodox Church:

The State Department and politicians of both parties carried out work to promote the new church. Two months before the creation of the OCU in 2018, Filaret and Epifaniy met in the United States with Joe Biden, who declared his gratitude for their work. State Department Ambassador for Religious Freedom Samuel Brownback, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and special representative for Ukraine Ambassador Kurt Volker declared their support for this project.


Immediately after its creation, the OCU received its first official congratulations from the State Department and the U.S. Embassy. At the same time, Ambassador Brownback and the U.S. ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt—who was also ambassador to Ukraine from 2013 to 2016—visited church leaders and Mount Athos to urge them to recognize the OCU. Both Ambassador Volker and Secretary Pompeo met with Epifaniy many times. All facts indicate that the promotion of the OCU was part of U.S. policy in Ukraine.

So now Metropolitan Onuphry and his UOC, whom Fr Peter Heers and 80% or better of the Orthodox world support, are suffering for Christ. A fact that the Patriarchate of Constantinople in general, and Archbishop Elpdophoros in America specifically, go to great lengths to cover up, deny, and excuse.

The American Deep State, the author of our horrible Ukrainian policy, clearly appreciate Archbishop Elpidophoros’ dedicated service, and seem to consider him one of their own. The Archbishop is even privileged to speak at the National Intelligence University:

NIU is a unique and technologically advanced university that focuses on the profession of intelligence and is the only institution of higher education in the nation that allows its students to study and complete research in the Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) arena.

A sincere question to all those who deny the ties of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, and the various “Greek” Archdioceses around the world, to the US Security state – can you explain what we are seeing here?

Persecution of the UOC is reaching a fever pitch, such that even the UN has taken notice. The war is clearly not going in Ukraine’s favor, and even the mainstream press has had to acknowledge that. Against that backdrop, an effective advocate for the canonical Church, such as Fr Peter Heers, is suddenly declared an uncanonical wandering priest with no teaching or sacramental authority? By the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, of all things, which has no real authority, and has never commented on the canonical status of a priest before. And, which oddly enough, is headed by a bona fide asset of the Deep State?

One can’t help but wonder about such coincidences.

The American Deep State has spun many a narrative that is beginning to unravel, and not just concerning Ukraine. Among these is the fitness of President Joe Biden to be in office. The DNC already announced that there will be no Democratic Primary debates. The DNC has put its thumb on the scales of democracy before. The RNC has as well. We all know that Ron Paul was unacceptable to the ruling class, as was Bernie Sanders. Neither was allowed to seriously contest for their respective party’s nomination. But back then, both national committees feared being this brazen about stealing a nomination. Now it is all done in the clear light of day. 

Donald Trump took the Deep State by surprise with his winning populism. The Governing Elite will take no chances of another populist victory in 2024. There is simply too much money and power at stake. Joe Biden has to win. 

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There will be no debates in the Democratic Primary. Media, social and mainstream, will be kept on a tight leash. Especially with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. threatening the sitting president with pesky, traditional Democratic ideals such as pro-middle class polices, peace, and freedom. Deep State power must continue unimpeded, and that requires enforcement of fidelity to the Vax, to endless global war, and to Woke, including all its dogmas: transgenderism, worship of power, corporate supremacy, gay rights, “Democracy” (correct outcomes only), Greenism, CRT, abortion / anti-natalism, open borders, ecumenism (many paths to God), and censorship of incorrect opinions. In all this, Archbishop Elpidophoros is the Global Elite’s guy. Fr Peter Heers is not.

One could really fill a whole book with the awfulness that are the services Archbishop Elpidophoros has rendered to the American Deep State. His Eminence embraced Joe Biden as a candidate and practically endorsed him for president when praying at the Democratic National Convention. Archbishop Elpidophoros actually declared that Orthodox Christians could not refuse the mRNA jabs, despite their link to aborted fetal cells. 

Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Elpidophoros gave Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla the Athenagoras Human Rights Award in 2021. This was done after even the dullest knives in the drawer had realized the mRNA “clot shots” did not stop transmission of COVID, did very little at all for younger people who were mostly unaffected by the virus, were responsible for horrific side effects, and had no long-term safety data. Never mind all those pesky details, or concerns about medical freedom and human dignity. Archbishop Elpidophoros was one of the most COVIDian of all bishops, and defends those misbegotten policies, including masking toddlers in Church, to this day. Big Pharma, Big Capital, and Big Government were happy with hysteria-driven power and profits, so Elpidophoros and Bartholomew were fully on-board then, and still are now. 

Elpidophoros marched with BLM, a communist organization. Archbishop Elpidophoros and employees of the Greek Archdiocese regularly espouse CRT. Archbishop Elpidophoros has openly discussed communing non-Orthodox spouses, a radical change in the life of the Orthodox Church. During the Pandemic, he was a champion of using multiple spoons for the Eucharist.  As part of his commitment to ecumenism, Archbishop Elpidophoros celebrated Divine Liturgy in an Episcopal Church, St. Bart’s, that was decorated at the time by a giant “Gay Pride Flag”. 

Archbishop Elpidophoros is pro-choice on abortion. He actually said this out loud at the March for Life in 2022.

He’s doubled down on that stance since in subsequent interviews.  His abortion comments earned a justified rebuke from other Orthodox Bishops. Curiously, the organizer of said rebuke, Metropolitan Joseph of Antioch, was not long afterwards embroiled in a “scandal” and resigned

One tends to wonder about such happy coincidences

Archbishop Elpidophoros is also a huge friend of President Joe Biden, the most pro-abortion, pro-war, pro-sexual exploitation of children, and generally anti-human president we have ever had. According to the Archbishop, President Biden is a true friend of “Hellenism”. In an interview on the 20-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, Archbishop Elpidophoros had this to say about President Joe Biden:

In July 2020, after the reconversion of Hagia Sophia to a mosque, he was quick to call me on the phone to reconfirm his unequivocal support to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, while this past March, he honored us by speaking through video at the celebration of the bicentennial of Greek Independence Day. I know that in President Biden, our Church and Hellenism has a friend in the Oval Office.

The love is mutual, by the way, as Joe Biden never misses an opportunity to praise the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the loyalty of the Greeks:

“The one thing about the Greek community I’ve learned over these years — and it’s been 50 years, I hate to admit it, it’s that long — but is loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. And I tell ya, I think my sister and I, my family and I, have returned it. But you’ve been incredibly, incredibly loyal,” Biden said.

The Greek Archdiocese is the base of support for the Fordhamites who are academics committed to changing the Orthodox Church’s teachings on a host of issues. The Patriarch of Constantinople commissioned the ghastly Social Ethos document that practically made the “Great Reset” of the World Economic Forum part of Orthodox moral teaching. 

The rich and powerful Archbishop, whose cringe-worthy behavior regularly repels potential Orthodox converts, is not the subject of a communiqué from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops. That would be weird. He’s the chairman after all. Why would the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops take him to task just because he does and believes so many really, really, blatantly anti-Orthodox things?

Instead, the honor of being the subject of a special communiqué falls to a simple priest. One who just happens to oppose the “official narratives” at a time, unfortunately for Fr Peter, when control of the narrative is all the Deep State has. Reality has already left them behind. The powers-that-be are running a senile old man for president as he stumbles through an expensive, hopeless war in Ukraine. The US Elite are backing a Ukrainian government of ultra-nationalists who are abusing Christians – women, children, monks, priests – while closing media and silencing opposition. All in the name of “Democracy”, of course. As we send billions to Ukraine, the US is falling apart at the seams. Americans are robbed blind by inflation, drowning in debt, and increasingly angry. All the while, our beloved leadership class is busy ruining the same military with Wokism that they plan to use in fighting a war against China.

Never fear though, despite wallowing in a pit of failure, the Ruling Elite will continue to find time to lecture average Americans on the joys of deviant sex, childlessness, and outright child sexual abuse. The Woke are targeting our children, and more people know that now than ever. Which makes it seem quite strange when Archbishop Elpidophoros, and many in his Archdiocese, dismiss all this blatant grooming as mere “culture war” politics. 

So Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News, as his commentary hurt the official narrative of everything is fine – just vote for Joe Biden in 2024. More media heads than his rolled as well, and we can expect more to roll in the future. We can also expect even more private / public partnerships to censor and control the media. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. brought to our attention a partnership between the Pentagon and financial behemoth Vanguard:

It is the desperate hope of the Deep State that the “narrative” can be kept alive through November 2024, and a senile octogenarian can be re-elected to keep the power and money flowing for the “in-crowd”. 

Archbishop Elpidophoros helps that goal. Not only domestically, but also through his endorsement of the Zelenskyy Regime and his condemnation of those evil Russians. Many of the “Greek” academics and clergy around him are just as corrupt in service to the Ruling Elite as he is. However, corruption within the Church is not limited to just the “Greeks”. The Orthodox Church in America also has its share of issues.

Given the situation with Fr Peter Heers suddenly being “unreceived”, one might question whether issues with corruption extend to ROCOR as well? (If there is more to this story from the ROCOR side, now is the time to tell it.)

Unfortunately for him, Fr Peter is both popular and extremely dedicated to Christian Orthodoxy, which the anti-Christ fools running the “West” desperately want to control and even transform into a prettier Episcopal Church. That is why the canonical status of a regular priest like Fr Peter is suddenly such a hot topic. It’s not really about his canonical status, or lack thereof. If Fr Peter were Woke, or at least pro-Zelenskyy and pro-Joe Biden, then neither the banishment from ROCOR nor the unexpected communiqué would have ever happened.

Woke, pro-Deep State clergy never suffer for their politics, their heresies, their actions, or their crimes against Orthodoxy. 

Cosmas – an Orthodox Christian

The Resignation of Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese

Metropolitan Joseph of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North and South America has been publicly accused of having an ongoing affair with a married woman or two. He is further accused of co-owning homes with her / them. Perhaps there is more alleged financial malfeasance? Who knows, the accusations are flying fast and furious. They will no doubt continue, despite Metropolitan Joseph’s resignation, as he is proving a most useful distraction from other scandals in the Church.

As our friends at Monomakhos have pointed out (and they are closer to this situation than we are), Metropolitan Joseph continues to deny all the allegations. Some might take His Eminence’s resignation as a sort of backhanded “confession”. It might very well be. But we wouldn’t be so hasty to reach that conclusion.

Now before we go on, let us be clear that the Metropolitan may very well be guilty of everything alleged, and 10 times more we don’t even currently suspect. Anyone with any Orthodox spiritual maturity could hardly be surprised to find sinners in a hospital for sick souls. Elevation of a man to the episcopate does not guarantee that he will be a good man. It provides him Grace to perform a needed office. The miter won’t keep him from falling into sin. If you don’t know that, then you need to learn it before one scandal or another destroys your faith.

For those of you who have trouble dealing with Church scandals, we highly recommend watching this reflection from Father Josiah Trenham.

Regardless of the truth of the allegations against Metropolitan Joseph, it does seem quite clear that we are facing widespread problems within our Episcopate. Such is the contention of many priests such as Father Kosmas. In his article For the Orthodox Faithful who are Confused About COVID Vaccines, he made a point about the lack of spiritual discernment and development among Orthodox bishops:

Today, the majority of bishops are administrators, as they have not reached at least a state of illumination. Therefore, they are not able to properly discern right from wrong in many theological and moral issues. As such, these administrators should humbly follow the grace-filled bishops and elders who have reached a high level of spirituality. Unfortunately, so many do not (due to their pride), and this would explain why so many bishops have easily accepted Ecumenism, Covidism, mass vaccination and very soon, vaccine passports.

If there are such widespread problems in our episcopate, then one could hardly be surprised if Metropolitan Joseph were simply one more fox in the henhouse.

Some are even arguing, irrespective of the truth of the charges, that his resignation is a good thing as he deserves to go in any case. On social media, commentators have been quick to point out that Metropolitan Joseph cancelled Pascha, limited attendance at Divine Liturgy, and promoted masks the same as most other bishops in the US did.

Fair enough. But, on the other hand, Metropolitan Joseph was not nearly the worst of the COVIDian clerics, and he did allow his parishes in many areas (particularly the Western Rite) to operate almost normally (including mask optional) for most of the “Pandemic”. Lately, Metropolitan Joseph has been a stalwart of Orthodoxy in the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops. His Eminence organized other hierarchs in condemning the horrible, pro-abortion language used by Archbishop Elpidophoros at the 2022 March for Life. He seems to have been instrumental in organizing the successful resistance to the Greek Archdiocese planning to elevate the odious Alexander Belya to the Episcopate. Metropolitan Joseph has also been strong in his support of Ukrainian Metropolitan Onuphry, and called for peace in Ukraine rather than supporting NATO’s goal of fighting to the last Ukrainian.

Many priests have had very good things to say about the Metropolitan’s leadership. While not perfect, he does seem to have accomplished more than a few good things for the Lord. Is he guilty of these crimes? Perhaps. Perhaps not. In several writings to his flock, Metropolitan Joseph felt the need to decry “conspiracy theories” during the Pandemic. His stance on that topic is quite ironic, since it could very well be a “conspiracy theory” that cost him his office and his reputation.

Metropolitan Joseph could just be part of a plague of less than stellar to outright “bad” bishops that Orthodoxy is currently contending with. Or he could have been an innocent casualty of the American National Security State’s drive to remake the Orthodox Church. His recent actions cast a bad light on the Greek Archdiocese, which might have be the only “crime” he is actually guilty of.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople is a US intelligence asset, and has been at least as far back as Patriarch Athenagoras (OSS referred to below was the forerunner to the CIA):

Patriarch Athenagoras kissing President Truman

In an OSS report prepared sometime in early 1945, Archbishop Athenagoras, Albanian Bishop Fan Noli and the Serbian Bishop Dionisije Milivojevich are listed among its key contacts with whom it is possible to “talk intimately and as frequently as needed.”


Against this background it becomes clear why, when the Cold War began, the CIA strived to replace Patriarch Maximos V, enthroned in early 1946, with Athenagoras. The Agency described Maximos as too weak to be an effective leader of the Orthodox world. American and Turkish mass media wrote about the 48-year-old Patriarch’s emotional disorder, Soviet diplomats’ attempts to persuade him to cooperate and a possible involvement of Patriarch Maximos in the embezzlement of a big donation which took place during the patriarchate of his predecessor Benjamin I.


In 1948, the 62-year-old Archbishop Athenagoras of America was elected the new Ecumenical Patriarch. The CIA described this event the following way: “Soviet attempts to use the Greek Orthodox Church as a medium for persuasion and propaganda have undoubtedly received a setback with the election of Athenagoras.”


Athenagoras was received by President Truman who offered the presidential airplane for the Patriarch-elect to fly to Istanbul.


Within the first years of his patriarchate, Athenagoras is described in the Department of State archives as a partner in the war against communism willing and eager to collaborate with the American government. Consul General LeVerne Baldwin wrote, “He [Athenagoras] stressed his Americanism, belief in the Good Neighbor policy, in democratic methods, and in the courage and frankness of America, which he had endeavored to carry out in his policies as Patriarch.”


And the Patriarch proved these words with his deeds. Consul General Frederick Merrill noted that Athenagoras intended to diminish the Soviet influence over the Patriarchate of Alexandria by overthrowing Patriarch Chrystopher.


Being deeply concerned with the issues of Orthodoxy in the Middle East, His All-Holiness discussed them with Consul General Merrill in spring 1951. In a memorandum of April 4, 1951, Athenagoras was said to be much more optimistic about his various plans to draw the Orthodox Churches in the Near Eastern area closer to the Phanar in Istanbul, and America. Besides, he was eager to have Mount Athos placed under the “cultural benediction” of the Byzantine Institute in Washington to attract financial support to the Monastery and to throw open its archives, library, etc. to the Byzantine Institute and other American scholars.


The cooperation with the CIA also went on. Thus, as mentioned in a 1951 report, Patriarch Athenagoras was assuring the Americans that the Patriarch of Antioch will not “stray from the fold.”


In conclusion, it should be said that Patriarch Athenagoras was without any doubt an outstanding figure in the history of the Orthodox Church. His merits to the faithful mustn’t be underestimated. As many of those living in the past century, the Patriarch viewed the Cold War as a war between Good and Evil. “And the United States was, in the eyes of Patriarch Athenagoras the obvious agent of all that was good, against the existential threat of Soviet Communism,” writes Namee.

Perhaps this all was forgivable during the Cold War when the Soviet Union really was evil. But the Soviet Union is gone, and the Neoliberal, globalist policies espoused by the American ruling class are not nearly so noble as “anti-Communism”. Yet, the servile cooperation of Constantinople continues, particularly as regards Russia and her Church.

The founding of the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine by the Patriarch of Constantinople was done to further the US policy of bolstering Ukrainian nationalism to prepare for the very war now being fought. All across Eastern Europe, the US is continuing to use the Patriarchate of Constantinople to set up new Orthodox jurisdictions to isolate the Russian Church and to bolster anti-Russian nationalism. The new target is Lithuania:

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople received a group of Lithuanian politicians at the Phanar in Istanbul yesterday.


The visit comes as defrocked clerics and government officials are working to force the Church in Lithuania out of the Moscow Patriarchate and into the jurisdiction of Pat. Bartholomew.


The visiting group included Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mantas Adomėnas, Lithuanian ambassador in Ankara Ričardas Degutis, and adviser to the Prime Minister Galina Vascenkaite, reports Romfea.


“They had the opportunity to discuss the ministry of the Mother Church, as well as other matters of mutual interest,” the Greek outlet relates.


Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė told Pat. Bartholomew in May that the government is prepared to help transfer the Church.

Nothing says “freedom of religion” like a Prime Minister offering to use force to transfer a Church from one jurisdiction to another. Americans should be proud.

The US would love for the Patriarchate of Constantinople to control all Orthodox Churches outside of Russia. That would simplify the situation immensely for the foreign policy kingpins. A good start would be in Ukraine and the areas surrounding Russia, which is the drive we see now ongoing. Of course, true success would mean pushing Orthodox unity in the United States as well, under the Greek Archdiocese naturally.

The US governing elite is dedicated to endless war (keeps profits high and them employed), promotion of “democracy” (Neoliberalism), LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, surrogate motherhood, population reduction, open borders (just not on Martha’s Vineyard), medical tyranny, and Climate Change communism. Who else is dedicated to that list of goals? Why, the Patriarch of Constantinople plus the associated officials and academics that represent it in the United States.

Did Metropolitan Joseph’s criticism of Archbishop Elpidophoros put him cross-wise of the goal of furthering the power of Constantinople to promote the “American agenda”? Is that what got him taken down? Well it certainly did change the subject. Prior to this story breaking, even many rich Greeks, who frequently care little for the authentic Orthodox Faith, were publicly complaining that Archbishop Elpidophoros is too much of an embarrassment to continue in office.

Now, the Metropolitan Joseph story has quieted all that down.

So back to the previously mentioned corruption issue within our Orthodox Church. How does the true Church of Jesus Christ, a veritable factory for manufacturing saints, the Church of the Martyrs, a Church living and breathing the Gospel – end up with so many talentless and corrupt leaders? Because it benefits people with power who want to use the Church for their own ends while making sure the True Gospel is never an inconvenience to their plans.

Suppose Metropolitan Joseph is guilty of everything? This was going on for a long time, but only now comes to light? How did no one notice or report this earlier? Spooks love corruption. A corrupt politician or cleric is a controllable asset. He will do what he is told, or you will expose him and ruin his life. He is also a disposable asset. If his exposure furthers your goals, you can simply turn over the evidence and distract people from  so many other things. The mob loves watching prominent men fall.

If he is guilty, and has been for a decade or more, why did it only surface now? If he were corrupt for longer (as some allege affairs for decades), how did he get elevated to his office when he couldn’t pass a routine background check? Who kept a lid on this story and why?

Suppose Metropolitan Joseph is innocent? It appears that corruption is a problem in the episcopate ranks, if not a full-blow crisis. That makes all Orthodox Bishops immediately suspect.  Woe to the clean fish in a dirty tank! Given the overall situation, “proving” innocence could have appeared such a burden that Metropolitan Joseph, as others before him have done, may have simply chosen not to fight.

We are being told evidence exists damning Metropolitan Joseph. Some of this “evidence” is being printed on ungodly Websites. The “evidence” might be real. Then again, the National Security State can raid the homes of former presidents, overthrow the governments of foreign nations, is possibly behind the changes to the Catholic Church since Vatican II, has led America into a series of disastrous wars against US interests, and that is just a very, very partial list of ways our rulers have flexed their muscles. The US spreads billions of dollars around in a corrupt and fallen world. For the right price, most people are for sale and most anything can be manufactured. Those that can’t be bought, can usually be intimidated.

While certainly not all powerful (see massive list of failures at home and abroad), does anyone really want to argue that “finding” enough “evidence” to get rid of one troublesome cleric would be beyond the capabilities of this gang of criminals?

So what do we know for sure about Metropolitan Joseph’s situation? Nothing. What are we ever likely to know for sure? Nothing. God will judge. But we do know that the US National Security State is up to its neck in Orthodox Church politics around the world, so why not here in the good old USA?

Pray, seek the Kingdom of God, witness for the Faith, but be aware that not everything is as it seems. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

Nikita is cradle Orthodox Christian, a native born American of Russian descent, and currently lectures in history for an American University.